I Quit Right Here and Right Now

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people who've quit their jobs on short notice out of spite what was the final nail in the coffin i walked straight out of my job at dq when i was 17. basically it was lunch russian since it was a sunday we had a skeleton crew since lunch was the only busy time of day i had 11 orders on the screen with more coming in absolutely flying around the kitchen making stuff manager was standing in the doorway literally just leaning up against the wall talking crap like wow you're kinda slow today or i thought you were faster than this i was still getting orders out in six minutes and she wasn't even offering to help i was already sick of working there but this pushed me over the edge i asked if she was going to help and she said no i asked if she thought she could do better than me and she said of course i told her okay then have fun and drop my hat name tag on the counter and walked out felt so freaking good i got a job two weeks later in a department store making more per hour with no grease heat and co-workers who weren't crappy people was hired to do facility maintenance set up machines for different operations car operators work do basic machine programming and train new operators on any machine in the facility ended up being promised a raise for nine months straight was ultimately told it wasn't in the budget when i inquired about when my pay bump would be coming but was shown a signed employment contract attempt to hire had signed that day promising the pay rate i had been asking for i also trained that guy so major kick in the teeth for me that combined with being put on the most brain dead machine possible for four months straight due to insane turnover rate caused by the most incompetent and unprofessional operations manager i've ever met is what ultimately led to me sending an immediately effective resignation notice at 5 pm on a friday i was never late never written up and regularly pulled weekend over time to fix down machines to keep production intact overall i found out i was only being paid about 60 percent of what i was worth at best sounds like you work for the same company as me back in my rocker days i used to have really long hair like almost down to my waist i'm a dude i worked in the kitchen for a hospital i was a good employee i was a hard worker did my work without complaining and did it right i was never late and i followed all the rules as expected the manager always made it a point to remind to me to net my hair or pick it up and under my hat kitchen staff wore hats his reminders were perfectly fine and expected after all it was his job to oversee and enforce food safety rules then his also a rocker son was hired his son and i did not work the same shift in two weeks time he was late stole food and rarely netted his hair much less pick it up one day we end up on the same shift like clockwork bossman comes over and remind me about my hair fine no problem work begins and i see his son with his hair out i asked the boss man what the deal was why can't that dude have his hair down bosman said stop complaining other employees are not your concern i clocked out that very second and never went back i was off to basic training in a month's time best decision ever i worked for a large insurance company husband and i were adopting our son from china i told my boss that i would only be given about three weeks notice from the adoption agency of when i'd be traveling to china boss grumbled about it and daley would ask me do you know when yet sometimes he'd ask me multiple times a day i finally got my travel dates my boss arranged for attempt to take over my files while i was gone i gave my boss and the temp my work email so that they could access my stuff the company was paperless so all the reports came in through email i returned home from china with my son and take a few more weeks off to bond with him a few days before i'm due to return to the office i check my work email from home and discover that i had over 1 000 emails in my inbox all unread my boss in the temp said they forgot to check my emails it took weeks to get all my work caught up some of which involved me working until midnight or later from home my boss also griped about having me be gone for a total of six weeks even though women on maternity leave take six weeks off apparently since my son wasn't biologically mine i had no right to miss so much work yep i quit about two months after i returned to work f that too bad you didn't accidentally delete all those emails before you left i was on contract and the boss asked me to put in more effort which took some explaining what he really meant was i want you to put in more hours for free this was in a shape up or ship out speech following a lunch he'd had with my recruiter what he didn't realize was that i had spoken to my recruiter already and knew he'd told him a bunch of lies which i called him out on he was trying to explain things like well what i meant was thinking my recruiter wouldn't tell me at one point he wanted to keep running me down but i didn't want to hear it so i told him so and that i would just pack my things and leave he said but you have to give me two weeks notice from day one this guy had been saying no notice was necessary and if he didn't want me around anymore i would be gone just like that