WoW Classic Lore Paladin Origins

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[Music] you the Paladins were the bulwark of the commoners and the bastions of purity and Nazareth there are warriors of Steel and send you who have given themselves entirely to faith in the creative force of the universe more commonly known as the light not quite priests and not quite warriors but a splice between the two virtue honor and courage are hallmarks of these tireless and unfaltering warriors sworn to protect the weak from the horrors of sickness disease on death and demonic incursion they are stoic and stalwart in their faith in the light born and thrust and tumultuous times these faithful Warriors have become the backbone of the Alliance in the darkest battles when all hope seemed lost and the battles all but resolved in defeat these Warriors strode forward when others couldn't continue and fled they charged and when the dying were fading it was the paladin's who brought them back earning their place in the legends of the Alliance these warriors bound by light and purpose stood unflinchingly against the demonically enhanced orcs the wretched and terrifying undead and civil discord the light gave them the strength to do all of these things but to use the light one must be fully committed to their purpose and believe that what they're doing is right and just with a noble intention to protect the helpless to heal and purify the sick and dying or to cleanse and absolve the wicked the Damned and the corrupted not just anyone can so easily use these as it requires a firm faith in the creation or the light but to truly understand what a paladin is one has to know their story [Music] according to the priests and paladin's are those who use the light there is only one force in the beginning and it was light shimmering moving and expanding this swell of energy moved through the open universe spreading in all directions this is called the light of creation it moved and it spread its warmth its protection and its grace and eminence but as it continued its expansion through the universe something that began to form an exact opposition to it rose the void or more precisely formed the void the two began to come into contrast with one another push and pull and in a violent and bright explosion the universe as we know it started to take form and shape this cataclysmic birth of the cosmos of push and pull sent shards of fractured light in all directions into the cosmos each of these new shards fused with planets of the known universe this shard is the spark of life which gave birth to countless forms of life as we know it the most common were the primordial elementals and that even the Naru but in this explosion came the realms or planes as we know them the light of creation the Holy Light or just simply the light is an endless shimmering sea of energy just outside the borders of reality the two most fundamental forces at the universe are void and light because the light is not necessarily good as some demonstrate mastery of the light and do horrible acts of cruelty and depravity is more based around the belief of doing right right action purity and faith the users of the light explain it as a feeling of creation of love warmth courage and purity they bring these emotions out in people and also from within which the users of the light feel emanate from their heart but to truly understand light and void it's not to be confused with good and evil but merely states of raw universal energy undefinable indescribable unimaginable and boundless its infinitely large and infinitely small though the light is just simply too elusive for the mortals of the universe to truly grasp it however they can experience it pure light cannot exist in the material universe it is mingled to some degree a void as well and that's to say that there's no such true thing as void as either as it has a little bit of light in it one cannot exist without the other when the pallet is to harness these emotions and use the light to heal others you know itself is not true pure light light resides in all beings it is the positive charged energies that live in the heart and soul it in void residue are existent in all sentient beings binding them together in the greater cosmos however the closest thing to pure light in our material universe is the Naru the Naru our being is made up of fractured and REE fractured light it is the most pure expression of the light but in of itself is not entirely pure as even Norah's can fall to the void the light and of itself is a state of being those strong with the light are closer to that state and are able to use the light to higher degrees however by committing deeds that the user feels are wrong or evil unjust the light will start to EDD from them and eventually leave them this is to say that if doubt is present among those with the power of the light and one isn't careful they could lose all that they hold precious to them this gives the Paladins a very dogmatic and rigid closed-minded look and lifestyle admittedly to choose a path that they don't believe is correct could render them without any power at all priests and clerics were those were the ability to use the light in the time before the orcs or the first war they existed long before paladin's came into service the humans and the high elves could tap into this source of creation they could harness it and