Patch 10.2 ULTIMATE Gearing Guide - Get Item Level 480+

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hey folks this is Kanani season 3 of dragonfly is finally here bringing us a brand new round of gearing opportunities and higher item level rewards there are a lot of changes when compared to season 2 and if you're coming back to the game after a break there are a lot of systems that might be confusing we have more options to gear up when compared to pretty much any other time in W's history but with so many options it can be hard to keep everything straight so we're going to break down every gearing option how far you can get what's worth your time investment and which sources of gear are the easiest to chase after so here's our season 3 Ultimate gearing guide and how you can get up to item level 480 and Beyond now before we jump in be sure to hit up that like button and subscribe so you never miss another video to start with let's quickly go over the upgrade system in season 3 because there are some very important differences when compared to season 2 and if you're returning to the game after a long break this whole upgrading thing might be a bit overwhelming there are three parts to the upgrade system the gear itself the flight Stone currency and the various different crests that we need to collect just as with season 2 almost every piece of gear that drops at endgame whether it's from the new Zone dungeons weekly quests and events or from the raid it always comes with a tag and an upgrade level for example this piece of gear from a weekly quest in the emerald dream zone is item level 441 it has the veteran tag and its upgrade level is one of eight that means we can upgrade this item seven times for a Max upgrade level of 8 of eight increasing its item level as we go the system is set up so that the different tags or upgrade brackets actually overlap I'll pop a chart up on screen for you to better illustrate this we have Explorer Adventurer veteran Champion hero and myth tracks Explorer gear ranges from 415 to 437 but then Adventurer starts at item level 428 which is halfway through the Explorer track the main reason reason for this is to ensure that no matter what piece of gear you get or where you get it from you will always be able to upgrade it a minimum of four times if something dropped at 7even of eight there wouldn't be much room left to grow with that item but because you enter a new bracket or upgrade path every four steps all of your gear will have some great potential to be upgraded so you will never see an item drop at five of eight that would instead be one of eight on the next track the main two exceptions here are the hero track which has been extended in season 3 to a maximum of six upgrades as well as the myth track which only has four upgrades this does mean that all of your gear will have a cap on how far it can be upgraded and to further increase your item level Beyond those caps you'll need to do higher tiers of content to get new pieces of gear to enter those higher upgrade tracks a flight Stone currency is a super simple part of this puzzle pretty much every activity in the game will reward you with flight Stones so whether you're doing story quests World quests world events weekly quests killing RS killing raid Bots running dungeons you you know as long as you're doing something at endgame you will be getting flight Stones you can only hold 2,000 at a time so if you're getting close to that 2K limit maybe start considering which items you want to upgrade and then the last thing we're going to need are crests there are four types of crests in season three weling dreaming crests Drake dreaming crests worm dreaming crests and aspect dreaming crests doing higher tiers of content will give you higher tiers of crests and unsurprisingly you're going to need the higher tiers of crests to upgrade gear in those higher upgrade tracks all of these crests attracted in your currency tab so they don't take up any bag space this time around Welling crests are going to come from doing World quests some rares all the world content Mythic plus Keys between two and five and the raid on LFR mode Drake crests are going to come from weekly events weekly quests rares Emerald Bounty events Mythic plus Keys between six and 10 and from boss kills in the raid on normal worm crests come from doing Mythic plus Keys between 11 and 15 as well as killing botes in a mcil on heroic mode and then the highest tier of crests are called aspect crests which only come from doing Mythic plus 16 keys or higher and killing bosses in the raid on Mythic difficulty you can also buy Drake crests and worm crests from the weekly Vault vendor if you decide to take tokens of Merit instead of a piece of gear for the week which can be a very important Source if you don't do much group content another new feature in season 3 is the ability to trade up your crests after reaching certain item level Milestones so when you have obtained the piece of gear in every gear slot that can no longer be upgraded using one tier of crests you'll be allowed to trade your crests up for the next tier so when you can no longer use Drake crests at about item level 463 you'll be able to trade Drake crests up to worm crests and then when you eventually get to the point where you can no longer use worm crests to