with no explanation so i told him that and that he'd said it was a two-way street and if i wanted to quit i could no questions asked when the conversation ended he said he needed to talk to his boss before i could leave i told him okay but he only had until i packed my things i packed things up waited about five minutes more then left i called my recruiter and told him what happened this guy lasted a few weeks more but was fired i like to think i helped with that partly because he had been blaming me every time something went wrong but had also been doing some work for the company's cfo which the cfo liked but this guy didn't but still tried taking credit for even though he knew nothing about it so when i left i think it exposed a bunch of his other lies tl dr boz tells lies tries to get me to work for free i quit he gets fired i normally worked a 5-1 this wasn't a i worked there a month and quit kinder deal this was a i've been there for several years kinda deal i worked up from a server to a cook pretty big deal for a 20 year old kid i would always stick around when needed this led to a lot like a lot of overworking at least two or three days it worked 5a 7p wasn't always cooking i sometimes filled in sometimes just watched over things the worst of it was when i needed a day off they approved it but then said i needed to come in a few days before the day or when they just started scheduling me for 80 hour weeks just assuming that i would have stayed anyway but the worst part was that they change how their pay works let's say minimum wage was seven dollars servers would make point two five dollars more for each year they've been a server so i was a server for five years the cap was five years meaning when i was a server i made eight dollars and 25 cents cook starting pay was 7.75 i had only been a cook for one year so when i was a cook i actually made less than when i was a server i left there after i told them that i'm not going to be expected to work 14 15 hours shifts just because they can't keep staff around they through that i got a cook position and should expect to pick up more slack of others i got to job at mcdonald's they started me out more than i was making there and have gotten raises and already am a manager in training not even a year after switching if you aren't happy at a job look for something else being happy is important it's so important i can't stress it enough i had wanted to leave for months the unprofessionalism and complete lack of managerial skills in a five-star resort was embarrassing i'd lie to people about where i worked it got to a point where the money wasn't worth the condescension and i'd saved enough to go traveling for a few months at least anyway a friend's brother committed suicide this friend was also a colleague we're from a small beachside town the first email he got from our boss days later was to make sure he handed in his uniform or they would withhold his paycheck after he resigned the boss knew about the tragedy it was a ps on the bottom of the email that was the last straw email went something like this dear staff member please ensure your uniform is washed ironed unfolded in the manner in which it was received preferably by tomorrow if it is not received in a timely manner we will be withholding your pay until it is returned regards management ps sorry about your brother i quit that day along with two other guys over the next two weeks nine more staff members from my department quit and three more from other departments the toxic environment of that resort was too much and the email just confirmed how little management cared about us bonus i'm still friends with one boss he said the other boss email lady was happy we left because she could hire a whole new team a young obedient and impressionable team who would adhere to all her crazy rules not workplace standard but hers personally and because the whole department saved for two people had quit no one could train the new staff to do the jobs weddings and exorbitant corporate functions were unorganized and rushed they received poor reviews and feedback email lady was majorly stressed and had robbed a lot of people the wrong way i'll have to get an update on that situation sharden freuder has never been stronger also of note a few of us had previously planned an exodus in hopes of the department failing i guess this could also go in our petty revenge yeah not that does not qualify as petty frick that email lady quit best buy after two weeks just called up an hour or so before a [ __ ] and said yay not coming in ever again here's a list of crap from that two-week time frame got barked at for taking a customer too close to a lift someone was using during prime hours on the sales floor the lift was in the middle of an aisle and we turned around as soon as we rounded the corner and saw the thing blocking it got barked at for cleaning extremely dusty shelves and tvs at nine in the morning because there are customers in the department there was one on the other side of the department and my co-worker was already attending to them was consistently sent to my 30 minutes lunch three hours into my eight hour shift that was also the only break allowed got barked at by supervisor after selling three dollars and fifty cents k worth of stuff to someone because i didn't tack on an extra one dollar k of useless crap and was accused of