WORST Player in Among Us Must Drink! Sis Vs Bro Challenge - Zamfam Gaming

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i want to sabotage the smoothie this is among us but the worst player has to drink the world's most disgusting smoothie i am a crew mate you guys oh here we go all right i am the imposter here we go i wonder what this smoothie is gonna end up being and hopefully i am not the one who has to drink it what do you guys think of my cheese decor yeah it's pretty good what am i doing oh rebecca's a little sus mad dizzle okay just make sure i don't think it's matt because i think matt would have killed me electrical that's an easy task damn van mike just killed me i saw him vent matt fellow to the rescue let's see oh my gosh it was right outside the med bay yeah on security cams i saw mike go into med bay and then matt run by a little after i saw you on security cams manny no i'm not saying it was matt i think it might have been mike i think it's mike too oh i'll vote for mike matt did you end up going into security at all or no yeah i went in and saw him adding in there for a quick segment sounds super sus matt dizzle was in security cams i accidentally vented right in front of paige and i had to get out a killer paige was the first one out she should get to pour the first drink into the smoothie i think i'm gonna put in pink gatorade because this is my favorite drink and my favorite color all in one done okay zamfam gaming we are playing with some of you in the zam fam so comment below if you're one of the people that we are playing with right now i have to redeem myself that was not my best game last time okay i'm the imposter and i'm playing with some of you guys here we go it's a full game it's full game make sure to leave a comment down below if you got to play with us because i am so excited to play with you guys sorry siren uh downloading downloading downloading there's a few people that are just standing right here siren i think is protecting me from that dizzle i feel like i was really suss right there damn fam don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me kill my brother there's michael oh i love you just vented come on credit card dead body reported i was doing the weapons task and serena was like in the middle of nowhere maddie was kind of just like stalking us i think he's mad maddie what do you got to say for yourself i mean it's not me maddie defend yourself how i don't know i don't have enough info to vote maddie i'm gonna skip over no i'm in the chat you guys said i was suss of course they're gonna vote me no one was ejected we're good all right matt i see you coming for me so you know what i'm coming for you matt diesel he like went through love you is like running all around the ship how is that even possible let's see okay so we're still in a group here she just disappeared there is are you sure you have to download files already yeah yeah i'm voting you're not downloading files she was by the admin swipe card not by the download it's maddie maddie i'm sorry i don't want to have to vote for you no why did everyone vote i was trying to find you matt so i could kill you since maddie lost she is the worst play on that round but someone gets to put something in the smoothie i just called out the last two imposters okay so matt you get to pour the drink into the smoothie this round all right zam fam gaming welcome to the kitchen of matt i know that we have some non-pickle lovers in here and i think i want to sabotage this smoothie because paige put in pink gatorade so i'm gonna put in not one not two a whole jar of pickles yeah we're going in it's a pickle smoothie good luck drinking that guys ha ha can we trust right now i feel like man he's being super sus i want her to drink it but also paige is acting a little weird too and michael and also rebecca that's everybody oh no sweet mother of pearl i'm the imposter we got a lot of people in here but i just lost this imposter last round which kind of makes me the worst player and i really don't want to have to drink that smoothie i mean what if there's pickle juice okay zamfam so we have more players in the game and i'm so excited to be able to play with the zamfam oh there's stacy hockey man what's up i'm pretty sure hockeyman is the one that does all our edits she makes like cool edits from our videos how does people come out the screen what how do you up there at the screen how am i supposed to kill anybody that's off the screen what she's off the screen she's off the screen this natalie is so sus who always sabotages when they're in the imposter you know who does it's mike mike could be the imposter right now comment down below if i am right it is so might you know i should really figure out how to hack among us use it to my advantage who's that behind me oh oh come on rebecca see me dead body lower engine report and lower engine i found a dead body i think it might be natalie guys natalie so you think one of the zamfam is the imposter yes i skipped both same i don't really have good evidence oh matt might get voted out and natalie natalie is the imposter that was a tie i haven't seen that a three-way tie i have a feeling someone from the zamfam not our normal crew but some of you guys in one of you is the imposter and you're actually doing a really good job i don't know