Turning Cheap Food Into Gourmet (Budget Challenge)

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today I challenge the best chef in my family Jessica to the ultimate cooking Showdown we will be going to three different places and given a budget to find the best ingredients that will be used to create a gourmet meal to decide the winner we hired a celebrity food critic Troy Johnson who will judge our meals based on presentation taste and creativity the winner will be crowned the best chef in my family while the loser faces an extreme punishment all right Jessica for the first meal we are at a gas station and we have ten dollars to spend to try to make a banger meal you ready yes all right go I actually have no idea what I'm gonna make what is this a spicy beef and cheese crispy tortilla we can make something to work with this for sure okay strawberry yogurt let's see if they have apples and peanut butter okay now we gotta see if they have apples oh and chocolate chips I saw this on Tick Tock yo move out of my face move real quick food aside let's see if there's a nice drink we can get Hershey's bar okay their apples aren't looking too good okay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to mix these two together put chocolate chips in it and then use the Apple to eat it but I feel like you need something else water you know what I mean yeah just keep it healthy keep it healthy I don't know if this is considered cheating but I hear Brian talking about a drink I think the Judge needs a drink to go with this that's a good Duty game good fine good fight oh this is good you're not copying me that where'd you get that Apple from gotta find it if you were a judge what would you choose strawberry banana wait you guys I'm so dumb I forgot about my budget wait is that enough for all that I just want to see how much all of this is it's 14 okay can I get rid of this please 10 16. I'm 16 cents over it's fine so much if you ask me I would say that was a success so now let's get a fruit and I think we should be good will she want an apple I'll get a banana I can definitely cook something up with this yeah no this should be good as long as it's under ten dollars damn um wait really thank you so much you are amazing have a great day okay I don't know what you're making I don't even know what I'm making but the judge is waiting for us and he's awaiting some breakfast right now let's go Chef Boyer rug here Chef Jess I'm so boring anyways guys you have an idea of what you're gonna cook oh yeah I don't we have 10 minutes the judge is waiting for us in the other room Ready set go okay first I'm gonna wash my Apple where do I do dinner I'm gonna grab a plate we're gonna chop this up and throw it in here about to turn this gas station food into a gourmet meal five-star chef's kiss oh this is gonna be hard with him in the kitchen with me cut my knife that's a little too small excuse me all right I think what I'm gonna do here is just present it very nice and make a charcuterie board I'll cut this last because Apple's Brown quick so let's start with this I'm gonna make a little happy face yes and I melted that on top of that that's a good one I think I'm gonna do that then a scoop okay now we're just gonna mix this should be good I'll keep two slices here for him to eat five minutes some Pam and some spices garlic powder parmesan cheese even though we're melting cheese on it the extra cheese imagine these lactose we're gonna chop up our Hershey's like chunks and I'm gonna mix it with my yogurt mix this all together ready to go we're gonna go garlic powder cheese and tamarind I think I might take round one for sure now we're gonna cut our Apple into slices kind of have a disadvantage because of my long nails I'm gonna start plating I'm gonna get my dick make sure it has our chocolate chips yes how's yours looking over there beautiful what about you amazing I'm just gonna keep it like this how much time do we have two and a half minutes two and a half minutes sprinkle it on top now we just gotta get the taquito maybe just use the parmesan and garlic powder yeah yeah see how it's like catching it like that flip it and make sure it lands on top of the cheese something needs a Finishing Touch of some chocolate I think this looks beautiful honestly it's kind of like a breadstick now it smells good in that oh look at that I'm done all right Brian you have one minute though you better hurry up I'm pretty much done here oh yeah oh five four three two one oh one banana fell do you think I killed it I think you killed it thank you yes so you know we have a clear winner for round one right no [Music] judge Troy how are you first off I just want to say it's a pleasure to meet you it's a pleasure to meet you too Chef thank you today I have prepared for you strawberry Greek yogurt with a peanut butter swirl on the inside along with chocolate chunks on