quote selling from my own pocket which basically means selling based on what i could afford hammered daily about credit card signup goals that's all we heard every 30 60 minutes an update on how close to the daily store goal we were know how many signups i saw in my two weeks there none not for lack of trying lp guys would tell you over the walkie when someone walked into the department that got annoying quick compounded by the fact we were expected to go to them asap chat and hand them the little folder about our products that's how management saw we were actually talking to people i worked retail three years before going to best buy the way they ran things was just patch it insane compared to ways i had previously seen way too many retail stores have turned into credit card companies it is the reason amazon and walmart dominate i posted about this before but my boss actually came to my house demanded to see me to my roommates who inexplicably let him in and pointed to my room my boss went into my bedroom where i was in bed reading and thank god dressed and he proceeded to yell at me for 15 minutes about the status of the calendar display it was christmas season i managed to bookstore and the calendar display was probably a mess because they were so hard to keep neat stunned that my boss came into my private bedroom on my time off i simply did nothing i didn't know that was even a thing someone would consider doing my boss demanded i come in early the next morning along with someone from corporate wood would be there and i will get lectured on my calendar display and given lessons on how to set it up right then he left slamming my door behind him i called my girlfriend at the time and she convinced me to just quit and come to see her she lived 400 miles away and stay for christmas then i went to my roommates asked them incredulously why did you let that guy come in here i don't know he said he was your boss and looked mad and then packed i got a train ticket took my store keys off my keyring and got some sleep the next morning i walked into the store early met my boss and the corporate guy and silently i handed him my key and only said no hard feelings you shouldn't have done that though i turned around walked out of the store and took a train to cumberland i spent christmas with my girlfriend for a few weeks came back to my place and got another job within two weeks leaving a store around christmas time fricked my boss because he had to work my store arranged for floaters to cover him and he had to take over all the paperwork while running all the other stores in the district he probably had to work 80 hours weeks over christmas and into new year's according to my former employees when i came back to pick up my last paychecks my boss was shocked and overwhelmed he seemed completely bewildered why i quit when i told them they were like oh oh no that's not cool that's not cool at all also i ended up marrying that girlfriend final blow due to his scrambling he forgot to file i had quit until mid-january so i got paid for a month i didn't work there plus i got store bonus because i had been there a full calendar year according to the paperwork i had a boss ask me to change how i took my bipolar medication so i could trigger permanent mania as i got more done that way oh no working for waffle house as a floater manager meaning i covered anything for the restaurant manager or cook's waitresses not only cooking and waiting tables built doing inventories stock order bank runs managing the tills you name it the job was brutal 16 hours a day 14 or more days at a time before a day off then right back at it for another two weeks or more i usually got stuck working third shift and first shift which as anyone knows means the bar crowd on weekends which made it 10x worse plus the morning rush the next day also had to work every holiday being on my feet all the time and restaurant work made me not want to eat so i'd lost a drastic amount of weight and was burning out hard one day i'm on the phone with my dad and we have the following conversation about it dad sounds like you need to get out of there and find another job you can stay here at home until you do me okay i'll put in my two weeks dad why you gonna use them for a reference later me well no dad that was it i'd been asking for some day shifts for a long time not a night person either so i figured i'd look at the schedule and see where i was slotted to work for the next week sure as crap they put me on third shift all week went out to my car grabbed my uniforms and told the smiling dongo the manager thanks but no thanks i quit good luck covering the shift best part as i was walking back to my car the district manager and his bossy area manager were walking in i stopped to talk to them and they asked the standard how you doing today having just quit and having a huge burden just lifted from my shoulders i answered honestly i'm doing great best day of my life they smiled i waved got in my car and left i can only imagine their reactions when they got inside and found out i just quit leaving the restaurant manager to cover third shift himself since no one else was available which also meant the district manager had to cover day shift since this guy now had to work third best day ever cool dad being passed over for a change of shifts after two years and six months of requesting it