Worst Overprotective Parents Stories | Parents' Stories #5

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what's your worst overprotective strict parent story my mother had a form of ocd that meant that she always needed to be aware of absolutely everything and control everything she'd go through everything in my bedroom and read it and so i learned real quick to keep private stuff on the computer and neither of my parents knew how to use it if i had a disagreement with friends not only would she demand to know the details but she'd actually lecture them about it on one occasion dumbass me lied about what happened to make myself look better and she marched over to the friend's house and lost it on her i lost all friends in that neighborhood pretty quick and their parents smelled the crazy too so it was pretty uncomfortable until we moved away the worst part though was that she'd track my periods i'm still not really sure why i never felt like she ever thought i was much of a pregnancy risk after i moved in with a boyfriend she actually called me up at college and wanted to know if i'd lost my vaginity yet eventually i learned to not tell her anything we haven't talked in a few years ugh i wonder how she'd have felt about child me i was and still am insanely private when i felt my privacy was violated i'd get hysterically upset i am really glad my mom didn't feel the need to search my stuff and pry i often destroyed totally innocent stories i had written just because she found them by accident i don't know why i am this way my uncle lives alone and once went away for the weekend without telling my grandma she called and he didn't answer this was back before everyone had mobiles so she got the police to break into his flat he came home and thought he'd been burgled said grandma also called up the leisure center when my dad was playing five aside he was called urgently to reception over the tannoy only to be told that grandma was calling to tell him it was icy at the top of the street and to be careful coming home he was 25 at the time well my dad didn't let me drive to my friend's house that was only three minutes away i was 19 and i had my license for a year i've been driving to college every day if it was your car then your dad can suck it up if it was as then i doubt it was a protection thing i had a friend who was never allowed to go out with friends go to their houses nor was he allowed any video games and all social networks and known time wasting sites were blocked on their computer the one time he did go out for a charity event the dad stood on the traffic island for four hours and stared at us without interacting with anyone my friend's parents had a recorder on their landline this was just a few years before cell phones really took off so all our conversations from maybe 12 15 years old were recorded my grandmother forbids my father from letting me ride a bicycle because she thinks cyclists are at a greater risk of being fatally killed by being hit by a car or truck i think the chances are probably the same either way they are i've ridden a bike and people love to veer over on purpose just be dongs i've almost been hit due to people being stupid freaks i was going to hang out with some friends at 15 and there were going to be some guys there i was insecure and didn't have many friends and hadn't been invited to hang out with anyone a month so i was really excited my parents were gone somewhere and were going to get home in time to bring me but they decided to get ice cream or something and came home an hour late i wasn't going to go an hour after the rest of my friends got there mom told me it must have been god's will and i probably would have been violated i missed out on the only time i was invited to something that summer that's fricked up old girlfriend of mine couldn't be out anywhere unless her parents knew exactly where she was going who she would be with and what time she would be coming home to the minute exactly alongside that they had her phone gpsed so they could know where she always is and if she left her phone at home she would get in major trouble she had to be home by 11 p.m no matter what she could never sleep over at anyone's house unless it was someone who was in her family she is 21 and her parents are still like this i'm surprised she hasn't torn the gps out honestly i'd probably take the phone apart and physically fry the gps unit at that point i was banned from free reading aka any reading outside school requirements because i read too many books on my own and they thought it was affecting my studies during the time that was in place i would hide books in the bathroom and read them there on average i would spend roughly 20 minutes sneak reading calvin and hobbes and harry potter i was 14 at the time on the toilet one time my stepmom asked to use the bathroom after me and it just dawned on me six years later that they probably thought i was masturbating and hiding pee in the bathroom i wasn't allowed to read at the table but we had the tv on every single meal i was 21 at the time and wanted to go bar hopping during san diego's comic con i told them that i was going to stay at a hotel with my friend because we're drinking and my parents house is half an hour away