Worst Ever: Game.com - Rerez

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it's the 90s and you want to play your video games anywhere you go so you tell your mom hey I want a gameboy and she goes no so what do you get instead probably a tiger electronic handheld LCD game they were nowhere near the same league as a gameboy I've been sick a gamegear for that matter but to a parent who desperately wanted to quiet their kid they were the perfect alternative why wasn't because they were good it was because they were cheap they were shallow gameplay experiences when you played one you felt like someone scammed you tiger released handfuls of these things using any popular franchise from sports to movies and even MC Hammer but what caused young Shane particular offense was when they took popular video games I knew and loved and turned them into this bring those to the schoolyard and the other kids would set fire to it after they beat you up then in 1995 Tiger released the R zone system an attempt to ride the hype of the surefire success that would be the Nintendo Virtual Boy it took their LCD game format that we knew and hated it introduced cartridges switching up the screen for each different game the best part is you strapped it to your face can we place the our zone over the camera right now yeah yeah right never there bring it down there you go ha ha see this this was not a game they later made a handheld version of the our zone but the games were still awful and they still played like this ok ok I'm getting a headache get rid of it Oh nobody liked the our zone which was a blow to Tigers already not so great name no they were down but they were far from being out they took one more shot at making their own video game console and in 1997 8 years into the game boys domination of the handheld gaming market Tiger released their most ambitious project yet it would be modern edgy and have all the games that kids wanted plus more you heard of right slackers today we're talking about the tiger game calm it surf the net it had a touchscreen its game spoke let's see a Nintendo do that then the games oh don't worry we'll get to that but first we have to discuss this consoles name it's spelled game.com tapping into the mystique of the web and positioning the device is a slick high-tech marvel but the dot is silent it's called dan calm and don't you forget it with a name like that you'd think you were bringing home an Internet capable device well guess again the game comm console was $69.99 but to get online you had to double that money to throw in the mandatory modem an Internet cartridge not to mention subscribing to a compatible internet service provider you know a thing very few people had back in the mid-90s it wasn't even capable of loading any images or graphics all of this just to read and send emails that's totally what gamers were after but included in the game comm for no extra money were cool features the Gameboy didn't offer like a phonebook a calendar calculator and and a built-in solitaire game this is sounding like an office assistant not a game console so far this is more geared towards business folks and not high schoolers probably why they threw in the whole touchscreen angle well that sure is aligned someone wrote in a commercial aimed at minors sure in 1997 it seemed really cool that game comm had a 3.5 inch touchscreen and stylus but it doesn't get you anywhere the majority of games don't even use it in any significant way it's mostly important for the built-in apps like the phone book and solitaire the face buttons are fine but the floaty shield d-pad thing that's got a go it feels soft and unresponsive removing all feeling of control then there's the major unique feature of game comm the touch screen now it functions with a supplied stylus that would have gone right here but ours is lost before we got it but it's no trouble your finger works perfectly fine typically with portable videogame consoles you have a cartridge slot to put in a single cartridge into the system McCain comm had to do things better than Game Boy and Game Gear so you got two cartridge slots you can only ever play one game so having two workable cartridge slots makes no sense maybe in the future they were gonna make some really cool double cartridge games but that never happened to add to the challenge of playing this thing our game comes screen is kind of busted so that's fun probably from one of the too many intense games of solitaire I think and the screen is grayscale with no backlight the more the image moves the blurrier the image gets playing anything of consequence on this is a nightmare baby everybody just relax I don't need to be reminded that the Gameboy also didn't have a backlit screen I remember very well needing to buy custom lighting accessories to play my games and not perfectly lit situations but the Gameboy came out in 1989 it was the best they could do at the time while keeping the price down what is the game comms excuse they had 8 years to figure out a cost-effective solution and improve the screen but they didn't in 1997 this was just embarrassing it's safe to say the one big selling feature of the game calm was well the games that's great marketing let's assault the potential customers right from the get-go you know what kids like being called stupid 100 billion that's the number of brain cells in an average human brain cells 20 over the game calms 3 year lifespan they only released 20 games four of those 20 games are ports of exclusive Tiger properties like South Henry and quiz wiz we're all Tiger handhelds before being ported to the game comm then there's also Tiger casino which is a collection of casino mini-games we'll talk about that in a sec these releases are filler just to pad out the launch library of the game calm they're either games of random chance or repeating the same boring