Worst Racing Games Of All Time - Just Bad Games

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well now who might you be someone wasted on flat out three uh yeah we all saw that one excuse me where does us go exactly this bus why it varies every Specter of wasted money on awful racing games to their ultimate destination the bottom bin the great shrug the place between live service and paper [Music] get in I think this ride is gonna get Mighty crowded so what are you in for me I'm the ghost of the money wasted on yoris is an arcade-style racing game developed by backbone entertainment and Castaway entertainment and released exclusively for Xbox 360 in 2007. this game is special it was released for a limited time as a free download on Xbox Live arcade and since its limited release window lapsed it is no longer available to download and play wait a free game means it didn't waste anyone's money doesn't that mean this game gets a pass time is money don't you forget that and money did go into this game because it's not some generic throwaway freebie made on a whim this is an advertisement a specially funded project by Vehicle Manufacturer Toyota to advertise the Yaris a model of car they pushed heavily during the mid-2000s do you go places sometimes and leave places other times maybe you need a Yaris it's a ah I I believe the correct terminology for a game such as this would be advertainment who did Toyota slap behind the wheel of this whole Yaris project backbone entertainment a company featuring The talents of emulation and Fort Powerhouse digital eclipse and Castaway entertainment who is founded by a little company used to be known as blizzard North wait creators of Diablo and Diablo 2. that blizzard North one and the same their new company was having massive financial troubles at the time and likely joined the Yaris project to fill the ever increasing void in their pockets okay right we've got two teams with notable development connections making a game on the dime of a multi-billion dollar car company how could they make a wrong turn [Music] this this is how what the was that a tentacle growing out of a Yaris yes it was and at the tip your gun that you fire out of your Yaris I'm sorry a gun in my Yaris yeah we're on cruise control to confusion a plain old racing game would have probably been the right way to go here showcase how fun the Yaris is too I don't know just drive other companies like Ford had done that years prior they published a series of games called Ford simulator they showed off interesting facts about the cars and trucks allowed you to customize them and even simulated how they drove sure by today's standards this might look a little rough but this was pretty Advanced for its time right right so this Yaris game advertising the Yaris products doesn't actually allow you to experience said product but instead is a hybrid style lap-based third-person shooter racing game with pop culture imagery set in a warp tunnel future world how is this not created some weird obsessed cult following because remember the game was a limited release pulled years ago lucky for us I downloaded it when it was live and kept it stashed away in a vault on my shadowy 360 secretly dipping in and playing it from time to time laughing laughing and waiting for the day I'd show them all I'd show them all I guess it has created a weird obsessed cult following so it was made and it was pulled offline did it at least work as an advertisement for Yaris oh hell no this thing's wild just look at some of the characters like small toaster jet pack wabbits UFO rabbits buffed up saucer Yeti copter subwoofy bulldoggy owli green Mini Bike and pink mini bike garbage truck where this game belongs and of course how could I forget oroboros a prolific symbol of a snake eating its own tail symbolizing a never-ending battle which is how you'll feel while playing the game uh how do any of these characters help sell a car ah they don't instead you're supposed to shoot at them while driving we go through a complex half-pipe system in One Direction you swing your car left and right while simultaneously aiming and Blasting to help you on your way the game rocks a jerky camera that bumps around and struggles to keep your vehicle on screen properly you know exactly what you need when racing a car and if that wasn't game breakingly distracting enough your score pickups and combos are confirmed with generic green texts that constantly litters the screen enemies attack you from all over around you from behind you anywhere and everywhere some even leave curiously unanimated fire trails that hurt you if you drive into them all while you Traverse repetitive poorly designed Bland stages the handling socks look at this the car barely leaves the track even when the road has sudden extreme dips the Yaris awkwardly pops around as it clings to the floor I don't know that the word momentum ever came up in the game's design notes you're a stiff glidie paperweight with a clumsy Matrix tentacle for offense gameplay out of the way what really grinds the gear shift here is that you need to play a bunch of levels to get Toyota coins to buy different models of the Yaris look with a game this shoddy whose main purpose is to advertise a product you'd better be dang sure that anyone with even a passing interest in a certain model of your car has access to said model if someone's interested