using it they could cure the sick and comfort the dying they roamed all over the eastern kingdoms the most famous of all of the clerics were found from noir Shire in the kingdom of Stormwind while the clerics and priests were accustomed to going to war between the knoll Wars and the Gurubashi Wars there were more of an attachment rather than direct combatants because of their good nature they would even heal the Noles or the trolls which would endear them to the opposing faction to them they were just expressing the light and all creation they would remain more of a neutral party healing and helping those who were sick and need of them some of the clerics were warrior priests but mostly they were merely healers and spiritual guides some even went so far as to learn arcane powers as well though this is strictly more for the clerics they along with the Brotherhood of the horse were more commonly known as the Knights of the storm wind roamed the land serving the people in the kingdom of Stormwind the Brotherhood of the horse whom and when Lothar was a key figure in were well respected in all of the human kingdoms they were both kind to the peasantry and acted similarly to the mediators of conflicts but also they were highly regarded as soldiers with a very high degree of martial prowess and the human kingdoms they along with anduin lothar would be the first real threat the Horde would face fighting in the first war the LOFAR and the knights of Stormwind proved victorious over many of the initial skirmishes they were fighting against odds and it seemed as though every orc they killed more and more would come gleefully to take their place inevitably this the Knights of Stormin had to retreat back to Stormin where Lothar was named the King's champion the highest military rank in the kingdom and was entrusted with the task of fighting off the orcish horde over the next several years Lothar and the Knights of Stormwind clashed with the Horde gaining a fearsome reputation even amongst the war hungry orcs who valued martial prowess and combat ability on one such occasion the Warchief of the Horde Blackhand went into the mountains of red Ridge to claim lake Shire however he was countered at counter-attacked by the Knights of Stormwind Lothar himself almost killed black hand if it weren't for two shadow council warlocks accompanying the raiding party both Lothar and black hand learned about each other's strengths and using shadow magic would leave Lothar looking for answers for Lothar it was the gruesome ability of the shadow magics the warlocks would use for black hand it was the annoyance of nearly killing his enemies and watching them slowly rise back up after a cleric healed them shortly after black hand returned with a much larger force they took lake shire in several of the outlying areas even going so far as bright wood which would later be renamed to dusk wood and even Westfall the horde had gained a foothold they were eager to exploit sensing the upper hand in a tactical advantage black hand marched a horde into Stormwind city surrounding it and rating the local lands choked by land the port of storm 1 was the only thing left uncontested a large army containing Lothar and the Brotherhood of the horse took by sea and went south during that time the horde laid siege to Stormwind they attacked with siege engines and and the bleeding hallow and twila hammer clans worked to weaken the city's defenses bombarding the walls day and night by morning kill Roggin Cho'gall launched the attack while orcs charged the ramparts the warlocks of the shadow council used their film magics to burn the defenders of storm in a nightmarish fashion their losses were catastrophic and horrific to say the least as storm and was on the brink of defeat a loud roar and war cry rang up around the rear of the Horde lines Lothar and the Knights of the horse charged catching the Horde by surprise their charge carried them deep through the hordes lines bleeding hollow on Twilight hammer clans fought desperately to push the Knights back storm winds gates opened wide and soldiers of storm and made their own charge fueled by frustration and rage they attacked the Horde and a Pinter movement unready for both a rear charge or a counter-attack the Horde were left with no option but to retreat to this date this was the greatest disaster ever to the Horde in the first war both Blackhand and Lothar learned from each other in this critical moment the two would formulate new plans after losing many of the soldiers of Stormwind they appealed to their allies though no one would truly send aid thinking the stories of large green savages to be an elaborate plot a farce or even a lie the Kirin Tor even suggested that the orcs were little more than a local nuisance Blackhand however knew that this would be his last chance and there were to be no more excuses for failure but there was another student of the fighting between Black Hand and Lothar who thought his time had finally come the shadow council was in disarray and black hand was recovering from his failed attack on Stormwind orgrim Doomhammer challenged the war chief to mak gora and duel to the death Doomhammer won and by orc law became the new war chief the new war chief orgrim Doomhammer made it a point now to attack the training camps and recruiting areas for the brotherhood of the horse and though and the warriors of Stormwind without