WoW Burning Crusade Classic Class Picking Guide

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Don't even care what the video is about, just wanna listen to madseason talks until I fall asleep

👍︎︎ 43 👤︎︎ u/fjolnir030 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

Want to pve? Hunter and warlock

Want to pvp? Rogue mage warlock

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/PlatedGlassDoor 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

I like that he highlighted only the positives and new additions. He didn’t give the doomer take about melee like some people do, which just feeds into the self fulfilling prophecy.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Zhurion 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

It's a great video because it hyped me a lot for TBC

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/sestral 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

I did look entire video and enjoyed it.

I think that I am starting to get ready for possible (even probable) TBC classic

For me the journey of World of Warcraft started from Burning crusade so it would be fun to relive as an actual experience to enter the dark portal.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/arxroth 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

Thanks for sharing I love this guys vids but didn’t see he posted this

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/guttterflower 📅︎︎ Dec 11 2020 🗫︎ replies
  • Many more items/spells to generate or reduce threat.

  • New personal and allied defensive spells.

  • 13years of theorycrafting

Classic TBC community: Prot paladins are not viable dungeon tanks...

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/dealitwith 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] you are not prepared after all that's why you click this video right the burning crusade is coming and you are undecided of your main class i can't really say that i blame you i'm sure many of you have played vanilla classic and you'd of course know that the classes are much more clear-cut you want a tank you pick a warrior you want to be the best healer roll the priest best dps warrior smallest wiener size mage over a year ago i helped guide you in your class choice for vanilla classic and many people have requested the same thing for bc so i've returned now at the turn of the tides i'll tell you right now though it'll be a tougher choice these classes all have roles as they do in vanilla but it's not as extreme and the disparities between them are lessened now there's not a clear cut winner for tanking or healing or whatever there are no more quote useless specs that have been weaned out of the meta and vanilla and not just through damage healing or damage mitigation as you'll see there are a bunch of these little buffs and debuffs that weren't bringing at least one of these specs along to the raid usually they're all still unique in their own right but they're much more competitive those disappointed that shadow priests didn't see much use in vanilla classic raiding will rejoice in the fact that they're quite important for bc hunters have their time in the spotlight and those upset at the overpowered nature of [ __ ] frost mages will be just as upset because honestly they're pretty crazy in bc too when people think the burning crusade they think of hallmark features such as arena jewelcrafting and heroics when in reality if you had to pick the biggest change it would probably be how these classes evolved and my goal in this video is to explain to you in what ways they have what they excel at and so on it's still the early stages of mmo design as you'll see there's still a lot of one-button classes in pve but still lots of evolution across the board something we have to address first though and i'll mention this throughout the video is that these classes are heavily affected by some of the more broad sweeping changes to the pve and pvp scene in bc for example the raids are reduced to 25 man and debuff slots are increased from 16 to 40. therefore you have much more freedom in applying debuffs and dots to bosses anyone who's raided in vanilla and those that hunters don't want to use serpent sting shadow priests don't want to use shadow word pain and certain items are frowned upon because they take critical debuff slots so due to this decreased rate size and increased debuff cap you have way more freedom to actually play your class in bc this opens up the door to warlocks using dots feral druids using bleeds and much more and speaking of freedom you see support for each spec not only through class balance but also through itemization those who played vanilla know that the armor sets were all designed for just one spec per class for example every tier set for warriors was designed around tanking and dps warriors had to get a random mishmash of offset pieces to support their play style it was the burning crusade is when they added multiple versions of tier sets for each and every spec providing the appropriate stats and also said bonuses for both pve and pvp in the raiding scene melee in general have a tougher time as they have more cleaves and aoes to dodge i think this has always been the case with the game to some extent but bc has the reputation of being pretty unfriendly to melee classes in particular so something to keep in mind there world buffs are nerfed the meta in classic vanilla changes with world buffs for example hunters would be much better in comparison if the world buff meta didn't exist because they don't benefit as much from them they're gone in bc though with the exception of one which is huge in the realm of class balance shaman is now playable by the alliance and paladin by horde so if you wrote those classes off because you're a faction first kind of player they're now worth exploring and on the pvp side of things arena is the new endgame competitive pvp activity so you're going from these wide open battlegrounds to enclosed arenas with line of sight everywhere which has a huge effect for example hunters not being as strong as they were in vanilla in this aspect being one of them in an open field hunters and the dothraki can one verse one just about anyone so it's a much different story in an arena setting crowd control effects were nerfed to last no longer than 12 seconds so say so long to mages being able to indefinitely reset fights or grabbing a beer when you're getting chain sapped classes that used to rely solely on burst aren't as godlike with the advent of the resilience stat and much more again i'll take notes of all of this when the time is right but i just wanted to mention all of this now to get you in that mindset that it's not just your class that's changing but it's also the environment around you and i'd argue that's just as important as the classes themselves for the sake of keeping the length of this video down if you're curious about pve rotations or pvp gameplay i'll have some nice examples of both in the description for each class in spec may as well see those in action right so definitely check them out [Music] the hunter is the master of the wilds and isn't shy of exploring the unknown of the outland of course with the trusty companion by their side as you'd expect they have a focus on dealing out range damage and that's where they're the most comfortable but they can hold their own face to face if it comes to it they're one of two classes to have direct control over a companion