ANGRY CHEF MAKES THE WORLD'S WORST FOOD! - Job Simulator Overtime VR Gameplay - Oculus VR Game

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there we go all right so we blended it up that looks that looks questionable hon let me let me dip my finger in it real quick make sure it's good you can have that there you go I want to keep up with the latest Komodo gaming videos be sure to subscribe and click that bell hello YouTube motor gaming here bringing you guys another episode of job simulator VR in infinite overtime and yes folks we are back once again and today we are ready to take on our next job so if you missed the last episode which by the way I'll flash it in the top right corner I'm pretty sure we got fired from our office job by stealing some questionable documents so today we are gonna be partaking in the gourmet chef job all in preparation for the new vacation simulator which should be coming out relatively soon so it feels like we just need to get fired from everything again because that's just the way we roll so if you guys are enjoying job Civ on the channel maybe hit that thumbs up button if you guys have any suggestions for this series comment below and let's get moving you ready Tim but he looks ready actually looks like he's slightly out of it I need some help alright let's do this alright so here we are at the gourmet chef job this is gourmet grub to go now open late and we're gonna be working the midnight shift so before we start I think it's probably best that we put on some tunes what do we have here job tonight gyro dance remix and disco I think we're gonna go with some euro dance there we go boom play wait for it on on yeah yeah like that it's going to take our first shorter here there we go oh yeah we're able to go box now sweet [Music] you want food you want to a lava pocket what the heck's a lava pocket is this something new that we serve here lava pockets lava pot ooh it's like a hot pocket except for I don't know if it's a hot pocket what do you think's in this are you sure you want this on oh that's actually not bad I took a little bite of it just to make sure it was okay how do we heat these up hon let's get the microwave out microwave man all right here we go that in there fight is our music is this skipping are you serious uh you know what we're gonna have to use the old solution to fix your scratches in your discs let's just go in and go here I actually tried this once in real life please do not do it it's a stupid idea it's not pretty but you know I was told that it works so question is doesn't work in a video game click alright give to me to me what we got oh okay well here's this you can take that alright go ahead wait so you're told you're not compatible with fluid but you want a smoothie okay well we could do something with that I don't know wait look at this the disc is now radioactive does it sound different or anything Khan ready no it does not still it's still pretty mediocre alright we're gonna set that up there we'll use that again here in a second so I think we need to go over to the blender she wants a smoothie so obviously we're gonna make her a smoothie now she's a robot why am I saying it was a she right I think so you know what let's grab this you love your job I'm gonna place it in there alright what I'm gonna stick in a smoothie hmm smoothie smoothie I know what we normally put smoothies but I feel like we're gonna make her a special smoothie here so huh let's go ahead go with some bacon you know that would actually be good wait did somebody used to have a bacon milkshake I think that was a thing at a restaurant okay so we're gonna go bacon all right you don't we are gonna use a little bit of milk here gotta have some substance there there we go all right let's toss that in there it's fine all right let's see what else wanna get all right huh change your shelf of Matic what else do we got in here haha grape juice got a spark up your life a little bit there so we got bacon grapes milk you know what let's go into a tea bag in there put that in there there we go kind of change the colors a bit and you know what let's use fire sauce so it's totally not sriracha there we go wait a minute the liquid was changing colors already horn I think the cheese actually doing something to it all right you know out here close that alright it's gonna blend this up real quick oh yes oh you can smell it it smells once hey don't honey okay yeah oh can we make the speed go faster okay there we go all right so we blended it up that looks that looks questionable hon let me let me dip my finger in it real quick make sure it's good huh you can have that there you go just gonna stick that there sweet don't taste that until you leave geez you want something else you want cake you know only a job sim can you make a cake in a microwave out of a flower and a Pierre I think that's an egg is it is that what it is okay let's see there's a flower it's a dainty little flower chunk that in their eggs Hans go back to cold all right let's go ahead come on how do these crack can I actually keep the shell if your head does that you should probably be really concerned but you know it just for you there we go close that microwave it I've never had a customer order so many things like I thought was gonna be one job and you get the heck out of here but dang you're picky yeah there we go happy birthday you know what just gonna ruin your day here because I still need to get fired angry employees gonna ruin your birthday oh no seriously okay you don't have to make another one let's just go just leave I'm tired of you being in here I have other customers to serve why does this not seem to faze e-1 that is just a blank expression of nothing there man I wish these bots had more emotions okay I promise on oops hate a piece of it you're not there you go that Kitty shoe ya ordered up every Oh compliance with food safety standards that's fine all right I've done 52 orders in this man I feel sad what am I doing with my life all right I suppose we're ready for our next order here it's gonna take debt toss it out the door toast so you're wanting me to make you toast man if only all jobs are this easy all right let's