WoW Classic Deadmines Guide(Quests, Location, Bosses, Rares, Loot)

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[Music] [Music] none may challenge the Brotherhood [Music] hey guys what's up man season here back with another video for you I wanted to start a series where I cover all of the dungeons in classic World of Warcraft and not just the bosses because really a lot of them are pretty self-explanatory but also stuff like where all the quests are and how to get them maybe some lore and where all the response are if there are any and what litchi can get and where the dungeons are actually located and how to enter them and some of them are a bit tricky even requiring keys in some cases will go roughly in order from lowest to highest starting with the deadlines here and yeah I know that RFC and the wailing caverns are lower but I know that then mine's more so I wanted to start with this so first up we have the location the deadmines is level 17 to 20 ish dungeon the highest level enemy being 21 so if you can try to get people that are no more than four levels under that you do have a little more wiggle room with DPS but for your tank and healer try to get higher level ones if you can it's located and the Westfall zone right here in the town of Boone Brooke in the south once a small farming town but now overrun by the defias gang a group of footpads and thugs led by the infamous edwin vancleef who led the gang into open rebellion against Stormwind you can find the entrance to the dungeon through the mines following the path that you see here most of the dungeons in the game are guarded by a plethora of elite enemies so it's usually a good idea to clear through them together as a group and for this one patrolling outside the dungeon is a rare called the brainwashed noble will drop you a green bind on equip item before we head inside though let's cover all of the quests being in the heart of an alliance only zone as you'll imagine all the quests are alliance only there are three located in Stormwind City the first two are oh brother and collecting memories from Wilder Thistle metal located in the bar right here and the Dorton district these quests ask you to go to the undead mines just outside the instance and kill the undead for them minor cards and to kill his fallen brother Foreman thistle metal and ludus badge you can find the undead portion of the mines just outside the instance just hang a left across this bridge here the Foreman himself is located near the end of the cave system and again these are all elites so you'll want to bring a group another quest called the underground assault can also be found in Stormwind from the NPC's shown at the Shilin located right here in the Dwarven district and she asks you to bring back the gnome Spreckels frackin which drops off snood shredder who's the second boss inside the dungeon and we also have the defias brotherhood quest which is like the main one this one is at the end of a quest chain which starts and ends with grindstone mental located right here in Sentinel Hill and Westfall you start off by just turning letters back and forth from various hubs and eventually you need to find and kill the device messenger and then escort the trader through moon Brook to show you the location of the gangs hideout only then can you get this quest and at the same time you unlock the red silk band ends quest as well from scoundrel who's located at the top of the tower right near Grand stop mental and we also have the unsent letter which is a quest starter this drops from Van Cleef inside the dungeon of course and every party member will be able to loot it and Lesley we have one more which is exclusive to paladins they have a quest called the test of righteousness where they need four items one of them being the white stone oak lumber and jelly teas from the goblin woodcarvers located inside the dungeon in the second bosses room it's part of a chain that ultimately leads to this weapon and it begins with the npc Ithorian RAL located right here and the Stormwind Cathedral that's it for the quests next up let's get into the actual dungeon like I said this is my first dungeon guide and I think the best way to do it is to just go boss my boss and I'll also mention any trash mobs that are tricky in particular the dungeon itself is very linear so no words getting lost there are no ingame maps in vanilla but there are add-ons for that if you feel like you need them but your first boss is raucous or who's an ogre and I'll just show you all the loot that he drops as I talk about them but really there's not much to say again the bosses in classic as a whole are very straightforward and it doesn't mean that they're all trivial so to speak also the challenge just comes from pure execution of holding thread and healing the spiky damage and proper coordination with the trash packs with the earlier dungeons as you'd imagine it starts off pretty straightforward but as you get higher level things do open up a bit more but we're getting off track here back to racks or he just has a lot of health and hits harder pretty much he does have two mobs with them to his left and right and if you wait and he you can pull them separately but it's not a huge deal if you pull