in playing a game starring say the brand new Toyota Yaris four-door sedan available at your local Toyota dealership don't hide it behind a replay Centric unlock system not when your consumer will be driven away after a single lap in a version of a car they weren't interested in in the first place so it's safe to assume very few people would likely play this thing long enough to get the full experience or see the gigantic spider gas pump boss clearly this was a failure of advertainment I don't imagine it convinced anyone to buy a Yaris an inspired and frantic gameplay a mess of visual Oddities a vehicle that controls like an icy tree stump Pass bus pass I'm off cars the only thing designed worse than this game is where they put the speedometer inside of a Yaris it's in the center why is it as for the two developers behind this game well backbone entertainment through multiple Acquisitions and changes became digital Eclipse once again and Castaway entertainment yeah they closed down having only made this one title they seemingly popped the clutch and never got a chance to turn the ignition on another project I could also double as the ghost of the money you wasted on buying a real Toyota tell you about range how about a game that reached thousands of people a game that folks had but never knew existed a game put together by some of the most successful Minds in Tech ever I'm donkey is a racing game developed by Neil Consin and Bill Gates for IBM's first personal computer in 1981. wait not that Bill Gates you might wonder what I'm doing here oh yeah that Bill Gates yeah at the dawn of the 80s Microsoft was helping develop an operating system and programming language for IBM's brand spanking new line of personal computers IBM was looking to compete in a home computer Market saturated by competitors like the iconic Apple II at atari's 8-bit line while building system software to help IBM compete Bill Gates and Neil konzen wrote a program seemingly overnight in a closet no literally in a closet this program was developed specifically to flex the packs of their up-and-coming operating software now without diving into the wild world the Computer History all you need to know is that at this time atari's machines were capable of doing this and apples could do this [Music] both visually impressive for their time don't care on the other hand look like this yeah this game has you driving a car switching lanes avoiding let's be honest far too many donkeys the donkeys are all scattered and Frozen on a single straight road your car slowly moves up to the edge of the screen until you win or lose a round where it's in repeat for Infinity now to be fair we did say this was developed overnight and in a closet so we can forgive that this plays only moderately better than Yaris the speedometer is in the center but look at the visuals the lack of color aside from a very inconsistent dividing line animation the center of the road there are no other animations visually it's just so bad and the audio hurts the entire game is controlled by pressing the space bar to switch lanes on the road no speeding up or slowing down one button is all it takes to play this game and you'd think a game this basic wouldn't have any problems at all but somehow it does a big unavoidable problem when you switch lanes too quickly and you're a donkey even if you obviously couldn't have hit the Donkey you'll hit the damn donkey the hit detection seems to be fine in front of our four-legged friend but it's way off behind the hoof Beast such a simple flaw shouldn't be that big of an issue but when the only thing you do in the game is switch lanes this stands out imagine a game of pong where your paddle lets the ball travel right through it from time to time it's inexcusable simple games cannot have big issues because if they do it's all you'll ever see when you play it but we hear what you're saying guys this couldn't have possibly been sold nobody would actually distribute this to public especially not Papa IBM or Mama Microsoft they have an image to maintain I exist donkey found its way into homes hey guys what's up in fact IBM PCS at the time came bundled with donkey you could show people how awesome your new 1565 IBM was one avoided donkey at a time that's around 5000 in dollars adjusted for inflation you're all thinking we're being harsh on a game from so long ago but why listen to us complain about it when you can listen to someone who actually bought one of these PCS at the time one of the many proud owners Steve Jobs then CEO of Apple who brought it into work for his employees to tear down and study Andy herzfeld one of the key architects of the Macintosh operating system was on hand to witness this would-be Rivals attack at the Apple Empire he had Choice words about donkey the most embarrassing game was a low-res graphics driving game called donkey the player was supposed to be driving a car down a slowly scrolling poorly rendered Road and could hit the space bar to toggle the jerky motion every once in a while a brown blob would fill the screen which was supposed to be a donkey manifesting in the middle of the road if you didn't hit the space bar in time it would crash to the donkey and lose the game we were amazed that such a thoroughly bad game could be Co authored by Microsoft's co-founder ouch sounds less like donkey turned consumers to buy an IBM and more like it turned