WotLK Classic 1v1 Difficulty PvP Tier List - Wrath of the Lich King Classic PvP

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hello everyone and welcome to my one versus one difficulty tier list this video is not about which class respect is the strongest but how hard is to deal against all other specs individually and have positive results in fact there is correlation between power and difficulty but that doesn't have to be the case I'll give an example with the Unholy Decay which is clearly one of the strongest packs in expansion and his correlation with difficulty is negative because you can beat most of classic relatively easy which means you don't need that much of a skill another side we have for example Frost Mage which is again very strong dueling spec but it's hard to play and hard to master and that made correlation between power and difficulty positive it's a strong spec but it doesn't mean you'll have positive results if you are a bad player so in conclusion is that we have these two very strong specs they belong to different categories in this tier list it's not easy to release to make because a lot depends on skill and gear will take in consideration so probably some of you will have different opinion and that's okay I'll try to make this from my perspective and my experience I hope I will help some of you and I hope you will all enjoy this video for this tier list I made these four columns which represent very hard hard medium and easy difficulty and I think it will be enough so let's start with first class Warriors wait wait before we start I need to mention that all fights are without line of sight and it affects results a lot so keep that in mind so arms Warrior is very tricky because there is a lot of disagreements and dividing opinions about his power in one versus one fight because his true power lays in the end of the Rat of the Lich King expansion but before that he struggles a lot since this video is not about how strong this pack is but how hard it is to beat others we can much more easily determine his position warrior in most cases loses to both players paladies and the case also good feral Druids are also a nightmare for him Marksmanship Hunter might be 50 50 in dwelling environment and he most likely kills Beast Mastery and survival Hunters casters are also very hard to beat warlock's maids and shamans are in most cases unbeatable having in mind there is a succubus Pet Plus Mage not to mention his power against Nelly Quest and shame with Perma roots from Urban totem and so on you need to be very careful with defenses so definitely output times Fourier on top like one of the hardest pack to beat anyone especially before the late later patches and later phases of Wrath of the Lich King next to Arms we got protection Warrior about this one I have to mention that gear plays a huge role here Kevin 100 armor penetration on the end of the expansion gives you some tremendous damage against players but still you like healing reduction from Mortal strike you have two main stuns a relatively low CDs and shield bash Rich silence and interrupts enemies that gives you opportunity to bash casters from charge and land free chain of CC where every hit kids like truck with PV gear you do better than arms warrior in most cases but specs with some sort of healing can Outlast you still I think this package is countable on high skill levels but for casual you'll do pretty good against majority and truly much easier than playing arms I'll put this guy in medium and well there is a fury Warrior nothing much to say about this pure PV spec and you'll definitely have hard time beating anyone so without any doubt it goes on very hard column in front of arms Warrior we move on paladins retribution palette is one of the best if not the best pack for fights with loss without it things are much different still retribution palette is mechanically pretty simple and that's something that knocks him off the top of the table from start practice all around spec and has almost everything something that he likes is interrupt for sure he does extremely well against Warriors and the case but it's more or less not that hard to beat them they also win Rogues in most of the times still I think you can have hard time dealing with enchasement shamans and ferals due to constant purges and Cyclones another side Paladin doesn't do very well against the majority of castles still Clans plays huge role there keeping the pace with gaster to make them under constant pressure but Fierce and specs who can stand and kill kill him they pretty much lose against all three Mage specs warlocks can be beaten with some higher resilience but in general desert Beats Paladin without loss but something important here is that you actually cannot outplay them like casters cannot play you with proper CC chain because your job is to glance glance cleanse and if cancer is not that good they don't know how to deal with that so it's easier playing red and win than playing Caster and do proper CC chain so I put the Retribution Paladin