top and a fresh Apple this is straight up third grade in a plate is that a compliment or I'm doing about looks right this definitely brings me back to my childhood it gives me good memories right it looks chunky which could be good or or the other thing yes or not [Music] oh no no no no it's surprisingly good yes okay okay okay okay there's some weird consistency in there though you know when you're looking at something creamy but you find something chewy in it you just go this was not the experience I was looking for but it's nice it's a surprise tell them where you got the recipe from Tick Tock I will say this did you cut your apples a little bit early I cut them last oh you did back there a little bit longer that's a great snack okay judge Troy are you ready for my meal here you go we also got you a nice water to stay hydrated in front of you you have a charcuterie board we cooked some taquitos spicy beef and cheese and we actually melted more cheese on top we added garlic powder and parmesan cheese we sliced up some bananas on the side and I want to hear what you have to think about it you tweaked my taquitos they're twitos I never really knew you could get taquitos at a gas station you managed to turn a trip to the gas station into a trip to the local Winery but look at you get so many different bites in this too you're giving we have options I get to build my own crunchy the basic crackers that you get in the story they should have a little bit of crunches you get the softness with the cheese and the salami you get a bunch of different textures you made a Lunchable yeah that's what I was going for too you know no the taquitos are really going to be the key because this is the one they've actually cooked a little bit of garlic salt on there more cheese I was worried that you were lactose no no no I'm lack yes mmm I actually didn't try it I don't play video games um but if I did this would be my snack of choice after about four and a half hours of deep deep gaming and you're like I need something Savory but something that really feels like a terrible Health decision yeah but a good life decision everyone needs that great video game snack like that's so important when you're gaming you just wanted to you know make sure that I had something healthy to go along with my salami and tequila and don't forget about the Fiji Water I feel hydrated just looking at that thing wow and you didn't have a drink did you I did not oh okay that's perfect you think you got a good gauge on who wins round number one I think I do have a winner okay I think it's our time let's go okay how you guys feeling about everything I am feeling fairly confident I would be extremely shocked if I didn't take home round number one okay relax he talked way more about mine sometimes talk is to cover up something else all right I guess now we wait for the judge to pick his favorite plate and we go reveal winner of round number one chefs like I got a decision come on in nervous this is so nerve-wracking underneath this is a beautiful bit of food it is the winner of the first round this dish really went over my heart because the fact that you could go either way with it and build your own fights first round the gas station the food you created it thank you judge Troy round one baby you killed it good job killed it okay now for the next round you got 15 at the Dollar Tree okay okay that sounds interesting we'll be back round one goes to your boy Jessica if you lose this I win the entire video and you get punished I got this don't worry but for the second place we're at a Dollar Tree that they have a ton of options for food and our budget increased by five dollars we each have fifteen dollars to spend you ready yep all right let's go let's go all right lunch so you actually have up to five dollar things you could get I think we should shoot for that this is it I'm gonna head straight and see what I can please should we run Pizza bro these right here bomb bro thank you so much dude so we got this for the base meal what if I do like a garlic bread sandwich with mac and cheese on the side I think that sounds good okay let's grab garlic parm Texas toast look it I'm looking I'm looking some toast on the side would be fire would it mixed vegetables what can I put inside of the sandwich we'll go with pepper jack cheese on top of that sir I just realized the first meal though I had pepperoni maybe I shouldn't do this then should we do mac and cheese but I can like turn it all into a bowl yeah all right come over here away from him silly Cheesesteak pepper jack cheese inside of Texas toast mac and cheese on the side this time he deserves a drink I'm gonna go the more Gourmet route and I'm gonna do like coconut water over ice I think this will be really refreshing Polish sausage wait so should we even do toast or should we just find it yeah mac and cheese bites you guys have insta