its craters into yeah and whatever happened to Bill Gates I think he bounced back but one could only imagine how much more successful Bill Gates would have been had he developed donkey 2 another on the road don't you give anyone ideas nobody would willingly play that speaking of racing games nobody would willingly want to play Spirit of speed 1937 is a racing game developed by a broadsword interactive limited and published by ljn for the PC in 1999 and the Sega Dreamcast in the year 2000. while this was the first game broadsword ever developed for ljn this would be the last game the company would ever release ljn has a long-storied history of quality that is questionable and widely discussed online despite the fact that ljn never developed a single video game some folks really dislike anything with this logo but shockingly their early Roots publishing contentious NES titles didn't quite kill off the company allowing them to limp their way to the edge of the New Millennium now while lgn was a multi-colored husk anticipating a death knell in 2000 broadsword interactive would go on to develop games for the next decade so it's one company's last game and another company's first was it bad enough to put ljn out of its misery was it good enough to propel broadsword to more solid software creation to answer these important questions we must first explain what this game is as you probably figured out from the title Spirit of speed 1937 is a racing game that takes place in 1937 and like in any good racing game it offers players plenty of tracks to race with a whole stack of vehicles to choose from unfortunately no matter which vehicle you pick the only Spirit you're gonna awaken is a spirit of pain in this game every car drives like a bathtub with some Wheels nailed to it staring is how do we put this not reliable and hey maybe that's accurate for the time period maybe all of these vehicles really were frustratingly fickle back then but if that's the case why make a game about it there's not a heck of a lot going on in these stages they're inspired by real tracks but don't really do those spaces Justice look at how sparse this is these locations do sport one thing though a variety of turns even 90 degree ones foreign doesn't provide you with a map or any suggestion as to the path you're hurling yourself through no hot directional arrows no helpful signage anywhere of any kind again maybe this encompasses exactly how these races were in 1937 but it still makes for a horrible playing experience I have no idea it's the humanity unfortunately with stiff controls and baffling design choices every race feels slow awkward to navigate and about as tantalizing as licking a windshield clean a racing game has one primary job making said races fun and interesting but here it almost feels like yeah did the car just stop uh I can still turn but I can't seem to do anything else what the heck happened cars don't just come to a standstill unless they break down or run out of gas oh and it got such good gas mileage oh look there's a fuel meter a working one right on the dashboard guess we should have been paying attention to that turns out this isn't an arcade style racer like Daytona USA Cisco Rush let's go nope it turns out the game steers more towards realism a Sim racer your car takes damage it stops working your car runs out of gas it stops moving we'll bring up an on-screen Hood to check all these stats uh gas damage oil it actually has a working oil gauge realism the game tries to simulate real world aspects while failing to be faithful where it counts remember the driving issues we talked about the flow of the road not being telegraphed the awful handling well guess what this means you crash a lot and banging up your vehicle leads to this the most unrealistic imaginable your car looks like a freaking pinball bouncing around the field and when two vehicles Collide it looks and feels like they didn't how did the wires get so crossed here seriously these physics feel like a full-blown curse while you're racing any tiny bump leads to a super jostle spin that usually lands you behind your competitors and that's if if you can match or surpass their speed in the first place look we're not early Motorsport history Buffs I think everyone can tell that by now cars go yes we don't claim to know anything about any Vehicles performances or handling but if this is actually how these cars worked that out of the way we gotta talk about the balancing in this game we understand that certain vehicles from certain manufacturers are naturally faster than others but this game has a mixed power lineup competing from the very first race right there doesn't seem to be a class system limiting What machines are entered into what race and why is this so bad well because that means that by choosing some cars in this roster you basically lose before the race has even begun some Racers instantly launch out at the beginning of a race quickly becoming a spec in the distance and of course any attempt to get up to speed is in vain put the pedal to the metal all you want but you still don't psychically know how the road will weave and the handling doesn't handle the only way to win is to cheat cutting pass that would typically punish the player in other games but it doesn't look I'm driving off the concrete into the dirt this should result in a spin out or some sort of penalty but it