The Hardest Halo Campaign Missions of ALL TIME

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it's no secret that over the years halo games have had some of the best campaign modes across all of gaming okay with the exception of halo 5 halo 5s campaign was terrible the Halo games have had numerous beautiful campaign missions designed to encapsulate you in the story of Halo however some of those missions while beautiful are designed to cause you a ton of pain in this video we are going to be looking at the hardest missions across all of the Halo games and analyzing what makes them so difficult now in this video we are only going to be analyzing missions in Halo on legendary difficulty that is halos hardest difficulty in all of the Halo games legendary difficulty means that the enemies have the best health the best damage and the best AI but of course not every Halo game was created equally and we're going to be going over that during this video later on the video will also be talking about the sponsor of this video audible if you'd like to get started with a free 30-day trial of audible you can click the link in the description or the card in the top right of your video but we'll talk about that fully later on so grab your scare of gun and get ready to start blasting everything in your general vicinity because we're going to be talking about the hardest Halo missions of all time [Music] this video is going to go over some of the hardest missions across all of the Halo games and when I first set out to make this video that idea caused some problems for me other content creators on YouTube have made plenty of videos about the top five top ten even top 25 hardest Halo missions of all time and I think these videos are good but I think they're missing something because of their format you see when you set out to make a video that is a top five or a top ten or even a top 25 you're gonna have a lot of missions that yes make the list but are essentially an insignificant placing top fives and top 10s can help us to organize information we can create pretty accurate lists of the hardest Halo missions across all of the Halo games with these sword videos but I think doing a top 5 or top 10 does a disservice to the hardest Halo missions across all of the Halo games because in my opinion when you're talking about the hardest missions it really only comes down to three and those three missions are definitively the three hardest missions across all of the Halo games so without further ado let's get started in halo combat Evolved the mission the library for most of us was our first introduction to the true ferocity of the flood this isn't the first mission where we meet the flood but it is the first mission across all of the Halo games where the flood is your only enemy and the library teaches you very quickly that the flood fight nothing like the other enemies in Halo common tactics that you've been getting used to for the entirety of halo combat Evolved are thrown out the window when you play on the library the interesting thing here is that the flood and halo combat Evolved are generally weak creatures there are no shielded flood in the game there are no flood that have excess amount of health most flood that you fight in this mission die with just a couple of bullets from most guns and with that you'd think that the flood would be a fairly easy enemy to fight but this mission and the flood are designed to overwhelm you and they will in this mission part of the reason is that flood will literally spawn out of the walls in this mission you never know exactly where the flood are going to spawn on legendary difficulty halo combat Evolved likes to spawn enemies behind you and in the library they do this very often this means that during the mission your position has to constantly change or you will easily be overwhelmed you have to make sure that you're always fighting the flood from one single direction and when there are constantly spawning all around you it's very difficult this mission is also incredibly long it's an odyssey of flood killing and gory remains the repetitive nature of the mission also tends to get you lost and when you get lost or turned around to the flood of course we'll just overwhelm you this mission will tire you out by the end of it you'll be done with killing flood you'll hope that you never see another flood again because the mission is just so relentless but this honestly is nothing out of the ordinary for halo combat Evolved a lot of the missions are very expansive very large and even to this day I still get lost in some of them especially when you play this mission on the classic graphics the hallways the floors they all appear to be the same color and when you're fighting and spinning and turning and looking for flood that are spawning all around you it's easy to get turned around the first time I ever stream this mission on legendary I had my capture card set a little bit low in the brightness this made the screen insanely dim like what you're seeing now and may Master Chief peace be upon him have mercy on your soul if you make this mistake as well fortunately like any mission in halo like any game of all time this has some strategies that you can implement to give yourself a better advantage against the flood the shotgun in halo combat Evolved is easily one of the greatest weapons in the game for fighting flood mostly because the shotgun has such a high ammo capacity you can fit 12 shotgun shells into the barrel of the shotgun before you need to reload however due to the high degree of difficulty in this mission even the legendary halo combat Evolved shotgun will not save you every single time when you're playing on the library yes like any mission in Halo there are some easy tricks like this one where you can just sit in this corner and for this entire section none of the flood