upgrade your gear you'll be allowed to trade those up to aspect crests which gives everyone easier access to the higher tiers of crests as the season progresses and as you all Gear Up to trade up your crests you can visit vcan in the central encampment it's the same vendor that lets you trade down your crests as well if you can't see a trade up option here it just means you haven't reached the right break point or item level to trigger the trade up system it's also worth noting that you can only earn a certain number of crests of each type per week if you hover over a Crest in the currency tab it will tell you your season maximum as the weeks go by this cap will increase by 90 per week so we are limited on how many we can get or how quickly we can upgrade our gear the good news is that if you cap on a higher tier of Crest but still want to do that same level of content the game will start rewarding you with the next tier down of Crest instead so if you're doing content that rewards you with worm crests and you cap on worm crests any future content that would reward worm crests will instead just reward Drake crests as long as you're under your limit so you're going to get something useful even after you reach your current limit in any kind of content now the best way to see what kinds of crests you need to upgrade your gear is to just take your gear to an upgrade vendor when you plug it in and select an upgrade level the window will tell you exactly how many flight Stones you need and how many of each Crest type you need as well if you then hover over each Crest the game even gives you some examples of where those crests come from I would always select the max 8 of8 upgrade for any item you want to plug in just to see what you would need to upgrade it all the way what item level you can currently get to and whether or not it's worth using your currencies on the entire upgrade system also has catcher mechanics baked right into it it will track the highest item level piece of gear you have for each slot and if you are upgrading an item that is below the highest item level for a given slot you'll get a massive discount on your flight Stone and Crest costs so if you get a better item for a slot you have already upgraded maybe a powerful trinket or just something with your perfect stats upgrading that side grade should be super quick easy and cheap which means you're never really wasting any of your upgrade materials because any future items for that slot will be significantly cheaper the flight Stone discount even applies to your alts which makes it even easier to play and maintain multiple characters so now that we got the upgrade system all squared away let's check out some of the gearing options that every kind of player will have access to in season 3 of dragonfly to start with progressing through the story quests in the emerald Dream Zone will give you a lot of lowlevel Explorer gear around the 415 to 420 item level Mark so if you're brand new to the game or trying to gear up a fresh old these could help you get caught up in item level and help you in other types of content you're probably working through the story quests anyway for the various other rewards and campaign progress after you've worked through the story for a little bit you will unlock World quests which can also offer you Explorer gear but they also have a chance to reward you with Adventure Gear closer to item level 430 as well if you're relying on the lower tiers of Outdoor World content for gear I check what the world quests are rewarding every reset just to see if anything might be of interest and then there are also a lot of rars for you to hunt down which have a chance to drop item level 428 gear which starts on the adventurer track it's not super high compared to everything else but if you're missing a few spots in your gear this could help out the emerald Dream Zone also has a lot of weekly quests or events for you to take part in that rewards some pretty good gear the worthy Ally dream wardens weekly Quest asks you to farm 1500 reputation with a dream wardens and can reward you with up to item level 450 gear on the veteran track this Quest is also one of the ways you can get your we L splined spark of dreams but we'll talk more about that in the crafting section then there's also the weekly quest to plant five seeds that one rewards you with up to item level 450 gear as well and then there's a weekly Quest tied to the Super Bloom event which also rewards you with up to item level 450 gear on the veteran track so we have three quick weekly sources of Veteran gear from the emerald Dream Zone there's also a new world boss in the emerald Dream Zone to hunt down as well or restore the hibernator just popping over to the big purple world Quest on your map you can kill it once per week for a chance of Loot and they drop item level 460 gear on the Champion track so that has some huge upgrade potential as well so that's pretty much everything for the Outdoor World side of things but there's another very powerful gearing option available to everyone through crafted gear crafted gear Works in pretty much the same way it did in season 2 we have two tiers of gear that you can craft a lower tier and a higher tier for the lower tier we only really have one option to work with this time but it will give you very easy