doesn't any win like this feels completely unearned but don't worry the game is equally unfair to you too like here a destroyed car in the center of the road in a real race they would have pulled this car to the side rescued the driver or at the very least you know done something not here though not in this Sim racer no instead you have a giant obstacle that can and will destroy your car if you make contact and if not for you for the other Racers that are playing cars get damaged all the time and leave drivers stranded on the road heck even you can be the obstacle remember how we kind of ran out of gasoline while the game doesn't instantly end you stick around like the huge embarrassing paperweight you are until you force quit the race even your opponents can run out of precious precious fuel here we were stuck on the road and suddenly felt a large shove forward turned out a car hit us from behind and also ran out of gas at the exact same spot we did and they slowly slowly slide down the track nice oh no more cars race for impact pile up wait hey they didn't run out of gas the driver just couldn't comprehend how to get around me a stationary object yes it needed a jump start a collision jump start no you can't have a racer that leans heavily into simulation alongside AI drivers that have the mental fortitude of a box of corn flakes these two things don't mix so not only is this game terrible to play it's also terrible to watch as the AI makes a mockery of the sport a sport chain and I love we absolutely do it's with the cars I think with the four wheels oh broadsword walked away from this Heap to produce many more games after it a mystery but as for ljn yeah this was the proverbial nail in the coffin they didn't go out with a bag they went out with us but it's butter spider oh boy the cars in that game look identical to the one in Donkey they certainly control the same six plus six equals 12. you can't just jump out and do numbers at people plus minus nine equals three seriously what's this guy's deal does he need help oh it's okay I know him he's got a sad history with numbers that poor sucker's the ghost of math Grand Prix is a racing game developed by Atari and released for the Atari 2600 in 1982. WoW besides that uh donkey game we covered this might be the earliest console game we've ever talked about on the show you're right math Grand Prix was released just a year after donkey huh so what's it like well it appears to be a racing game in which you solve math problems to make your vehicle travel along the track and you input those math problems solutions with a single joystick and one button so this is a big pile it's pretty bad 16 . if I was involved in a game that bad I'd probably lose the ability to speak as well tragic old-timer ghosts sad State of Affairs like all the money lost on bad Nintendo Entertainment System games did someone say bad Nintendo Entertainment System is every ghost on this bus listen in on this conversation [Music] you've got to be kidding me [Music] monster truck rally is a racing game developed by real-time Associates and published by hear it hmm into Corp it was released for the NES in 1991 real-time Associates have a long history of game development they created games like bug as well as titles based on popular intellectual properties like Beavis and Butthead on the SNES and real monsters funny thing real-time Associates name doesn't appear anywhere to let you know they worked on the game but this intiv Corp in TV Corp whatever it seems to be everywhere hmm I've never heard of intiv before but that font seems awfully familiar hey wait a second in television Corporation well that's strange another console manufacturer releasing games on a competing platform why did they switch out their own name according to my lightning quick research intev Corporation wasn't really in television metallatronics who owned in television sold off its Assets in 1984 to leave what they likely assumed was the doomed video game Market oh no future in them strange video game thingers hey the tell once they were out of the concert business the folks that ended up buying the scraps formed a new group called intev corporation which went out of business in 1991 wait when did we say this game came out 1991 this game is Gonna Hurt isn't it oh it'll hurt even the music hurts sounds like a rat's choking on a balloon I'm trying to cut back but my doctor says I need to at least have three balloons a day [Music] right but the gameplay how is the gameplay only one way to find that [Music] let's start up a mud-filled drag race with three other trucks that's ought to be and go this is this is really really like Ultra stupid crazy slow I could do my taxes before this truck finishes the race oh hold on what are we getting lapped in a drag race that's how slow we're going we're breaking the fragile concepts of space and time oh look they've already finished and are now acting as obstacles looks like the spirit of speed from 1937 is still alive in 1991. this is insulting we're now just going through the motions to officially lose the race nothing I seem to be doing is making the car go slower or faster it's perpetually stuck at this speed and with a new record for world slowest driver us it's us yeah this is so stupid every time we race it always seems like the other trucks are faster than ours oh you have no idea at first this might seem