rice okay I'm gonna grab mashed potatoes actually oh you're here's the rice thank you so much pepper stir-fry this has onions and green and red and yellow bell peppers honestly I think I'm done so we got rice mashed potatoes veggies mac and cheese bites and sausage maybe a dessert for this one oh get that oh paleta for sure bro the strawberry one is crazy and then a drink and I hope we're under 15 bucks Wild Cherry Pepsi sounds crazy yep that's the one guys 9.40 I did way better than the gas station I think I'm spending less here than the gas station look at this thank you so much you're the best yo we only spent nine dollars here that's crazy 10 minutes again you got some good options oh you want 15. we'll do 50. we'll do 15 for Jessica I only need 10. so three two one go let's just gather all of my supplies and take it to the stove oh all right I'll make them a little bite size I need an air fryer this is gonna help me with a lot of things let's see what this is looking like we'll make it work all right let's grab some seasoned cayenne pepper I think we should be just good with this get a nice amount of ham I need boiling water I might just do this in a bowl instead I don't have time to boil them I need to start on my meat one two I like to cover my vegetables with paper towel and water let's start making our rice got the rice broken down in there yup a minute and a half boom all right or not too much here should be good I feel like it's missing something and I'm worried about that oh no Brian's using the microwave let's go in with our meat [Music] pepper pepper pepper pepper of onion powder oregano paprika some more seasoning the better we're gonna let that cook and in the meantime I'm gonna throw these for five minutes in the microwave in five minutes let's go back to the meat maybe we add this to a bowl to season the veggies that's a lot of carrots man I'm just gonna spill for sure what bowl do you think we should actually present the whole meal in it's too small simple yeah I should keep it full we're just gonna let this cook all the way through I'm gonna take all my knees put it off to the side I have to cook a little bit more meat okay it looks pretty good it does still hot we're gonna keep this in here while we cook everything else all right guys I'm gonna throw the veggies in here [Applause] all right seven more minutes left oh God I got started she added way too much on that all right one cup two cups yeah we let that boil I'm gonna pour it off to the side and then I'm gonna cut the vegetables in here and let them cook with this oil and seasoning look I might need a bigger bowl because if I try to pour those in there bro yeah get a bigger bowl dude there's actually stressful guys I don't even know if I have a bigger bowl or do you think I could just plate it I thought a bowl would be better but there might be too much sausage it does not look too appetizing right now Cheese Louise okay okay it's a little bit of Rich garlic and herbs I don't know how much is too much I hope that wasn't too much we're gonna add two pieces one to five minutes we're gonna do four and we'll come back to it I think some soy sauce yeah that's it okay now it's time for the mashed potatoes oh wow dude wait it's that easy to make mashed potatoes it smells fire huh this is our side microwave for three minutes are still looking good we're gonna keep some veggies in and take some veggies all right guys three minutes left on the clock I think that looks good if I need more I'll add more my cheese this is not looking too good I can still make this work I can cut it on top we're running out of time here we go let's add some pepper dude I think this is our plate a nice iced glass of Pepsi I am honestly not too confident in this one like I was the first one I'm gonna get my Mac and Cheese because we have like less than two minutes left and this needs to be mixed again yep that looks fire if you ask me 1 30. Let's Start plating I need to cut this cheese okay let's go strips let's start layering these I'm stressed I got this cup from Super Mario World let's hope he likes it look at these ice cubes and to top it off guys some maraschino cherries oh it doesn't stay at the top one minute left no someone melted not bad three cherries and I am done this is our garlic spread what the let's go get our meat 30 seconds oh what that looks crazy a Philly cheesesteak gotta get all the cheese on there how much time 10 seconds no five four three two one all right that was crazy I want to eat this right now can't forget the bed never never never never this is gonna be a tough one I think we're ready let's do it judge Troy Dino cup it smells so good so I'm gonna go first here in front of you we got some Polish sausage on top of fresh rice and veggies I did put some low sodium soy sauce in there for some flavor but keeping it a little bit healthy we got some mashed