World War 2 Spy Training Film: Undercover | OSS Film | ca. 1944

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this picture you're about to see is the first cinematic study of the preparation arrival and establishment of permanent cover for secret agents we are fortunate in having with us for this occasion Colonel Robinson chief of schools and training come on before we start the picture perhaps you wouldn't mind saying a few words all right I will make this short because I know that you are all just as anxious to see this movie as I am I wish that were possible for me to meet all of you men personally but since it isn't I'll take this opportunity to say hello and to tell you that I'm glad you're with us many of you are going to desks in this country or to assignments and neutral countries where you may not be faced with the problems portrayed in this film but if this brings you just a little closer to those men who are going into the hottest spots I hope that it will help you to do a better job this picture does not presume to give you all of the answers of course I do think however that it will provide a foundation and looks to do your own building after all no more service provides a greater scope for individual initiative and imagination and this job for which you have volunteered all right with time take it away Thank You colonel okay I'll let it go [Music] yes this is an undercover agent at least the popular conception of how such a fellow looks and behaves he is inconspicuous he blends with his environment he isn't short the ideal agent from the enemy's point of view he's just the kind of agent the enemy is waiting for with open arms and for that reason just the kind of agent you aren't going to be [Music] dude now right she's a very good impression at the school I swear Heike third pull up a chair cigarette hey I think you will tell something about your assignment before you went to eat once you out yes to obtain intelligence on aviation production and the position of vital targets in the capital district of enemy area correct you ought to set up an intelligence organization which will gather information for an Esso operation are you set on your cover not definitely I've narrowed it down to two either a government inspector or a chief mechanic government inspector hmm better for a native agent than a planted one and these days when enemy areas using every available man under 50 in the army people might wonder what special pull you had anything that makes people ask questions even innocent ones is bad cover then you think the mechanics the better bet if you're a good mechanic you know nothing will blow you're quicker they're not knowing your job well I put in seven years with General Motors and with a little brushing up I think ideal right mechanic in an airplane plant near the Capitol that might be the ticket we know they need good mechanic so badly now that it might not take you too long to establish good permanent cover now if I could get a job on an Ikea I'd have plenty of time to devote to my Abbey during the day good I like the way you're thinking now go to work background familiar to you you'll be able to get the latest material at the farm most recent laws local restrictions even the latest flag our intelligence is picked up sign I've already made up a list of things you take off good there's anything you don't get that you think you need the lies all over the open by the way I'd like to work on those financial details for you hope to have that insurance for your family push through before you leave that's very kind of you know what kind my job to do everything I can to help you think about nothing but your job well I'll let you know when I'm ready right good morning one I'm student child boy a pretty good cover thank you sit down including over your evaluation from the school oh that's tough I spent enough time on the other side to know my way around that's what you told them addy after they took your pants off with a Thursday night Roundtable it is definitely done in a real spot it would be another story we're considering you for a real spot we're trying to establish a man in one of any areas chief supports to observe a naval concentration and to find out whether or not there's a submarine base in that vicinity now you could do it if you went in with the right attitude look do you think I've got the ability don't worry about my attitude which ported now portal El Porto my own stamping ground I could draw that close with my eyes closed well this job calls be going in with your eyes open now you know the low-cal are white but that is enough to get by now think it over and come back when you ready to talk cover I'm ready now no portal let me see I've got it a fishing boat skipper I braced around there enough to know the channels by heart fishing as possibilities and we have a lot of contacts with fishermen around there you know they probably take care of you then it's all set no it's just something to consider now if it doesn't hurt your feelings we'd like to bust you from skipper - an ordinary seaman you know the every skipper is known to the shore Patrol but if you are just a member of the crew like the sounds all in every seat but you might get by with it get violated I talk the language like a native I know those world is better than most natives how can I miss very easily by going on like you've been going by knowing all the answers before you even think of the questions now