access to item level 447 gear which can be great for filling in some of your gear slots or gearing up your alts to craft this gear you're going to need an optional upgrade item called an enchanted weling dreaming Crest this costs you a few enchanting materials as well as a nent weling Crest you can buy that last one from an enchanting vendor for 30 weling crests so that's the real cost here 30 weling crests just like other Enchanted crests you will need to be an enchanter or get them crafted for you via a work order you can plug this Enchanted Crest into a blue quality recipe to bump its item level up to 447 the best part of crafting these items is that they don't require a spark so as long as you have the weling crests you can quickly craft yourself some 447 gear now the higher tier of crafted gear is where this system really starts to shine you can craft much higher item level gear and upgrade it even further providing you have a few key materials the first thing you're going to need is a spark of Dreams this is the main required ingredient and it's also going to serve as our time gate here we can only craft High item level gear as quickly as we can earn Sparks of dream there's only one way to get a spark of Dreams by combining two splintered Sparks of dream you can get one splined spark every week by completing some specific weekly quests the first one is a worthy Ally dream wardens you can pick this Quest up in the central encampment and you need to farm some rep to get that one done like we covered earlier you can also complete one of the weekly PVP quests in val dracken whichever Quest you do first will give you the splint and Spark for the week so after two weeks of quests you can combine your splinters together to form a spark that means we can get one spark every two weeks so it's not super quick but it will definitely pay off in the long run as a quick note there is a one-time quest in the central encampment in the emerald dream that rewards you with an extra Splinter for the first time you get a splinter so you can actually make your first Spark with just one Splinter after you hand this quest in so be sure you get that Quest done for your free extra Splinter now if you ever miss a week or get behind on your splinters there is actually a catchup mechanic baked in here whenever you miss a splinter you'll have a chance to loot your missed splinters while doing endgame content like killing raid bosses completing Mythic plus dungeons or even PVP wins until you get caught up so it doesn't matter if you start the season late or swap characters later on you can always catch up with your Sparks as long as you're doing endgame content to craft a piece of gear all you need to do is get your spark and collect the required crafting materials if you have the profession yourself you can just happily plug your spark in and craft what you need but if you don't have the profession you're going to need to set up a crafting order in val dracken so collect all of the materials for the piece of gear you want slot in your spark set a minimum rank if you're sending a personal or Guild order and hope there's someone available to craft it the Baseline spark gear starts at item level 450 and goes all the way up to 463 when crafted at rank five so you can craft yourself a new piece of 463 gear every 2 weeks which can help you gear up super easily in season 3 you can also upgrade your crafted gear by using Enchanted dreaming crafts which can take your gear up to item level 486 the enchanted worms dreaming Crest can increase the item level up to 476 while the enchanted aspects dreaming Crest can increase it up to 486 the nent crests required for these recipes come from the enchanting vendor once again and they're going to cost you 45 worm crests or 60 aspect crests depending on which ones you're going for using these Enchanted crests is super simple you either plug it in while getting your piece of gear crafted or you can take your existing spark of Dreams crafted gear and create a recraft working order where you can add the upgrade into the optional reagents so you never have to use more than one spark per pive gear just to clarify if that wasn't already clear to give your crafter gear an extra boost you can also add embellishments on up to two items there are a wide variety of bonuses and special effects from certain crafting recipes also count as embellishments so double check whatever you cra crafting if it counts towards your embellishment limit it will have the unique equipped embellishment 2 text in the tool tip you can add an embellishment by using the optional crafting reagent when getting a piece of gear crafted or by making a Rec crafting order as for which embellishments to add to your gear I would check your wow head class guide because they change from spec to spec and class to class but that is another way you can increase the power of your crafted gear and remember that you can choose which stats go onto your crafted gear by using a missive when crafting so crafting gear should always have your perfect stats too making it even better when compared to similar item level gearing options moving on season 3 also introduces a brand new raid amril the dreams hope as per usual The Raid can offer you some of the best gear available in the entire game especially with the upgrade system