pet with hundreds of families or variations to tame out in the wild and aside from their powerful ranged attacks they have a selection of traps to damage slow weaken or otherwise debilitate anyone or anything unfortunate enough to spring them they're arguably the masters of kiting in the burning crusade and fighting against them is like chasing the greased up deaf guy the beast mastery tree focuses on improving the combat capabilities of your pet and is far more powerful in the expansion marksmanship holds powerful ranged attacks and survival aptly named increases your survivability and also utility and support to teammates they received some updates to core functionality such as their dead zone this will largely depend on how blizzard does bc classic as this was in patch 2.3 but the hunter's dead zone was nearly eliminated as you may know in vanilla if enemies get too close to you you're unable to shoot or use most ranged abilities as they have a minimum range and of course there is a maximum range to your melee abilities so you have this gap where you can't melee nor shoot this is called the dead zone and keeping enemies out of it is delicate and often difficult to do in the burning crusade however it's removed since the minimum range for shooting has been drastically reduced giving them much more freedom than their vanilla counterparts traps are now usable in combat which is huge it makes for a much more fluid gameplay style and as a result you'll be using them far more often compared to your past self in vanilla with new lands comes new wildlife and our land offers a wide variety of new companions waiting to be tamed they now receive a percentage of the hunter's armor attack power stamina and so on covering up a major weak spot in vanilla of pets not scaling with you as you gear up ravagers are highly sought after for pve dps warp stalkers have increased mobility with their warp skill and much more plenty of variety and different looks to choose from in the outland can you become the next pokemon master a pet peeve of yours during vanilla may be the fragility of your companion whether it be from pve or pvp as they die quite quickly to incidental aoe damage you'll be happy to know that one of the many new pet talents is avoidance which decreases area of effect damage taken by 50 they're not immortal and you still have to keep an eye on them but overall a huge improvement in survivability for ability roll call first up we have steady shot hunter gameplay and rotations in the pve scene in vanilla can be described as being pretty stagnant unlike many other classes they have no filler spell and their gameplay boils down to auto shooting until arcane aimed or multi-shot come up depending on your situation build or activity this changed in the burning crusade with the addition of steady shot which has no cooldown and after a short cast deals moderate damage to an enemy more so if dazed today this ability is quite well known because due to its 20 scaling with ranged attack power it outpaced nearly every other hunter ability and top pve dps hunters would weave it into this macro along with kill command and use this exclusively as their pve dps rotation using the term lightly there it ended up being a dps loss to use anything other than this macro in fact of course excluding your big rapid fire and bistro wrath downs and trinkets i mentioned kill command already so let's cover that this is an ability that you use to command your pet to deal some damage only usable after a critical strike by the hunter with a short coil down mana was also an issue for hunters in vanilla i just said that the gameplay for hunters is auto shooting until your abilities are on cooldown but if you were to do that you'd find yourself out of mana quite quickly this was addressed in bc with a new aspect of the viper which over time restores mana becoming more potent the lower mana you are and many people are surprised to learn that misdirection was in the game as early as the burning crusade this causes the threat generated from her next few attacks to stick to a friendly raid or party member which is a huge help mandy class has actually got some sort of ability or passive to help keep their threat down in bc this is one of them overall threat is still a big deal in bc i think it was wrath is when tanks started getting it pretty easily but bc is still tricky and hunters bring very high value with misdirect here and they'll want to use it on cooldown your trap repertoire has been expanded with the addition of snake trap which spawns several snakes to attack whoever broke it they're not really damaging but they do apply some hindering poisons such as crippling to slow mind numbing for cast speed and deadly for damage moving into towns here i won't really go over all of them because i want this to be a general overview but i will cover the new abilities and the major stuff first is ferocious inspiration which gives your party a damage buff after your pet scores a critical hit this is one of the many little buffs that many specks bring as you'll see blizzard wanted a more even representation of the specs across the board and they didn't do this just by increasing the damage or covering weak spots they did this by giving various party buffs so inevitably when some specs would fall behind there's always a reason to bring them people describe this as bring the class not the player and whether that's a good thing or a bad thing is really up to your preference but moving on in beast mastery you gain the beast within it basically copies your beast jill wrath effect onto the hunter increasing damage reducing mana cost and making you immune to crowd control marksmanship hunters gained silencing shot in vanilla they lacked any sort of way to interrupt casters excluding scatter and intimidation so this covers up a weak spot obviously pvp oriented here and survival get readiness which instantly resets the cooldown of all other hunter abilities sort of like the rogue's preparation so rapid fire vein death traps everything survival also gets a crucial supporting debuff called exposed weakness which causes your crits to increase the attack power of all raid members by a portion of your agility and many raids would run one survival hunter for this debuff alone overall hunters are very well represented in the burning crusade you may have heard for many that they're one of the top dpsrs their beast mastery spec shines through in pve content making use of that steady shot macro as described earlier some will say simple others boring but nonetheless very powerful survival is also important it's not as potent as beastmaster but that debuff brings valuable support and they'll always be wanted for that and marksman hunters will find their nation pvp due to their high burst damage and add control although that won't be the only spec that you see in arena but overall the hunter becomes much more versatile in the burning crusade a lot of that clunkiness was washed away sometimes it feels like you have concrete shoes with traps not usable in combat or the extreme dead zone and pet fragility and players who wrote them off because of these things may want to give them a second look in the burning crusade extremely powerful and pve very capable in pvp regardless of your preferences an appealing choice to be sure war war never changes since the dawn of humankind when our ancestors first discovered the killing power of rock and bone blood has been spilled in the name