World's Largest Vegetable Market, Green Cliffs & a Dwarf Village | Mystery Places | Free Documentary

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[Music] the journey to our mysterious place leads us to India to the capital of the kite fighters in January the Indians celebrate the end of winter with a kite festival and send millions of these paper planes into air combat all at the same time essential rules every man for himself and cut loose as many opposing kites as possible in flight good piloting skills and razor-sharp kite strings are decisive the air combat brings much fame and glory or bloody fingers our medibot in northern India where nearly everyone participates in the air combat 19 year old Yash is a student he's said to be the best kite fighter in the quarter tomorrow he wants to try and outnumber his own record of 20 cutoff kites for this reason he visits the greatest kite market because apart from his superior kite flying skills he also needs the best material during the first weeks of January pole streets of houses turn into improvised kite factories [Music] many residents turn their ground floors into small shops for these colored flying objects they all want to participate financially in the height about 60 million euros of turnover are generated within just a few days by selling kites and kite equipment most kites last just a couple of flights Yash intends to buy fresh flying apparatus at his trusted dealer the colored paper kites are called Patong they look harmless but are very effective in air combat strong wood sticks and thin paper are probably the best thing I can get in a kite if I want to take it off long and long I can take it easily now Josh needs the optimal string he'll find it in a courtyard just around the corner a famous string maker from the neighbouring province has set up shop to make some real money here because without a proper string the partners are just toothless Tigers to make the court razor-sharp workers apply a homemade paste to it finely pulverized glass splinters are mixed with rice paste pink pigment and soap slime are added to keep the mixture flexible [Music] yeah he added as you can see he took the normal look directly at it the extra glass powder because to make this thing stable and quite strong so that I'll get a better grip and strong like bite flying in the sky so that people don't come into my life only experienced ring makers are allowed to apply the splinter paste onto the cords it becomes dangerously sharp as soon as it dries customers like Yosh carefully makes sure that their string is evenly coated from all sides 200 metres of the finest quality costs 4 euros mass-produced strings from China are much cheaper but significantly inferior in air combat [Music] even though the festival starts tomorrow there are some kites up in the air already mo just can't wait the 14 year old comes from school at lunchtime and looks for opponents he is considered to be the best kite fighter in his class and wants to stay the best to hem else family lives quite typically in a house with a roof terrace but on his way up he has to cross paths with his mother [Music] there's no sense in arguing it's still his mom who makes the rules [Music] well one small exception to the rule mo is allowed to show us his collection of fighter kites before lunch one floor down his mother has changed her tune in the province of Gujarat which is famous for its refined taste special dishes are served during the week of the kite festival more and more people with their kites show up on the terraces in late afternoon a sort of public warm-up for tomorrow's great day of battle Hemel also wants to practice today and is hoping for some advice from a very special neighbor 60 year old Arvind is a living kite fighter legend he shows him all how to best bridle the kite in order to find the ideal balance the strings must be attached at the exact right places this is the decisive factor when it comes to steering the kite [Music] see the balance come on come on not at all easy but Hamill concentrates much better than when he's doing his homework [Music] also become powerful and the decision-making you have to decide how to fly kites we have to decide when to cut the kites our neighbors kites and then they finally go up to the roof for the practical part on the evening before the kite festival many Indians test their abilities the only rule everyone challenges everybody else from roof terrace to roof terrace as soon as two kites meet the battle begins both opponents try to hit the others string it's a question of timing wind and the smallest steering manoeuvres whoever finds a better angle and hits the opponent's string with more speed wins [Music] the kite fighters do not worry about the sharp strings taking their toll gloves would only be in the way of a good flight feeling [Music] Josh's roof is just about 200 meters from Hamels roof he too is practicing flying his kite in the sunset is it a common means in India to impress the girls [Music] ha not possibly but yeah it depends upon your personality because Indian girls are kind of shy always hiding their roofs and all yeah instead of the girls like my sister she's loving the children yah his older sister Urvashi is one of the few female kite fighters or Vash she gives her all for kite fighting for her it's a distraction from work and sport at the same time but still you want to fly so we just keep on trying trying trying bossy and yash fly their kites until darkness tomorrow is the great kite festival and both want to take down from the sky as many patents as possible the party already starts at nighttime anyone who hasn't had the time for kite shopping yet sets off now to secure the last flying objects thousands of people turned a sail into a fair without even a drop of