MILLIONS UK Poker Main Event 2020 - Episode 3 (Final Table)

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[Music] what's up guys fury TV here and we are back with another episode of poker hands today we're gonna be taking a look over the highlights of the final day from the party poker millions UK main event before getting into it I would like to ask you guys to hit the like button and subscribe if you enjoy our videos as your support is allowing us to continue posting videos on a daily basis so active very fun to watch creative player the food Alma left but pain up a little breakfast for Frederick I'll go bring the man an omelet you have paint up on your pizza normal pizza I'll tell you what Jeff I'm a big pizza guy I am NOT putting a piece of pie oh I love the pineapple I like pineapple but I won't put it on my slice of pizza absolutely not why you don't want to make it better oh it's not just stop it you want to get a fruit salad go get a fruit salad don't put it on your pie not surprised we differ on this food how long are you fasting today another only nine hours or so it's gonna be easy I'm gonna be easy today on this action-packed day you haven't stopped eating since we got here no Anton flops top pair Ludo flops a pair of tens and the back door straight draw Anton leads for the minimum 1.2 million already danger for Ludo we can't rule out all Kings but unlikely that our opponent has top pair feel very good right now with attend to come along for the ride let it develop this is what makes Anton so dangerous we just have to pay this sort of player off the money perhaps he wore this velvet shirt to match the largest ships in play those golden tips smart we're pointing and here we go it's gonna size this thing up and now it is just a sickening spot for Ludo I think our hand is still frankly too good it would be a hero fold giving up a ten at this spot against this particular opponent could he have simply turned some equity that he's barreling off with Ludo calls again it's 4.2 million it's a safe River for Anton fourteen point eight million in this pot likely to get all three streets here I'd like to see something close to 5 million steady checks well this is just very very nice Ludo happy to check back thrilled Anton shows down the winner crucial pot therefore Anton's forests absolutely furred a flat and he showed me exactly why a three-bet can be so profitable yeah it times can force a better hands of old clearly I just didn't think that Ludo came here to race full day's Jack from the cutoff opening hand of the day when you start with under 20 bags but here we are and in that hand Ludo probably thinking what you were thinking that that 3bet just looks remarkably strong he wouldn't do that with a king Jack how about this yeah AIT's for Christian 9s for ants on Christian opens Anton starting the hand with 34 million yeah and I think Christian here if Anton does move all in with two nines I think as the bottom of his calling range with two eights it's probably eights plus and just a call did he let him off the hook here Jeff he did does just make the call Wow Kings again for Frederick oh my goodness is Anton going to find a way off the hook why I don't know Jeff this is just got blood written all over it no doubt about to get ugly and this is going to be Frederick's third three that in the last 25 minutes or so Frederick the Lion it's like 10.5 million this is brutal for Christian if he ever suspects Anton and I don't think he gives Anton credit for flatting right nine tens ninth plus really I'm telling you this is major trouble for Christian Rudolph the point that you made about Fredrik being so active with his early 3 bets and Wow that is a fantastic role bulb and Anton find that same terrific lay down uses a time bank granting him an additional 30 seconds tact I give him so much credit for giving it this much thought and he if he settles on a fold Jeff I'm gonna be blown away a high-level top-shelf poker on display oh wow he does lay down the nines when Ludo would move in the second place on Scotland's all-time moneyless okay and behind who again join Neil Farrell the El Faro past David babe blue with a win today listen come over would you again Stanley icon sand if a non-smoking row Lisa I'm sorry ludo offense a 2.4 million with the jack 10 off he's 9 for Frederick on the button my goodness you really go ahead we're gonna line it up one more time No Christian will defend in the big with the 74 comes jack eight seven bottom pair for Christian top hair for Ludo with a gutshot Christian I don't love it but I'm not ready to give up quite yet plan on calling and taking a look at another Street Ludo with the gut shot obviously top pair can't really fathom me never consider checking back up at this one point two