World's Most Overpowered Weapons!

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this cannon shoots 100 arrows and this is a freaking rocket launcher in minecraft and this is the largest minecraft sword ever it's kristin chandler versus carl and nolan and whichever team wins the most battles in this video gets two ten thousand dollar pcs and we're starting things off in this ginormous arena and all the guys are equipped with thor's hammer begin the duel go trailer come on like right oh they're already throwing oh carl's getting wrecked you're going down die oh oh my god we kill each other oh come back i mean i'm rubbing the hole yeah this is your gaming debut nolan don't suck no one sucks i don't have my hammer anymore nolan chris and chandler have one point nolan and carl have zero and whichever team loses gets pelted by mcdonald's burgers you're going down nolan no server spawn the lasers oh my these lasers can break blocks hurt each other begin go go go i i'm going after nolan because he's the worst i'm going after carl carl do you see him oh carl jacobs with this flank he's going down i can get chandler out i can't move jayla is the type rope oh could i move yes chris you left me i'm dueling nolan i made him oh yeah you better run nolan [Music] come on 1v1 now you can clutch this who is the better gamer chris has more health oh nice nice nice chris if you lose you're bad watch this come on got one one heart oh oh my god it's nice nice nice nice blue team has two points red team has zero this is an arrow cannon that shoots 100 arrows and since red team is getting stumped i'm going to give you both your laser cannon and your thor hammer back hey losing works sometimes go all right listen nolan which one are you better with i'm thinking i'm bad at aiming so the crossbow is probably pretty good yeah you use the crossbow they're playing cautious too they shifted all right use the building for cover oh shoot they're shooting the laser all right i am shooting crossbows ah i hit him i'm shooting up his cover i'm getting rid of their cover okay let's be aggressive all right oh he hit me i push push push all right they're pushing they're pushing yeah i know i'm shooting oh he's on me he's on me i'm shooting him go for chandler keep pushing with the lasers i'm getting a kill this time i'm hungry nevermind i'm pushing so hard right now oh i got four hearts i don't need you to kill you just can't die okay pushing push and push him getting old he's chasing me he's right here getting old and getting all the nolan's down one more one more get him get over here they're two be one of me they're almost dead back up back up he's lazy and he's lazing watch out this is jordan boyce he's got you pinned in the tightropes ah oh he's just gonna use the laser like a nerd what a nerd how much help is chris on i need to kill chris wow use the op weapon yes with no handicaps at all kristin chandler 2 carl and nolan won this battle's op weapon is the mega sword this thing's huge oh my god carl i think you should sneak out of your room and switch computers with nolan oh that's a good idea [Music] you are now nolan everyone take your ginormous sword and start whacking each other go go let's go whack him all right let's go wait nolan twist chris go for carl jacobs yep come on oh my god i'm hitting him no one's focusing me oh i'm down i'm down hard so i'm down hard sorry chandler renting's in the lead yo yo who turned the hacks on he's on seven health six carl plays minecraft so much he's sweating so hard i'm gonna get chandler oh carl's even back off back off back off cheers at one no i got chandler i got chandler oh no way let's get him let's get him we won carl plays this game every night it is now 2-2 you have a 50-50 chance of each walking away with a 10 000 pc or getting pelted by mcdonald's burgers fun the next weapon whoa this weapon right here is a shotgun but it shoots grenades have fun boys go go go go go go go go go go nolan don't follow me if you're not shifting i'm shifting i'm shifting wow they're shifting in a gun game when do you see them now do you see their name tags you gotta run are we are we attacking oh yeah yeah i got him once nolan up top up top of the dock got carl all the good old bait switch nolan's flanking no got him no one's dead oh my god are you kidding we're pushing carl pushing carl i'm flaking right i'm flaking right got him again oh what's up destroyed we're getting free pcs chandler and they're getting mcdonald's the next weapon is this rocket launcher you are all now standing on top of a building in this beautiful city character shreds have fun okay we're gonna stay on the roof as much as possible boom hey it jump up yo i'm launching at him i'm shooting at him i'm going to give chris a little region all right chandler chandler we got to regroup they're shooting at me we have the high ground stay up here whoever's on the roof just sniping me you're dead to me come over here they have the high ground and they're wailing down on you i know ah i hit him i hit him i hit him here i was just gonna give you guys ladders there's ladder sorry oh now i'm one shot hey you guys should try to shoot a hole under them so they fall oh he's shooting up through the building carl i'm i'm ah girl got him girl he rocket jumped to save him did you fall in yes i fell in oh yeah no one's so bad you're the only human that'll lose on high ground go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go carl's here i see him hey how's he up here now how's he up here [Music] oh nice nice nice okay where is chandler oh he's on the ground i'm shooting from above i'm shooting from above oh okay they're trying to double team i'm running away go go go go go go go push push push push push push i'll keep suppressive fire you just keep pushing him if he hits me once i'm dead one of them is pushing and one of them is literally just shooting at me i'm gonna try to pull away and then get him alone oh my god bad rocket jump come on he oh he got me okay all right that's 1v1 now [Music] how does he have 13 health what yes yes i hit him so many times carl just 2v1 them yeah blue team has three points and red team has three points wait that means we're tied this is the final round with max mr red team can you please get in your mix suit on what button do i press again carl dolly can't even figure out how to get in it oh i mean all right i'm in store nolan all the mac anime you watch prepared you for this i don't watch mech anime nolan push this way shut up about anime ah i'm dodging bullets i need help i need help i need help push back left chris i haven't hit you a single time oh bye take it back watch out all right he's shooting all right i'm coming i'm coming it's carl's on me hey trailer where are you i'm here oh chris is getting double-teamed yo he's getting messed up this is ours carl this is us this is us oh carl's is coming after you i got some good ants i got some good hits we got this car we got us in the bag it's low i think i'm up three health i got to get out of here he's running he's running he's bailing all right push on him no it's going all the way no one does not care i'm distracted keep pushing him you need to kill me or else we lose ah dead shot i'm low i'm low i'm low on low aim on the front one ah i'm dead chris is out he's pissing me he's on me no one's on me oh let's get him let's get him get challenged come on they're pushing back up back oh my god we came back yes wow red team got the dove you guys just want ten thousand dollar pcs what are you gonna do with it i'm gonna learn how to play minecraft better yeah since you guys got the dump you get to pelt them fun time you gotta be better your secret sauce hey carl carl last burger
Channel: MrBeast Gaming
Views: 30,188,936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OF7SU-bm_IU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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