Beating the Halo Trilogy WITHOUT shooting? (Halo CE, Halo 2, Halo 3)

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one of the most iconic lines from halo comes from halo 2 when the Master Chief says I need a weapon so that God is thinking can you beat Halo one two and three without a weapon or at least without shooting a single shot well today we decided to embark on this quest and find out definitively once and for all can you beat halo without shooting let's get into it as we look at the first Halo game we knew that this would kind of be one of the interesting ones to look at right away and pillar bottom actually is relatively easy to make your way through without firing a single shot it's definitely one of those point A and point B levels and fortunately you can just bash your way past any enemies or just run by them and hope that they don't kill you we actually beat this first level no problem and we're feeling pretty optimistic about the run for Halo seee we went to the level halo next and honestly after you punch your way past the first wave of the firefight you can just drive through majority of the level take out some enemies by either splattering them or punching them and try not to run over your teammate in the process and I think this level was a good indicator that the Warthog levels for the most part will be something that we can manage but what we got - Truth and Reconciliation we did realize early on that the beginning section of the level was quite challenging just because there's a lot of enemies in different directions and especially when you get into the inside part you have to look out and you kind of have to jump around and panic a little bit but ultimately we made it through truth and reconciliation alright also silent cartographer is actually a level where you can get an achievement if you do this on solo without shooting and since we already knew the routes for this one it was pretty straightforward to get through this level except I do have to say at the end there is a sword elite and once again he will track you down and chase you if you're not careful and that's probably the biggest risk you have on silent cartographer assault in the control room is a long-long level and honestly we just ran through and punched everything and just trying to get through everything as quickly as we could we managed to jump over the bridge to skip a section of the level which was pretty nice however as we approach to the back half of Halo seee things started to get a little bit more challenging when we got to 343 Guilty Spark we did notice there was sections where the flood would rush at you especially when you first encounter the flood and you have to hold out and kill all the flood before the next wave of flood will come out and eventually open up the door you can exit through but since we can't shoot our weapons taking out the smaller flood forms would be a little bit more challenging except ultimately we realize since we were doing this run on easy that we could just let them eat us and we usually wouldn't die so we kind of just let them eat us and then they would explode in the process that was one way to solve that when the larger flood forms would eventually come in we were relieved that at least in Halo one were able to punch our way through them even though they're much harder than fighting through the Covenant and honestly you can get stuck indoors and be killed really easily and this was pretty frustrating because it happened to both of us at times the library being the fan favorite Halo level in the Halo universe was just as fun as always especially because we couldn't shoot and this whole level is based around firefights so a lot of the time we were either waiting around just bashing our way through the flood and throwing grenades and dodging the enemy attacks or we were getting lost and walking in circles because since we spent so much time trying to skip fighting the flood we would sometimes backtrack to where we started from thinking that we were going the right way because there were still flood in that area when we finally reached two betrayals this level also ended up being somewhat challenging as we got back into the main bridge room that is kind of indoors connecting the two canyons together the section was really difficult because pretty much there is a ton of flood blocking the door and you have to clear them out before making your way forward then you have to pair that with the fact that you're in a really wide open space which means that you can't really throw grenades and corner the flood and some of them have rocket launchers and this is where we died quite a few times trying to figure it out and honestly the solution we came up with was that if you go up to the door but in enough times eventually it actually works so either we weren't pressing the button hard enough or believing the door would open enough but finally after trying the door several times it did open and then we just ran away and hope that we didn't get shot by the rocket flood getting into the level keys while this level is possible to beat without shooting it definitely was more challenging than other levels just because of the high saturation of enemies throughout this level there's so many flood you have to run by and holding out at the grav lift when you don't have any weapons to shoot with is super difficult and challenging as the enemies will swarm at you and you just have to hope you time your grenades correctly and that the gravel IFFT actually lifts you up and puts you in the level quick enough then when you're in the inside section of this level you have a lot of tight corridors and enemies around every turn and honestly we had to do just a lot of sprinting jumping and dodging to hope that the flood wouldn't kill us one of the more challenging levels but it is still possible and then getting on to the MA this little actually wasn't too bad for the most part the only challenging thing was getting the ventilators grenaded at the right time because you're getting shot at by sentinels constantly and the floods jumping on you so it's easy to get knocked down and killed but if you