access to swell their ranks and more and more pressure being put on the kingdom of Stormwind reinforcements began to dwindle and soon it was only that which was left Doomhammer even attacked nor sire abeyance acted leaving it as a base for Cho'gall and Gould and during this time Lothar heard news of Madiba Trail by inviting the orcish horde to Azeroth he decided it was time to confront him leaving one of his most trusted lieutenants Gavin rod to see to the defense of Stormwind he left with his men to find Medivh and ended his madness though in his absence the final war for Stormwind had already begun war chief doomhammer laid the second siege to Stormwind and after several days in bitter fighting orgrim Doomhammer found the last stand of the brotherhood of the horse garrisoned in Stormwind in their final acts they made a last stand and took as many as the orcs as they could with them and when Lothar returned to Stormwind to help how he could by resisting the siege instead he found a smoldering ruin he gathered the remnants of the beaten and broken soldiers and the last members of the Brotherhood of the he found the last survivors of the clerics of North sire Abbey and a young prince by the name of Varian Wrynn they gathered everything and everyone they could before they left by sea to the north to the other human kingdoms during the war the Holy Order of Northshire cleric were found healing the wounded and dying soldiers of starland some even risking their own lives to do so once the Horde realized their power to revive and heal their enemy they became targets of opportunity the Horde attacked and killed every cleric that they could find even going out of their way to lure clerics out by leaving maimed and bleeding soldiers to die relying on the selfless nature of the clerics to aid the wounded soldiers before launching their counter-attacks the legendary order the Brotherhood of Norse ire were adept at using the light to heal their allies and harm their enemies even banishing fel magics in some cases they were unprepared and unarmed for the dangers of this kind of bitter warfare because of this they suffered heavy casualties left with his thoughts on the war and the great terrors that he had witnessed at the hands of the orcish horde Lothar sailed north with this in mind [Music] upon arriving in Lordran Lothar was haunted by what he'd seen at the hands of the orcish horde with weeks to think about it and come to terms with not only his own failings but the genocide of his people and the new responsibility of caring for the young prince Varian Wrynn now an orphan his mind dwelled in dark places his greatest fear was that the Horde would not be sated with just the total annihilation of Stormwind that their bloodlust would reach the other kingdoms he collected himself gathering his thoughts in the several weeks it took to reach the northern kingdoms where he met with his friend King Terence Menethil the second he was able to bring the human kingdoms together and told his story to them between Lothar story and Terra neces persuasion and politics they were able to create the Alliance of Lordaeron during this story and subsequent meeting of kings and the human kingdoms there was one who looked on with a troubled brow his name was alone ceceo and he was the archbishop of the Church of the Holy Light he listened to Lothar speak at this momentous meeting and was deeply disturbed by Lothar words the loss of so many Northshire cleric s' how they were slaughtered by the orcs and what had happened to them he listened to Lothar speak of the Brotherhood of the horse and all that they were able to achieve and where they had failed his mind began to spin and he felt uneasy the answer to this terrible orc madness had to be somewhere in his dark thoughts he realized that sometimes faith was not enough to combat forces with malicious or dark intent he realized that the only way to truly combat the orcs was to merge the two things at the orcs fear at most he looked at his apprentice and Knight by skilled but truly faithful that teachings of the light and the idea occurred to him the two set out to found the order of the Knights of the Silver Hand The Apprentice he had mentored and tutored in the way to the light was none other than ether watching the young man grow into a powerful night yet faithful and pure his first choice had to be user and so he offered a place amongst them as the founding member and first amongst the new order following him fail suggested Stadion to throw Han Tirion Fordring and terellian Lothar even suggested one of his most capable and pious of the renowned Knights of Stormwind Gavin rod these were the first five paladin's of the new order fail then gave each of his new paladins a libram a sacred and revered relic relating to each of these new warrior strengths and a specific virtue that they were to adhere to soon after they began recruiting and training as many other priests and martial skills or warriors in the ways of the light the nations of the human kingdoms came together and after squabbling and fighting for who should be in charge only Lothar was able to talk several out of them from leaving the newly formed alliance they as Kings would never put soldiers under the command of a rival nation but under Lothar who was more of a neutral party it seemed to better compromise soon after that anduin lothar was named supreme commander