Cheyenne Mountain Complex & Future-House in China | Mystery Places | Free Documentary

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[Music] [Music] so our first mystery place is located in tanzania here the last true hunters of africa live we're meeting hadzaba moody who lived with the hadzaba in the bush for 10 years today he lives in a village and has learnt to speak english how can i say hello in the hazabi language can you teach me yes normally they have to say quintana oh yeah but click like yeah um [Laughter] [Music] we're the first strangers that are allowed to live with this group basically this is a congregation of currently 30 friends who have been roaming the bush for years the strongest in the village is the boss he is chief because he's the one who killing a lot of animals oh the leader decides the daily chores of his fellow tribe members but there's no pre-planning hadzaba don't know the concept of time and don't have a calendar either maybe the reason why they seem to be smiling the whole time [Music] this is the hazard camp what looks like overturned birds nests are the makeshift huts of the bush people built out of branches and grass [Music] as we said they only have to stay up for a while how long do they stay in a place like this the stay just like this for one month or two months and then they move why because these they're going to finding where they can get in water and the food a hard life always on the move we're asked inside one of the huts of the village this one is built with a little more attention to detail [Music] the inside spartan there is no furniture at all only hunting utensils then it is time to find some food and this means going into the savannah on foot a habitat that the hadzaba share with lions hyenas and elephants just the thought of fighting a lion armed only with a bow and arrow is not very pleasant but here they find everything that they need to survive but what we will be having today is still unclear to us and the hadzaba on special offer today wild honey it is hidden inside the cavities of the trees honey is the only currency of the hadzava besides animal hides and also makes a very special change to the regular diet i hope there's a lot of honey inside to give my energy back back breaking work for a few drops of honey is this honey the yellow thing honey is one of the staples in the diet of the hadzaba it is also their medicine for a sore throat and when they have a cold also it is the only available sweet in the bush for a kilo of honey they can buy a metal arrow peak from passing traders a handsome price but today the find is so small that it is immediately eaten up it's hard work collecting honey to make up for it there's also some the fruit of the monkey bread tree they are bone dry and very sour but contain 10 times as much vitamin c as oranges what is this what you're wearing what is this translated this means it is he killed a baboon while the boys are still discussing their bow and arrow skills the others are already preparing for the hunt bushman nuna is collecting poison for the arrows the pith of this plant is deadly but it only kills if it is in a high concentration therefore nuna boils the juice down for multiple hours until only a black mass is left the distilled poison if only a small amount were to enter the bloodstream it would be life-threatening but still bushmann nuna processes it with his bare hands is there a difference if it gets into human blood or animal blood [Music] [Applause] it is the only possibility to get hold of larger quantities of meat only lions and wildebeest are hunted with poisoned arrows in smaller animals the poison would spread too quickly throughout the whole body and the meat would become inedible in bigger animals it is sufficient to cut out the bit where the arrow struck [Music] but today it is too late to go and hunt this means no dinner the hadzaba don't have any money nor do they stock supplies they live off what is currently available marijuana is available in the bush and is one of the favorite pastimes of the bushman to smoke it we prefer to leave them to it are you going to sleep here too yes i'm going to sleep in here too because in the azabee camp you're never sleeping yourself because you have to sleep in with hazard because protecting you during night okay yeah what can happen in the night uh anything can happen maybe there will animals such as hyena can come you know they come into the village yeah sometimes they come in the village so that's why you're sleeping with hazard people you know good under these circumstances the lack of personal space is not an issue at all and to make the hard ground more comfortable there are kudu skins and a roll-up mat one thing amazes us we can't see any women anywhere but this is due to a simple reason each sex has their place in the village community as well as set tasks the women are gatherers the men are the hunters there are no marriages among the hadzaba but everyone only has one partner at a time every couple of years they switch to someone else the children can then decide where they want to sleep every day then it is time for bed in front of every hut there is a fire it burns for the whole night this is supposed to substitute for the door and keep wild animals away a new day is dawning today we are accompanying the women this means picking fruit and fetching water immediately we are handed our own shopping for about 80 percent of the day the women gather food fruit and roots are always in existence in the bush they are a relatively secure food supply this one ah okay berries are ripe at the moment so there is no tiresome digging for roots the girls are pretty hungry first it is time to eat then to gather they only ever take as much as they need for one day the lower part of the tree is empty now but the hadzaba ladies grudge no pains to reach the rest of the berries too [Music] with almost acrobatic skill about one thousand hadzaba still live in northern tanzania there have never been any conflicts about food