of everything from god to justice to simple psychotic rage war never changes but warrior on the other hand is quite a bit in the burning crusade there's still the plate wearing juggernauts you've come to know and love sometimes it just feels good to hit things i feel like a description of the warrior class is pretty unneeded they're the most straightforward archetype in any rpg you wear heavy armor wield big weapons and beat people into a pulp until they rage like a loved one all to [ __ ] talk you i guess maybe if you're new to the game though in world of warcraft they operate on the rage system you generate rage as you hit enemies and get hit by them and you then use this resource to power your many melee attacks what weapons you use and how you use them however depends on your specialization the arms tree remains to be their pvp tree with the focus on improving their two-handed capabilities as well as some debilitating effects for pvp although they do become valuable in pve as well as you'll see fury still prefers a dual wielding playstyle and is the go-to for those who prefer pve content and protection of course bolsters their defense and although there are up and comers in the tanking raman bc protection warriors are often seen to hold the crown of being the best single target tank with your wide variety a defensive base cool dents for ability roll call first up we have victory rush anytime you score a killing blow you get some free rageless damage to keep the kill streak going but do note that this is before it healed them in any way warrior mobility sees an overall upgrade with the addition of the intervene spell which allows you to charge towards an ally and take the damage and effect of the next hostile action towards them mobility wise this is crucial for quick escapes or closing the gap if an ally is positioned favorably near an enemy and for the most sharp if timed correctly can be used to take critical abilities such as kidney shot to name just one warriors who've been bullied relentlessly by coward two-button frost mages will generate more real-life rage to learn that it's still pretty much the case in bc but you can at least hit one button now instead of just afking to wait for your inevitable demise and that's spell reflect only usable with the shield this will reflect one spell cast on you within the next five seconds with just a 10 second cooldown which is pretty crazy it gives them some way to defend themselves against spellcasters of any kind our pea-sized brains are strained with the addition of a new shout commanding shout gives you the option of increased health but you must choose this or a battle shout not both unless you have two warriors in the party of course talent specific abilities include rampage for fury which after scoring a critical hit allows you to stack attack power for 30 seconds arms wars on the other hand don't get a new ability unless you count death wish being moved from the fury tree but they do get the important blood frenzy talent which gives your bleeds a raid wide 4 increased physical damage taken by the enemy so it's never a bad idea to have an arms warrior and raider for this alone another important one to mention is mace specialization the burning crusade is when warriors became infamous for their mace stun this talent received a buff and it procs all the time and looking up old warrior arena videos and burning crusade usually they'll be using a mace because it's just stupidly good and protection warriors get devastate which deals some damage and stacks as under armour tanking in vanilla boils down to bloodthirst on cooldown assuming very proud here then revenge when it's up heroic strike for rage dump and either sunder armor or battle shout is filler this is a game changer because it's an actual damaging no cooldown ability that you can use between revenge's making it feel like you're doing more than just holding threat and it makes tanking feel a little bit less awkward combine this with the huge buff to shield slam damage and also general increased boss damage the sword and board takes the crown back from fury prod as the tanking spec in bc warriors grow a lot in the burning crusade a lot of what they lack in vanilla seems to get addressed with the biggest being mobility with intervene spell reflect to help them against casters and some serious self-healing through second wind which is going to be a must for any pvper tanking feels really nice with the addition of an actual damaging skill with no cooldown they do very well in pve pvp they're still kings due to their burst and the healing debuff from mortal strike that's still unique to them and tanking they're as good as ever they're represented well in just about every role that they are intended to fill and are a very good choice for players who want to strive in both pvp and pve dps or tanking the masters of hurricane frost and fire mobility crowd control damage utility defense aoe single target the mage seems to adapt to just about any situation before them and you'll never find someone saying nah don't take a mage they suck the spellcaster archetype is as old as the fantasy genre in the world of warcraft they have a focus on three schools of magic fire frost and arcane and each have their own unique effects and play style and aside from being heavy damage dealers they also bring great support to allies through the use of buffs crowd control effects conjured food and water and portals to major cities and throughout vanilla due to all of this they are one of the most prolific classes whether you choose to control and freeze your enemies through the pvp-oriented frost tree or nuke through raids through the power of fire and arcane they just always seem to be amazing in any expansion for both pve and pvp and the same is true for the burning crusade spell steal will take a beneficial magic effect on an enemy and put it on yourself for two minutes maximum no cooldown this turns mages into super dispellers and its uses for pve and pvp are obvious steal a paladin pop powerful damage buffs druid heals enemy mage absorbs it's insane they also get the invisibility spell it works as a pseudo stealth it removes you from combat and makes you invisible to enemies and you can only see other invisible mages this is one of the many threat drops added to the game that i mentioned earlier vending machines will rejoice to learn that the burning crusade is when they get the refreshment table that's right no more handing out food and water one by one to a full raid simply have two other players there to help you summon the table and they can take what they want molten armor is a new buff that increases your crit reduces your chance to b crit and deal some damage to attackers you of course have to choose between this and your other armor spells those who love the arcane fantasy of mages have their time to shine in the burning crusade with the new arcane blast spell although the arcane tree does see much use in vanilla classic it's used more as a support for fire and frost abilities really and arcane missiles the intended damage spell for the tree hardly sees any use at all arcane blast on the other hand is very powerful each time you use it it has a reduced cast time but increased mana cost so it's a mana hog and you have to be careful not to go too overboard ice lance makes its debut in bc dealing very minimal damage baseline but increased threefold against frozen targets this combined with chatter and gives incredible