get the toast out wait a minute oh I have a good idea I mean it's really not a good idea but there we go all right it's gonna make that track Hart yeah do anything else I feel like this I can't eat this can i no I can't okay all right we'll make you some toast no I searched get you a couple slices of bread here I'm gonna give you an extra piece of toast it always says one but you know what we're gonna light it up there we go just like that go down all right watch this trick huh boom you see that boom and boom a class of water you know I don't think we need water we need something else see some a little stronger how about can I do this wait you don't want that you want grape juice you know we'll do half and half how about that it's gonna get the sink out here see I'm a very good employee because I give people what they want even though they don't know they want edge so go a little bit of soap there a little bit of water there we go nice substance they go sir all right and another customer sir you have a good day sir all right next order who are up there we go every sir in town oh you want a corn cob wait how about I give you something better okay so we're gonna make corn I'm gonna show you my new gourmet dish I've been working on huh it's gonna be in not cold all right all right so we have the corn okay now what we're gonna do is turn this grill on real quick can I get that out of there here we go okay let's go ahead we're gonna grill the corn to begin with and then there's a new way to serve it don't give a little little flavor in there go looking good oh yeah okay it's not done yet okay wait a minute Oh what am i doing we don't need to make it this way come on ma'am I'm gonna get you some popcorn here we go this is totally how this works right all right so should be like a big box of popcorn in here right no it's just green and radioactive it actually looks like a looks like a green radioactive turd you sure you want this uh-huh you know we'll just for a little a little chili powder on it there we go you know what we're gonna put that in there I'm sure that's okay smoothie why does everybody want a smoothie today all right so you want to do we still have that liquid in their hearts get rid of that yeah we good yeah it was kind of gross whatever I made last time our let's try something new so we're gonna use some of that you know you know a little glass never hurt somebody who horn we could totally put the disco in there and make kind of funky we need more liquids actually this is a crumpet there we go the way you'll fit down in there all right we need some more liquid horn I'm making the best smoothie you've ever experienced yeah okay looking good no any more liquid guess no smoothie is complete without some sort of milk there we go just kind of mix that all in there and I'm probably thinking the worst smoothie I've ever seen I mean it's great on let's sprinkle a little chili powder in there all right I think we're ready to go here all right a little bit of glass in here you just work your way around it it's fine okay it's get you a cup all right there we go yeah this one actually looks a little bit more appealing than the last one almost done and then we go now I just hit myself in the face by the way not bad not bad at all there you go there gonna be it all right order up you have a nice day ma'am so really a line out the door oh you know I figured that midnight shift wouldn't be busy this doesn't make any sense all right next order I gotta find a way to get myself fired okay wait a minute you want bacon like that's that's speaking my language here like I'm gonna hook you up I know it says one slice of bacon but sir we got you covered all right can we get an unlimited supply of bacon here you know what I better keep this so okay that is yep that is definitely hot right now okay all right let's go ahead and start going boom okay no nuts chicken on okay we got to get more bacon how do I get more bacon this do needs work oh there we go okay okay and more bacon bacon four days go ahead we're gonna make a little bit of a bacon drink here for you - oh yeah huh money to flip some of this I'm gonna burn it there we go ah smell it can you guys just at home smell this like it smells fantastic in here this is great no no we don't want to skip keep going we need more bacon yeah we're just grab a little bit of that every go alright so we got our bacon on the grill here and it's a nice and civil in here let's grab some other stuff here there we go alright so what we're gonna do here just go on puree this bacon oh yes it's juicy huh stick it in there alright that in there we're gonna make like a bacon tea also huh stick it up there alright sir I'm gonna have to move some of this real quick we'll stick over to the side yeah we need the part go ahead and put this in all right so we're gonna make some more bacon related items you know what we probably could have just one let's just boil this real quick there we go alright turn that on real quick get that uh steam in there oh yes oh it smells great okay so the bacon puree is going fraught need to make some bacon soup here but we'll go ahead and serve this like a fancy drink you know they stick the little piece in there so it stick a little piece of bacon right there they go cert all right what's your bacon you want a cup of dish soap okay that's a little bit of an odd request I'm not gonna judge you though because you like bacon now before you go and this is just for you let's keep this I know Tim BOTS right there just don't talk to me Tim bot be quiet ignore what we're doing so between me and you we're gonna make a little bit of a bacon soup - so put some of that in there there we go man I love baking up bacon likes to fly - lets get all that in there real quick I like a little bit spicy bacon so we're gonna stick some chili powder get a little a little pepper in there go you know it's just all the whole thing in there it's fine alright so we need some liquid so hmm wait do we have any there any no there's no baking liquid left all right well can you something else you know what we need some more protein there we go let's go and turn that on there all right so that's gonna boil down