into medium after the protection Warrior next one is protection palette product palette is mechanically even less demanding direct his upgraded version of red against manly specs its insanely tank is back with a lot of blocks Paris and DARS which make all the manly specs impossible to build male storm stacks for health as example or to hit dead strikes for heal and much more however prop Paladin doesn't have Auto War Talent which makes his Hill Eastern cast which can be problem in longer fights another side against casters is a range silence which also bases the Target and allows front palette to be there and close to the enemy however majority of casters like frost Mage fire Mage Elementor Shaman Affliction warlock shouldn't have that big problem dealing with that orlo can have problems because Paladin can't fear his bed and literally make a very hard pressure from early start but in general he beats Rogues Hunters Warriors probably a haste in Shaman but I'm pretty sure that Unholy DK can beat protection Paladin because of different ways of healing and a lot of mixed spell damage and lack of art of light on Broad Paladin so I'm putting this guy in medium after retribution ballot is the easiest pack from retribution palette and we have a Holy Paladin and I won't talk about Holy Paladin because he's a Healer and healers are not one versus One specs so I'm putting it in helas next class is Hunter I got pretty decent played Hammer Hunter more than 50k honorable kills for sure keeping in mind that I play all specs this is pretty much I just love Marksmanship Hunter and when you get some more practice with all these buttons it becomes very powerful spec mechanically it is a little bit demanding because without Arena and focus targets there are about 40 binds to use on a single Target however you beat most of gases really easy very very skilled maybe two to five percent of frost Mage can be problem fire and Arcane are clearly not War what may be tricky with succubus but again your favorite to win this matchup actual trades in dueling environment transfer subtlety Rogues protection paladins and warriors Shadow priest and affliction warlocks and also Unholy and bloody King can be tricked at least he is 7 specs but in reality with some Rogue there is a lot of RNG because fights are really fast paced they can can and should be beaten and Paladin is not Immortal either if kite and reopens a perfect so I'm not really sure where should I put this guy because if we have for example subtlety is hard to beat this is easy kill easy kill okay this is hard 50 50 can be win okay maybe laws easy win easy win win win win win win win okay maybe with two white walkers and two Shields maybe this is a loss win win win Retribution Paladin protection Warrior maybe with good deterrence and nice disarms it can be a win protection palette is really hard to kite in dwelling environment and arms Warrior 50 50 when he's geared and he's killed but but but but I don't know maybe maybe if if we add another row for example and name it [Music] um uh medium easy maybe I'll set it there it's clearly not easy because it's mechanically demanding spec but if you put it medium uh you can't you can't say Paladin is insane bracket with Marksmanship Hunter when it comes to possibility of killing all these enemies Hunters can much easier kill all these enemies I mean majority of these enemies and if you on top of that say casters need to be skilled to give it a shot on killing a hunter yeah it must be here or here here I'll put it there maybe it's maybe it's less subjective because I love and play Hunter a lot but it's not hard it's it's really not hard to to kill majority of these specs maybe medium no my final answer is medium easy yes my opinion okay now we have Beast Mastery hunt don't get trapped because it's mechanically very easy spec this guy is clearly not top the Olympics back when you have decent enemies towards you the case is the Beast we think can be easily countered by most of the specs without that you're clearly nothing you have no two silences no saying that no to the terrorists of course if you run a normal BM talent tree not hybrid one on top of that you need your pad to be on target all the time which can have absolute opposite effect again suspects like Paladin dks and warriors so basically geared Warriors can most likely kill your pet in five to seven seconds or just Shield wall or Shield block Beast Within and hit revenges Aladin can easily heal on your bed and kill it in the same time killing DK is absolutely impossible mission Rogues just cloak and vanish your ultimate and reopen again with blind priest uses dispersion enchantment shamans just full all into your pet with wolves and it's dead in 5 seconds Mages use ice block which lasts for 10 seconds just like your ultimate and then use Poly on your pet and reopen again only warlocks might have hard time killing you but two white walkers or Affliction warlock is still a win in my opinion so it might sound weird but I would put BMI heart here because if enemies really