Worst Among Us Player Touches Spider! - Zamfam Gaming

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rebecca no he's coming after me oh there's one more extreme item it's alive they have no idea but it's something live we are playing among us but if you lose you have to touch what's inside the box it's a what's in the box challenge this is going to be extreme i do not want to touch whatever's in that box knowing rebecca it's probably something disgusting all right well i'm about to mess this game up because i'm the imposter i talked to mike and rebecca earlier and we decided that we are going to vote for matt this game you guys know what we want to do is get matt to have to touch the items in the box so i spoke to michael and maddie and hopefully they don't try to sabotage me i'm going to try and do this asteroids and see if matt sees me hopefully matt saw me doing asteroids and can vouch for me okay good oh it was the freaking guy oh my gosh man and here i thought i'd be cleared because someone was watching me do asteroids why is that following me that was suss i'll go i have to do my tasks damn fam i know that i'm not the imposter so who could be by the time i am done with this wiretap make sure you're subscribed with notifications on click oh i'm done if you did it in that time comment below among us squad mmm that was sauce she seemed like she vented mike is killed i guess that's karma it was up in like the upper right area i'll be honest i saw maddie run up towards that way i did but i also saw you when you were kind of sus you started chasing me a little bit i was not chasing you at all manny the only person i saw was you and i never saw mike zamfam matt is super obsessed i'm voting for matt oh come on peace you are super soft i think it's you [Applause] and that means that matt has to touch the first extreme item that's in the box he has no idea what it is meet you downstairs what's in the box classic what is it put your hands in you gotta just go come on what is it what is this giant cow tub no that's what i'm holding right now why are you still holding it [Music] keep going yeah no regrets i'm not even washing my hands i am the imposter that he was not going to wash his hands that is so gross it's going to get even more extreme the cow tongue sam fam this is getting real i killed mine so fast in that last game i wanted someone to see me do asteroids so i can be cleared where is everyone hiding out comment down below where they are so i can find them this swipe thing i'm very nervous right now the items are so gross i should have died right there you just said how long that took maddie's over here let's do this quick i don't know where to go sorry seriously matt's over here i think that's safe no no no no no no no no no you're awesome oh no i can only go there can't i that sucks let's go to asteroids if matt sticks around me while i do that oh oh my gosh all i know is matt is safe he was with me running across mike was chasing me are you kidding me back i think it would be mine this is it i am going to go with paige because paige jumped on the bandwagon to blame me so it's either page or body what no i was just by page in storage she was doing a task she has an alibi hey mike you don't have to convince us just vote i think i'm gonna go with paige it's one of you two oh no it's not maddie rod it's petty i think it's mandy paige is just standing there oh no i called an emergency meeting i feel like then it has to be matt because mike originally called it on you i did not call it on me which makes me feel like maddie's pretty sucks right now i'm a ghost i'm just gonna do my lipstick i don't think maddie sauce i think it's you matt i mean you called the emergency meeting if maddie kills one of us she instantly wins the game so i'm like okay i gotta call an emergency meeting you're right that does make sense i don't know what to do paige i saw you standing there in the cafeteria i could have killed you if i was the imposter you guys need to vote you have five seconds hey it's maddie i hope i don't regret this yes maddie get your sticky fingers ready to put your hands in a box no i don't want you i don't want to okay you guys meet in the kitchen for the next what's in the box it smells so bad all right maddie let's see oh my gosh octopuses [Music] i'm crewmate again i never get imposter i can't believe that i just touched raw octopus i mean i washed my hands but i can still smell it oh this is so disgusting i'm gonna get on to electrical i can't believe anyone would ever have to touch raw octopus i feel like matt's looking a little sus right now i do think matt's faking tasks this looks like we're at random page a lot of people just came out of electrical that's pretty sauce page is just sitting in there let's see boom matt just venting and kill me no rebecca rebecca no he's coming after me oh no i need an emergency meeting but he's going to kill me before if rebecca's dead i know that matt is the imposter neither matt or maddie no i was about to push an emergency button you guys so let's go see oh it was someone with a spider who's got a spider next to him it was bad i was on the security cameras and i saw matt chasing rebecca i saw matt vent i saw his little critter going into the bedroom guys i think we