Dangerous Mining Work in Indonesia & Underground Houses in China | Mystery Places | Free Documentary

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[Music] [Music] the island of belitung at first sight it is paradise but for most of the inhabitants life on the island is everything but because they work in an industry that is very mysterious to us the tin mines with bare feet and just their hands the men rummage around in knee-deep mud searching for tin in the toxic mud this search doesn't only destroy the island but also their bodies but it is their only way of making money the small island off the coast of sumatra has 160 thousand inhabitants and almost off of them work in the mines like most others here eivin and his family live in a sheet metal hut his pride and joy are his mobile phone and his motorcycle but both of them are cheap replicas doesn't bother him and he isn't aware of the fact that maybe he himself one day quarried for the tin in these machines at the risk of his own life ivan is 22 years old but his skin and hands look a lot older as Ivan works in the tin mines of belitung Jurgen Nano oh sorry arena taco sabisu corrugator Sababa Damania kundalini korean Tata llama la blaw sundown like almost all miners ivan is self-employed but self-employed the indonesian way this means that he only gets paid if he finds tin but he can't decide himself where he wants to dig for it he has to go to the big tin companies mines and even there he can't just search for the precious metal anywhere he wants a kind of Foreman allocates three to four man teams to a designated area and during the course of the day checks whether everyone is really working where they are supposed to with the help of just water and their bare hands the workers dig up to ten meter deep and 30 meter wide holes and search for Tynan [Music] Ahmadinejad in Mallorca session is upon tomorrow punkin limitless town - a fan abou cotton bump team on this is no surprise as the demand for tin is ever-growing but for most consumers where it really comes from is a mystery after China Indonesia has the biggest tin reserves in the world in 2009 the island state produced one third of all the mind tin in the whole world the companies in Belitung have already cleared most of the 5,000 square kilometer island of all its trees [Music] the tanah pulling it oh this is your Ottoman young Gator mom want a monitor on the venturi tomorrow they're only tools too old and rusty diesel comes Ivan and his co-workers have to pay for the fuel themselves but without this machinery mining here would be impossible the principle behind it is simple one pump pumps water out of the hole they are digging and another pumps fresh rainwater back into it under high pressure through the power of the jet of water the lumps of Earth turn into mud and this makes it much easier to forage for tin stones using just your hands [Music] [Music] there's an monitor any luck it uh maybe that mentality my little man I only made you graduate of the truck well you're that unhappy market about to be completely exact the men are actually looking for cassiterite a mineral that tin is made from for the untrained eye it is barely distinguishable from a regular pebble but the miners know immediately ivan is paid by weight he earns five to ten euros per kilogram so two little stones by themselves are almost worthless the men will have to find a lot more but for now they have only found shards of glass stones and scrap [Music] there are no set positions or jobs here everyone has to do everything with their hands they rummage around in the mud and the tropical heat doesn't help either if they don't find anything they won't get paid and the search is tedious as tin stones are rather small and hidden deep in the ground of belitung they are often even smaller than a pebble it is the famous search for the needle in the haystack here but the men will not give up always driven by the dream of hitting the jackpot Ivan still speaks fondly of a lucky find he once made inexplicable blisters deformations and a skin like leather the list of ailments is long ivan is 22 years old and the average life expectancy for a minor on Belitung is 43 most died young from cancer or respiratory diseases but the long-term effects are just one aspect another is the acute danger that the miners are constantly faced with the water loosens the ground around them wherever it can it seeps into and under washes the sidewalls that can then collapse sometimes this is what the workers try to do on purpose but it can also quickly become very dangerous when the sidewalls are in motion Humberto [Music] when a six meter high wall of Earth is in motion there is no escape just in this mine alone every year ten miners die due to landslides but when they are standing inside a hole its nyan impossible to notice if something is about to happen it is already early afternoon and the men have only found a couple of grands but then suddenly chaos spreads all around like a shot everyone drops their primitive tools and begins to run a man shouting stops the work dog Whataya cigar engineer was a moment a conclusion in a Kannada ending ito and Darla get a tan robo the foreman that allocates the miners to the holes has