Joni Eareckson Tada Interview: Icons of Faith Series

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- How many people that you could say they're a living legend? I like to say I'm a living legend but, I'm not. So, it doesn't apply to me but, there are people that really are living legends and you're gonna meet one of them in just a moment and you know who she is already, Joni Eareckson Tada. She's really a national treasure and her life and her ministry. (applause) Her life and her ministry has brought hope and encouragement to millions of people around the world. Joni is the CEO and founder of Joni and Friends, an organization that accelerates Christian outreach in the disability community. She's married to her wonderful husband, Ken, who's here tonight. I don't know where you are right now Ken, but, there's Ken right there with Joni. So, we're thankful for him as well. So, come on out. Let's welcome Joni Eareckson Tada. (cheering) (applause) - Wow! God bless you guys! And I am certain that a lot of that applause was for my husband of 35 years. Applaud him, greet him, welcome him. Yeah! - I'm gonna come down a little bit closer to, this thing, I think it, yeah that's a little better. Well, Joni, thanks for coming back. You know, you were here last Christmas, remember? - Yeah, I cannot believe where the year has gone. - I know. - So fast. - And you look great, you haven't aged at all. - Thank you. - I had a full head of hair last Christmas, you remember that? That was a hairpiece I was wearing, so I stopped wearing it. No, I'm kidding. But I remember that message you gave and it just impacted me, in fact, what we did, you gave a message to the ladies and we took your message and I showed it on a Thursday night to everybody because they said everyone needs to hear this message and so, I thought it brought such a great perspective on Christmas but, Joni, if you wouldn't mind, ya know, not everyone knows your story. It's hard to believe. Many do, of course, but there are some who are meeting you here for the first time and of course, your life changed in 1967. You were a young girl and like any young girl, you loved to hike and ride horses and swim-- - And dive. - Yeah, and dive. And so, you were a very active young lady and then an event happened that of course, changed your life and that brings you to today where you've spent almost 50 years in a wheelchair. - 50 years. Ya know, I'd mentioned I liked to dive and I guess I was a little bit cocky sitting on the edge of that raft in the water and I took a very reckless dive into what ended up being extremely shallow water. I hit the sandbar and snapped my head back, crunched my vertebrae, severed my spinal cord and left me without use of my hands or my legs. Now, when they took me to the hospital, I was so depressed, so despairing. The one bright spot was going to occupational therapy because in occupational therapy, they let me put a pen between my teeth and I think we've got a photo of that, I'm not sure, up there. It's my occupational therapist and me. - Let's put that image up on the screen of Joni with her pen? - Is it there? - [Man] Not yet. I'll let you know when it's up there. There it is. - Okay, that's me and my occupational therapist and I must confess, at first, I did not like having to put a pencil between my teeth. I kept spitting it out. And my occupational therapist kept taking it off the floor and wiping it off with Lysol and sticking it back in my mouth. - Wow. - When I finally got proficient in drawing 'cause I was an artist before my accident, this is the first image I drew. Take a look at this. - Go back to that image. - [Man] Wow. - When I drew this, Greg, my thought was, "Oh God, "this is now my life? "This is it?" And I tried to convey all the horror and the despair, the depression. My goodness, I would wrench my had back and forth on the hospital pillow every night hoping to break my neck up at a higher level and thereby end my life. But that picture is, to me, a precious memory of what God can take us from when we embrace his son, Jesus. - [Greg] Yes. - And I have a second image I want to put up. May I? - [Greg] Please. - Real quick. Now I did not draw this one. This is a friend of mine who drew this, but as you can see, it's a puzzle drawing and sometimes, when tragedy strikes, it's like God has come and he's upset the puzzle table and all the puzzles go flying and we, logical, rational people that we are go scrambling desperately hoping to find all the puzzle pieces so we can quickly put them back together and make our life make sense. We want everything to fit. We want everything to be tidy and orderly. But wisdom, I learned, is not being able to put all the puzzle pieces together. Wisdom is trusting God even when most of the puzzle pieces go missing. Ain't gonna find those pieces until the other side of eternity. But wisdom is trusting God even when life doesn't make sense. - That reminds me of a story that Corrie ten Boom told. You remember Corrie ten Boom. - Oh yes. She said to me the last time I saw her when she was alive. I saw her at her funeral but-- - She was alive in Heaven. - She was alive in Heaven. She said, "Oh Joni, one day, we're going to "dance together in Heaven." She had that thick Dutch accent. - Yes, well the reason I brought her up is that reminded me of a story she used to tell. 'Course she went through all of her suffering and the constant chasing camp Ravensbruck and with her sister and lost her sister and father and was released. But remember she would talk about that, a stitching, on one side, it would be I think a scripture perhaps, but on the other side, it was all tattered threads with no rhyme or reason but, it's sort of a picture from our side, it looks like tattered threads or a puzzle scattered, but from God's side, there's a logic to it because there's something that you believe in that we all believe in or should believe in and it's called the sovereignty of God. Tell us what the, we hear that phrase, what is the sovereignty of God and what does that mean to you in what you face every day? - Well, at first, when I heard about the sovereignty of God, that is that the God of the Bible is a God who's overarching decrees govern everything that happens. At first, I was frightened by that idea. It was scary. - Yeah. - Because if that was the God that allowed this to happen, then how could he possibly be good? What is his idea of good? But, God allows all sorts of things he does not approve of. He doesn't approve of spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis. He doesn't approve of stroke. He does not approve of down syndrome or autism or Alzheimer's, but a Christian friend shared with me 10 little words when I was first injured that changed my life. God permits what he hates to accomplish that which he loves. The way he explained it Greg, was that he pointed to Jesus at the cross. Look what God permitted. Treason, injustice, murder, torture. How can any of that be the Father's will? Yet, we're told Acts chapter four, verse 28 that he permitted, it says in Acts 4:28, God, I've got this right on the tip of my tongue, I really do. Actually look it up Greg, Acts 4:28. You can probably recite it better than I can. - I should have it memorized but. I think I know where you're going, but I wanna make sure I get it right. - Get it right because it's very important. - Is that in the old or new testament? I'm kidding. - Oh, come on. (laughter) - The writer of the book of Acts is talking about the evil men who instigated the cross of Christ and this is what he said about these men. Do you need your glasses? - Ya know, it's not in-- - I found the verse, for me, it's like reading through a contact lens in the small print Bible. - I can do it. Okay, I can do it. (laughter) 