should vote why didn't you report my body rebecca so literally i was trying to report maddie's dead body but matt started chasing me so then i went up to call an emergency meeting and then he chased me around there too so i wanted to report maddie's body and i couldn't i couldn't kill you either because i was like cooldowns forever all right you guys let's meet again in the kitchen all right let's go test something what let's say the box what's in the box i think this one's better than your last one a plate full of sand maddie give him a word think of like crawling it's alive it's a lie it's a lie it's a lie i'm not scared it's worse it works raise your hand if you have not had to do what's in the box yet oh yeah okay well we're not planning on it two more i'm not washing my hands again okay zamfam i am the imposter i hate worms zamfam gaming what has been the grossest item so far they are all pretty gross let me tell you that right oh i've got all my tasks and electrical again i'm gonna save my man why do i get so nervous when i'm the imposter i mean i'm so excited i'm thinking that mike might be the impostor this time because i just think that he has to touch something in the box it is karma because he sent the snake over to me all right paige is leaving electrical if she comes back in we know she's trying to kill me what you doing in electrical mike and we know she's in but oh i think she is it oh i thought i saw a red come on my screen i am just trying to kill matt right now he knows that i am the imposter he has to rebecca let's kill here rebecca and paige matt is super obsessed you guys that i was not obsessed i was just kind of acting kind of funny i reported the dead body can you guys tell me where you were at i was with paige we were both doing a task i can vouch for paige i was on security camps and i saw you and paige doing the task and then i saw matt running towards you guys rebecca and i were doing tasks what tasks were you guys doing so i know where the security cams are it was near admin i saw you guys on cams and then i saw matt show up on cabs it's right guys i just basically saying hey you got the two together they were both on camps and matt ended up showing up on camps too it's 100 percent mad mike is always sucks it's 100 mad page i don't trust the word you say mike it's definitely mine okay so i don't want to kill paige you guys oh see i'm good away from her back yeah i'm gonna go with my brother he's gonna be like where you uh we all know it's matt all right i just need to kill somebody where are we at no i got you the imposter i got a vent i got a vent what is mike doing you're so suspicious get away from me i won rebecca no since i won as the imposter i get to pick someone and i am gonna pick my brother michael how original meet you guys downstairs michael i hope you've washed your hands oh what is this oh pull it my hands out going to smell forever one more game and so far paige and i are the only two that have not had to do this i don't want to know what's in the box obviously if i win i'm gonna choose you because you haven't done it yet and i'm choosing you well i guess i'll just have to win oh we'll see about that my hand still smells like dead fish right now this is disgusting hey mike did you wash your hands you know i did i was gonna ask the same of you matt i never washed pants damn this is the last and final round you guys know what that means there is one more extreme item and let me tell you they have no idea but it's something live i'll give you a clue you might have seen it in my video before i reached out so do not tell them it is alive and it is the most extreme item oh i am the imposter okay i'm gonna pretend i'm doing a task right now okay i'm gonna go i know my gosh you're kidding me sorry brother you can't play right now so now i just have to kill every single person you guys okay here's enough okay let's do electrical rebecca all right sam fam i want to kill matt because oh you've just killed me i'm so nervous right now all right i can kill you finally rebecca stop oh no rebecca's treating me rebecca's the imposter let's go okay she won again i won again this is a fluke for this last and final item i'm gonna choose paige no paige i'll meet you in the kitchen i'm so scared to touch what's inside the box all right comment below what it is oh sam fam what could it be paige what is it what is it oh no what could it be you're very close to it and it's furry oh you touched it paige oh what is it move it a little bit a little bit you know what it's kind of about your arm you might want to pull it out you never pull it out yeah spider actually it's a tarantula oh i don't like spiders okay sam fam gaming that concludes us doing what's in the box comment below what game you want us to do next week and make sure to follow all of them on social media i'll link it in the description below tip him give me oh
Channel: Zamfam Gaming
Views: 609,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: worst, player, whats inside the box, challenge, among us, zamfam, zamfam gaming, mike, matt, rebecca, zamolo, paige, friends, best friends, maddie, whats, inside, the, box
Id: jCXhcI1oofc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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