noticed something when we take a closer look it becomes clear the men have dug dangerously close to the next hole it is completely filled with water and it is pushing against the thin wall of soil with all its might in many places the water is already seeping through and the walls are becoming increasingly unstable it's only a question of time until the dam breaks for today nobody is allowed to work in the hole anymore Ivan and his colleagues are disappointed they've only found a couple of grams are too little to sell [Music] mm current Ambani kaya Oh Mandy Patinkin a silicon hero given since he was 15 years old Ivan has been working in the mines and on average only finds or every three days on days like this when he hasn't earned anything Ivan has to save where he can this is homemade petrol when Ivan gets home there is no time for affection or kind words he is too ashamed in front of his wife and family for not bringing home any money again say yes I'll oh how idea said the apnea bradycardia well up will yet be a deductible haasil and funding year so I'm not hiring me the men in Indonesia see this differently here the man has to provide for his family and if he cannot do so he is regarded as a failure this happens in many homes here evening after evening until a new day dawns maybe today will be the day where Ivan makes money in the mines overnight most of the water has trickled away the workers aren't allowed to carry on working in this pit but they turn on the pumps once more to suck out the remaining mud happy my tin is heavier than sand and soil the suction pipe runs uphill on purpose so that the pieces of ore are collected at the bottom of the pipe now the men turn the pump up to full power with extremely high pressure they clear the pipe the water then pushes the tin stones out and the men collect it at the top garden Agadir nope nah nah I said yeah I'm gonna be why not good [Music] the water is coming out of the pipe at full pressure now after the hard and strenuous work yesterday it's now time for the more delicate part of the job first the men hold back the tin with shovels while the lighter sand is carried away by the water then with their hands and feet in the end they can actually fill a small bag with tin stones but there is still sand in the tin and it is impossible to sell it like this but this is about to change at Ivan's friend's house because only good quality guarantees a good price every grain of sand has to go an unpleasant and laborious task where every grain counts as the purity decides the price of the tin and therefore how much the men will earn the middlemen here are relatively rich they buy the raw material for a very low price and then sell it to big companies with a huge markup ivan is anxious the bag weighs over four kilograms but how much pure tin is inside oh no that's a neck now go get a get on I say wow that with the help of scales water and a calculator the middleman can exactly determine how much pure tin is in the bag the better the workers know the middleman the less they are cheated by them this is because they are not able to double check its calculations oh yeah I see what about 9 euros per kilogram that means they almost get 36 euros for their four kilogram bag this is not only an extremely good wholesale price but for Indonesian standards also a lot of money but the three miners have to share the profit and for two days of incredibly hard and life-threatening work 13 euros doesn't seem that much in the end after all but it will be enough for Ivan to feed his family for a couple of days and also to treat himself to a hot meal I think we don't God and adapt at cutting back appear in is a compressible support our opponent Magellan Quran topic American go on there ok the part and you know someone blowing the tin mines of Indonesia we use what is dug out of the ground here every day in our technical appliances a mysterious place that does have a lot to do with our daily lives after all our journey continues to a mysterious place in England we've caught a plane and are travelling to Manchester from there our journey continues for another two hours until we reached a small town of Nazareth with its 15 thousand inhabitants apparently here we will find a magical spring and a strange wall of rock which are also the oldest tourist attractions in the country our search leads us past a cave which is surrounded by legends it is said that in this mysterious place the fortune teller mother Shipton was born in the 15th century and allegedly she predicted the big fire in London at the end of the 104 acre large park we're meeting Fiona Martin the owner of the so called magic spring [Music] so I'm looking for the origin of the picture that's just down the steps and at the front of the petrifying well the water coming down here mm-hmm which is a mile underground it's supposed to be a hidden lake and it travels along up and after fie and down and produces massive amounts of calcite okay let's go for a long time the spring was regarded as a mystical place many of the locals didn't dare go near it because branches and birds turn to stone there as well there is it we've made it here we are at the 6,000 year old spring in just a few months all kinds of objects