alcohol alcohol is forbidden throughout the province Yash and Urvashi are also looking for last shopping items you can never have enough fresh supplies at The Kite Festival [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the stands close as late as 3:00 a.m. in the morning the people are left with little sleep before they have to climb up onto the roofs to join the air combat the next morning Urvashi goes for a fast ride around town her first stop a small restaurant where they served the traditional kite festival sweets the jalebi first they're nicely fried in grease and then dipped into sugar syrup as sweet as it gets jalebis a part of the kite festival like the Christmas turkey is for us [Music] porvoo she's next stop is for safety reasons all across the city there are loose kites flying around there cutoff cords turn into a track for the cyclists [Music] there is only one remedy these safety wires during the kite festival day laborers sell these wire straps for 50 cents apiece a life-saving investment but in spite of the wires several people do get injured every year the birds run an even higher risk on this festive day they are startled by the kites and then get caught up in the razor-sharp cords a bird Rescue Center takes care of the victims injured pigeons birds of prey and crows arrived by the minute volunteers pick up the birds all across the city and bring them to the emergency center by moped the student mu Nami helps every year by the kite string our Center G Thatcher able press for its treatment the bird savers save more than 5,000 Birds at every kite festival Mon Ami recovers a bird of prey they are hurt most often because they try to chase the intruders away the bird rescue is funded by well-off Indian animal lovers the bird rescuers have little sympathy for the kite festival so I really don't fly at lunchtime the streets of America are quieter than on any other day of the year but on the roof decks there is a lively hustle and bustle the 14th of January is a public holiday in the province of Gujarat traditionally people here celebrated with a kite battle in the early afternoon Hemel is already in a party mood he's achieved his goal and has taken down 15 kites from the sky even though he won't receive a prize it won't take long for the word to spread around the neighborhood [Music] on the roof of Yasha Zant over Xi's house but kite party with friends and family is in full swing the sky looks like it's raining confetti but these colored spots are thousands of kites now everything depends on the wind and how alert Yash remains not an easy challenge with the general party mood around him there are no official certificates but being successful earns you recognition from the neighboring roofs of a she's mother serves the guests traditional snacks the whole day long Yash is still fully focused on the battle but after two hours he runs out of luck Griet man he can't break his own record this time the wind was too weak and came from the wrong direction but an Indian kite fighter doesn't let it get him down a quick photo of his sister and himself and the kite festival comes to a romantic end [Music] hundreds of thousands of lanterns replace the patterns in the sky but exactly one year from now the kites will return from India our journey goes on to China our next destination is Zhang Sheng in China from here we drive about 250 kilometers to the village of Zhang Xiao why do we take on this strain we are looking for a green mountain painted over by villagers the driver tells us that this mountain is a real issue of dispute it takes us more than four hours to travel these 250 kilometers Jiang Xiao is situated in the mountains most people here are poor farmers who earn their living by growing vegetables and farming animals do you recognize the green mountain from you I wanna show that our going to the time a reasonable criticism after three hours of hiking we finally arrive at our destination [Music] since mr. temple fun in photo photo streamed in fact the Green Mountain of China a gigantic rock face which is simply been painted over the rock Massif declines vertically downwards this is more than 50,000 square meters of painted stone who does something like this directly opposite is a small temple this is where we meet the monk chuan fen another hike away we reach a small settlement this is where the great Fung Shui Master who is responsible for the coloring of the mountain is supposed to live the great master is currently not at home but his family invites us in for a meal his brother as well as his wife have helped paint the mountain - lieutenant Chevy's our onion every toast you those are the bits without other hhha by affinity to it rather than its like no you did a show that our canola ah so this is the reason the family's house lies directly in front of the rock face the bright rock is said to send out the spirits of the white tiger these are held responsible for bad luck and natural disasters that's why the Fung Shui Master has simply painted the rock green because green is a lucky color the next morning the whole village is in a flurry of excitement the Fung Shui Master is obviously very irritated he absolutely doesn't agree with the painting Banshee gang is responsible for the great mountain mural he's already invested two months of his time and about 15,000 euros to free his village from the evil spirits together with a friend he is checking the equipment [Music] the hiking gear is stored in the goat shed next door they need it to be able to reach even the higher up places of the rock face they use latex color for painting it's not exactly environmentally friendly since the plastic is poorly biodegradable altogether the Fung Shui master and his family have invested more than 1,000 working hours and their entire savings in the