know what they're doing because I pretty much said how easy almost each class can counter this pack for low to mid players this pack can be easy tier but for more experienced players it is definitely medium hard or pure hard tier to beat anyone but okay I may be gone really hard with this I'll set Beast monster in medium but before all of these three before I continue with survival Hunter I had to make a new tier for Fury Warrior because I simply cannot watch this back next to Arms Warrior and next to other specs we will cover in this video an arm spoiler should maybe belong to just heartier not very hard we'll see that on the end of the video in conclusion okay now when we did that let's continue sarovic Hunter is very fun spec but it locks silence and Depends a lot of explosive shot blocks also Black Arrow which is one of the main spells can be cleansed or dispelled by all paladins priests and even warlock has Shield against Shadow damage there is no real burst and no real threat facing this pack on top of that you don't even have Readiness to reset your traps returns catch a shot and much more so if you play it it can be very hard dealing with almost old packs in game and this pack surely needs to be on top before Warrior because I don't actually see the spec losing to survival Hunter in dwelling environment and this could be the actual moment where I have to move arms Warrior one tear below because clearly Warrior cannot be in same tier with survival Hunter because it's much stronger now when we finish Hunters let's move to ropes subtlety Rogue has one of the biggest skill caps in game you have always to adapt to every situation and every cooldown your enemy uses so you need to know your spec by the smallest details if you want to face good enemies next to cooldowns you also need to watch out for your energy your combo points in microblade like that zoning wasting any of your major cooldowns can cost you a match in most cases wasting cloak of Shadows when shouldn't against cancerously to Eastern that that's why some Rogues forfeit dwells with full health if they weigh some of the major cooldowns and do nothing with it because they just know they lost in advance it's very hard class to play so dealing with players is very hard job you have to know how to Dead Zone a warrior properly because without it it's a sure loss the case who runs some stun reduction games and talents are also most likely unbeatable if they don't drink it opening kidney paladins are also very hard to beat because of puff which removes your kidney shot without a trinket however if you master this lens you won't have that much problems killing average platers yes this might be a little bit easier though Frost image is 50 50 or both skilled and you know how to play aggressive use proper cloak kick certain skulls and watch out for Global CDs fire Mage is energy because of desire which can fully ruin your Shadow dance and openers Arcane is easy win Shadow priest is 50 50 in my opinion with slightly Edge to a very very good role player Elemental is a win luck with succubus is a pain and he uses some defensive drinking is probably a loss Affliction I think loses to Rogue because it's very hard to force a cloak without cast and stun which Destruction has so in conclusion if you are an average Rogue you lose two Paladin Warrior okay 5050 Euphoria is average you can win but with without dead zoning it's very hard against Marksmanship concept you can win yes a blood loss Unholy lost Frost surely a loss fire loss wrist yes loss if you don't know how to use cloak properly and vanish and reopen on proper time without his shield on yes you lose to Shadow priest Elemental okay it's not that hard enhancement probably a loss apparel Druid again if your time your cloak if you time your cloak before Nature's grasp which average Rogues can do you can lose to them balance okay it's nothing special Deathstroke 50 50 you can burst him down just with cloak sometimes Affliction okay it's a win so probably I'm putting I'm putting subtlety Rogue very high between hard and very hard probably very hard for for new people don't Master subtlety Rogue it's very hard to beat anyone it's very hard to play this pack complexity of this pack makes it so hard to play and I need to give it a very hard position another side assassination rope does better against all blade packs and he pretty much owns paladins Warriors ndks but the case who doesn't know how to use Ms and an anti-magic Zone properly reason behind that is in venom which hits nature damage which bypasses armor instead of physical damage which is a main source of damage from our subtlety Rogue this Talent also kills and has been shamans and found Druid much easier however assassination likes Shadow step which is a huge handicap against almost all casters against casters like destroy warlock in their succubus in teleport I don't see a really chance of winning Frost Mage is absolutely unbeatable Hunter is unbeatable also so basically she assassin is your own deals easier against majority of specs than