WORST Halo Levels of All Time (From Every Halo Game)

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if you guys didn't already know we absolutely loved the Halo franchise and pretty much for the most part we think the campaigns are all in all really great but if we had to pick the levels that we would want to play the least which would we end up choosing today we decided to count down our picks for the worst halo missions from all of the main Halo games of course we don't hate these levels but we're forcing ourselves to pick some for this list our rule for this video is we have to choose at least two levels from every Halo game but preferably three and we're going to go in order of level order along with game release order okay that being said that lets it jump into this first up from a halo combat Evolved we're looking at truth and a reconciliation now this level at the beginning is actually really fun there's an awesome sniper apart there's some really great visuals and just fighting your way through the early section is pretty fun it's not until you get into the ship where the level becomes really repetitive it pretty much just becomes a walk down the hallway shoot some enemies walk down another hallway get lost a little bit and then fight some more enemies it's not the worst level in all of Halo history but it's definitely not one that I'm jumping with excitement to have to replay through again whenever I do a play of Halo 1 next we have the library which is one that probably a lot of people would have on their list especially if you're looking at the original halo combat Evolved not the anniversary version but this level is just really dragged out and involves you just fighting wave after wave of the flood while you wait for the monitor to open up some doors tie that together with the fact that this level is so easy to get lost in just because of the overall repetitive nature of it and if you're playing on a harder difficulty good luck getting through this level it's definitely a challenge on Halo next we almost had a tie for the last entry here but we're gonna give it to the level keys which essentially has you fighting through the level of Truth and Reconciliation again but this time you're fighting against the flood this is kind of a common complaint hila one and we understand that they had limitations as to how much of the game they can design but when you look at levels like keys the MA or two betrayals where you're just backtracking through a previous level it kind of isn't the most exciting levels compared to some of the levels that had really unique experiences the first time you played through them we chose keys as the main culprit for this list just because truth and reconciliation was already repetitive enough as it was and having to play on Keys just adds this extra layer to it moving on to Halo 2 this game definitely did a lot as far as shaving off the repetitive levels where you go back and play through sections you've already been through however when you look at the level of regret while the scenery itself is pretty unique and it's a good continuation of Delta Halo from the level before there's not a lot to actually do on this level kind of walk through a little area and then you ride on a gondola for a really long time walk through another little area then ride an elevator underwater which is kind of cool but you just ride on the elevator then you walk through another area right another elevator ride another gondola and then you have a boss fight at the end which is kind of cool but for the most part there's nothing too special about this level it kind of just feels like a ton of filler content put into making the game a little bit longer and it just feels kind of like a cheap shot here still there was some cool things with the visuals they did here but for the most part it's nothing too special next we're moving on to a sacred icon which is another level that just felt like it was it dragged on mind you this level takes place right after regret and it's another level where it just has you walking through repetitive rooms and then you have one really long gondola ride that you have to just defend now once again at this level has really pretty visuals with the snow and just kind of the atmosphere going with it but it's definitely not an exciting level that has a really good map design that makes you want to keep coming back to it and on Halo 2 we're also gonna tie up a quarantine zone which is the level right after sacred icon and two levels after regret where it is kind of this chaotic mess flood being in vehicles attacking while you try to navigate your way through the level the fact that the flood can jump in the tanks and shoot at you is crazy it's funny but it's crazy and overall we're just not a fan of these three levels we feel like they were all dragged out to try to make the halo 2 campaign feel longer and when all of the other levels in the game are mostly really exciting and fun these ones are just kind of that middle lull before things get exciting again from Halo 3 we wanted to put Crows Nest on this list as on paper this levels not that bad at the beginning as there's some cool corridors that you can fight your way through and fighting the various enemies is fun but the amount of backtracking done in this level is really excessive you literally have to go through this level almost three different directions and just going through the same rooms again and again and again just as everyone barks orders at the chief to do different things and it's just kind of unnecessary it just makes this level feel about five minutes longer than it probably needs to be the level Cortana on the other