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[Music] behind you are four canvases and four complete sets of paint stuff yes and your timer starts now just paint a picture and it'll all make sense later okay okay time's ticking maybe every single thing is your mom gets to make it come true nazi has gone outside mom can you pick up my paint what you like you'll see i don't wanna you'll see i want just tell me what to draw what is going on in this vlog mom can't tell you it's a good one i'm dory mom's bathroom i have a bad feeling that these paints are permanent so luckily mama's come prepared and line stuff with baking paper exciting hey what a start what a good start i wanna have a think of what i'm actually going to paint what's the challenge about [Music] what's that noise what's this cup for water so you can clean your paint brushes who cleans it for every normal person maybe i should draw a robux in case like a dream come true thing i'm gonna paint an animal the question is what are we drawing i'm like just looking at my white canvas and being like i got no idea what we're doing i'm just gonna draw like one of the things i normally like to do and i'm doing a parrot should we just do a big bow this is a beginner so give whatever i want you know be free so i'm drawing a future because i have a feeling this challenge may be like you gotta do what you draw so i'm like i'm gonna get some black paint and put it on my palette and just quickly scribble some donuts onto my high heel here's the waffles food truck so far how do i open the pan oh i bought my colors black and yellow now it's time to start painting i never paint i never draw i never do watercolors now i'm going to try and mix red and white together on this paint palette should i get this orange i'll be sorry why do you sketch it first i need a paint brush can i mix colors is that what you do in painting i don't know i know it looks like that i don't know if you can see it why are you drawing this painting how's it gonna come in later let's start off with a big brush and make the black get down oh snap did mum see that if i quickly get it off maybe mom won't know holy moly here she comes act normal she didn't see so i think say think that we're doing it buying what you george has that's why she must be drawing a high heel hopefully one red will make a really nice pink i kind of feel like i'm going really bad now i don't want to admit it great i'm just drawing over my donut pattern it was too hard too tricky it's really hard to write words with paints because like the brushes are like flopping black paint's going in my hair and i can't stuff up because sofie said that this paint like dries in like a second okay what would you paint i do feel like a professional artist like with this apple a decoration painting is all about patience always i put my hand on the paint oh no it looks like i'm mixing up mustard mayonnaise [Music] i'm doing yellow and i've already got like a black outline [Music] there's so much white with nothing what do you want me to cover in the whole thing it's a painting i thought maybe like a picture paint brushes down narrow snarts look at did we those paintings you please help us well i was thinking your bedrooms look a little blah blah blah and i thought we could use the paintings as the aesthetic behind what you must do your new bedroom makeover as yes [Music] are you happy with what you painted yes no i thought we're doing whatever i paint you buy this isn't too bad i don't really know if i like this color selection for a bedroom makeover what bedroom aesthetic are you going for buffalos come get your waffles gothic i really think we're going to do something so i don't know i'm going to work it out bedroom tour time more like the bedrooms that are going to be transformed really soon to a time oh oops i got the wrong door welcome to our [Music] and give us privacy right now is bears and bunnies wow and soon it's going to be can you spot the cat bird and rainbow we'll come over here to sake's beverage my bedroom really does a makeover the only thing that's kind of colorful is my painting that's true but coming to my room my room is sophisticated elegance we have white just plain simplistic with some light pink swans did i say this like so what are you going to do with the high heel theme though how are you going to incorporate that maybe he's red i don't know i'm not sure my high heels red here we have a pug [Music] [Music] need confetti and parrots yeah i feel like mom won't let you get confetti but papa i think you're gonna be the judge to judge which no it's not like redecorated their bedroom the best who do you think has got the best theme right now well i'll give you a tip what i'm looking for i'm looking for like something that ties in all together like a simple theme for the complete thing i think i can win because mine's pretty simple i think bottles is simple and the number one thing i'm looking for is just something that makes me feel something when i go in there i feel a little bit worried because my theme is like it's so unique i don't think we're going to have like my bedsheets that i want at the store sockey give this one a second easter eggs did anyone used to do this as a kid wait for the glass doors to shut and when they're so close to shouting you run like this ready i wave them a shower almost and they run in them like a gangster something mama hasn't told you yet is that the winner will win a mystery box and inside the mystery box is something that every norris nut really wants your 30 minutes to buy everything you need for your full bedroom makeover starts now saba where are we going bed bath body i'm going to be following sabre and sake to know which bed place they're going for i so badly want to win that mystery box is there anything in this shop that matches this theme