i think one of the zam pam could be the imposter watch me watch me reena stay there rita yes so right now mike and i are following reena to try and be detectives and find out if she is the real imposter stacy doing some weird stuff donnelly oh we gotta get that oh my wait she's like right next to us well there's two of them oh dead body purple i think it's one of the zamfam that's not one of us you guys ooh they're voting matt i'm not suss you're always us pink's kind of sauce oh it might be natalie i'm hitting natalie she's been killing me from outside i think i'm going natalie oh another time has this ever happened you guys where'd she go natalie look up oh he just framed her so good yes you found the body self report i'm gonna vote natalie i'm sorry natalie but i think that you could be the embosser come on come on come on oh no who do you think it is why is paige just standing there is one of the zamfam even the imposter paige paige is safe zambia i gotta get my task done oh matt fellow oh matt fellow would have totally killed me so matt and rebecca just passed oh no oxygen depleted oh man we gotta go that was so slow getting over here hmm izzy's looking super soft dead body who's sass i think it's matt i ran by mac and matt didn't kill me and matt always kills me it's not me mike i think that it could be izzy i still think that it's one of the zam bam why do you think it's izzy paige i found the dead body in the cafeteria but i saw the oxygen depleting and i think that she came there to kill me okay if it's not izzy it definitely has to be matte oh it's matte what if it was paige this whole time and she was framing everyone okay zamfam i have no idea who to trust anymore all of the zamfam is out it's 100 matt it's matt he's gonna kill us over here i knew it dead body report i think it was matt rebecca i think that might have been you did you just self-report that matt was about to kill me i did the reporting trust me it is matt no rebecca i was in security cams and i came over and you were reporting the dead body i think it's a self-report i believe you rebecca i think it's matt it's definitely matt page or is it you rebecca it's totally rebecca i would have killed rebecca a long time ago if it was me paige i promise you it is not me matt you're just too sauce yes yes i knew i could trust rebecca i cannot believe that one of us crewmates were the imposter i swore was one of the zamfam hey i vote michael to go and pour the drink in to the disgusting smoothie so i think i'm gonna add some bananas because i don't think i'm the worst here we go all right that's disgusting no way okay damn fam this is the last and final game before someone is voted as the word player i can't lose because i lost last time i was the imposter all right so we got navigation and med base scanned hopefully he doesn't kill me i'm doing wearing desk there's three tests in here oh no you did it i think that mike just got killed oh my god are you serious maddie do you see anything i haven't seen anything have you i have no idea but whoever it is has to be good i was in med bay and i was just doing my tasks wait why are they coming at me they said yellow killed i don't know oh no i didn't vote for her oh they all must have oh who saw me kill i'm gonna add some syrup you guys this is gonna be disgusting i cannot lose oh my gosh oh who do you guys think is gonna trick this so that was the last and final game which means someone has to drink the smoothie right down who you think was the worst player show it to the zam fam and meet me down in the kitchen there is someone that lost it is my husband matt all right sam fam well after that last game it was pretty easy to find out who was the worst player i'm voting matt as the worst player she literally just killed in front of three people i think the worst player in this game was matt i'm sorry matt we're gonna go down to the kitchen i have no idea who won but i cannot wait one thing we do before we reveal who the worst player is my wife has never blended something ah neither is that neither one yeah nowadays time to reveal who has to drink this one foam mat what's that i swift out how many imposters two votes matt one vote maddie springs man at least two people had the right decision because i was the imposter i got down the last round everybody else got killed pretty early boys against girls you could say it's boys versus girls but if you won it wouldn't even be an issue so drink up buttercup i have the feeling if i won it would still be the same thing yeah man it smells so bad i can't do this guys i can't it's also chunky who put that together how to drink it and swallow it do it dude say fam gaming make sure that you are following all of them on instagram and youtube i will link it all in the description below if your notifications are on you give the video a thumbs up comment below among us squad and we'll see you next time the three of you in the same outfits yeah oh that is stuff we might cook no way yes i knew it i knew it
Channel: Zamfam Gaming
Views: 491,953
Rating: 4.9097724 out of 5
Keywords: if, you, say, no, have, to, remove, layer, clothing, challenge, matt and rebecca, baby, rebecca zamolo, among us, smoothie, worst
Id: pQA1tiK5X1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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