very small sizing Christian does check call and does turn a seven disaster now for Ludo however that being said Christian does have all the sevens and all the eights right this lead in all the diamonds well yeah this is a this is a very very difficult lead now for Ludo to consider getting away does lead here for 2.8 million also on the smaller side ludo with about 19 behind certainly hands that may be Christian would consider taking this line with as a bluff something like five six with a diamond representing the sevens for the point that I mentioned above she certainly should have all of them up and this type of run out is going to cost the Ludo some more chips River Queen of Spades fourteen point six million in the pot Ludo is sixteen point four million behind Christian Rudolph with trip sevens time Extension news they consider an over bed here putting Ludo all in he's gonna look like 6.2 million is what he slid out just a brutal spot now I hate it if I'm Ludo obviously he does too in the moment it's nothing but a bluff catcher maybe ten six nine six five six all hand all hands that have a diamond did you get lucky with a queen you have to wonder if maybe Queen ten Queen nine would take this sort of line as well if it had a diamond it doesn't look like he has any time banks left and how about this the raise from Ludo Wow oh this is filthy turns his hand into a bluff makes it 12.5 million oh my goodness Oh Jeff we are seeing something special here the ten in his hand can represent the nine ten for all the times that we are up against seven acts we just try and put those ends in hell this is just gorgeous stuff by Ludo it may work those sevens in a bad spot and like you said also way that we nine or cleantech like that Christians hand may just be a little too good given the price [ __ ] y'all [Music] he talked his way through that and ended up with the correct call oh my goodness well Kristen Rudolph and put on a clinic for all of us at home as well thank you for the perfect commentary that was fantastic what a breakdown of that hand from Kristen Rudolph I know buddy don't put note at the end when he said I know you're capable of this block they both read each other pretty well on that one ludo at Jack tan under the gun about three and a half pigs I make it four million leaving one chip behind folds around the Anton with the Queen four he says all of it Ludovic Gaelic all ending at wrist fitting with data with the jack ten against the Queen four of Anton Suarez you know the slight underdog the PartyPoker team Pro find a way to stay alive comes King three deuce back toward chopped out a Sanh the turn nine outs now for Ludo needs a queen a jack or a ten on the river to stay alive it's a three on the river Ludovic Gaelic PartyPoker team pro out of Scotland out and 11th another impressive run for him at a million's main events nice fella it's making me a photographer in the background exceptional work throughout the week by her and by our poker central live reporting team Frank afterward Jen Mason they're also covering the millions 10k High Roller today all right Jamie on the button here 18 million chance to get back into this thing grip rep I have to imagine this is going all-in maybe considering taking a play on a ludos book where you simply not feel obliged to play for all of it could min race maybe induce a sense pretty strong on the button when you're 5 handed it certainly get called by worse as well queen king jack ace not from the big one another time bank use players do get extra time banks when we're down to nine after one or two maybe you take a little bit extra time just in case some chaos occurs I sure love give yourself an opportunity to win twenty thousand more dollars that is the pay jump from ten tonight it's probably the right play will he use all of them hey guys committed himself Christian with Ace King in the small blind oh this is just brutal you have to feel bad for Jimmy O'Connor maybe he'll get lucky here Jeff this is just sick the shove from him and ace queen of diamonds for Alex in the pic what is going on who put this chip - and now Jimmy hey Tom sitter using that time bank I mean how can you with all that money yeah he puts the chips in with the ACE ten a threeway all-in Jamie O'Connor and Alex Linda are at risk Christian Rudolph ahead with the Ace King and Alex with ace queen of diamonds Jamie with ace ten Jimmy does have Alex covered here as well true so if they're both eliminated it would be Jamie finishing in ninth Alex finishing in tenth right pop comes 974 rainbows so far so good for Christian Rudolph who for now is just looking to dodge a queen or a ten to scoop all of it or it could just turn a king in both Alex and Jamie are dead and just like that we are down to eight the double elimination