Mystery Places: Abandoned Fake Pentagon, Luxury Survival Condo, Minefield | Free Documentary

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hidden traces of the past and extraordinary locations of the present in this episode of mistery places the most luxurious bunker in the United States of America the most dangerous minefield in Europe a former Olympic competition site Dancing with death the village of the Cobras in Thailand a strange deserted shopping center in the shape of a Pentagon right in the middle of Shanghai [Music] and inside the UN headquarters we also find baffling spots and look behind the scenes all this now on mystery places we start our trip in Kansas USA here we meet the creator of what is said to be the safest place in the world we're not allowed to reveal the precise address as people are constantly trying to break in that other people show up with guns and our guns were bigger than their guns and you know they got arrested and you know it's been it's a serious business we arrived after a half-hour drive through a land devoid of people first impression a maximum-security prison cameras and heavily armed guards everywhere you'll see the level of security when we get out here is nothing to be messing with if you're starting to climb the things to damage the property and try to hurt people that are there we can shoot back how you doing you guys have your IDs on you yeah you know how many weapons or any bombs or any dead bodies or anything on board do you know you wouldn't mind if I Pat you down before you come in just to make sure you don't have any no problem I'll need the card if you we're checked from head to toe this is how every visitor is welcomed no matter who they are at least two members of security staff continuously monitor the site they can even arrest people in coordination with the police but what is so valuable the answer is in here in a disused nuclear missile solo from the Cold War which owner Larry Hall has turned into a luxury residential complex here the inhabitants should be able to survive any kind of catastrophe what's known as the luxury survival condo extends across 14 stories underground and offers space for up to 75 people there's a pool a cinema a doctor's surgery a supermarket and much more here an autonomous towns spread out over 17,000 square meters if you have enough pocket money 1.2 million euros is all you need Larry spends most of his life down here as the founder of the complex he is responsible for the safety of all the apartment owners each morning he checks whether a catastrophe is imminent through his former job in the government and NASA he knows the secret websites that provide him with such information today we have a 45 percent chance of an X flare which is the strongest rated solar flares these are the kind of flares that with a coronal mass ejection and it's pointed towards the earth right now so we're keeping our eye on this because we're in a kind of a danger situation there that could definitely impact a lot of people globally the bunker is fitted with a specially developed alarm system each of the residents has an app that informs him immediately of possible danger yellow indicates a possible catastrophe and red means that all residents should immediately head to the bunker the solar storm could change the alarm from green to yellow [Music] despite the threat Larry has an appointment for viewing with a potential buyer Dorn Snyder has three children and is looking for safe accommodation if catastrophe should strike Larry wants to show her that she wouldn't need to go without any comforts here very easy yeah but it's also very protective a pool and spa area behind steel doors is intended to provide the necessary distraction for the residents and stave off depression during prolonged stays Larry has sought advice from psychologists on how life down here can be made as normal as possible he can get a cup of coffee in the morning come up here be around some trees have some high volume ceilings if you have any little dogs we've got a pet park over here provisions are also made for any little deposits left by the residents four-legged friends an anti odor spray keeps the air at the neighboring climbing wall clean the guided tour continues eight stories underground down here our library awaits for the people to read and while away their time next to it is another project that is close to Larry's heart he has even thought about the education of the children in the event of a catastrophe we envision the moms maybe coming down here and being next door while the kids are in the classroom over here a digital classroom Dawn's children could go to school here one day they would learn on computers on which an extensive digital library and even parts of the Internet are stored you rotate you will be a teacher for one month I will be a teacher for one month in the event of a disaster when the bunker is closed each resident must spend four hours a day working in different jobs dawn would have to regularly teach her own children according to psychologists the rotating jobs should help the residents cope with the confinement and now the luxury apartment he adorned could live with her children the entire floor measures around 170 square meters and offers space for up to 10 people price point around 2.5 million euros and it's so luxurious that you don't even need to be able to see outside those are