ossify here in a dripped stone cave this would take centuries the teddy bear tradition has developed over time [Music] could you tell us something about the physicians who hang a teddy bear over there I wasn't around in 1630 when it was first opened they used to hang visitors items up there and they used to have a tag with a number on so they can relate to whose was whose but sometimes it just flood and it all collapsed down and the items were swept away along the river even some VIPs have hung up a personal item here and it is possible to admire the most famous people's fossils in a museum next to the spring like John Wayne's hat or Queen Mary's shoe for example in the past years many other stars came to the spring - so what are some most things being hanging there at the minute it's the cat which was left by a man called by Libba got who was the mission controller means took the call Houston I think we've got a problem in theory the teddies are stalactites a little memory aid stalactite slook like drops of water and they hang off the ceiling in dripstone caves stuck in there well this was placed about a year and a half ago because we have the Tour de France that came to Yorkshire which was a massive deal for England so the extremely mineral rich water is the secret to this place apart from calcium magnesium and sodium the water also contains limestone and iron and all these are the reason for the turbo fossilization that takes place here it will get covered with the water and then if it drips down the calcite will remain on the teddy bear and then over time it will have a good nine-month the longer you leave it on there the better the thicker it will become everything that touches the water fossilizes or the little teddy the process will take about three months of course we to place a teddy enough authorizing spring and after just two weeks in the magic water it has almost become a peaceful eternity our next mysterious place takes us to China here in China there are some very odd holes in the ground apparently they are meant to be houses we have to find this mysterious place but the first houses we see are all above ground [Music] we've arrived in mail Xiang and really this is where the underground houses are this is one of 40 villages of its kind and there are about 10,000 of these cave-like structures in China here Guan lives with his family was it you're pretty sure so you said touching do you know yeah when we were out they were saying it is yeah so why - I want you to let the area demo taken well you kinda to trigger your pull up over this small tunnel is the only entrance Ron dug it with his own hands trust me ah firm agree while it is 38 degrees Celsius outside the inner courtyard is relatively cool at 26 degrees and yes it's true the walls are made completely of soil taking a care Kyle wouldn't you you had to get the oil before you're the patient when we told her I don't your facet for that you hurry up Asia the TV on the bed made from cement is maybe a little hard but one likes it that way the only real problem is the television reception which often isn't great due to the extremely thick walls the signal unfortunately doesn't come by a cable but still Guan likes it here well cheerio hey yeah what are you read yeah poverty doesn't work alcohol Takumi yeah EDG his house has eight rooms and only cost 150 euros to build one lives here with his parents his sister her husband and his two nieces in the center of the courtyard the family grows vegetables tomatoes chilies and grapes this means that they only have to go to the market once a week he is a gluten free ah yeah yeah shut up what do you movie theater well your what are you the 12 year old Ren Gran's nice also lives in the subterranean earth house [Music] colonia the host attorney those stretches from haberdasher dr. pigeon [ __ ] mayor de negocio Harbor so harsher see one city jungle no you totally the fungal guan's mother Zhang has quite a different opinion two 12 year old ran for her it is unimaginable to ever move out of her house in the ground every day in the kitchen she cooks in the same way as the people here did 200 years ago with the help of her ancient stone it is like everything here made of soil - with an old bellows made of wood she constantly has to pump air into it further so that sort of we are creatures top of me I say is it's getting where the yes one was the anvil for the yen toys the voice of the swamp our cousin would have the - yeah the over dere you may have oh this is it [Music] - good you are so you guys there won't be a yoga scarf Allah Allah the only use for the room now is storing tools as a switch of Devon China the new toilet is now located at the surface just where yoga stuff up altogether 35 families live in this subterranean village each of them in their own house which are all built according to the rules of thongs way guan is a professional feng shui master and he knows exactly where it is possible to build a new earth whole house hallelujah booyah booyah booyah Shabbat pooja curves all Dre Yahoo is a true Hera the men know this all too well in the past houses have collapsed and these accidents always bring lots of casualties with them therefore they work extremely precisely with