subtlety Rogue does I mean subrogue can do better against casters and Hunters because of Shadow step which can also be somehow countered by warlock succubus Frost Mage is counter by itself and designs from fire Mage Another Side sub doesn't shine against players either which are mostly easy targets for assassination Rogue so we'll give assassination probably immediate tier between a right and proud Paladin because Paladin could do something against Mage locks and Hunters but assassination is better against Shadow priest both shamans Elemental and enhancement and feral Druids and we got a combat row here and let's get straight to the point you can go around and one shot people on BG's without gear and without cooldowns and on surprise but the real dwelling environment this pack has a lot of bad things this pack is idiotic and who plays this in one versus one fight is clearly an idiot however it's a DPS pack and we need to find it still there my opinion is that majority of specs in game can counter combat scaling spree really easy pelonies needs to use handle protection Rogues just need to vanish world just teleports away all Mage get eyes blocked fire Mage even have very strong chances to disarm you in the middle of Killing Spree Shadow priests just need to disperse so only targets you can burn zones are warriors we disarm before Killing Spree maybe Hunter may be Unholy and frost Decay fell during an elemental shaman and at least two specs from there are question mark on top of that if you know you're dealing with with full PVE combat roll you just bring some defensive trinket like skeleton key and win is guaranteed so in normal circumstances where people know what Killing Spree is I put this pack in very hard tier or beating any class there come dead Knights starting with Unholy DK as I mentioned in the beginning of the video this pack is surely one of the strongest One Versus One specs if not the strongest one it beats 70 percent to Specs in game pretty casually this pack just have everything they need and they are not that mechanically demanding in one versus one fights a lot of Hills a lot of throw ability a lot of mixed damage interrupts silence and so on only real threat comes from retribution and Prague paladins and very very skilled Frost Mage and Marksmanship Hunter Mains so this guy must belong to bottom easy tier unlike his Unholy Talent blood DK have a lot of downsides this pack is known for its insane heels with couple of unique spells and Unholy doesn't have but it lacks some other things lot DK can and should be played with high armor penetration and no one can say it doesn't deal tremendous damage with hysteria which increases physical damage done by 20 but this pack can own Warriors and Rose and probably hunters and they can kill Retribution Paladin in End Game Gear but they lose top right Paladin in my opinion on the other side blood isn't that good dwelling spec because it's very easy kitable there is no anti-magic Zone in most cases knowledge born because you are specking Unholy talents next to blood so this Pack loses to almost if not all casters whenever blood uses some hugely offensive cooldown you can just polymorph here freeze root and make a space it's very hard job killing any middle serious player so if you play Blood DK it's far from easy to kill most of the specs you have just couple of good matchups my pick for blood DK would be hard here but behind the arms Warrior when it comes to Frosty case it's a little bit different story from bloody cage because they have the same burst with that chill and obliterates even in smaller period of time if you got very high armor penetration your damage from obliter is hits like a truck even on a played enemies before that Frost can be played around strength and holy blast however Frost is surely better choice in one versus one finds them blood Decay because it also has a lich born which helps a lot against warlocks and Shadow Breeze next to the Lich bone there is also a hanger and cold which can give a nice setup on Second Use when enemy doesn't have a trinket you can freeze manly targets when you charge runic power and then heal with coils sad diseases and reopen very hot what is also interesting with hunger and gold you can instantly freeze packs with pets and due to insane High burst you can delete enemy pet before they defrost still there is no way you beat the frost Mage Farm Mage has a great CC but there could be a chance if Lich boring stranguly are used wisely against polymorph Affliction warlock is dead meat and Destra law can be beaten because of insane burst with that chill it is not mechanically demanding spec and its threat comes from maybe battle Druid Frost Mage blood Decay assassination Rogue Prague pal and Marksmanship Hunter on one side this pack has some counters like I said but another side I think it has potential and dozens of good matchups so I dare myself to put Frost decay in medium position on the last spot as the easiest one to be decent against all other specs almost next to Hunter next class is priest only