of the alliance forces the normally reclusive hile sent their own detachment to repay the debt to the arathi bloodline and the dwarves forced from their homes by the orcs rallied to him as well the Alliance was complete soon fail came back to Lothar and introduced his 5/2 hand-picked paladins urging him to name them as his captains Lothar named terellian his second-in-command because he reminded him so much of King Lane and daily and proud more as admiral lutheran Khadgar his lieutenants the paladins that he entrusted were the first of their kind and truly untested in battle he was gamble and a guess to see how they would fare in actual combat during this time organ do memmer had been busy as well conquering Stormin had been a good first step but the new war chief wanted more he called for reinforcements to the Horde still Andre are more orcs poured through the Dark Portal ogres and trolls became new allies watching black hand in the first war using the sea was something they had not been ready for and it cost them the first siege of Stormwind this time Doomhammer would have a navy of his own and finally the dragon ma clan had found a very precious relic Doomhammer was clear about several things first gu dan and black hand had poisoned his people and brought fell in shadow void magic into their lives he had watched the Horde change and from this he sought to go back to a traditional place for the orcs to honor and purity in his mind he did this by snuffing out the last of the shadow council and other elements of Gulden's warlocks he then had one final task to complete to rid the Horde of this terrible burden when ghoul Dan emerge from his magic induced coma Doomhammer attempted to kill him however Gulden's groveling and promises to reform were heard by Doomhammer desperate to stay alive he offered Doomhammer a deal to renounce his connections to the demons and burning legion and create a new type of powerful warrior for the orcs Doomhammer thought about this he truly despised ghoul Dan and yet he knew he needed something powerful to help him turn the tides Doomhammer chose to spare ghoul Dan provided he kept his word ghoul then did keep his word and went about finding the spirits of his dead shadow council and then fused them into the corpses of the dead Knights of Stormwind heroes the first of these twisted beings named Taryn gore or later known as teron gor fiend he remembered the pain and agony the Magi and clerics of Stormwind inflicted upon the Horde and used this new breed of warrior to fight them these beings wielded necromantic magic and were the first death Knights doomhammer was disgusted by the twisted mind of ghoul Dan and hated this new addition to the Horde but soon their terrible and incredible power impressed him and it began to give his tacit approval they bolstered the horde in ways that would be required in the will coming war with the northern kingdoms Lothar and the paladins moved south to Hills Brad where a large horde fleet was landing soon he commissioned ships to be made and launched at the same time as his landing on the shores of Lordaeron they made landfall on the hills Brad foothills and soon the war would be fought on both land and sea the fighting broke out as Doomhammer marched his horde to the alterique mountains giving them a clear path to the capital city alliance forces were quickly ordered to block the path of the working armies advancing the fighting was brutal and savage majority of the humans who had never seen anything like the ferocity and strength of the orcs began to break the only thing that seemed to keep any sort of cohesion amongst their ranks was the presence of having paladins there having completed their training they now rode with the Alliance army previously they had skirmish but now the first major battle of the second war began Kirin Tor mages and elven Rangers laid waste from afar to the Horde the soldiers did their best to hold back the tide as Elvis and mages weave their deadly arts as the fighting reached its zenith an unnatural fog seeped and slithered along the earth that mist touched the bodies of the slain dead and their bodies violently jerked and rose before fleeing themselves against the Alliance lines between their undead comrades the ferocity of the orcs the brutality of the ogres and the berserk troll warriors the Alliance seemed paralyzed and broken the death Knights started this charge riding on skeletal horses the reanimated corpses of the Brotherhood of the horse and their mounts they attacked proving to the skeptical doomhammer how valuable of an asset they truly were the Horde with their death Knights pressed into the Alliance lines and began to buckle the madness of what they were witnessing was simply too much for most of the Alliance warriors when all hope seemed lost light began to admit from certain warriors wound is mended and others felt truly invigorated to fight harder Knights clad and played armor charged the lines reinforcing their comrades and the paladins made their presence known as the light lashed out to fight the dead the Damned can be works alike the light was so bright that even the mist was driven back even though they were evenly matched it was only a matter of time before the Alliance reinforcements were able to join the battle Doomhammer decided to push for the capital another way he pushed into the hinterlands and was quickly attacked by the