the help of chords and the Fung Shui compass they are able to plan the new dig incredibly precisely [Music] they're together we're not getting one jihad you honor they were here why you're here do math with the help of his geomancer compass Guan measures the energetic quality of the soil on the new property the alignment of the new structure is incredibly important for feng shui [Music] you're not the only ship chan but regardless of feng shui the ravages of time are Naurang away at the houses cracks keep appearing in the walls what are we gonna okra no quiz about teacher chambre sighs oh yeah ah us asking dear well what is he I applaud your catch for me real quick away but her suitor Hall will be Julia wiped my chakra same area chaha chaha because if it rains heavily here the inhabitants have a big problem but they try to manage Terrafugia my killer you well yeah pretty well but doesn't care feed it terror fear so together all those pages Trisha Shirey Latoya shoppers um Utah trillion see Amir see Donna Jessica says music the underground water tank has a holding capacity of 2,000 liters but when it rains heavily it can still sometimes overflow you know to get the oil to this sheriff you know what why are not you gonna feel yeah our little girl CN far table because you had me yeah totally all the dishes are generally here today you know today bill Richman Ron and his brother-in-law have to mend the damaged walls before the whole house starts to crumble the mixture is easy to make and doesn't cost a penny soil is simply mixed with straw and water the reason for the straw is that it makes the soil stick to the wall more easily normally the muddy mixture is a fix for about two years but the weather here is getting more and more extreme and the population have to somehow deal with the consequences a dozen then again the Otago guys knew each other well you knew you EMU di Roma Ron loves his life in his subterranean house especially when the whole family gathers in the courtyard in the evenings to have dinner together [Music] don't you want Oprah yeah well yeah yeah feed that Raquel Commission as a should I show you poor war me that's with an unimportant poor waiter remote is away original gives it to me well but the Chinese government wants to preserve at least some of these subterranean houses and use them as hotels for adventure-seeking tourists so in the future everybody will be able to sleep underground for at least one night from China our journey takes us on to India for some people it is extremely disgusting but it's completely normal in India spitting and slowly but surely it is becoming a problem and this woman wants to stop it Mumbai's moral custodian registry cambly is on patrol every day and catches spitters red-handed latekka a jerk a smelly Guiteau a chilling minute or cha hey yogi denied a jogger Pedro de Atacama kanna kuzhi button again she's not faced with an easy task as for many Indians it is unthinkable not to spit because it is part of an old tradition tradition or not such dirty streets are not wanted in the booming economic metropolis and that is the reason for the existence of the so-called spitting police that acts on behalf of the municipal administration Roger Shree cambly is part of a 25 strong team that is on patrol in different city districts no easy job for a woman - which one is new Sentinel equally misses come to Teresa job connealy in can be given to you sorry Archana ITA I'm obviously not an economist about Nyang it's Kelly I love like a Chilean dog Millie don't give me a man our nest lounge the officers always work in pairs to guarantee their safety because the spitting police is not very popular at all we're allowed to accompany registry and her colleagues into their unusual battle against the spitters and this is where they work the vast metropolis of Mumbai which was officially called Bombay until 1996 it is the second largest city in India and the most important seaport of the country there is a spitting ban in place but no one adheres to it in order to not attract attention both of them are wearing plain clothes they watch the passers-by from different angles and it doesn't take long until they catch their first offender but the man is unaware of any wrongdoing on his behalf the man has to pay a fine but says that he doesn't have any money on him if he pays up immediately the finest two hundred rupees about three euros for Indian standards this is a severe fine as for many people here this is a whole day's pay in situations like this the culprits moods can sometimes very quickly change Roger Sri sees everything not only spitting is an offense that is high on her list mr. plastic Opilio dollar it is mostly men that's bit when registry gives a command it usually gets obeyed public a friendly no Roger Shree wants to leave a lasting impression she wants the people to understand that the red pools of spit are not only soiling their city but also they are dangerous and this man will explain to us how dangerous they are Rishi Agarwal works for the observer research foundation and keeps reminding the government about the hazards of this phenomenon and by yourself you have very high incidence of people doses because people are living compact surrounding