electronic windows those let you know that you're not underground everything has these electronic iPads that let you control what you have so we're in this room you could say these are the windows onto the outside world you can choose between three cameras that are installed outside or other programs at any rate dawn seems to be impressed by the features of the apartment next best thing it's not safe to go outside at least to be able to to look out at the ends of the viewing dullness sure she could imagine living down here the world out there no longer feels safe to her what are we scared of and just the world falling apart and I think it's every day we get closer and closer to it and I feel better already knowing you know we're planning for our future and for our safety and we're gonna be okay Larry now has to make all the preparations for a possible solar storm mark minovsky will help him they have known each other for 15 years Larry developed the concept for the bunker with him mark also spends most of his time down here the solar storm could cut the power supply so they check for diesel generators we have 20,000 gallons of diesel fuel stored underground the bunker is equipped with two of these high-performance generators which can produce electricity for at least two and a half years [Music] I'm gonna put it back in the automatic mode so that if there is a power outage it will be available for service but Larry and Mark are ready not just for solar storms they have devised solutions for all possible catastrophes especially important the air the residents will breathe various filter systems protect against air affected by nuclear or biochemical contamination a project that lies very close to Marc's heart can be found three stories down the aquaponic system the name refers to a technique used to produce fish and crop plants underground a self-sustaining water and nutrient cycle the system is the centerpiece of the bunker mark wants to cultivate over 70 different varieties of vegetable here for each vegetable there is a different light frequency and so sunlight becomes unnecessary if one were to live permanently in the bunker the inhabitants would be supplied from here with fresh foods even fish are included until that happens we go on shopping tour in the bunkers own supermarket which offers a huge range of different meals all of which can be kept for 25 years maybe for lunch we'll have her for dinner we'll have chicken so we'll get some some chicken here chicken and rice sound good shopping here is some more different than in normal supermarkets mark is particularly proud of that it's almost like you see in the Star Trek series where there's no money changed hands when the people are buy into this condo concept everything here is included as part of the the basic survival package it's a free supermarket that's not completely true [Music] the residents actually have to pay a monthly flat rate of up to 4000 euros for incidental expenses upstairs Larry checks the prison cell with a head of security in closed mode the law of the state of Kansas applies here in the bunker and residents who break the law can also be locked up people have good days people have bad days and when you have up to 75 people in close quarters and you know somebody could have a bad day all of the advisers and the design team thought that it was very prudent to have a timeout room for adults so we can bring people in here and let them cool out Larry's luxury bunker is not only protected against catastrophes it is protected with an electric fence by dozens of high resolution security cameras and by a remote-controlled drone Larry can monitor and control all of this from a room underground [Music] today a suspicious vehicle attracts his attention tomorrow hey hey can you come on in here to shoes okay okay Steven is responsible for security across the whole site I did see some other activity at the end of the driveway down here some other vehicles came by do you want to check with the guard on duty up there and see if there's any cars looking around they've been come on go on sure [Music] Stephen sets off with one of the two military vehicles each weighing over 10 tons this means that in the event of a catastrophe residents could be brought from one bunker into the other today Stephen is using it as a reconnaissance vehicle anything suspicious it could be of any danger that could be people laying in the field here with military gear any gear a rifle the security team works closely with the police they can even take people into custody they also have access to the police radio the car features shooting hatches and is fully equipped with various weapons Stephan spent a long time in the US Army after he returned from Iraq he accepted a job from Larry around a year ago he takes his job very seriously we don't break any laws but we're prepared for whatever happens we're not worried about safety we wouldn't have any security because security is safety I don't know I guess it's just in my blood it's what I do today apart from a few farmers in the field there were no anomalies everything has been quiet this evening for his colleagues at the gate - in the event of a catastrophe Stephen would have to stay outside he cannot afford the luxury bunker nevertheless he would perform his duties until the end well I'll stay here until we get all the residents and button in taken care of you know