as the hadzaba only ever pick what they need they never exploit nature so there is always food available storing supplies doesn't make sense to the hadzaba yes it would save them long walks but storing food would also bind them to one place for longer periods of time and this is in complete opposition to their lifestyle in the dried out riverbed the women now dig for water half a metre beneath the surface the sand starts to get moist but water as opposed to food is always scarce especially during the dry season therefore it is used exclusively for drinking and once in a while for cooking for body care it is far too valuable to badzaba ah okay formerly the azaba used to fill their water into ostrich eggs today they use a plastic canister their clothing too is not only made from animal hides anymore fabrics and t-shirts are bartered for with passing traders back in the camp the gatherers are already longingly awaited especially by the children they too eat the berries raw cooking rarely happens but despite the uncooked food and the hard physical work the hazard never suffer hunger tomorrow it will be time to go and hunt but before that the arrows need to be made and this takes hours the mouth functions as the tools first the wood is warmed by the fire then bite by bite it is shaped in theory this looks pretty easy but it is not at all unfortunately you can't aim with a crooked arrow and this means no prey the spontaneous concert seems to be appreciated in the early hours of the evening the relaxed mood is suddenly over with the reason are the herdsmen from the neighboring maasai tribes that keep entering the tribal territory of the hadzaba their herds destroy the vegetation and scare away the wild animals especially the younger tribesmen are slowly losing their tempers not warriors a dilemma so can you imagine one day to have cattle and uh goats by yourself most of the bushmen never learnt to read or write so there are slim chances to go to court over the territorial dispute while more and more nature reserves are created around them for the animals the hadzaba are left with nothing no one fights for the protection of their territory the next morning it is time to go and hunt with the traditional headwear of the hadzaba normally no one may accompany the expert hunters on their expedition the hunters separate into groups some have run into the thick bushes others are on the watch by whistling they communicate with each other suddenly everything happens very fast the hadzaba have their prey in their sights almost anything that they find is regarded as prey be it a baboon a lion or an elephant everything except hyenas this is because the hadzaba don't bury their dead they place them in the savanna and as hyenas are scavengers the hadzabe think that if they ate them they would not only be eating hyena meat but also their ancestors it's hard to see if it was a hit on a hunt it is all or nothing if nothing is caught there is no food a squirrel it was hit but it isn't dead yet small animals are hunted with unpoisoned arrows the arrow is removed and the neck is bitten through who shot this did you shoot it unbelievable yeah but the hunt isn't over yet maybe they will be able to make the big catch we continue deeper into the savannah but before we can put tension on our bow the next animal has already been caught yeah he got it it is a bush baby a kind of monkey but for the moment it is still stuck in the tree the shooter has to climb up in situations like these accidents often happen more than 10 people from this group have died while hunting the next hospital a couple of days walk away the hadzabe themselves only know traditional medicines immediately a fire is made a part of the prey is always eaten right away because hunting is exhausting and the men need energy and they don't lose any time while cooking either not even the fur is removed but the catch today is so small that not even the women will get a share what will the women say when you come without meat meat is a nice protein bonus but isn't necessary for survival to that zaba first the successful hunters get the best pieces then what is left goes to the rest of the group [Music] big praise such as buffalo or wildebeest is only caught every two to three weeks by the bushmen nowadays soon nothing will be left of this camp the hatzaba will move on to a new area they themselves worry very little about the future if you have no concept of time and don't live by a calendar you don't plan ahead by a couple of years it's all about the now and at the moment they are fine and so we leave the hazard and travel on to the usa to a place near colorado springs here the probably most important u.s military base is located the cheyenne bunker countless myths surround this place supposedly the u.s president would come here in a worst-case scenario even aliens are said to be hidden here although we are still a whole mile away from the bunker entrance security seems to know about every single step we make we have an appointment but we are not allowed to film in front of the barrier then we are issued a pass and may enter from the cheyenne bunker the us air force monitor the security of the united states but how will we be able to make it to the u.s air force's most secret room in the end [Music] in front of the entry gate we are meeting commander stephen rose the director of the air force we are excited to meet this powerful man who also has access to the most secret room in the mountain only accompanied by him are we allowed to continue okay we were expecting someone a bit more impressive but commander rose is our key to the most secret room in the mountain he has been working for the military for 30 years and began his career at the u.s ministry of defense the pentagon here in the rocky mountains the u.s air force has a very specific mission to monitor the security of the united states never before was a camera team allowed to enter their most secret room the control center but that is exactly what we want to get to see the way of