WOTLK 5 Most FUN PVP Specs - Favorite Wrath of the Lich King PVP Specs

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hello everyone and welcome to my top 5 most fun PVP specs in the red to the Lich King this video will be nothing but the chill one without possibility of failing the list because World fun is pretty subjective category and if these specs are fun to meet it doesn't necessarily mean it will provide the same experience for other players too because someone sees a big damage as fun since his big CC and control and not allowed raging kiting I had at least 20 comments about this one so I decided to provide you list of my top 5 most fun specs so sit back relax and let's start with the video foreign are pretty fun to play and Beast monster remarksmanship are surely more viable for PVP but I found survival the most entertaining among them first time I fell in love with this pack was back in 2011 when I saw the fire explosive arrows were hitting me I find it very cool so I tried to find out what that was then I saw explosive shot in Talent so it had to be that it's easy blast the target 3 times in three seconds and knowing that there are spells like Black Arrow and water sting gives you a feeling of melting an enemy with four different types of damage bar shadow natural and physical all the same time on top of that when you add Lock and Load talent that makes you next to explosive shots cooldown free whenever enemy enter freezing or Frost trap that Stacks up some really nice bursts and gives you very enjoyable feeling on top of that you can make that burst even bigger with engineering hand pyro rocket but like I mentioned in the beginning it's not all about survival's pack but hunter class in general Hunters always seem to me like Superior clubs because of their range their pet and their possibility of permanent kindting and even if someone reads you there are three different traps I just love the feeling of having a such a big range and control in same time also this pack is strong in early seasons and start to fall off in later phases and I don't see much of a potential in real duels against great enemies ending Arenas nothing more to add but just advise you to give it a shot if you still haven't because I guarantee you a lot of time [Music] thank you [Music] next class is Druid and their feral Talent what makes this pack hard is a lot of different spells from each form human cat and bear4 this in fact doesn't only make this pack hard but it gives a lot of different opportunities and different types of play style so where we have a lot of different outcomes there is also a fun with it if you choose to play a cat be sure you will need to use all of these spells starting from all type of Hills Cyclone entangling route switching to Bear form when needed for charge stun tankiness and survivability cat form itself has at least 4 different openers depends not only on enemy you face but on each situation you are in so you can be Angry Birds a lion or color with a lot of CC comes from stun Eastern Cyclones entangling roads and predatory strikes a lot of height and kills you can also Orient your type of damage towards Eastern High grids or exhausting the enemy with bleeds till they slowly pass away something that makes feral play style fast-paced is surely talented I already mentioned called predatory strikes when you hit 5cp finishing spell you have 100 chance of guessing next natural spell resistance spell so it's guaranteed way of using instant castable Hills or Cyclones from an early opener that pretty much dictates the way where the fight is heading and it's all up to Druid also if you like ganking feral 3DS will only stelter next to Rogues to take that in consideration of picking your class it might be important for someone I don't know what the population of later on classy servers but on private genkers were usually paladins Warriors in the case there is important to mention that ferals do much greater against them than subtlety Rogues for me personally feral is one of my favorite PVP specs overall because it's mixed with power and fun [Music] placed without at least one plater wouldn't be impossible so my pick would be arms Warrior although I love my holy decays too I found arms place are more set is fine and I love the pressure that arms has and healers on Battlegrounds and Arenas I love to hand weapons and big crits playing arms next to Hill feels like hey just damn heal me and I'll do the rest of the job first thing you notice playing this pack is straight different stances with different abilities and tons of macros without them it would be much much harder job playing this packet probably would add some bonus fun on top of it that stands dancing while fighting gives a player some special feeling of busyness and entertainment when we talk about Warriors and Battlegrounds there is no way not to mention using blade storm in the middle of enemy group while Killers got your back that itself is Enough To Try arms warrior with the I never had a shadow moon on my water to see bunch of numbers souls and visual effects happening at the same time that field would be probably better than sex itself what I also like about abilities are charge and intercept which give Warrior bonus mobility and Spartan mentality you're always one who solves the fights and whenever someone tried to escape you are there behind and ready to catch up talking about enemy defenses and escapes we're gonna allude to shattering Throne which gives Warrior possibility of piercing through ice block in Divine shield and it's only spec next to priest who can do that it's a great Ace upon sleeve when they think they are safe and then just boom protection Warrior is also a fun spec to play but it's made for guys that love just big grits because you don't have that feeling of stance dance since you're sitting in defensive all the time that's the reason why I love arms more however if you want to be a leader and stomp everybody in Battlegrounds behind the Healer skirt arms Warrior is the real choice [Music] thank