Worst 10 Funko POPS! of 2023

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[Music] hey what's up guys did you miss me it's that time of the year again time to talk about the worst Funko Pops of 2023 of course not everybody's going to agree with me this is just my opinion and I'll give my reasons for picking each one when they come up and I hope you give me your opinion of the worst pops of 2023 in the comments below all right let's get to it starting at number 10 look I commend Funko for trying something new instead of just doing a pink paint job again but when I first saw this Princess Leia I honestly thought it looked like black face I'm sorry but it looks like blackace especially because her foil wrapper is all the way up to her neck so it kind of looks like a dress like look at this Jack Skellington see how his full wrapper is halfway down so it registers as like chocolate a little faster and and I understand why they didn't do that with Princess Leia because it kind of looks like he's taking his clothes off so if you do that with Leia it's going to look like she's topless and I will say that in person right not these glams in person it does kind of look like chocolate most of them anyway but I think the Leo one is a little just weird this glow in the dark Aragorn that doesn't glow the only thing that glows on this thing is a paper insert in the back not the pop it has this little piece on the bottom that looks like it should glow but I have not seen any evidence of that I can't find any pictures of that actually glowing only the backdrop and I think if funko's going to put glows in the dark on a box something on the pop better glow in- the dark this Marry Poppins on one of the carousel horses that's the size of a regular pop in this gigantic ass box why did they do that there's a very similar pop out already Minnie Mouse on the prince charming Regal Carousel that's the same size and it fits perfectly in a regular siiz box it just baffles my mind when Funko makes decisions like this it just makes no sense which one of these Gojo pops seems the most boring to you and which one looks like it's a con exclusive if you pick this one you're right it's the most boring and it's also a con exclusive this isn't something new that Funko is doing they've always used con stickers on some boring Pops to try to get people to buy them to try to get completionists to buy them like if you're a fan of this series why wouldn't you get the con release right but to me it is the most boring if you're a big fan of this property maybe you can let me know why this one's the coolest but to me it's the lamest one and they even reuse the body off of the commet the Jurassic Park breakout movie moment the reason I put this on the list is because this is just one movie moment that they cut in half and sold separately so they can charge you 60 bucks instead of 30 because even in these kind of build a scenes or the ones where it's like five different Pops that you can put together they should be able to kind of stand on their own and I don't think this Dr Grant just standing by the Jeep holding a flare can be its own movie Moment Like if the other half didn't exist I don't think this would be an impressive movie moment if they put this out people would be like where's the T-Rex right cuz that's kind of the whole thing I mean Dr Grant is cool but you need the T-Rex in there the T-Rex I guess could kind of stand on its own as a movie moment but splitting them in half like this just seems like greediness by Funko and that's what I don't like the design isn't bad once you put them together but then you have that seam in the Middle where it would just look better if they would have made one big moment this hologram Luke Skywalker that glows in the dark pretty cool right the Star Wars hologram pops are popular they have nice glows on them but then look at the finished product look at the lightsaber I'm sorry but that's a dong that's a straight up dildo with like a suction cup on it this whole line of Transformers rise of the beasts just looks ugly and cheap to me they all seem like they were limited to like three colors the way cheap toys are limited to only a few colors to save on cost and they just don't look very accurate like look at this how do you say that ARS look at the head on the Funko Pop and then look at the head on the actual character from the movie The Colors don't seem to match it's lacking a lot of detail and like the design of the movie looks cool but this pop just doesn't it's ugly and it looks very cheap and look at this turd this diamond glitter Darth Vader doesn't make sense and is a perfect example of Funko just being creatively bankrupt of all the things they could have done I think if you ask most Star Wars Funko Pop collectors this is not what they wanted a lot of the nft pops look really nice including this Ranger Slayer I'm not putting it on here because it has a terrible design or anything it's because the nft pops are hard enough to get right you have to get lucky or you have to spend a lot of money then you have to get lucky again that they ship him to you without damage and let's say you get lucky several times and you get this Ranger Slayer and then Funko decides to put out a cooler version of it a few months later for PX previews and you can get it for 15 bucks that is ridiculous because the PX previews one is more detailed it looks nicer it looks a little different so maybe one's from one season one's from another they're close enough to where I I guess unless you're a really hardcore Power Rangers fans you can't even tell but there are slight differences but this is essentially the same pop it's the same character if I would have spent a bunch of money getting that nft Ranger Slayer and then this came out I'd feel terrible no I'd feel stupid I'd feel stupid for spending money on the nft one all right before I get to number one let's talk about some dishonorable mentions this Vlad plasmus which is also an nft pop has a gray streak in the middle of the hair on the glams but the actual Pop Funko just left it off I guess you can argue that if you look at the cartoons it's like maybe a highlight and his hair is just all black and that's just kind of a highlight so I can understand if Funko would have just made it all black but they put a gray streak on the box so to me it looks like they forgot to either paint it or they forgot to remove it from the box it's not that big a deal I guess but for an nft pop that costs a lot of money and you have to get lucky for they really need to pay a little bit more attention to the details I think just reusing the Cyrax dragon body for coraxis is a little lazy they did do a new head which is nice but Caris has a super super long neck so they could have got away with using most of the body but they should have added a longer neck to make it a little bit more accurate just seems a little lazy and like Funko going look you're going to buy it anyway here's your dumb Dragon we know it's not accurate and you're going to buy it anyway and they're right this Pokemon Center Pikachu it cracked me up when it came out probably because I don't collect Pokémon but it was like a mystery one it was super hyped everyone was all excited and then it comes out and it's just a reused Pikachu mold with a slight metallic sheen on it I mean it's still sold out but I remember a lot of people just being like like that's it a reused mold with a slightly metallic paint job on it I thought that was kind of funny all right now on to number one quick which baton is a GameStop exclusive and which baton is the chase if you guessed left is the chase you're right and right is the GameStop exclusive that came out months after the chase I think this is even worse than the Pink Ranger one because these are nearly identical pups at least the Pink Ranger had a few design elements that were different but this is just one of her holding her guns out and one of them holding her guns down this is nearly identical and I think if I was looking at somebody's collection out of box and I saw either one of these pops it wouldn't register in my brain like oh you got a Chase there cuz they look so so similar and another reason I put it at number one is because this Chase was so overproduced Bok andon pops were selling for dollars like you can buy a bunch of them I want to say for like three bucks cuz they just made so many there's probably more of this Chase than there are of a good number of comments from other series and then they go and make another one for GameStop I just don't understand the thought process here a little bit of research from Funko would have told them that this Chase wasn't selling for very much so that means the demand isn't matching the supply so why and go and make another one just a very bizarre decision and a perfect example of I think one of funko's major problems overproducing not being creative enough and killing the value of their own product all right guys that was my worst of Funko for 2023 let me know what you guys think is the worst especially if I left it off this list and what you think is the best as well cuz I'm working on that video and I hope you guys have a merry Christmas and a happy new year take care foree spe
Channel: Collecting Plastic
Views: 27,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top ten, top 10, worst, funko, pops, pop, collecting plastic, colllectibles, bad funko pops, ugly funko pops, countdown, list, vinyl, hobby, chase, worst of the year, 2023
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2023
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