The Story & Origin of the Paladin [WoW Lore]

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all right lads my name is Tamara Kaplan and today I'm going through another class origin law video in this edition we are going over the paladin now this will involve where that the paladins power usually comes from and how each race has access to that power and how the class has has a major role in the overall World of Warcraft law the start of each of these videos I'm gonna make anga new and basically tell you which is the most law correct race and class combination but also V 1st of that class so the first ever paladin within the law of war Warcraft is oofah the light bringer okay and the most law correct combination would most definitely be human paladin that was the first ever one that came about so let's jump into the video it isn't a coincidence that paladin's have the similar sounding abilities and specializations as priests okay you know he got holy paladin holy priests he got holy light you've got other similar things it's because the power of the paladin came from the priests what basically was happening in a second war his stall wind got completely obliterated by the orc clans of a horde and actor should bad bishop fail or however the hell you say it out he basically realized that we are going to need more power okay we're gonna need something to counteract the orc warlocks and whatever the hell else they had at the time so what they decided to do was combine the skills the AFT the craft of the warrior with the skill of the priests okay and so this is also why pal didn't have a protection spec is because they were originally warriors now at Bishop at bishops fail fails or after how he say that name his pupil and a person he advised in war was actually a you felt that I bring it himself and he asked you for if he wanted to and invest in this program risk this idea that why don't we combine the skill the the worship of the lights that the priests have with the skills of a warrior to create to create a paladin and after that they have this they had them you know a group or an order and they called it the Knights of the Silver Hand so a few worries were trained in the art of a light and they keep became paladins and they completely obliterated the invading or cord and you know won the second war I have a start of the third war however and things went a little bit nasty now paladin's are extremely powerful fighting the air the Scourge and the undead forces because a completely immune to all the diseases and all that kind of thing but um when when they went to an Stratholme because reform had been infected with the plague as you know from that the instance the caverns of time calling us truffle basically office ordered the knights of a silver hand to completely purge the city and Aoife completely refused to do it because it was obviously mass slaughter that's quite you know an inhuman thing to do and what office basically did is he got so pissed at them a completely disbanded the Knights of a silver hand of the pardons were like you know there were no more basically as you know they're no longer an organized Association and then unfortunately Aoife is actually killed and while he is creating offices father at taranis and basically why they cremate in his body roof it has this magical urn and office wants to steal earn for necromantic purposes and basically kills over in a process is just quite sad but you can actually go and visit Luther's tomb within the game now following the third war and the paladin's you know at this point it's you know where they are at risk of complete em you know extinction well fortunately some of them after the third war joy may create a new kind of cult new orders one being of scale crusade he were like the most extreme and cult of paladins and the other was the argent dawn who a bit less insane and you know your the thing is about Scylla Crusaders the only recruit humans I'm pretty sure don't even recruit dwarves or anything like that just humans and you know the argent dawn employs over aces of the realm even the Forsaken so and Scalia Chris Keller Crusader a bit crazy a bit M fanatic and the argent dawn or just a little bit more friendly that's all you really need to understand the Knights of a silver hand do actually reform and they become based in the cathedral of light if you go there they'll be there in with installment and they you know they got stuff going again you know their their their society got going and they also passed on their Holy Light knowledge to dwarfs and so that's how the dwarves become paladin's within the game it turned out you know the what Ward Warcraft vanilla was released the Knights of a silver handle a are actually merged with the argent dawn novice Carla crusade to sue basically for ice you know when the whole stuff was gone on the ice creme and defeating the lich king and they formed the and recluse a it so that's why you have you know a dog Alec who said an argent crusade is because the united 'silver hand bonded with the ante dawn or create a new coal the argent crusade which is just a temp can occult thing temp allegiance to beat the out of office you know and get some well-earned revenge from if his death and you know over your horrible things he's done to the Alliance and what and the Horde I guess as all so probably also thinking you know how to hell the Vedran I become paladins and gain access to the power of Elias suppose you could actually argue that the drama is were the first paladin's because they gained access to the lights power kind of at the same I can't really work it out in the head you know at the same time as the humans did but really in the law and in terms of when he was actually created the Paladin humans were the first people but word run I basically the drum I come from a planet called Argus and he originally called the arid are now well free leaders of the arid our a kimande Archimonde RV hell you say kil Jaeden and felon now basically Sargeras the big bad Burning Legion Titan guy came over to Argus and said you know hey come and join me dark side we've got cookies or that kind of thing and kil Jaeden and Archimonde