at the escalator we go to bedroom heaven to get the stuff for our bottle themed bedroom i can spot the bedding do you reckon these lamp things go does that blanket match my painting because it is very colorful this bed kind of matches the theme won't help me in my bedroom but extra virgin olive oil look at this bench but that matches a lot there is this one drinking and matches i need a white tee for my buffalo's beverage makeover oh i found one there's naza's picture i wonder if you're finding something that actually works within that like that's such a deep elegant red and it's gonna match my high heels i also got a black like cover and quilt so this is really good since it's like a black and white theme i feel like a bed sheet like that will match the high heel but i feel like that's a little bit grandma-y i'm getting really stressed here because i'm so bad at like getting beds and things what pillow matches the best with my parrot drawing yellow pillows or maybe i should stick to red legends look at all this black stuff over here i'm getting these pillows does this pillow match my theme i've actually got every single thing led in by doing a color a pillow case biggie you are missing half your shopping list i got really well it appears this boy is delusional a pineapple is pretty tropical should i get this onyx tray to put on my bedside table i really wish i just drew nothing on my painting because then it would have been so much easier and have to like match this high heel i drew so as you can see i have like a yellow and a red so you know when you see like hotels they have these like towels on the bed well i need to get that since i don't have much color in it i need to get that calorie that that look at that black red towel thing okay can you see those birdies up there do you feel like that print matches like the high heel and this red like weird thing i've got i feel like it does maybe i should get that okay so we're leaving the bed store and we're gonna go into david jones to get some nice props oh did you see what i just saw i think i saw some orange pillows for my bottles i feel like what would really make this elegant high heel theme i'm going for be amazing it's like a fur something does this pillow match with the bottle no it doesn't but i think it's good enough i know i don't really want to settle with good enough but i don't really have any other option here well if you want to win what's in the mystery prize i'm suggesting you decorate the entire bedroom first it's gonna be so hard do they match no they don't we got white quilt cover some orange pillows for my waffles beverage makeover what else do we need i wonder how all my things are going to tie in together this is going to be my food cover i caught maddie trying to buy that for ryan's toys you're saying that i actually like it nice my first prop i'm gonna get for my bottles bedroom is real waffles i can't see the rugs where are they because papa says he wants the bedroom to make him feel something that makes me feel something like this so these eating waffles by judging my bedroom well that's going to make him feel um full how did i find myself in the dog toy section i wonder if this is like a red high heel here that i can like pull my bezel table to like really tie the whole thing together have i found myself in the hosing backyard section because i wanted to look like a jungle so i've got these two plants okay so i found this lamp sadly no red high heels but there are black high heels now you've got so much stuff look we've got a pillow here now you got so much stuff looking good cheetos how am i gonna get all this stuff back probably like 10 minutes remaining before the time limits up but i really gonna get more stuff in my waffle bedroom look at that look at me oh my gosh i need that i need that yellow little thing i've also found some red roses so i'm gonna put two of these on my bed look who i found struggling to get their stuff there's no rugs at least i can't find any i might get a towel i did absolutely terrible there's no bright orange anywhere anywhere you look like you've gone for mustard yeah i know yes look at that one oh it looks so nice that was fun no it's not [Music] you're 30 minutes to do the most amazing bedroom makeover i feel like they all look like primary kids in school being like your two minutes starts now okay and remember there's a lot on the line and mama as we run past you let's give all our paintings like a square ten me first seven [Applause] ten does this bedroom look like waffles no it does not my bedroom's gonna be turning into romantic elegance nazi has such an amazing thing with the tropic stuff lando pandas we're playing with waffles i do hate making beds a lot though it definitely gives me anxiety when i pull in here do you feel how soft this is for my quilt cover they didn't have any single sizes which is a bubble because my bed is a single size first one let's get our quilt cover off bye bye swans bye this challenge was so hard because there's not like single sizes and it was so hard just to find a good cover i have a daily thing at the bottom now let's give you the best thing about this bed like what leaving it no old girls will understand my pain what what was the joke open up the pillowcase i need to make the bed very clean otherwise i'm not going to win why is everyone putting their head inside the grill [Applause] my quilt is finally down with a blanket oh last one with my mattress cover and my sheet is on now i'm gonna try to put the cool cover on i got way too big of a quilt cover it's like it's not even coming together it's not even funny i'm really excited to get these on my bedside table this bottle's beverage makeover is so hard competitive for me to win the mystery bar oh that's color is meant to go although bubbles is going to be orange and white it's