getting there is complicated to go in and do our security process right now so we'll have to stop filming because we cannot continue filming here not for uh this is a top secret facility some high security procedures so we're gonna have to stop cameras and do the right thing for our security security check we're familiar with those by now and then we find ourselves in front of probably the most secure entry gates in the world since the cold war they have always been open with one exception the 11th of september 2001 and today commander rose makes a special exception for us you should experience it okay so good luck meaning we're going to be locked in in between the 46 tons of steel of the gate there's no going back now oh that's scary [Music] [Applause] it only takes 45 seconds for the doors to be completely shut the location and the place are perfectly chosen the maximum distance to all coasts enemy bombers would have a long way to go in case of an emergency this would mean enough time to batten down the hatches and as you see around us here is the most homogenous piece of granite that they found on the rocky mountains big enough and solid enough to to drill into it's solid granite all the way around us on our tour through the bunker we're being followed every step of the way the three guards on the right hand side of the frame are watching whom and what we are filming apparently 500 people work inside the complex but we see almost nobody who specifically works here is supposed to be kept a secret in case of an emergency all the employees would have to move into the bunker but what about the rumors that the military is hiding aliens here where are the aliens you can see through a secret cage where we keep him oh it's green you're fooling me so to our total surprise no aliens in the bunker instead in a worst case scenario there would be 500 employees who would have to be taken care of for this reason there is a special central water supply system in place here i told you you would see a lake sometimes people will say that there's no water in the lake so i bring a little stone because you see the reflection it looks like it's empty the fresh water lake yeah how long would it last if there is an emergency case we would be able to replenish that drinking water with the chemicals the chlorine that we keep on hand because we have an unending supply of fresh water coming into the mountain how many people uh that number is classified i cannot i cannot say that i'm gonna give me a tip several hundreds several hundreds okay would you be here inside of that yes take the family with you it's not allowed inside the mountain no it's hard friends and family not allowed for the when the doors are shut you know i guess anytime you serve in the military you plan for the worst and you hope and pray for the best sometimes when you plan for the worst it does put a heavy burden on your shoulder sometimes to think about if it should ever happen for real apart from the water supply electricity is the most important thing for the work in the mountain we carry on to the heart of the mountain step by step we're getting closer to our goal we finally want to see what happens in the top secret control room at the most inside point of the mountain i see it's amazing in here but still i don't know what is so important to protect it like that yes we can talk about some of them in this place the bunker is brought to life all the electronics from light bulbs to computer networks are supplied with power from here power is the life blood of the mountain it is what we do in here is watch those computers and without the power it's dark as a matter of fact our technicians like to say that without power it's just a cave in order to make sure that the computers will work under any circumstances there are a whole eight generators here i don't need filming in the window in case of emergency the generators would take over the entire electricity supply within five minutes on our way to the command center the brain of the mountain we discover something these unusual to bounce so if there would be a blast okay it looks like a huge trampoline yes so over 1300 of these springs throughout the complex underneath these buildings and then as you can see looking to down both directions of this cave the steel never the buildings never actually touch the granite walls they absorb vibrations caused by earthquakes or atomic bombs and keep the building in a sort of floating state [Music] just like a ship at sea these would ride out the waves as it shakes and then the bit and the mission then would continue a mission in which the american air force decides about the safety of the united states from here but where exactly is the secret command center that we are looking for on our way we also find very everyday things [Music] this is a supermarket supermarket yes you don't need nothing anymore outside you can just during everyday life there are mainly snacks on offer here in case of an emergency calorie rich astronaut food would be stocked here okay so how long can an emergency case last can't actually share that time with you uh but it is several weeks several weeks and that's that's uh the unclassified of what i can say okay but the actual time is classified why it goes towards our war plans a number of people how long those are all factors and what we can do our capabilities and that's what uh our commanders have classified that material so we don't the bad the bad guys don't don't understand what our capabilities are okay what he can tell us a suite for the us president doesn't exist in the bunker but instead there are a church a gym and a restaurant right inside the mountain so where are we going next um we're going someplace really special now this is what we call the system center it is a very very important center here that brings all the data in we have to be very careful because as real world stuff is going on if something important happens we may have to leave very quickly okay so now it is finally time we are allowed