when chaos hits war everything else you see so many people go everybody's out for themselves there's gotta be some community while mark has dinner Larry phones his young son he sold his house car and much more for the bunker he has created a safe place above all for his family however during term time his son lives six hours away in Denver hey no anyway I'm gonna be home on Thursday what else what else do you wanna do well I'm home mark makes himself comfortable alone in the bunker cinema 13 stories underground the alarm system is on green no danger today and so Larry is out enjoying the heavenly sunset over Kansas sheer luxury and safety and glittering future prospects this is a thousand-year structure there it will just be here forever and so ends the day at one of the world's safest places [Music] our next mysterious place is located in Bosnia and Herzegovina this bobsleigh run is located in the most dangerous minefield in Europe the Olympic facilities are found on the outskirts of the capital Sarajevo even today people continue to die here 1900 few artists inspired inventor shilling here Olympic medallion for the high year of a design goes her likeness one doesn't have a link let's see here the heart not awfully push the believers the tranquility is deceptive there is a danger of explosions our reporter Johannes is not allowed to move around here without a guide resume some of which grew up in Sarajevo Spencer's here the management is an elliptical winner in fact so integral a some kind of commerce issue I don't trust him from Olympus and Lance has been a huge beast this is still a life threatening place after all things were quite different back in 1984 the Winter Olympic Games long consider the best organized ever the GDR was at the top of the medals table the former Yugoslavia was peaceful but it would not last for long [Applause] today the ground behind the ice track is full of mines for a reason Sarajevo in 1992 Bosnia and Herzegovina want independence from Yugoslavia the Serbians supremacy tries to prevent this at all costs the result one hundred thousand deaths in three years Reza and Johannes are at the bobsleigh run one false step could result in death the stab mentioned in one of which mean naturally that is no hang roses problem in Bosnia Hungerford transmission destroyed to throw Yosh there and and mean the Sun and the Clemens could field although clearing work is in high gear detecting every last mine is a Sisyphean task the country will not be completely safe until 2019 at least until then you should never enter the forests of Sarajevo without a guide on the bobsleigh run your Hannes and Rosa are now entering what was a strategically important point during the war the start this was the site of a fierce battle as the Sun vans and diversity invited this new neighbor and then arsonists come yeah candy pop on branch born funny big country [Music] built as a sporting facility the place would be used as a base for military operations only a few years later [Music] the very grounds on which sporting successes were celebrated in the 80s turned into a fierce battle ground in the 90s although the bobsleigh run is now overgrown it offered the best view and protection during the war the army used the ice track as a trench from which to fire an Olympic restaurant near the facility shows the bizarre panoramic view of the Bosnian capital even today what's really sad I'll see you soon over there that's dish that's why you're tactically we haven't the lumpia investor hall that's why I'm going to tallest restaurant this had a good girl budget that I click naturally show on let's give voters come on this cigar nerve and not the iron chelator the bobsleigh track is the only safe place to walk today everywhere else there is a risk of explosive mines you should not roam the woods without a guide we would have liked to have visited the ski jump but the safe paths disappear under snow too dangerous the wounds of the Bosnian people are slow to heal the Olympic ruins have long since become a memorial site for them local graffiti artists help keep the memory of that terrible time alive and that's not likely to change anytime soon gifts I'm a planner for the unloggable Catalina the bovine devices angles of the funeral sighs better times would mean an investor but there are none and demolition is too expensive as well as too dangerous at the moment from Sarajevo to Thailand where we discover a mysterious location full of fearful creatures a village hidden in the forest in front of every house the mysterious boxes stacked up on top of each other and tightly closed they may look unimportant but inside each box is every residence greatest source of wealth and at the same time their greatest foe [Music] king cobras their scientific name Afiya Fergus Hannah means snake eater like cannibals they prey almost solely on their own kind they are the world's largest poisonous snakes their venom can kill humans within just a few hours they are feared and avoided all over the world but here in the northeast of Thailand in the village of the king cobras they are the center of life 1,000 species of snakes live close to the village and their presence can be felt all around it snake fighters enter the ring on a weekly basis to fight what they fear the most three people lost their lives last year taking part in this tradition [Music] Tom was in a coma for two weeks the doctors