come 1 30 a.m i get a million phone calls to get my butt home because it's late i sober up and leave around 2 30. i'm not a heavy drinker so it wasn't hard to determine my sobriety don't drive drunk i get home my dad is waiting by the door i sawn to buy take a shower and go to bed the next morning my dad gives me crap for smelling like alcohol when i walked in all i had to say was well i didn't have to drive back last night but someone demanded me home regardless of knowing what i was doing he shut up i wasn't allowed to go to my male friend's cottage because his parents wouldn't be there my friend is gay but his father had physically shamed and harassed me i've got two once when i was about 14 it was easter sunday and i went to my friend's house to hang out with her she called up a few of our other friends to hang out as well her mom dropped us off there were about four of us and we were going to go to the mall but it was closed weird so we walked across the street to the theater and got tickets to watch a movie i didn't have a cell phone at the time so i didn't call my parents and i didn't think to use my friend's phone to call them anyway it's about 9 p.m once we get out of the movie and my friend's older brother comes and picks us up and takes us back to her house call my mom to come get me she's pee by the time i finally get home it's 11ish after that incident i was not allowed to stay out past 7 p.m not even if i was at a friend's house and their parents were there until i was about 18 stroke 19 but after that i could stay out until 10 the other one is i was in college about 20 stroke 21 it's finals week and i decided to stay after my class to study for my tests i was in the library so i put the phone on silent it's about 4 p.m and i've been constantly checking my phone because i know how my parents are i didn't think it would be a big deal to not text them since i wasn't going to be out late then around 6 i stopped checking my phone i get back home around 7 30 and my mom is freaking out wondering where i have been she told me that my dad had gone out to look for me and that she had turned on some kind of gps phone tracking feature on my phone via some online a tnt thing not too sure then i checked my phone and i had roughly 16 missed calls from my parents my boyfriend and several of my friends along with about 12 texts from everyone holy crap that gps phone tracking thing is still turned on for my phone i should probably ask them to turn off that feature source i work for it and tish we can't turn off the feature without the account owner's info however turning off location services and turning on airplane mode makes you invisible i went out with some friends who came to visit me from out of town i was also home from college for the weekend i didn't spend a dime on drinks and when i knew it wasn't safe to drive i gave the dd my address so i could arrive home safely i even texted my parents throughout the night mentioning the names of the people i was with in the bars i was at so they would be fine my friends take me home safely i wake up the next morning and i'm suddenly grounded for the rest of the weekend because i shouldn't drink to get drunk i'm 22 also they told me if i ever drink a game they would stop supporting me going to nope out of that situation once i graduate when i was 10 i wasn't allowed to watch the tv show cat dog the main reason being that my older sister watched it and then had a nightmare my mother is pretty freaked up i wasn't allowed to have sleepovers except with one friend and only because she was friends with the mom i wasn't allowed to hang out with anyone without parental supervision until high school my younger brother later told me she used to follow me around and watch us from a distance she thought i had joined the gang because i bought some stuff from hot topic she didn't let me join any after-school activities or extracurriculars not even debate he thought i was doing drugs because i had trouble waking up in the mornings i was moody and i'd stay in my room and listen to music all the time she would complain to my teachers because i read books all the time instead of doing extra math homework i'm very careful about not giving her anyone's contact information or the exact locations of where i hang out because i know she'll overstep boundaries and stalk people i once woke up to half my contact list on my phone deleted all the numbers of people she didn't know and ever since then i've always kept my devices secure she found my journal where i doodled wrote stupid short stories brainstormed and ranted that i kept hidden and private she yelled at me for writing things that made her sound bad if somebody found and read it it was hidden for a reason women and made me destroy the entries in question this was a huge violation of my privacy and extremely invasive and one of the main reasons i didn't love her i ended up developing a cipher for my entries and didn't write down anything personal as a college freshman i had to be home right after classes i learned to schedule my semesters so classes were spread out throughout the day so i could be away from her and have some peace i kept ignoring her and came home around seven stroke eight every day so she changed it to having