we'll give you all that dope you require about this El Porto area but just don't read it absorb it okay if you want to waste time but I tell you I know al Porter like a book perhaps the enemy has added a couple of chapters since you've left Heiser [Applause] [Music] so you're all set on your story well I'd like to try it out on you all right shoot let's see how closely it conforms to your own life and don't forget I'll be watching for errors as closely as an enemy police officer here it is my name is Albert horn both my parents were born in enemy area that let me be torts to five years when I was born there in 1903 I was in Detroit until 1913 when my mother died and I was sent back to live with my aunt and uncle in the capital of enemy area I graduated from the gymnasium in 1920 and went to work in round foot bicycle shop in 1924 I went back to Detroit and worked as an apprentice in the Ford plant 1926 I've transferred to General Motors where I worked as a machinist until 1931 from 1931 I was on relief until 1936 when I went back to my old job at General Motors just before my home country went into the ward I probably was my duty to return there and serve in any way I could the writing here on the newest tourist Passport I volunteered with the engineers and then after years three months in the Army I'm discharged with a bad back I had a bad back no but I thought I could fake it let us say everything you can't prove why not make it sciatica that's one moment the best doctor in the world can't prove you're haven't cut ok sciatica i convalesce for a short time in the country at a friend's house that will be the Palm House you take them to by the reception committee and then when I'm directed to find employment in an aircraft factory because of my technical experience I come to the Capitol make arrangements for an interview with the superintendent assaultin plan sounds alright now a story on a stand up it's a little blip perhaps this isn't bad now you talk a good fisherman I have gotta learn to be a good fisherman the next thing in your gender is a couple of weeks with a commercial fisherman on the Grand Banks well I think enough of fish on the other side without having to get a 2-week star followed isn't a question of sticking like a fisherman oh that's important too you've got to know the ropes literally I mean but I'm the fisherman from way back while into the biggest tail fish ever caught in Mexican waters back in 33 189 pounds you can look it up in the record book I'd rather read the records in your hand loose your palms look good calluses I think couple weeks of saltwater and hard wood really gets you in shape but I've got to have some relaxation that's all I'm not going to blood my health and it's my neck that's where you're wrong once you join our team it isn't a question of your own neck anymore those brains of yours are a vital connection point in our system of intelligence when one fuse is blown the night's go up all over the house so we're just as interested in safeguarding that neck of yours as you are [Music] hey come on Joseph whether your check before you leave or on the other side the principle is always the same the most unimportant detail may be the most important when you get your hair cut be sure it's enemy area style the hands must look as if they've done the work every scar must conform with your cover story clothes may not necessarily make the agent but they surely break the agent if they aren't checked and rechecked let's an enemy area cut all right but it's too expensive for a mechanic well that's the type of coat you would wear but there aren't any left that's right the army got all the heavy coats from the last winter drive how about that one I think this rain quarters be better every piece of clothing is examined for the right labels the right laundry marks the proper amount of wear and tear every toilet article examine minutely how about this razor and even straight razors over there now because of the shortage of blades even if your papers have been forged by experts from the most recent enemy area documents prove them yourselves just a minute Chris I mean this guy's read the offer on everything else is Albert morning plus I just want to see if you're on the ball you don't have to worry about the rest of those papers even the texture and water marks you can duplicate just as important as your official papers and more subtle to select are your casual effects the odds and ends you happen to have with you that may be more convincing to the enemy area of police than your identification and travel permit the stickers on your suitcase a handful of cigarettes a train stub an old address book a rather a dress to you as a private in the army from a girl in the town you're going to and a snapshot of her review in an enemy area uniform details each one a thread woven into the pattern of your cover story how many cases of blown cover you studied with due to neglect of some insignificant detail of cover that didn't seem worth checking a second time I've got a jolly drug and I got to last me all my life I've got a pencil pen and a pencil left hand top and to say Gosa German you think why he landed in Canada from a submarine two days ago so far he's doing all right for himself his landlady believes he's a war worker from out west and British Columbia his afternoon his forged papers and his convincing line got him a job in an aluminum plant Lee no wonder he feels like joining in the singing