like a buy the numbers truck racing game but it doesn't play the way you think it would like with your car's Transmission in other racing games if your vehicle wasn't automatic and had multiple gears to shift through you'd likely use an input on the on the car to trigger that function so if you drove left and right with a d-pad up and down could be how you change gears but that's not what's going on here see to change gears you need to hold the acceleration button release it briefly and tap and hold it down again and do this a few times it's the most unreliable and confusing way to change gears in a game ever but they have three inputs on the controller why didn't they just use up or down on the d-pad great the confusion Keeps On Truckin when you see the larger levels oh what are we even looking at here this is an isometric perspective showing you the rise and dips in stage topography only with this very specific angle they chose it cuts directly on the corners of certain Hills meaning that you can't see the freaking Hills yeah isn't this just the most headache inducing there are obstacles to avoid harsh turns to take and much more that all has to be done while correctly timing out your gear changing Taps to accelerate so more often than not you'll be stuck in situations like this [Music] come on come on get up the hill move at least we can blame this design on it being an NES release maybe they didn't know better uh I wouldn't be quick to say that RC Pro Am and super off-road were both released on the NES earlier than this both featured complicated level designs but with some very smart points RC Pro M does feature a similar Viewpoint yes but Direction arrows for upcoming turns and a mini-map at the bottom help guide you along your way monster truck rally misses both of these things it's like being stuck in a maze and super off-road has a shockingly similar game premise but they pulled the camera way back so that you could easily leave you the whole stage add to the gameplay complexity and variation RC Pro-Am features pickups on the tracks that upgrade and improve your vehicle and super off-road features a more robust system utilizing in-game winnings to purchase additional upgrades monster truck rally features nothing like that well it does have a track builder but uh do you really want to make tracks that look like this no thanks they tried to offer different game types to spice up the gameplay and monster truck rally but it all just fails car Crush where you crush cars sled pull where you pull a sled tug of war where two trucks drive in opposite directions with the Rope attaching them Donuts don't get excited I did there's no Donuts you're just driving in circles but because the core game design and Graphics are so very very bad every mode is without a doubt a monster mess to play it's shocking that by 1991 after all the other Racers we saw they designed something that feels so much older than its contemporaries well they kind of didn't what if I told you this game goes by a totally different name and was released on a totally different console years before Oh no nope there's no way anyone anyone in the right mind would do that Stadium mud buggies is a racing game developed by a real-time Associates and published by intev Corp and released for the intellivision in 1989. no way yup released a few years earlier the game features similar gameplay with more simplified Graphics due to the console it was released on when compared to the NES this game looks much much older so you're telling me this is basically a port of a game that they decided to completely change the name of wouldn't this confuse any fans of the original game oh yeah if you had bought that game and wanted a better looking version you can call this better you might have never known this NES release existed the title doesn't even have the word truck in it it's buggies for casual folks they probably think of an actual dune buggy like this before they think of a truck this is stupid why would intellivision do this [Music] up losers you talking good racing games I represent one of those puppies a good game why are you on this bus who are you chill daddy oh let me tell you about a little game called race drive-ins is an arcade racing game developed by Atari games and released in 1990. okay I've played race driving race driving is good are the clouds parting are we talking about just good games now we could but today we're not focusing on the arcade version of this game oh is it the Dos version that one's pretty great too okay yeah uh nice to know that you know the other versions but we're gonna go a little bit deeper than that well whatever platform it's on it can't be that bad a good game in arcades properly ported to home PCS I'm confident that this is gonna be how many frames per second is that [Music] the ghost of the money wasted on the Super Nintendo version of race driving if the game was running this bad why would you release it wouldn't you go oh dang looks like we're having problems optimizing this for the SNES shut it down folks we done yeah you'd think that but that's not what happened as you can imagine playing this game is pretty harsh especially if you have access to the far superior PC version okay it's bad I get that but the PC was the PC many systems at the time were more capable of running something like this than the SNES it's not a Fair competition I