Green Mountain now they are lacking the money to repair the spraying equipment fifty thousand square kilometres have already been colored green another 10,000 are to follow the extent of the mountain coloring is even better visible from the skies an extremely painstaking undertaking in this inaccessible area because the only path to the rock leads through bamboo and thorn tendrils after just under 45 minutes youngji Gong has arrived at his destination [Music] he doesn't let the ban nor his empty wallet stop him [Music] sakura-chan wiser well to talk we see it essential for anything in your house the chorus stroke after stroke young shegaon comes closer to his goal to color the whole mountainside for his family to be more fortunate are there any first signs of success if neighbors and authorities condemn his painting activities youngji gang unwaveringly cuts his own path but some time will pass until the whole rock is painted green our journey continues to Africa in Zimbabwe we meet Nikita one of the most famous photographers in the country she's very passionate about abandoned places and there are plenty of them in Zimbabwe in fact this south african country was relatively wealthy until the 1990s a popular tourist destination but then the government descended into a dictatorship and the economy was mismanaged today the 29 year old photographer wants to explore one of the abandoned hotels in the east of the country I'm gonna try and find can't take her or someone on the property normally these are properties even if they're abandoned they'll be someone living there that is getting paid just to kind of you know make sure that no sweeps come or anything like that apparently the caretaker used to work in the hotel himself Nikita hopes he will be able to provide her with some information I'm Nikita okay what's your name blade one okay are you the caretaker for yes yes so do you mind showing us around maybe we can take a few pictures okay yes the hotel went bankrupt in the late 1990s that was when the government confiscated the farms of white Zimbabweans the economy collapsed and the tourists stopped coming Brighton the caretaker really did used to work in the hotel and he can still remember the times when it was full of tourists [Music] I like the dining room not much remains of the old glamour oh and I can see a pool down there yeah put some water yeah yes but you know so at the hizmet wiki Nikita the photographer of abandoned places is looking for appropriate shots this was a stove and then what would happen everything would warm up parts all over yes I wonder what year this is from maybe a hundred years ago yeah right to the very end the staff would cook on the old stove from the colonial period it's an outstanding motif for the photographer of ruins [Music] next Brighton wants to show Nikita the old hotel bar which had a certain notoriety it was popular not only with tourists but also with the local farmers but that's a long time ago the tourists and the farmers have all disappeared and the land is in ruins Wow and this isn't all but Nikita finds 1 million two hundred and fifty thousand dollars only this is back when we had our sim dollars three lions for 16 million five hundred thousand that's appear today Zimbabwe has abandoned its own currency and uses US dollars instead in the hotel's Winter Garden a surprise awaits the photographer I think it's good to see his face you know even if it's abandoned by what it used to be at least it's being utilized for something right now that the big farms are lying fallow many people have been forced to grow maize themselves the janitor Brighton uses the old hotel garden for this purpose nikita decides to take a photograph from the outside having people with the derelict buildings is a dream I mean the buildings are beautiful but I just feel like having a face in it brings so much more character to the picture our next destination is in Harare the capital of Zimbabwe actually that used to make matches drays abate so we're gonna see if we can find it I have basic directions that I'm not exactly sure where it is the factory is in the industrial region of Harare the photographer gets into the abandoned building and finds the remains of the old factory [Music] it actually kind of looks like some of this building has been burnt down which is possibly why they closed it in the first place but I really want to go and check out what else is around when Nikita has resolved to get into an abandoned place it would take more than a locked factory gate to stop her Wow look at these old computers God those are ancient Nikita makes discoveries everywhere it's literally like people just live work and nothing's been cleaned up there are still warning signs for workers who vanished years ago guys I think I found something cool the photographer is fascinated by an old laboratory there are still bottles here full of chemicals all covered with a thick layer of dust [Music] everything looks as though the employees simply stopped coming to work one day oh wow amazing the photographer hopes to capture the special atmosphere of the old factory [Music] I really want to get a picture of the factory from up there so hopefully it's safe I'm going to try and get up here abandoned buildings ruins bankrupt companies there are plenty of them in Zimbabwe no doubt Nikita's book with photographs of abandoned places will soon be full to the brim we continue our journey to India Chennai India 8.5 million inhabitants here you find the largest fruit and vegetable market in the world as large as 11 soccer fields [Music] 150 tons of fruit and vegetables are on sale here daily among them the largest fruit in the world 3000 merchants with 40,000 employees a market as big as a village with its own police and its own elected mayor a mega market