will even try to kill you and you can also skip entire sections of this mission if you do a nice grenade jump in the correct spot but just because there's a couple of tricks that can move you a little bit faster through this mission does not mean this mission is easy in any way when it comes down to it it's you against an almost infinite amount of flood and sometimes all the Halo skill in the world can't save you from that [Music] chief I'll round up our survivors and fall back to the dawn orbitals are the same when the elites Croton is in there somewhere [Music] now I've already made a video on why Cortana is one of the hardest missions across all of the Halo games like the library Cortana also tests your skill against the flood the ninth mission in Halo 3 Cortana is a 100% flood based mission you won't fight anything that isn't already dead the flood in Halo 3 are incredibly diverse there are tons of different types of flood that you will have to fight while going through this mission flood will shoot you from the air they will come at you directly they will be all around the floor most of the areas in this mission are small enclosed hallways which means you have to go toe-to-toe with the flood in order to succeed now whether that means battling it out with your shotgun slicing through with your sword or trying to avoid enemies altogether it is still a difficult mission and it can be incredibly frustrating to deal with all of these enemies because like the classic flood they are relentless however the flood in this mission are also incredibly diverse in this mission you will fight every type of flood in Halo infected Marines infected brutes the shielded infected elites hunter flood that can take an almost unlimited amount of damage the flood stalker forms which will shoot you from a distance which are probably one of the most annoying things in all of the Halo games also they just tend to give you nightmares you'll fight flooding factored forms flood Popper forms and all of this equals a very difficult mission and it doesn't help that through this mission you are alone just as the Master Chief not to rag on the Master Chief he's a pretty strong guy I'll give him as props where it's due but throughout different missions in Halo 3 you get used to fighting with the arbiter by your side the arbiter is an incredibly strong companion that you have throughout all of Halo 3 except for this mission the arbiter is very strong very consistent does a lot of damage and can't actually physically die and you really feel his absence in this mission this is some footage of the arbiter just ripping through flood the same flood that you fight in Cortana and I think this is proof that one of the reasons Cortana is such a hard mission is you don't have the arbiter by your side now like I said before with the library just because the mission is difficult doesn't mean it's impossible with enough practice and enough skill you can find a way to do this mission very quickly moving quickly through this mission is your best option because most of the floods combat cycles are very slow you can outrun them fairly easily if you know what you're doing speedrun of this mission calls for very little engagement with foot in fact you can get through most of this mission without engaging any of the flood forms you can just run right past them but trying to complete this mission by avoiding all the flood and just trying to run through isn't always a foolproof strategy I know I make it sound easy but it's not like any good flood mission this mission is designed to give the flood the ability to overwhelm you and just because you think you can run by without a scratch on your head it doesn't mean you always will the diversity inconsistency and outright randomness of the flood in this mission make it one of the hardest Halo missions of all time but now it's time to move to the hardest mission the one that we can definitively say is the hardest halo mission of all time [Music] relax I'd rather not kiss this thing off demon and has concluded this one is not flesh and faith and is the more did you kill me or release me parasite but do not waste my time with talk there is no grave mind the tenth mission in Halo 2 is definitively the hardest mission across all of the Halo games and while this video is about some of the hardest missions across all of the Halo games gravemind it definitely sets itself apart this is the most grueling frustrating relentless and difficult mission in all of Halo and if you have ever tried to play this mission through on legendary you know exactly why for starters halo 2 is easily one of the most difficult Halo campaigns to play through on legendary the enemies in Halo 2 do an insane amount of damage having an incredibly high amount of health can sniff you out like a bloodhound and almost never miss when they're shooting at you all the while Master Chief and Halo 2 on legendary is probably one of the weakest versions of the chief this mission puts your skill to the test you have to fight the halo to brutes which are easily the strongest brutes across all of the Halo games I've actually made a whole video on that you should go check it out but every enemy that you fight in gravemind seems to have the upper hand on you due to the randomness of Halo 2 and tricky spawns some of the trickiest spawns are in the jail cell room this is one of the most infamous sections across all of Halo it's one of the hardest for sure first starters sometimes when you drop down these two brutes and everything else in the room will aggro you and you'll instantly die interestingly the most consistent Ramji is just to jump off if you're gonna try and play Halo to suicide is probably your best option but in this scenario we're just jumping off to get to a better level the whole point of this section is you're supposed to rescue Marines that are