bursts and with its 30 yard range replaces cone of cold in that shatter combo in vanilla frost mages are incredibly bursty but a downside is that they must stay stationary to get that damage or expose themselves with kona cold having a 30 yard range instant cast spell gives more mobility to a class that already excels in kiting which is particularly deadly even more so when you consider the water elemental this can be obtained at the end of the frost tree it's a pet that'll not only attack your target but also give you a ranged frost nova on a 25 second cooldown so combine all of this with spell steel visibility ice lance and high burst frost may just grow even stronger than they once were in vanilla classic which is hard to believe and pisses me off because i'm a warrior icy veins is a dps cooldown for frost mages only added in patch 2.3 grinding casting speed and preventing pushback for 20 seconds so another ability that may or may not be in the game at release depending on how they do tpc classic arcane mages find the slow talon in their tree which works in three parts reduce movement speed casting speed and increases the time between attacks by fifty percent with no cooldown fire mages get a bit more control with dragon's breath as you may know this is the glass cannon spec in vanilla full on damage but if people catch you you're pretty much a goner this deals some damage and disorients enemies in a cone area to give you a bit more cc to a spec that's starved of cc overall the mage just categorically improves in just about every aspect in both pve and pvp pvp in particular with some added danger and utility with spell steel more damage on the move with ice lance control with the water elemental and slipperiness with invisibility fire and arcane are the pbe specs with arcane taking over when they get their tier v bonus and frost as explained is unmatched for pvp it's still pretty clear-cut what specializations you'll follow for certain activities and there's not a lot of crossover on either side regardless the mage is still as strong as ever and you really can't go wrong in pve or pvp the power of christ compels you to like this video if you're enjoying it so far the first healer on our list of course has to be the priest instead of weeping spells of frost fire and arcane to tear apart enemies they hold a wide variety of holy spells to replenish allies they're not left defenseless though and have a selection of offensive holy and shadow spells to protect themselves they have the reputation of having the most diverse toolkit out of any healer absorbs heals over time group heals quick heals big heals and powerful buffs makes them adapt to just about any situation and let's not forget those who dabble in the dark side and weave spells of shadow instead of healing a mixture of damage over time effects debuffs and bursty damage spells makes them quite dangerous in pve and pvp all the while still being able to pop out and throw out some heels in a pinch just about the only thing that a mage can't do only is your straight healing specialization which sole purpose is to increase raw healing throughput and mana returns discipline is more of a supportive tree housing many crucial buffs and improving the priests defense making them more appealing in the realm of pvp and shadow as described forsakes light for shadow and his wielders have an extensive collection of lincoln park albums mass dispel has the first new ability on our list removing one beneficial magic effect from enemies and one harmful magic effect on allies within a large radius even being strong enough to pop immunities such as paladin bubbles or mage ice blocks freeward formerly exclusive to dwarves is now baseline for every priest of both factions of course making the target immune to the next fierce spell this was seen to be too important to be restricted to just one race so i guess screw you to all of the dwarfs out there prayer of mending is a buff that you apply to a target and upon that target taking damage they're instantly healed and the spell bounces to another raid member at random up to a maximum of five times binding heal is a low threat flash heal for yourself and your target having quite a high mana cost and shadow feed makes its debut when used you summon a shadow fiend to attack your target and it restores mana to the priest with each hit they also receive the powerful shadow word death which is their execute it's instant heavy shadow damage only usable on targets below 20 health pain suppression is a talent that's found in the discipline tree reducing damage taken by the target and also increasing dispel resistance and an important passive they have is their improved divine spirit talent which gives some extra spell power based on the target's spirit stat most trades will run one disciplined priest for that alone and we have circle of healing which is exclusive to holy priests and it's an instant cast heal to a target and all nearby party members which is spammable but you will run into mana issues lastly a vampiric touch is exclusive to shadow priests it's a new damage over time that also debuffs the target giving mana regeneration to the priest and all party members based on shadow damage it's extremely important and along with her shadow weaving debuff which causes your target to take ten percent increase shadow damage at five stacks and misery which is five percent for all spells shadow priests become crucial in every raid tier in the burning crusade due to the added support if you've ever heard the term mana battery before it's probably referring to shadow priests they're strong as ever with holy being the main pve healing spec whereas discipline brings that support and outside of that favors pvp oriented players due to its defensive capabilities shadow as described as great in pve due to its support still dealing decent damage in pvp it's kind of hit or miss you still don't have dispersion nor any movement increases which leaves you very vulnerable if you get trained they're dependent on good peelers such as mages or rogues but on the flip side they do melt faces and their silence is untrinketable in bc five seconds of guaranteed no heals with the 45 second cooldown is insane also silence isn't on the dr until wrath which is even more broken so they have potential you just need to support them so the priest pve pvp dps and healing they have a lot of tools and are generally in high demand no matter your preference [Music] the warlock our third caster on the list the warlock has gained the reputation of being extremely powerful in the burning crusade in particular whereas the shadow priest merely adopted the darkness the warlock was shaped by it molded by it even most every spell in the repertoire is of the shadow magic school and their uses vary wildly whether it's straightforward damage from the hard cast shadow bolt your extensive arsenal of damage over time effects debilitating curses a wide variety of demons at their command or even supportive spells such as healthstone to heal allies or soul stone to revive them or the ritual of summoning for transportation the warlock is a great combination of support and damage the reflection tree focuses on improving their curses and debilitating effects with more focus and damage over time spells to give their enemies a slow but steady death demonology as the name suggests improves the various demons that you have at your disposal and destruction for goes utility and defense