in play the gear rewards are also much higher when compared to the usual seasonal transition so pretty much all raid rewards will be huge upgrades when compared to season 2 gear Gear within a raid difficulty also scales so the bosses towards the end of the raid drop higher item level loot when compared to the bosses at the start of the raid we're looking for raid gear is going to start dropping at item level 441 with the end boss dropping item level 450 gear on normal mode we start out at item level 454 with the last boss dropping item level 463 Loot on heroic mode the rewards starter item level 467 and scale all the way up to 476 from the last boss and then on Mythic mode we're looking at item level 480 from the early bosses an item level 489 from the end bosses there are also special items scattered throughout the raid with even higher item levels so those will be a big power boost if you can get your hands on them the raid is also one of the only places you can get tier set tokens reliably as they can drop throughout the raid from the more difficult boss encounters the last boss also dropped an omni token just like in season 2 so if you can kill far rack you'll have a chance to get a flame touched curio which you can trade in for a t set piece of your choice at the difficulty level you killed the boss on this is super useful for filling in gaps with your set bonus and gives Raiders a big Advantage when it comes to completing their four set bonuses first killing raid bosses is also going to fill up your weekly Vault for this season we're going to need two kills four kills and seven kills to unlock the first second and third rewards respectively the Vault will give you a random piece of gear from the highest difficulty you kill the bosses on this includes both super rare items as well as tier set gear so an extra chance of those special items is always nice nice now moving on to dungeons season 3 will bump up the rewards of every dungeon difficulty even outside the Mythic plus Keystone system so normal dungeons will drop item level 421 gear heroic dungeons are going to drop item level 428 gear and Mythic dungeons drop item level 437 gear so even doing those cued or basic Mythic dungeons can be very rewarding if you don't want to jump into the endless Mythic plus grind all of this gear can also of course be upgraded but if you want to chase some of the best gear available from dungeons you to jump into the Mythic plus Keystone system this is where the rewards really start to shine running a plus two key will reward you with item level 441 gear and that's in the chest at the end of the run it only goes up from there plus 9 are going to drop item level 454 which is the start of the Champion track plus 17 start to drop item Buel 467 which is the start of the hero track and it goes up a little bit past that so if you can run those higher Keys you can get hero gear which can be upgraded all the way to 48 3 that is some crazy gearing potential for Mythic plus dungeons when you consider that you can run these all day every day and never run out of loot drops Mythic plus keystones are also one of the best repeatable sources for Crest farming and the higher you can push the better crests you're going to get which unlocks all sorts of upgrading potential for you so pushing keystones will be very valuable for everyone who wants to increase their item level the other huge bonus you're going to get from running Mythic plus Keys is progress in your weekly vault the higher the keystones you complete in a week the better your rewards are going to be for season 3 completing a plus two key will give you an item level 454 piece of gear in the vault and that's going to scale all the way up to the max reward of 483 which is available for players who complete plus 20 Keys during the week those rewards should also be two of four Mythic meaning you can upgrade them an additional two times to$ 489 so everyone has more upgrade options this time around a curious change for season 3 is that heroic dungeons Mythic zero Dungeons and even time walking dungeons will all contribute towards your dungeon reward Row in the weekly Vault so you can get a weekly reward just by running heroic dungeons which means it's easier than ever before to get some upgrades in your weekly Vault the rewards won't be anywhere near as high item level when compared to Mythic plus keystones but it's going to be better than nothing and then last but not least we come to PVP PVP gear is a bit weird because it has an item level as well as a PVP item level the normal item level is what the gear will be in any other type of content while the PVP item level is just for PVP this basically just makes PVP gear much more powerful in PvP when compared to gear from any other source so if you want to PVP make sure you've got some PVP gear equipped you can get 431 Adventure Gear by farming bloody tokens and handing those into the field master emath in the valren PVP building bloody tokens come from killing players or completing PVP wqu quests with war mode turned on there's a higher tier of this gear which requires trophies of strife to buy you need trophies and more bloody tokens which you can turn into militia to buy 450 veteran gear trophies of strife come from a weekly PVP quest in the same building that asks you to collect Sparks of