joined Sagaris but Valen was like not having any of it he saw that you know that they were complete or - sheer evil didn't want any part of it and he prayed that something could help him and then suddenly the Naru who have these sentient beings or however you want to describe and they came out of nowhere with a spaceship called the EXA door and they you know overdraw my villain and his followers jumped onto the exedoc renamed themselves draw nigh and jumped on the X Don flew into Dharana and that's why you know he got dry and I hanging around Journal in the game at the moment now the Naru for some reason they have the power of a light and they transfer cannon gave their power offer light to Vedran eye and that's how I Johnny get their power it's basically from Vern a broom I have a blood however blood elves got the the power of a light is a little bit such a little disturbing and I really feel sorry for number characters involved in it but yeah let's go into it basically the blood ever seen Oh Cal for a son straddle a completely sacked tempest keep now tempest keep if you look closely looks a lot like the ex door that is no coincidence VX the tempest keep is also a spaceship created by the Naru now when when they suck it when I invaded one Naru stays behind his sacrifices himself to operate tempers keeping his defensive to fight the blood elves off but he completely fails unfortunately and he gets abducted by the blood of the blood elves take and this guy this fellas called my Maru so got a space for Naru whose name they take maroon but droopy Naru and they take him back to Silver Moon city and they basically femme you know they imprison him and drain his light power and hence forfeit blood knights the blood elf paladin's were created so well essentially draining Meru spouts from him you know by sheer force he's actually a he actually later he ran qele qele for a Sun straight you know when he goes a bit evil and a bit distant from the current blood elves he he actually um invades silver moon and takes him back he takes Meru back and he uses him to ignite the Sun well he's a very thin area very very powerful mystical beings and we have a lot of like you know power that level of magical power and you know care for us uses them to get to some well going he's actually boss within the raid he's actually an juni counter becomes known as n Tropius just like like a void form like a void Walker and it kind of shows how much to blood knights like him up by draining all his power now I really feel sorry for the bloke you know if he's not bloke and obviously we kill it when we have to kill him in the game and I feel really sorry for him I can't help but feel sorry for him for some reason but anyway velan uses murrow's and his power to then ignite the Sun well and give the blood elves and power from the Sun well again so you know because of you know blood elves are obsessed with gaining power and basically fell under sorted all that be given him back to Sun well and you know what jobs are good and at the end of patch 6.4 the yes and well punch now torrent paladin you may think it's like a completely like misleading thing like it shouldn't have ever happened but there is actual quite precise a viable law within would Warcraft but it kind of gives it a kind of gives an evidence that the torrent could become paladins basically the torrents in their missile in their mythology in and in devil engine they worship the earth mother the KDF mother is basically you know some big thing some basically some deity if you want to call it some kind of God who did Horan's worship now they specifically worship her right and left eye which also known as an she her right eye also known as a son and Musha the left eye which is known as the moon so it really comes from the fact that you know so you have to understand that the Night Elves gave the tauren their druid powers okay they live quite close together and they they kind of you know you know collaborated and but now of scale for them gave them the outer the druid I mean what the Niles do you see this association and they worship the moon quite a lot you know the earth um of his left eye and they really like the moon okay and Verger it's as you know from all the abilities was a moon fire over a kind of thing it's all about the moon but also if you look very closely to balance Jude's abilities there's also abilities which are associated with the Sun okay you've got like Raph and or whatever whatever the hell the everyone is cold you know druid have that thing that ripped that system the Eclipse system and you know it's a moon and a Sun okay that isn't a coincidence and basically what Orin and basically said you know why don't we worship and she enough you know why don't we worship the right eye of his son I decided yeah let you know let's go ahead and do that and henceforth they then because they worship the light of a light of the Sun they grant access to every are granted access to the power of the light and you know they can then become parents because they have the power of a light from the earth members right high right eye and she basically all right lads Farnese pretty much it okay that is you know how powered in the powered in class has been implemented into the law of a game if you okay basically what are waiting to do I was willing to leave a suggestion within the comments section or the next class you want featured in this series and I definitely get onto it very soon we revolt we've already doomed deaf nights and you know war looks pretty similar but I will still make a video on Warhawks if you if you want it so anyway my name is Tamara Kaplan until my next video
Channel: MetaGoblin
Views: 29,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: World of Warcraft, Warlords of Draenor, 6.1, paladin, lore, story, game, nobbel87, Raid, Blackrock Foundary, Highmaul, Guide, Strategy, Tactics, Normal, Heroic, Mythic, Challenge Mode, Gold, Silver, Bronze, Pet, Mount, Farming, Dungeon, Garrison, Follower, 100, Power Leveling, Blackhand, Gruul, Resources
Id: cbiZ5xBmeA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2015
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