agree let's compare it with the Game Boy release oh sure why not what does it run at negative two frames per oh my yeah this is yeah that is yup the game has a higher frame rate on the Game Boy Madness not Madness reality race driving on the game boy was developed by a different company than the SNES version it was made I Argonaut software the same insanely talented people who made X another 3D Style game on the Game Boy but most people would probably know this group for having a hand in the super FX chip which was utilized in groundbreaking titles like Star Fox but for the people who bought the SNES release believing it to be better than a portable version they got this less frames than a broken slideshow wait I got an idea we can fix this just a second there bingo race driving running on an SNES with a manageable frame rate I mean it's the game boy version but still the curse has been lifted I'm free look look guys here I go he's still the embodiment of the money wasted on the crappy Super Nintendo version not the bitter gay boy release right should you tell him or should I hey you're still trash what oh crap look everybody it's pretty clear to me now that if you're on this bus you're here for a reason we're all equally bad I'm currently scratching the glass but I have got no fingers to make use of it so just Envision in your mind's eye what that might sound like you all don't know me or know how I came to be I'll share your conversations but it ain't gonna be easy bad game not like going down to the store and buying a disc or cartridge on a whim my game swallow your little glitching little crashing and done you go oh I'll tell you my aim but once you've heard me tell you won't be speaking about games here and there you don't know what I seen what I've seen But if you're willing to hear it my game I'll give you the developers the tail the whole damn experience big rigs over the road racing is is what Infamous yeah that's an understatement big rigs over the road racing is a game developed by Stellar Stone and released exclusively for PC in 2003 considered by many to be the worst racing game ever made in the history of the medium we can't tell you much about the folks who made this game but what we do know is that they had dabbled in different genres having created a bunch of games prior to Big Rigs a pinball game [Music] thank you a civil war game a deer hunting game and a Crazy Taxi clone yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah uh we played them all folks and believe us they're rotten the whole lot we could spend days going over each game talking about why they're bad but one game they developed seems to have taken the trash crown for the worst they've done back in the late 90s and early 2000s there used to be a bunch of retail stores that would sell single jewel case PC games on racks just tons of these things varying degrees of quality throughout and if the two of us had to guess that's what these games from Stellar Stone were probably made for quickly produced with no regard for Quality whatsoever none of them stand out but that taxi racer game they made that's important it tells us that the devs like to iterate on other game formulas the crappily now to those in the know this game obviously takes sega's beloved arcade classic Crazy Taxi hey come on over have some fun with Crazy Taxi and poorly poorly squeezes out the game's ideas into a dreadful puddle of knockoff it's a stripped down much worse version that doesn't even try to have a rocking soundtrack hey come on over have some fun taxi game this leads us to believe that big rigs this other game they made might be the developers attempt at making their own version of sega's 18-wheeler American Pro trucker but that's only a guess because outside of the games they've developed we don't know much about Stellar Stone what we can tell you is that the company was small likely less than 10 people in the studio at the time all credits for all their games are mostly the same and big rig's credit screen has nine individuals listed in total now the size of a team is never an indicator of overall game quality small teams can make great games and large teams can also make awful ones but big rigs oh friends it's a signature disaster as you might guess races have you taken control of Riggs big ones you get to choose from a very limited number of them but no matter what you pick none of the trucks handled differently they may look unique but they all steer like they're made up of a floating pile of bricks oh do they got weight to them and they turn terribly and feel super stiff this doesn't look right yeah it's strange typically a vehicle would sway a bit in a turn but here every vehicle remains rigid as it barrels through the levels and levels oh these stages folks they're not done you can clearly see broken textures on the asphalt that blink in and out of existence it happens all the time all over the place the heads-up display just as busted numbers jut out of the graphical boundaries when you begin a race like it was done on purpose and that's if you knew the race started in the first place aside from the sound of what we assume is an engine there isn't much else here no lights or starting sound no race countdown no music nothing as soon as the race Begins the word ready just appears on the screen and that's it they forgot to tell you to go in a racing game your opponent