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No my slushy on the way over here are you kidding me me uh give me one second over here mm-hmm let's go a little there oh is that feeling it oh that's gross [Music] hello YouTube comodo gaming here bring you guys some java simulator VR yes folks we're playing VR on the channel these are my hands no I cannot flip off job but which I've tried this repeatedly and I can't seem to make it work but anyways this is something I've wanted to do on the channel for a while now now I don't have your typical VR youtuber setup I don't have like some sort of nice green screen up in the top left corner I mean we could put like a kitten there's something up in the top left if you'd like that but this is something I wanted to try out now maybe eventually we'll get some more or get some sort of VR or green screen setup at some point but right now it's just gonna be my hands and my body what you can't see at the moment but anyways this is something that I wanted to do now I might do this once a week I might do it twice a week I might not even do it anymore I don't know it depends on what you guys want to see so if you want to see some more VR on the channel be sure to hit that wait hon huh wait that on now that No hit the thumbs up button which that's not a thumbs up and comment below if you want to see more now as far as what jobs we're gonna play here today I did do the auto mechanic and that was pretty fun I kind of rushed through it but I think we're gonna start out there because I kind of would actually screw around with the stuff so let's go boom yep get Reece monkey let's do this alright so here we are we were in the auto mechanic simulator there's our board that's going to show us what we need to do here today so we got all of our parts over here this is the vinda part you've got fluids parts tires stash decor license and gifts over here is our paint down here is the car lift and this is the hood ornament if fire I think I'm saying that right now look some tunes horn there we go okay I kind of like that hopefully uh I think I saw somebody's this copyright you know what we're gonna go back down alright so anyways we are ready for our first customer here now I am playing on the oculus I know a lot of people play on the vibe so I'm sorry - the vibe fans I just bought an oculus I swear it was just like an impulse buy I was at a Best Buy one day and I was like you know what we're gonna buy this because it's right in front of me but yeah let's get to the first customer all right good sir in or madam what are we doing hello oh it's a woman okay look under the hood we got this oh all right there we go okay fluid all right well we're at the fluid screen and we have the loopy oil okay uh I'm gonna pour this right here I'm gonna pour a little bit on I'm not done yet huh all right so let's don't need to pull this what does that do I don't know all right you know here you take that so we need to go to parts here so we're going on to parts not tires don't need those yet so parts and we need a new power supply so you've literally got a potato here we don't need that we need hmm actually it's going to turb but still that's cool huh let's put this in here all right I got this there is that oh yeah you can see it up there yes you stare at the little timer after it goes up so I can literally just stand here and make more money kind of wish this was the way it worked in real life alright I guess better give you this yeah what's it that's not too bad here you go you gonna pick that up okay you know what hold on hold on okay there we go all right you want to grab this one there you go good have a nice day Thank You human thank you you can go right away go get your car out of here I'm ready for the next morning mechanic has so much more to offer all right well let's do the next one oh look at this that is a nice looking car hello good sir human I know what this is I got you covered bro don't sneeze spot it's got a coupon here take it real good care of them by sabotaging that God I know what you mean yep all right I got this so we need to sabotage this car so we're gonna pop that open here no don't need that don't need that don't need actually how much crap can we put in here just don't worry about it I got it sir no need that don't need that headlight fluid okay purple you know let's go with pink this Pinker's is red no no maybe I'm a little bit blonde all right let's go right there does this make you puke no no no no it actually tastes pretty good all right so we're gonna stick this one here get tip it there we go you're gonna pour this one I like the way you think okay we need to go to the left back there we go spice it up hot sauce no shook white sugar you said spice it you know worn this in here anyways stash okay it's good stash oh oh oh doughnuts on mmm oh they keep coming back here I'll give you a couple of those those are on the house so we need sugar okay we're gonna for some sugar in here no just just is that good okay all right drop it off the lift and two-for-one special twice the parts for twice the price that's a deal here you go sir all right so ready to print this out you know I'm not even gonna let the time run I don't wanna hurt a few off that was a good service all right you have a good day see you later we'll see you later Boozer's a doughnut down the can I get weight oh look at this piece of work all right beauty yes this is weird you waited for safety regularly okay components like these headlights like the headlights yeah okay horn huh come on oh really that was close huh we're taking this too huh no okay you know I give up okay so