Top 10 Most Expensive Funko Pops (2023)

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I own a lot of Funko pops and some of them are pretty pricey and so I thought it would be fun because it is almost the end of the year to go through my top 10 most expensive figures and now all of the prices that I'm talking about today are going to be in USD and this is based off of Pop price guide and what they're sitting at right now and so let's start with number 10 which is going to be the glow-in-the dark Jason Vorhees this is actually a figure I got a couple years ago from my friend Kenny apparently they had re-released it and he was able to find one in a store for retail also something kind of interesting about the Jason Vorhees Chase is that there's a couple different versions of him one with a translucent mask there's also a blue glow and green glow this one here happens to be the green glow though and sits at $540 and I know what you guys are thinking we're starting off the list at over 500 yeah pretty crazy now sitting at number nine I have a figure actually it's a two pack of figures that I did not expect was going to be on it today I've had this in my collection for a long time oh wait a second and I know why it's gone up in value let me just show you which figures I'm talking about it is the Adventure Time Fiona and Cake 2 pack yeah now I'm putting two and two together because this year they actually made a Fiona and Cake spinoff I don't know why I didn't think of that till right now but either way this is an amazing two pack I picked up over at HMV in let's see here 2014 so it has been a while also something really interesting about this is the way they did this two pack and this is actually how they used to do all of the older ones where it was both characters faces on the front kind of like how they do a single box but flipped and put together and if I'm going to be honest I am enjoying this way more than I like the new way that they do it where it's got like the window that goes all the way around and I guess you can see more of the figure but to me I don't really care about that I just like how this looks oh and also if you guys want to pick this one up today it's going to run you about $570 again a really crazy one that definitely shot up because of the new show now we're getting into a brand new figure that I picked up this year and it is an amazing one from the Star Wars line we have the holographic Darth Vader it is so cool because this one here was exclusive to I believe Texas ComicCon it was Dallas Comic-Con so a little bit more specific than Texas but if you guys want to take a look at him there he is and this actually falls into the category with Wicket Jar Jar Binks Admiral abbar Lando kissian R2-D2 and queen amadala so seriously some amazing characters as one I think the most expensive one out of these here is probably either Lando or jar jar one of the two and I got to say I love the glow on this thing it is the complete figure minus the base of course even though I feel like that would have been a really cool bonus if they took that black base and made it kind of that blue translucent color too but either way this is still a really fun one to have in the collection I've actually got in a bit of a harder stack because this one here is coming in at $820 and now because I did pick this one up this year I did pay a little bit more than retail for it I think it was somewhere in the 700 so it's still gone up from there but uh yeah I paid a lot more than say the $15 now number seven everybody we have one that was never actually released it's weird that they even got out there but it is the metalic Charizard That was supposed to be exclusive to WonderCon such an amazing figure and I honestly don't know how this figure even got out there like there must have been a few cases that just happened to show up on eBay and then besides that there aren't any of them anywhere it's also funny to me because they've actually done a bunch of metallic versions they're kind of like this I don't know they're kind of like this purpley kind of shine color why am I blanking on what they're called per lescent was the word that I'm looking for and this is not that they've only ever made I believe two or three different metallic characters there was the Charmander one that actually released and I'm looking at all my Pokémon ones maybe that was it I think so and then of course we have this one here which is actually funny enough $100 more than the last one that we just talked about coming in at 920 so we are just about at the $1,000 Mark with this figure here and it's probably because this one never officially released so that's why it's so high now we've got another set of figures that I picked up this year and I actually got a pretty decent deal on it I believe I paid before I even show you what the figure is about $600 maybe $700 somewhere around there and anyways it is check it out guys the manam and snou three pack this year is such a fun one because it's a super limited set there's only 480 of these in the world it was exclusive to San Diego Comic all the way back in 2012 and I am such a big fan of the Muppets so when I saw this one was available I knew I had to go for it even though it was a little bit more expensive than retail of course and now if I were to guess what they were selling it for in 2012 it probably would have been about $30 just just like an estimate because I know that they've brought up the price of the three packs and two packs but back then they were relatively cheap I'm also really enjoying the backside of this box too because when you take a look at it it's got both of the characters and the monoma in the middle and I know that there's a bit of a crease so so mine isn't like the complete value you guys might even be able to see it up by the Muppets logo there but this is just such an amazing one I had to go for it anyway and now if you're wondering what the price is sitting at for this one it's actually $960 so pretty crazy and it is the last figure we've got on my list under 1K now the next two that I've got here go together so I'm going to show you them one at a time but I'll keep them on because you'll see what I'm talking about in a second so the first one that we've got here is the Han Solo Stormtrooper that was exclusive to Emerald City Comic-Con back in in 2011 so pretty much the first year that they really started making Funko Pops of course there was a couple in 2010 but they never really took off till the next year and this one here is sitting at $1,010 there's only a th000 of this one in the world which really is crazy because if you want that Han Solo Stormtrooper which is a pretty iconic thing from the first movie ever you're probably going to want this and now if you know which other character was also wearing a stormtrooper outfit I might as well show you now this is the number four spot for today and it is lukee Skywalker wearing his suit Luke actually comes in at $1,070 which is just a little bit more than Han and I don't know why they're not the