for Christian Rudolph the Irish poker opened that main event win last year the turbo win in 2018 James with the ace queen of diamonds he entered the day as the chip leader came in with about 78 million down the 58 million after losing that flip against James Clark to his right he's the lone American out here Jeff and despite that here's your stat of the day james romero his entire bio all of those caches all of his money 142 percent of the time outside of the united states is a grinder a world traveler firing it every stop Romero the Globetrotter James Clark with sevens in the big blinds once again the James Gang they will collide nine six three rainbow James's James Clark's seconds our heads backdoor flush draw for James Romero very curious to see how Romero elects to proceed here betting here would have to set up a two barrel depending on the texture obviously we do have the backdoor diamonds two point six James Clark not going anywhere with pocket sevens doesn't make the call King of Spades on the turn and this is the perfect card now for Romero to continue to tell his story suggesting that he has a king perhaps as strong as ace King believe we need to bet here door is wide open at 1/2 pot size bed of 7.2 million James Romero put some pressure on James Clark these two played with each other throughout the day yesterday as well back sat next to each other then James Clark lays it down well done James Romero wonderful execution all designed and set up by that continuation but allowing him to fire on a favorable turn card Massa flip on the line for Maria no doubt my real improv was the inaugural millions main event winner all in for nineteen point nine million the call from Jack Hardcastle here we go Maria all in an at risk with the ace queen of clubs forty-three million in this pot Maria's tournament life on the line comes jack ten three to open up some outs for Mario now needs to find an ace king or queen deuce of hearts on the turn Maria looking to become the first two-time Millions main event winner to keep that dream alive she'll need to find an ace king or queen it does not come on the river and it's Maria Lim propolis to a well-deserved round of applause out in each place she'll take home $100,000 and Brent just another vantastic run for her I'm clapping you're clapping the crowd is clapping remarkable accomplishment and achievement just another six-figure payday for Maria career earnings now up over 3.3 million dollar Jack with the Quintero diamonds Christian looks down at Queens in the cutoff the three Venice to 11 million ace deuce of diamonds for Anton bolts back around a jack smallish three-bathroom christian Jack comes along yeah wondering if King ten suited is just a little too good to fold player dependent especially against Christian oh boy well it comes Jack nine three with two diamonds Jack with the flush draw and the gut shot Christian with the over pair twenty seven million in the pot Jack with forty four million behind talk about hitting a flop hard Castle that is 9 million all of it from Jack now doesn't want to bust you ever wants to get the chips in you see it it's about a flip Christian's slightly ahead Jack looking for a diamond a queen or a king more than 114 million in this pot diamonds Queen King he said it wants to find a diamond queen or a king it's a blank on the turn thirteen outs for Jack Hardcastle to stay alive river card it is the ten of spades he misses thirteen out twice that does it for Jack Hardcastle great fight great display of talent he's out in seven he'll take home $130,000 and a second place get Jeff $620,000 sign me up third place 420k I'll take it fourth place 311,000 oh it's 230 yeah I want that too one at all and everybody here guaranteed $170,000 for a pile of cheese all of it from Wei Zhi in the small wine with the 75 Christian looks down at an ace in the big blinds shoved for 19 big yeah I gotta tell you not a fan of the shove here by Wei Zhi this is a little wide I know that the percentages will be fine assuming it's called roughly a 60/40 scenario but way she planned for the win clearly 7-5 offsuit got almost twenty pigs man don't love it even with a set you can see that with Christian ultimately I do think he ends up finding a call we have worse aces that we can assume that maybe jamming she does have all the chips - he can sort of afford this blow it's annoying though you don't want to just accumulate accumulate and then it lose a pot like this he's giving away G credit for shoving a tighter range probably some smaller pairs Broadway sort of Holdings all in is for thirty eight point four million he'd be shocked to see seven five also the officer he does make the call with the ace eight he is ahead way ji Chang all in and at risk seven five Christian looks to extend