of the silvery moon oh happy is the day when we line up for our pay as we go rolling rolling roll hey that's not bad come on over join us with you thanks no mind if I do Charlie Charlie go fan I got four pence to last me all my life I've got plans to spend and toughen to lend and no pants to send home to my wife or wife no cares [Laughter] I'm not there it's getting late I better be going ah don't be a killjoy we're just beginning to wet our whistles I'd like to have another drink with you boys I gotta be on the job at the crack of dawn good night fellas I'll see you again what's the damage I'll be a dollar eighty that's easy keep the change Thanks coming right up hey will you look at this what do you got there paid five dollars off the off the government calling before the war gee I am seeing one of these big fellows in a long time know where the devil he is suppose he got this yes Agent X was doing all right for himself until he passed an obsolete bill one-third larger than the present issue months of preparation were nullified by insufficient attention to what seemed like an insignificant detail terraces conspicuousness blown cover that's the fatal triple play that put German agent eggs out of the game agent why was a smooth operator a Spanish flanges we had turned in a good job the Nazis in Mexico before moving on to Los Angeles to incite Mexican youths against other Americans and recruit the keenest of them into an espionage organization is not for the North Angeles long but long enough to win friends and influence loot suitors come on kids I get paid today no another shot brother this tequila murder what the hell the atom is getting you next week anyway what have you got to lose just a stomach that's hot all right what's that Joe Anjali it's another wrong another round are you kidding you know what time it is I love all say the bars closed here's a buck for yourself maybe that'll help keep the bar open for one more round so hey you really a killer in it kill it what do you mean calling me a killer killer killer kind of find me offer a lovely product and the State Commission finds me 500 for selling after hours for all I see killer that's an expression you use then say how long you been in LA or I don't know three four years what you later for that money to San Bernardino come on let's get up a nickname for San Bernardino what is this third degree since when do customers get to answer questions vice stupid waiter from Wichita thank you everyone who live there gnosis nickname of San Bernadino brother Sandberg Oh anybody that never heard of the killer-diller the winter was anti challenges and anti-nazi from back mobile phone he kept his eyes on senior wife he began to notice her idiomatic slip when his suspicions were passed over to the authorities they were quickly confirmed and the enemy lost a clever agent but not quite clever enough remember that even details of slang are necessary part of his cover equipment what term did you say you worked for income to help support a and drove out is you a clerk position with his company an assistant foreign branch manager in Germany this British agency has made repeated trips to Germany under convincing commercial covers even when he was picked up for making a somewhat suspicious call to Copenhagen his story was unshaken and the way he was presenting it was even beginning to influence the expert interrogators of the SS dairies and coffee and what is the address of this company company gentlemen I'd be very glad to answer your questions all day but I have a good many business details complete before leaving your city and I'm quite sure you have many more important things to do permanently we are not interested in persecuting games security police is not an organization of persecution is an organization that protects you against the enemies of the state you are guilty you will not escape us if you are you say you are we have nothing to fear from us and I have your permission to leave yes we may go thank you pardon me captain [Applause] you see he agrees if my memory is correct there has been no hair grease on the continent since the end of 1943 past quiet ever sample of this hair is analyzed immediately it will be kept in solitary confinement sending the report from the laboratory come along so you have not been in England since 1930 a day then how do you account for the fact that this hair is a British product it has been applied we have first-rate cover story and an excellent man destroyed by a few drops of hairdressing thoughtlessly rubbed into his hair during his last trip to England a few days before months of training final weeks of rural breeding and our agents are ready for the second leg of their journey onto base country Charles and a heavy bomber under temporary military cover while al crosses as a private on a common transport in a fashionable apartment in a base country capital al locates his death same pretty well prepared Oh they'd have a final briefing as soon as you lose your sea leg thank you we think that some of the latest changes none of the area regulations that may alter your documentation at all or stink quit making new regulations every day I'd sleep very well from their point of view they think they're being very clever they keep changing the rules every five minutes and you come up and stay hidden very long theoretically but we've found that by keeping our eyes open and using our heads we can beat that game for instance don't