you there is absolutely no one who didn't try Rogue once not only World of Warcraft but in other games too only stealth itself gives you a loads of opportunities and fun when you think about leveling World PVP and ganking you can be the type of person that only disturbs people by sapping them in leveling areas and does nothing you can be that color guy one shot in lobiz and undergear people so from that point on one side you can be zero dignity spec or very honorable player with tons of skill that this pack has from you through one of the highest skill caps in Pole game when we are still on that level in Phase something that makes sabalty Rogue annoying on lower levels especially is insane amount of CC that comes from sap to stuns and blind which is impossible to survive without PVP trinket that removes such effects which rarely anyone have until late levels these controls give subtlety Road possibility of fighting two Targets in same time and a lot of room for different strategies openers and Order of DPS and CC spells combined it gives you so much joy when you know that any fight won't be the same because the use of your abilities will be dictated by the enemy spell order which is different from player to player subtlety Rogue is even harder to play and master the feral Druid but it gives even more joy if you master this guy loads of bursts control and skill gives you feeling of fulfillment when you beat some Paladin morons who uses 5 buttons and same rotation over and over again I mentioned plenty of times that this pack requires skill but don't get discouraged you can have one even if you're not that good I quit wow 5 times and every time I came back to the game I wanted to level up someone and have fun with it and all five times it was subtlety Rogue with exactly zero clue how to play it properly but hey who cares I had fun I'm so sure that this class is interesting for everyone that I dare to say it's not even a question or subjectivity with everything being said I don't see how anyone can remain indifferent towards this entertaining spec [Music] [Applause] holy breast I wanted to include at least one human spec and it has to be this one only one who come close to Holy priest in my opinion is raster Druid when it comes to fun this will surely more viable and better support overall for smaller groups and isolated targets with best shielding game and a lot of damage reduction effects but holy priest is better at Pure Healing numbers and bigger groups abilities that make difference between them are circle of healing at first place which instantly heals up to 6 targets then we have Prayer of Healing with increased healing done reduced casting speed and Mana through talents and this ability can also be paired with glimp for prayer healing to stack up some insane group kills with PVE gear believe me or not there is also a spell called light well which creates a small thing on the ground which players can pick up and get some overtime healing I play hundreds of bgs and I never seen that in my entire life very weird but it looks cool and different from other basic abilities in game however if you get caught out of your group you become very vulnerable so don't consider that as an option or style of played out here two or three people when you in same time you are not 1500 resilience jewelry you better stick with backline in PVE gear because a true piece of Joy when you cast 1.5 second prayers and instant circle of healing after that you can hear 100K kills with just that combo I truly never try to go something deeper in this pack but one thing I can guarantee here is sure fun and entertainment so if you wanted to make discipline priest make sure to give this guy a chance at least on Battlegrounds you won't regret it [Music] foreign [Music] knows that I'm multi-class player so I can just leave it here with just 5 specs because there is at least five more that I fully enjoyed to play however on my shortlist I've had to make a decision between Unholy and frost Decay I love bottle specs so much and alcohol is without a DOT more complete one when I talk to rank one DK he set up following words trying to describe Unholy I just love Unholy DK because there is always room to improve there is always ability you can use even when your silence disarm or both in the same time and that's a true story you can't tell me that DK isn't fun because of that even if he is that strong and popular among people but I found Frost DK more entertaining because of huge bursts where you cut PVP gear people like random mobs and element Forest you can pretty surprise every class with amount of damage you can deal in three to four seconds that one wrong button and glow will cooldown for ballading can cause him a death without a chance of using a Divine Shield of course this is a blueberry build you can see in the background which requires good gear and high armor penetration rating I mentioned it because there are other ways of playing Frost Decay but I found this most entertaining and effective it can also be played in Arena by catching Killers off guard with two DPS comps but can also be played with a Healer in normal con that would be pretty much everything I had for today's video of course this is a fully subjective list and I enjoy a couple of more specs let me know in the comment section which pack do you like enjoy the most so thanks for watching stay tuned for more content and see you soon peace [Music]
Channel: Nibbai
Views: 52,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wotlk, wotlk classic, wrath of the lich king classic, wotlk classic most fun pvp specs, wotlk most fun specs, wotlk most fun specs pvp, wotlk classic most fun specs, wotlk classic most fun classes, wotlk classic most fun pvp class, wotlk classic easiest pvp specs, wotlk classic pvp, wow, wotlk easy pvp class, easiest arena class wotlk classic, paladin wotlk classic, warrior wotlk classic, rogue wotlk classic, nibbai, willie wow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2022
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