graveyard will really mess with your life and seeing multiple new hires get day and swing pee me off to no end so i grabbed a case of beer wrote a really sarcastic note about not being dracula and how i deserved to see the sun taped it to the door and shoved the key through the crack after locking up so be kind to your local convenience store cashier because while you sleep they stand there under the fluorescent lights all night dealing with tweakers drunks stoners and weirdos worked at staples way back when i was 18 got transferred when i moved with my dad new boss tells me he personally accepted my transfer because he saw i was a good seller back where i was and he would be happy to have me and yappa tie up all the good stuff i was part-time but still managed to hold second ebb's selling rates after the full-time guy just as i did in the last store they knew i had no interest in selling their bulls extended warranty but i was good at doing so anyway even when i knew it was bulls most of the time people bought my stick every time suddenly four months after transferring i got a call from the store manager asked me to come in the office right away surprised i go in and expect to talk about a raise since i didn't yet have the three months raise we are supposed to have he tells me i am the worst employee he ever had told me i sold exactly zero warranty for the two months i was there and that he was really thinking about firing me but would give me a last chance to make it up for him also told me that i had the transfer only because he took me in pity and that if he listened to my last manager that i would never be here that she last manager was super unimpressed and recommended to not hire me the problem was last manager was not female it was a super cool dude that i still have good relations with the woman in question was the bee trying to overtake the manager position also i had proof that i was there for more th in two months and that that day i had sold 10 warranties already he would not listen to any of it so i got up and went back to work like nothing happened when i saw him coming back to look for me i took off my shirt in the middle of the busy store dumped my old butt crumbling shoes in the middle of an alley and folded my shirt on it took my flip-flops that were under the counter and walked home i got to call next morning from my superior telling me how sorry the boss was that he had made a mistake i came back next day to empty my locker and the manager was apologizing profusely he mistook me for another dude with the same name as me and got the wrong person frick off you old fart coma he mistook me for another dude with the same name as me and got the wrong person lol i worked in the kitchen of a popular pub chain in the uk over the summer when i was a student it wasn't great work but i got paid after summer i asked for a transfer to the pub of the same chain in my university city it went through and i got given a kitchen close shift as my first shift i turn up and there's one other person there and it's their first day working for the company the bar manager comes up and asks me to train them and complete the close full kitchen clean and restock for next day now i had done this plenty in my previous pub but i was new to this kitchen and didn't know where half the stuff was and the equipment was totally different i do what i can while trying to give the new girl some easier tasks it gets to 1am and i think we are done the bar manager comes up and goes ape crap at stuff i'd miss because it was not something we had in our pub i just laughed and told him to fix it then and just left went back to my old pub and they took me back on and i just worked weekends being treated like crap not respecting quitting time and allowing last minute trucks to arrive way past the allowed drop off time worked for a last mile cross dock operation since i was new i was always getting yelled for not moving quickly enough having to stay till 1 pm on saturdays we started shift at 10 p.m friday to lock up the warehouse bay doors one day shifts could have done so so i worked for three months and quit and my supervisor and hr dude didn't know why i laid it down for them my buddy still works there a year later nothing has changed not spite necessarily but definitely anger i was working at a bar in a popular family-oriented restaurant a customer came in who had previously been permanently banned for sexually harassing me and other employees the night he was banned he said something extremely inappropriate about me and when asked to leave by the management became belligerent and started cutting and yelling in the middle of a busy restaurant on a friday night this guy had also been a regular who would always make the female employees very uncomfortable and would come in blackout drunk then picture fit when we refused to serve him more alcohol him being banned was long overdue at this point guy walks in one night and sits himself right down at the bar about two three weeks after being permanently banned i immediately turned to my boss who was standing right next to the bar and asked him to deal with this guy my boss suddenly got all sheepish and started saying he had a long conversation with this guy and he promised he would be on his best behavior from here on out and to just go get him a beer i gathered my belongings and walked out right then