thing over and over by the way the game calm doesn't have video out or a properly lit screen so to show you these games in the highest detail possible we've recorded all of our footage using an emulator based on the same emulation and debug tools that developers working on game con would have used back in 1997 now you might see a visual hiccup every now and then but you know what it's way easier to look at this way then on a real game comm screen White's out was the packin game for many game comm systems the object of the game is to click the correct squares in the correct order to turn off all the lights on the board yes it's as boring as it looks but it actually uses the touchscreen relatively well some people say this is the best game on the console and that should set your expectations right about here tiger casino which uses a tier X as a mascot for some reason is probably the most pointless game on the console it's just a bunch of boring games you play with virtual money that have absolutely no stakes since the money is not real oh and look slot machines I slot machines you'll even find card games like high card low card otherwise known as war you click deal and see if your card is higher or lower and it never changes there is no strategy and for 6 minutes I played it expecting to see war which is what happens when both cards match up but it never got to war which probably means they didn't program that is lazy then there's Henry a game of matching sounds it's memory but with sound effects that that's really it I find it hard to believe that teens that they were marketing the game calm to would have enjoyed spending twenty dollars to play this game for hours on end but what do I know speaking of appealing to teens here is the last of the tiger original games wizz-wizz cyber trivia it's a digital version of their at-home game simply called quiz whiz why would it peal to high school kids though [Music] that guy is cool they tried to dress up dry trivia game with a hip 90s dude that probably listen to Nirvana or something this doesn't work the over 1,500 questions are generic and uninteresting nothing can save this game really not even the oppressive sound capabilities that the game come apparently has every time you answer a question you'll get an animation like this yeah that painful noise gets old real fast if you're a true quiz whiz they'll hear that sound a lot every time you get an answer right because there aren't many other clips in rotation it's all flash then no substance oh we're really not starting great folks the remaining 16 titles on game come all use the name of some sort of known franchise or brand now after all how else would you get people to actually buy this thing now let's keep the fun train rolling with releases based on TV game shows it's every videogame slackers favorite programs jeopardy and we'll a fortune both of these games are nowhere near as fun to play on game calm as how they look on TV you'll struggle to enter your responses in jeopardy using the on-screen keyboard in a Wheel of Fortune you'll always hit bankrupt on the wheel at least I did I'm pretty sure it's because the game hates me but it must have been well-received because they actually released a Wheel of Fortune - it's basically the same game but with different puzzles literally the least amount of effort they could have put in it at all let's leave behind the glamorous world of TV game shows and move to board games you get to to choose from on game comm Scrabble and monopoly both of these games are poor and frustrating versions of their famous physical inspirations they're more clunky than if you just took out the actual board games and played them that way Scrabble is visually dry with little to no animations but that is something that Monopoly can't help but show off you feel more like a viewer than a participant despite the game comm marketing itself as an awesome new handheld system with unbelievable graphic the games field is significantly less advanced and underpowered than original game boy games our next batch of game comp titles are perfect examples of this let me present the arcade ports centipede and Frogger both standalone games both very uninteresting oh I like these games and their original arcade formats well enough but they were over 15 year old games by the time they came out on game comm by the way both of these games have brand new and unique updated visual modes exclusive to the game comm check this out whoa tilted mushrooms the next port is Williams arcade classics collection this collection appeared on all the major systems at the time and even PC but the worst version has to be on game comm you got defender defender to joust CineStar and Robotron these are all the worst ports for these games I have ever played the graphics and animations feel needlessly slow like their missing frames and on original game come Hardware they're very blurry and it's near impossible to see what's going on the same collection on Super Nintendo is a night and day difference the games actually function and are fun to play and sure it's a home console with more power but the trade-off from console to handheld should still leave a playable game and not this irritating mess speaking of irritating messes let's play Indy 500 this is the only racing game on the game calm and you're about to find out why this is a port of the 1995 Sega arcade game Indy 500 got two home versions the first one on the tiger R zone yeah remember this and the second one on the game comm I can't believe how bad this game plays it's a racing game with basically no view distance so you're constantly hitting the sides of the road you're driving on they couldn't even give you a mini-map so you could anticipate upcoming turns so far you might be asking yourself but Shane why should I care about any of these games I've never heard of Henry and