density is very high reishi shows us places where the risk of infection in a mega city like Mumbai is especially high every day thousands of people pass through this pedestrian underpass the air is stuffy and there's no ventilation but there are lots of spit marks everywhere we're spending so much time they expose much more people who are shopping employed over here the citizens are used to spitting and the spitting ban alone doesn't really seem to discourage anyone but maybe the solution could be very simple you just put one spoon and maybe design it very beautifully the reason for the spitting problem is mainly a custom that has existed for thousands of years a little snack called par but the Indians can't keep their hands off it is also the reason for the red color of the saliva they chew it for a long time almost like chewing gum and then spit it out traditionally the family the father yes and we want to find out more about this custom and discover exactly what turns the saliva so red so we make our way to the biggest power market in the city even a road is named after the snack in this pond Street we see lots of green leaves everywhere the demand seems to be high this trader sells about twenty baskets per day these so called beetle leaves feel quite tough we continue our search and take a look at the next ingredient that is vital for par everywhere large quantities of beetle nuts are being chopped maybe they are responsible for the reddish color we decide to ask a trader you want to play hard but I've been nearly baby not following all the ingredients in this snack are very hard that is why most Indians spit the remnants out but we still don't know where the red color originates from is made from acacia oranges overeater special fish got to smell another ingredient choke the cutter paste reacts with it and turns it dark red this also gives the saliva in the mouth the red color pawn is so popular because it helps digestion and also has a stimulating effect only by rupees 10 rupees while 10 rupees are five rupees everyone can afford in euros that isn't even ten cents and pawn is sold on almost every corner it provides the livelihoods of many families in Mumbai and this is the finished product a kind of miniature sandwich enhanced with lots of different ingredients [Music] this is a cherry okay and some two three coconut this is day this is coconut slice straight if you're in a hurry it's also possible to purchase the snack already wrapped up and what is the vendor think of the spitting ban and that is exactly what the people do and the streets tell the tale for municipal officer registry every citizen is a potential spitting of fender hockey look super sunny Yankee warm potato cooked ahead businessman I don't know a together garden message out there so car wannabe took them by sending a car missing a picnic are one we cooked a bike you facility the wall of a signal photography a driver of the Kia Cerato Koup a Saku Saku en a to make which category layer hello missus a world of the 50s appreciated Rajesh trees battle against spitting in a mega cities such as Mumbai may seem hopeless but for her it is all worth it because every person that she catches red-handed - then apologizes and clears away their mess is a huge success for her Kabhi Kabhi UK mania 36 million boys a bolon yokte portable registry is convinced that through her work she can make chaotic Mumbai a little bit cleaner and smarter every day the search for our next mysterious place takes us Rio de Janeiro probably everyone is familiar with our next mysterious place Rio de Janeiro the town where probably the biggest party in the world takes place the parties in the streets of Rio are back-breaking work for many people for some even dangerous and a wild party almost without any rules the Carnival in Rio already begins in the early hours of the morning in the small alleys and backyards like here for example Elina already starts to prepare for the biggest party of the year in the morning and that first of all means getting into her costume as little red samba Riding Hood Elina is a real Carioca that is what the inhabitants of Rio are called and almost all of them transform themselves into their dream character especially when Medical Council - dianella eople convictable is coming up which 50mm was caliber filler strata for a vote based on senior vote Kubala Preta a beige a kabuki news apart from gleaming colors and a fancy outfit even little red riding-hood needs to take some very worldly things along such as a phone cash and condoms it is best to carry all of these things as close to the body as possible so that no one who shouldn't can get to them now fully equipped it's time to head to Rios city center there are some ways Elena's mother knows that at the carnival anything can happen and hopes that her daughter will be safe Elena's destination the so-called Loco party in one hour she wants to be there at the same time the first visitors who are already there are slowly beginning to warm up but not everything that looks like a costume really is one bombas outfit is real he is in charge of cleaning up but there's always a little bit of time for some partying [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] first