had given up on him and he had been declared dead by the local press but he lived a medical miracle but just two years ago nobody believed in like his father and grandfather before him the tie spent his childhood fighting king cobras he was one of the most talented fighters in the village but the bite changed him term used to be slender and athletic until one day he made a near fatal mistake Oh fact what I want would it run me me me milady what make you of one then why so I'm running this woman couldn't I'm gonna moonwalk sacrilege because I'm here don't worry I know how Carnac will come won't really care anyway hey baby Munich of all come apart be ugly although it almost took his life he couldn't kill his Cobra like everyone else in the village tom has a love-hate relationship with his new limb whose name translates into lucky charm up until now however it's done anything but bring him luck how cold there are Connie were home 7 kuzey Anita lock knob Xalapa dong woo hoo dr. Fong have quoted who Liam vu depuis Hana Kimi well I know go up with me tom has been bitten three times the last time he went into a coma and wanted to stop keeping king cobras and fighting them yet it's an old tradition which has been passed out from one generation to the next if you give it up then you betray your family [Music] for more than 100 years snakes have been kept here as pets yet at the same time they're also a commodity like the spitting cobras tam has to sneak up from the side then the spitting cobras feel threatened and spit their venom into the eyes of their opponent and blind them from up to three meters away tam sells the Cobras to Malaysians who drink their blood it is said that spitting cobras make men virile but why are there so many Cobras here there used to be a jungle here which made it a natural habitat for snakes when humans came and build their village they started to actively hunt the cobras since there was no hospital nearby the villagers wanted to find an antivenin they ritualized this tradition into fighting [Music] turn will also compete tomorrow it will be the first time since the last bite by noonim is king cobra term goes into the forest to get the antivenin before every show there is no doctor or pharmacy in the entire village a long time ago the Thais discovered a route in the forest called one couple and swear by it as an antivenin doctors are skeptical of its effect yet the villagers believe that it gives them time if they're bitten they have to travel to the clinic which is 45 minutes away well I say hey how much he is very stubborn enough and I realize I never miss a Apple Tony let up me cuz I was deep in Chania no problem is Bolivian back home play a telepathic carmine elk in containing now see me a confit and BIA he waked near a the actual antiserum which is made from snake venom and which in activates the venom from a bite can only be administered by doctors but what happens to a body when it is bitten the poison attacks the nervous system among other things it attacks the synapses which are the points of contact between neurons and other cells if they are impaired then no information can be relayed which leads to paralysis the lymphatic system spreads the venom throughout the body at the beginning of the poisoning cranial nerves are attacked that's why the eyelids facial muscles tunnel and throw to the first to be crippled if the venom spreads further the respiratory muscles are also paralyzed the bite victim is in danger of suffocating in the meantime the village has turned the snake infestation into a business while some grow the antivenin route others like the trader yacht travel to neighboring villages to sell the root as a remedy the neighboring towns don't have as many snakes as the village of the king cobras but as is typical for Eastern Thailand superstition and alternative healing methods are also deeply rooted here yard always has his king cobra with him in order to carry out the job of educating as he puts it he earns around two hundred and fifty euros per month selling his remedies even the first customer has already taken the bait the woman pays roughly 100 25 for the route but you can buy superseded by my people away youngin I'm not thinkin how wouldn't they wrap the 130 amongst our I see with Hollywood I think you look at another the fear of reptiles is great and as experience shows us there's also a reason for it on the other hand our camera team was surprised at just how calmly the villages confronted a tiger python slithering through their village the women and children don't care constrictors may not be poisonous but they are capable of breaking all the bones of a man a call to the snake hunter known throughout the village every day he catches about 10 snakes that get into the villagers homes once again it's made quite clear that every job in the village has some connection with all the snakes around [Music] the Cobra fighters have easily the most dangerous job while Tom sets out with his king cobra for the first time in two years numerous spectators gradually begin to meet at the stage the village isn't advertised in the Travel Guide because visitors to the fight are mainly ties and locals who attach a certain spiritual meanings the fights before the show tammand his oldest colleague Comte show us that the animals aren't milked before the fight in other words their venom glands are still full in question Concha