rowdy Wildhammer dwarves there he then had his troll allies make an assault on Quaffle us and fighting the wrath of the elves on top of him during this time ghoul Dan convinced him to rework the barrier rims of quell floss and create an altar of storms harnessing the power of the stones Cho gall was able to turn ordinary ogres into 2-headed ogre Magi gifted and spellcraft this was was able to give the Horde something to help in their upcoming battle after raising a shield around quell the loss from the Sun well a very powerful source of light energy shielded the city from all attacks doomhammer quickly lost patience and dove to attack the capital city of the Alliance again he journeyed through the Altaic mountains and was eventually met by the king Aiden Perrin old who decided to betray the Alliance he sped up the invasion of El Tareq and was spared from the hordes onslaught as they quickly descended on the capital Doomhammer waited several days expecting the dragon moss storm River and Twilight hammer clans he finally spotted an army but it was not his at the head of this army road terellian after several setbacks cool Dan's betrayal and now the arrival of trillions army doomhammer had no choice but to make a full retreat south after a severe retreat Doomhammer marched through the burning steps to lick his wounds where the greatest horde Bastion had been completed in the Blackrock Mountain thousands of humans elves and dwarves and gnomes laid siege to the mountain itself alone and without aid doomhammer rallied his horde and made a last great push against the Alliance army doomhammer himself cut a swath of Alliance soldiers and charged directly to and when Lothar Lothar didn't do much as flinch as the orc war chief sliced and butchered his way through to him he calmly readied himself for single combat the two began to exchange blows as the armies both looked on Lothar at this time in his life was 57 years old an age had got the better of him as his younger opponent was able to outlast him his blade was broken lothar fell to his knees and with a final swing of his weapon doomhammer crushed leuthar skull killing him instantly new hammer believed that with the fall of their war chief the alliance would break Doomhammer thought it was over as this warriors fought with the victory rush of their leader killing the enemies the Alliance soldiers horrified by the gruesome defeat of their commander began losing their will to fight the Alliance started to buckle to the horde by now most of the paladin's had full control of their mastery of the light there was a third the light bringer given the libram of justice given his name because of his ability with the light Satan dealt Rahan labrum of holiness who was gay who was truly a sight to see in combat Tirion Fordring libram retribution and gavin rat libram of compassion and finally Trillian libram of protection up until now trillions power was by far the weakest well he could use the light he hadn't truly unlocked all of his power like the others at the sight of seeing his friend his mentor and the supreme commander of the Alliance broken and defeated his army turning and faltering around him Trillian let unleash all of his latent holy power blinding all those near to him he radiated a bright and pure light that most of the orcs couldn't even look at him he reached for his fallen mentors broken weapon and subdued orgrim Doomhammer he took up the mantle of commander calling out to his allies using the light to increase the sound of his voice and he encouraged them to fight on the army heard his voice booming over the battlefield giving hope courage and a sense of justice their despair faded and a purpose-driven holy wrath filled the soldiers of the Alliance their new commander reformed their ranks and pressed into the confused and shaken horde soon the befuddled and shattered orcs began to break ranks and fled some were captured and others fled back to the portal from where they came those that fled were led by none other than Teron Gor Fein the first death knight in their long retreat they were harassed by terellian and his armies cornering them in the black morass the battle raged and it was by far the most brutal and desperate of the entire war the death Knights and orcs had their backs against the wall and their survival instinct told them to fight as hard and bloody as possible they were able to hold back the Alliance long enough for most of their numbers to escape through the portal this was the last conflict of the second war and it marks the ending of the chapter after the second war ended several factions began to emerge in the human kingdoms returned their waves of fracturing and creating new orders of power terellian founded an organization of soldiers called the sons of Lothar terellian believed it was his duty to see his mentor's home restored he sent his paladins and troops to help oversee the reconstruction of Stormwind helping refugees returned from the north and overseeing reconstruction of north sire abbey the Knights of the Silver Hand who had started as five were much more than that now and their order had still at need of them these warriors of light moved from village to village healing the hurt mending the broken and curing the sick the dwarves who had followed the humans and the alliance reached out and were now curious about the light and the power that the paladins were able to