locked in jail cells the location of the jail cells are the only thing that stays consistent in this section of the mission all the other aspects of this mission namely the spawns are completely random brutes jackals grunts they're going to spawn above below and behind you and it makes this section insanely difficult you constantly have to be thinking about where the next engagement is going to be looking out for breach shots and carbines and all of these things that can easily kill you in hail of - sure like any other mission in Halo there are ways that you can get around some of these tricky spawns and the difficult enemies in the first room of Halo - gravemind when you're standing in this exact spot you can skip some of the waves that you have to fight making this room a little bit easier knowing the patterns of how the enemies move and where the enemies are going to definitively spawn can also help you to know certain routes for instance in this room which is normally very difficult if you kill the jackal on the left drop down and hide in this exact spot you can skip all of the enemies in this room in these sections when you have to normally fight through tons of brutes and elites fighting each other you can just jump up on the rafters for this mission it is imperative that you know the spawns and routes and behaviors of enemies in order to get through it efficiently but even if you know everything that there is about this mission there is still a good chance that you are going to get killed interestingly every time you play a Halo mission there are always some aspects of it that are totally random I'll give you an example here assassinating the brute in this room will then in turn despawn brutes spawning in the next room but all of this is random sometimes you're gonna have to fight the brute in the first room which means you're not gonna be able to de-spawn the brutes in the second room which means you're just gonna have to fight a ton of brutes and we already know that the brutes on legendary in Halo 2 are some of the strongest enemies that you're ever going to fight across all the Halo games the inconsistency in Halo 2 gravemind is outlined by the top 10 world record runs for Halo 2 gravemind the fastest Halo 2 grave mine run at least at the time that this video was uploaded is held by nadeshot skat he did gravemind in ten minutes and 48 seconds but right now the guy that has the fastest time in the world is at twenty minutes and eight seconds this difference in time even in the upper echelon of halo play is a monument to how difficult gravemind is I already talked about some tips and tricks that you can use to get past gravemind a little bit easier but those tips and tricks are sanely difficult to pull off and require a lot of just random luck yes on Halo 2 gravemind there are strategies that you can use even on legendary to make the mission a little bit easier but even knowing all of those strategies will never help you for the relentlessness of Halo 2 for this and all of my other reasons I can definitively say that halo 2 gravemind is the hardest Halo mission of all time I think at the end of the day all of this information is 100% subjective you may be great at gravemind degrade at the library or great at Cortana but that doesn't take away the difficulty of these missions I set out to talk about the hardest missions across all of the Halo games and instead of doing a top 5 or a top 10 I decided to do just the top 3 and I think this is the most definitive list of the hardest missions if I did a video on the top 10 hardest Halo missions I would have to add 7 more missions to my list and that in and of itself would overshadow the greatness of the three missions that I talked about in this video of course people have vastly different opinions on the internet and I want you to voice yours comment down below what missions you think are the hardest in all of the Halo games if I didn't mention it in this one comment down below and I want to take this time to thank the sponsor of this video audible if you click the link in the description you can get a free 30-day trial of audible and is an audiobook service that allows you to listen to audiobooks every single month and of course all of the halo lore novels which detail all of halos expanded lore are on audible I recommend contact harvest it's one of the best ones for just getting into halo lore and you can keep that audiobook contact harvest forever even if you cancel so you have nothing to lose go down to the link in the description and get started with your free 30-day trial of audible today I make tons of Halo content that you will definitely enjoy on my channel there are hundreds of analytical Halo videos that you can watch right now but to make sure you don't miss any future videos make sure you subscribe to my channel right now if you click the ltn logo on the left right next to Master Chief's thumb you can subscribe to my channel now and if you click the thumbnail on the right that will take you to a video in which I explain some of the coolest items in the game inspired by the actual Halo community my name is Luke the notable I want all of you to stay notable and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Luke TheNotable
Views: 960,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: halo tips, halo 5, halo, halo gameplay, halo commentary, lukethenotable, luke, thenotable, luke thenotable halo, halo campaign, halo mission, halo campaign missions, halo reqs, halo rarest, halo hardest, halo achievements, hardest halo, hardest halo missions on legendary, hardest halo achievement, hardest halo game, hardest halo missions, hardest halo campaign, hardest halo 3 level, halo 3, halo 2, halo ce, halo reach, halo 4
Id: DbhcR5_6Tbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2018
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