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hello friends it's me put with pink hair not the last episode of Dragon Ball Z we went to the nastiest dustiest crusty-ass buffet in my city it was gross they have roaches mice hair and food that's like Arizona it was possibly the worst eating establishment that I ever had the misfortune of digesting food ah it just sucks so the next day I decided to treat myself by going to the best buffet in Vegas there was kind of a draw between a couple of buffets that were supposed to be really good so this buffet is one of the best buffets in Vegas as you enter the Wynn Hotel you are immediately transported into a magical Wonderland no expenses are spared within this lavish decor consisting of marble silk flowers and crystal accents every angle is pleasing to the eye with extreme attention to detail and inside the decor of this establishment is top-notch the service is in line with the atmosphere the waitress for our table Benny with all smiles and cleared the table regularly and offered advice about the cuisine and area this extremely large buffet has at least two to four chefs at each station each chef is attentive to their cuisine and keeps the area spotless while greeting each customer with a smile the dessert station is complete with an ice cream bar and four tiered chocolate fountain and had pastry chefs who are fluent in all things sugar the food prepared your taste buds the hot stations consisted of cuisines from around the world that is not the typical salty low quality food at strip buffets my wife and I felt the food was truly the best we ever had due to spice and diversity of offerings an absolute must visit when on the strip in Vegas Wow three paragraphs and absolutely no complaints this seems like it's gonna be the opposite the complete opposite of the other place truly the number one buffet in Las Vegas second time here this time for brunch the service and food was the wonderful okay so we get it is fancy is good let me tell you this place was bomb yeah it was just as good as that review said it was so when you walk in there are these grander arrangements of flowers like from floor to ceiling I thought they were real first but they're still flowers I mean I'll be insane if they were real like y'all know how much it would cost to like replace those weekly ya know I walked on marble floors to get to my seat the place just looked really amazing it looked very expensive very fancy this was definitely the fanciest buffet I have ever been to this was my first time going here backs of the seats were tufted it was clean they had so many different kinds of foods from all around the world they had a bunch of kinds of sushi shrimp edamame appetizers and I loved how there's portion control so when you don't just like take one of those grappling hooks and just scoop up a ton of food and dump it on your plate ooh not even eat all of it like the food didn't come in like those big aluminum buckets that they had at the other buffet they had them on little plates so that the presentation was beautiful but also you're not taking a bunch of that thing it's like they know people are just gonna want to try everything so you just get the little plates up they already prepared but a very small portion and obviously if you like it go get more but it's also so you're not wasting food and you can try everything in like really small portions not to mention it looks good for Instagram I got the ahi tuna the garlic shrimp edamame got some sushi I just wanted to like try everything oh there has so many crab like they had snow crab which is my absolute favorite I live for snow crab legs they were so bought it was nothing like the first buffet we went to like these were they were thick juicy buttery like the other place it was like a strand of the hair of meat in those crab legs these are some baked crab legs you know thick thighs save lives the crab dies feed my hungry ass okay and of course I got the oyster again I hate oysters but you know I always have to try them just in case it might change my mind cuz everybody I know they love oysters but why I'm trying to understand the hype that I can't seem to ever understand maybe one day I will be sophisticated enough to enjoy an oyster so they had a Chinese food section which looked really really delicious mmm the orange chicken the fried rice unfortunately I can't eat that because I has gluten in it but it looks absolutely delicious and he loved it like the food was such amazing quality like you know some buffet this is definitely like a conspiracy theory I have that they put some kind of filler in the food or you know what is it that like you sprinkle it on top of your food and it fills you up quickly like like additives are filler or something something that you give to people trying to lose weight appetite suppressant that's what it is I believe I feel like a lot of Cheaper buffets do that they put additives or like appetite suppressants in the food to make you eat less like I have been to buffets well I take a few bites out of something and I'm like oh man I haven't eaten all day but I am bold maybe you know what that hasn't