Pizza Margherita | Cooking Italian with Joe

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yes the good life lets you hide all the sadness you feel you own everybody welcome back to my kitchen cooking your town with Joe today we are making pizza so I got my flipper authentic Italian pizza flipper you don't need one of these but awesome um and we're going to make pizza margherita so let me throw my little prop over on the side Pizza Margherita I thought what I do with you guys today is show you how to make it right from start to finish I'm going to make a homemade dough homemade dough is always the best ideally if you're doing a homemade dough a day is really nice it's really a two day process because you want the dough to set for a day in the refrigerator and what that does is allow the allows the yeast the enzymes to break down gives the gives the dough a little bit better flavor but that's alright if you don't if now you're going to need about 3-4 hours to let the dough to rise and then spread it on the sheet so either way is good so what do I have here as far as ingredients go so we've got 5 cups of flour oh we talked about this before any time you're making um I would say any bread any dough you want to use unbleached non enriched flour organic flour if possible ok so that's what we have here we have 5 5 cups of flour which is great great we got 1/2 of a cup of olive oil we've got one and a half tablespoons of sugar we've got one tablespoon of salt we have 2 cups of warm water I get a lot of emails on that when we talk about water and yeast and so forth you don't want water cold because it won't activate the yeast if you have it too hot or hot you know water we can't stick your hold your finger under the water it's going to it's going to kill these so what we want is essentially warm water we're going to take two packets of yeast and a little bit of Italian vino ok and I'm going to show you why it's kind of a nice little trick so that being said we want to activate the yeast so rule number one anytime you're making Brad or any type of dough you're going to activate the yeast what you're going to do is you're going to put the yeast in the warm water and and I love that smell you can smell that you know in bread or any type of beer or ain't a book Joe and then remember yeast life to eat sugars so in the in the goal there we want to take our sugar and we want to mix our sugar right in the water okay and you don't want to put salt in there because it can kill the yeast you don't want to put alcohol in there right now because they can kill the yeast you want to activate the yeast so we got two packets of yeast we're going to stir it around you're gonna let it set about five minutes and what that'll do is that'll start to activate okay that being said now we've got our salt and then five cups of our so 1 tablespoon of salt with our flour we're going to put that in there we've got 1/2 of a cup of olive oil nice good quality olive oil is what you want we're going to mix that in there set that off to the side and then what we're going to do is we're going to put a quarter cup of white wine now the reason we want to use a white wine and alcohol if you will and you'll see that in some dough's is the alcohol actually helps break down some of the glutens what will happen a lot of times when you work at oh is it builds up those proteins that we talked about and it makes the dough harder to work so a nice little trick you'll see that in some dough's for example it's it's traditional to use our Marcella line in in a cannoli and a cannoli shell dough the reason being is it makes it a lot easier to work with you're going to build up a lot of protein you're going to build up a lot of gluten so in this case we're going to use a little bit alcohol it's a nice little trick and then what I'll do is it'll allow the dough to build up the gluten so it will give you a good foundation but it will always make it easy you know when you take pizza dough sometimes you try to stretch it and it becomes elastic and it comes back that's the gluten within it so once it's room temperature if it's tough to get elastic it's usually because it's got a lot of gluten sometimes the dough's gotten tough you've overworked it this is kind of that little forgiving so we're going to use about 1/4 cup of wine maybe a little bit more but that's okay you can never put too much wine and I'm going to set that off to the side and then we've got this going so you can see it right now it's starting to foam up which is perfect so what I'm going to do is I'm going to mix this up a little bit and this is just going to make this is going to make a mess essentially okay so I've got a flat bottom wooden tool that I can use to scrape in the bowl right which makes it kind of fun and then I always have a baker's knife baker scraper which are nice you can get a plastic or what-have-you all right and I got my yeast going and you can see it foamy and it's starting to as I said it's certainly giving me that traditional cement smell and then I'm just going to put a little hole in the bottom so I put a little hole in there you're going to make kind of like a well so you put a well in there and then you just pour the we're two liquid right in there and that just gets