Chicken Parmesan | Cooking Italian with Joe

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[Music] it's the good life full of fun hey guys welcome to my kitchen cooking at town with Joe today we're really excited to bring you a recipe this is going to be a chicken parmesan uh but when I when I make this recipe for you I want to show you it's going to be a little bit different it's going to step out of the box here a little bit and it's going to be absolutely delicious so when you think of chicken and you think of Parmesan what you're thinking is is cheese and sauce and so forth which is great but what we're going to do is we're going to take chicken we're going to we're going to tenderize it we're going to make it nice and thin so you're make it almost like a cutlet and then we're going to bread it and that's really where we're going to make it delicious we're going to take the breading and we're going to mix it when you think chicken you think Italy you think oh Rosemary so we're going to take Rosemary and also what's really common in Italy throughout Italy are nuts so we're going to take some roasted almonds and we're going to pulverize those with some Rosemary we're going to mix that in the bread crumbs we're going to fry the cutlet and then what we're going to do is we're going to spread it out in a nice puddle of sauce and bake it with some absolutely delicious parmesan and and fresh made mozzarella and uh we're going to crisp it up and brown it it's going to be absolutely delicious let me tell you this recipe is going to be one of the best most delicious types of a chicken parm you've ever had okay so I'm really excited to bring it for you so let me show you essentially what we have here in is ingredients go Okay so obviously we're going to start off with our chicken all right so what we have here is about six pounds of chicken I put everything in a cutlet already and tenderized it for except for one I just want to show you a couple nice simple ways to do that we're always going to if you will dredge the the chicken so we want to flour the chicken and then and then we're going to bread it obviously so like I I tried to teach you guys before you never want to add water to anything water always um always dilutes the flavor so we're always going to want to add flavor not take away so we're going to add a couple cups of milk and we're going to add three eggs and we're going to mix it up and that's what we're going to use as a solution if you will to dredge so we're going to flour dredge it then we're going to put in breadcrumbs so our breadcrumbs are where we're really going to make something delicious so one of my other secret ingredients here is going to be Panetta so what we're going to do is we're going to essentially fry up and cook some Panetta which is like a Italian bacon it's like a pork belly right and it's going to give you that Smoky caramelized flavor when we cook it all right so let's get started let's have some fun so what I already did has already started with some chicken here but one of the ways to make a cutlet to make it real simple is I'm going to take and already did all this already but I'm going to and it prevents making a mess and trying to keep everything sanitary I'm going to take some a cloth I'm going to take one of my tenderizers okay and then I'm just going to take some wrap some plastic wrap so I've already done every every piece except for this last one so what I'm going to do is I'm going to put that right in the in the wrap and I want to cut it I like using the wrap that way we're not making everything contaminated if you will with any type of bacteria so I'm going to just slice that right through the middle okay without cutting the plastic wrap okay so there's essentially my my cut and I'm going to set that right in there I'm going to fold this over the top okay so nice and simple put it over a towel that way it doesn't make a lot of noise or pound all over and then you've got two points you got a flat hat and then a tenderizer so we're going to take that tenderizer and I like to do both sides you'll find the if you hit the one side that still got the connective tissue on it it'll stay pretty tight but if you hit the raw side or the the bare flush side it'll splatter all over so just take your time it's not a strong man competition here and what you're trying to do is you're trying to get it thin you don't want a thick piece and you want it even few reasons for that one you want everything to cook evenly and two if you get it nice and thin it'll give you such a beautiful piece of chicken it's really easy to chew and eat and assimilate all those flavors so see I haven't gotten any any chicken anywhere right and then what I'm going to do is just open that up and then there's your colet right and then I'm just going to load those right on top of what I had four so we're all set okay and I'm going to fold this up get this out of here and so essentially what we have here is our cullets now what I want to do is I've got a cup of roasted to be roasted I'm sorry I got a cup to be roasted uh almond so I'm going to take my pan okay and I've got the oven about 425 and I will tell you that a lot of times in the past uh you'll see people say put it in a cookie sheet sounds like a good idea but but if you take it out and it spills or tips it'll spill all over okay so I've got essentially roasted almonds I'm going to pop those in the oven at 450° okay guys so what I'm going to do is I'm going to set that timer for about 10 minutes okay and we're roasting those about 425 450 um it doesn't necessarily mean they're going to be done right in 10 minutes but you just want to check them they're going to Brown a little and what you'll see and I'll show them to you they're going to actually start to split when they start to split they're ready set them out we're going to cool them second thing want to do is we want to cook our Panetta so what we've got here is one PB of Panetta and then essentially what we want to do here is we want to create a a breading SL dredging station uh to get everything ready for our chicken okay so let me grab a couple of bowls here and we're going to use a flower bowl and you're going to use maybe 3 to