damaging's pack is Shadow priest and if you follow me from stars on my channel you probably know my thoughts about this one surely as to your dwellings pack and also was in my easiest packs video Shadow priests simply have very good control through very good Shield kills very good CC silence disarm and 20 second fear and these spells can fight both manually and cast her enemies equally it has tons of good matchups but it clearly is in the same bracket as Unholy DK priest has some hard enemies like Unholy DK Frost Mage Enhancement Shaman and Peril Druid and that sure could be problem 2. still there are a couple of not that easy matchups but good priests should more or less beat others mechanically I still say this is the least demand is packed among casters and it's very accessible for beginners so it put Shadow priest in medium easy tier with Master 3 Hunter and I think they are bought more or less very good in majority of matchups other two pretty specs are healing specs so I won't talk about them so we move on Mage every starting with frost Talent cross Mage is a horseback because of mechanics since it doesn't have much spell but it complexity comes from proper combination of CC abilities every set of cooldowns frost is known one of the biggest crowd control spec taxing game next to Rogues so timing of these CC spells is most important thing of course it's easier said than done because you have to adjust your tactics against each packing game since your next move mostly depends on enemy use cooldowns you can see how important it is against enemy casters you can just open with ice rings and freeze the Target and deal the damage that way you will lose a lot of matchups good Frost Mage needs to know how to force important enemy cooldowns and trinkets and then reopen with polymorph that's why cold snap is very powerful spell because it resets all mage cooldowns against smelly enemies subtlety Road can be 50 50 but if they are really really skilled everything below Rogue means it's a loss for Rogues other hard matchup is Unholy that night still I think DK has like 55 chances of winning this matchup these two are even even matchups but hard one is definitely against both warlocks because mainly of course of tongues and dispatch from fell Hunter which can deny polymorphs and counter spells also good Marksmanship Hunter and feral shape-shift is tricky definitely very high on dwelling tier list but it's far from easy as I said before I'm definitely putting Frost Mage in very hard tier because of skill cap but once you mean this one is definitely one of the strongest dwellings packing game fire image is actually a very good spec but it has a lot of energy energy lasing Critical Hits and instant pyroblast Sprint Fireblade stun and disarm against smelly enemies Randomness can make farmage duels go much smoother or make it nightmare another side this pack is very good CC which can be good against smelly and cats her enemies you can use all three CC blast wave dragon breath counter spell and Ford fireblast is an interrupting abilities against Cass and three of these four can be used against melee enemies to make a space bedside of fire Mage next to RNG are defensive abilities and many issue issues with Mana Shield you can run out of Mana very fast in one versus one fights you can do pretty good with Warriors paladins Frost and bloody case even warlocks are encounters like for frost Mage because curse of tongues mean nothing Peril Druids are also beatable but once again comes from a holy Decay Marksmanship Hunter sabrogue and farmage has some other 50 50 matchups but it's not mechanically harsh back to play but to know how to interrupt properly with tons of CC when to use ice block and when to reopen because your CDs are relatively low and it's fully possible to Advocate and reopen so I'm putting fire image in medium tier on the last spot as the easiest pack among these to face other enemies next is Arcane Mage I won't talk much about this one in fact this pack has insane amount of burst but everything besides that is poor there is a lot of very bad matchups where hurricane Mitch doesn't stand a chance I know only one good Arcane Mage in his dark honey from war main but I didn't actually see him dueling ever in dueling zone or he just didn't use that name it is possible to burst down even some of the best dwelling classes but again you depend a lot on Arcane barrage proc also the better PV gear the more chances of winning I played this pack and I think I have probably the biggest problem killing anyone in Marvel swamp fights it's just insanely hard to play this packing duels it has to be ranked in very hard tier in my opinion we move on Druids and starting with feral Talent it's the same story like mm Hunter who follows me knows how much I love this pack Merlin is maybe the best all-around spec with a very high Mobility Kill Road damage damage over time CC 2 stuns survivability and can be immune to fear and on top of that it's fun to play however you need to know how to play this pack because he has a lot of