to be home before dark she's convinced that i'm sneaking around behind her back freaking random people even though i've told her a million times i'm not interested i'm frigid but every time i go out even when i tell her the truth about what i'm doing she asks if i was freaking she used to call me ten times a day and i just stopped answering now it's only two three times a day unless i'm a bit late in which case she'll spam me and call any friends whose numbers she has to interrogate them i've only stuck around so far because she pays my college tuition and gives me food and a place to live i'm leaving and never looking back soon as i graduate though and don't have to worry about tuition my mom caught me and my buddy smoking weed in my room when i was 16. i can't describe the screen that followed when she opened the door and smelled the weed it was the most horrific sound my mom ever made i can only accurately describe her reaction would have been the same if she opened the door and saw me stabbing a body or something crazy like that then she locked herself in the bathroom continued to scream as if she was being murdered when she came out she drove us to cvs so i could take a drug test at 3am i used to not be able to ride my bike outside of the driveway it was dumb when i was a kid as i lived on a quiet street i later found out that there was a pr file down the street nothing insane but i had a friend in high school whose family was mormon met him when i was 15 or 16 same circle of friends so we'd spend the night at each other's houses and watch movies play xbox etc his parents would always call ahead and interview the parents hosting the overnight as in they had a list of questions prepared and the parents had to answer them to their satisfaction always thought that was odd his parents were actually really nice great people and i always enjoyed interacting with them when i was at his house they were just really really protective when it came to allowing him into new environments i wasn't allowed to read any books that weren't godly meaning they had to promote christianity in some way harry potter was of course the devil's book but lord of the rings was fine because it apparently has parallelisms to the bible i got grounded for being home 10 minutes early because i was cutting it too close to my curfew time 9 p.m i was 17 years old and graduated from high school i got grounded every week my life was a lot like butters or hamburgers my mom is crazy overprotective i know she means well but she has made life quite a headache at times some of the worst events include threatening to call the police on a diddler i met at a renaissance fair said didler was a 15 year old guy i met who liked my costume and gave me his email i was 14 at the time he was with his mom at the fair for crying out loud when my mom caught me with the email she insisted the kid was actually a creepy old diddler despite the fact my friend's mom who took me to the fair tried to convince her otherwise it took my dad intervening to get my mom to not call the police my mom stalked me and my friends at another rent fair i was 17 then she hid behind the tree when she was caught then refused to admit to my dad that she was ever at the fair in the first place i took a shower my first week at college and my mom tried to call me when i was unable to get to my phone in the span of the 15 minutes i was in the bathroom she called 50 times the campus police also showed up to my room shortly after to check on me i thought my dad was going to have her committed after that her reason for calling the cops was that she thought i killed myself because i was mildly homesick earlier in the day wtf she threatened to leave my dad because he was okay with me picking up my friend from a train station late at night i was 24 and no longer living at home for this event she also threatened the same thing anytime my dad didn't agree with her needless to say he calls her bluff now and she never leaves even my grandmother her own mother laughs at her threats my mom tries really hard to be a good parent but she simply can't help her fear she lost her father in a tragic event and i think that fact and the fact i am an only child made her the way she is thankfully i don't live with her anymore so i'm hoping the worst is behind us that's some crazy crap ricky i lived with my grandparents and one time we had a conversation and this is about how it went grandparents you need to get out of the house more me can i get a car grandparents no me can i get my license grandparents no me can i get a ride with a friend to go somewhere grandparents no me can i leave the house grandparents no this still makes me laugh when i was 13 i spent my allowance on glossy women's magazines cosmo and cleo for those aussies playing at home these magazines are very open about freaking and living in a strict christian household it was fascinating to me one day when all the family were gathered my cousin found a sealed section containing large pictures of dongs i'm talking a4 sized before i could stop her she grabbed the magazine opened it to a spread of two a four size dong pictures and dumped it on my mother's lap declaring look auntie blue coyote's mum the room went silent at the time my mum and i