four cups of flour in there and then you're going to use your egg if you will and milk and then what we're going to do is we're going to pour the breadcrumbs in here okay so I've got six cups of bread crumbs but we need to flavor the breadcrumbs and we need to add H our roasted almonds and we're going need to add our pulverized if you will Panetta pound of Panetta okay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to take the breadcrumbs now I'm going to dump those in our breadcrumb Bowl all right and what I want to get started here is I want to get started with our liquid solution so I'm going to take beautiful about 2 cups of milk all right and then what I'm going to do here is I'm going to use three eggs which should be more than enough and again the eggs are going to add a few things one they're going to make it sticky for your crumbs secondly what they're going to do oh that's beautiful secondly they're always going to add flavor third they're going to add like a gel they're going to add a surface for all the breadcrumbs to stick to which is fantastic so now with my eggs going I'm going to just take a fork get my eggs stirred up I can hear my Panetta going in my background here so I'm going to just get the eggs going here three eggs typically to two cups is my general General solution oh that's beautiful almost like a scramble a but a lot more milk and you're going to see that's going to be like a golden milk if you can see that can you get in there and check that out you see how that's nice and that's beautiful that's a nice golden kind of a golden golden milk and color right and then what I'll do is I'll fill this up with some flour and then I'm going to let the Panetta go now we've got rosemary we've got about a tablespoon and 1 half of Rosemary so we're going to pulverize the Rosemary with the almonds and Panetta once it's pulverized I'm going to mix it in with my six cups of breadcrumbs so we'll take flour which we're going to put some salt and pepper then we're going to dredge it right in the egg milk mixture then we're going to bread it and then we're going to fry it then we're going to bake it it's going to be absolutely delicious I'll talk to you guys in a minute hey guys welcome back all right so what we got going on here is we've got almonds I wish you could smell in here smell so great cuz we've got Panetta and almonds oh those are beautiful oh see and they're starting to Brown if you can see that they're starting to Brown and they're all starting to split see the steam coming off that's perfect you know so you can buy roasted almonds there's no problem with that but these will really really have a different type of Flavor now the other CH challenge here is we've got our petta and I wanted to show you we cooked it all the way down crispy so you want the petta crispy and you want to get as much of the oil off of it cuz we're we don't want the oil what we want essentially what you want is that meat okay cuz most of the fat will cook off The Panetta okay put this in there okay get it you know a little bit of fat is fine but the point is you don't want to puddle any type of fat in there you want to get everything is good as you can here oh that smells good you know you get petta that pork has a specific flavor to it which is just so delicious always compliments chicken very well secondly um what you'll know is it's got that salt and Smoky flavor that you normally wouldn't be able to get really any other way now I've got these almonds I'm going to pop those in there right cuz like I told you I've got a about a tablespoon and a half of Rosemary okay so I'm going to pop that right in there so that's all going to mix in this delicious flavor and it's going to be a little intense obviously so we're going to mix that in with the breadcrumbs and that'll be just absolutely delicious so I'm going to take this pop it in now we don't want to have it chunky but we don't want to make a paste out of it either right so what I'm going to use is I'm use the puls and I'm just going to put that right in there so that's going to essentially that's going to give us a beautiful deepen flavor in our breadcrumbs right and then what I'm going to do is just mix that right in in our breadcrumbs that's going to be great oh my God the smell of that is so delicious so it's going to darken them right up now we're not going to need to put salt in there because the uh Panetta essentially is already salted and remember we're going to use parmesan cheese and we've got some homemade mozzarella right so we're going to mix those in and we're going to put those on top after we cook the delicious chicken all right guys welcome back so it's one stick of butter I'm going to put that right in my fry pan and I want to put about an equal quantity of olive oil so the salt in the butter salted butter is going to mix it and we're going to use about 1/3 of a cup of olive oil and that's going to add to that flavor and that's what we're going to fry the cutlet in now the trick is you want the oil to be hot and that's going to sear it if the oil is not hot enough when you put it in there if it doesn't sear or Sizzle when you put it right in there problem with that your color it's going to absorb and the breadcrumbs going to absorb a lot of oil if it's too hot it'll cook too quick on the outside and it won't let the let the chicken uh cook properly okay now remember the cutlets are thin so what's beautiful in this case is essentially once the outside is cooked you know the insides is going to be cooked now we don't want to cook it even if it's a little bit on the underside that's great cuz we're going to put it in the oven just to melt a cheese on top and that'll give it a few minutes of cooking time as well okay and we're just going to dredge these all right so real simple you're going to take one of the cutlets right you're going to put it in flour now the trick here is to keep one hand dry and one hand wet never works out that way but okay so I'm going to this is going to be my wet hand okay I'm going to pop it in there and then what I'm going to do is take it out and I've got my almond pan chetta breadcrumbs with rosemary and again nothing's too strong and that's the beauty of