for all out damage one of the many glass cannon specializations in the game and they could really dish it out not only do they retain that great utility but they're nuking machines and pve and juggernauts in pvp and you'll see druids slash warlock and two so much that you'll want to vomit all over your keyboard new spells are seat of corruption which deals some damage over time to a target and explodes for aoe damage after that target takes a certain amount of damage so a really strong aoe spell here they also get a new armor called fel armor it's changed all over the place over the years but in bc it increases healing by 20 and increases your spell power similar to the mage table the warlocks get the soul well which if you have two people help you summon drops a clickable soul well that'll dispense healthstones so no more trading stones out one at a time another threat drop is soul shatter one of the issues you may have run into in vanilla was that she had the potential for high damage but due to threat sometimes he just had to slow down soul shatter is a five minute cooldown spell that drops fifty percent of your aggro up to all enemies within 50 yards incinerating is a new damage spell dealing some moderate damage baseline and some bonus to targets affected by your mla dot and for talents we have unstable affliction for the affliction tree this is another dot that deals some moderate damage and more importantly some heavy damage and a five second silence if it's dispelled so this gives you some great dispel protection you load up your target with dots and then throw this on top of it to protect them they also get a few key passives for raid support such as shadow embrace which causes your dots to reduce physical damage done by the target by 5 and male addiction which improves your curse of elements demonology warlocks get a new demon called the felguard this is quite a powerful demon having the ability to cleave and intercept stun in addition to its high damage and destruction warlocks pick up shadow fury which is an aoe that deals some light damage and stunts all enemies within the reticle for 2 seconds affliction is very powerful early on in pve not just due to damage but also those debuffs they later get overtaken by destruction though due to its fragility it's mainly a pve spec but top tier damage requires top tier gameplay get those fingers ready because your job is to use cursive elements and then shadow bolt so they have the bm hunter syndrome high damage but an incredibly simple play style but hey this is still mid 2000's mmo design what'd you expect demonology has its uses a unique thing with warlocks is that they tanked certain fights in the expansion but overall demonology went down as being a pvp spec paired with affliction you may have heard the term sl sl warlocks this is referring to a talent build that gives you siphon life and soul link a combination of steady damage insane tankiness and high self healing makes them very dangerous in pvp regardless you can bet money that it'll be one of the most prolific classes in arena and bc classic just about as much as the druid the jack of all trades and master of none the first class on our list that's capable of dps tanking and healing is the druid the masters of nature they have the ability to shapeshift into different animal forms to suit their needs they borrow a little bit from every class their tank form which is bare operates on the warriors rage system their cat form which is for dps operates on the energy and combo point system which you'll see soon in the rogue section and aside from this they hold a variety of crucial supportive buffs and abilities such as innervate for mana regeneration or critical strike to party members they're still the only class with the ability to resurrect teammates in the midst of combat and their healing style is unique because it's focused primarily on heel over time effects the feral tree is dual purpose holding talents that increase both their tanking and dps capabilities a benefit from this is that they can switch between both on the fly restoration holds a variety of buffs to make you a more powerful healer imbalance on the other hand is a spell caster tree providing boons to arcane and nature damaging spells even holding its own animal form to improve them further in vanilla they were seen to be one of the weakest classes overall in a community who's obsessed with min maxing a class that can do everything but isn't the best at it made them into one of the least represented classes in the game however this changes in the burning crusade as they become unrivaled in very important aspects whether it be in the realm of tanking dps or healing pve or pvp one of the reasons for this at least for healing is that it was the burning crusade is when multiple classes could have heals over time on a target this is true for any class with hots but i felt it most appropriate to mention in the druid category because after all that's their whole niche they're the heal over time class so removing this restriction alone was huge for all classes they drew it even more so they have a new heal over time called life bloom which also heals instantly at the end of its duration or if it's dispelled giving them some more power in pvp and it's stackable three times to increase its potency the reason why druids become gods in pvp can be summed down to one spell that's cyclone since its implementation the spell has become iconic of the pvp druid and for good reason this is a 1.5 second cast spell that incapacitates a target for 6 seconds making them immune to everything they can't move they can't cast can't take damage can't take healing it has no cooldown and can be chained with a total duration of around 10 seconds before dr kicks in and they'll go immune for 15 seconds along with their roots this makes druids the kings of control and they're represented very well in arena because of that lacerate is a new skill only usable in bare form and it puts a blade on your target stacking up to five times the feral druid is an up-and-coming tank in bc which we'll discuss later this is one of the reasons why they also get two versions of flight form one trainable and the other awarded after an iconic quest chain and lastly for baseline spells we have maim for cat form which is basically a weaker version of kidney shot it disorients the target for a longer duration the more combo points you use it deals a bit of damage but also breaks on damage so it's not as powerful as it's done but it still gives you control and sets you up for a shred balanced druids only get force of nature which summons three treants to attack a target for a short period of time an issue with balanced druids and classic vanilla is mana in fact you may have heard the term omkin before they burn through it incredibly quickly and this is addressed with the dream state talent which increases mana regeneration based on intellect and it brings some good utility with their improved fairy fire which increases the chance that the target will be hit by both physical and spells by three percent earl druids get mangled both for bare and cat form the bear form deals damage and costs rage and the cat form costs energy and awards a combo point and both increase the damage that your target takes from your shred and your bleeds by 30 bear form has a six second cooldown whereas cat form has no cooldown restoration druids gain tree of life which does several things it increases healing