harness the order of the Silver Hand began training the dwarves in many ways of the light however with the addition of the dwarves came some voices inside the order calling for a human only policy they didn't believe including the lesser races into the order would be beneficial the loudest of these voices was high General of Bendis who was one of alexandros mograine commanders during the war and took part in the final battle of Blackrock Mountain during this time tyrion fordring had found no orc by the name of III who turned his back on the demonic rituals of the orcs he was at the old ways of the orcs through shamanism honour and courage Tyrion had found this orc hiding in an abandoned tower two had fought and eventually the tower collapsed and fell on top of him Tyrion woke up days later in his bed and realized not only had the orc spared him but also saved his life because of his sense of truth and duty Tyrion felt a debt was owed and when each rig was near execution it was Tyrion who helped him escape because of this he was stripped of his rank exiled from the Knights of the silver order and during this trial Uther the Lightbringer performed a ritual to strip Tyrion of his powers he was sent into the wilds alone during the Battle of Blackrock Mountain a strong paladin by the name of alexandros mograine witnessed an orcish warlock channeling dark magic through an orb of pure midnight black the orb seemed to emit a darkness that mograine felt uncomfortable with after the battle was over he went to the slain warlock and touched the orb the orb reacting to his holy presence marred burned and mangled his hand he described this Orbis the living embodiment of shadow or void in his curiosity it's such an artifact he took this orb keeping it locked in an iron chest he kept the Orbis secret until the scourge reached Lord Arryn shortly after the war ended Khadgar also had worries and doubts about his destruction of the dark portal though the portal was technically destroyed a link between worlds connected the two if teron gor fiend was to launch another attack on the eastern kingdoms they would be ready Khadgar now an arc mage realized fel magic was leaking through the portal and starting to destroy and corrupt the land around the portal the once lush jungles of the area and now resembled a scarred a tormented world devoid of any life the threat this possessed would be something that Khadgar would struggle with two years later the portal reopened and the Horde re-entered the world on Azeroth terellian received khadgar's urgent pleas for aid and he marched his armies alongside danav troll Bane soldiers they kept the hoard contained there was a problem that they discovered though the ferocity and mass at the Horde attacked and the two previous wars weren't present and slowly after interrogation it was found that the Horde was looking for new worlds to raid and pillage terellian and Khadgar were of the same mind that this could not be allowed terellian sent out a message to the sons of Lothar would venture into the dark portal and horde threat forever they made their final assault on the Dark Portal cutting a path through the Horde and venturing into Draenor itself after a successful campaign against the Horde and renoir the Alliance marched under Zul where the dark shaman destabilized the ley lines of the world resulting in catastrophic destruction to it realizing the threat to Azeroth Tyrell Ian and Khadgar decided to destroy the portal on the Draenor side to prevent the devastation of dren are to reach and destroy it Azeroth along with it with that they knew it was a suicide mission they knew no one would make it home but they did what they had to do protecting the world of Azeroth from the Horde and the shattering world of Draenor collapsing the portal on their side no one heard from them since during this time in Lordran thrall led his orcish horde west gathering more interned orcs several paladin's were sent to contain the hordes movements most notable among them was either the light bringer and his young apprentice the Prince of Lordran Arthas Menethil when the strange rumors began spreading of a plague in the north the paladins of the silver hand were the first to be called luther and Arthas were sent to investigate upon realizing that this plague created zombies and the undead necromancer's walked the north applying their dark and twisted magics raising the corpses and recruiting Souls into the cult of the Damned when Arthas sacked Streatham is to stop the plague from spreading he asked his teacher ether to do this with him Luther refused such an order and Arthas single-minded focus believed him a traitor unable to do it was right in his anger he just Spann did the Knights of the Silver Hand and drove them to the underground he put straw foam to the torch and confronted mal Ganis who toyed with him he provoked Arthas to come and find him nor in Northrend Arthas taking the bait and consumed with vengeance followed him north while he was there it changed Arthas he began having doubt which started to ebb his paladin powers in order to kill mal Ganis finish his quest and save his lands he claimed the blade of frost Morton his companion Muradin hit by a shard and presumed dead as the last of Arthas humanity left he was gripped by utter madness killing his men most notable of his troops were fall Rick Mar went and cesarean while Arthas was away Lord