it inside and then real simple you're going to start to mix it and as you mix it you can sing a little low law you can sing a little Sinatra you can get flour all over you it usually takes me two to three minutes into the mixing process before you get covered with flour it's almost always well this dough is going to be a little bit wetter this one might be a little bit oh that's beautiful hey and you're just going to mix it and just keep mixing and what will happen is it as it makes that mess see how it's starting to mix up really nice it's going to start to form a job so like I talked a little bit about the gluten it's actually going to start to form a foundation like a ball okay and that's a good thing and you can feel it how it's kind of warm see that's almost perfect so what I'm going to do is I'm going to take my scraper and I'm going to scrape off my tool I love my baker scrape right so we're pretty much done with my might old now I want to empty this out on my work surface and want to take a little bit of flour now let's just put that over the top of the work surface okay take a little flour that we won't stick and I'm going to take this and it doesn't even appear to be that sticky right now I'm gonna put on I love making Brad's I love making dough's once you start to get the knack it becomes a lot easier they become a lot more fun now I will tell you on a pizza dough we got a couple of challenges one we don't want to mix it too much we don't want to knead the dough too much because what's going to start to happen is it's going to get too tough now this is a little bit I can tell just by touching it it's just a little bit of a wet dough so I'm going to need to add a little bit more flour that's okay and when I say that when you touch it you can actually feel moisture and it almost becomes a little bit too tacky so let me let me mix it a little bit and then what you're going to do after you after you work the dough and I wouldn't work with more than five minutes is you're going to you're going to let the dough rest you constantly hear that you want to let the dough rest why because you're building up these bands of elastin and these bands of gluten which are very elastic and what happens is it starts to get tough to work with secondly we want a nice light like a Napoleon type of like Napoli right what's known as your traditional pizza thin crust pizza okay so that being said when when you bite into the the dough or if you will the crust you want the crust to be crunchy and light you don't want it to be chewy if you will so and the other challenge you'll always have when you're making a pizza in a house is you know you have to remember when you go to those wood burning pizza ovens especially like in Italy and Napoli and so forth those ovens are 800 degrees or hot so you know a traditional home oven 500 degrees by 50 if you're lucky see that's starting to get nice now so what's going to happen is you know it's not going to it's not going to cook really sharp will crisp if you have to almost cook it a little bit longer and what you risk there why it's always tougher to get that same feel at home is because it starts to cook out some of the moisture in the dough so that's what's nice about a real hot um and when you pop it in there it cooks it almost flaps cooks it quick without cooking all the moisture out of the dough so in the house it's a little tougher so you're always going to want a pizza stone because you want to get as much hot surfaces possible contact with the dough the other challenge is because it's going to cook for maybe five or six minutes longer because in those ovens at 800 degrees you're only going to cook at five minutes six minutes in this case we might leave it in there for 15 minutes so that being said you don't always want to put all your ingredients on the on the top so you might want to put it in the oven cook it with the tomato on there for let's say five minutes to seven minutes and then pull it out put some toppings on there and then put it back in because what that'll do is that'll allow this is getting really nice now that'll allow everything to cook and you won't burn it or crisp up off some of the toppings that you put on top and won't ruin the top make it look beautiful song yeah so that's that's essentially perfect right now it's just on the edge of of being a little bit tacky but that's fine and now what we want the dough to do is we want the dough to rise so I'm just going to clean up my counter here and then this little trick gets all your flour so see how beautiful that is it's got a beautiful smell to it I'm going to show you don't taste too sure you taste maybe a little bit of the salt a little bit of the oil a little bit of the flour which is beautiful now what this does is this is active yeast which was mixed with the sugar and they're going to eat the sugars which will get them really Rocking and then what it does is it starts to eat the carbohydrates of the flour what that's going to make essentially is two things it gives off a gas which is carbon dioxide and it gives off ethanol which is like alcohol right so it creates bubbles within it and it creates those flavors and then those enzymes break down those as I said some of those carbohydrates and it gives the