everything anyways one thing to keep in mind though with this dungeon is that for every boss you kill a Patrol will spawn behind you so it's prudent to backtrack a bit or just weigh this so they don't sneak up on you while you're fighting something else next we have a rare spawn and that's miner Johnson giggity right after rocks or you'll have a fork and to the left in this dead-end and Johnson will sometimes spawn and he drops the following items and again another tank and spank here but the next boss is Sneed and his shredder again pretty straightforward you can pull all of the goblins solo just to be safe and this bus is basically another tank and spank aside from the fact that he occasionally fears a player which is why you want to clear that room if possible at low health Sneed will actually jump out of his mech and start attacking you so just be quick to get aggro on him and burn him down as well once he's dead make sure you look the Spreckels bracket from the shredder and if you're a paladin loot the goblins for your wood and just like last time a patrol will spawn behind so go clear them out but next we have Gil made lots of trash to clear to get to him the engineers will summon these little mechs so try to kill them first and stun them and as for Gil med its another tank and spank once he's dead make sure that you cleared the patrol that spawns behind you this one spawns pretty far back though so you can do a few polls before they catch up in the room after him the whole be a lock to door with the cannon in front of it and if you have a rogue or a key you can just open the door to get in silently otherwise he had to go to this little nook and look some gunpowder and use the cannon to brute force your way in doing this responds some extra guards though and to the next boss is mr. smight this is actually a three-phase phosphide throughout the fight he'll stun the entire group and go switch weapons and the only thing that you need to keep in mind here is that he has to stealth two guards with him so you want to kill these guys first because if they're up when he stuns you you're probably dead so I'm just focusing down and if you feel like you need to you can pull them back aways doing this will increase the time it takes for him to get its weapons giving you more time to regroup and heal up between the stunts and next up we have cookie you can find them right after you go up the ramp to the bonus sort of to the left he patrols a small portion of the boat right here a pretty simple fight here as well just try to pull him alone he drops a really nice wand that your casters will definitely one and even a Siamese cat heading up the book though we have Captain green-skinned and the only tricky thing with him is that he'll be accompanied by two ads so either cc or bring those down first whichever you desire and as long as you don't pull extra ads you should be good and lastly hidden in the shadows is edwin vancleef the highest level enemy in the dungeon he's a bit harder than he first appears because he has to stealth drugs accompanying him you want to kill these rather than CC them really because at 50% he summons two more ads so it's best to take care of those before things get out of hand in my opinion other than that though it's just a large amount of damage on your tank just pick up the ads when they spawn stay on top of heels take them out and loot his head and get your quest starter and hopefully by now you've looted all of your bandanas from all the trash in the instance if not there are more defy asan the deck below and heading east is the actual exit of the dungeon if you prefer to run out as a group and that's it those are the deadmines in a nutshell all of their quests bosses rares and looted like I said this is my first dungeon guide and these earlier ones are kind of straightforward but it's still one to cover them and mainly for the quests they do get more complex the higher level they are the most labyrinthine ones probably being the Blackrock depths or the sunken temple so I think those will make for more interesting videos hopefully I plan on covering all of them as we get ready for the release of classic so if you have any suggestions by all means let me know in the description I'll have my whole playlist linked so definitely check that out if you found this video handy and you plan on doing more I hope that this video did help though like it if you liked it and I'll see in the next one peace [Music] farewell for now mortals we hope you enjoyed today's video so you will get soup you
Channel: MadSeasonShow
Views: 211,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow, world of warcraft, madseasonshow, World of Warcraft, guide, tutorial, how-to, walkthrough, World Of Warcraft: Battle For Azeroth (Video Game), World Of Warcraft (Video Game), wow classic, wow vanilla, wow classic deadmines, wow deadmines dungeon, wow deadmines quests, all quests, bosses, deadmines loot, wow vanilla dungeon guide, classic deadmines location, deadmines entrance, vancleef, rhahk'zor, mr. smite, cookie, miner johnson, brainwashed noble, sneed, gilnid, deadmines rares
Id: ChIeu3kvE4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2019
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