4:20, oh my goodness, we both need our glasses. - The print's too small. - Impossible. - Can you read it? - Yeah. - This is sad. - I knew this verse by heart. - These men did what God's power and will had decided beforehand should happen. - Yeah, "Do whatever your hen and your purpose "determine before to be done." - So, there you go. I mean, treason, injustice, murder, and then torture. So right there, God permitted something he hated, the crucifixion, the gruesome, the carnage, the terrible crucifixion of his own precious son. He permitted what he hated to accomplish something that he loved. What could he possibly love more than his own son? What would he prize above his son's own crucifixion? Our salvation. - [Greg] That's it. - Our salvation and so, although the devil may have instigated, the events that led up to the crucifixion, ya know, treason, injustice, murder, torture, God won't have anything to do with those things in terms of his wanting or delighting in them happening but God aborted those devilish schemes to serve his own ends and accomplish his own purposes. I like the way Dorothy Sayers once said it. God reaches down into what otherwise looks like terrible evil and he hi-ya, he wrenches out of it positive good for us and glory for himself. So, the world's worst murder becomes the world's only salvation. And my friend who shared those 10 little words with me, God permits what he hates to accomplish that which he loves, said, "Joni, the same is true in your life." God permitted what he hated, the spinal cord injury, to accomplish something that he loves, more than the hardship you are gonna have to go through for the rest of your life and that is Christ in me, the hope of glory. Oh my goodness Greg, I've given up trying to untangle the matted threads underneath that broidery that you spoke about. I've given it up because the whole point behind my quadriplegia is that I get to know Jesus in such a tender, warm, poignant, personal, powerful way. I mean, my goodness, every single morning when I wake up, I think I shared this with the women when I was here the last time, literally, I wake up in the morning and my girlfriends are running water for coffee, they're gonna come into my bedroom, they're gonna have a cheery, happy hello and there I am almost 98% of the time lying there with my eyes closed thinking, "God, I hate quadriplegia. "I am so tired of this. "I have no strength for this day. "I have no resources, no power, no energy. "I cannot do quadriplegia today, "but Jesus, you can. "So you can, I can do all things through you. "So, would you please be the good quadriplegic today "because I cannot do it." And it is the perfect example of dying to self so that God's power can live through me, which make the smile that I have on my face when I wheel out of the front door in the morning, ain't made of Colgate, this is a real smile hard fought for and hard won every single morning and Greg, that's the Christian way to wake up. - Yeah it is. - That's the best way, that's the Biblical way to wake up, needing Jesus desperately. - Amen. - And I really need him, I really do. - We all do. (applause) - I really do. - Can't do it without him. - So from the worst injustice and travesty of all time, the murder and crucifixion of the very son of God, came the greatest good of all time. So when we apply the sovereignty of God to our life, what it is saying is, you may be going through something now that makes no sense, but ultimately, you're gonna see God's plan and purpose. Maybe part of it this side of Heaven, but certainly all of it on the other side. But for now, it's not so much an issue of why, because you can ask that forever and people in the Bible ask why, even Jesus on the cross said, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" I think there has to come a point where we ask what, as in well, what do I do? And you've taken your very difficult pain and you've used it as a tool for God's glory. You've used it as a weapon against the forces of darkness and you continue to do so. And we thank you for that. Here's something you wrote. You're a very good writer, by the way. - Am I? - Yes, I have to tell you that. - Thank you. - You know, when you talk with Joni, it's like, whatever you ask her, when she speaks, it's like, "Was that just pre-written "Does that actually just come out that way from your "very well organized brain or what?" You're just so articulate, but you wrote this quote. I knew in a vague sort of way that answers are my questions and about my paralysis were probably hidden somewhere between the pages of the Bible, but I had no idea where. So, there are certain passages and you already took us to one that I could obviously not read very well. - Me neither. - But I think of another one that I'm sure is meaningful to you and I'm sure you could add to this list, and please do, but one that comes to mind is an off-quoted verse, maybe not always understood, Romans 8:28. Is that a verse that has brought comfort to you? Is it a verse that initially was hard to deal with and later brought comfort or was it always a verse that was like, "Yeah, I get that." - Well, Romans 8:28, and okay, you're asking me to quote this one too, right? - Well, all things work together for good. - All things work together for good to them who love God and are called according to his purpose and then, the next verse in Romans 8:29 says that all these things are fitting together into a pattern for good to conform you to the image of Jesus Christ. And so, I see that, I don't know, I don't wanna second guess God, Greg, but I do think that God has permitted this accident to make me more like Jesus. He prizes in my life patience, endurance, self-control, compassion, kindness, all of these things are far more important than walking. They are far more important than walking and having use of your hands. So, one of the qualities of Jesus is compassion. Well, I'm gonna back up. One of the qualities of Jesus is a hatred of sin. When we say we wanna be like Jesus, we normally think of all those qualities I just listed, but if we really wanna get bare knuckles about it, the quality that is most like Jesus is his hatred of anxiety, fear, worship, prejudice, snobbery, I mean self-righteousness, these are the things that he hates and so, suffering is like the textbook that'll teach ya about who you really are and I often liken my disability to a lemon that God squeezes in the morning and out comes the cranky crabbiness, the sour disposition, the peevish attitude and when I see that about myself, oh my goodness, I say, "Jesus, I don't wanna be that person. "That was Joni from yesterday. "Please, I wanna be a different Joni today. "Would you make me more like Jesus "and help me get rid of this sin, "this ickiness in my life that is so offensive to you "and unpleasant to other people." The second quality I think for me at least, a hatred of sin and secondly, compassion. I talk to a lot of people with disabilities who are as disabled as I am and I'm pretty disabled. Can't do my own toileting routines, can't make my own dinner, can't cut my food, can't hold a bottle of coke. But I talk to a lot of people like me who are disabled less than I am, some who are disabled more than I am and they're depressed. It's totally humanly understandable why they would be depressed. Oh my goodness, I was depressed for years, it took, three years for me to dig up out of that miry pit of despair but what I will often tell people with disabilities is, "Get up tomorrow morning "and get dressed. "Wheel out the front door if you're able "and go find somebody in your community "who's hurting worse than you are." Who's hurting worst than you are. And I think that that is a sure remedy for depression. To look for other people who are