crust a beautiful flavor so we're going to let this rest now until it doubles in size room temperature probably about two hours so I'm going to put it in this container here alright and what I'm going to do is I'm going to put just a little drizzle of olive oil in there is all you got to do put a little bit in the bottom okay and then what we're going to do is take the dough and we're just going to work it around and just work it so the top and bottom are covered with oil all right and that will keep it from building a skin or drying out okay and then just take a note of it you know hey okay it's taken about half of that in there right so that's got about half the space I'm going to put a top over at all right and I'll keep it warm keep the gasses inside there and then I'm going to set it off to the side we're going to let that set like I said for two hours what'll happen is two hours to three hours tops that will double or more in size which is great then we want to spread it if you're going to make it that day it'll be very easy because we put the wine in the in the flour to remember right that's a nice little trick so you put it and spread it out on a in a shape which you can put right on you're right on your pizza flipper if you will right you can put a cornmeal on there so it slips on and off the reason you'll see a lot of people use the cornmeal is because flour will burn so it'll give it a burnt flavor and you don't want to do that so it's a nice little trick you don't always need to do that and then you can slide it off it'll it'll get right on your pizza stone you want your pizza stone in your oven and you want that sucker hot I would start it for a good hour it's going to take a while for though I'm going to get that hot and you'll spread it out you're going to let it rise for fifteen or twenty minutes put your toppings on there we're going to put it in the oven cook it for like I said for seven minutes or so pull it out put a few other toppings on top put it back in let it cook for a little bit longer only got it's going to be unbelievable nice and easy so we're going to let this set I'll talk to you guys in a few minutes okay guys welcome back it's been three hours so just to give you an idea when we talk about something double in size look how awesome that isn't that awesome so the the yeast all right work right so that is that's a double in size and that's naked that's making carbon dioxide and ethanol so when something when you hear about things fermenting that's what it's making it and that's what you can smell on a few guys with pizza dough oh that's absolutely perfect just literally best I've ever made unbelievable educate Asia it smells so here's our dough so I'm going to put that out on the table coming up we get probably three decent sized pizzas or you can make some personal pizzas so we're going to try to make three decent sized pizzas I'll show you how to make one okay so I got that going it just adds up we're going to take some flour as I said I'm gonna spread it on the work surface but getting into our sauce real simple sauce is what I did today you can you can go with a cross you can make your own fresh crush I took a chato a puree tomato so it's what I did here I put salt I put pepper I put olive oil I put my Italian seasonings in there and I what I always do is heat up a little olive oil with garlic so I can get that flavor of garlic in there I put that in there oregano thyme basil and I mix that up and that's just a perfect sauce that we're going to use for the top of our pizza which is great so you can make something simple you can buy your own pizza sauce if you want I like to do that I get a little bit better control this is a buffalo mozzarella I'll tell you what I'm doing here is I'm straining it I put saran wrap over the top it's been straining about an hour - and you can see just that liquid why it's important to do that is because when you put certain cheese's ricotta cheese or whatever on top of anything or utilize it there's a lot of water in there and when you drain it you don't want the top of the pizza if you've ever had that experience where you can come out watery and leeks and make sure crust soggy you don't want to have it so so ideally what I did here is they drain that and the other thing I goes to to take note in is we want all of our ingredients to be room temperature you want all your ingredients to be room temperature that way we're not taking something that's room temperature put something cold on it you're going to cook at different temperatures that item you put on there that's cold now has to heat up and that sometimes it will make it obviously cook as well so I'm going to set these aside I just want to give you a heads up of what I was doing there and I got a little olive oil here that we're going to use in a minute and I'm just going to take my flour and I'm going to dust the top of my work surface here and when we get that going I'm gonna set that off to the right huh get all this out of the way here and now I got this beautiful look at that beautiful doe now I don't want to pound it down too much because I don't want to look at that see just coming right off is remember I put the olive oil under I don't want to kind of dump too much because I