were both mortified she threw out my entire collection now we are no longer christians and mum and i can have a great laugh about the great dong lap incident my parents make up rules without much of a reason beyond that they're irrationally scared some such rules are i am not allowed to work as a waitress i am not allowed to sleep in the same room as the boyfriend i live with when we visit my parents home i am not allowed to lock my door mother will check at 2am and knock until it is locked no online shopping never bring meat into the house not even kibble food for the cat i am not allowed to take out student loans to pay for college they insist on paying claiming it would make them look bad in our ethnic community if they didn't when i was young i couldn't watch captain planet because the witchcraft they used went against my mother's good christian values i also couldn't watch the smurfs but i haven't the faintest idea why what i did watch though on a regular basis was dinosaurs not the mama which was pretty vulgar if i remember right parents tried to read my journal they said they stumbled upon it but that's a lie it was duct taped to the bottom of my bed surrounded by books and old board games but for about a week i taped it to my inner thigh until i gave up looking for it that's dedication right there there was a girl that shared a mutual crush with me parents wouldn't let her date me because i'm not jewish and they are but your kid would be jewish i was seeing this girl her parents stole her phone read our text message conversations called to let me know what's going on her family was very religious we had been texting some obscene things very recently so they read probably everything we had been saying the past week i get a phone call from her mother asking me questions about who i was age etc basically some weird threat that her and her husband were aware a month later i never heard from her again most likely because her parents didn't want me seeing her because i wasn't religious couple years later at 19 she's married to some religious boy i came home with a bloody nose one day from a friend's house and i went immediately to sleep when i got home because i was really tired i awoke the next morning with my mom waving a sea test kit in front of my face she saw the bloody tissues in the toilet and assumed i was snorting coke this is totally gonna get buried but i have a lot i could share i think the most notable one is i had no idea it was a thing to put milk on cereal until i was 20 years old in college i wasn't allowed to watch tv i was homeschooled and my parents don't eat cereal i had no idea and i'm laughed at terribly now whenever i mention it at 22 my friend pointed out the thing about this is not that it's just strict it's that they actively kept me from knowing a super relevant piece of information that everyone knows kid in my class in sixth grade wanted to take a retest on a test because he thought his parents would be disappointed in his grade he got a 98 on the test the teacher didn't let him retest my parents have been convincing me to get a girlfriend since seventh grade figuring out possible relationships prying about female friends heck they even asked if i was taking anyone to homecoming last year when just joined high school well now i have a gf and i took her to see divergent last friday my parents said that i was too young to go alone and they wanted to be in the theater with us but it's not like we're stalking you they relented when i said i'd go with other people as well jokes on them i lied not mine but a friend of mine we were in our chemistry lab last semester and it was running late ends at 9 40 it was nearing 10 30 because yeah it happens her parents start calling her incessantly she answers and they're yelling at her over the phone that she should have been home why is she out so late that she's getting drunk with her boyfriend etc we're in our twenties by the way she's getting agitated her alum is beginning to crystallize finally and she's trying to explain that she's in a laboratory shouldn't be on her phone and she'll call them when she's done not good enough they're insisting she's lying to them she ends up handing her phone to our professor so he can talk to them if it were anyone else they'd realize that he speaks far too eloquently to be at 20 something not to mention his voice certainly suit someone who is technically retired professional be clearly amused he hands the phone back to her more screaming somehow they don't believe her still she hangs the phone up after our professor poses in front of the clock waving to the camera we're graduating soon and her parents are going to have to accept that she's moving assuming we get into pharmacy school if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] so bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 34,354
Rating: 4.9294605 out of 5
Keywords: overprotective dad, overprotected, overprotective parents, parents, parents stories, strict parents, parenting, parent rules, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit
Id: 8n7njUxt8KQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 2sec (1322 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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