manage to stay on and you blow up the ventilators you can get onto the driving section and honestly the driving section you don't have to shoot on anyways so we made it through halo combat Evolved without shooting and we were pretty proud of ourselves but we knew we had a bigger feet ahead of us that we had to beat the entire Halo trilogy so we moved forward onto Halo 2 to see if it's possible to be Halo 2 without shooting a weapon and upon playing through Cairo station we realized that halo 2 is very very boring if you're not allowed to shoot your gun but still we made our way through Cairo station punching our ways to each room and in most sections of this level you have to kill all the enemies before the door opens up which could be kind of frustrating having to backtrack and find whichever enemy straggler is left behind a punch and the section with the buggers flying through the air is a little bit more challenging as they are more difficult to melee but eventually you can kill them and make your way through this complete level the next level outskirts is a little bit easier though because you can pretty much fly through it by jumping across the buildings at the beginning and then we can jump on a ghost and just drive to the end of this level metropolis on the other hand what pretty easy at the beginning we just kind of drove through and honestly the Marines were pretty fun in the gods cannon just going to town fighting off the Covenant when we got to the Scarab this was one part we knew from the beginning of this challenge would probably be one of the harder points but other than us not jumping on the scarab correctly we were able to board the Scarab relatively easy punch the enemies as they jumped out towards us and then when we got inside the scarab we made it a point to quickly kill the elites before they would pull their swords out which probably would have been the biggest risk on this level as we switched to the level of the arbiter we finally had a sword technology and invisibility which made honestly this run so much better being able to swing your sword the level the arbiters relatively easy especially with the help of the sword since the levels kind of built were Stabbin we came into a really big challenge however when we got to the level of the Oracle the following level and honestly the elevator section of this level is so challenging to get through without shooting as the flood is constantly dropping you have to worry about the Sentinels shooting at you and when you're relying on your sword if you swing halo2 physics kick in and sometimes lunge you way up in the air or off of the elevator platform causing you to die and if you're not careful you can easily be killed by either the flood or the Sentinels and slashing our way through this one really wasn't an option and we had to decide what was more important using our sword at times or may laying with a gun hoping that it would do enough damage to keep us alive to begin with fortunately enough after enough trial and error we did get through this level as well but this was definitely the most challenging level we had done so far on Delta halo we really didn't have anything to worry about we just kind of drove through the whole first section of the level and then just walk through the second half the only risky part was at the end of the level right before the cutscene it shows you have to fight against some honor guards which of course can be risky if they have a sword but fortunately we got lucky going through this and we beat this level as well we were really anticipating regret to be one of the more challenging levels as it has a boss fight at the end of the level but honestly outside of some really boring gondola rides and nice elevator ride underwater this level was relatively easy upon getting into the area where the profit is there are some more honor guards but once we got past them we just had to jump on the Prophet and he was dead in just a few punches getting to the levels sacred icon this was another level we were unsure on whether it would be really easy or really challenging and honestly when we got to the big Sentinel machine we thought this would be a really challenging thing but Luc just punched it and then it blew up so that was pretty easy otherwise the level sacred icon is pretty much the same the slides are still fun and when we got to the final firefight this part is another time section where you have to clear out all of the flood and what we did is we just waited for our elite allies to kill all the flood and we just waited sure enough the level beat itself quarantine zone was a little bit challenging just because there's a lot of large vehicles that can shoot and kill you but it's something you can't achieve without trial and error and pretty much we just drove through it and then rode on the very long gondola ride and this one was pretty easy to beat without shooting however on gravemind when we are introduced to the Brutes things kind of start to change and we actually faced our real challenge towards the end of this level but ultimately the brutes were pretty fun to sidestep and assassinate and when you get to the end of the level and you have that firefight where the Covenant is at Civil War with each other and you have to fight a bunch of hunters we were faced with the biggest challenge that we had seen yet and we actually thought this would be possibly the end to our run essentially in this firefight there are at least four to six hunters in this final battle and in Halo 2 you can't kill a hunter by punching him we tried punching in the back the front the side the head no matter how hard we tried we couldn't figure it out and we didn't know how we would get past the hunters we try to throwing grenades at the hunters and it seemed to do some damage and while we even tried just sprinting to the end of the level the level won't trigger the ending cutscene until the final firefight is concluded so as we went around this level trying to scavenge grenades and find ways to stick the hunters and hopefully kill them and remind you there's still a few hunters here it's not just one or two hunter stopping us