has been fighting with cobras for 59 years and he has been bitten 21 times in this part of the world limbs are frequently and too quickly amputated after snake bites because they swell up the venom may damage the tissue but amputations are rarely necessary in the case of subsequent infections before every fight term is the only fighter to put on a vest it offers him an additional layer of protection if the cobra bites the chest he hopes that its teeth will get caught in this mesh the first fight begins the 69 year old Comte is ahead of him the oldest man in the village claims to be a mean to snake venom by now if he's bit he no longer goes to the hospital but simply sucks out the poison whether this is true nobody knows after all there's no scientific evidence that a person can become completely immune after being bitten many times Sam knows he is not immune he almost didn't survive the last bite it was known in this king cobra it's allowed to drink once before the fight and to cool down then it's down to business [Music] the goal of the fight is to last one and a half minutes with the snake that bit Tam and sent him into a coma two years ago king cobras don't usually attack humans out in nature but since here on the stage they are continuously provoked by movement they start a mock attack or a defensive bite in this case the snake doesn't really bite the Cobra doesn't have many natural enemies and doesn't want to waste its venom that's why it will only bite at the place where it registered the last movement the marking shows Tam's last position where he provoked the snake and in fact the king cobra goes no further I contact is important term has to recognize when the snake will attack in order to leap out of the way at the right moment if the Cobra is serious about biting it would not flare its hood into a threatening position but would rather creep up then Tam would have no chance of dodging the fangs three fight has lost their lives this way terms weight does not work to his advantage in fights after the last bite the 25 year old put on 10 kilos because of the infusions at the high point of the fight the 25 year old is supposed to kiss the snake it's the critical moment at which last time he was bitten [Music] [Applause] the spectators are thrilled and give money in the meantime the fighting rituals have become the villages greatest source of income getting the next generation excited about the village tradition is all the more important for them the youngest fighter is called focus and is four years old the beauty rat snake isn't poisonous but it is aggressive the vicious but harmless snake is meant to teach him that a bite only hurts for a little while and it also helps him get rid of his fear yet the fear remains throughout life but nobody knows when the next king cobra will bite the next mysterious place is located in Shanghai even satellite images show that there is a building in China's metropolis that looks like the US Department of Defense the Pentagon the comparison makes it clear the Chinese copy is almost as big as the original why did the Chinese copy an American government building and what's inside it's 24 million inhabitants makes Shanghai one of the largest cities in the world we drove far into the eastern part of the city on our search for the Chinese Pentagon a rural area people here know the building very well this will not be any I'll cuddle with it and into the gym we'll go to Nando's lay out the Luna so Tina had me then I don't love you love you the building is known by the name old shallow in China literally translated it means five corner building we want to ask about it in this restaurant but why is it so empty here although it's lunchtime [Music] which has avoided the building changed the lives of many people here in the region we follow directions given at the restaurant and end up in front of this gate although the Chinese version is not as well secured as the u.s. original the flags are waving inside just like at the US Department of Defense since we can't find an entrance we unpack our drone we want to get a more accurate picture of things from above the dimensions only become evident from the air at 500,000 square meters the Chinese copy of the Pentagon is almost as big as the original an area the size of seventy football fields but we don't see any people from above even the gigantic carpark is empty we finally find an open gate in the East Wing and drive right in to our surprise this takes us to a large supermarket shopping at the Pentagon indeed but bizarre images await us here to know shoppers empty aisles and shelves the supermarket management is watching us skeptically with us continues shooting with a hidden camera [Music] forklift driver Jin Louie has works here since the Pentagon came into being we want to find out more from him his house was right where the Pentagon now stands he sold it for a lot of money this was actually supposed to become a huge shopping center but that's all for some food chain that got 30 Magister year so the DI tira Jerry man is the construction project has already swallowed 180 million euros there was supposed to be luxury shops here in a new super more but the plan didn't work out our mental people's is just that you know I mean Baja we are still accompanying jean-louis when security suddenly appears in front of us camera crews are not welcome here we are told we must leave the