taken for all party members by 25 of your spirit but also slows you by 20 and you can only use the following spells the mana cost of these spells are also reduced by 20 and note that this heal isn't tied to just your heels it's all healing which makes them extremely important so balance due to their increased mana regeneration and damage is made to be more competitive with other classes you won't be topping the meters but they do hold their own and raids will often bring a balanced druid for their support alone her ultra dps is tricky because it's completely dependent on the player it has a complex rotation implementing power shifting and using niche items such as this level 40 helmet that you get in vanilla great feral druids can do impressive things but it requires about 10 times more effort than your average dps class and those looking for a high skill cap will love it barrel tanking as i've said really shines in the burning crusade i mean they can still do fine and classic for certain fights but they're much more commonplace in bc just like all these other specs they have good single target threat and when they're not tanking they can switch out and deal some damage for example you have some three tank boss fights well if you bring three tank spec characters only it's a wasted slot for the other two tank boss fights unless one of those tanks is feral and restoration is great as well due to that tree of life buff and remove restriction on hots on fights that require movement heals over time will always shine and restoration droods do well in the burning crusade so overall the druid will 100 percent be the class that sees the biggest increase going from vanilla to bc one of the least played classes to one of the most played classes surely as the jack of all trades master of nun design turned into a jack of all trades pretty damn good at all [Music] sometimes subtlety is the answer next class on our list is the rogue another melee class they hold a bit more decorum than the aforementioned warrior one of two classes with stealth they have the advantage of picking their fights and combined with the wide arsenal of devastating bursty attacks and cooldowns they can take people out before they even have time to react like the feral druid they operate on the energy system which generates over time and also the combo point system some abilities generate combo points up to a maximum of five and other more powerful abilities called finishers consume these combo points for high damage or powerful buffs they're a dual wielding class preferring daggers or maces or swords coating them with several different poisons that damage and [ __ ] those on the receiving end they're a very calculated class control would be the best word to describe them and they're just as deadly as their vanilla counterparts some would say even more so in fact assassination is a tree that focuses on improving your poisons and burst damage and highlights the use of daggers whereas combat is more of a swashbuckling in your face raw damage style not as subtle as the other specializations but it gets the job done and lastly subtlety improves your stealth capabilities and gives even more control to a class that's already the master of control deadly throw is a new combo point spender dealing some light damage at range and also slowing the target by fifty percent for six seconds additionally we have in venom which is another finisher that consumes doses of deadly poison equal to the number of combo points on your target applying instant poison and dealing some heavy damage anesthetic poison is no is basically a weaker version of instant poison that causes no threat shiv is an offhand attack that instantly applies poison that's attached to your offend weapon a nice way of reducing the rng from vanilla of poisons just refusing to proc sometimes and lastly for baseline is the cloak of shadows which has a 90 chance to remove and make you immune to all spell effects for 5 seconds at a 1 minute cooldown making them even more dangerous to casters assassination rogues get mutilated which deals damage with both weapons awarding 2 combo points and with a damage buff to poison targets and subtlety gets shadow step which upon use teleports you behind your enemy gives you movement speed increased damage and reduced threat at a 30 second cooldown note that in its pc debut this is only usable against enemies combat remains to be their go-to for pve and they do well competing for top dps in the later tiers especially when they get glaives of course but you might have to be a streamer for that one you may have heard back in the day that certain boss fights required glaive rogues to be able to beat the enraged timers in the final raid sunwell similar to vanilla subtlety is the main pvp spec through the calculated use of cool dents it's just now you have shadow step on top of it all which makes it the clear front runner for pvp many people say that they're the best in pvp in fact again i don't like using that word too much but i still wouldn't disagree with it search any bc arena tier list and you'll find subtlety in the s or a tiers usually assassination is sort of middle ground you can run it for pve in pvp and it competes but an issue they run into is metalate still requires you to be behind your target in bc which gives them a strict positional requirement in an expansion that's already unfriendly to melee it certainly doesn't help but it does have its place just like all of these specializations overall the rogue will be a very popular choice in burning crusade as it is in vanilla one of the deadliest in pvp due to their control and they fit with many teams and still competing for the top in pve at least in later tiers they'll be very prolific throughout the [Music] expansion [Music] put your faith in the light the paladin is the cousin of the warrior primarily a melee class this heavily armored crusader employs the aid of holy magic to heal allies exercise foes and bolster themselves their support heavy class providing a wide variety of buffs called blessings that provide crucial aid to allies whether it be attack power mana regeneration threat reduction protection spells in addition to this they also hold many different auras that are party wide and changeable on the fly to match whatever situation that they're in they also operate on the unique seal system these provide unique augments to the paladin's attacks and upon using the judgment spell are consumed for other unique effects for example this one returns mana when the paladin swings and if you judge it it copies that effect to everyone who hits that target and the same is also true with the seal of light counterpart they're the only class other than the druid that are capable of all three combat roles the holy tree improves the paladin's healing capability whereas the retribution specialization focuses more on offense with buffs and abilities to dish out some divine justice and protection as you would imagine is the tanking tree providing a wide variety of defensive buffs and threat generation improvements this has been the design since the game's inception in vanilla but many players have been disappointed to learn that it's primarily the holy paladin that was in demand protection paladins unfortunately suffer from mana issues and lack of a ton that stops them from shining in the tank roll and retribution simply a lack of damage luckily for you though like all of these other classes these weaknesses