close matchups Marksmanship Hunter all three robes even balanced Druid Unholy Decay is hard because of gargoyle huge hills Ms and grip and believe it or not the Destruction Warlock with two void Walkers is pretty much lost for feral Druid however Farrell has possibility of outplaying enemies unlike for example paladins so these matchups are hard but they are not guaranteed loss or counters what I want to say is that you have to adapt and maybe use your CC and heals much more often than trying to burst down some of these packs so it's hard to realize where the problems are to make a new solutions for that feral Druid cannot be below heart here [Music] next one is balance raid most of new people might think that balance is good for one versus one because of Starfall and rat which has very low casting time in reality there are plenty ways countering Starfall and there is rarely where Druids stands and casts freely with that being said its play style should be based on couple of reopens and second star hole where chances of winning are increased grantly but that period between two starfalls are very hard to survive against anyone you have to know how to kite to use Cyclones to get away and heal a lot you gotta survive opening bursts from multiple specs without trying to Outburst them because you simply can't without any single silence or stun so you gotta be more than an average balanced read player to be decent in duels I've been playing duels with a lot of different specs and I don't remember that any balance ruin made me feel ashamed I did lose to some better ones but again in next two or three duels I see where the problem is and just win the fight from balance with some huge resilience in later phases can maybe win Warriors BM Hunters because they can kill Pat very fast ferals and has been shamans and Broad paladins and Warriors and that's pretty much it I'm giving balance during the hard tier before arms Warrior and next to balance read There is a residuey which is a Healer and that's it now we move on Shaman's Elemental shamani s tier Plus in trees Arenas and Battlegrounds but when it comes to dwelling without loss this pack doesn't do very well beside totems it doesn't have any real defensive cooldown which is very bad for open fights when your heels can be easily interrupted with Los this pack is probably one of the best Jewelers because of very short cast times on healing and EPS spells however this pack is not mechanically hard but it requires some knowledge when to put grounding totem went to kite and go defensive and when you are free to burst Elemental loses almost to all Caster both 4 looks Frost and arcade Mage Shadow priest and with balance there even even because they both have also Hills and it could be very long fight against Mali the things are a little bit better thanks to Irvine totem which allows them permanent kiting and healing their own Warriors blood and frost decays and paladins our holy decay can be beaten on End Game Gear and these duels are usually along exactly because of Earth by totem windshear on gargoyle and a lot of Hills still I think that good DK has a 65 chance of winning this fight but Elemental is not without chances thanks to one second lava burst and Laser healing waves heal if you stand and cast be sure you will lose like 80 percent of matchups so this pack requires good positioning and kiting against casters which bad and average players rarely do Elemental has a lot of tough matchups and it's hard to play this pack in one versus one fights so I'm putting this pack in hard tier between Warrior and blood decay next to Elemental we have a haze machine this one was also in my top 5 easiest PVP specs and I mesh a couple of times that skill level is the key of determining difficulty of this pack if we talk about average players which is clearly 70 to 80 percent of player base this pack is easy and full stop if you talk about that other 20 for players this pack becomes hard your totems need to be perfectly used your kiting needs to be perfect you cannot drink at random fears and stuns even warlocks and Priests can kill you in higher skill fights so this is the same case like Beast Mastery Hunter I cannot put them in the proper tier because either way you can tell me I'm wrong but enhancement and BM Hunter are extremely easy to beat all casters if they are not that good because I myself cannot deal with the engagement shamans when I'm playing casters so imagine how hard is For Worse player they meet to deal with that another side I found a casement Shaman probably nastier list with all top best dueling specs because it's extremely powerful spec when it's played in proper way and it's fully viable against all melee enemies too and again I have to put Enhancement Shaman solo immediate music because there are 10 specs who are required to be Masters in their spec to play against average in case machine and we made it to the last class and that class is a warlock Destruction Warlock is my opinion one of the most complete specs for duels among casters and in general