we'd opted into trying to go back through the level and scavenge some more grenades to bring to the firefight section once we had gotten all the grenades that were already in that room and honestly even then we couldn't really gauge how effective the grenades were against these hunters it didn't seem like it was doing a whole lot of damage to begin with but fortunately for us as we reappropriation was also super easy we just walked through it punched her way through the enemies did the side step on the Brutes and this level was also easy to beat but the real challenge of Halo 2 is the just-okay journey where you have to face off against Tartarus who is the major boss of Halo 2 now if you don't remember Tartarus essentially he has a shield of invincibility and pretty much his shield has to be broken before you can do any damage on him just by shooting alone in preparation for this level knowing that this would probably be one of the hardest levels that could potentially kill this entire Halo run we thought that our best bet would be to take a note from a lot of the speedrunners and try to do the sergeant Johnson duplication glitch which essentially has you glitch a Spectre all the way to the final room where you fight the boss and duplicate sergeant Johnson by having him jump onto the specter with his sniper rifle then from there in theory we would have sergeant Johnson just shoot Tartarus and kill him as a lot of speedrunners have done in the past and we would maybe be able to beat this level however we spent six hours trying to get this glitch to work and every time we got these spectres into the final boss fight sergeant Johnson would just teleport away and not duplicate we don't know what we're doing wrong we want to say that maybe this was patched from the game but we don't know for sure maybe we were doing something wrong but after six hours of trying to glitch the specter and get sergeant Johnson in there to help us defeat the boss we decided to go a different route so our next theory was if we take banshees and fly it to the end boss we would be able to maybe glitch it through the room and use the banshees to knock Tartarus off of the platform killing him and beating halo too so after a serious struggle of trying to glitch the banshees through and finally getting the banshees into the final boss fight we did learn that yes you can knock Tartarus off the platform but he just responds on top of the platform so finally after trying all of these tricks trying to pick a way that would maybe be effective at killing Tartarus we decided just to try our luck doing the level regularly so we jumped out of the banshees and we won punched Tartarus and he died so all of that was for nothing well onward halo 3 Sierra 1 1 7 while it is a long level and there's a lot of enemies in different areas it's honestly nothing challenging especially after getting through halo 2 which had more challenges but when you get to the level crow's nest we did find it a little bit challenging to take out the buggers as they fly around and you have to kill most of them before the next room opens ultimately eventually the buggers will settle down on the door in front of you and you can jump up and punch them but it was still kind of a little bit more challenging than other things we had done but fortunately enough the jetpack brutes later in the level which we thought would be really challenging we're actually really easy so I guess it evened out getting through Tsavo highway without shooting is relatively easy you can always just have a marine shoot for you if you need to but honestly we didn't even need that the only challenging part is the Brutes at the very end it's kind of chaotic as there's so many of them and you have to kill them all before you can finish this level but if you sidestep and assassinate or just punch your way through it you should be ok ok then we had to face the storm which we thought would possibly be the end to our halo run as taking out scarabs usually require players to shoot out the legs causing the Scarab to collapse then boarding the Scarab killing the enemies on board and blowing up the battery now since we can't shoot taking out the scarab legs would be something that would be pretty challenging for any halo player now the game fortunately gives you some marines who have rocket launchers who can help you out on the back of your mongoose except they're really really dumb and not effective or helpful whatsoever and finally after just walking around for a while we discovered a weird elevator we had never noticed before that exists there so we rode the elevator up to the top and then realized maybe if we time it properly we can make a leap of faith on to the Scarab its lucky luke and i made the jump i got splattered but fortunately enough luke boarded the Scarab was able to punch the battery causing the entire Scarab to collapse and beating the Scarab on that level from there we just had to go through the rest of the level running past enemies or killing them by punching them and then when we got to the Covenant cannon all we had to do was throw some sticky grenades up at the battery and we were able to beat the storm floodgate is a super easy level no matter what difficulty you're playing it on and honestly you can pretty much beat this level on lasso without shooting so this was pretty easy to be uneasy difficulty since we got lucky on the storm we were pretty worried about going into the ark as it would be another level where we had to face off against scarabs later on but first we had to get to that point we skipped through the early parts of the level relatively easily just driving away and running past everything and as we got to the section where forward onto dawn lands and drops off tanks we had to clear out the area and this section was actually quite challenging we had to throw our grenades at the right time to take out the ghosts as they definitely were the priority and the AAA rates and ghosts are pretty quick to kill you we just did the best we could to hijack what we could or throw the right grenades and the next set of rates were pretty tricky as well you have to either hijack