Iran was a chaos rampant hordes of undead swath the land violence and horrors farms villages and Hamlet's overrun by the filthy shambling some ass undead that swept over the hills pockets of resistance reform generally around a pallet and her group of paladins this was the birth of an order that would later become the Scarlet Crusade they were able to hold back the undead tides but it was a temporary victory as I believe this storyline requires more attention on to itself I will leave it for now in a summarised capacity when Arthas returned to death knight and killed his father at Lord run was an utter chaos as the governing body collapsed and Arthas named himself king he unleashed the scourge across what was left of his lands the capital of Lordaeron fell and only ruins were left in its place delitzsch king's voice whispering plans and strategy told Arthas to find the remains of Kel'Thuzad a powerful necromancer whom Arthas had killed Arthas marched his Scourge army cutting a path of destruction and misery into his lands laying waste of the Hamlet's and villages along the way he led them into the town of ander Hall where he was to recover Kel'Thuzad corpse there he was confronted by a paladin guarding the crypt the Paladin was none other than Gavin rat the dire Gavin rad one of the last surviving Knights of the Brotherhood of the horse founding five of the Silver Hand and even giving Arthas his fabled Warhammer the lights vengeance he told Arthas to turn back and gave him one last chance at redemption but Arthas at this time was too far gone he killed Gavin red that day and felt very little emotion at the loss of such a heroic life Arthas then collected the remains of Kel'Thuzad whose body had decomposed to such a state that he needed to acquire a mystical urn which would be capable of carrying the power of Kel'Thuzad the only problem was that the urn was being protected by what was left at the Knights of the Silver Hand Arthas had no qualms of killing the first two paladin's ballad or the bright and sage truth Bearer he then challenged the last pallet and protecting the area none other than who through the light bringer himself who's there told them that he that the urn carried the bones of his father and yet Arthas still persisted the two fought and Luther nearly killed Arthas however a surge of power rushed into Arthas a gift from the lich king himself and he began to take the upper hand from Luther Luther finally succumbing to his wounds he fell to his knees staring Arthas in the eyes telling him there was a special place in hell waiting for him before Arthas gave the killing blow he gathered there earn and unceremoniously emptied his father's bone before filling the urn with kel'thuzad his final task now was to bring the urn to silverman City and recover kel'thuzad as Arthas left North sword squall the loss he slaughtered and butchered many in his path he dragged war machines and blight followed his footprints this would later be known as the dead scar as it cuts a deep path through the wilds of quell flossin into the heart of silver inner city itself at this point in time Luther and Gavin rad were dead Trillian was lost on the other side of the Dark Portal and tirion fordring was exiled both presumed dead all that was left was Satan da throng he and several other members who initially formed the Scarlet Crusade were all that was left he led his elite unit the Crimson Legion from what was left of Stratholme in a desperate act to retake the city making it his base of operations he led what was left in the survivors bringing them into the Scarlet Crusade and protecting what was left of his once proud nation of Lordaeron he was the Lord Crusader and did his best to save as many as he could bring them into the different bastions of the Scarlet Crusade during one such conflict with the undead he was separated from his companions and found himself fighting the dreadlord balnazzar alone he was killed by Balthazar and his body possessed balnazzar spread lies and corrupted the Scarlet Crusade from within the last remaining orders of the Scarlet Crusade and the argent dawn reformed from the Knights of the Silver Hand some paladin's followed Jaina Proudmoore West the Kalimdor and fought in the Battle of high Joel however the paladin orders at this time were all but spent and broken the last bastions of paladin training and growth were in iron forge with the dwarves and storm wind with the this is the legacy that the paladins of the past have given a reborn nation and a hope that one day another nation can be reborn perhaps the Knights of the Silver Hand could also be reborn as well until then it is the jobs of these paladins of both iron forge and storm when to walk the lands protecting the weak safeguarding the helpless curing the sick and expunged the wicked the undead and the demons [Music] [Music]
Channel: Tommy Maze
Views: 20,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, World, Of, Paladin, Classic, Reforged, Warcraft 3, Warcraft 2, Orcs, Humans, Priests, First war, The light, Second War, Anduin, Lothar, Uther the Lightbringer, Turalyon, Tirion Fordring, Arthas, Scarlet Crusade, Stormwind, Third war, The scourage, undead, History, Lore, Gaming, WoW, Class
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 36sec (2316 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2019
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