hurting more than you are and help them, that's the second Corinthians, chapter one. Kind of and we've been comforted for the benefit of others and it's one reason why I started Joni and Friends, a ministry that distributes wheelchairs around the world and Bibles and we hold retreats for special needs families and both here in America and in international developing nations and yada, yada, yada. But I've been so blessed. Man I wanna squeeze every ounce of ministry effort that I possibly can out of this quadriplegic body to pass on the blessing to others. I've been given so much, you've been given so much. We've been given so much. Find somebody else who's hurting worse than you are and make a difference for Christ in their lives. - [Greg] Amen. Yeah, that's right. (applause) - Really, yeah. (applause) - I read there's a 10 step cure to depression. Step number one, find someone that is worse off than you and help them. Step number two, repeat step number one nine more times, ya know, so. - [Joni] I like that. - Ya know, but depression can be bigger than, I mean that's a great piece of advice. It's something we all should do, but I mean, you've dealt with severe depression and ya know, in the holidays, a lot of people are depressed and maybe it's because they expect Christmas to deliver what it can't. They expect Christmas to be the end all or maybe getting together with family, but ya know, people have broken families and they have problems and false expectations and a list of other things but, they might be dealing with depression, but there might be someone here listening or watching later that you know, has lost a loved one and now, this is a marker of time that my loved one was with me last year and they're not here this year or maybe they've had an event, a tragedy since last Christmas and now, here they are in this place. What would you say, like if someone is depressed right now, they're like, they're in the pit and they don't know how to get out of the pit. You've given us a great piece of advice, find someone that is ya know, hurting more than you. How did you, not how did you, how do you-- - How do I? - How do you continue to climb out and be the better Joni, if you will and face each day? - Well, I've got two friends here, Jen and Reny sittin' over there. They were the ones who got me up this morning and got me dressed and did my toileting routines and put on the lipstick. They do good lipstick and hair. - Yes they do, you look great. - They really do. - Yes. - Yeah, they really do. (applause) But they will tell you that because of my daily battle with chronic pain, which incidentally makes my quadriplegia look like a walk in the park, they will tell you that there are times when I'm so depressed when I come to work and I quick rush by the receptionist desk and I wheel upstairs fast and I close the office door and I grab them and I say, "Girls, "please pray for me. "I need help. "I need your prayers," don't I girls? I need prayer. And I think if anyone is depressed and I will council people with disabilities in the same way, try ever so hard not to be depressed alone because God never intended for us to suffer in isolation. That's why he created spiritual community. It's why he created part of his Christian fellowship. Find somebody who will pray for you because we wrestle, not against spinal cord injury or chronic pain or stroke or autism or Alzheimer's or bankruptcy or an unexpected divorce. We wrestle not against the flesh and blood of these things, we wrestle against powers and principalities who would love nothing more than to keep us steeped in depression. They would love to convince you that you're never gonna get rid of that cloud of despair over your head. Well, you know what, that's a lie. So, find people who will pray for you. Earnest prayer warriors who will buckle down, hit their knees, press their hands together and plead to Heaven on your behalf. And I know that there is a fabulous prayer team here at Harvest, in fact, before the service, that's what I wanted to do. Send me out to be where the prayer is. I wanna be where the prayer is. And I think that's what people who are struggling with depression need to do or at least their loved ones need to do that for them. Contact some good Christian friends who will earnestly, specifically, committedly pray for that individual. - Amen. - Yes, amen. (applause) - Tell me a little bit about how you met Ken and tell us a little bit about your very wonderful marriage that God has blessed you with. ♫ Oh, the man, I love him so ♫ He'll never know ♫ When he takes me in his arms Anyway. - That's good, I like that. Yeah, Joni. - Okay, quick quiz. Who sung that in what movie? - Well, I don't know that song. - Oh come on. Sorry? - She said Judy Garland, is that right? - No, not Judy Garland. Oh come on. - Barbara Streisand? - Barbara Streisand in what movie? What movie? Funny girl, exactly. She sings, it's the last song. - [Greg] Wow. - And I love it, every time I see my husband dressed in his Brooks Brothers shirt, headin' out to church in the morning Sundays, sometimes he'll open the front door and before I pass him by, ♫ Oh my man, I love him so (laughter) My husband and I were both in our 30's. I liked being single. I was in my early 30's. He was single as well and we were at, both attending John MacArthur's Church. He was away one Sunday and so there was some visiting pastor who was preaching and it wasn't you. The sermon was boring. (laughter) So we know it wasn't you Greg. Excuse me, the sermon was and ya know, it's Sunday. You don't wanna be sittin' there being bored in the Lord's house. So, I asked the Holy Spirit, okay, so then, you haven't heard some boring sermons, huh? (laughter) - They have. - Yeah right, anyway, the Holy Spirit nudged me and I thought, ya know, I gotta do something that honors God during this hour and so, my eyes fell on the back of this man's head who was sitting about five or six pews in front of me. Didn't know his name, didn't see if he ya know, was wearing a wedding ring or ya know, but I just felt compelled to pray for him, which I did for the balance of that sermon. I prayed that oh my goodness, if he had conflicts at work, they'd be resolved. If there were problems with his family, they would be resolved. I prayed that he would remain morally pure. I prayed that if he did not know Jesus, there might be something in the sermon that this guy was saying that might rescue him out of his sin. (laughter) And by the time the benediction was over, I almost wheeled up to this man to tell him, "Ya know, guess what I did for you." But I thought that would look awfully pushy. So, we happened to be introduced through mutual friends about two or three months later and literally, the first thing I said to Ken Tada, where are you Ken Tada? Is he over there? - [Greg] He's right there. - First thing I said, stand up Ken, 'cause I want them to see you, the first thing I said to that man was, "Turn around, let me see the--" (applause) First thing I said was, "Turn around and let me see "the back of your head. "I know you," I said and then I proceeded to tell him what I had done, I prayed for him and we ended up marrying about a year and half later. - [Greg] Wow. - Yeah. - How long have you been married now? - 35 years now. - 35 years, wow. (applause) Fantastic. Well, of course Christmas is here. We know 'cause of the poinsettias. Is that how you pronounce it? Poinsettias? And all around, it's the signs and when you were here last time, you did such a great job sharing so many important things and I thought you did a fantastic job explaining, ya know, what Christmas should be and I think we sort of so romanticized this story. I'm talking now about the nativity story itself. That maybe we miss the real raw, profound