actually want to have some air inside the DOE and you see how nice and soft that is look how beautiful it is all right and see how it's nice and pliable remember we put that wine in there and what that's going to do is that's going to allow us to form the dog without oh that's just perfect okay so I want to cut it in three pieces okay so let's stand it's already kind of flat so we got one there let me do them because it's a little different there you go I got one there okay that'd be perfect okay so this will be nice to spread that perfect okay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to set one side here set the other one side I'm going to put a little flower sometimes you can use olive oil on a pan you can do whatever you want and I don't want to again I don't want to push it down too much you see how it's got that nice elasticity to it look at that roll it up underneath we're going to try to make it round now I used to do this down the restaurant with my dad and my father arm and I'm not going to do it in here but my dad easily can take that pizza dough and and he can whip it right over the top of his head so cool he's really good at I'm okay at it my dad is really good at it a lot of fun my father get mad at me because I would do it a few times and then you know you start whipping it you don't wanna use your fingertips you want to use the back your hand I search spinning it and also you lose it boom you know so you lose like three or four of these things now you know our first he's like okay you got to learn after that it starts getting make sure beer wasted time it buddy so and you see how thin that is now this is going to cook this is going to cook quick so and look how easy that is ready just do a nice little edge and if you get a little too thin in the middle you just push it back to God look how perfect that is right and you'll see that too when you when you turn it sometimes it'll tear your pizza is not shot so you can just it's so this dough is so easy it's so forgiving that you can push it right in now I got a stone in there right and what I like to do is just get my fingers in there right of course some of that extra see I'll get some I got a dough there I like to just put a little edge on it that edge will go down and how hard is that now we're your new is you're gonna let this set we're gonna let this set for about 15 minutes okay or longer for that matter right so that's what I knew I'm going to take this one over here alright spread it across right I'm going to piece that together see how that fell apart and then I'm going to get my edge ideally if you can what you tried to do in the last one is just get your edge going right and then once your edge goes space it out I'm gonna tour a little bit you just pinch it together hey beautiful it's so fun to do stuff with your hands too I know it's great food always tastes better when you make it yourself Saint Voltaire now this one's coming out a little thicker which is fine and then you just pull it now you got your edge pull the dough stretch it out don't look in there that's fine I need my dad here to sing a little Dean Martin and get going good this is going to be great now what we want to do is they said you want to let it see it's so forgiving it's elastic but it's so oh that's a beautiful piece of pie isn't it and that's true Napoleon if you will Napoli pizza right there I see them Napoleon it's really perfect right there you if we look on this it is stretch it right out have fun with it you know not gonna make it messy out and it's you're fine I'm do one more and I'm going to let these guys set for 15 minutes 20 men she no longer it's nice room temperature my ovens going remember about setting that oven I've got my mood Sorella I've got my mood serella um Louis out of the way I was going to do all three of these but I'm having so much fun what the hell so I got my mood Sorella draining right I got basil leaf what do you need you need a little salt and pepper that's it little parmesan which we're going to do freshly ground if you will shredded so you got your Neal politan but a Napoli and Napoli what you're going to do is you're going to take your pizza and you're going to fold it a lot of times will fold it or almost roll it and that's very common and you'll see that in Rome and anywhere else but when you talk about the pizza from Napoli it's it's a thin crust you know you get into that whole argument of what's better Wow they're both awesome in my opinion so so again you just hit that edge right which we had when we started one's a little bigger than the other one that's perfect beautiful let's stretch that baby out a little bit gray hi how beautiful it is perfect so I'm going to let these rest for 15 minutes I got my little edge going right and they're going to rise this one's rising a little bit right now alright because they're still active the yeast is selected and then we'll let these guys rise and I'll meet back with you guys in a few minutes and then we're going to spread them put them on the tray slide them in their life is going to be beautiful talk to you guys into bed okay guys rule number one don't wear a black shirt you're cooking pizza with white flour because it gets all richer so I think we've got our dress looking