going to be like poopy brown and white putting on the cool color all right these are really funny jokes so here make you another pillow so if i have a present for you you can have my red pillow thank you and i can't be bothered chopping off the tag so i'm just going to try and hide before at the moment i'm decorating my bedside table so it's time to put my candle on there here's how bed is looking so far these are matching this high heel oh it's a trinket i quite like this bed it's just so annoying because if we shot this challenge online i would have the perfect orange beverage excuses excuses this looks like uses it's got reality if you want what you want go online look how beautiful my bedside table looks i am extremely beautiful it also has this really cool calendar does this go with this let me see it does uh this is going to be a sheet that goes underneath the cool but i'm going to use it as like a throat even though i may have very bad selection of colors there is one thing we can do waffle fashion this is going to take my bedroom to the next level the camera smells even more beautiful let's put this away say what's the date today does that look any good or messy and can you believe in the last video we gave away a hundred thousand dollars worth of waffle fashion and if you got some that just makes you so happy because then we can twin together i'm not sure whether i really really like this beautiful red color or if it reminds me too much of my grandma why i can't wait to live in here now time to ride this again doesn't match it's the best i could do though bye swan pillowcase hello to red romantic elegance oh look at that come here i want to show you so this is how my bed is looking so far are you happy with it i love this round it's so soft it's not as rough i actually really like how my babies look black there's gonna be like the booties on my calendar just like waiting for something papa said he wanted these rooms to make him feel something well does this make you feel cozy that's gonna go perfectly oh my gosh thanks nice wow that looks so much better i'm making sure this is like fitted on super well i don't i just wanted to be like very neat there is nothing better than eating waffles with breakfast sake norris so this is a breakfast book i got soon there might even be a waffle ball look at my bedside table daddy's bed is right um in front of me and that looks pretty good my one i think it might be better because i'm gonna add some bottle signs soon these things really just make your bed look more bigger and proper i'm gonna put my corn plant right there i put this glitter timer on and that's elegant look at these oranges these are like food props for my bedside table what do you think of that play-doh thing on your face and you're gonna add anything or drink it makes it look messy is he supposed to hang off the roof and we're also gonna get a plate to put these waffles on oh my goodness i'm so busy i might open it let's get my blanket on this bed red elegant book the champagne wall fire out some people must go drunk in that book biggie do you reckon i could be an arm wrestle no i reckon i could no you couldn't come on of course that's sad do you feel sad no not really because you're like nice and heavy so you can lean on your weight too it's true no you did a good job you got really nice muscles there stop wiggling my back guess who why don't you pick an arm wrestle what me no it's actually really easy to beat can i try you yeah oh somebody feels stronger to be ready set go are you kidding me are you kidding me you got beaten by a flabby old lady yeah it's just talking to it it's bigger bigger and better no bigger i'm stronger guys because something's not here can we tell everyone about getting kicked now i just cut out these buffalo signs for me thanks nice i got these two little pop plant people they're so cute here is some puffle signs i put on my bed far out this smells like my grandma i am highly offended now we gotta put these waffles on a plate for papa time for my secret weapon the red roses on my bed look at this waffle steak i'm gonna scare socks i'm gonna bite so badly but i can't i've got make the baby how should i display these two roses funny doesn't really match i wonder what legends got to the merch that sucky design here is my bedroom does it look like my painting and people say let's say we're still chasing the water oh i do not think so because you are using nail scissors this looks super romantic but i feel like it might look a little too romantic but it turns just a little bit sketchy i'm trying out biggie thanks guys looking at everyone's bets i'm not sure who's gonna win time is up wow oh soggy time's up no you cannot put them on now let's get papa to come back and judge are you ready to judge let's do it let's be the touch okay guys today we're going to do some massive judges welcome back to mama papa and the crappy nuts and today going to be showing what it's like to be welcome back to mama and papa and the graphics come in and see their bedrooms everyone misses our og stuff okay pop so first up we have selfies waffle bedroom i definitely feel like the rock like adds so much yeah i think are you trying to distract her i think he's trying to draw attention to the rug because he doesn't think it looks good i thought i think he's trying to draw attention to the rock because he's down a rug himself [Laughter] some food props and an art breakfast book and then we have this white quilt because bottles of course is white we've got these bottle logos a tiger up there gorgeous waffle brown pillows papasaki's bedroom makeover had to match this picture so what do you reckon uh i think it's quite good i think i like all the ideas and oranges is pretty hard to match because it's pretty unique but i like the ideas of the food and the logos look really good