The Story of Uther the Lightbringer [Lore]

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hello everyone who for the Lightbringer was a servant of the Holy Light one of the first paladins of the silver hands and his heroic deeds have earned a place not only in Warcraft but also in hearthstone ends in heroes of the storm who is this man and what has he done in his lifetime that's what we're going to find out so let's begin shall we not much is known about AFER's youth except that he was drawn to the light at a very early age and he met along his file when he was just a bishop alumnus served as her spiritual advisor at a mentor and roofer was a very skilled warrior the first time that we really seemed in the story is after a moment that he orcses thoughts torrents and the people fled stool order on amongst those people were young Varian Wrynn cat-car and n win LOFAR they weren't King turns many for the seconds about the threat of the hordes that the world had to unite against them if they wanted to stand a chance the first alliance was born from this and it was Archbishop a longe fowl who came up with the idea of adding paladins to their ranks he had heard how the north Shia clerics had fallen to the might of the Horde and he realized that he needed something more in order to stand against them combined the teachings of the church with the skills of a warrior in order to create the first paladins of the silver hands these paladins were offer satan de Rohan tyrion fordring governorate and terellian from all these paladins terylene was chosen to become one of loafers lieutenants well offer became the leader of the paladins the paladins would turn out to be a huge success some of the most powerful troops the alliance had to offer essential in the victory over the horde since the Horde had started to add death Knights into their ranks these definites the terrible damage to the Alliance troops but they were no match for the radiance of the holy lights the first time that the deaf Knight showed up on the battlefields who foretold his fellow men that the Holy Light would protect them from his prayers the light enveloped troops protecting them from the dark magic and giving them a chance against the death Knights the paladin's also assisted LOFAR as he led the troops against the Horde and they were the ones who cleared Lord Iran of the remaining orcs when they fail to take the city the paladins were also there in the final moments of the war right outside of Blackrock Mountain by that time the Horde was pushed back and this was the staging ground of their final major battle the Alliance fought that they would have time to prepare for this battle but the Horde wouldn't let them and they struck out on all fronts roofer took his men he prayed to the lights and he empowered them giving them the strength to stand against the barbaric horde in the end it was terellian who'd found his faith in the lights and he used its powers to defeat orgrim Doomhammer orgrim had already killed Lowe Farber disappoints and Turalyon took of command over uline's army and he gave her the title of light bringer for show you shall be known henceforth in honour of the holy lights you brought us this day they then followed the fleeing orcs all the way back to the Dark Portal and they destroyed the portal itself cutting general off from Azeroth and saving the world at least for that moment several years later the Dark Portal would reopen and terellian would rally the sons of LOFAR to take the battle to the orcs their home planets by that time Hoover had taken up a different role and he now used his powers to heal the people within the Cathedral of lights we read about him at the start of the story as he had just helped a woman give birth to a child before the rest of the story he didn't really play your parts instead we later find him in Lordran teaching the child of the King how to become a righteous and Noble paladin the child that would later become one of the greatest threats to Azeroth namely Arthas it wasn't easy to teach Arthas about the ways of the lights as a young boy he would rather go and ride his horse invincible and stay inside and pray nonetheless goofer did his very best to teach him and once our facade finished his training with Muradin he started his training with roofer who first training wasn't so much about swordplay itself but more about the attitude and respect someone brought through the battlefields being righteous and holy doesn't stop when someone leaves the church they take it with them in all aspects of their life and he tried to teach Arthas these values are first found to both teachings had value and after many years the day had come that he will become a knight of the silver hands Arthas felt like he didn't deserve the honor and he told her about his feelings the intimidating paladin who since Arthas was old enough to remember had been the very image of rock-solid steadfastness to the lights and started the prince with his reply lad no one feels ready no one feels he deserves it you know why because no one does its grace pure and simple we are inherently unworthy simply because we're human and all human beings I and elves and dwarves and all the other races are flawed but the light loves us anyway it loves us for what we sometimes can rise to in rare moments