there are Shadow Fury sound which is not that long but it's enough to make a difference and give you free cast on one spell that's a huge thing because you can chain it with fear and that way it's almost guaranteed force of enemy trinket or you're allowed to make a full DPS rotation which is huge it has a ton of good matchups and I see actual tread counts for just fuse packs like unholidated cage maybe on Flix or warlock I'm not sure about that because I never seem to top destroy an Affliction world of dueling each other and Chaseman Shaman Marksmanship Hunter if it's very good and that's pretty much it insane control through fear stun coil silence for Pat even this spell from pet is a huge thing against all casters which can fully remove Silence from priest or poly from Mage or fear from other Warlock and so on there is no way not to match a curse of tongues which pretty much kills all casters itself mechanically can be little tough because you need to position your pet properly with follow stay and move commands to dispel properly silence watch out for diminishing returns but a general not too hard tactics and use of cooldowns are more important things so basically if you play this pack surely it won't be difficult to deal with majority of specs melee and casters make because of variety of packs if there wasn't worries about pad control I would maybe put Astro in Easy tier not because it's that easy to play but because I truly think it's extremely powerful and have that possibility of killing old specs but for now I'm giving it medium easy tier other warlock Talent is Affliction it is damage over time version of world there are opinions that Affliction is better than destruction world looking duels but I don't think so I think the destruction has lies bad or hard matchups than Affliction this pack could have problems with subtlety Rogue and assassination Rogue Pros DK maybe brought warrior with a lot of CC and Interruption during life maybe Shadow priest and holy DK Enhancement Shaman still it does good against Warriors and paladins since paladins doesn't have interrupt against real life and there is also a risk of dispelling and stable Affliction which silences it deals around 7K damage another side Affliction is very good sustaining heal without actual heel casts these pack hunters from smidge very hard and Can't Fight The Shadow Breeze to 50 50 matchups but I would still give a priest slightly more chances of winning however it sucks hard against Rogues and not so much of a challenge for dks and barrels that's where destruction will look shines better and have much more chances of winning overall it's a great spec note dub because it can fight most of cancer Samuels easily but it has couple of unbeatable matchups like I mentioned earlier with all that being said I'm putting Affliction warlock in a medium easy after Hunter I have very low play time on demonology Warlock and I actually don't know much about this pack but what I've seen they probably can't win any Caster DK Paladin so probably they can maybe face Rogues and warriors I'm giving this pack very hard tier almost not viable in my opinion now when we finish the list let's give a conclusion and see if there is a room for some changes for example subtlety Rogue could maybe go one tier below same as Beast Mastery Hunter because it's mechanically brain dead and Marksmanship Hunter could maybe go one tier above like I've been mentioning however very hard and hard tiers in general represents specs that are either bad at dwelling or too complex with high skill caps like subtlety Rogue Frost Mage feral Druid and arms Warrior medium theory in the middle represents more or less packs that are meh not good not bad with some impossible mashups but still decent and bottom 2 tiers are very good dueling specs which are on the first place strong and that allows them to beat others much easier still Hunter needs mechanical practice with a lot of micro play improvements to be very good just on holy DK stands alone in the bottom like most powerful and not hospecting duels and with this conclusion I am finishing this video I really hope you enjoyed it and if you it make sure to leave a like And subscribe to the channel thanks a lot for your time and see you soon with some more reaction from Wow classic
Channel: Nibbai
Views: 46,921
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Keywords: Wotlk classic, wotlk classic pvp tier list, wotlk classic duel tier list, wotlk classic tier list, wotlk classic class picking guide, wotlk classic 1v1 tier list, wotlk classic duels, wotlk classic 1v1 difficulty tier list, wotlk difficulty tier list, wotlk classic pvp difficulty tier list, nibbai, wotlk classic arena tier list, wotlk arena tier list, wotlk arena s5 tier list, wotlk duels tier list, pshero, xaryu, gnev tier list, gnev wow, nibbai addons, nibbai tier list
Id: WpO_f61HocY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 34sec (2314 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 09 2022
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