premises immediately the security guard prohibits us from returning and threatens to call the police new day new attempt we want to find out what else is in the building and why it's been abandoned we send another team to the Pentagon and get inside through a side entrance broken glass smeared walls this looks nothing like the Pentagon the lifts don't work escalators out of order apart from the supermarket the huge building is empty but it's someone there no security this time but who's the man with a camera oh that really I'm going across to them hi hi - 53 mph walking free if you think of it at jean bugatti bhava chakra is the authority far so it's all hi hi tiger the video cuts into the talk here Ludo te amo CNG Joe works as an account manager and is a photo blogger in his spare time we follow him into the malls underground parking area not a single car is parked in the oversized parking garage until hi telomere quality found funds I'm losing in New Year mmm like I feel really want to see a hostel in soon about the empty parking garage is constantly filled with the sounds of western music although there's nobody here but it gets even stranger a gigantic unused area endless corridors and an infrastructure that is gradually falling into disrepair hoarder some those swim up to go and a Yuma the power outlets are in working order almost everywhere the sanitary facilities however are out of order alongside all the garbage we suddenly discover a sheet office the mocking system makes funny noises though [Music] how're ya [Music] even after waiting for some time we do not find the owner of the office CNG char tells us that ghost malls like these are not uncommon in China another ghost mall is located in Dongguan in southern China it looks even worse in Ordos where an entire town is empty the main reasons for the failed construction projects massive over estimation of the market situation and lack of government controls the operators have badly miscalculated in the case of the Pentagon Zoo and the empty building continues to incur costs a fortune hi dear no save hi you no no no you return with hot water one this anyway all tied up how do I follow it what if you and that I don't like hi can we make our way to the center of the Pentagon the huge inner courtyard is beautifully maintained the plants have been trimmed and it still looks quite tidy despite years of lying fallow what are these visitors waiting for do you still read this year Asia's biggest Disney World is scheduled to complete construction at a distance of 8 kilometers from the Pentagon building and is expected to attract millions of visitors to the region it is currently still a building construction site however how much a photographer dmg ciao also hopes Disney World will attract more visitors did you know your Martha Louise and your koala taken are sure that were somehow through their hunting door - no totally Salma Shanghai's empty Pentagon whether the new theme park impacts the letting situation in the monumental building complex only the future will tell until then this place will remain an exceptional lost place [Music] after watching a copied American building we visit an original one in New York [Music] 39 stories a total area of 69 thousand square meters and several thousand employees the United Nations headquarters is an essential part of New York skyline yet the United Nations isn't located on American territory at all and inside there are several baffling spots arcane old phone booths a security door and what does Austria have to do with a UN Secretary General Ban ki-moon main objectives of un in New York ensuring world peace and collaboration between nations the UN headquarters is located in midtown Manhattan on the site of a former slaughterhouse john d rockefeller donated the land to the international organization in 1946 but why is it nevertheless not located on American territory let's take a closer look here it looks like a heavily guarded border fences cameras armed security personnel the UN is extraterritorial it officially does not belong to any nation the UN even maintains its own small police force they are also responsible for hoisting the 193 flags of the member states every morning at eight o'clock officer Juan Reyes has been working here for 15 years sometimes we have a lot of demonstrations going on you have to use some force and as well as demonstrations that come from outside coming in but it's very rare is there we have some instances where we had I don't know if you heard back in 2003 or 2004 there was a shootout here in the United Nations where a Korean national came in and do some shootout every visitor to the UN has to go through this security check at the entrance just like at the airport they have to pass through an x-ray machine and hand over dangerous objects such as knives the UN even has its own post office its main distinctive feature only here you can buy your own UN stamps and send mail with a UN postmark directly below here in the UN's basement is the fire station it is made up of a handful of firefighters with exceptionally professional equipment they extinguish small blazes themselves the New York City Fire Department is only called in next we'll take a look at what is probably the best-known part of the UN building the General Assembly once a year all 193 member nations gather here for official proceedings the first surprise comes right away in