potatoes on the side with salt and pepper butter and in there I decided to switch it up from water I went with a Wild Cherry Pepsi with fresh maraschino cherries I don't know if a maraschino cherries ever been fresh no I also have to cleanse my palette with this really quick oh yeah so I did season the sausage with red chili flakes I don't know if you're a spicy kind of guy I love spice it almost looks like a version of an Asian fried rice yes you know because usually they have like spicy sweet little you know Chinese sausages yeah you know and I feel like I'm getting a square meal here um he's going in for another bite with the rice the mashed potatoes gotta go in the mashed potatoes I love the fact that they came with butter and you added more butter it's a man after my own apartment I actually didn't add butter I think I just messed up the wording on that okay I'm gonna say they're already buttered oh yes they are yes that is the fakest butter taste I've ever okay I've said romantic idea of that butter that's the buddy you get a movie popcorn the mashed potatoes they're a little thick did you mash them a lot for like a minute okay the more you mash potatoes the more concrete they become they're a little bit thick a little lighter fluffier if you were to spend a little less time on them that's what you would have preferred yeah okay so thanks for the critique 1980s butter hope that's a good thing after a little you took an American classic and turned it into a four square meal on a plate out of a dollar store thank you for that oh look at this today I present to you a Philly cheesesteak with caramelized onions and bell peppers instead of your typical French roll we have Texas toast buttered on both sides and then cheesy mac and cheese what some fresh no I shouldn't say fresh some coconut water I will say this I don't know when you got your third Michelin star um but I think it was between rounds one and two look at those onions actually are caramelized they get a nice Brown on them all right no no no no there's no way you made that up in a good way that is so fantastic it is so good they got mac and cheese just because right yeah it's just a little side you know Al Dente or Al dentist oh yeah that's my okay okay you could use a little salt I would have if I had more time this is going to be the only thing that could bring you down okay okay oh wait gotta try your coconut water it's got the chunks oh what do you think about that I love the chocolate nice work I think I do have an idea we'll give you some time right now we'll step out I'm not as confident as round number one he went crazy I'm actually nervous because this can make or break the game like either the video ends after this or we go on to the final round let's see [Applause] all right chef s think I'm ready I'm nervous I really thought that it was gonna go three rounds but it turns out um [Applause] hey honestly I'm not gonna lie I would have chose that as well I'd be you kidding me for the third round you get 20 now go wild you guys 20 is enough we'll head to the grocery store we'll see you soon all right this is it the final round twenty dollar budget remember the loser gets punished okay I'm thinking about Nick Gigio Bonnie what would he do in this situation you don't even know who that is for the final meal you can never go wrong with pasta with maybe marinara sauce ground beef I don't know I have to see my options but with 20 bucks I think you can make a banger meal with that I think my plan for this is gonna be salmon instant mashed potatoes and balsamic honey glazed carrots so this one's 2.99 and it's a product of Italy we've been there we can say we've been there now oh but this is 199 but that's idiot at least three bucks that's actually not bad now let's get a fire sauce to go with it stuffed salmon with artichoke I'll keep this in mind I'll take it with me but I may not have enough money to shop for everything else the trough is the best sauce you can yeah I feel like it's black truffle arabiata so right now we're looking at 14 bucks I mean this is the one that's gonna make me win like I'm putting my whole trust into the sauce okay I'm going with loaded baked mashed potatoes a dollar 79 I'm good I am grabbing some balsamic glaze for my carrots so with the app it's 247 a pound but I low-key don't want to download an app I'll just do half a pound because that should be enough can I do half a pound of ground beef three dollars you might have enough for a drink it's tough I'll try appreciate it okay I'm here at the honey section I need to find the cheapest one 7.49 for some honey oh no am I gonna be over budget I'm forgetting I also needed carrots so let's go get the carrots I'll do the math if this is too much I might just have to get plain salmon from the deli section so these are 229s for a pound this looks like it's gonna be the better option for me this is 11 