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[Music] if you remember me pulled me over twice in one day [Music] we think it the cars that get here quietly respectfully all right I lied [Music] [Music] whoa whoa I've already got the Santa Monica Police rolling through good morning guys welcome back to this episode of daily driven xotic we are starting Members Only rally here from Santa Monica beach what a beautiful Wow it's usually a little more beautiful don't worry right around 10:30 11:00 it all clears up this is an informal group little drive out to Monterey for Carlton we just really invited a whole bunch of friends and we invited some of the craziest supercars that you're gonna see today shout out to mark and Mitch at AG at 1:30 in the morning last night they did a Hail Mary and got the Murcielago on the road for me because before that I had no car my boy Chris brought the carbon Shawn how are you Luis well this is the lead car right here we had to get something special and thanks to Chris you brought this out for us all the insane cars here and everybody who owns them literally just all these guys on super cars and they literally just stopped for you this out so if you guys don't remember Chris and I made a video where we were at ship sector this crazy son of a doing half mile run doing a launch control we're having all sorts of fun check that video if you can find it in my list video the toys we got grace in curly Alex from CP everybody's showing up here [Music] Chris in the Bugatti man I need one of those I need one so bad coral in the Murcielago I was ruling through Santa Monica still a bit lonely I need some you know action with me and look who I found she's a big fat Islanders person yelling and I thought oh there's a fan because you know [Music] [Music] what does the screw [Music] [Music] how beautiful is this you guys welcome to Malibu whoa we're on the Pacific Coast Highway we literally have a highway patrol like babysitting us two cars back is a police officer on a motorcycle just following us stuff I think it's babysitting here that's all good that's all good we get it we're having fun too regardless we got the babysitters there's legit cops everywhere like legit right there we tassel 20 cops so far jump run out bro [Music] person person do you love it I actually really do love it you're taking care of it really surprised Oh that's it more cops more cops GTA 5 stars we've officially been on the rally for I'd say about 20 minutes we already got lost virtually lost there are many four car rally you got GG we got the composure and we have supercar suspects and we're put off on a side street Malibu's we've no idea where the hell we are [Music] are you doing because the babysitters [Music] that's awesome my own and right there get the free how do you have to pay for this amazing [Music] we're that sick gt2 RS yeah and lots of cops Boston cops that thing's been off the entire time they're not messing around this year you got a girl from vehicle merchants [Music] yeah that piece does so mean we're lost again I had two nodes in a back plate with entire rally I'm trying to catch up to me it's a game of what side roads can we take to get there faster the Navigator driver Amelia where are you taking us Holloway took us up that kind of joy [Music] [Music] where did you take this road closed oh my god Melia no it's good proper supercar takeover of the gas station here on members O'Leary we're having a blast the babysitter's are gone now we've opened it up a little on the freeway but still behaving ourselves look at this insane collection of supercars we're so lame look at this poor show you guys Cage Dallas thing looks like it just came straight off of a racetrack jeez the seats the harnesses tender locks got the tow hook I think it actually just drove right off the racetrack no check out who showed up out of the middle of nowhere remember Rudy back in Houston Texas the guy who let me drive it is a beautiful Nardo gray Liberty walk four five eight he's here I mean we just ran into him on the freeway so this was a SEMA build from years back insane car let me drive it in Texas when I didn't have a car and I went out there with Dave what got sheepy raised twin-turbo Hurra cons this is AJ's car AJ's been on this channel you guys know AJ we got a martini gt3rs ma'am this is a proper proper supercar takeover of a gas station right here this is how members only rally gets down we got Lila now is going on Jewish boys on the squad drop straight high sounding meanness everybody's ready hey I heard there might be a couple of cops up the road ah they're on the payroll we're on the DB payroll dude matte black four five eight spider is so mean fresh fresh after a successful gas station song we're back on the road check out this insane satin black for my big spider [Music] oh so does the Brenin when I ran up to the car the door seemed oh I'll say what I want first of many gasps sobs we've lost the entire group there are four car mini rallying that's a composer right over here you know so many times Oh mini God we knew we were coming the whole planet goes the moderates crazy hey what are you doing in here holy Sh hey teen has the metabolism for it 36 of all the cars to get pulled over right now this liked food a Scion over here got hit weird we are the food I believe there is you know state 55 miles per hour more topics oh yeah sex with dual driving with the boat in hand southern pointing on the map where to go and your knee on the wheel oh I got this [Music] got curly in the 488 what cars bright guys look at that neon yellow Super Trofeo Street car what's the [Music] [Music] Oh