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guys look at this a brand-new svj roadster I'm gonna let you guys in on a little secret the sdj roadster is gonna be the next car on daily driven exotics for me dave has no idea there it is right there I'm going to tell you a little secret the next DD car is mine it's gonna be a 720 yes I am trading in the 12c very shortly and getting one don't tell him I'm gonna have to sell a car to do that maybe which car who knows maybe you wanna Dave's cars do I get a coupe do I get a spider I don't know chip you just window-shopping get out of there by the way I love the shoes bro I love the shoes my shoes make me a compliment yeah what's with your shoes out on a race car you're in a vet so I'll get you like an awesome beef jerky well I'm a big Lamborghini doing an epic road trip you guys one of my favorite things to do is get out on the open road and have new adventures and I'll tell you with this whole coated thing going on I'm ready to go along for a little adventure we wanted to bring you guys with us so today we're taking the McLaren MCA corazon for a second say today he means tonight it is seven o'clock eight hour drive starting the road trip today we have a twisty epic road called the sea to sky highway you'll never guess why it's called that we're gonna go to Whistler British Columbia one of the most world-renowned places a ski snowboard it has a peak 2 peak gondola we hit the road we gotta get going did he come here to watch us window shop I came here to watch us drive like men so you're gonna watch me I just get in her Corvette Dean was always talking along that's kind of what he does and today it's payback time for you guys and for me we're gonna prank him if you remember Barney that beautiful purple SV well Lucas recently bought Barney through all this motorcars in the the surprise damn and be like hey I bought you a car something like that I'll see Barney he'll be so confused look like strike it's not for you who doesn't hit me [Music] all right we're now on the sea to sky highway pretty sure anyways Rosetta Vancouver a text loop that holds barred and said come join us David s Goyer days that lose his mind also bad because everybody wanted that car here's the thing he wants every single car ever go get Damon guys is the favorite road of all born my favorite car of all time you guys this is a sick-ass SP ever must be like what the hell's going on right now up [Music] well I know you guys can see why it's fun to see the sky we're starting every level we're going all the way to the mountain [Music] did you just randomly pull up now I think you owe these now you're just rubbing it in you know how much I love this car you look every no is this no I was this close to buying that car Jews Lamborghini guy all Lamborghini merch all the time dude Damon Max backs all this is my dream car isn't Manuel Murcielago is my dream car is that a Murcielago twin-turbo Huracan aha already I got I got a CA who's this asking me because of the hoodie that's a lot first and I said it's a lot for a vette there's no badges there's no bad time so have you I called you Luke it's rainy yeah to bed motel room thoughts were really cheap one more we'll kick back on we're not staying at the Four Seasons this room they have no we're gonna thank today sponsor listen up rake on earbuds are amazing they were founded by Ray J and check this out their little portable charging case is super convenient put in your pocket whooping mote when you're ready to listen to your favorite beat recom provides innovative earbud designs at prices that don't break the bank inspired by underdogs and big dreams ray khan aims to empower go-getters around the world by creating the next wave and wireless audio technology with its suite of true wireless audio products celebrities like Snoop Dogg cardi B jr. meth and Melissa Etheridge are huge fans of retail are you guys honestly I love my rake on here buds they come in various colors if you don't want black six hours of playtime and when you're done with them simply pop them into the case magnetic close the case and this will charge your earbuds up to four times full I've been rocking my rake on ear buds for a little over a month now the sound quality is outstanding the bass is even better and I truly have fallen in love with put them in and I don't even notice that they're in my ear so the whole hour that I'm crushing a workout getting 15 bucks by recon com4 / DD and get 15% off your order click on earbuds start at about half the price of other premium wireless earbuds and sound just as amazing go to buy rake on comm port / DD and get 50% off your order [Music] [Applause] [Music] all be romantic but I can assure you guys this is all just business for us I just text me and said I'm paying your Amex the four seasons was four hundred and eighty dollars is that right question hahahaha hundred reply and say Dave is boo she said ask Dave wrote [ __ ] back on so forth been an absolute failure you didn't see Barney yesterday though be happy but that was hot I should have bought mine you are that because you talked me out of it thank you Jeff don't apologize the guest the hotel but somebody here so revel [Music] so I found us a project car needs a little bit of work but I think we can restore what do you think Dave you know so far just your head David get fixed so what kind of car this is this is a Honda Civic this is a Ford Focus how do you know cam the top there there's the alternator oh there's the exhaust this thing is trashed somebody was out to have a little fun on the weekend how do you like in the road oh that bad did a switchback for intense K let's hit it pretty sure if that's a dam dam made by Nature well damn nature well done you know I gotta say I don't think many super cars come from here bunch of avalanche more designs of like active logging trucks and like you know that's got here was an issue with the third right now pretty sure there's no - nearby or even a gas station a problem the McLaren aflatoun again tunes awesome thank you good Tony however it burns a lot of fuel all those pops well that's dinosaur bones the cup beautiful decisions like bitterly there's a nature we have 4 hours and 18 minutes of this 329 kilometer