have been addressed and you have some options the first being their tongue which is righteous defense you use this on a player and up to three enemies attacking that target will attack you instead so it's kind of a roundabout way of doing it but it is a tan which covers up a huge hole in their toolkit from vanilla crusader aura is a party-wide 20 mount speed buff making paladins the fastest flyers in the outland and avenging wrath now an iconic spell for the class also makes its debut in the burning crusade in this iteration it's a straight 30 damage buff and the downside is that it causes forbearance which makes it so you can't bubble yourself for a minute it's also a magic effect which makes it susceptible to disspells and spell steel and trust me mages are just waiting for you to pop this thing spiritual detunement is a passive that gives the mana back based on healing taken or designed for tanking here obviously but it's baseline for every spec which definitely helps and interestingly enough there are also some faction specific spells for paladins and even before release these are already at the center of some controversy the alliance gets seal of vengeance which puts on a stacking dot with the judgement dealing holy damage increasing per stack the horde on the other hand gets seal of blood which causes attacks to deal an additional 35 weapon damage as holy damage at the cost of health and the judgment to deal holy damage as well which also deals some damage to the paladin zeal of blood is universally seen as being the superior scale thus horde paladin superior to alliance paladins by extension why well for many reasons it scales better with haste haste doesn't affect dots in the burning crusades so more haste for vengeance just means getting to five stacks quicker so it scales very poorly seal of blood does more damage overall and the self-inflicted damage is actually a benefit due to that spiritual attunement passive which restores 10 mana on healing taken this doesn't work with overhealing it must be actual heals so the seal of blood also gets an edge in mana regeneration which is important because seal twisting is still a thing in the burning crusade basically time your melee swings with changing seals to get the benefits of both it's more damage but taxing on your mana so it's pretty big in fact due to its poor scaling alliance retribution paladins don't even use seal of vengeance instead of going for the tried and true seal of command this discrepancy is so large in fact that some private servers actually share the spell between factions and people are calling for the same for the official re-release but it remains to be seen what blizzard will do my guess is that they'll keep it faction specific just based on how they've handled vanilla classic but we'll see and for spec specific abilities holy gets divine illumination which is a straightforward 50 mana cost reduction cooldown for the spammy parts of fights protection gets avenger shield which covers up another big problem with vanilla paladin tanks that's the fact that they don't have a range spell any prod paladin will be familiar with these items candles that you farm off of level 5 cobalts because you are simply lacking a ranged ability for pulling in vanilla this bounces between a few targets and dazes them and just begs for a macro tied to it referencing captain america in some way and lastly we have crusader strike for retribution paladins an instant cast melee ability that refreshes all judgments retribution paladins are very stagnant in vanilla aside from judging you just sort of auto attack everything always called them the netflix class you attack a mob switch to netflix come back loot attack a mob switch to netflix and rinse and repeat so an actual attack adds a ton of agency to their gameplay it also refreshes all judgments not just your own holy paladins specialized in tank healing in the burning crusade due to their high hps and efficient mana cost and returns if you paid attention to their toolkit though you've noticed that they've gotten zero aoe heal capability discounting the judgment of light so they fall short in raid healing but they're strong in their own ways blessings auras their ability to free themselves from roots and even full immunity lay on hands which still has that 30 armor buff if they're talented for it they're just more focused on tank healing is all for pvp they have their strengths and weaknesses they have high physical mitigation due to being played in shield wares but a lot of their skills require them to be in the fray which also puts them at risks so it kind of evens out there also aside from holy shock their heels are all hard cast which can also be an issue protection paladins overall probably received the biggest power increase they garnered the reputation of being the aoe tank in the expansion and for good reason with consecration and that aoe taunt and just a 15 second cooldown that's pretty much how they were designed they're amazing for heroics trash and raids and even certain bosses and raid tiers as i remember they didn't have a ton so give them a ton they run into mana issues so give them this passive it's not an end-all solution but if you're with the shadow priest you're in pretty good shape and you'll find plenty of protection paladins running around in the burning crusade as for retribution as described earlier this is the spec that's most affected by that seal of blood issue so it really depends on your faction they do well as i remember crusader strike is nice because it refreshes all judgments not just your own and they always bring blessings and auras just like any paladin and you don't feel like you're afk half the time anymore in pvp it's still pretty rngs so you'll have mixed results if you're looking for the ultimate form of paladins you're gonna have to wait until wrath where they go super saiyan in bc they're more on that ko ken [ __ ] and even though you have an instant attack now a lot of your damage is fishing for those seala command procs and your big dps cooldown is stealable by one of the most represented classes in bc arena even putting dispelling aside there are comps where they'll do well i think pairing them with shamans and windfury as soon as being quite strong but they're still getting into their rhythm and pvp and the burning crusade at least in my opinion it doesn't need to be explained further paladins received a lot of love in the burning crusade they're often seen as being the most broken in a lot of ways with most players relegated to holi but now all three specializations are a viable option there's always a reason to bring them winds be at your back the final class on the list is the shaman professionals in weaving the power of the elements they provide a diverse toolkit in just about any situation they operate on the totem system through four different elements the shaman can drop totems that provide critical buffs to themselves and their party members or debuffs and damage to enemies extra melee swings increased mana regeneration area of effect slows they have quite the arsenal at their disposal earth fire wind water and a little bit of heart go a long way their prowess in many aspects in the burning crusade is unrivaled thanks kevin elemental is the nuger from range the specialization focuses on improving your spell casting restoration improves upon your healing and support toolkit to keep your allies from harm and enhancement although they still take