meaning of it, ya know, because we see the Mary and Joseph bathed in blue light and the animals are bowing reverently and ya know, the stars in the distance and the wise men are there and they probably weren't even there, they came later, but ya know, we have this romanticized image and I think we've missed what really happened when God came to this earth and you said this last time 'cause ultimately, of course, Christ came to go to the cross, you said, "The cross is God's taking on flesh and blood "and saying me too, I understand, "I identify, I am God with you. "After all, I am Emmanuel, God with you." So, share a little bit about how you see Christmas and what we might be missing in this season. - Well, think about it. I mean, when Mary and Joseph took that 60-mile journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem, it was no girl scout hike. I mean, this was a rocky, rugged road, three-day journey. Mary, nine months pregnant jostling and jogging on a donkey and ya know, having to turn by the dirt road to let other caravans go past and then in the dust, which they're eating, they continue on their journey. They get to Bethlehem, there's no room at the end except that they are told, there is room in a stable and so, the son of God does not enter human history with trumpets blasting and red carpets rolling. He doesn't enter with pomp and circumstance, he gets himself born in a stinky stable on straw in a splintered wood manger. From the very onset of his life, he was identifying with our weakness. You don't think God understands? He does. He gets it. He resonates with your weakness. He owns it and I think that sometimes, we forget that when Jesus was born, this was the one man born to die. This was God's way of saying, "The war is over." The war is over, there's no longer enmity. You'd be better explaining what that word means than I would. Enmity, how would you say enmity is? - Well, opposition to God, even hating God, opposing God. - Yep, the enmity is over. There's no enmity no longer between God and man and Jesus, when he was on the cross, he bore all of the father's white hot wrath against your sin and mine. He absorbed it. The apple of God's eye turned brown with the rot of our sin. He was steeped, he was soaked in our sin and the stench that must have arisen to the Father's nostrils, no wonder God the father turned his back on his own son, which means that God the father has no more anger left for you and me, no more white hot wrath, no more enmity, no more judgement. It was all taken care of at the cross, which Greg, makes me love Jesus so much. Oh, if I don't love him enough, (applause) yes, if you find that your soul is dry and cracked and you find that your spirit is not warm with devotion to your savior, you think about those things that Greg and I just talked about, about how Jesus absorbed the wrath of the father so that all he has left for us is forgiveness, mercy, love, tender loving kindness, compassion, what a savior. What a savior. - Yeah, amen. - Hallelujah. (applause) In fact, you know, that is such an exclamation point, I don't know about you, when my heart is just filled overflowing just thinking about that. We've got to, as a corporate group, praise God for it, so sing with me. ♫ Joy to the world, the Lord is come ♫ Let Earth receive her King ♫ Let every heart prepare him room ♫ And Heaven and nature sing ♫ And Heaven and nature sing ♫ And Heaven and Heaven and nature sing - I love that. Yes. (applause) You know-- - We should do a record together. - Oh no, no, no. No, no, no. - I've got the title. - I've got the title, Beauty and the Beast. What do you think? (laughter) - You know, my favorite verse in that wonderful carol is the third one. No more let sin or sorrow grow, nor thorns infest the ground, he's come to make his blessings known, for as the curse is found. Isn't that good news, wow. - There's some great theology in those old Christmas songs. A lot of people miss it. Veiled in flesh, the godhead see, hail th'incarnate deity. Ya know, please this man with man that dwell, Jesus our Emmanuel. Those words are, they're Biblical. - [Joni] Absolutely. - I'm gonna just sort of shift gears now. Talk about a subject you've written a book on and I wrote a book on it. My book isn't as good as your book on the topic, but we both love the subject. Heaven. - Oh my goodness. - In your book called Heaven, Your Real Home, you write this, I love this. "Just 30 seconds in Heaven will atone for all the "heartache and hardship you went through. "Probably just a second or two, you'll look out "in your rearview mirror and you'll see Earth "like a half forgotten dream and suddenly, "you will be home." I love that. Earth, a half forgotten dream and suddenly, you will be home. You know, Joni, when you get to Heaven, you believe your questions will be answered and what do you think it will be like and I'm sure you've thought about this, the moment you enter Heaven and see Heaven for the first time. Have you ever just, ya know, you have such a vivid imagination, you're an artist, you speak so eloquently and write. Just what do you think it will be like when you first enter Heaven? - Okay, do you know the movie Castaways? Have y'all seen that movie Castaways, Tom Hanks? The theme music, when I hear the theme music play to the Castaways, this is gonna sound silly, I can see the pearly gates slowly open, I can see my dead form rise. I can feel the strength of resurrected legs holding up my glorified body and I take gentle steps into Heaven. You gotta go find the theme music to Castaway and listen to it. (laughter) Because it is awesome and that's what I sense. It's like this marvelous sense of wonder and Greg, just earlier today, I was reading Philippians 3:20. We are citizens of that place, citizens of Heaven and we eagerly expect a savior from them, not just expect a savior. We eagerly, I love that adverb. Eagerly expect a savior from there. The Lord Jesus Christ who will bring everything under, who has brought everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies to be like his glorious body. But please don't be thinking Greg, that I am most looking forward to the body that works. I looking forward to the glorified heart. I want a heart that no longer tries to twist the truth. I want a heart that doesn't hog the spotlight. I want a heart that doesn't always wanna try to get it's way. I want a heart that is quick to give credit to others. I want a heart that is not anxious or fearful about the future. I want a heart that trust God and is instant in obedience and absolute in it's trust. That's what I want, I want a glorified heart. So, every single morning, as I like to say, I get actively engaged in my own sanctification. Oh God, like I said earlier, I don't wanna be the Joni I was yesterday. - Tell em what sanctification means. - You're the theologian. - Well I'm asking you, I like the way you say it better than I do. - [Joni] Oh gee. - If you say it, it'll be eloquent. If I say it, they'll fall asleep. - Well okay. Well, when we come to Christ, we're justified, right? - [Greg] Yes. - We're justified, it's a once, one time event. The gavel is banged and your name is written in the lamb's book of life. But it's a little like Congress passing the clean water act. (laughter) Because the next day, you can't go out to the Los Angeles river and drink clean water, right? - [Greg] That's right. - It's gonna take a long time for that clean water act to kick into gear and make the Los Angeles river flow sweetly so that you can drink from it, right? Well not santification, as colloquially as I can explain it. It's then taking that justification, we're justified before God, thank you Jesus. And then, we work it out. Work out your salvation with fear and trembling, the Holy Spirit tells us. Make your calling and election sure. Do you have doubts about your salvation? Start obeying God. And if you don't know where to start obeying God, how about Philippians chapter two, verse 14, which says do everything without complaining. There you go, that's a good place to obey, that's a start. You can start living the will of God tomorrow morning by purposing to go through the day, in fact the rest of your life without complaining. And as you do, you will have obeyed and God will transform your life, you'll change. You won't be the same Mary or Joe or Bob you were yesterday. You'll be a different person. 