hand is possibly the worst level in Halo 3 and maybe even most of the Halo franchise at least the original three games this level brings players back to high charity where halo 2 ended where you have to fight off the flood in a flood infested planet to save Cortana while fighting off the flood room after room can already get repetitive enough as it is having the gravemind stop you every time you walk into a new room and make you stop everything you're doing so he can talk to you is really annoying also the level design just feels a lot weaker than what Bungie was capable of doing back in the day especially because high charity was this iconic place in Halo 2 and while we understand that the flood took over it would've been really cool if they took maybe some of those level designs that were found in Halo 2 and repurposed them in the level Cortana with some flood design added in to make it at least feel like oh yeah I remember this area from Halo 2 rather than just a generic covenant ship with a bunch of flood stuff filling the rooms fortunately enough this levels not too too long so you can get through it relatively quickly but it's definitely not nearly as some of the other levels in Halo 3 moving on to Halo 3 ODST this is probably going to be a really unpopular opinion but we're gonna put mombasa streets on this list this is kind of a weird one because what is possibly the best thing about Halo 3 ODST is also possibly the worst I absolutely love the atmospheric feel of walking through the city at night and trying to uncover what has happened to your teammates and the first time I played through it it was a really cool experience however when you're going through replays playing through mombasa streets is not a fun experience at all it just feels like a major break in the pace and the more you play through ODST the more you'll begin to realize that a low 3 ODST is pretty much one giant map that's just reused in every multiplayer level and filled with a ton of firefight sections now don't get me wrong I absolutely love ODST it's a great game but I feel like Mombasa streets really underlines the fact that you're just going through the same levels and sections that all of the more action-packed campaign levels already had like we said one of the greatest strengths of ODST is also kind of its weakness here while we're at it with ODST we're also gonna put data hive on here reluctantly just because we have to put 2 from every Halo game data hive in concept is really fun it's nice to have a more linear level that's in a different atmosphere than anything we have seen before but it is really long for no reason you walk through the same repeated design multiple times as you go down several levels fighting off just different waves of enemies and if anything it's just an excuse to have a moving firefight rather than a section where you hold out and the enemies come to you however there are some redeeming qualities as you reach the end of the level and the scenery starts to change up a little bit and you get close to the hive that stuff's actually really cool but otherwise it's definitely not a top-tier Halo level from a Halo Reach we're gonna put winter contingency on here also somewhat reluctantly there's a lot of things that this level does right and there's some really cool teamwork aspects with this level however the opening section just feels really slow-paced for a Halo game there's a lot of walking running dry around there's some moas but it's not really a memorable level in the same regard as all of the other levels that were in halo reach next we're going to look at the level of the package as it pretty much reuses the same layout from Oni sword base but lets you have a tank this isn't the worst level by any means but it definitely feels a bit more uninspired than all of the amazing atmospheres that Halo Reach took you to when you play through the campaign it's an all right level but it's definitely nothing that's really mind blowing here moving on to Halo 4 all of the levels no I'm kidding kind of but we wanted to point out the level Requiem while the first level of Halo 4 was really interesting atmospherically and just the design was really cool Requiem introduces players to what they're going to experience through most of Halo 4 and it's just kind of the general lack of enthusiasm or soul in the creation of some of these level designs this level feels extremely linear with a couple of cool visuals along the way but as far as having an open sandbox to take on the level however you want to take it on you're pretty limited and have your hands tied up pretty badly there just seems to be a lot of like random waves of enemies thrown at you and you just kind of make your way through the level until it's finally over also from Halo 4 we wanted to include mission 4 which is infinity and honestly this level probably should have been broken up maybe into two separate levels because it just drags on way longer than it needs to essentially you have this large section of the level where you fight your way through a forest and try to figure out what's happened to the rest of the UNSC that's kind of nearby it has a really interesting premise as you've been stranded away from the UNSC for a long time and it's supposed to be a big deal then you find them and then they ask you to go do some stuff for them and in the same level you decide to go back through the forest to help them out and then all of a sudden there's this tank part and take parts and Halo can be really fun except it's just one long linear cave where you just drive in one direction and while you go then after the tank part you get to finally ride the brand new Mantis where