go into a strange bar and order the first thing that pops into your head your favorite poison maybe olive able to miss that day look around and see what the others are drinking then if you're stuck appear undecided so long but the waiter will suggest something for you mm-hmm just remember this is no suicide mission it's a 24 hour a day job with the odds all in your favor and to make sure of that I always tell my men to take out life insurance I think that's been taken care of back in there no I mean your own personal life insurance by leaving open some avenue of escape in case things get too hot for you study your means of exfiltration just as carefully as infiltration I've known men who are expert drivers in first second and high but who never knew how to go into reverse don't worry I'm not the hero okay good but just how do you go about meeting this the avenue of escape well in the first place have a cover story ready for that emergency exit as soon as possible hide a cache of money somewhere and when you start building your organization keep contacts whose only function is to help your getaway in other words when I buy this ticket to enemy area you want me to make sure it's around 50 figures in another base country Charles is concentrating on last-minute details of his infiltration into enemy area what's your name Tappan Sanford it's a good thing I'm just your bass country desk not an enemy area plainclothesmen from now on your name's Charles Santos the next time you give your right thing you may find your interrogator just a little less cooperative Christ this is a hell of a winter there's less chance of having your sleep interrupted later on you get to know your new me better than your old are it's practically second nature with me now it's just that I'm ro you'd better concentrate on nothing but that thing drink it eat it walk around with it until you know it well enough come up with it out of a sound sleep okay okay good night Charles Santos now we're a three or four different ways we can send agents into enemy area they can go overland either overtly and a good legal cover or covered Lee sneaking across the border with the help of the underground an agent traveling all directly we have to pass as a national from a neutral country under some sort of commercial cover when you're crossing a border this way you should not only act as if you have nothing to hide you should actually have nothing to hide don't bring compromising materials or messages through these controls they can be sent to you more safely by other methods once you are established in enemy area if you're crossing the border covered Lee as thousands are doing in Europe these days don't carry a map with you it's unhealthy unless you carry it your own head memorize the principal landmarks the basic topography of the area you're entering until you can make your own model of the country I'm ascending if a guide is necessary be sure you check is reliability members of the underground are your best bet professionals who charge you exorbitant prices are loyal to only one cause money the enemy will may be just as bright as yours borders breed double agents who charge you $1,000 to lead you over the border and being eminently fair charge the enemy an equal amount to lead them to you if you're worried about doubling back on yourself use your ingenuity in fashioning an impromptu chart of your course camouflaged as harmless doodling [Music] [Applause] after you cross the frontier don't get overconfident about those broader controls you're in a 24 hour a date battle of wits the enemy has secret weapons of his own keep moving across country by a circuitous route for the border isn't a black thread across the map it's a strip at least 15 miles wide and tested with collaborationist counter espionage agents and special police human landmines hidden among the native population to blast your cover and finally when you reach a town far enough inland don't enter it from the border side circle around it and enter it from the other side as if you are coming in the interior the designers did it I was going in the plane yes in your case it will be safer and faster to copy by parachute we like our men do have a good working knowledge of other methods of penetration how about these plane landing decorated naturally when we have a feel that we can land on safely without being discovered it's more efficient we can pick up an outgoing agent at the same time for instance the only place we can land on safe play now is guerrilla territory how low is this plane and a day when they jump maybe bill good idea to sit down with a pilot who's going to fly you in he'll give you the dope on just how it's going to be and another thing we never set a date until we're damn sure we found the right dropping point I guess when we pick that for you for instance it's just about perfect it's a little grassy space large enough to allow for adverse wind conditions and it's far enough removed from trees and telegraph wires so they're daylight we'll find you hang out there like an almond on a Christmas tree [Music] it's 15 miles to the nearest anti-aircraft setup and my buddies will create a little diversion over here to keep their minds off us until we shut it down there's a river running closely that I can follow practically all the way in and a couple of little lakes on the other side that may prove that landmarks that help me spread the place in the new Lane about a mile away from