to access the most well secured part of the bunker hundreds of safety precautions and tons of stone just to protect this one room and we are the first camera team to ever be allowed inside this is what commander rose promises us but only for a maximum of five minutes then we have to leave again immediately without discussion okay we see screens monitors and stern faces [Music] civilian visitors have never been here before we meet the head of information mr jeff robertson okay why is it that important that you have to hide it in a mountain it's like any any computer network that you want to make sure it's always available you put it in the location that has the best electricity has the best uh protection so that you don't have any down time you know that there's no damage natural disasters or anything like that could take that computer network offline but it's always available the information from hundreds of satellite images and cctv cameras is collected here every second 24 hours a day due to our presence the monitors are frozen at the moment everything is top secret so if if we detected missile launches that threatened europe or or any of those locations over there we'd share that information immediately of course with nato and our our allies and our partners so there's a phone you taken call yes in times of terror and worldwide turmoil information like this can decide over war or peace after precisely five minutes we have to leave the command center again but still as the first camera team ever we were able to explore the secret cheyenne bunker and while the secret command center keeps watching over the usa we leave the mountain and travel on to piedras blancas in costa rica [Music] in the middle of the thick jungle our destination lies hidden the finca bella vista matt hogan and his wife erica are the founders of this unusual jungle village in 2007 the two americans decided to emigrate to costa rica from rainy colorado once they had arrived they began looking for a small plot of land when we discovered this property it's a lot bigger than what we really wanted or needed but we wanted to save it from being clear-cut and erica said do you remember that ewok village on return of the jedi build something like that and our friends will want to come down and build tree houses and yada yada and that's how it all kind of came to fruition and the way to the treehouse community leads us across bridges downsteps and across 27 zip lines this is my favorite part of the day my morning commute to the house [Applause] at the moment there are 26 houses in the finca bella vista and the number is rising more and more people from dropouts to billionaires want to fulfill their dream of their own tree house so this is the first treehouse we built about four years ago and you can see the plumbing lines going in over here you can also see the artificial limb attachments that show how we attach to the trees and support the weight and it still allows the three trees to grow and allows the structures to move independently if there's wind it allows the trees to be trees many residents only live here for a couple of months per year the rest of the time they are rented out to tourists opposed to normal tree houses all comforts are available here from a fridge to ceiling lights just like at the hogan's house we create our hot water using an on-demand propane heater and here's our propane cylinder and you can see where the gas lines are run we use that for cooking fuel for the oven and the stove as well as creating the hot water for a hot shower the treehouse dwellers also use solar power for energy production the upstairs is my favorite part of the house i'm gonna come on up and check it out one of the best perks of living in a tree house is being able to sleep up in the trees we have a 360 degree view of the jungle erica's favorite place is the veranda here she observes toucans monkeys sloths a private zoo in her front garden matt and erica are visiting their new neighbors the tippies from colorado only moved in a few weeks ago and what is the new life 30 meters above the ground like oh absolutely love it it's uh it's interesting though uh you wake up when the the forest or the jungle wants you to wake up not when you choose to wake up um it can be a little noisy at night yeah with the monkeys and the parrots but that's what it's like in the jungle the next exceptional village takes us to scandinavia we are traveling through lapland 30 kilometers south of the arctic circle the village of batsu is located it consists of five tent-like wooden houses so-called lavos each lava is living room bedroom and dining room at the same time the sami the natives to northern europe live in them lotta svensson and her husband tom founded this village 20 years ago they also own the herds of reindeer that have secured the survival of this army for 3 000 years so every morning i had to feed the reindeers it's very important for us to do it because we have so much from them the skin the fur the bone the meat originally the sami were nomads and traveled through scandinavia today they only switch between their summer and their winter camp [Music] in our territory we have about uh 2000 reindeers so now my husband is out and collect them because now we're going to the coast with them for the winter what looks like an over dimensional birdhouse is the nyalo a kind of village fridge traditionally everyone stores their food here in order to protect it from bears and to keep things cool inside lotta's wooden lava there is only one single room it is the bedroom living area and the kitchen at the same time this goethe is made of wood and on the floor we have the branches from the birch covered with the reindeer skin to keep us warm and dry each sami village traditionally houses multiple generations of a large family this is suave it's smoked and a little bit cold and it's typical for sammy the fire in the middle of the room is the cooking area and the only source of warmth at the same time the smoke leaves the area via