somebody fell victim who is it take it all another gasps Ivo what was that enjoying the members-only ride so far Melia Hartford you wouldn't eat that one off all right who got a ticket everybody good take it there's you down sits in a red pass to college because if I'm not a no wait ticket tense the same cop gave me a ten ticket tenth always late on this rally like wittily everyone's leaving we're - laughs once again that squadron force of 15 my god what a why was he so lost I can't imagine what my do you do Mouse Brown no Amelia navigators are wrong in and out forever how did you do that great navigator in my car the other in a nutburger classic he driving blames it on copilot who navigates the copilot I have no co-pilot a manual gearbox I've been blogging I've been on a radio I called my wife said hi to my kids space time I had a burger and I've paid for everybody and you just got here and I got more Instagram followers all that well being humble we have taken over in Joe Giudice is villo is gonna fill the end of a run or how's it work [Music] [Applause] family name Dave Dave traffic jam of supercars you guys that's just everybody coming out of the gas station what an amazing day just about to hit the on-ramp I'll catch up [Music] real Damon slide the corner yes or no no I don't know I don't think you own all these cards Washington right now there's a hundred cars behind us how much we betting I bet he will I'll bet you [Music] we're doing like a little regroup what up are you guys doing oh good Johnny HUP on Red Bull right now yeah hey thanks for picking the route it's amazing [Music] how has the scanner been silent now right yeah silent nothing literally not one word no social media what is this a press car no social media don't worry nobody watches my channel but I'm seeing double no no tell me there's not a twin Dave I can't handle two Dave's hey what's up buddy feel fames change him Parker serious energy legs going on with them why mildness family changes last year's yeah hold on yeah mostly you - are you the - shirt to pass Logan Paul calm /op yeah everybody's a bathroom what are those douchey glasses doing you don't drive a Lamborghini no you need to invent a Porsche no juice again my squadra is super rare hello ugly I'll go home your taste that one hazers that one yours I've seen this one before that one [Music] what am I supposed to do I did like ten times be a good child coming oh my god you're literally like my fourth kid I never had oh my god Eric yes how do you say something in Korean or China they some badge give me kimchi the audience oh my god if you break my chair well that was good that was good that's good bigger redbull more energy for the vlog three get these expenses roads are like unparalleled to anything amazing [Music] [Music] that is illuminate videogames name one comment below what videogame is that tunnel in full weight almost there check this out come on guys there's is amazing what a beautiful day [Music] well we've made it to I don't where we are are we big sir uh yeah Big Sur Big Sur and we need refreshments because it's hot it's crazy exciting ha ha ha I'm humble ladies I am single Hey now this is a proper a gas station take over look at this ventolin AJ over here oh yeah brother I am loving it yeah I feel bad for a bit trying to get in here right now that the locals because they're not used to this so we're gonna get the cars to get in here quietly respectfully all right I lied go go [Applause] [Music] [Music] and like that you're in Carmel for everything because of me [Music] literally three seconds after we go here yes sir last one yes sir nice to see you again this year if you remember me you pulled me over twice in one day the Hello Kitty car he's really famous do ahold parking spots for him we're screwed made it to Verona Carmel right now on Ocean Avenue every country hungry and thirsty for cars and literally this is a very small community also now it's like hundreds if not thousands of car show up this weekend it's cold though so you guys link in description got some needy merch it's on fast getaway you can we're back Monterey car week Carmel check this out I got Chuck here Chuck to those hey guys lemon if you don't know you should know if you guys never saw that video when I did donuts on the cop and everybody was like was it set up yeah it was set up there's Chuck's friends they were fans of the channel they came out and we did a fun video everybody got in a little bit of trouble over it was harmless and we're gonna do it again okay you guys smash the subscribe button you want some merch this is now available at Shakti decom free shipping if you're in Germany during Canada shipping is free free everywhere everywhere how can we afford this we're losing money on it I'm not good at business bro and I'm wrecking the cars we just lose the money all our old but oh they're enjoying it we lose the money you guys benefit from it in the content and the merch hey thank you for watching a video again with David and you guys I appreciate ya and then she followed a nutburger bop follow John your grandma you guys demon friar on instagram please well bro he needs more Instagram followers I'm catching up let's watch this video stay tomorrow morning [Music]
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 965,026
Rating: 4.8956323 out of 5
Keywords: LAMBORGHINI, FERARRI, mclaren, buggati, chiron, veyron, hypercar, supercar, cops, police, police unlawfully
Id: aUqo3mR3Wpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 27sec (1347 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 18 2019
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