WoW Classic Launch Guide & Preparation

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Paladin gets a B for healing? He's losing his mind! And I'm reaping all the benefits....

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/yogie2 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

I love this man!!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

Haha I really enjoyed this. His voice is soothing I want a GM just like him. The end with the nachos made me lol thank you 😂

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Echeeroww 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

I'm never going to get a tidal charm =(

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/IWantYourSmiles 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey guys what's up man season here back with another video for you the world of warcraft classic release is approaching fast and everyone is scrambling to figure out what they want to do what class will I play what server server type how many diapers do I need to buy in this video I wanted to make a guide of sorts and build a checklist on how to prepare for the lunch of classic World of Warcraft and also just give you some tips in general so let's get the obvious stuff out of the way first starting with the class while I won't go into each class one by one the main thing I'll say is that the classes in classic are very niche it's not like the current game or if you have a tank spec you're just as capable as tanking as everyone else for example paladin's druids and even shamans are capable of tanking but warriors are seen as quote the best tanks in classic and as a result most serious rating gilts will focus their recruiting on warriors for healers priests are seen as the quote best and as for DPS retribution paladin's will have trouble keeping up it's the early days of mmo's where all of this stuff is still being worked out there earlier wasn't a standard so as a result the balance is questionable in a lot of places I am a believer that this time around due to our increased knowledge and skill things will be a bit easier and therefore guilds will be more lacs I mean people 5-man to nexia back in 2005 and that was pre AQ 40 so i'm pretty sure you can afford to have a retribution paladin or two in the raid but still in regards to raiding class balance or the lack thereof is definitely something to consider you can still find a guild as a DPS droid it's just gonna be harder and then say compared to a combat rogue so you got to stay realistic as well as you can see here I've listed each class and their viability as I remember it this is a super fast and loose description and it really doesn't do the classes justice in my opinion one of the cool things with classic is that these classes bring more than just ride DPS heals or mitigation to the table they their own and completely unique tools and buffs that still makes them valuable to any rating gilt for example druids bring innervate which is crucial and also they're the only ones who have a battle raise back then so pretty much every class has some unique aspect to them if you'd like a more in-depth preview and you have an hour to spare I do have a full class picking guide for you in the description it's a tough choice for sure and with how long it takes to level and a level boosts it's a super important decision as well and the next question is always what rates to choose similar story going on here with classes again this is the age before hyper balance certain races will 100% have an edge over other races whether it be for PvE or PvP and it's another important thing to consider i go to example is always weapons specialization humans get increased skill to maces and swords back when he actually had weapons skill and this reduced your glancing blow penalty which were basically weaker attacks that resulted from hitting enemies that were a higher level than you it's super important for raiding and it's one of the most important stats in the game in fact as a result human rogues and warriors have an edge in terms of damage compared to other races and on the PvP side of things orcs get that passive 25% resistance to stuns which during classic is huge in PvP things were much more bursty back then and you could really die in a single stun so this is one of the best ratios in the game for PvP in the description I'll have a link to every single race and their benefits and again if you want a more in-depth coverage I do have dedicated videos for both the horde and alliance also in the description and the next choice is the server which can also be pretty tough well first you have PvE versus PvP which if you started after BFA will be new to you it's pretty self-explanatory though on PvE servers you have to manually flag to engage in PvP with other players and most owns and for PvP everyone can attack each other at all times with the exception of the starting zones due to the absence of flying in the game the world PvP scene as a whole is much more active you will run into skirmishes when trying to complete quests or farming a high-level spot or just traveling to a dungeon or raid the string of Fernvale zone in particular was always a bloodbath and the Blackrock Mountain will be the stage for many peopie's skirmishes what do you prefer is entirely up to your play style some love it and some hate it and just know that with no war mode it's harder to avoid really it's impossible if you take into consideration no flying and not just that but also stuff like cross your own grouping the game as a whole today has many workarounds and avoiding PvP whereas in classic your decision is made when you hit the character creation button another thing to take into consideration are streamers which is also a point of contention streamers are of course a new thing that didn't