the entry area why is there a set of stairs here that is obviously prohibited from use it connects the entry area with the main entrance to the General Assembly it doesn't look dilapidated so why is there a protected grating Donna Schmidt who's responsible for architecture at the UN knows the answer he reveals to us that the stairs were built this way on purpose starts minish frightened when Connie 10:15 so astonished calls three years their minds of new normal left Fredman often Ozzie see the movie note student hooks and on lesson it's true if you take normal steps you'll quickly lose your balance on the extremely long stairs that's why they're opened only once a year for the general assembly these doors lead to the General Assembly's official ceremonies the UN's largest Hall has space for over 1,800 people every year from September to December representatives of all member nations meet here for example to adopt resolutions more or less every politician of note has been a guest speaker here for example then president of the Soviet Union Nikita Khrushchev and gray outbursts a legendary Fidel Castro of Cuba held the longest speech to date here in 1960 it was four and a half hours long and the former president of Palestine Arafat is said to have once appeared at the lectern with a loaded revolver the seating arrangements of the individual countries is alphabetical right at the front there's the next exciting UN fact this meet at all golden war it's 230 square meters long and completely covered in gold leaf you know I designed this one on the ones who reflect in the tailor designed veneer I was runnin around resistant loose King made him fanzine what is only Levi so reflected hurts Tasman even half needs mercy in Khan they aren't so common of the Eid Eve when Maki of a seedless was near afflicted tower peanuts is called on there are headphones at every delegate seat these aren't cutting-edge models is this ancient technology really in use at such a famous institution either the seat on the create hours eventually he had signed a forum in let's seen thousand yuan currently in that he's a guns a Technic does here reading similar John Cato image to be an interesting dish Prague would if you know in Vegas ended officially on the UN is currently undergoing major renovations although everything is digital today this tried-and-true analog technology has survived the interpreters booths are located up above they're sort of the box seats of the UN theater the UN has six official languages English French Russian Spanish Chinese and Arabic Jennifer Kearns is one of 100 UN interpreters she pays attention not only to what she hears but also to what she sees Sweden Kappa Xena's fear exists in from bad massage so believe me isn't just imperative niched of a mind clicked on Henry Fielding from a co-exist sauce for 20 month unabated when seats of HP Pierrot zzk Topsy organics in Topsy arts Friedman epicene Topsy Putin debate four scenes in this age of cell phones what role to these old phone booths play in the General Assembly they stand in the side aisles and look like something out of a black-and-white film somehow they just don't fit in at a modern global institution like the UN what's more they don't even work anymore ryuko dr. Stein site is no kinda handy scarf Tom Shean a least intelligent is the telephone sentinels from 6 1 6 n scalene all done quality television so far as for you you can't make calls in these old phone booths anymore but they remain as mementos [Music] we're changing buildings the Secretariat tower measures 155 meters several thousand people from almost every nation work here peacefully across 39 stories it is the UN's administrative building it's also where the Secretary General's office is located did you know that he sits at a desk from Austria [Music] secretary-general ban ki-moon's office is located all the way at the top of the UN tower from here he doesn't just have a beautiful view he also makes decisions of global significance and right here at this desk which was made in Austria it was specially crafted from Elmwood with a stainless steel un logo value tens of thousands of euros the heart of the UN is located on the seventh floor what's hiding behind this security gate and why do so few people have access this is the way to the situation center it's the office of the UN's intelligence service only a small handful of people have access here most employees previously worked but other intelligence organizations of the military but what exactly happens here we maintain a 24/7 watch around the clock what we do is we monitor UN feel presences so we're simply gathering information from our missions and we summarize it very early in the morning so we can produce a product that we send to all the seniors by Temple State in the morning here the UN employees gather important information and make decisions that could change the world history places
Channel: Free Documentary
Views: 826,780
Rating: 4.6287155 out of 5
Keywords: Free Documentary, Documentaries, Full documentary, HD documentary, documentary - topic, documentary (tv genre), lost places, mystery places, cold war, Abandoned places, Abandoned, Fake Pentagon, Survival Condo, Minefield, Luxury Survival Condo
Id: Xh6Rvr3GgY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 27sec (3207 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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