ANGRY OFFICE WORKER GETS JANITOR FIRED! - Job Simulator Infinite Overtime Gameplay - Oculus VR Game

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want to keep up with the latest Komodo gaming videos be sure to subscribe and click that Bell alright huh I warn you bit of a dumpster ball champ here ready Kobe that that was a mistake can you can I have another one give me another Bowl it's over there I can't go out of my cubicle to go get it thank you thanks for the ball okay here we go dumpster ball alright that was just that was a practice shot you shut up hello YouTube moto gaming here for you guys another episode of job simulator VR and yes folks we are back once again and we are ready to do some more jobs so it has been a while since we last played this game it's been about like two months I can't make a - I can make a one it's been out two months since we played this game so where I left off we were starting to dig into the infinite over time what we're gonna do that here today now the last one that we did an infinite over time was the store clerk so we don't need that that's creepy no you may not so we're gonna go to overtime mode boom that is extremely creepy yes we are alright so we're gonna be doing the office worker here today so if you guys have any suggestions for this series what you want to see next in infinite overt um let me know down in the comment section below I still do have these job mods which apparently I'm missing one and I don't know where it's at now I think there's supposed to be a third one cuz there's bouncy mode and then of course you got low gravity mode so I think we're just gonna do the plain old office job here today but anyways like I said suggestions down below if you're enjoying a job sim on the channel be sure to hit that thumbs up button it helps out my channel and let's jump right into this and crack those knuckles over time yes grab the memos alright so this is over this looks a little bit different actually you know I've done this an over time on my spare time when I first got my VR headset which has probably been don't get erupted me I did not say you could talk so as I was saying I did this and apparently I've done 24 of these and that's actually kind of impressive so let's go ahead get the energy drinks ready to go here drink up and we are ready to try to make some money here oh hey hey it's a janitor that's cool alright so you know it's really kind of awkward that you're standing there like when I'm in my zone working I don't really particularly like to see people watching me you get my drift like could you go away please or splash yourself a coffee do something just go away all right so now any good employee needs to make sure that they are ready to work make sure the work area is good to go here got our computers all good to go Danny Mills okay don't think any of those are important we're gonna go ahead and delete those there we go clear that out all right so that's good to go let's go ahead it was this a new mug Oh what does that say who needs sleep mode okay I don't let's go and get some coffee brewing here there we go I'm a cream only guy I'm not really a much into the sugar so go get a little bit of cream in there alright let's go and check that first job real quick let's get to work I just wait why do I have to buy you something you can give me money you can do this just just go uh just go in there that's all you have to do I swear same what do you want you didn't you weren't specific about that well what do we want okay not we're gonna pick something for you uh I'm really lacking a look at that pretzel let's go ahead and go boom go alright wait a minute wait a minute about an idea okay so do you have another dollar that I can have I think I'm broke hon you don't get to keep this we can make infinite pretzels can we not go alright so let's keep a couple of these that way I could pocket the cash and you guys can have pretzels and the employees don't make anything this is a genius scheme you can have that back there you go alright you have a good day hey I may be the 25 test principal yeah intern ok this is a principal intern mean no no I'll take it no stick that up there very nice very good let's go ahead and grab her next assignment here chunk that over there where's the janitor at he needs it to probably clean that up Oh can I have that can I have that hat oh this is a nice hat ok I'm gonna wear this all right so we need to document some stuff so we're to get on her computer over here just go ahead oh do I have to make a presentation cells report contract yeah ooh that is the best kind of report the report report let's go boom it's gonna go no template wait then we just do this no in report report Oh I supposed to type here so we're gonna go report status good report report I'm thinking no report milestones get that kind I'm getting tired of typing here there we go huh ok we did it ok so let's go ahead and print this off for these dudes there we go alright report report is the filed if I can grab it alright looks like we hit our goals here this months there you go guy you have a good day ooh flappy BOTS what is this like 2013 fling that oh you're right that's how this stuff works all right some more coffee brewing here no I just got rid of this no no no no we're skipping this I'm not playing that I don't care go away see sometimes you have to be assertive and rude to your employees let him know who's boss here and oh okay all right huh I warned you bit of a dumpster ball champ here ready Kobe that that was a mistake can you can have another one give me another ball it's over there I can't go out of my cubicle to go get it ah thank you thanks for the ball okay here we go dumpster ball all right that was just that was a practice shot you shut up it's not a hard thing to do and huh okay you know what fine I got a bowling ball here we go huh yes all right give me another one huh give me two all right watch this double balls nope they bounced off each other all right that was my bad now here we go got it and that was close on can give me another one here we go huh yes are you serious huh get in there dang it all right janitor bought if you complain anymore I'm going to have you fired what you were just over there stop do your job why are you still complaining at me shut up that's right maybe I'm being too hard on janitor but no sorry um terraced rice one yeah ask again now here we go boom trick shot all right huh well guess it's just me janitor BOTS and whatever your name is you're not job by your the maybe yard job but I can't really tell huh kind of lonely need a friend janitor bot hi ru you know the more I think about it here maybe we should do something good for janitor bud maybe we should I don't know wait maybe we can make janitor bought rich yeah yeah that's what we need to do we're gonna get him out of this office he no longer needs to work here he's been here for like 25 years and he's barely gotten any sort of raises so we're gonna help janitor Bob out or no just say janitor Bob janitor bot all right we need some money Oh who's this Viva bought Thais in paint okay I could possibly do that hon let's see what