let's go to parts we need new headlights here so wait what's the difference between these that one looks like a disco ball and this one just looks plain so we're gonna go all right I know what I'm doing I clearly have it in my hand here horn okay don't just blow that out I don't spend a new one in here look through that there there we go all right oh yeah we got this he looks like he looks like a pink guy so let's go ahead and go melt like that cool there we go oh that is glorious yes it's pink it looks like the Simpsons car yeah I got you oh let's go down to gifts here ooh this is a good hoard oh wait what y'all this is a good hood ornament so can I go no its head fell off alright you don't we'll just stick this in here go I got you okay look at that it's half a bubble head boom beautiful that's it up sir Hey look at this wait a minute you got an issue here Oh having the worst day yeah it looks like it yeah okay yeah we got this I can do this this is easy tires alright do you want for that actually mature you know what let's go she looks like an off-roader let's go here okay let's go let's be like a NASCAR pit crew here let's go boom okay wait no crud there we go yeah okay right up here boom boom you know what oh I can set you up hold on let's go back here she wants a spare tire you know what let's give me a couple of these there we go seriously I just gave you like like a ton of tires now you want me look at the engine blew it can be used to cool down okay okay I got this whoo okay that's hot let's see fluids what kind of fluid would we use hot sauce seems reasonable energy drink seems reasonable on here we go yeah yeah oh that's not anything oh it didn't work are you kidding me oh sure yeah I got this fluid from time to time yeah fix you up give me uh give me one second over here oh is that filling it oh that's gross huh there you go yeah I totally ignore what I just did yeah will you take this no okay you want that there you go thank you man I'd like to see her drink that slushy there you go miss have a nice day nothing hey this guy's got a bandana no nothing okay yeah I can do this I will go with the green here this is nice yeah that sounds completely legit yeah I'm gonna run you some of this here there you go yes I'm good wait a minute okay we're gonna ignore the debts on fire that's fine 100% fine let's go front okay what about the headlights do you want new headlights you just want one of these a real player all right drop bought too fast ooh that's the perfect one too fast for you there we go sir it's perfectly fine a kitchen all right you just hon does this work hon hon there's a fire here can I is that Oh what does that not do anything here you go sorry you can take that all right and there we go all right here's your bill have fun all right yep nope never sell you have fun good day okay okay okay decorations I know it's perfect horn oh see no no no not gifts go stash ah there we go trash let's hang all that up on I like me some uh let me some donuts dude do I want to be like Bob Ross on here we go um on still a little uh-oh wrong color all right a little uh do a little landscaping here there we go oh oh so we're gonna paint this and we're gonna do a nice sky here there we go okay that's looking good huh the last bit of those in and there we go and we're gonna do a little tree there we go a little little bushiness at the top on there we go all right that's beautiful and we're gonna make a cat so let's go with a cat there we go look at that it's a kitty uh-huh that the back part of the cat and let's give the cat some ice and we go boom and boom goodness here you go you have those back looks perfect look at that do you think good huh sounds good hello beautiful what is up here your tires are busted okay yeah I know I got this okay you calm it down and I'm time for your stuff alright let's go up here okay so okay when you do tire let's go yes NASCAR pit crew alright here we go okay that looks good go top brands is that is that a donut oh wait get off there what is it donut all right last one boom Becker time okay I got you I gotcha where does this go where'd I need to put this I got fluids I got this oh okay I'm gonna go over here nope not back come on let's shake this up oh this is gonna be great alright so go here there you go turbo noss right there alright you can keep some of that you take some of that take some of that take couple of those okay spare tires we're gonna get you some spares here - okay let's go spares get you everything you need for the race I'll be perfectly fine this works okay boom boom boom there we go alright and we're good drop it alright check that out what's your bill there you go have a good day just get in the car get the car here we go that was awesome it's kind of hoping for more of an explosion but I'll take it wait a minute no no no no wait hey the car just like you asked this is the car we just worked on ok ok for reasons I don't like this grab everything you can worry all right you know I can do this yep sure can now we're just gonna drop this it'll need tires and go free yeah totally free wait some money do I get to keep some this is a ripoff hey Dad Oh God I don't gotta help me human I took my dad's car out last night with my friends and no it's a mess he's gonna kill me he rightfully probably should but Oh hon oh my god be careful here okay don't want to kill the baby birds yeah okay the air freshener let's go left front little baby eggs these are so good alright so we're gonna go ahead and rip this out no no okay music I used to do this all the time when I was a kid just pull the car in reverse and put the pedal to the metal I