and there turns out this guy was friends with the owner and the owner was fully aware of the situation and was fine with it they had been letting him into the restaurant and serving him the whole time he was banned on the condition he didn't come when i was working because they knew i wouldn't be okay with it but they also couldn't afford to lose me at the time jerks screw that i've worked at places like that and the only thing letting an 86 ed person back and accomplishes is letting every last regular know that the bartenders don't have control over the bar which is unacceptable you absolutely must have have each other's backs worked at a place that took horse racing bets got promoted to the back end of operation where i monitored tracks and conditions got sick of it almost immediately as the hours were sometimes awful for a start times hooray and the manager of the department would randomly go off on people for literally no reason and went off on me two days before the kentucky derby because i sipped coffee too loud while on the phone with her i called my friends work to see if they were still hiring for better pay no less i was told i could start in a week so i submitted my letter of resignation the day before the busiest day of the year in the horse racing industry and took a week off i asked for a raise because i'd been there a while boss called me into his office a few days later to discuss it proceeds to tell me what a horrible worker i am and how i was lucky to not have been fired yet so a raise was out of the question that cut i didn't think i was doing exemplary work but there's only so much you can do in a warehouse i gave two days notice the next day i had no plans for my future all i knew was that i didn't want to be stuck in a crappy warehouse job any longer bounced around a few odd jobs before i ran out of money then got my tesl certification and moved to korea now i've had a steady job for 80 years the job itself is incredible fun relaxing and rewarding it's everything i wanted from work it inspired me to continue my education and i got my masters in tessel now i'm married to an amazing girl and have two beautiful baby boys i own a house life is good everything worked out but i had to hit bottom to get here frick you warehouse the final nail was when my boss asked me her assistant manager to disperse employee checks while she was on vacation they were mailed from the home office and i had to separate and put them all in envelopes it was then that i realized this bee only offered me 50 cents more an hour than her favorite donut maker she was also making considerably more than the other donut maker as well when she got back i asked her about it told me it was a mistake the next payday she asked me to do the checks when i came in for my shift no problem with the exception that she had taken the donut makers check out and gave it to her personally so i wouldn't see it that was the final straw i'm not going to be blatantly lied to or taken advantage of so the next day i went in 10 minutes before my shift was to start and threw my name tag on the counter manager was worker register and told her that i can't stand a liar and i'm not going to work for someone like that the look on her face was awesome my co-workers told me she had to stay and cover my [ __ ] and all my shifts as well as her own for almost a month i took two weeks off and found another job that ended up paying way better with better hours ah frick you kathy i was working as a posse in australia around 1990 we started work at 5 30 am sorted the mail then walked out to deliver it once your mail was delivered you were free to go home a lot of the guys were very lazy and their beats were arranged to finish at the pub on the corner opposite the post office they would then go in there and rack up over time while claiming to be out delivering mail when in fact they were getting p sometimes the postmaster would try to sneak over to the pub to see if he could catch any of his blokes in there the barman would give them the alarm because they had their backs to the doors drinking away and they would go hide in the toilets till he went away again anyway being young and interested in fitness at that time i started jogging around my walking beat and delivering mail there were several times that i finished for the day before 9 00 am and once at around 8 a.m and that meant all my houses got their mail early too of course they were very happy about this i remember one woman complimenting me about it because before me they wouldn't get it till the afternoon well after a couple of months of this the postmaster came and told me because you've been finishing faster than the other guys we've decided your run isn't big enough and we're going to give you some of their streets so you're going to penalize your best worker me and reward the lazy fricks who are racking up fake over time in the pub no thanks i was in his office while he was telling me this once he finished i then resigned immediately he was still trying to talk me into staying as i walked out as it happened my brother had gotten a job with a national retailer a year ago and been asking me to join i walked out of the old job and was in a new one by friday and i wound up staying there for almost 13 years the reward for doing your assigned work and less than the allotted time will always be more work to do