so i'm going to give you an eight suck your house that's a solid school but it's pretty good okay here is my bedroom now these tropical bedrooms colorful table ever colorful table ever with these two pop plates sitting together they look very cute look i've ever got a hanging pot plate from the top now that's done a really good job i have to give it that i've even got my own cornfield that's buddy bunny's being a scarecrow this is my painting but look at this this is like a couch well you can change the day oh i love that two birds camping on it with a pineapple juice and the birds match the quilt cover oh not really but they match the theme and they match them they're green i love nice's bedroom that's really good this is the painting my bedroom had to match well i think nazi went for more of a theme matching thing than a color matching thing um which is cool and i do like the little birds there and trees obviously gonna do birds i'm probably not gonna give you sorry as much as i can when you're seven are you serious justin i would not have expected that eh just i think oh my god look at this kind of looks sad compared to nasa's i just really like the waffles because they're awful all right you're not going to change your score no unfortunately i don't think i don't think that is going to win with that sorry now there is a mystery box riding on this so i'm a bit scared the mystery box might have a goofy is that why you didn't let her win no but anyway always there sabers romantic elegant bedroom this is what i had to match it was this red high heels oh it's like from romanticness and going out as you can tell i've got some red stuff i've got like these really like sophisticated zebras i've got some breasticated zebras i've got two roses sorry i love it i've got two roses i love the roses but i have a plain joke with the roses right anyway something distracting what was the joke beauty was over rose because like the white roses no no i think you got the wrong fairy tale maybe but it was a really good try and fairy tales i love it you're awkward that's okay so just pretend that didn't happen i have some white roses all these black baskets down there i'm not sure what's for but it's really good and on my best table we have some red nail polish to match the bed beam candle is the champagne wall oh what's that book about i'm not sure i just saw the lady in the red dress and thought pharah that'll match my theme so well most people like someone find some champagne an hourglass princess this is pretty good so so far nazi got what seven and i'm elaine oh that's right stock isn't elite sorry i keep forgetting that and what did you get i've got eight and eight so saber has to try and beat an eight so i think saber color matched the theme pretty well like the idea of being something like older more romantic sort of thing i don't like that anyway i think i'm going to give say an agent [Music] can biggies gothic star room beat the romantic room biggie's gothic bedroom look at this rug it's so nice and comfy and it definitely adds more than the blue rug i had before you made a big point with the rug he's really pushing the rug isn't he we also have the red tap papa gave me the idea of to match with the red theme and look at this look at this if it's a painting hang up it definitely is the exact same colors to the blacks we ought to have a nice decoration on the bedside table with this marble with white with a beautiful smelling can that we can line up and look really nice in the night we have this accessory in here that doesn't show the bottom of the bed oh he's thought hard if he can remember the name of it i'll give him an extra okay no um all the legends are at home going biggie this is one of these cuppings if you know the proper name of this thingymajig let us know this bed's so comfy i really like it and look at the jet flat thing that really matches really well we also have this nice like the light and so much it looks like the one color town he didn't roadblocks yeah it does what's this is this this is papa's id yeah cause it adds it it adds lots which is a bad story gives you like a hotel you know there's beds on there and out of the color from the picture yeah we couldn't find it one that matched them okay so you can probably see how i'm talking i did have a little bit to do with this one oh is that gonna give me lower points one of the things we did talk about guys on the way in the car i feel like i walk into a room and if i feel something that's what i want and i think biggie's one made me feel something as well was it because of the towel like it feels really like a boy bachelorette doesn't design it okay so in first place we have saber's room here take one and you gave that a what eight and a half and biggie's bachelor gothic pad ah well i'm gonna give i'm gonna give a nod to saber again saber in one of these mystery boxes is something you have always always wanted is the other two uh like pretty dead prizes oh i have one there's caramel no if i was in your position which i really wish i was i would probably pick this one i think the top one i picked this one okay okay [Music] oh do you want to know what the prizes that you missed out on okay let's see it's in this fall [Applause] it is i'm saving it for the next competition is gonna be your time [Music] legends never
Channel: The Norris Nuts
Views: 2,638,685
Rating: 4.7699294 out of 5
Keywords: norris nuts, family friendly, family vlog, sabre, sockie, biggy, naz, disco, Sabre Norris, SOckie Norris, Biggy Norris, Naz Norris, Disco Norris, norris nuts real names, norris nuts exposed, norris nuts house, norris nuts bedroom, norris nuts home
Id: In4za3Aq9XM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 23sec (1703 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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