exist in the original run and they're problematic to some players a benefit to others and to some insignificant again it's another preference sort of thing every streamer has a different community some will have a negative impact on the game and others a positive one for example a negative that some people see are the rapid communities that follow them and a positive aspect are some of the events that they put on such as the dueling tournaments personally these days I'm more in favor of streamers because I like the events but I'm also a streamer myself so I guess not the most objective person to ask there do exist videos and some of the reasons why people avoid streamer servers which you may find handy I think this one by classic wins covers most of it pretty well and you can find that in the description there also exists a website called the void streamers calm that you may also find handy here you can find a full list of all of the bigger streamers and what impact that they have on the so do what you will with all of that so you got your race your class and server picked now what well now you need a name of course and if you're like me this is something you can spend hours on in the character creation screen so it's best to think of that now start making a list of your top names in order so you can get in there right away when the game launches and this depends on when you're watching this video but you can reserve your name two weeks prior to the lunch do not though and that you have to be subscribed which may or may not be worth it deal appearance can also be tough luckily though there do exist many websites out there that emulate the character creation options for classic a popular one is wow head so that might be something that you want to mess with before release especially if you want to pick a popular name and you're waiting that first day for those name reservations I'll have that linked in the description and another tough decision will be your professions is pretty advantageous I feel and level your professions as you're leveling your character in the game especially if you're gathering so if should start thinking about that now for the launch of the game I really like skinning because it's quick easy and it prevents a generous amount of silver from just venturing which will be crucial in the very beginning when things first kick off the economy will be growing still and you'll make the majority of your gold from these vendors rather than the auction house people can't spend any gold if they don't have it yet so I'll be grabbing skinning myself and get some extra money into level 60 and then switch to my normal profession and also make sure that you don't neglect your secondary professions that everyone can train and that's cooking fishing and first-aid as for what professions though it's another tough decision just like with the races and classes the professions are much more substantial in the game one in particular that'll give you a tremendous edge over the others is engineering they have a variety of bombs and gadgets that are super useful for both PvE and PvP and it's seen as the quote best because of that the other ones for the most part and don't really have an effect on combat and are just preference and synergy for example herbalism synergizes pretty well with rogues because it can gather faith leaf which is needed for the blinding powder and Swift vessel which they need for their thistle tea you'll save a lot of gold if you're an herbalist stroke again I did also cover this very thoroughly not to just turn this video into a plug for my other videos but it's such a broad subject and if we were to go over it here we'd be here for an hour so again if you want more detail with that I'll have another video for you in the description and answer another thing that you should sort out in classic there are no quest markers nor dungeon maps and many of the other modern conveniences that the current game offers you well I personally like it that way and we'll be forgoing that stuff you may find the game to be annoying without it so check out your favorite add-on site - curse forge and go through the add-ons and pick out the ones that you like and get those installed first thing a popular one is quest II which handles all of the questing waypoints just like in the current game so a lot of people like that one in particular and expanding further on then you can also mess with your system settings before the servers are up there's a button off to the right so set up your graphics and whatnot and definitely go through that as well and since we touched on it a bit there are some things that you should keep in mind with the new server especially if you're new to classic in vanilla you'll find that you need to train all of your abilities you can only get them from class trainers who can be found in the major cities and a little of the questing hubs and a big mistake that people will make is that they'll train everything depending on your professions you'll find that early on you'll be barely scraping along with gold so it's wise to look at each skill and only train the best ones for example maybe you can forego some of the hunter tracking in exchange for a new serpent sting or maybe the Warriors pummel ability is and all that crucial to level up right away since it's just some extra damage so just something to keep in mind super useful for saving it for your mount so let's talk about that as well get your 60% speed mount at level 40 and your 100% speed at level 60 and of course no flying in classic and you may have heard that it's quite a feat to be able to afford it at the appropriate level and it's absolutely true not taking any discounts into consideration between the mount and training 60% cost a hundred gold and a hundred percent cost a thousand which