it loves us for what we can do to help others and it loves us because we can help its shares message by striving daily to be worthy even though we understand that we can't ever truly become so with that wisdom Arthas took his vows and it was over himself who placed his ceremonial armor on his shoulders Arthas had known offer to be a steady man but in that moment his eyes were full with unsheathe tears who fer loved Arthas dearly and in that moments Arthas had made him very proud we'll get back to ours in a moment but first there's another story in which offer play two parts Tirion Fordring one of the original paladins from the order of the silver hands was dragged into courts he had met the orc Ettrick who was hiding in his lands and they battled with each other during that battle they ended up in a tower which collapsed on top of Tyrion each trick was a very honorable orc and slaying a human who couldn't defend himself was not his style so he placed Tyrion on top of his horse and he made the horse bring him back to the keep where he could recover from the wounds this story is told in the novel blood and honor and throughout the story Tyrion a trick get to know each other and to develop respect for each other Tyrion felt in depth to the orc and he made him a promise on his honor he would protect the orc and let him live out his days in his lands each chick promised him on his honor that he was done with the war and he just wanted to live out his days this might not seem strange now with all the orc interaction that we have in Warcraft but back in the day this was an insane concept orcs were seen as nothing but savage monsters who tried to take over Azeroth which in all fairness they were from the humans point of view from their interaction Tyrion found out that there was more to it but his people they were stuck in their mindset they wanted each trick debt so they told Tyrion to do his duty to show them the way to lead them to where he lost saw a trick Tyrion had no choice he did this because he had to fulfill his duty but he was also a man of honor and when they found a trick he couldn't just let them beat the old orc to a pulp they whipped each trick they spat on him they humiliated him and on his honor Tyrion had promised to protect him so he told them to let each trick go all that he accomplished was the Tyrion himself was placed in Chains dragged to court for treason against mankind treason for trying to protect a trick his judge turned out to be over the Lightbringer himself the leader of the paladins his former brothers-in-arms now forced to pass judgments onto his old friends he asked Tyrion what was going on why he was protecting this orc and Syrian told him that he couldn't perform his duties without forsaken in his honor without giving up debt which he held most dear which made him a paladin to Tyrion honor mends everything as a final offer who forgave Tyrion eight choice for safety orc pledge your allegiance to the Alliance forget about this madness and they would drop all charges and let Tyrion go home but Syrian couldn't with all odds against him he made the decision to hold on to his honor and he refused the offer this left goofer with no other choice but the strip Tyrion of his titles exile him from his lands and excommunicate him taking away the powers of the holy lights never before had Syrian felt such a despair such an emptiness inside of him just before her left the courtroom Tyrion asked about his son and his wife would they have to share his fate his punishment for a crime they did not commit and thankfully over told him that they didn't have to the final act of kindness for his old stubborn friend and respected fellow paladin for those wondering how does this story end for each second Tyrion well each trick gets saved by Pharaoh before his execution in Tyrion would live out his days as a Hermits keeping an eye on his son but that's an entirely different story this is her story and her story would resume in Warcraft 3 during that time around the land reports of a plague rolling in and King Terenas send out his own son to investigate Jaina Proudmoore joined Arthas and they found out that Kel'Thuzad together with mal Ganis were behind the plague even worse the plague was not meant to just kill the people it was designed to turn them into the undead in to discourage Prince Arthas during the night of vast army of undead warriors emerged and began attacking villages at random now it's heading this way damn it Jana I'll stay here to protect the village go as quickly as you can and tell Lord Luthor what's happened but go Gina every second counts the town of Half Glen was under heavy assaults in our festool Jana - go and find her while he held the city wave after wave of undead flowed into town but Arthas managed to hold his ground long enough for a friend his troops to come and help them light give me strength Luther your timing couldn't have been better don't celebrate yet son this battles far from over I'm surprised that you kept things together as long as you did lad if I hadn't arrived joking I did the best I could ether if I'd had a legion of Knights riding in my back I would have now is not the time to be choking on pride and faced here was only the beginning the undead ranks are bolstered every time one of our warriors falls in