'Cause that's what it means to behold the glory of God and be changed from glory to glory to glory and to become like him. That's a wonderful thing, sanctification, and if you don't know much about it, I'm sure Greg's written about it, so y'all could read about it. - I love the way you put it. You know, you quoted the verse, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, then it goes on to say for it is God that works in, you both the will and do if he is good pleasure, and the phrase worked out, it's interesting 'cause it's a phrase that was used to describe going into a mine and getting the gold out. So it's like the gold is there, like your analogy, the clean water act, it's been passed, but now, we have to apply it and so, it's like, work it out which means carry it to the gold, not work for your own salvation, it's a gift from God, but work it out. - And it relates to Heaven. - [Greg] Yes. - Because as Jonathan Edward once said, this is my favorite all-time quote from Jonathan Edwards who is America's premiere theologian in the 17th centuries, he's one of America's, actually one of America's greatest thinkers and this is what he said. Every day, I'm making this in the vernacular, ya know I can't speak 17th century English. But what he was saying was, every day, you and I have an opportunity to stretch our soul's capacity for Heaven because everything we do down here on earth has a direct bearing on our capacity for joy and worship and service and Heaven. I don't wanna be quote, leased in the kingdom of Heaven. The Bible talks about people who will be quote, leased in the kingdom of Heaven. - [Greg] True. - I don't wanna be there. And I do not wanna diminish my eternal estate. I wanna build toward it, lay out treasures in Heaven about it because I want to experience the fullest that I possibly can, a joy and worship and service in Heaven, but it all is linked. It all depends to the degree that we trust and obey God down here on Earth and Jonathan Edwards went further. He talked about these various degrees in Heaven. Some of us will have joy the size of a thimble. Others like Billy Graham might have joy the size of a super tanker. Others might have joy the size of a bathtub. But we're not gonna be envious of each other in Heaven because all of our capacities will be absolutely filled to overflowing and we will be so delighted to enjoy each other and our savior. So, don't jeopardize your eternal estate. We only got once to go around in life, only once. Don't jeopardize it. Heaven's gonna be a long time and as CS Lewis said, this is merely the title page of the real story that's about to begin on the other side of your tombstone, so don't risk it, don't jeopardize it. Trust and obey and in so doing, increase your capacity for joy and worship and service in Heaven, which in turns means you can cast more crowns at Jesus' feet. Hallelujah. - You know, we talk about the afterlife, I mean, maybe we should call this life here the before life, it's so brief compared to eternity that lasts forever and in Colossians three, Paul tells us to ya know, set your mind on things that are above and it's interesting 'cause it could translate out. Think very careful about these things or very simplified translation, think Heaven, but then the objection is, well, they're so heavenly minded, they're no earthly good and my response is well, some people are so earthly minded, they're no heavenly good. Ya know, what do you think and you've already touched on it but, so when we hear we should seek the things that are above or think Heaven, ya know, how can thinking about Heaven and contemplating what scripture teaches about Heaven affect us in life on Earth? How does that work out practically? - Well, I think a good rule of thumb is before you make a choice, before you let those biting words slip your mouth, before you complain or gossip, before you choose an immoral path, stop and think. Would you want the movie reel of that to be shown in Heaven? - [Greg] Wow. - Would you want that to be shown in Heaven about you? I don't. I wanna present to God as much of myself that is his as is possible, in the sense of my sanctification, in the sense of Jesus in me. I wanna see more of Jesus in me and so, just think twice before you choose an immoral path, a snarky path, I love that word, snarky. Snarky, that's how I am in the morning when I wake up. Snarky. And I hate that. Learn to hate those things about yourself and if you think you don't have those things in your life, ask your husband or wife. I'm serious. - They'll tell you. - Ken will tell you that I have told him, "Sweetheart, would you please point out in my life "things that you think I need to change? "There's areas in my life that I'm sure I'm blind to. "Would you point out to me things I need to change?" And keep short lists with the friends and neighbors and co-workers that you have. If you offend them, make it right. I have told Reny, I think, on a couple of occasions, "Reny, that was the wrong thing of me to say, "I am so sorry, I regret it. "It was thoughtless of me and not only thoughtless, "it was rude, would you please forgive me?" And the result of that is that Reny and I are better friends. We're better friends. So, those are just some practical ways I think that you can get ready for Heaven. - Amen, I love that Joni. You know, Joni's written a new book called A Spectacle of Glory, God's Light Shining Through Me Every Day, and ya know, when you listen to her, just the profound insights are incredible and this book is filled with them and so, tell us a little bit about this book that had just come out and this is sort of a devotional. You would read a page or two every day, two and a half pages or so. - It's a 365-page devotional. I wrote it for my friends in 2017. You can either I think maybe get it here at the bookstore or you can order it at Can I tell you about the title? - [Greg] Please. - The title is A Spectacle of Glory. When John Owen, oh excuse me, John Owen, was it John Owen or John Newton, it was John Newton. Okay, now I need a theologian to tell me which one it was. Probably John Newton. He wrote about how Moses, in Exodus Chapter three, when he was shepherding the flock of his father-in-law, Jethro, in the dessert, he turned aside and he saw a bush that was a flaming bush. It was the presence of the great I am and he noticed that the bush was burning and yet it was unconsumed. In Exodus chapter three, it records Moses saying, "Let me turn aside to see this strange sight. "Christians who suffer, yet suffer graciously, "who have a Godly response to their suffering, "who limit the complaining." We are like burning bushes unconsumed. The chronic pain, the quadriplegia, the inability to walk or run, can't hold things with your hands. I want people to look at me and say, "Why is that burning bush not consumed? "Why are you not consumed by your trials, Mrs. Tada?" And it's a strange sight, but like Moses, I think it sparks curiosity in not only other Christians but among a cynical and skeptical world. People see Christians not complaining all of their suffering so greatly. Let me find out what this is all about. That girl's