got this verse and then just whoa whoa oh that's so cool looking could I gonna stir this what do you mean evidence on go to the back do I want to open this is a question okay here we go [Music] home movies what's on here a little bit uh yeah we'll just keep that for later I'll put that up there you know I'll take this too this is this is gonna be mine okay here we go now you have a good day sir we're gonna move this uh keep that for later alright you have a good day and stay out of trouble Hey Dude hunt does he stick whoa haha it is it does it actually magnify no it doesn't he's a useless all right so you want a new paint job I would even paint one bit of attention what they actually said I want paint job you look like a loud person so well Tony down a little bit with like a purplish blue I gotcha I got you bro horn let's go on hold on wait a minute does this work I feel bad about this should I should I take one of them okay here you go you're gonna go in there oh wait where'd he go wait wait I'm missing a hand is my hand in here what no oh my hand it is severe didn't you know I'm not gonna question that wayward danesco all right you know what some freaky stuffs happening now like I can't use my hand anymore my hand no longer oh great okay okay we got this this is just just grab that but it closes but it disappeared why is it not here can i on wake up hand what the heck all right you know we'll just have to go one-handed here there you go oh oh you didn't want a hood or oh my bad this game is so much more awkward with one hand okay I want to go like this go go oh yeah I forgot the one handing okay let's go yeah oh that is awesome I already did that yeah I remember doing this job at one point when my other hand worked but that's it's good this is fun I don't need this here here's your huge bill sir yeah is this you know eat that mmm in a minute okay what is this it says lemon I recently purchased this car Oh promote minor smooth business I was told it was a lemon so I thought it would be great I don't understand what's wrong wind it's making a sound like okay sure where will they use some serious deep limiting on this vehicle I can't I can't eat this okay take the lemon stuff off I got this pop up in the hood it's even got living Pistons that is amazing all right chunk that out there we go shoot myself in the face is there lemon in here so you can cut lemon juice do I need to replace this oh yeah I forgot that doesn't work okay stripped it there don't go can i least No okay here we go Oh lemons oh I bet she's got lemon wills yep okay that lemon wills good air fresheners we're still working on it we're not done yet hey what the heck what oh my sister I think I hit it can I get it back on all right you know what fine wait that works but but that doesn't Wow you know what here take a bill by oh can we take that off oh it's got limits in the bank sir sir sir all right you have a good day hey hey hey how you doing way did we work on this cold human debris oh yeah we can do that all right what I need to do it back okay oh it's gonna hang the dangly bits off the back okay we can do that there we go cool keep going that's it oh oh I got you I got you whoa all right you know what debris you want debris you're gonna get debris sir here we go all right got some debris just some resist Oh crud all right got some of this stuff girl you didn't have one of those looks amazing looks amazing one last tradition of my family's - grape juice on the car I don't mind if it wait a minute how do I do this I want to drink it hon let's go there we go okay yes can I am thank you what I'm doing for you here you're getting all the tires in the world and you're really gonna demand another gift you know what here here's a flowerpot you can have this too there we go we're not full yet okay let's go to the back up not no oh boy we have a mess here okay let's go up with this alright alright sir I'm going to fix you up here tires I'm wasting the shops money it's perfectly fine not my money nope come on I felt like something's about to explode here ha let's get a couple more tire got screw these Turner's I don't need these actually that was good one here you go alright there we go oh yeah yeah definitely here well that was a pretty good sized bill here you go take that Oh get a little bit of leg there's like so many tires here okay I feel pretty good about that but anyways folks that's gonna wrap it up for this episode of job simulator the car mechanic if you want to see any other jobs comment below let me know maybe we'll do some of the infinite overtime yeah this is just kind of a test to see if you guys want to see some VR on the channel like I said it's not gonna be like everyday VR it's literally probably gonna be like once or twice a week if that so anyways hope you guys have a great day and we will see you guys next time on job simulator [Music]
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 1,355,535
Rating: 4.8873005 out of 5
Keywords: job simulator, job simulator vr, job simulator vr gameplay, job simulator vr game, job simulator funny, job simulator auto mechanic, job simulator mechanic, job simulator auto repair, job simulator let's play, job simulator oculus, job sim, job sim vr, auto mechanic fails, job simulator mechanic walkthrough, job simulator mechanic funny, mechanic simulator, mechanic simulator vr, job simulator fails, auto mechanic, vr games, vr gameplay, oculus rift, auto mechanic game
Id: jQctrBmpru0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 44sec (1724 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 30 2018
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