advantage of their wide variety of spells it's more of a melee dps centric tree preferring a dual wielding playstyle with quick flurries of burst this expansion changed shamans forever with the introduction of bloodlust and heroism which increases the attack and casting speed of all party members by 30 percent for 40 seconds at a 10 minute cooldown this class defining ability at the time like their totems affected only themselves and their party members but also had no exhaustion effect tied to it the spell alone makes an extremely powerful in the raiding scene and combined with their totems they remain to be the kings of support and in pvp many people are surprised to learn that it works in arena in bc which is insane i think it was cataclysm they did away with a lot of the long cool dancing arena and what new spells would you get other than totems the fire elemental and earth elemental totems make their first appearance the fire elemental dishes out some heavy aoe damage and earth is designed for pulling threat and tanking the wrath of air totem is another party buff which increases spell damage and healing of party members watershield is a new shield that increases mana regeneration and restores mana on hit like lightning shield it's only usable on yourself a nice quality of life spell is totemic call which instantly recalls all totems and refunds a bit of mana in vanilla when moving through a dungeon with patrols shamans always had to be careful of not leaving a straight totem behind to pull something by accident now you're clear with a simple click elemental shamans get to play with a new totem called totem of wrath which is a three percent crit and hit buff to all spellcaster party members they also receive a big upgrade in the form of mana regeneration one of their biggest weaknesses in classic is that they just burn through mana so quickly with few ways to regenerate it much like balanced druids they get access to a talent that increases their mana regeneration based on their intellect stat enhancement gets shamanistic rage which reduces damage taken and also gives your melee hits a chance to regenerate mana equal to a portion of your attack power and unlike the paladins of engine wrath this isn't dispellable they also get unleashed rage which causes your crits to increase the melee attack power of party members by 10 which is huge and lastly restoration gets earth shield which gives them a chance to ignore spell pushback when hit and also heals the bid and unlike the other two shields this is castable and friendly units dps rankings aren't as important as people would lead you to believe because shamans are great for the crazy amount of buffs and utility that they provide having five parade was commonplace regardless all three specs do well depending on the raid tier i think enhancement takes a bit of time to ramp up but the shaman as a class is always in high demand talking pvp here shaman of any spec are great since again bloodlist and heroism work in arena and you also have windfury totem grounding and much more great support so no matter the spec they have huge value from that alone speaking strictly elemental here though they're still the first machines as they are in classic but due to the resilience that as described earlier it's not as extreme their damage is also based off of rng with their lightning overload talon which is sort of like wind fairy for spells in vanilla their strength was that they were very bursty but also reliable since that burst came from the elemental mastery talent so this is dampened by resilience and the rng nature of lightning overload they still do well though and i expect them to be represented pretty well in bc as mentioned this is when enhancement finally gets their grubby paws off of the rightful warriors two-handers and switch to dual wielding with plenty of talent supporting that they also bring that nice attack power buff for the melee so again the dps of the shaman isn't what puts them in demand it's all of these buffs in pvp they're about the same tier's elemental benefiting from the same strengths and suffering from the same weaknesses bursty but rngs so if you go all in for a kill you better get it anyone who's played a restoration shaman in vanilla classic probably has a bit more wear and tear on their chain heel button well you better get another one because that's unchanged where the paladin excels at tank healing the shaman excels at raid healing and the chain heal spam becomes their biggest tool whether it's for dungeons or raiding extremely powerful and heals alone and in addition to the insane support makes them in many players eyes quote the best healer in bc in pvp they bring the same benefits from the enhancement and elemental shaman as far as utility goes their earth shield unfortunately though is dispellable and unlike druid in their life bloom there's nothing to dissuade people from cleaning it immediately this is also before the era of riptide so they suffer from that same issue as paladins as most of their heals being hard casts which is fine if you can juke but it does make you quite stationary and vulnerable in my classic video i said that those looking to make friends should roll healer tank or warlock and that still stands but for bc you can safely add shamans to the list and no matter the activity you'll find that people come to you to party with them not the other way around you are not prepared [Music] and there you have it it took about a month to make and a good portion of my sanity but there's a burning crusade class picking guide for you as mentioned in the beginning of the video these classes came a long way in the burning crusade there's no class north spec that you can deem as useless some are weaker than others and they'll always be a strongest it's just the nature of mmos but garner the days of the meme specs and pve rotation wise it's another story you still have some that you can play with the garage door opener let's be honest here but things are much more competitive compared to vanilla just like in my vanilla video i want to pull everyone on what they're picking that one has nearly 70 000 votes as of this video so let's see if we can beat that ultimately the goal wasn't to outright tell you quote the best rather more explaining the capabilities of these classes what they excel at where they fall short and a bit about their play style and hopefully by now you've at least narrowed down your choices again check out the rotations and supplementary videos in the description if you want to see a more in-depth look at certain classes and specs i hope you enjoyed the video like it if you liked it and i'll see you in the next one peace [Music] farewell for now mortals we hope you enjoyed today's video see you again soon you
Channel: MadSeasonShow
Views: 1,526,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow, madseasonshow, World of Warcraft, guide, tutorial, how-to, World Of Warcraft (Video Game), wow classic, wow vanilla, wow bc, wow tbc classic, rogue, hunter, mage, warlock, paladin, priest, shaman, warrior, wow class picking guide, wow best class, dps, tank, healer, 2.4.3, 2.4, wow burning crusade classic, wow bc classic, burning crusade classic class picking guide, tbc classic, world of warcraft classic, burning crusade changes
Id: k1h7-wh8dT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 50sec (3410 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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