them and try to use them as cover while the other person hijack but ultimately we were able to do it and have the forward on to dawn land dropping off the tanks which we couldn't use as we finally progressed to the Scarab section of the level we knew that this next part would be pretty difficult and getting onto the scarer wouldn't be an easy task we had seen people do weird techniques like brute shot jumping but ultimately the other techniques involve shooting to begin with we tried climbing up the building and making a leap from there and we also tried just waiting around and hoping that the Marines would shoot out the legs for us which didn't seem like something that was going to ever happen as we were walking around however I did stumble upon a grav lift and throwing the grav lift at the right time actually gave me enough height to land on the scarab and take out the battery in the back getting us past this section of the level the rest of the level was actually relatively easy as we just had to go through and fight off some more brutes when we got to the level the Covenant the vehicle section later in the level was really the most challenging part otherwise it was just running through the rest of level and grenading hoping to make it through by the time we got to the end section of the level we decided considering we couldn't use the tank the best thing we could do would be to take it slow and steady with the Marine on the back of our gods hog shooting the enemies the best that he could we were actually making a ton of progress and was working really well until we got the Master Chief collection special and randomly got disconnected from the game then after that we just said screw it and turbo right through the driving part with an awesome Marine who unfortunately was a casualty to the war after we split up and took Hornets to the scarabs we just timed it the best we could to jump onto the scarabs and take out our own respective scarabs and beating the rest of this level was pretty easy the next level Cortana is mostly a flood filled level and since you can pick up a sword relatively easily in this level getting through this one wasn't difficult at all and finally after all of that we had reached the last level of the Halo trilogy halo the level that would make or break this entire run and we knew from the beginning that this level could potentially be a problematic level for us we never thought we would even get this far to find out fortunately we made our way up the tower we did the standard out of the map glitch to get in a good position to fight off the flood and after getting through the final firefight against the flood we just had to go in and defeat 343 Guilty Spark and this is where our run got difficult see the problem with the final boss fight with 343 Guilty Spark is that the only way you can the monitor is by blasting him with a Spartan laser in the first section of the boss fight you actually can't do any damage to him whether you shoot or not it's not until sergeant Johnson shoots him with the Spartan laser the first time that he is damaged at all from there you're supposed to pick up his laser and shoot him three times to defeat the boss fight however since we can't shoot we don't have any options to actually damage 343 Guilty Spark so we assumed we would have had to come up with some sort of way around it we tried throwing grenades that didn't work we tried glitching against his pushback ability he had which also didn't work we tried glitching sergeant Johnson into the final boss fight while still alive to help us kill Guilty Spark which we couldn't ever get him into the boss fight but we later learned that even if we had managed to pull that rare glitch off he wouldn't shoot anyways he's not scripted to shoot three four three Guilty Spark we tried running around the control ring we tried throwing the Spartan laser away so that there was no Spartan laser and maybe it would cause the level to timeout or something and honestly it was no luck meaning that after everything we had done you cannot complete the Halo trilogy without shooting and of course it was a little bit of a disappointment just because we had come so close to completing all of the Halo games without shooting a single shot and after you shoot the Spartan laser at 343 Guilty Spark you can continue on and beat the rest of the level without shooting in case you're wondering however the journey getting here and finding out once and for all definitively how far you could get without shooting was one that was really fun we learned a lot about the halo mechanics and some really interesting and new ways to play the game that was really fun except Halo 2 is not fun without shooting and it really made us look critically at a lot of the levels and look at how Bungie had developed a really awesome sandbox over the years that let you approach things from a completely different perspective and that was really cool at the end of it all but what did you guys think is this a challenge that you would ever attempt on your own if you have other challenge suggestions that you'd like to see us try let us know in the comments down below we're down to try some things but if you enjoyed this video be sure to subscribe with notifications on because we make a ton of Halo content just like this and you're not gonna want to miss what we upload next we'll see you all next time with video I guess [Music]
Channel: Rocket Sloth
Views: 857,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rocket sloth, halo, halo trilogy, halo mcc, can you beat halo without, can you beat halo without shooting, can you beat halo 3, halo 2 without shooting, halo ce, halo 2, halo 3, beating halo without shooting, beating halo, can you beat halo without taking any damage, halo 3 without damage, halo hardest, halo no weapons, how to beat halo, beating halo without taking damage, hardest halo achievements, halo ce no shooting achievement, halo 2 no shot, halo 3 no damage
Id: 7DjWkaqWc1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 1sec (1321 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 03 2019
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