God must be amazing to inspire that kind of loyalty. That's what I want people to think. When they see my smile in an elevator, ya know, I can't do a lot in an elevator. I can sit in my wheelchair and sing Amazing Grace or from it and there are people and I'm singing, ya know, humming Amazing Grace, but they can connect the dots. So everywhere at all times, ya know, we're on display. People watching and we can either dishonor the playwright and adlib our lines and do something stupid that stains his reputation and makes them look really bad or we can live obediently, trustfully, kindly, compassionately and it'll make your neighbors, your co-workers look at you and think okay, why is this person not complaining? His wife just suffered a massive stroke. He just got the diagnosis of cancer. Her husband just walked out on her. Why is she smiling? I wanna know about that. So that inspired the title, A Spectacle of Glory. We are all spectacles of God's glory as we obey him and trust him. - Ya know, when Paul and Silas are thrown in prison, the Bible says at midnight, they began to sing praises to God and it says the other prisoners listened, it's interesting in the original language, it's they'd listen with pleasure. They probably never heard a concert in that prison before and then of course, they were treated cruelly by the jailer but then, an earthquake came and the jailer being a Roman guard knew the ya know, the penalty was he would be put to death for losing his prisoners. Paul said don't do yourself any harm. We're here and then the jailer said, "Sir, what must I do to be saved?" It's Paul and Silas effectively earned the right that they're suffering to reach that man and he was moved deeply. He was a hard man and ya know, when you take your pain and you use it for God's glory and we all take whatever pain we have in life and we have different kinds of pain. Some absolutely more than others, but every one of us is gonna face pain, we're gonna lose loved ones, we're gonna have setbacks, we're gonna have things happen that we had not planned for, but we have to just take that platform and use it as you say in your book, as a spectacle of glory, right? - [Joni] Absolutely. - You have a Bible project you've worked on as well that is out, tell us about that 'cause that sounds really interesting to me. - Well you know, you've been hearing me quote a lot of theology. I'm no theologian, I don't have masters degrees behind my name. - [Greg] You're a theologian alright. - Well you're sweet to say that but, when I was first injured, I had a lot of questions for God and I did not know the answers. So, my Christian friends who were counseling me were in over their heads and so, they connected me with a young man named Steve Estis. I have co-authored several books with him. He was only 17 years old, but he knew the Bible like the back of his hand. And I peppered him with so many questions and every Thursday night for a full year, he counseled me through God's word and before you know it, before the year was out, there were like 50, 60 other young people coming to my living room wanting to listen to what this young man had to say. By the way, he's a father of eight children, a grandfather of I don't know how many grandkids and pastors a thriving, booming church in Pennsylvania. - [Greg] Wow. - So he's a remarkable man. But anyway, I always hoped that I might be able to work with a Bible publisher to craft a special edition of the word of God, which would be people's Steve Estis. Now, I wanted a Bible that would be the same kind of companion that I had to show where the hope is, where the encouragement is, where the insights are about God's sovereignty and what about depression and what about miraculous healing and what about chronic pain. How can God be good, but allow so much suffering on the world. Come on, who sets the world's agenda? Is it the devil or is it God? What's the relationship there? Tough questions. So, this Bible answers them. And there are answers. Yes, suffering is a mystery. We can't understand all the answers. But there are enough clues in the Bible to help make clear God's intentions, God's heart. So the Bible is called The Beyond Suffering Bible and there's a graphic of it up there published by Ten Dale and we at Joni and Friends, worked six years on this particular edition of the word of God. It is for people who suffer. It's especially for people with disabilities, mothers and fathers of kids with special needs and their caregivers. It's a great Bible for caregivers. So if you're lookin' to give a Bible to someone whose gone through a recent bad medical diagnosis, a botched surgery, whatever, this would be a good Bible to give. - Sounds great Joni. Ya know, let me do kind of a lightning round. This little bit from the sublime to the ridiculous now, these are just real simple questions like, Joni Eareckson Tada, what is your favorite color? - Really? - [Greg] Do you have a favorite color? - I love blue. - [Greg] That's my favorite color! - Really? - Yes. ♫ Blue on blue ♫ Heartache on heart Okay, every question you're gonna ask me is gonna have a song attached to it. - Yeah I have songs too, yeah. I have songs too. ♫ She wore blue velvet ♫ Blue moon ♫ You saw me standing alone - Yeah that's a good song, I like that. Okay, favorite food. We talked about food in the backroom. What is your, ya know, like Mexican, Italian? Do you like sushi? - Oh no. - [Greg] What do you like? - Well, I love sushi. - [Greg] Do ya? - Love sushi, yeah. I love sashimi because I'm from Maryland and so, ya know, I like oyster stew and all that good stuff. I love my mother's crab cakes. - [Greg] Oh yeah, crab cakes are good. - I love em. - My wife loves crab cakes too. - Yeah and we even order the $36 a can jumbo lump crab from Crisfield, Maryland. Like takes a mortgage payment to pay for it in my opinion, but you know when I really wanna taste my mother's crab cakes, I order bigtime from Gilson's. - Yeah good. So what makes you laugh? - My husband. - [Audience] Awww. (applause) - The girls would get me up in the morning. They're all nodding their heads over there. I mean, he comes into the, sometimes he's wearing the minion eyes, ya know? (laughter) Sometimes he does this very silly impression of Doctor Yamaguchi and we won't go there 'cause it's kind of ethnic and racial, (laughter) but ya know, he's Asian, so he can get away with it. But my husband really makes me laugh. He's got a great sense of humor. - So what makes you sad? - A wasted life. - [Greg] Yes. - I know some people who, who are wasting their lives and they have so much. So much to be thankful for, so many material blessings, but they either turned away from God and are not believers, not followers of Jesus, or they are followers of Jesus but they've chosen a carnal path and ya know, I'm of the persuasion of Hebrews chapter 12. I'll tell ya Greg, when I was in high school, I named Christ as my savior. I accepted Jesus at a young life weekend retreat and I was involved in a Bible study and doing great things, but on Friday night, in the backseat of my boyfriend's car, it was another story. So, I felt terribly guilty, oh God, I'm so sorry. But then what do ya know, I confessed my sins on Sunday morning and next Friday night, it would be a repeat of the same old thing until I had dug myself into slavery and it was impossible to break free of sexual sin, couldn't do it. So, in April of 1967, after a sorted date with my boyfriend, I came home one Friday night, threw myself into bed, sobbed into my pillow, "Oh God, "I'm gonna go away to college in just a couple of weeks "and I know, I just know what I'm gonna do there "'cause my boyfriend's going to the same college. "We're just gonna sleep together and not take "birth control pills and I'm gonna