in each race is always one vehicle and as far as we can tell it has a hard-coded race pattern it's not AI they seem to drive the exact same way at the same speed and direction on each level both you and your competitor need to hit Ultra nav checkpoints that little bar on your head but don't worry about losing the race if you miss one and then have to double back and catch it yeah it's not a problem we couldn't lose and we tried your winner [Music] your winner as far as we can tell big rigs has no losing screen so no matter how bad you drive or how late you make it to the Finish Line you'll always win your winner we tried different game modes to see if they resolve this like the random race option from the main menu but when we started that up the entire level disappeared so uh no help there but fine Vehicles handle like crap your opponent is a cut and paste recording game modes are broken and you can't lose your winner at the very very least the act of driving your vehicle and avoiding hitting obstacles must provide some minor enjoyable challenge right yeah but no in 3D video games typically models and levels like buildings are designated with boundaries you've definitely seen it before if your character runs into a wall the wall stops your character from moving forward you know like real life well this game they didn't do that well that's impossible oh you think every single building every single object is completely ethereal you may drive through anything and everything [Music] you meant at least worst off this includes Bridges your vehicle will fly through driving underneath them while your camera stays on top of the bridge somehow and your opponent they can drive right through you because none of this really matters because matter doesn't matter apparently this this is just why didn't they fix this before release I have no idea but here it is in all of its Glory but it gets worse how could it get worse than this well see the trucks themselves they seem to be designed in a way where they have constant momentum if you drove up a cliff in any other racing game your vehicle would slow down a bit to compensate since it's hard for a vehicle to go up a hill and all gravity we call it we're all familiar with it well in this game that doesn't happen you just drive off Max Speed flailing around like the hill is nothing oh and did we mention they forgot to make any boundaries at all for the levels this this right here this is impressively bad I've played games where you could get through the invisible walls on a level like a fun way to try and break the game but here it's not even a challenge just drive in any direction for a few seconds and Bam in instant outworld with all this I think it's easy to see why so many people have actually played this game not because it was good oh no no no far from that because it was the terrible racing game a while back we called Flatout 3 the worst racing game in that game you had to play it to progress It's a game but big rigs it's just more like a free moving obstacle experience I think at the very least we can say with confidence that big rig stands alone the team at this point knew they weren't making a positive Splash in the world of gaming clearly with that knowledge the developers would never attempt to create another video game ever again you know by the end of that game it became known by all holding hundreds of reviewers I don't know how many more played it maybe thousands I don't know why but they played all they could stomach and walked away with a fancy video to show their friends had a laugh they did they beat it they'd say but it weren't done no I kept the secret in me something deep down everyone looks at that big rigs and don't have the foggiest because what nobody knew not to one of you had a sequel oh midnight race club supercharged is another racing game developed by Stellar Stone and released exclusively for PC in 2004. just I mean you can't do that right you can't make big rigs and turn around and make a sequel to that game right how could they do that did they not learn did they not bear witness to their own errors hold on take solace this is Stellar Stone's final title and unlike their previous Racer the title of this last game had obvious inspiration Midnight Club street racing keep in mind that while we say the title is inspired by that game the game itself totally isn't now let's give you a moment to breathe no doubt you're shocked to learn a sequel exists to this and while you might expect that some advancement in games creation has happened between Stellar Stone's titles either on the skill side or the tech side well prepared to be shocked once more we'll give them a positive note most of the 3D objects in the game world now have boundaries good gosh one would never expect such a thing to be real but it is very real but it doesn't matter because [Music] oh wait no oh the rest of the game is this just big rigs again oh what were you expecting a new game this is Stellar Stone my fellow tarnished you shall not be impressed and that there's my secret Chums not that there is another big rigs game it's that they release the same game twice there's only one of me for a reason every single level from the original game is replicated right here in full barely anything anything has changed and by the way one of these very very few levels is just a replicated version of an earlier level