exact same like aren't people selling these together in a bundle but either way I will tell you guys I definitely did not pay that amount I actually believe it was a little bit under I think I saved about 300 bucks at what they're at now so it was a bit of a better deal but still a lot for sure and also if you guys want to take a look on the back here you can see that thousand piece sticker which was a bit of a weird thing for Funko to do because nowadays they would just put it on the front inside of the sticker where they normally would have the Emerald City Comic-Con one on the front for these also when I saw that they were up in a bundle like this I knew I had to go for it because I didn't want to just have one of them but not the other so this really is a perfect set to own one other thing that I'm not sure about is are they the exact same numbers as the original Han and Luke or are they different ones because that would be super annoying for somebody trying to finish off the entire Star Wars collection we've made it to the top three figures and I think this next one here is probably one of the most unique ones on the list and if you guys want to take a look at it check this out it is the San Diego Comic-Con exclusive limited to 1 th000 pieces SpongeBob Leonardo and Plankton Shredder I mean come on that thing is sick it also comes inside of a lunchbox it is the only set of Funko Pops that I have like this and I remember when I purchased it it actually came in the original bag and I took it out of it maybe I don't know was a good thing does the value go down I'm not sure I don't think it does though but either way it's a figure that'll be staying in my collection for as long as I possibly can I don't plan on selling this thing and yeah this is just such an amazing one if you guys want to take a look on the back here that is what it's looking like and also the plankton for the longest time actually I think still it's the only way you can get them as a pop which is seriously amazing also I've never actually taken these out of the you know what just for fun for today let's uh let's open this up and actually see what they look like because I've never taken them out of the box I don't think but uh yeah let me see can I take out the Plankton here I'm going to do it check this out everybody there is plankton as Shredder how weird okay you know what everybody I'm going to take SpongeBob out just because I know that there is something interesting on the back that I want to show you okay he actually came out pretty reasonably to it if you guys want to check this out there he is on the front with the mask and then when you turn him around he actually has a turtle shell how unique something else that I really enjoy about this one too is where they would normally have their you know like initials on the front for Leonardo Donatello Michelangelo this one here says SB for SpongeBob and so anyways everybody let's close this thing back up before I drop it and possibly wreck it in some way I got to be careful with this thing still oh and I haven't even told you the price yet it's coming in at 1,250 I know I know kind of crazy but anyways guys that is the set right there it's also number one in the pop television line is it really I thought that was I thought that was I thought I thought that was Homer I don't I know either way still an amazing set now coming in at number two we have an amazing gift that I actually got last year from somebody special Mike Becker and if you guys don't know he is the founder of Funko and it is something that I think is serly so amazing to have in the collection let me show you guys what I'm talking about here it is the hall h Ahsoka I love this thing and even though there is a value on pop price guide to me this thing is priceless of course I will tell you what that number says but first let's actually take a look at the figure here because this is is limited to 500 pieces and it was only available at Hall h which is at San Diego ComicCon but there's a bit of a kicker because it was never actually given out it just happens to have that sticker and I don't know what happened there did they come in late or maybe they just forgot to give them out but either way Mike Becker's been like handing them out personally to different people I know a few different individuals that have them and he's slowly been giving out more and more of them so it is crazy to see them going into collector's hands and so anyways everybody this figure here is coming in at 1,000 520 but again like I said Priceless to me and now everybody if you've been watching my videos for a while you might know what's coming in at number one it's actually been number one I think for what four maybe 5 years at this point it's crazy how long it's been here but we have the you guys ready for this one 9 in metallic Buzz Lightyear and now if I'm going to be honest I feel like the number that's on pop price guide might actually be a little bit out of date because I know some of these have been selling on whatnot and I'm not sure if they track every single one of those sales but either way it is such an amazing character this is actually something that was gifted to be by my grandfather and I've had this in the collection ever since and he only paid $50 for it he actually picked it up on Gemini Collectibles cuz he was like what do you want for Christmas and I showed him this and he said sure and every time I used to show him this he would say how crazy it wasn't that I should sell but I'm like no you gifted it to me I need to keep this in the collection forever so this is just such an amazing thing to have and I know that there is a little bit of a tear on this sticker which is definitely too bad but it actually came from a damage box and paint floss tail and that's like one of the only problems with it so you really can't complain that much and if you guys want to take a look on the back it's got some of the other characters that you could have purchased this size which is like Steamboat Willie as well as Maleficent this figure here was also limited to 360 pieces you could only get it over at San Diego Comic-Con back in I believe it was 2011 it might even say on the bottom here yes 2011 and if you're wondering what this one's going for now it's actually $4,100 like way higher than that 50 bucks and well everybody there you go that is my top 10 most expensive Funko pops and let me know in the comment section below what's a funko pop that you purchase that's worth a little bit but seriously though this has been a lot of fun and I hope that you guys did enjoy and I'll see you tomorrow
Channel: Top Pops
Views: 177,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funko, rare, retired, exclusive, top, chase, pops, walmart, marvel, dc, target, Hot Topic, Barnes and Noble, best buy, star wars, Funko Pop, EB Games, GameStop, top pops, top 10, expensive, spongebob, tmnt, teenage mutant ninja turtles
Id: 1rJZqd60m88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2023
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