make a mess of stuff. "I'm such a hypocrite, I don't want to be though. "Please Jesus, do something in my life to turn it around." And then I broke my neck three months later. Was God dealing harshly with me? I thought so in the beginning. I mean, I was outraged that God could take a prayer so seriously. Why did you take that prayer so seriously? And ya know, I spat things out at him like, "Okay, that's the way you wanna be, "I'm never gonna trust you with another one "of my prayers again, that's it." But I realized what I was doing is digging myself into another cycle of slavery. Bitterness and there's nothing worse than a bitter spirit. So, I can look back and see that my diving accident and you may disagree with me, you may think it makes God look harsh, but I believe it was an example of Hebrews chapter 12, a father loves the child that he disciplines. If the child is not disciplined, if a wayward, rebellious child who names his father as his father is being disobedient and unruly and rebellious and stiff-necked and stubborn, a loving father will reproof and correct that child and bring about discipline. That doesn't mean that God is punishing us. It's not retribution, like, "Throw her in jail "and see how that feels, there. "Slam the door, throw away the keys." No, but it is punishment, quote punishment in the sense of discipline and restoration, not retribution but restoration. God restored me through this accident that oh my goodness, I often, at least about three or four times a week, I'll be sittin' at work or I'll be in my house and Ken'll be just so ya know, wonderfully supportive and I'm sittin' there saying to myself, actually I'm praying, "Jesus, oh Jesus, thank you for "allowing my broken neck. "Man, you were such a wise God. "I didn't like it at the time, but you were so good "and so wise. "Look what you have done. "You've brought such peace into my heart "and set me free of sin. "Bless you." And it's just a constant wellspring of praise to my savior because of what he's done in my life and I think it's discipline. You might disagree, others might disagree, and you're free to disagree because who really understands, ya know, God's purposes and intent. He had perhaps, maybe other things on his mind, maybe? When I read Hebrews 12, I think no. I think that it's discipline. - Yeah, I mean, we'll know when we get to Heaven. You know, my son, Christopher, died in that automobile accident, ya know, eight years ago, and he had a conversation with his brother Jonathan that Jonathan was struggling with drugs and Christopher had come through that and had recommitted his life to Christ and he was talking to his brother and he said, "Ya know, what's it gonna take Jonathan "for you to kinda come to your senses?" And the next day, Christopher was in Heaven. That's what it took to bring Jonathan back to Christ, so I don't look at that and say, "Okay, God took Christopher to bring Jonathan "to a place of recommitment." I look at it more like, God took Christopher in his sovereignty, in his will, I don't know why. I know God's in control, I know God loves me, I know I'll see my son again, but despite this tragedy, just like what happened to you, that was tragic, but despite the tragedy, God has brought honor and brought Jonathan to himself and touched so many other lives and though we miss our son so deeply, we see that he can, well as you say here, it can be a spectacle of glory. And you know, I think another thing Joni, I think that God looked at you, a young woman, yes, you were going the wrong direction, but he saw a vessel that he could trust with his glory that would have integrity and would walk with him and would honor him and he said I'm gonna put her in a place. You've heard the expression, if you see a turtle on a fence post, you know he didn't get there by himself. (laughter) Right? - [Joni] Right. - Ya know, people would listen to your testimony if you stood before us as a healthy lady, but because you're in the place you're in, you've been able to bring honor to the Lord in an amazing way and so, we thank you for that in not wasting your pain and being a blessing to so many, including me. I talk about you all the time. - Do you really? - They know that. They know I talk about you. - I'm honored. - [Greg] You're one of my heroes of the faith. You are, no question. - Wow, wow. - Well, when you get to Heaven Joni, what would you like to hear the Lord say to you? - My husband, gee I've never talked about this or said this anywhere, but, he has a favorite name for me. G, Gigi, it's because my sister, when I was a little girl called me Jonathan Grundy, born on Monday, Christ on Tuesday, blah blah blah and so, ya know Jonathan Grundy, he heard my sister recite that little poem and he kinda picked up the Jonathan Grundy and it's JG and then it became GG. I've often told my friends that when I get to Heaven, I want to see Jesus and have him walk up to me tenderly and put both hands on the side of my cheek and say, "Welcome home G. "Welcome home GG." Oh my goodness, I get tears in my eyes even thinking about it. But then I hope he says, (clearing throat) Ken you're gonna have to help me here, I'm so sorry. I have quadriplegic lungs and they don't work real well. But I hope that, don't be alarmed, don't call 9-1-1. (laughter) (clears throat) Okay, now ya gotta set me up sweetheart. Okay, there ya go. That's it. Thank you hon. I'm my best audio-visual aid. (laughter) Gee whiz. Then I wanna hear Jesus say, "Well done. "Well done, Joni. "You were trustworthy in a few things. "Now I'm gonna put you in charge of 10 cities." No thank you. (laughter) I'll just take a little, my little mansion. But I wanna hear those words, "Well done, good and faithful servant." - In your book, Heaven, Your New Home, you write this about our new bodies. "No more bulging muscles or balding tops," I'm happy about that, "no vericose veins or crows feet," remember this? "No more cellulite or support hose, "forget those thunder thighs and highway hips." - That was my nickname in high school. - What was your nickname? - Thunder thighs. - That's mean. - Because I was so good on lacrosse team and the hockey team. - So no more thunder thighs and highway hips, just a quick leapfrog over the tombstone and it's the body you've always dreamed of, fit and trim, smooth and sleek. Well written and that's our hope and let me just close with this question. Joni, someone's listening to you right now and ya know, maybe they're disabled, maybe they're facing a tragedy, maybe everything's kind of going well relatively in life but the biggest problem of all is that sin that separates us from God. They see you talking about your faith in Jesus and how he gives you the strength for each day and the hope that you have of heaven, the hope that we all have. So, someone that's listening to you right now wonders, "How can I have that faith? "How can I have Jesus in my heart "in a way, have a relationship with God like Joni has?" What would you say to that person? - Well, if you've come tonight dragged here by your elbow, by your Christian friend, and you weren't sure you wanted to come but, you've been sittin' there and the things that Greg and I have been saying have warmed your heart, you know there's something that has the ring of truth in what we're saying and your heart is being warmed. It ain't me and it's not Greg talkin'. It's the Holy Spirit. - [Greg] That's right. - God is bending over backward to bring you home and there's no better time to come home than at Christmas. So I would just encourage you to certainly celebrate the advent of Jesus, a baby in a manger, but remember that the cradle always leads to the cross. Look at the cross of Calvary and see a savior who has rescued you already from your sins. All you need to do is