shoe under outside the 200 miles of back road driving don't forget all these mountains are allocated like this is Adebisi Grand Canyon I've never seen anything like that I hope I'll carry the scale of this Oh a joke because the White Eagle wins but anyway is back and driving fitting place to stop this is a break check here as you can see we are here and her brakes go bang he goes you guys listen I know I know it's a c8 and it's got stock wheels and it's got no exhaust and there's nothing done to it stuff coming there's stuff coming I promise you we have some things coming this car is looking amazing [Music] soon we will have upgrades though for the Ciego wheels we got a suspension exhaust made a titanium quickly things are too good for day this exhaust is gonna be too good for the see a blob net is gonna have the most bad sauce ever created you can quote me how beautiful is this what an amazing Drive I can't believe Dave you've never driven this never this is a little better today the weather is dry even though it said it was going to rain so once again meteorologists are being overpaid aren't meteorologists anymore now there's weather men that use Doppler radars to give them a spit out so there's really take a lot of human palate how's the car right one issue or two touch the brake slow I won't touch the brake and they were super soft as one time is really weird whenever I come into a blind corner I test my brakes to make sure they're still there imagine that would be not good oops Oh whoa and right off the cliff and grizzly bear Street [Music] look in this corner [Music] yeah that's a cool look at that oh [ __ ] [Music] [Music] this is why I love road trips how epic is this like old western looking hotel oh where are we is amazing just getting out of the house and exploring your car won't start almost stuck in the drive-thru never accept the race from a guy with nice he's a huge fan of the channel I'm watch so James I bet the in Africa right now if you want randomly when I pulled up I was like hey check out this really cool hotel the Reynolds Hotel looks like an old western hotel hard work so he works there and saw strata Biden was like one of the odd or rewarding a punch him in the mouth right now if he won't hit you back do it hey Davis wants everybody to beat me up the ball inside airy corner ball on laundry blind corner a road got a little rougher little dirty little dusty definitely an off-road adventure [Music] there slowpoke damn what is this okay I'm curious I'll bite I'll bite I need to stretch my legs any out is it highland valley copper tailing storage facility I don't know I've never seen anything like that before on the ground rock particles left over after the process of separating viable metals from the mineral rock so they get the gold and leave this sand that's crazy dude hell I picked this road amazing this one over here if there's nobody out here it literally cut 28 minutes off our ETA guys let's do this more twisties sighs despite all my nickname is wedding of Oz mouthing cell one big open pit mine now that's a buy bagatti that is an open-pit and it goes way down that's insane that's one big open pit from way up on the top of that mountain all through up in there all the way down and that goes look how deep that goes straight into the ground Dave Coulter is for once and precious hopefully and that's what got any money right there what goes pass out all right we just finished up a gas top last one destination cologne these cars are getting a bit of attention everybody's looking better guys apparently they don't get a lot of supercars in marriage we finally made it to Kelowna Dave Dave always gets us lost sorry guys we made it to Kelowna we're at Mike Hall's house look at this place healthy massive first one has a six million dollar yacht now this massive house yeah this could be like at least ten million dollars and it's got a lake view oh let me turn my car off that's right remote on remote off they have no idea we're coming honestly you don't know if we can stay here but we'll get a hotel if we can't Mike has spare bedrooms he's no the through a pop buy her and stay here we're here for five nights finance no hotels like a thousand dollars finance here is free food is free friendship is free what's this you all stay here for like one to five nights more unlikely to get this back within three days it's been two and a half weeks here's your deeply we need a place to stay we got here a little early Mike [Applause] okay question do you take the McLaren the Corvette and the f12 and the cx-5 the x5 or do you take the house I want to know in the comments let's do a Mike Hall house tour Holly what is seriously what do you do are you like a drug smuggler because you're not selling that many cars no offense oh yeah really you're gonna sell that many cars madam must be the marketing chief of warranty what the hell's happening here this is on Jersey like whole lot of boo Jeana stool you play some ping pong fight for us but oh this is a legit view so you guys for real though do you take the house or do you take the cars you can have all the cars including the Mazda or do you take the house I'm not done check this out this crazy few room come come hold on hold on holy crap there's the AMEX your employer look at the screen you guys smash the subscribe button join the DD fam I'm super excited to let you guys know that this series has finally started with the F 12 air Kaufmann Dean mark it's gonna start it's going down before we know we're gonna have a twin-turbo F 12 which I'm super stoked because it'll be so much better than his EPS well it's just where is that man going you know it's 41 years old now which are probably 20 years older than you and starting to get a little you know dementia ride you a mine yeah so fun this is entertainment takeover right now okay guys okay I want to go right now let's let's climb the fence and just go how bad can it be looks safe they got hard helmets summer here you got a hard head
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 527,809
Rating: 4.9376578 out of 5
Keywords: lamborghini, ferrari, dde, daily driven exotics
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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