battle then we should strike at their leader I'll go to Stratholme and kill mal Ganis myself if I have to easy lad brave as you are you can't hope to defeat a man who commands the dead all by yourself then feel free to tag along with her I'm going with or without you goofer was very proud of an office I've managed to do but the compliment struck Arthas as an insult he then wrote off the stressful and ever talked with Jana he's feeling the weight of the crown for the first time who for said quietly he's never had to before this is all part of it my lady part of learning how to rule wisely and how to rule well I watched Erina struggle with the same thing when he was a young man both good men both wanting to do the right things for their people to keep them safe and happy but sometimes the only decision is which is the lesser evil sometimes there's no way of fixing everything after gathering his troops who for followed our forces left home where the boy had to face a terrible choice glad you could make it watch your tone with me boy you may be the prince but I'm still your superior as a paladin as if I could forget listen Uther there's something about the plague you should know no no we're too late these people have all been infected they may look fine now but it's just a matter of time before they turn into the undead what this entire city must be purged how can you even consider that there's got to be some other way damn it ether as your future king i order you to purge this city you are not my king yet boy nor would I obey that command even if you were then I must consider this an act of treason treason you lost your mind Arthas have I lore do Thur by my right of succession and the sovereignty of my crown I hereby relieve you of your command and suspend your paladins from service this you can't it's done those of you who have the will to save this land follow me the rest of you get out of my sight you've just crossed a terrible threshold Arthas Gina I'm sorry Arthas I can't watch you do this Jane I could not stand by and watch artist duties and Hoover was sent away by the prince himself you can debate whether or not our first choice was wrong but for ever it was our furs then purge the city and at the end mill kane has taunted him to come to nor friends come to nor friends where his true destiny would unfold I'll hunt you to the ends of the earth if I have to do you hear me to the ends of the earth three days later Jaina made a way to the city after our facade her to join him two nor friends she refused to join him and did her very best to convince him not to go if mal Ganis was able to escape him his stressfull what shawne's would Arthas have against him and nor friends who rode up to her as she witnessed with her own eyes what her prince had done Jana Jana Proudmoore ah Jaina I thought I might find you here where is he gone girl where has Arthas taken the fleet he came to me before he left I pleaded with him not to go I told him it sounded like a trap where Northrend he's gone to Northrend to hurt Morgana's damn that boy I've got to inform King Terenas don't be too hard on yourself girl you had nothing to do with this slaughter you don't see it in the cinematic but goofer told Jenna that he himself wondered if he could have done something could have said something to prevent this purge Arthas had made his choice a choice which would have dire consequences after finding out that our facin or friends goofer made his way to the king and he informed him about what Arthas had done the troops were recalled by offers orders but before they could make their way home Arthas burned down their ships damn with her for forcing me to do this now they were stuck in nor friends and dare Arthas found a weapon Frostmourne which stole a piece of his soul and gave him the power to defeat mal Ganis after deaths are firs with roam the land of nor friends listening to the whispers of NER Zhul until the day came that the Prince returned home ah my son are you no longer need to sacrifice feel you no longer need to bear the weight your crown I've taken care of everything succeeding you father Oh Arthas was no longer a paladin he no longer wielded the lights instead he become one of the first new death Knights he murdered his own father destroyed his own Kingdom and is a cruel twist of fate he now were together with kel'thuzad Kel'Thuzad was killed by Arthas himself but in their Xul's grand design they would now have to resurrect him in order to transporters remain safely they would have to collect a magical urn fit enough to even carry your father's name why Oda ever vouched for you is beyond me you've stripped him of his honour by casting yours to the winds to serve a gruesome death boy light have mercy on you your betrayal has broken Luther's heart boy he would have given his life for yours in a second and this is how you repay his loyalty your father ruled this land for 70 years and you've grounded a dust in a matter of days very dramatic in there give me the urn and I'll make sure you die quickly the urn holds your father's ashes Arthas what we are hoping to piss on them one last time before you left his kingdom to rot I didn't know what it held nor does it matter I'll take what I came for I dearly hope that there's a special place in hell waiting for you Arthas we may never