we got here for you it's going to paint okay so I've got to make this I got this okay ready for the Bob Ross of office work here we go okay there's your B is your eye there's your there's your V as your a and then here's your be okay huh it's got a little bit of a a little bit of yellow in that let's go ahead and go yellow over there over there let's just my peed all over it I've got a couple of Blues in there too it's going a little little sprinkles there all right so that I would say is a masterpiece I kind of would like to get paid for this do you have any cash on you listen I'm trying to help janitor bought out here so you know if you got any money just fork it over you are giving me the most blank look I have ever seen here just take this just just go all right here I'll take this and we'll uh make sure a janitor but still alive don't worry we got you hooked up brother a donut Tom all right I'm gonna take these and somebody else is here besides janitor bud and we're gonna need to fill up some coffee here someone take you don't mind if I take all these don't I mean do you want one you can have one here eat the doughnut eat eat the doughnut oh sorry alright I'm gonna keep these you know if I'm gonna be in the the food copy and business like everybody else is I need those all right so let's go there we go yeah let's fill up some coffee here yeah like one of those baristas at one of those overpriced coffee places not just get some cream just go there we go get a little in there hey janitor but you still have that sugar pretty sure I might need a little we have any other sugar what's that oh that's ed I don't care for that this is a fidget really when did they add this uh you know I don't care there we go sugar sugar Oh got another mug up here better fill this one up too all right so I need to be energized right a little more in there so you want to watch me eat the doughnuts Oh mmm mmm that's good all right here we go ah yes I hope I get promoted all right keep drinking coffee got to get hyped all right and there we go good to go all right somebody's gotta give me a job involving money I need some cash here I need some okay here we go this might be it okay what are we doing wait you're not gonna like have me shred some counterfeit money or anything you want me to shred my objects are you kidding me Nach whatever what do I not like here these things are kind of annoying stuff it is officially 340 in the morning I don't need that not okay apparently that doesn't fit wait a minute does that say can't believe you take the time to read this ha ha ha I get it get in there all right what else I got a doing there do I really need this here I'll need that there we go okay can i grab the monitor no I got you me mugs here okay oh you know here take the glass I made the glass there we go cool that's what I thought see you later all right get to work yep there we go hey Smith oh I know what this means I finally get the money okay hand me some cash okay we should go boom well you're going to you're not seeing any of this we're just gonna go okay give me some of them counterfeit bills one fake money it's okay all right so wait can we use your fake money is this work go nice try hey that was money enough can we use a doughnut no that isn't work all right well let's copy a couple more of these all right so let's go money yeah what do you want let's just get you some nuts and bolts or something all right there we go all right there you go good day yes it was all right all right this is it folks oh you need to you need to go away right now I've got to do something that's highly illegal so mr. janitor bud has been working here for way too long and it's time to get janitor bought a proper retirement all right what happens if I is that dirty Oh what heck can I can I eat that no I can copy brains yeah that's kind of weird okay can we do two of these at once will this work let go boom is only give me one or what oh this is gonna take a while alright time start hitting the copy button what is the value of this currency one you know I feel like we can change this do we have a marker or something we need to make this a million dollars because that's probably a proper retirement print them off a bunch of ones I don't know if that's helping too much but I got a plan we'll keep doing this my arms getting tired alright that's a looking pretty good so far huh look at that there okay keep making some money here hmm we need to gift-wrap this oh is that a box but my head here ah this is a perfect gift wrap okay so that's gonna be our present box there alright more cash Sarah we need to start loading this up here for uh mr. janitor but we're gonna surprise him so he's just gonna come in here and we're gonna have this like a like a present for him and we're gonna send him on his retirement so I don't know how much longer he was really supposed to work here but I got a plan we're gonna get him out of work early so let's keep going there there we go so it looks good there do we have like a bow or something no let's try to staple this thing down okay there we go alright let's see um all right here we go this is how we're gonna get janitor bought out early so homeless to do a little taste test yep yep that is indeed very gross alright grab another one alright so we're gonna leave janitor bought one of those so he'll come in here to clean up the mess he's gonna spot all this money but he's gonna realize once he sees the gift here that that's his to take and he's retiring now so it's going to call the main office Tom I am uh currently gonna quit so okay yes main office I call it quits you guys stink alright so we got that I'm gonna take this and still it you know this might not be gross enough hon let's uh let's good this there we go nobody's watching all right there we go that should get him out of work he's got plenty of cash to clean up he's gonna retire we did our good deed today I am super proud of myself it's going to unplug the workstation here we're ready to go home it's gotta be like I don't know I've been working for like 30 minutes and that's about enough for me today so anyways if you guys want to see more job sim on the channel be sure to hit that thumbs up button let me know down in the comments section below what you want to see next it whether it be mods more impotent over Tom let me know and we got one last thing to do here all right get in there bot there you go come on come clean I'm leaving see you bye [Music]
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 580,513
Rating: 4.8915792 out of 5
Keywords: job simulator, job simulator vr, job simulator office worker funny, job simulator office worker night shift, office worker vr, job simulator office worker copy machine, job simulator infinite overtime office worker, job simulator making money, job sim office worker, job simulator vr gameplay, job simulator vr game, job simulator infinite overtime, job simulator funny, job simulator let's play, job simulator oculus, job sim, vr games, vr gameplay, oculus rift
Id: lgMZFrItsoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 28 2018
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