this you know so you're not going to you're not going to put something in your mouth and and have it overpower you with one flavor or the other it's going to so delicious and then like I said with the with the cheese oh my God so we're going to put that in the egg mixture so I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to bread these up and the uh fried pans getting ready as soon as these are done I'll tun back with you guys we'll get started all right I'll talk to you guys in a minute hey guys welcome back so what I've got is I've got the cotlets chicken cotlets breaded almond and salt and pepper and Panetta oh my God they're so delicious and then I've got the oil okay so I've got equal about equal parts of olive oil to butter so butter is going to add flavor it's going to add a a Savory uh backdrop a little bit more depth of flavor olive oil's got a little bit better uh frying point so it's going to actually add to the ability of the uh oil to fry it as well plus add some flavor so why don't you get a nice shot right in in here and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to set that right in you and see see how that's starting to sizzle right away okay and you're just going to let them set so you're going to cook them about 3 minutes on each side the chicken going to cook very fast the outside's going to Brown beautifully then we're going to set them on the wack and let them dry and then once they uh drain just a bit we're going to spread them on on a flat pan and then we're going to put our parmesan in uh in a freshly Shred homemade mozzarella oh it's going to be absolutely delicious I'll tune back with you guys in a minute hey guys come on in Zoom right in here my camera person and you're going to see I just flipped it so you got a nice crispy nice crispy side and you can see it was probably 3 minutes on the one side I'm going to cook them 3 minutes on the other side and it we'll be all set and I got to tell you the flavor I wish you guys could smell through that lens I'm telling you the flavor in here is absolutely delicious oh and gorgeous and again the butter and the almond and The Panetta and the Egg and the oil oh my God so great all right guys I'm going to take a pan all right and then I'm going to take the the chicken I got to tell you the smell of this just that alone just the way that is right there is absolutely perfect okay so I'm just going to put a nice spread of of cheese on top of the chicken okay and then to get it on the chicken nice and neat so I'm going to do a couple layers here so I'm going to do a nice even layer and then I'm going to take our fresh mozzarella okay cuz when you bite into that you know I always call it that perfect bite you're trying to get a nice perfect bite so I'm going to use the mozzarella get a nice even spread okay now I'm going to take the peran again and I'm going to put it oh MTO Delio look at that huh got my great little camera person over here doing a great job so now the oven's ready we're ready to rock so what I'm going to do here is I'm going to take this I'm going to pop it in the oven we're going to let the heat do its magic here so we're going to leave it in there probably about we're going to leave it in there probably about say 6 to 7 minutes what you're hoping for here is you're hoping for the top of the cheese the top of the chicken to melt and then you want a nice Brown crusty layer on the top again that brings out the sugars caramelizes it we're going to Plate it it's going to be delicious I'll talk to you guys in a minute okay guys welcome back tell this day is getting more exciting by the minute here so I'm going to pull this out oh that is just perfect so when you look here first off I got to tell you the smell in here is absolutely phenomenal secondly you see that nice see how nice and tender the chicken is still nice and soft right and then you got that nice crust with the breading and The Panetta and the almond and then you got that nice Browning on top oh boy okay hey guys welcome back all right you ready for this look at that oh all right so like I said you want that chicken tender on the inside we've got a Panetta almond oh my God that's delicious and you're going to see see how the mozzarella and the parmesan got that nice Brown crisp on it and I'm going to cut it in half and you're going to see I want to show you here before I take a bite the key here is you see how nice and tender the chicken is oh it's beautiful so let me just take that are you ready mhm oh my God the smell is [Music] unbelievable oh my God exactly what we're shooting for you got that nice crustpie texture on the outside almond Panetta you taste that nice back flavor the butter the cheese on top parmesan and the homemade mozzarella absolutely delicious and the chicken is so nice and moist and tendor on the inside cuz like I said when you fry it you sear the outside keeps that moisture in I'm telling you what a delicious absolutely delicious oh my God and you got that just that hint of Rosemary you know it's not it's over pying which is marries with chicken so absolutely absolutely delicious what a great recipe we are really looking forward I got a whole room a army of boys in here to feed so I'm excited about that guys thanks for inviting me in your home or on your iPhone or your kitchen and uh and let me share some of my traditions certainly some of my Heritage with you hopefully you guys are setting some traditions and sharing your heritage with your family as well guys have a great week B Appetit talk to you guys next week be the ideal
Channel: Cooking Italian with Joe
Views: 50,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roasting (Culinary Technique), Cooking (Interest), Almond (Food), Chicken Meat (Food), Italian Food (Industry), chicken parmesan, eggplant parmesan, veal parmesan, Pasta (Food), Parmigiano-Reggiano (Cheese), Mozzarella (Cheese), Pizza (Cuisine), Sauce (Type Of Dish), Meatball (Food), joe borio,, vito and joe's italian extra virgin olive oil, Giada De Laurentiis (Chef), Recipe, Dr Joseph Borio, Borio Chiropractic health Center, BCHC
Id: GeTi1xCBGEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 01 2015
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