happened to me in a long time so maybe they don't do that anymore maybe they cost them FDA was like no y'all can't be doing this I definitely think like that was a thing but this buffet I ate so much food and I was oh I was good I was able to try almost everything that I could eat and I'm okay with that was happening a few things I didn't get to tribal that were really cool I didn't try it because I couldn't be bothered to wait in line like I wanted to get my food sit down and eat which is the whole point of going to a buffet like the food is ready I love places where the food is ready you just choose your food and then sit down to eat they had a taco building station so they make you a taco custom taco however you want it whatever fillings you want in it Chipotle is shaking there was a meat carving station was barbecue rotisserie chicken okay you know what if I wanted barbecue rotisserie chicken I would have went to Costco so I skipped out on that I was like nah let me see what else y'all got to offer ooh the ribs the ribs man those are delicious those are bomb AF I haven't had some good breads in a hot minute and I love that yeah I'm just like looking through all the food that I ate this was like a week ago and damn there was a lot of good stuff here I would definitely go back out so they did have some big things of food like the rice and like some chicken place and like asparagus like you just scoop them out no big deal they had a whole bread station good morning let's get this bread you can actually get any kind of bread you want they had a lot station where you can make yourself a latke which is like a potato pancake and they did like fancy ones if you're under ten years old or got no taste buds they got a piece of station I'm just kidding I've been to a buffet with children and they only eat pizza I'm a little oh this food why don't you try everything go like no I'm good I might just have pizza and have anything a cheese pizza you absolute uncultured swine we pay $59.99 for you to get in for you to have two slices of cheese pizza yeah I don't think so so what I like to do at buffets if you haven't noticed already is just pile up my plate with everything that I like I don't care if it doesn't go with each other but like I like to try everything so that's exactly what I did here's my plate and here we go [Music] god don't even get me started on this dessert bar i love love dessert bars at buffets it's just so many little things that you can try - goodbye - like you don't have to finish all of it if you don't want to is just basically trying everything and like I love going to places to like try different things and buffets are like the perfect place to do that one of my favorite things I had was the ice cream the scoops are absolutely tiny like literally this big Vegas scoop was not even this big like this is too big first but they're tiny one scoop equals one bite I mean I was okay with it because I was just trying to eat a little bit of everything but I had to go like several times through the ice cream just because it was so absolutely delicious like the mango vanilla custard bomb wait by Sniper Wolf aren't you gluten-free why is that gluten on your plate so when you guys see me like get a plate and then put something with gluten on it it's because it has a piece that I can eat like cheesecake I can almost never eat the crust but I love cheesecake I always get cheesecake just because I can eat the actual cheese part I just don't eat the crust and for the cupcake there was a cupcake with strawberry mousse on top and I can eat strawberry mousse I've been doing this for over 10 years now I know what I can and cannot eat by just looking at it I had the strawberry moves it was okay that Apple on the other hand I don't know what was wrong with this candy apple like it was beautiful but it tasted like poisonous floor cleaner fabuloso by the way not fabuloso because I thought I got poisoned for a hot SEC but he asked one of the chefs why is the candy apple taste like this and she was like it's the food coloring the food coloring kind of tastes like bitter and funky sometimes so I'm like okay you sure about that cuz I don't know that was like the one complaint that I had I did not like that candy apple which was disappointing because I loved candy apples I prefer the caramel as opposed to the red ones what do you guys would say for dessert comment below I need to know but anyways that's all for you there I hope guys enjoyed this video if you want me to do more of these videos comment below let me know where I should go next and make sure you hit the like button the heist and subscribe to my channel I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys [Music]
Channel: Little Lia
Views: 6,362,331
Rating: 4.9312696 out of 5
Keywords: little lia, sssniperwolf, 5 star, buffet, 5 star buffet, best, best buffet, best reviewed restaurant, best reviewed, 5 star food, restaurant, eating at the best reviewed buffet, eating at the best reviewed restaurant, review, food review, food
Id: uPgNC2l0uPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2019
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