trust him in it and believe him for it and invite his Holy Spirit to sit on the throne of your heart as you confess your sin and say, "Jesus, I don't wanna follow my old way of doing things. "I don't wanna be the stiff neck stubborn person "that my husband knows I am. "Not for me, I want to change. "I want you to change me. "Give me new life in you "and then give me the power to wake up tomorrow morning "trusting you in a fresh new way." And you'll be on your way home. - [Greg] Amen. - When you put your hand in the hand of Christ. For those of you who are Christians, perhaps God is calling you to rise to some new fresh level of confidence in Christ. You are tired of a mediocre Christian walk. You wanna rise to a new level of trust and confidence in him, get in the practice of getting actively engaged in your own sanctification every single morning. Be intentional about the way you live tomorrow. Think about the choices you're making. Think about the words before they come off your tongue. Die to the sins that he died for on his cross for you. That's what it means to become like him in his death. Daily pick up your cross and die to the sins that he died for on his cross for you. And my goodness, your soul will be able, your soul will be so much better bonded to the heart of your savior. Your heart's gonna get beating in rhythm with his and before you know it, his joy because he shares his joy on his terms, and his terms call for us to in some measure, suffer as his own son suffered when he walked on earth. So, get your heart beating in rhythm with his and before you know it, his joy is gonna spill over heavens walls, splash up in your heart, ever fest out to others in an ecstatic encouragement, a river of encouragement and then rise up back to the Lord in a fountain of praise. Don't you wanna live that way? - [Greg] Amen. - Don't you wanna live that way? (applause) Oh my goodness. The world would be turned upside down. Hallelujah. - Amen. - Amen, let's thank Joni Eareckson Tada for being here tonight. God bless you Joni. - Thank you, thank you. (applause) - Take your time. Wow. Just incredible, wasn't that amazing? I'm just so blessed to be able to sit there and talk with her and I thought we would close with a prayer and I would like to extend that invitation for you to believe in Jesus, ya know, there are some of you have never made that commitment to Christ. I thought it was very interesting and very candid what Joni shared about when she was a young girl. I've never heard her tell that story before and the struggles she was having with promiscuity and immorality and ya know, just yeah, that's the story of some young kid here tonight, a young man, a young woman and then there's somebody else that is dealing with other problems in life and whatever it is, the answer is Jesus. I was thinking when she was talking about that, I thought of that song, I'll Be Home For Christmas, ya know, but home with the Lord, home in a relationship with God and then one day, we'll be home in Heaven and that is the hope only the Christian has. So, if you're not sure if Christ is in your heart right now. If you don't have the confidence that you'll go to Heaven when you die, if you want this relationship with the lord like Joni has and people around you have, I'm gonna lead you in a prayer right now where you can ask Christ to forgive you of all of your sin. No matter what you've done, he'll forgive you. But you have to be sorry for that sin. You have to turn from that sin and you need to ask him to come into your life and he'll do it because Jesus says, "I stand at the door and I knock "and if you'll hear my voice and open the door, "I will come in." So he'll come in, live inside of you. That's the message of Christmas, Emmanuel, God is with us, that's what the word means. And he can be with you and he can be in you tonight. He's just a prayer away. So we're gonna close in prayer and let me invite you to believe or for some of you maybe, to make a recommitment to Christ if you need to tonight. Let's all bow our heads. Father, thank you for this night and thank you for sending your son, Jesus Christ to die on the cross for us. Lord Jesus, thank you for coming. You were born in the manger and you lived a perfect life and then you died that perfect death and you absorbed the wrath of the father in our place and then you rose again from the dead and you stand ready to come into any human heart and I pray for those that don't know you, that they will come to you now. Now while our heads are bowed and our eyes are closed, and we're praying, if you would like Jesus Christ to come into your life, if you would like him to forgive you of your sin, if you would like to know with certainty that you will go to Heaven when you die, wherever you are, would you lift your hand up? Let me pray for you. You want Christ to come into your life. You want to believe in him. You want your sin forgiven, raise your hand up, wherever you are, and I'll pray for you tonight. Wherever you are, just slip your hand up. Let me pray for you. Just raise your hand, if you want Christ to forgive you, God bless you, you want this relationship with God, you wanna go to Heaven, raise your hand up, let me pray for you. You've done things you're ashamed of and sorry for and you need God to forgive you of those things. Raise your hand up, let me pray for you. God bless you, God bless you as well. God bless you, each one of you. God bless. Anybody else, raise your hand. God bless you, God bless you too. While our heads are still bowed, some of you would say, "Ya know what, I've been living in two worlds "trying to walk with Christ, but also doing things "I know I shouldn't be doing "and I don't wanna live that way anymore. "I wanna make a recommitment to really follow Christ, that God has spoken to me tonight. If that's your desire, why don't you raise your hand up? Let me pray for you tonight. God bless you. Anybody else? I think there might be a few more that wanna so this. You know you need to make this deeper commitment to Christ, raise your hand up, let me pray for you. God bless you, God bless you, anybody else. Just raise your hand up, I'll pray for ya. Not gonna as you to come forward tonight, but I'm gonna pray for ya and I want you to take that little step of faith and raise your hand up, kinda like if you're out drowning and you need help and you want the lifeguard to notice you, you hold your hand up, you call out. Anybody else, last moment, raise your hand up, let me pray for you. God bless you, God bless you. God bless each one. Now, all of you that have raised your hand, I want ya to pray this prayer right where you are. In fact, pray it out loud after me. Just pray this prayer and even if you didn't raise your hand but you wanna make this commitment, a re-commitment to Christ, pray this out loud right where you stand. Pray this, Lord Jesus, I know I have sinned against you and I am sorry for my sin and I turn from my sin and I choose to follow you as savior and as Lord. As friend and as God. From this moment forward. Thank you for hearing this prayer. Thank you for forgiving me now. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen, God bless each one of you that prayed that prayer. (applause) God bless you.
Channel: Pastor Greg Laurie
Views: 68,136
Rating: 4.8722167 out of 5
Keywords: Greg Laurie, Joni Eareckson Tada, Jesus, Life Events, Joni and Friends, joni eareckson tada songs, joni eareckson tada painting, quadriplegic, joni eareckson tada testimony, joni eareckson tada interview, right to die law, Ken Tada, joni eareckson tada accident
Id: 4fzY0uj9q6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 28sec (4288 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2016
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