good here so let's go what I've got is I got the stone I took my hot stone out so be careful there's no forgiveness on an oven that's 500 degrees just to give you a heads up I'm going to put a little bit of olive oil on the pizza what I like to do and then just spread it with a spoon well that smells good nothing better than like bread and albo right so you're going to put that across that's just going to give it a nice little flavor which is going to work itself in to the dough and then what we're going to do is we're going to take our pizza sauce now again all I did is tape I took Chantell pureed tomato sauce okay or Chatto pureed pureed tomatoes is what I'm trying to say and I'm just going to spread that right over the top okay and then you're just going to hit it now I like to do that little lip on the edge of the pizza if you remember and that way it just gives you the guide so the sauce your oil your cheese everything doesn't work its way out I like how the oil kind of mixes with the sauce right there I love that it's all going to mix itself or marry itself together look a little bit of an overflow that's perfect oh that smells good too so I'm just going to spread that right across perfect to set up right now remember you know it's not going to be as hot as you needed to be to make that thin crust pizza so we don't want to load the top full of toppings because they're going to they're going to overcook okay so we're going to throw cheese okay guys so once you're set what you're going to do is you're going to take that stone that's hot okay you're going to set it right in the oven which is 500 degrees you're going to get it all the way to the back okay close our up ready to go and then what we're going to do is we're going to set our timer about seven to ten minutes okay and once we get our timer set very important many of Pizza has been lost because the timer has not been set I can remember my father yelling many times in different languages sometimes it's English sometimes Italian and sometimes languages I never understood when the pigs food would hurt usually it'd be a very brother so set the timer then we don't forget about it we're going to get it out about seven minutes we're going to put our toppings on we're going to put a pack in you don't want to cook it more than you know that 15 minutes 16 minute because what starts to happen is the moisture in the dough will start to cook out and it starts to steam off and the problem with that is the dose then of it will often look normal it'll look normal but it'll be really dry almost like cardboard and it was terrible so okay so I'll talk talk to you guys a comment ready guys all right this looks great great air guitar but sometimes when you at home when you flip it through there it doesn't come off so what I'm going to do is we've got that stone not oh my god smell it's unbelievable remember no forgiveness 500 degrees okay so when you touch that you can always tell somebody that cooked in the weekend when they got that burn edge right so there is look at that baby is that absolutely beautiful so I'm going to put that right on my granite slide that puppy back in oh my gosh is that all across them come on over here look at across look how perfect it is see it's got that nice crunch to it on the outside it's nice and loose right on the stone it's absolutely perfect we got the basil you got the Buffalo Muhtar I'll see a bubble and you can actually see a bubble in right there absolutely beautiful song and when you cut it you can tell see that nice crunch now you know as I said before you don't want to cook it longer because what starts to happen is then it search to dry the crust up you don't want to do that the crust is perfect it's tender right here on the edge of the crust but it's got that nice crunch look at that it's nice and loose on the table oh my gosh absolutely beautiful perfect so I like that cool format and I'm going to bring in my official pizza tasters we're going to check it out I'll be right back okay guys I've got an official food Pizza taster Jack you're helping us out right I hope they all knuckle that beats I know it's so hot we couldn't pick it up we have to put up plates let's line it up how good is that puppy it's like heaven is that heaven heaven in a slice yes awesome stuff so me and the kids are going to continue making some pizzas guys it's a beautiful day here Sunday in Cazenovia New York I really enjoyed making some pizza I hope you do too and remember families of soul life enjoy your day ciao Bon Appetit
Channel: Cooking Italian with Joe
Views: 132,311
Rating: 4.75 out of 5
Keywords: Pizza (Dish), homemade, cooking, Italian Food (Cuisine), sauce, pasta, dinner, Mozzarella (Cheese), italy, Napoli (City/Town/Village), thin crust, crust, Mario Batali (Author), Giada De Laurentiis (Author), Food Network (TV Network), Cooking Channel (Organization), pizza oven,, joe borio, vito and joe's extra virgin italian olive oil, italian recipes, Homemade Pizza Margarita Cooking Italian with Joe, Homemade Pizza Margherita Cooking Italian with Joe
Id: 0Y6s2kKpULU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 55sec (1615 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 09 2014
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