the dropping point there's a safe house owned by a peasant working with us the lausanne sheep will be there waiting for you everything's on schedule how soon will they be here 33 minutes take the radio out very attack the container being dropped without his bulky evidence of pals arrival unless it can be buried deep enough and fast enough for empty containers Barrett instantly tell no tales runtime [Music] [Applause] any broken bones no I'll stick them at all on teeth our friends farm is up the hill they're just about a mile I'll show you the way what about my gears oh we're the boys will take care of fine let's go while al enjoys a much-needed rest Charles employs another method of infiltration in reaching enemy area coast a new pool fishing schooner and a tiller eight fishermen both familiar sights to this waterfront town provide the most natural sort of cover for Charles arrival can you pick him out no I'm afraid the enemy area shore Patrol it's that stroke of yours Charlie look around at the other short jerky Stokes not the most graceful in the world but better adapted to choppy surfs and heavy boats now look at yours Kron sleeping Stokes where do you think you are Charlie back in the barrel Harvard shell yes just a detail but the kind of detail the enemy shore Patrol is watching for [Music] wait a minute there Charles how about that nut don't tell me you've forgotten the fishermen here have their own particular method of tying of a boat keep your eyes open and your mind open Charles otherwise you're liable to tie that knot around your own neck as soon as curfew is lifted al gets the road to the nearest railway terminal ask him where he's coming from and he'd say from the farmer I was convalescing after hours evacuated from the bomb City of Auburn and where was he going to enemy town to visit my fiancee and try to get a part-time job until I'm strong enough to get into a war plan oh boy maybe I can get hits to the station wait a minute ow what did they tell you about cars in enemy area nine out of ten they're state officials just the boys who might ask embarrassing questions better hope it brother it's better to find a hole in your shoe than a hole in your cover that's right pickle he is maximum as you can adjust to something what's that your Whistler wait for the sunshines Nellie that's better a Viennese Waltz they weren't kidding when they told you at the schools that this was a 24 hour a day job even what you whistle has to conform to cover so far so go down you're not taking the bus because the police are watching the bus is pretty carefully these days instead as soon as enemy area restrictions allow daylight travel you've located the first rural station in the opposite direction from the dropping [Music] thank you now sit back take this nap controls time you left all compromising material behind to be sent to you later at a previously arranged dress and you know your temporary cover story for this bit holds water because you've tested it for leaks at the farmhouse Manhattan what's your name Albert Horne are you coming from the farm here over Pharma you don't look like a promo I'm not or the decorator after being bombed out of a hospital Faubourg Oh where you headed and we found sorry to ask you so many questions but an unidentified plane flew over the neighborhood last night and we can't take any chances why are you going to enemy town I can show you mmm bad my fiancee I wouldn't mind going to enemy down for that myself oh it's my patriotic duty the dirty duty and I wish all our pathetic do this could be so pleasant [Music] in enemy town halfway between the dropping points in the capital our heads or the address he was given by the layers on chief mr. Durant yes someone tell me you're looking for an assistant an assistant I could use an assistant how much experience have you had I was a mechanic in the army two years in the tank corps good I've been looking for a man with your kind of training and I'm your man got your work load with you I hear my bang what the one inside I start to write to work Thank You third over the noise of the machines ran give Val the necessary instructions for the last leg of his journey to the capital no not like that you're throwing away too much nowadays we take more fifths of our catch so we use this with Calvin the foreman sees you throwing this away and they wonder where you water when he warms your body four weeks ago oh I'll tell them I was out of town that day my old lady Steudle I can see you're a very brave man if you don't mind my saying so you're too spirited look at these fellas around you you're half-dead hunger and sadness must work twice as powerful half as much sons are taken away from them and that children die and will to live is very weak only men like us are not broken yet but must appear vision too so it's not to stand out for the others remember the agents first commandment Charles don't paint conspicuous good cover doesn't come automatically with the right fold you must put on a new attitude a new disposition to fit those foul-smelling baggy pants and the old boots the best cover story in the world won't protect you if you cannot live that color [Music] now that al has stayed with his friend in enemy town long enough to build up his recent past he's ready to establish himself in the capital of enemy area [Music] here it is big city where do I go from here jeez I'd better look like I know we're going professional quarters what did he tell me