it comes with two I don't need two they have this 7.99 each I'll get one of those thank you so much have a good one let me see how much I have left well can I get a drink for like a dollar seventy or something oh wait 1.79 I think so let's try it let's try let's try it okay the year I was born let's go secure this dub baby okay let's scan these and see how much I have left because I just remembered I didn't buy a drink We're not gonna have enough for a drink oh no what am I getting rid of I think I'm gonna have to get rid of honey we now have enough money to buy a drink and then also she was saying I can probably go to Starbucks and ask for a honey packet let me grab a soda and see what that brings me up oh we're good we're good let's head to Starbucks and see if I can get some honey packets thank you so much I appreciate it I got the honey let's go win this challenge this time we have 15 minutes no more no less you need more than 15. yeah we're both gonna need more than 50 and you think you're gonna cook this and this in under 15 minutes okay 20 minutes okay I know we're gonna place this in the freezer so it does not melt and I think the ground beef is gonna take the longest to make I feel like I should boil the water now to preserve time set that in the back right there we're gonna start with our carrots these are probably gonna take the longest you also want them to all be the same size if you can I think I'm stressing out do olive oil for this olive oil Pam it doesn't look like we have actually actual olive oil but garlic powder salt and pepper onion powder we haven't used this yet maybe Rosemary and basil I'm gonna put them in a bowl and now we're gonna go over to start seasoning them gotta do some olive oil oh we'll do a little bit of paprika some red chili flakes he did mention he likes a little spice a little bit of sriracha before we add our seat I want to let it sit for a little bit get a little bit more Brown I'm gonna go in with my balsamic glaze I'm gonna do a little bit of pepper a little bit of salt onion powder garlic powder give this a toss we're going in with our balsamic glaze don't be shy do the whole jacket let's throw these in the air fryer I'm just excited to like try the sauce bro and once it's ready and heated up I'll throw these in dude I really want to try that oh we're securing the dub guys I'm just gonna season on here olive oil shy so convenient lots of lemon all right guys it's time to season this up garlic powder yeah onion powder this is gonna be really good before we continue our salmon I'm gonna throw in my cherries back to our salmon we go what is that basil oh man that finish bro and then some Rosemary oh yeah but I think with the seasoning I did a good job I'm big that's serious trust the process pepper onion garlic and then I'm actually gonna oh I'm gonna actually go in with honey and Sriracha I hope this is gonna come out good I don't know if it is honey oh yes a little bit of soy sauce okay let's take this over to the stove Brian can you please pass the Rosemary here you go thank you and how about a spatula from underneath you okay thank you we also need to start boiling water because we're making mashed potatoes two cups let's go check on our carrots we're gonna taste these 10 minutes left 10 minutes hot oh they're spicy I think it's time to add the sauce we've got to drown it in the sauce bro Amber Mountain Forest can I use this I don't know what amber Mountain Forest means oh look guys my water is boiling over here we remembered what he said do not overdo it with your mashed potatoes let me get my Fork he said he likes his potatoes fluffy so there you go if these aren't ready all right so we have three minutes left I'm just letting my pasta cook then we're gonna plate everything like this let's go get our carrots on the plate this is sad oh no it's spicy the only thing we're waiting on is my pasta and it's almost done but we might as well get the drink and the popsicle ready think of fancy it's like this is good oh wait wait oh you got Mexican Coke yo this is good hold up hold on it tastes like victories I'm very disappointed in myself I'm gonna give them one of these on the side for his fish that's still hard we've been there for like 10 minutes you have like a minute left no this isn't cooked 30 seconds left no wait go go walk 30 seconds are they cooked I think it'll do oh God hold on 20 seconds 10 seconds hold on nine eight seven six thanks for coming slow four three two one no okay Jessica will you just give me that extra five seconds for parmesan cheese please that's all I ask four three two one again I would have dumped more cheese I am disappointed in myself is that how it's supposed to look yes that looks fire if you ask me before we head to judge Troy I want you guys to comment down below right now who you think has the winning plate and wins the entire challenge it's time it's