life this does require War mode and will pit you against other players most of the time so be prepared to do some battling you can then also buy them from militia for 3,500 onor a pop so very expensive but only if you fall behind the rising weekly cap then we have honor gear which starts at item level 415 will cost you honor toay purchase honor can be gained from any PVP activity the next bump up is rated gear or Conquest gear which will cost you Conquest to purchase you can get the conquest currency from rated PVP activities and various first win rewards in other PVP content remember to check the PVP item level of any PVP gear you're wanting to collect and upgrade because that is the most important part if you're going to actually PVP for the most part upgrading PVP gear doesn't actually increase its PVP item level only its PVE item level so keep that in mind earning honor in rated PVP content will also fill up your PVP weekly Vault row giving you another option to get some shiny gear every week on reset day you should also know that if you don't get a good piece of gear from your weekly Vault choices you can still get something worthwhile at the bottom of your Vault screen you'll have the option to take some tokens of Merit instead of a piece of gear you can get up to six tokens per week if you have three or more Vault options available you can spend these tokens at the vendor right next to the Vault to buy flight Stones Drake crests worm crests gold an item that adds sockets to a season 3 piece of gear and a splinter spark of dreams if you don't take part in content that rewards you with worm Crest this will give you access to those and this is the only way to reliably get sockets for your gear so the weekly vault is always worth filling up each week even if you only do some heroic dungeons to max out the dungeon row now a super important system that's changed in season 3 is the Revival Catalyst the Catalyst allows you to turn a piece of seasonal gear into T set gear giving you access to your two two set and four set bonuses without having to do the raid to use the Catalyst you're going to need two things a piece of seasonal gear and a catalyst charge the charge is the easiest thing to get you just have to wait we start with one charge when the Catalyst becomes active and then we'll get one charge every 2 weeks the gear is a bit more complicated because only certain types of gear can be used anything you get from the new raid from Mythic Plus or from R PVP can all be used in the Catalyst any rewards from the weekly quests in the emerald dream also seem to work and any loot from the new world boss should work as well there may be a few other sources that work but these are the ones that I know about for sure the big change for season 3 is that we would usually have to wait 6 weeks for the Catalyst to become available in a new season but for season 3 it is active right away which means you can go create your first tier set piece right now as long as you have an appropriate piece of gear we'll get one charge every 2 weeks so we be able to create a new piece of tear gear every 2 weeks from here on out if you're planning on doing some some endgame content this season there's an important achievement that you should know about the dragonflight season 3 Master achievement rewards you with a token that you can trade in for a piece of tier set gear at the heroic raid item level of your choice this is perfect to finish up your four set because you have full control over which item you get so if you want to minmax your T set acquisition I would save this token until you obtain three pieces of tet gear from other sources to complete this achievement and earn your token you need to kill the last boss in the Amir will raid on heroic mode earn 2,000 Mythic plus score or reach Challenger two in rated PVP content but that should cover everything you could ever want to know about how to get gear in season 3 of dragonflight so that's it for our season 3 Ultimate gearing guide how are you going to gear up this season we'll be trying out some of the dungeons in the new Mythic plus rotation maybe check out the amril raid or just stick to Outdoor World content and crafted gear leave all your thoughts in the comment section below a big thank you to all of our supporters over on patreon and to all our members here on YouTube you can see the names floating by on screen if You' like to add your name to the end of every video with a special shout out at the start of the next video you can find links in the description over the patreon or click the join button just below this video and if you want to see more videos like this make sure to subscribe and ring that notification Bell so you never miss another video thanks for watching folks good luck and have fun and as always I will see you next [Music] time
Channel: SignsOfKelani
Views: 225,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow gearing guide, dragonflight gearing guide, dragonflight season 3 gearing guide, patch 10.2 gearing guide, gear, gearing, guide, patch 10.2, wow, dragonflight, how to gear up fast, wow gearing, how to get item level 480, ilvl, item level
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 37sec (1417 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2023
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