that never sleeps but how does it work 3 a.m. 25 degrees Celsius and rush hour in the city has already started right in the middle of it truck driver Malik he's in a hurry what Malik tries to do is the exact same thing that 400 other truck drivers intend to do unload the problem there are no marked parking zones people unload wherever it's possible to regain some control over this chaos the market officials close the gates as early as 4:00 a Malik is lucky and manages to get one of the last free parking spaces no time to lose now five tons of spinach must arrive at the dealers as quickly as possible step number two the bicycle rickshaws they carry the spinach to the wholesale dealer or directly to the stands this is how 150 tons of fruit and vegetables are delivered here every day 5 a.m. temperatures are rising the peak period in the vegetable quarter vegetable dealer GDR has been up for three hours already and his working day is actually just starting he must sell the products he has just received as quickly as possible because there are no cool storing places on the cry seconds time and against the increasing heat that's why the co Umberto is considered to be the toughest market in the world the sacks change owners by the minute now [Music] the dealers are trying to undersell the competitors with loud roaring gd-r is one of the fastest and most successful wholesale dealers here that's why the dealers elected him as market mayor [Music] mr. Palani is a true Koyambedu Dyn he works as a Quality Manager for the banana cooperative but today it's not about bananas it's about banana leftovers India produces an annual amount of 30 million tons of bananas almost exclusively for the domestic market and people make money even with the leftovers of the plant this morning mr. Palani has an appointment with a dealer who specializes in selling the leaves on the side length intel on the different swap are today the car it is a collector Delilah is from Tonga because these leaves are used as disposable plates in restaurants and coffee shops especially handy they are compostable and therefore eco-friendly more than 3000 dealers and 40,000 people work at the market and that often creates conflicts that's why the market has its own police force at 6:00 a.m. it's scorching hot already captain Ruffman holds his daily briefing learning Athenian okay isn't alone we will monitor battle but a learner c8y will do the bad thing wrong okay okay 12 men for 119 hectares shortly before 7 a.m. rush hour at the Koyambedu the fenders and the collecting customers are in the market at the same time a complete traffic chaos captain Rahman and his squad are trying to restore order most of the girls go straight to the shop and restaurant owners but there are also market holes in which everyone is allowed to shop the goods are mostly cheaper and fresher than in the supermarket if you want to get special deals at the market you have to get up early mr. Palani is still on his way at 8 o'clock the stands are thinning out but all of a sudden new visitors arrive in the market personal magic are tender the known and the particular one the control bottom layer maria one day the shop or the gandhi or the teeny arrayed adorable the Koyambedu is just under a kilometre long for long trips like this one he uses his motorcycle he's allowed to drive it through the market halls [Music] in India people use muscle power to transport the goods 20,000 carriers serve as the markets lifeline without them the goods in the stands would rot acha guru is one of them the 19 year old has been working here for two years he's been up since 7:00 a.m. his last job of the day unload at a sage wholesale dealer carrying almost 80 kilos for just one euro a day he works wherever he is needed [Music] most workers actually live on the market they sleep wherever they find a spot that's why the market includes many snack bars a hairdresser and various shops for everyday needs with over 40,000 workers here there are disputes on a regular basis it's the reason for mayor ddr's appointment with the spokesman of the carriers a few drunk workers went on the rampage last night 10 o'clock the market closes it's time to settle the accounts the customers couriers go over to the wholesale dealers and pay yesterday's goods for mr. polanyi's friend sorry marine it's the best part of the day [Music] three thousand dealers make a turnover of three billion rupees which are four million euros all transactions are paid in cash these sums attract many people but it's difficult to set up shop without a market concession many stands are family enterprises and have been for many generations up to 40 tons of fruit every day are left unsolved they either end up on the waste dump or on the black market everywhere between the market halls and the stands the illegal fruit business is booming now that's why raids against the marketeers are part of captain ruffman's daily tasks the inventor now was article on the public poker movement flow into a Tirana applicable place in a canal a poke ordinary reality yeah our public on the Circa mind bore the girl very marketable okay Robert Collier my problem but his actions aren't very successful often the marketeers open up shop somewhere else after half an hour at midnight mr. Palani calls it a day but he still has one more appointment open it is even a good idea to keep it that way he bought himself a golden ring for each Indian deity and as its proper for a man in his profession he has to sacrifice fruit - so mr. Fulani and his colleagues may successfully continue their business on the greatest fruit and vegetable market in the world our next mysterious place lies here in China whenever wei-yin and shin been far cuddle in public they attract attention because many people think they are children but he