empieza another dimension was itself ever suggested chasm I into Vienna cuando Ella no no no poor food our malaria checkup or never sister camera devadasi during the carnival tons of rubbish have to be cleared away so aside from all the hard work during the carnival for bambor and his colleagues at least they get to have some fun too [Music] Little Red Riding Hood Elena has almost arrived at the party vaso bien los Ranchos Oh Sabine Aguada whatever data that was available Alena is meeting her friends at the station Rio's trains are relatively safe but during the carnival one should always be on the lookout for pickpockets so that Alena and her friends can feel safe fifteen thousand police officers are on duty during the carnival one of them is 32 year old Raphael he's been a policeman for five years in this town where gang wars cost over six thousand people their lives every year okay in winter the mutagenic 40-meter to reach the nasa dodgy Oh contagious persuasive profit Ong disapprove 800 to multi Profeta who speak Arabic or down so our parabola respond metrosexual skirmish respond me to such boys police officer Raphael has learned over the years that during the day it is mostly peaceful it only gets really dangerous in the evenings when pickpockets and drug dealers begin to roam the streets for now it's party time all in all they're about five million visitors that come for the festivities each year [Music] last stop the corner shop because drinks at the party itself are twice as expensive as here two buckets of ice a cooling box Brazilian style [Music] now the group is ready for the party of the year time to join the crowd and dance [Applause] [Music] but parties and festivities also mean a lot of rubbish on the streets officially there are fines of up to 115 euros for littering but in reality almost no one is ever find most research my Falabella you pestered association telemachus not here l-leave magnetic walk the bustle mm road sweepers bring as much waste as they can to the collection points for the dustbin men to collect later 400 million litres of beer are sold during the carnival that means a lot of bottles and cans and means a lot of business for example for Andrea since lunchtime business has been booming for this drinks vendor [Music] it's almost in her normal life and drea works in a call center and makes about 200 euros per week during the carnival she earns the same amount in a day when she has sold her last can she has to get more from the supply lorries but the queue is long the best food if I say today that but though the moon sit out soon then I said to be the annuity message [Music] anthro stays cool but some vendors are not at all happy about the weight [Music] [Applause] meanwhile the street party is really starting to take off during the carnival the overflowing streets and alleys provide perfect opportunities for pickpockets you have to be very vigilant as Arlena knows [Music] [Music] [Applause] officially there are around 8,000 cases of theft and robbery during the Carnival in Rio Road Suite Bumba has also found some sinister things in Rio's bins [Music] [Music] ah [Music] the initial history girls Kabaddi fight hey babe [Music] it is no surprise that boomba and his co-workers went on strike two years ago in order to receive hazardous duty pay since then the road sweepers make 400 instead of 180 euros per month in the meantime our Lena is busy practicing her flirting skills [Music] in such a big crowd it's always easy to meet new people for drinks vendor Andrea the tables have turned the carnival is the biggest moneymaker of the year for her road sweet Bamba is in a good mood and Alina is thoroughly enjoying the Carnival season so everything is in perfect order we will only know after sunset in the city center of Rio the samba schools of Rio are presenting themselves in all their glory and in the streets police officer Raphael is still hunting for small-time criminals prostitutes and drug dealers [Music] quando quando sono firmware necessary Lucas episode Armada dominant supplier Zuzu about pistoia the wings that'll be when Cesar oh gosh they are the white knights of the carnival drunk partygoers are the smallest problem here whereas conflicts between gangs are quite the opposite but today everything seems to be calm on the whole at least Fabian okay rio de janeiro roughly translates as the City of God and tonight he seems to be watching over his town at least until the next morning when Bumba gives it his all again and starts cleaning the streets and with the next day of Carnaval dawning everything starts over again
Channel: Free Documentary
Views: 650,651
Rating: 4.7279258 out of 5
Keywords: Free Documentary, Documentaries, Full documentary, HD documentary, documentary - topic, documentary (tv genre), lost places, mystery places, Abandoned places, Abandoned, abandoned house, mysterious places, abandoned buildings, explore with us, miner, mining work, tin miners in indonesia, tin mining, mining documentary, hole house, underground village, Carnival in Rio, carnival
Id: n-HVmA-6eNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 20sec (3140 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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