a closable hole in the roof lata is one of about fifteen thousand sami in the whole of sweden almost all of them live in regular houses now and the culture of the sami is being forgotten and that is exactly what lotte and her family want to prevent an ambitious plan as the traditional lifestyle of the sami is not very lucrative and full of deprivation traditionally the whole family congregates around the fire in the evenings yeah dinner is the most important part of the day when we can sit together we can calm down and we can feel the cozy dewarm inside from the arctic circle we are continuing to vilcabamba to the so-called village of the 100 year olds in southern ecuador what is the reason for the people of this 4 000 strong village to get so old scientists have been trying to solve this mystery for years medicinal herbs cosmic energies or simply good genes all speculation fact is 60 people over 80 and 5 people over 100 years old live in vilcabamba ten times as many as the worldwide average one of them is agostine charimio this year he is celebrating his 100th birthday together with cara leo he lives in a house at the edge of the village and has his very own theory for a long life and therefore according to agustin he became a centenarial that is what the over 100 year olds are called here [Music] is the model senior citizen of vilcabamba always well-dressed charming physically fit although his doctor has prohibited it he treats himself to a glass of alcohol once in a while and every day he smokes one of his beloved cigarettes once a month agustin goes for a physical and mental test at the ecuadorian center for aging research the scientists believe that good nutrition lots of physical work and the complete lack of stress are the reasons for the high ages of the people in vilcabamba [Music] but these factors are endangered more and more tourists and immigrants are coming to the village of the 100 year olds the quiet village life has already undergone drastic changes but agustin keeps cool about all the commotion regarding vilcabamba maybe his calm is the real secret behind his long life [Music] our journey takes us 1 600 kilometers north to puno in peru at 3 800 meters the highest shippable lake in the world is located lake titicaca here the descendants of the ancient uro people live on an island village made out of reeds depending on the size 10 to 12 families live together per village community alfredo mamani has also built an island with his friends its size 500 square meters that's about the size of two tennis courts is building a house takes one month from the walls to the roof everything is made of reeds alfredo collects the building material for the reed village twice a week he doesn't have a motorboat so he rose up to six kilometers along lake titicaca in order to harvest the canes because of small air pockets inside of them severed reeds have a very high buoyance alfredo's ancestors discovered this quality of the plant thousands of years ago and already back then built boats and villages out of reeds [Music] a see it takes the uros six months to build the unusual village out of reeds after a few weeks in the water the reed base begins to rot gases come to exist which give the island buoyance the uros cut the root blocks of the reeds to a height of about 30 centimeters with ropes they fasten the blocks together after about three months they then become one big route in order for the construction not to float away stones act as anchors the floor two meters of reeds about one tonne of weight is pressing down one meter's worth sinks down into the water and begins to rot then every three weeks fresh reeds are placed on top we leave the reed village in peru and travel on to riyaka in croatia this ship was already sunk raised and done up again it used to be the swimming air force one of a dictator and hollywood stars used to visit it often [Music] we want to take a closer look at it what is the inside of the mysterious ship like which secrets are there to be discovered so we set off somewhere here in the harbour of the croatian coastal town the stately yacht of former president tito is supposed to be moored and in a deep slumber the man's name who is showing us the way is called machicit salco and is actually the captain of the ship since 2002 the galeb has been lying here idle [Music] a 117 meter long freighter as a stately yacht this was a luxury that the former president josep rostito enjoyed with the permission of the captain we go aboard the galab with the help of a map we want to find our first destination on the ship the engine room today nothing is happening here anymore but in theory the ship is still seaworthy constructed in 1938 this ship is only 26 years younger than the titanic and this is not the only similarity the galeb was sunk by a fighter plane during the second world war it is one of very few ships that sank and was then raised again [Music] after 78 years at sea the galeb has not only gotten a bit rusty but has also collected many interesting stories over time we continue our search for the traces of these next on the passenger deck altogether the ship has 12 cabins for visitors back then they were very luxurious and came with room service and a butler today the luxury has vanished [Music] the former conference room now simply feels eerie and yet the ship has been through a lot after the death of the communist dictator it lies moored off the coast of montenegro and is almost completely plundered by souvenir hunters in the 90s clearly the furniture was worthless to the looters [Music] where political decisions used to be made today there is only dust and decay but as we know beauty lies in the eye of the observer the former dance floor too could probably tell many a tale of wild parties and of celebrities for almost three decades the international jet set enjoyed many wild evenings here the dictator loved to take show stars aboard his ship it is said that sophia loren also visited the yacht we find a fully furnished apartment tito hates hotels