I can play set to beat anywhere these days and yeah you're right but you see I had to lay down the foundation for what's gonna be happening next the game come has proven it can't provide a decent platform for even the most basic gameplay experiences but you see they didn't stop with board games and long and toothed arcade titles no there were game con versions of modern titles titles like Batman and Robin this is just a basic side-scrolling beat-em-up game you start by choosing Batman or Robin as your hero this time around Batgirl isn't even a choice you choose your weapon so that any idea of what the level will require and then you're into the action the combat is so bad like so bad you'll be tempted to just run past enemies as fast as you can to end the level but then you'll hit an invisible wall and not know why well it's because beating up the baddies earlier on literally progresses you through the stage if you skip past them you cannot progress through the stage and I really do want this to end so I'll go back and fight wait I can't go back the game won't let me retreat to kill enemies I missed it won't let me move forward to get two new enemies and isn't sending any into my new little tiny screen here what am I gonna do are you kidding me am I actually stuck Batman and Robin it's bad on PlayStation and shockingly it's not much better on game come the next comp support we have is Mortal Kombat trilogy keeping with the game calm tradition this is the worst way I've ever seen to play Mortal Kombat if you'll slow glitchy and awkward and anticipating your opponent's next move is near impossible with these muddy graphics not to mention this game really highlights how awful the jelly-filled d-pad is it's a mess and to make it worse they remove some of the most used characters from this port sub-zero scorpion liu kang and sonya blade are all missing from this game that's like not having ryu or ken is street fighter how dare they oh sure they included two unlockable characters but why would you want to play this thing long enough to get that far they managed to ow one more fighting game fighters megamix it is by the testimony of many a Saturn fan one of the council's best fighting games it's in full 3d game calm is not capable of full 3d so you get garbage like this instead how does it play well it feels like a button mashing frenzy trying desperately to land a hint you'll just be flailing hoping you accidentally win this isn't even a single polygon close to what the original is like next is a movie tie-in game the lost world Jurassic Park hmm I don't think they designed that logo right I can't really read that this is gonna be crap isn't it yup this sure is something it's a hybrid game mixed with platforming and driving sequences the driving sure sucks with dinosaurs constantly hitting you from behind which defeats the purpose of a forward driving game but how about that platforming while making a jump from one ledge to another is so poorly designed that you'll fall along and surprise you'll take fall damage so you will die a lot the point of the game is to collect eggs but if you play this enough you'll lose your marbles if only someone could have made a better platforming lost world game well they did and on the system years older than the game calm meat the game gear release wonderful color graphics with great animations and pretty decent gameplay if you put these games side by side there is no way you would think the game column was the newer system but it totally is so now we have three games left to talk about on game comm and these last three are pretty special each one in my opinion was designed developed and released solely to cash in on much bigger and far more popular game franchises of the time but while the other games might have had a chance these ones could never have worked let's start with the least offensive and work our way down shall we Resident Evil 2 the only officially published handheld version of this groundbreaking title if I were them I wouldn't go bragging about that though first off they removed half of the protagonists are we to is known for having two heroes Leon and Claire well for game comm Claire is out and it's all about Leon off to a great start the smooth gameplay designed from other versions of this game is gone you still have 10 controls but you're limited to just left right up and down it's a slog to play and aiming your gun is so poorly controlled that you're forever missing what you're actually trying to kill instead you're gonna be constantly shaking off clingy zombies the best part of the game is the interface your map and inventory and files it's all just like the original game but because of how small the screen is it can be a little bit difficult to get through especially when trying to organize everything it would be easy to point to the original PlayStation game to show how bad a port this is but I don't have to do that enter Resident Evil 2 on Nintendo 64 an n64 cartridge that had 1/10 the capacity of a single PlayStation disc yet was still capable of playing this full game he had all the characters and full motion cutscenes that was a technical marvel for the time resonable 2 on game comm is a technical disappointment they couldn't even keep the narrative in the game you start with a brief explanation that umbrella made a toxin that turned everyone to zombies but that's kind of it interactions with other characters in the game like the store owner at the start and the injured officer at the police station are completely gone the game doesn't tell you who you are or what you're doing in this city shooting zombies you'll need to have played this somewhere else to actually have any idea what's going on but gameplay doesn't paint an engrossing world for you to get lost in anywhere near the same way that resin evil 2 on in town 64 PlayStation 1 does this game