this is a law as immutable as gravity i just left a job last month selling cable door-to-door i won't give the name of the company but it rhymes with rectum now the job itself wasn't bad i'm a good sales person and being outside beats being stuck in an office hands down but management were dongs they would continually pressure the reps to work saturdays which are unpaid since were salary now keep in mind saturdays are not required from us hr had already ruled that art was optional but that didn't stop management from pestering us daily to the point of harassment we would get emails and phone calls daily asking us to commit in writing to saturday work it would come up in every meeting one of my co-workers was invited to sit in a management call where they referred to those who refused to work ot were called lazy and making excuses they even tried to write it in my monthly performance review that i would commit four hours every saturday i told my supervisor to delete that line or i wouldn't sign the review the final straw came in the last week of march during our monthly kickoff meeting there we all gathered in person for two hours and both the gm and director lectured us on how we need to put in more effort and show commitment instead of compliance fire tone and body language made very clear they were disdainful of people refusing to work ot they didn't care that we had lives outside of the company i knew that i had to leave i didn't bail immediately i wanted to make sure everything was accounted for and i didn't make the mistakes i made with comcast so i started emailing hr about my time off accruals i got an email confirmation that all my vacation time gets paid out to me if i quit and health care stays current until the end of the month i quit in this is important cause i had close to 70 hours of vacation time owed to me paid a time and a half that alone is almost three dollars k i forwarded those emails to my gmail i used up all my personal and sick time then i timed it so i knew i would get one last full paycheck before jivig official two weeks this was on the 7th of april so my last day would have been the 21st i go into the office on the 8th of april and management agrees in writing to pay out to the 21st plus expenses i walk away with another 2 k salary and 3 weeks of heathcare between all this money and what i have in the bank i could have gone six months without a job obviously i didn't want to do that so i immediately started interviewing i had a job offer within a week with a one thousand dollar sign on bonus tl dr boss was a dong over and paid ot i plan my resignation in a way that earns me an extra five dollars k and a month of health insurance now that is pro good on you kind of curious about what happened with comcast now though tl doctor worked a crappy sales job and was promised i could have a day off for my friend's wedding when i started creepy manager refused to let me switch my shift when the day came when i moved to a small town i had a hard time finding a job i ended up working in a sales position within the first month i had started working i had asked to keep a particular day free for a friend's wedding from the start there were issues the manager was this creepy guy in his mid-30s who would hit on every young girl who came into the shop and act inappropriately with my younger female co-worker he even said to me that he couldn't joke with me that way because i had a fiance there was no talking to the boss about anything because she was even weirder she used the manager like her personal errand boy and he took liberties like taking cash advances without permission from the till the manager said it would be no problem when i had worked long enough to make commissions the manager would step into my sales telling the customer i was still in training and essentially steal my commissions the other girls who worked there said he did the same thing to them on occasion i eventually snapped and called him out on it and the crazy sucker yelled in my face about it i'll admit i raised my voice as well when it came time for my friend's wedding i was scheduled for that day when i reminded him about it he said too bad so i asked another co-worker if we could switch shifts and she was okay with it but when we brought it to him he refused to allow it so i worked my last shift the day before the wedding then i emailed the boss and told her i was giving in my immediate notice i had even arranged for my other co-worker to cover my shifters to not leave them in a bind cause i'm nice like that he did show up at my house to demand to know why i had quit my fiance told him to get lost the best part was the week before a couple ladies who worked at our local municipality had come in to hook up their phones and both noted i seem to be a wasted talent there and gave me their number i went to work for the local government office after you roll up to anyone's house like that in my area while instigating unnecessary confrontation you get shot if you don't leave immediately i'd been feeling depressed and miserable one early but morning i just snapped i got sent home to shave at 6am despite having shaved the day before no car freezing december morning while i walked i realized this freaking sucks i can do better than this so i turned in my uniform when i got back found a job with nearly double the pay with more hours requiring