and especially aeroplanes this is the reason for him using the galeb as his stately carriage almost like a marine air force one today the galeb is a lost place full of history lonely deserted and eerie in order to get the best shot of this special place we climb up a 30 meter high mast but the hatch has rusted up so no picture from above [Music] the good news after years of deep sleep the galeb is soon going to be overhauled and will be turned into a museum the ship is part of croatia's history and has to be preserved for the future [Music] from croatia we travel on to fuji in china there we find a pretty unusual house it looks like the chinese version of the enterprise the galactica building costs 90 million dollars the spaceship is the headquarters of one of the biggest chinese companies [Music] but who would build something like this and what does it look like from the inside we are greeted by the boss's assistant first we enter well an empty open space office [Music] so what is happening inside here inside in case you were wondering we are allowed to enter the spacecraft but only on a sunday in china too sunday means that there is no work going on anywhere normally the newest chinese video games are programmed here [Music] the employees are even allowed to make their own hours [Music] a lot of activities also for you as a workers you're allowed to use this one the boss's idea the employees are supposed to live in the complex with their families and feel comfortable here in order to be even more efficient and creative in their work to realize his idea he has created a real fun park on china's east coast for all this his big inspiration is google in the normally strictly hierarchical country of china this is a rare company concept the anticipation of meeting the boss in person is growing we're allowed to go into his office by ourselves not even the employees may do this every man's dreams comes true here electronics and other gimmicks worth tens of thousands of dollars everywhere and another surprise awaits us because this is not all of his office [Music] yet we discover a cinema for his enterprise hq he especially bought the rights to the design from the owners this place is not plagiarism made in china everything is authorized but what does china's captain kirk look like a young and hip start-up type or simply a games nerd in any case he is a chinese businessman worth billions in the evening he actually grants us one of his rare interviews we are given 30 minutes with yuji chang i have been a fan for star trek for a long time you know it has he has many different episodes i mean different different things and i think i almost watch every episode so you know star trek has certainly you know i love it his dream for the future is also of galactic scale well if we're saying a big dreams you know sometimes people ask me say hey dj do you want do you want to make more money and say yes and then i say yes and i say why how can you spend all of them i say no problem you know think about building a space station you know if you think think about that then you know i don't have enough money to get it started yet the important things is that if you start doing something you know it gives you a small chance at least of doing something wonderful and he has definitely proved this with the chinese version of the enterprise then we find another mysterious picture circular shapes right in the middle of a lake our research leads us to india already from the plain we can see that we have come to the right place directly on the border to myanmar but then suddenly the government takes our filming permit back without giving us a reason so we need a plan b as large parts of the lake are under military guard [Music] so the boat is ready shall we go yeah okay let's jump in neve our local contact wants to take us there somehow unnoticed this means that we have to go out onto lake loctak for over an hour we learn that the government has officially banned fishing as well as living on the lake the reason it pollutes the nature reserve therefore our image from above looks different from the plane we saw restricted military areas and we won't be able to go there the circles used to be used as fish traps once they had swum into them there was no escape for the animals and the government is allowing certain areas and certain places where they can heal us but the machine we don't have any of the machine both doing fishing here this is entirely like what you have seen like this boat kind of you know that kind of the boat they can do but many residents refuse to leave and live far off from civilization on so-called fundies all naturally occurring they consist of vegetation soil and other organic matter new islands keep developing so to speak out of tiny shreds of grass this phenomenon is unique in the world please come has been living here for two years their source of income used to be fishing the government ban a shock for them [Music] himself from bamboo a semi-stable construction but despite everything he won't give up fishing however he doesn't use the classic round traps anymore he has switched to a net [Music] so that is the reason for our picture looking like this from above the circles don't exist here anymore and maybe the last inhabitants will even have to move away soon you
Channel: Free Documentary
Views: 321,500
Rating: 4.7643209 out of 5
Keywords: Free Documentary, Documentaries, Full documentary, HD documentary, documentary - topic, documentary (tv genre), lost places, mystery places, Abandoned places, Abandoned, abandoned house, mysterious places, abandoned buildings, explore with us, Cheyenne Mountain Complex, future house, abandoned ship, abandoned boat, Hadzabe Myth, world's most unusual, Cheyenne Mountain, NORAD, US Army, US Air Force, US Space Command, WarGames, WarGames Movie, urban exploring
Id: lj_X6Zga3PI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 10sec (3130 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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