know who they're I intend to live forever who fer was a vessel for the holy lights and although he wasn't able to fight ours before he could make himself do it he was willing to do it now it was the final promise he had made to his king that the ashes would be treated with respects in his final battle against Arthas the Holy Light a new for himself nearly won that battle it was only because the blade Frostmourne somehow made his way into our Phasis hands and Arthas managed to defeat his former mentor his former leader and his former friends not even death could stop this righteous paladin for in classic Wow Rufus tomb offer a quest for both the Horde and the Alliance the Alliance honoured goofer and received this blessing but the Horde were sent by malar dawn blades to defile his tomb malar was a former student of uber and he held her responsible for our forces betrayal and the fall of quell for lusts when the horde players did the questline the spirit of Ophir would show up and forgive them for their actions hero of the lich king we find out that uber soul isn't at his tomb it's actually imprisoned within Frostmourne Frostmourne the blade that destroyed our kingdom stand back touch that blade and your soul will be scarred for all eternity I must attempt to commune with the spirits locked away within Frostmourne give me space back up please Jaina could it truly be you Oh sir dear author I I'm so sorry Reina you haven't much time the Lich King sees what the sword sees he will be here shortly Arthas is here maybe I mean Arthas is not here ah this is merely a presence within the Lich Kings mind a dwindling presence loser if there's any hope of reaching Arthas I I must try Xena listen to me you must destroy the Lich King you cannot reason with him he will kill you and your allies and raise you all as powerful soldiers of the scourge tell me how you sir how do I destroy my prince my snap out of it girl you must destroy the Lich King at the place where he merged with near zoom atop the spire at the Frozen Throne it is the only way the right Oh sir forgive me I I don't know what got hold of me we will deliver this information to the king and the knights that battle the scourge within Icecrown Citadel there is something else that you should know about the Lich King control over the scourge must never be lost even if you were to strike down the Lich King another would have to take his place or without the control of its master the skirt would run rampant across the world destroying all living things a grand sacrifice by a noble soul who could bear such a burden I do not know Gina I suspect that the piece of Arthas that might be left inside the Lich King is all that holds the scourge from annihilating Azeroth maybe there is still hope No Jenna yeah hey he is coming you he shows up for a second time during the quail de l'Arc Westland what he tells players that the blade is made from Sara Knights the blood of an old God and is absorbed the evil from Icecrown itself there is only one way to cleanse this sword make haste for the Sunwell and immerse the blade in its waters I can resist the final time the receipt for spirits is when you turn in the batch of the silver hands this item can only be collected when you kill the lich king with someone wielding Shanno mourn in the raid the better of the Silver Hand was given to office but offer himself you can give it back to his spirits in exchange for the tablets of the Lightbringer Arthas alas hero of Azeroth you give me a greater gift than you know long have I struggled to forgive the Prince for his terrible transgressions my soul has been wracked with unbearable anxiety dark thoughts distancing me from the light I recall clearly the gleam of pride in his eye as he stood before me eager to defeat the enemies of the light eager to defend his people no matter the cost it is this memory of Arthas that I choose to keep in my heart I shall always be in your debt friend thank you and so ends the story of one of the greatest paladin's ever known to this world throughout his life Hoover was righteous and devoted to the lights he protected his people against the Horde and he tried to defend the land against the scourge in the end it was his own beloved prince that killed him and this act earned his soul to darker faults giving him the badge of the Silver Hand reminds him of the good of anarchists and now the soul of this righteous paladin can rest in peace and that's the end of her story I hope you all enjoyed it thank you very much for watching everyone subscribe if you like my videos and until next time guys see ya
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 837,640
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Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Lore, Story, Uther, Uther the Lighbringer, World of Warcraft, WoW, Wrath of the Lich King, Classic, Beyond the Dark Portal, Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, Of Blood and Honor, Tyrion, Turalyon, Paladins, Silver Hand, Alonsus Faol, First War, Horde, Alliance, Lordaeron, Arthas, Ner'zhul, Kel'thuzad, Malganys, Scourge, Plague, Light, Holy, Jaina
Id: cQDjPv_Ykd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 9sec (1449 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 02 2014
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