but backwards and because 3D models have boundaries now instead of driving through hard to see street lights as you could in big rigs you whack right into them and there's no physics for any of these objects so even if you hit something as minor as let's say a street cone stop dead in your tracks yeah somehow adding one tiny fix to their messy driving game means that levels are now even less playable than they were before brilliant all the vehicles you can choose no matter if they're a car or a motorcycle they all handle exactly the same and when we say they handle the same we don't mean they all feel like cars we mean they all feel like big rigs they've switched out the truck models with these new ones and made no other modifications seriously look you can see the original tail lights for the big rig trucks right there remember how poorly those handled all that weight well now this Nimble looking motorcycle moves the exact same way you'd hope for some improvement but even the strange model glitches in the first game like this untextured street light is replicated one to one they tried to pass this off as a brand new game and didn't even bother to fix this one glaring issue you see right at the start of the race this is breathtakingly lazy still don't believe that this is just a reskinned barely band-aided big rigs here we found this since random race mode broke on us when we first tried it in big rigs we thought we'd give it a shot in Midnight race club and when you do that guess what happens the game should randomize a stage and vehicle from Midnight race club you know any of these but instead you get a truck from big rigs they didn't even remove the truck models from this game oh pretty sure that means that while the studio was pumping out this little title at the speed of freaking light they didn't even test the random race function on the main menu or you know what maybe they were complete completely aware maybe they saw all of this and didn't care look can we call this a sequel It's a model swap with different textures and words on the main menu besides a little what Collision detection nothing is different even that broken bridge you could drive through is still busted but now that you can't simply drive through 3D models your vehicle suddenly gets stuck on the bridge [Music] hold on looks like they may have made one more adjustment going up the hill provides some minor resistance now but it's sort of broken it arbitrarily activates at random times on all stages great the awful driving gets worse ah but at least with objects having boundaries now the levels can finally prevent the player from driving off-road into the no no I guess they skipped that fix but with all that we need to talk about the one thing both of these games have a Passover glitch one glaring mistake that was never fixed perhaps this was never an issue because the designers of these titles figured no one really needed to reverse in a racing game but check this out momentum forward has a slowly gained limit you can only go so fast but reverse oh friends there's no limit combine this with edgeless levels and the game begins to fold in on itself to the bottom left the developers have kindly left their positioning stats on the screen this way you can see exactly where your vehicle is on the stage at any given moment but if you hold down reverse and wait for a really long time your speed will build the places we never assumed possible wait what the heck there's nothing out here where did the world go what is this place and we're here everyone out where is here end of the line bucko jeez there's so many how many more gonna show up depends where do you think those idiots will stop reviewing bad games we've looked through our fair share today and while the extreme lack of quality in big rigs in Midnight race club supercharged has us scratching our heads as to whether these disasters even qualify as racing games we can easily say that our time with these two titles was absolute misery but if we had to choose which one was worse well I think we'd have to go with midnight race club yeah big rigs was a busted experience in a lot of ways but in the end we could play every level and drive every vehicle in the game Midnight race club on the other hand is not only a sloppy mess to play but it has one special vehicle that when selected will hard crash your game every time guaranteed see big rigs didn't have that problem don't know why it happens but it's more than enough to Crown this game worse than big rigs congrats midnight race club we hate you we tasted a bunch of different flavors of terrible racing titles today and through all those gnarly skid marks Works in potholes and somehow arithmetic and donkeys we actually found commonality yup they all share that Rush of Anguish into stain you get from playing them that burning nitrous infused loathing that will skid three words out of your face at top speed [Music]
Channel: Rerez
Views: 760,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rerez, Video, Games, Gaming, Gamers, Video Games, Video Game, Just Bad Games, Worst Ever, Worst Racing Games, Racing Games, Racing Video Games, Bad Games, Big Rigs, Yaris, LJN, Spirit of Speed
Id: x3dcU2JDFS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 46sec (3046 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 22 2022
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