is a small fortune in classic you can get ten percent off by reaching honored with the appropriate faction and another ten percent from reaching rank three in PvP and which is quite easy unless you're using the auction house the level forty training is very tight usually requiring you to go out of your way to farm some gold and maybe level up your professions for a fresh server it's a bit more tricky because like I mentioned and known really has any gold to spend at that point you can pull it off I'm sure but it's just gonna take a bit more effort I always say that fishing is low-key the best profession for gold while leveling there are low-level fish that are super valuable and that high levels will be too lazy to farm and is always worth it if you saw an oily black Mouth school - go fish it up these are used for free action potions which is one of the best potions in the game even at max level the dv8 fish is used for the savory deviate delayed net which is one of the few appearance altering items back then also super valuable all this is to say though if you start saving early and watching your spell training and getting your professions locked down from launch you'll be in a much better position for affording your mounts and non training in some more miscellaneous tips here or if you plan on going hardcore in the lunch is to go for the title charm in the irathient zone located in the wanders right here is the NPC Prince Nestor Jack and he can drop a trinket called the title charm which stuns a target for three seconds due to the shortage of trinkets in general in classic this is insanely good particularly for PvP and it's something that's going to be insanely camp - even at the max level so if you plan on no lifing in and you're one of the first to reach level 41 ish definitely check this out to see if he spawned and in the same vein if you're a hunter you're gonna want to tame broken tooth back in classic before everything was homogenized hunter pits had different attack speeds spell pushback was also insane in classic so for PvP and the faster the pet the better broken tooth is one of two pets in the game meant to have an attack speed of 1.0 the other being a bad in this ogre upgrade which one a lack until phase 4 so as soon as he hit level 37 you should check out his spawn locations which can be found right here in the badlands and see if he can get lucky because this will be another thing that'll be super camped at level 60 but let's the outside of the game for a moment shall we into that scary place called the real world ah burns ah man well the gameplay sucks I guess the graphics are all right Oh girls never mind let's get back inside and sign up for mythic mode let's regroup and study up on other brave souls who have laid the path before us what you're watching is archive video footage from the original release of the game November 23rd 2004 so this surely has some useful information in it this is the world of warcraft at 10:45 we're still installing it we plan on playing for at least 12 to 13 hours we're gonna document it 12 to 13 hours what is this amateur bullet corn sope dean it what okay that's what I like to hear getting serious now and hey look they even picked up the collector's edition so you got to give them some respect and of course they've come prepared could that be supplies for today's a special event yeah now that's what I like to see okay as far as food is concerned your first tip is to get the most unhealthy stuff imaginable dr. pepper Doritos hot pockets this is fuel for true gamers the trick is to deny your body of real food the combination of constantly being on the brink of death and a non-stop diarrhea will prevent you from sleeping thus allowing you more time to get those precious levels [Music] my silk it's 3:40 what's your status [Music] like that anger because he keeps getting booted well then it's definitely the original release but take note no matter how pissed you get you never stop playing just pound another chocolate pudding Cup and get back in there and speaking of which though let's talk a bit more about your food of choice we're off to a good start here dr. pepper loves that DP Doritos chocolate pudding but your feces is still a bit too solid at this point just to be sure let's throw in some gummy bears some nachos and of course the go to staple taco bell of course having your mom order and deliver it to you we don't want any social interaction out do we diapers are also going to be crucial just because you have to go to the bathroom a lot doesn't mean you should be away from your computer however if you want a more long-term investment to save yourself some cash you may want to look into something like this and as for your entertainment of choice you have many options you always have the sweet comfort of Ford / Mad Season show to guide you along in your journey I've been completed my initiation and then participating in the capturing Olympics the sport of choice for any twitch streamer but that's about it the release of classic isn't far now I hope that you're leaving this video a bit more prepared and you're ready for the world of warcraft farewell for now we hope you enjoy today's you again [Music]
Channel: MadSeasonShow
Views: 789,504
Rating: 4.9032259 out of 5
Keywords: wow battle for azeroth, wow, world of warcraft, madseasonshow, World of Warcraft, guide, tutorial, how-to, walkthrough, World Of Warcraft: Battle For Azeroth (Video Game), World Of Warcraft (Video Game), wow classic, wow classic launch, release date, wow classic launch guide, launch preparation, prepare for classic wow, wow classic beginner guide, class guide, race guide, profession guide, 1.13, wow classic addons
Id: uceiYTC-aCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 07 2019
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