is 25 and she is 26 since at least when he asked her to marry him in a Chinese talent show they are the most famous people of short stature in China [Music] she is 4.2 feet he is 4.4 feet [Music] but little meant and prejudices that's what they have to face each and every day but they are adults but small as children and with high voices nevertheless hiding at home is not an option for the couple if things in China are subject to change loners and people who stand out from the masses are frowned upon that's why gin been far has created a space especially for people of short stature he founded a soccer team average age 25 years average height 4.4 feet no one here thinks they are children it's easier to play with like-minded people [Music] the team wants to show us what life is like in China for people of short stature [Music] twenty-five-year-old gin been far we'll get the ball rolling he's captain of the soccer team we accompany him in his everyday life life isn't easy for him there are many things to which the couple is denied access where Yin can only marvel at the latest fashion trends in the shop windows there's only one way for them to find fitting clothes in the children's department often the two have to search for hours to discover only half-decent clothes [Music] which is young a little fishing your gender everyday clothes are hard to find for them but there are chic dresses in the girls department today where yen has finally found a dress for the upcoming wedding today's shopping turned out to be a success now we accompany Wang when bin nicknamed bin bin the 22 year old has just recently moved to Beijing people of short stature have great difficulties finding a suitable apartment that's why bin bin moves in with his teammates it's a completely new start for 22 year old bin bin he worked as a kindergarten teacher before but he quit the job so you're only going to ba ha turn the B just shot and B job you don't they'll be Josh out the room is far from being clean binbin pays 100 euros a month there is no privacy he shares the place with ten of his colleagues nevertheless this place is a refuge for people of short stature they are not considered different here we aren't supposed to film the bathroom the conditions here are poor but binbin will accept them because he shares an apartment with people who are like him he has also found a job the people of short stature run a theater where they staged classical Chinese shadow puppetry and ancient art binbin feels honored to be given the chance to learn how it all works here behind the stage the people of short stature are stars today his training begins it will take half a year the former kindergarten teacher is happy with his new job [Music] [Music] Vanny on you a is 23 years old and four and a half feet his greatest wish is to finally find a girlfriend and that's today's mission because people of short stature looked like kids they are treated that way their whole lives you a you a faces many challenges in everyday life for example he can't just buy cigarettes even if he is an adult you a you a would also love to be able to drive he dreams of owning a car but not only the cost is in the way don't hurry go the video goat reaping your town can you create cut so woman you eat with your drive you a you 8th dream will probably never come true with his monthly wage of only 250 euros he has to take the subway in Beijing the subway is always crowded four million people take it every day [Applause] [Music] [Music] at least he might not have to take it all on his own soon chao-li is the perfect woman for the job when it comes to people of small stature she finds jobs for them and is also good at pairing them off today she wants to find a woman for you a way what makes it even more difficult is that new aua is quite picky she has to be athletic and about his size in the end they do make a score uau a chooses a lady whom he'd like to meet Jen been far and where young have already found one another they also live in the shared community of the people of small stature [Music] [Music] in the shared apartment they have to sleep separately because there are no single rooms but where yarn is happy anyway now since our maybe a husband feels at home in the shared apartment to his parents couldn't cope with his restricted growth how did you why I need 20 she hasn't oh yeah sure we do in the shared apartment none of that is a problem the only thing he does see as a problem is the sleeping apart there's no privacy here at all in order to be by themselves they only have one option [Music] they dream of moving into their own apartment a few months later we meet the group once more in a public swimming pool in Beijing meanwhile UA UA has gone out on his third date with Li Xiao Feng the woman from the Lonely Hearts advertisement they seem to get along well [Music] uau a and his friends hang in there in the meantime binbin has settled in and has found new friends he is a permanent team member now in the shared apartment for people of small stature they have found a place where they can be themselves even if the rest of chinese society finds them rather mysterious you
Channel: Free Documentary
Views: 541,307
Rating: 4.7300324 out of 5
Keywords: Free Documentary, Documentaries, Full documentary, HD documentary, documentary - topic, documentary (tv genre), lost places, mystery places, Abandoned places, Abandoned, Gujarat, kite festival, gujarat kite festival, lost places documentary, abadoned places documentary, cliff painting, green cliff, chinese cliffs, dwarf village, biggest vegetable market, biggest market, vegetable market, explore with us
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 24sec (3084 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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