is a straight-up biohazard our second the last game is Duke Nukem 3d this game was used heavily in game coms marketing to highlight the consoles amazing speech capabilities sure it speaks so what I didn't get this to have a conversation I got it to play games I feel like playing these games is killing my brain cells and Duke Nukem 3d on the game comm you can't turn around let me say that again you cannot turn in this game you walk forward step backwards strafe to the left and right but that's it I'm not kidding the free-flowing movement you've come to expect from the original Duke Nukem 3d is completely gone there are tight corridors with turns that force you to go left and right when needed and it's disorienting finding your way around levels is confusing because you always feel like you're going forward even when you're not enemies come out of the darkness is if appearing from nothing what made the original game so good in fact what made any first-person shooter so good was that you could see an enemy from far away giving you targets to shoot at even at a distance can't happen here because if you move just a few steps out of range an enemy just doesn't show up now duke3d is a first-person shooter so of course you've got weapons I'm not sure why they did it but now the weapons are harder to use in any FPS game of the era you just aim and fire usually firing is just well one button but the game come folks thought hey why not make three buttons work as fire buttons oh you heard that right - of the face button slightly in your weapon to the left and right and fire all third button fires straight and true you know why they did that because you can't turn in the game Duke Nukem on game comm is so far removed from the original game that it's not even from the same planet and I don't want the excuse that handheld games need to sacrifice for the smaller format game developers found multiple ways to get full experiences on portable systems for example Duke Nukem on gameboy color is one of them the cover features the same cover art for the original Duke Nukem 3d but the game inside is the 2d side-scrolling style of Duke Nukem 1 and 2 knowing their limitations importing 3d games to the Game Boy the instead took the new image of Duke shades and all and put him in a remake of the second game originally released on dass it was a genius way to get a modern IP on a handheld system now for the final game on this miserable system I present to you sonic Jam Oh Sonic my boy what have they done to you well right away I noticed the game is missing from this collection sonic jam on Saturn includes all three of the original sought the Hedgehog games and Sonic and Knuckles the game conversion is missing the first Sonic game not really a great start but let's see how Sonic 2 plays oh this is slow what crazy the one thing you need to get right in a port if some what the Hedgehog is the speed he was going fast in the commercial but what happened Tiger he wouldn't affect gameplay for an ad would you cuz I think you did without a doubt this is the worst officially licensed Sonic game I have ever played the gameplay just sonic can't even get up this in kind properly what is happening here the music is also all wrong playing tracks during the wrong levels you can't pick up your rings after you get hurt and sure you can play his knuckles but he plays the same as Sonic they took away his gliding and climbing abilities what's the point of being knuckles if you can't do those things tails can still fly but his power is completely unchecked they didn't even design the levels with flight in mind so between no obstacles and tails over powered flight ability you can easily just fly over these levels and just get to the end it's crazy there had already been in multiple traditional Sonic games on Sega's handheld system the game gear and these came out years before the game com the Game Gear Sonic titles aren't exactly like their Genesis siblings but they're pretty solid nonetheless they're fast they're fun and they get the job done the game calms inability to replicate the fun gameplay of the game gear just goes to show that game calm never really had a chance and again when putting these side-by-side it's crazy to think that Sonic the Hedgehog on the gang gear is 7 years older than sonic jam on game comm they should feel ashamed Tiger was clearly not up to the expectations of the handheld game market in the late 90s the hardware is cheap and filled with useless features tiger's original games on offer were horrible and the games ported to the system were even worse pathetic shadows of games from previous consoles the game calm hung on for a few years releasing a couple revisions of the hardware that were smaller and cheaper one of the revisions even added a lit cigar Ghibli would make the console easier to play but who cares when the only games you could play were these a game calm was officially not worth playing and officially discontinued in 2000 so that's the game calm there's one silver lining to this story it's that game calm can be a tale of caution for companies to follow come to market with solid hardware don't rely on flimsy gimmicks and above all else games are king whatever you are stadium she plays like this game they learned nothing [Music]
Channel: Rerez
Views: 1,591,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rerez, Video, Games, Gaming, Gamers, Video Games, Video Game, Game.com, Game Com, Gamecom, Tiger, Tiger Game.com, Tiger Electronics, Worst Ever Series, Worst Ever, Console, The Worst Ever Series, Video Game Console, Review, Game Review, Console Review, portable console, Tiger Electronics Game.com, Tiger Gamecom, Tiger Game Com
Id: F14pBxcu6yY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 8sec (1508 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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