it's just one long corridor with a turn along the way and you just shoot your way through it then after all of that you have a long drawn-out firefight where you're in the Mantis before you finally complete this level and it just kind of shows that while they did put some interesting things in and they tried to mix up what you do in the levels if there's not a good level design associated with it it's not gonna be fun and finally I wanted to take aim at shut down also from a halo 4 which is in my opinion the worst level in all of Halo outside of an Easter Egg found in Halo Reach this is the first time you ever get to fly a Pelican in a Halo game and this is something that fans had wanted for such a long time so what did they let you do well you kind of just drive it for a long time in a couple different directions then once you get inside the buildings you're supposed to go in jump out of the Pelican and you get to either ride on a gondola or just run through areas fighting off covenant and Prometheans it's literally one of the most boring levels in all of Halo and they dragged it out so long and it's just so underutilized because they could have made some epic moments with the Pelican and they just chose not to do anything interesting with it and it was a huge disappointment moving on to Halo 5 we're gonna look at the first level Osiris remember how my main complaint from Halo 4 was there is not enough interesting things going on well halo 5 on the other hand decided to put too many things going on in a single level this is the first level of the game it should be exciting but maybe not overwhelming this game kind of starts players off with a finale level of action going on where you have both the Covenant and Prometheans around every corner all of a sudden you're in a squad you're having to run through these fighting a bunch of enemies running past a bunch of enemies and it just felt like they were trying to make the stakes feel really high without establishing a reason as to why we should care in the first place especially since we're not even playing as the Master Chief at this point I see what they were trying to do with it but hopefully they find the right balance in future Halo games okay there was a couple examples I could use for this next one but I'm just gonna look at the Alliance for this I don't know what they were really doing with this I get that they wanted to have halo 5 guardians appeared to have a longer campaign by having 15 levels but why does Alliance count as its own level literally the gameplay side of it takes a total of maybe a minute and a half and you're just kind of in a central hub area with no enemies around and you walk around and wait for your ship to leave that's it there's nothing more to this level other than that you don't have to kill anyone you have to do anything yet it counts as its own level for whatever reason it's just really weird that they did this in Halo 5 when it could have just easily been tacked on to either the beginning of the level or the end of a level why does it have to stand on its own and finally from halo 5 guardians we wanted to look at the final level up until this point every halo had ended in some sort of epic finale in one way or another in the first Halo you have a driving section in Halo 2 you fight off for the chieftain halo 3 you have another awesome driving section even halo 4 had a pretty epic finale with it halo 5 Guardians as you have a long elevator ride and then you crawl up a hill before just a cutscene happens or Cortana and the new Oracle are arguing with each other or something I don't know at this point when I first played through halo 5 guardians and even on later playthroughs it's kind of at this point when it's all over I realized what just happened what was this whole game anyways there's some great parts of Halo 5 don't get me wrong at all there was some really well-done things in there but where was this story going back to the level you have this large sequence where you're crawling up this thing while Cortana is doing some stuff with the Guardian and then you get some cutscenes and finally after all this time we see the arbiter and Master Chief reunited and they don't even acknowledge each other everyone was expecting a really awesome bro moment between those two characters and unfortunately we didn't get it but who knows maybe 343 Industries will take a note from videos like this or literally anyone else from the Halo community who's had strong opinions about how a halo campaign should be shaped and maybe halo Infinite has the potential to be something amazing from what we've seen so far things are looking good but we won't really know until the games actually released but let us know what you guys thought what halo level was your least favorite do you disagree with any of the ones we've put on this list we'd love to know what you guys are thinking and if you like more content like this we cover a ton of halo things here be sure to subscribe with notifications on and we'll see you all next time with a brand new video bye guys
Channel: Rocket Sloth
Views: 484,169
Rating: 4.374578 out of 5
Keywords: rocket sloth, halo, halo mcc, halo master chief, worst halo game, worst halo maps, worst halo levels, halo levels ranked, best halo levels, every halo game ranked, worst halo levels of all time, worst levels in good games, worst halo, top 10 worst halo missions, halo missions ranked, best halo missions, halo 4 worst game ever, which halo campaign is the best, halo 5 worst campaign, bad halo levels, bad halo missions
Id: c2lnsos-fbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2019
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