time all right chest round three let's see what you got hello judge Troy hi judge Troy look at this oh my God come on I got a little bit of like a sauteed salmon I got a Bolognese the presentation doesn't look amazing I had a buzzer beater moment but the ingredients I used were very high quality I spent 12 out of the 20 on truff sauce I think it's gonna have a lot of flavor and we have a strawberry Fresca drink right there what was the hardest thing about this challenge I think the time it was taking a lot longer to cook so I'm hoping it's cooked to your liking I didn't even have a chance to try it either [Music] oh here we go this is bad just just be harsh if you have to be harsh I should have taste tested it you definitely should have tasted yesterday just for your own edification because I'm gonna here to tell you that that's really good it's really good that is a really comforting um dish your spaghetti is perfect oh I was so worried about that sip of my delicious beverage here it's actually good that one's fire uh this is the only thing I wish they had some green spent a little bit of money on an herb all right cool I'll take it will I get more mashed potato more mashed potatoes hopefully not tough oh I took your notes from the previous challenge what kind of mustard did you use I used yellow mustard but I would have preferred to use Dijon mustard absolutely I didn't have enough funds for them the regular mustard is totally fine I was really worthy we're gonna overcook your salmon you went right up to the edge and you pulled it off yeah yeah that's really good all those spices you put on there that's really good A little bit of the soy sauce gives it a tiny bit of an Asian flavor yeah I love it the balsamic carrots balsamic and honey do you get a little bit of sweet a little bit of sour she wasn't too confident about it I wasn't too confident about my carrots those are really nice really yeah it was salmon you got a lot of fat and you need that acidity over here and that bread that bright note that we were talking about with the spaghetti that is really nice you get a little bit of the sweetness but not too much those are really good oh no the mashed potatoes what kind of butter do you use the butter out of the bag you haven't turned into a positive again yeah you definitely taste the movie butter popcorn in there these are still a little solid but I think if I'm gonna have one mark on your dish again but the flavor it is really good thank you very much glass bottle all right that is a fantastic meal for twenty dollars both of you guys one is refined date night just got a promotion one is I'm gonna eat this with my family that I love this is gonna be really tough shall we step out you step out while I cry a little bit okay okay I got you no I have absolutely no idea I agree I think we both killed it though you did a good job for all the budgets we have I do have to say like I hope this video shows that you don't need a crazy amount of money to make a solid me like we made food out of gas station food Dollar Tree It's all under 20 and it was hearty filling and good yeah I guess it's time to find out who won come on let's do it and for the finale chefs I think we got it this is extremely nerve-racking you guys for going to places where you would not have a single fancy ingredient did whatever you could with a few bucks in your pocket it was really really good I was outside to cut a shot no offense I'm sure that you agree you're fantastic people great chefs but I really expect it to bomb it a lot more the challenge was to take food on a budget and make it feel refined make it feel like it was a big nice yes thank you so much oh my God judge Trump thank you so much it was a pleasure it was a pleasure all right Brian there's a bunch of gross punishments in here you have to choose one and do it okay I really was confident from round one can't believe it oops you know what that fell I'm grabbing it show the camera first okay God oh God you're lying bring out the sardines La Sirena Pica Pica sardines and spicy tomato sauce this is not what I was expecting no you're lying oh I'm really nervous I don't like sardines next time I should win the challenge I don't know the smell oh what the okay can I just take a bite yeah that's meaty okay guys I'm gonna say the outro now so make sure you drop a like hit that subscribe button and I want you all to go show some love to judge Troy his Instagram's in the description show them how strong the Rugrat Army is he absolutely killed it yeah here we go foreign chewing ah we are out peace
Channel: FaZe Rug
Views: 10,071,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: faze rug, rug, rugfaze, fazerug
Id: 97GtPHakDaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 30sec (1770 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 22 2023
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