into a nice consistency we'll have some soup now you said you want it dish so that's a little bit of a weird thing but hon look at this look at that you don't need any other soup it says bacon bacon and bacon like are you kidding me the ultimate soup you know what sir I love you but you can't even have this will get you your soap so this is a bit of an odd request but hey you know what I don't judge here we go there you go sir all right you want an apple you know what there you go oh you want a plum oh okay the plums over here all right no that looks like I needed that a plum where do I get the wait is this a secret item in the game that I don't know about um why are these in here plums grow on trees too okay you know what fine whatever there you go oh can you leave there you go whoo you know what what happens when you do this whoops you didn't see that honey if I'm more liquid I take the milk back out ah there you go it's in there okay all right go ahead and let that a start up there I'm kind of curious what kind of super ring it what kind of soup do we have name plate and milk carton okay sounds a little gross we'll kind of put that in our soup pile over here that's fine man how have I not gotten fired hon stick that in there I want to go home I'm tired of working already I've worked way too hard today I really would like to go home let six of eurodance in there there we go make some more soups come on grab another order while we're at it there we go wait one much wait gourmet need a tank wait are you okay peril I'm supposed to make a sandwich all right you know what I could handle the sandwich as soon as our soups done here we're gonna make you the ultimate sandwich it's totally not gonna poison you what is what's up at the soup what come on come on soup there we go pull down where we got we have dance music and fire extinguisher soup that sounds actually pretty good we might get some of that on your uh thing there all right we're gonna make you the whole tomato sandwich here now says I'm a man if I want a sandwich I want to steak on it oh dang sure gonna have some bacon on it and there we go you know fine we're gonna have some chicken on it too you know what we're gonna have a hook that's gonna be one of the pieces of bread on it a hot pocket you know what we're gonna have some dance music and fire extinguisher on it too hopefully one of those blows up and blows this whole restaurant up but vegetables no cheese you bet you there we go put some cheese on there all right so it's a making sandwich here you know first got a Hasson toast if you don't toast your bread it's pretty unamerican that was rachis still there there we go you know what that's pretty American - huh put that put that down no nope nope yup there we go go ahead pour hot sauce over it it's gonna get some stimulus of salt let's go Matt we got a bread there all right I think we're ready to go to the sandwich station sandwich station hey catch Tim bot oh my bad all right so toasted bread nope okay a little bit of cheese on the bottom that's gonna hold the sandwich together what's the soup you know what all right you know we'll figure that one out later okay keep that you know let's just go eat that I don't need that other piece of bread it's at steak chicken bacon bacon you know we don't have enough we need more meat okay to do Oh hurry up no didn't mean to actually take a bite out of that there we go okay see I'm not even looking that's how good of a chef I am I just toss it over and like oh I don't know where this is going that's totally going right on the grill ready Coby that's her first Kobe there for that all right okay nice foil you a little bit of a little bit of season in here always say a little bit of grape juice makes good seasoning gourmet cooking yeah nope you know what oh okay a little bit of glass that's fine okay let's get that hot pocket on there okay mistake more steak more chicken chicken chicken meatballs meatball what no nothing - meatball wait you see sit no we gotta have the Oliver okay said we're gonna top okay Ripoff the meatball okay you're not can't waste bacon there we go no no no oh why won't you eat other piece there you go I there we go Hot Pocket and there's your olive boom that might be the best sandwich I've ever seen all right there's sandwich boom what does everybody want liquid I'm just give me some liquid here I need to leave because make my ships come and tune in but here take that okay is that it I'm gonna pretzel pretzel ah you know I can't even forgot we had pretzels mom who the real crunch that's kind of hoping it was a soft one that you get I like the ball games alright yeah there you go alright and alright everybody I am tired of doing this job vacation still hasn't come temp but I know there's people wind up Everywhere's I can't do this anymore how would I get out of work how would I get our work make myself sick horn let's go come on come on why does this not make you phew okay ah workplace injuries you totally get out of work doing that alright you know what ow this hurts thank you guys for watching this episode of jobs to them probably need to go to the hospital after this I can feel my skin bubbling and it smells really bad so we'll be sure to go back to maybe some more jobs before vacation simulator if you guys have any suggestions comment below thank you guys for watching and we'll see you guys next time my hands really hurt right now
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 369,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: job simulator, job simulator vr, job simulator vr gameplay, job simulator chef, vacation simulator, job simulator vr game, vacation simulator gameplay, job simulator gourmet chef, gourmet chef simulator, job simulator vr roleplay, job simulator story, job simulator funny moments, job simulator infinite overtime, job simulator let's play, job simulator oculus, job sim vr, job simulator fails, oculus, vr games, vr gameplay, oculus rift, virtual reality games, camodo gaming
Id: hcnrdHvCTqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 2sec (1262 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2019
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