about this back in the school's professional quarters [Music] I'm Pete Hotel how about there lots of people either lose myself in there a loose dog might get a chance to pick up a rental but remember what we told you al that's why informers like them too that's why the desk clerks the maids the waiters of the bellboys are all on the payroll of the secret police and how about conformity to cover what's a mechanic doing it the best hotel [Music] you think is when a family that's a possibility sort of thing is how I need my luck forest being I am and has a family turn out to be sympathetic boarding with a family is a good idea if you know the family if they're overly suspicious it's too easy for them to keep tabs on you and if they're overly friendly they might restrict your movements too much no better keep on going al but keep it in mind when you're ready for permanent quarters Nadia get the talkative landlady al she'll be watching you like a hawk no matter how to speak you are she'll find something to talk about very idea I gave him lucky to my mind [Music] tires an idea I mean walk in the park the most natural thing in the world no register no question what I need to get over there my first night restraint lady sorry to spoil your fun out but remember every prostitutes and Informer or a potential Informer and that's a good reason for staying out of brothels two plus the fact at l'amour is constantly being interrupted by snap controls [Music] how about this IP running to tide me over migratory clientele Claire's coming and going in all heart what can be hot to freedom a moment but the Merchant Marines of breeding ground of political resistance attracting agent provocateurs and snap controls and again conformity to cover what a respectable craftsman they could die like this I mean Eli's hotel poor enough to be headquarters believe it please not so small out and watch too closely just about the right size are my economic status and make it a game you can't find perfect security anywhere in town now this is probably your safest bet for the first few days so might as well go in some shut-eye meanwhile we'll take a swing over to the coast and see how our old friend Charles is getting along Charles was supposed to spend two or three weeks in the fishing village where he landed building up his recent past before working his way up the coast toward El Porto for two or three weeks to the average agent that just two or three days to Charles after all he's a fast worker how about learning walking home after work some other time maybe when my husband gets shipped out again he's over there now in the corn you get sort of jealous sometimes submarine a well what does he look like this is kind of a hangout for them [Music] you better drink your beer all right all right any idea how soon you'll be shipping out again well fishermen you ask an awful lot of questions skeletons now you wouldn't like me to sit around here like a clam no I guess not I get kind of tired looking at these fishermen hanging around here there's a lot of flowers if you you're sort of different or I can't get back to my state or not you've got to die on me [Music] that's all right you keep the change hey why'd you catch out there go get another beer my dice it's painful out of that keep that fisherman lefty tip a what's a fisherman doing throwing his money around I'll be another one of our black market bugs why don't know he seemed honest enough and it is an interesting song interesting you must have drunk too much of your own hair why are they stupid fishing all the same not this one seems a lot smarter than yellow oh that I not get smart revealed boy meets girl if this were a Hollywood movie that would be the beginning but here in enemy area it's much more likely to be what's the matter al have a bad night getting jittery don't let it get you down sooner or later it happens to the best of them you can handle it well why don't you start doing something about it nobody around here stays in his room all day unless he's sick or scared looks okay if I go out and have a look around go ahead answer it it's probably nothing but the lane keeper waiting and you start talk come in good morning sir may I clean your room now oh why sure no just getting ready to go out a little better last night wasn't it sir but I hear they knocked out a ball bearing factory on the outskirts that's a shame yes the way things are going they'll need every man in the country now you work here in town sir why not a job it's not the plan Falcon plan that's where my cousin works what department are you in I mean I've got an assignment for a job at this awesome plan oh good for you I hear they're taking on a lot of men these days see it's quite a bus ride out there better be going well good luck to you sir thank you wonder if they see anything strange about me placement my god I think you understand me don't get jittery al remember what we told you if something frightens you don't run away from it turn and meet it easy does it go I'm the officer we had right time 10:35 thank you very much now what's hard about that my first morning in town and I got meat out of my hand why are we operating before I know it cause you know you shouldn't throw things in the streets I'm sorry sir I guess I forgot forgot who finds all over town warning you against it let me see your identification code [Music] take it off in future observe the regulations yes [Music] operating before you know it blow