half the effort my manager stopped answering my emails just stopped i was practically begging for a beating to discuss my future along overdue raise etc the last email i sent said you know what forget it don't need a beating now i freaking quit had a better job later that day making more with more benefits and half the stress dave if you're reading this you're freaked up bro he wanted you to quit not so much quit out of spite but just not go back out of spite was working at a fast food place in hs the place was a badly managed crap show but nothing quite bad enough to drive me off management had a book where people could request time off but i don't think they ever bothered to look in it i'd requested a day off to go on a school trip and came to back to find out i'd been scheduled that day and they wrote me up as a no call no show later that year i was scheduled to have some major surgery this had been planned and worked up to for literally years in advance as soon as i knew the exact date about four months before the actual procedure i let management know and kept reminding them on a regular basis up until the final day i'll bet you can guess what happened management called while i was being prepped for surgery claiming i'd been scheduled that day my dad answered and explained what was going on and the manager was absolutely shocked because she had no idea he laughed at her and hung up i never went back i had a manager call me seven times after i called and said i wasn't coming in because i had to go to the ear because i had one of two keys to the store and she couldn't be bothered to get the other one from the guy working at a different location that day my sister ended up bringing it to her and yelling at her i'm actually just getting ready to earlier this year jan i asked for a raise i'm a temp but i've been doing more work than the actual employees i was told they didn't have the budget for that one week later i'm given the job of auditing the actual employees that i work with since then i've been trying to make sure i can walk away w some semblance of financial security next friday i'm walking in to tell the boss i'm quitting best part since gaining to auditing job i've also taken on a ton of other responsibilities and they've fired two of the admin staff i'm the only one who actually knows how to do certain jobs and i'm the fastest worker too they're so screwed you should totally leverage this into a permanent job and a raise if he says no then walk i worked at attackable in high school for 1.5 years i was employee of the month nine times it got to the point where they just gave me a pretty large raise for my age and removed me from eot or consideration a new manager with a serious attitude problem hated me for some reason i had a day i called in sick but was convinced to at least come in for pre-opening morning stuff just to get the store on its feet the store opens at 10 a.m at which point b manager and a few staff are scheduled to start which is when i left by the time i got home i had a voicemail on our answering machine with this bee screaming saying i'm fired etc for job abandonment i called the regional manager who gave me my job back instantly my next shift we had a pretty big meeting with the regional manager store manager and the b manager this lady got blasted in as professional of a way as possible and it was glorious the meeting ends with the big dog managers getting this lady to apologize to me and she can just barely get it out without her head exploding if they asked if i had anything to add i quit i was a building manager for three years and was only given a ten dollar raise we had two employees leave who were never replaced i was told to clean the floors with cold water and no soap yet i was constantly reprimanded for not cleaning thoroughly enough i would work completely alone due to understaffing and the shifts would be scheduled 8-10 hours but they averaged 12-14 but the final nail in the coffin was me working a 16-hour shift alone when i was scheduled for eight i was a building manager during events so i couldn't just leave the next morning i threw my keys on my boss's desk and walked out i had put in my two weeks notice but didn't even make it a week my first job ever at a dollar store all of my co-workers were at least 15 plus years older than me and they talked more drama than what i experienced in high school i don't know what i did to this one lady but i had enough of it she spread a rumor that i hugged and kissed this old man that worked with me on the evening shift still a teenager that crap got to me it felt super awkward every time i worked with him he was a nice man kind of creepy at first glance but he had a lot of crap happen to him over his lifetime i ended up calling into my boss basically sobbing that i couldn't come in to work with said lady and that was that that job was complete but if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video so bye for now
Channel: UE Stories
Views: 310,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quit job on the spot, quit my job on the spot, quit my job on the first day, quit job like a boss, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2021, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: xcw76FzDMYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 53sec (2333 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.