enjoy you know it you mean that's right now an overconfident agent doesn't have to look for trouble you'll find it just as surely as Newton Charles well that to make sensational disclosures the goddamned idiot what the hell's he trying to do show up hell Porter is a pretty vital spot he ought to have his brains examined if he has any left after the enemy's secret police get through with him [Music] [Music] [Applause] who's there get a password Oh [Music] Oh [Music] you [Music] let's see weren't you the fellow who didn't have to study up because he knew this part by heart look at your soaking-wet out of breath in danger of your life if you are a good agent instead of just a daring one you'd be home in bed like any other respectable member of enemy area society well your papers seem to be an order like any other respectable member of enemy area society al gets a war production job or to the gate on the night shift thank you sir moves in with a private family [Music] makes friends with his fellow workers attends the government labor rally our lawyers gets it listen spatially to all official broad Canada conservative receives praise from the foreman as a conscientious workman take the scroll to the park on his way to his job on the night shift like any other respectable member of enemy Area Society [Music] laughs look at your paper help yourself Thanks [Music] baya he was shot down 12 are their farmers last night yeah the situation seems to be improving I hope so he last year it's been pretty tough yeah let me take a look at the sport bang bang [Music] say the champion is going to try to make a comeback after all I thought he was all finished after they shot him down on Eastern burn just a couple of enemy area citizens having a harmless conversation on a park bench at least that's the way it looks to passersby at this casual conversation covers the first meeting between our agent and the cutout who will carry his first message to the WT man to be radioed from enemy area [Music] [Applause] [Music] well that's it they may not make super agents out of any of you but we thought it might stimulate some interesting discussion its main value it seems to me is in orienting you to a type of work you will be doing as Colonel Robinson has told you it is not an attempt to teach specific techniques but mainly to present a little more realistic form the basic concepts and general principles which apply to all undercover and semi cover activities even in neutral countries or in Far East where specific techniques would differ greatly from those portrayed here across very few of you will ever be given missions like the one L and Charlie had to tackle most of you will be recruiting training on handling agents who are performing those routine service jobs per OSS that seem to have so little connection with our agents in enemy occupied territory but every single job from Camp cook to jump master is a part of the life line connecting the agent in the field with his home office no matter how removed your job may seem the degree of your conscientiousness in maintaining security can be the difference between success or failure in the field thousands of miles away and if this picture has shortened the distance between you and the man at the end of the line it is serving a valuable purpose but regardless of where you fit into the picture this film despite its entertainment value is really a textbook in disguise and the value of any textbook is your ability to digest the material to where it is something not merely memorized but actually transfused into your own thought processes an analytic discussion of this picture will undoubtedly crystallize and develop many points that had to be skimmed over in a film as general as this the first question came to my mind for instance was whether the best man was right in sending Charles to El Portal in the first place he'd probably justify his decision by maintaining that Charlie is thorough knowledge of the area and his subjective motivation for the job outweighed his personal short means far you might in running this picture again test yourself for observation abuse did you notice for instance in the scene where L was sweating it out in the hotel room that first morning in the capital that he rubbed out in the ashtray a cigarette had only been half smoked well in a country where cigarettes have become a scarce and precious commodity wouldn't this waistband is making conspicuous well that gives you an idea but some of the things that you and your other instructors can kick around and each time you see this picture I think you will find it more instructive and more provocative alright now you've got the floor [Music]
Channel: The Best Film Archives
Views: 324,318
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: secret agent, spy, spying, espionage, CIA, intelligence, secret intelligence, undercover, secret, special operations, OSS, Office of Strategic Services, educational film, training film, training video, spy training, oss training films, oss training videos, ww2 training films, ww2 training videos, world war 2 training films, ww2 spy, ww2 espionage, ww2 spy movies, wwii, ww2, world war 2, US, USA, United States, America, American, British, Britain, history, film, feature film, video, movie, HD
Id: oJJfIh_vGnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 17sec (3677 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2017
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