his chip lead way she looks to stay alive comes 10 9 6 way she loses that 7 as an out picks up and eat looking for an 8 or a 5 on the turn it's an ace on the turn way she down to just three outs looking for an eight to stay alive it doesn't come on the river way she's hang out in 6th place he'll take home $170,000 a smile on his face throughout the week handshakes all around Chris been flatting all of these sorts of hands all day the only hands he is three bet oh boy oh nine it comes jack nine six two spades James does have the ace of spades but he is in some trouble here with 41 million behind could this spell the end for the man they call raggy and Fredrik considering if he puts in a race here he doesn't want to lose James maybe it's best to simply just trap and call with the sets you'd have to be so certain that James has connected or has a hand so we will just call 31 million in this pot an ace on the turn aash an ace from space delivered here for James Clark Wow a set of aces versus a set of 9s five handed at the party poker live millions UK Main Event final table James Leeds for 10 million Fredrik is so excited right now he thinks now James finally has a hand and boy does he ever what a cooler here at this final table Frederick will use the time bank all in a snap call you hear the eruption on the rail if James cart can dodge a nine he would double up so sick indeed just one out for Frederick to bus James it's a queen on the river the local gets it done set over set next page um went to Lee you feel so defeated yeah yeah next pay jump worth eighty one thousand dollars everybody guaranteed at least two hundred thirty k two hundred and thirty thousand dollars I need a spades for Christian in the cutoff opens Anton with the King jacket spades on the button and then we saw flap this sort of hand before expect him to do the same thing maybe he does change it up you can consider three betting applying pressure to Christian leveraging the chip leader you hate to ever really three bet fold a hand as goodness King Jack student especially we can play it in position James getting a great prize King deuce suited obviously a little dangerous anytime you have king or ace high in these spots you have to tread very carefully three endo to this flop deuce in the window comes nine four juice top hair for Christians Anton backdoor flush draw backdoor straight draw let there be range sort of wide open for Anton center-right boys well I'll bet this board then no problem I'm sort of wide open what did I fly it with was it nine eight suited himself James also with a backdoor flush draw pretty difficult for James I'd probably just consider calling here six million turn a little equity how about that or just fold I mean raised open an ultimate disaster Christie could play his hand quite easily top pair backdoor spades as well just call the turn is the six of Spades flush drawers for both Anton's being the better one and again it is now sort of decision time if we think that Christian is weighed heavily towards just a stubborn ace high holding two barrels makes a good amount of sense considering the equity we have with that flush draw he's gonna fire looks like 24 that's a pot developing between our two big stacks Christian tried to make sense of us what would he be unloading two shells what did he turn some equity that he can semi-bluff with and that is a cause for concern when we have just a knife flush draw you may give him credit for just that clearly we're not going anywhere with it seventy-nine million in the middle the river is the Queen of Spades it's a flush for both Wow how much does Anton look for here another absolute cooler it just has to be yeah the Czech snap call the bet was 445 million the dream spot indeed that moves Anton to more than 240 she sat right on that trophy in that million dollar payday behind versus blonde and Christian looks down at Kings in the small wine see if you'd ever consider just limping here does he always raise he attacked last time or maybe a couple orbits ago with a very bad hand and here look at this the set the trap two kings I'm wondering okay well maybe I should just make it ten thousand and take it huh doesn't fall for it and 7/5 does flop a pair at the moment it's a dream situation for christian who checks Antonis no reason to believe that a 7 is an inferior hand I'm absolutely check raising if I'm Christian let's build a pot right now they add the King of Diamonds as well he's gonna call Jeff look at this how old a rap use the diamonds on the turn Christian as the king of diamonds let's check check this man has something King on the river set up Kings for Christian almost the pot size bed on the river from Christian 11.5 million straight trusted myths this very well could get paid off anti knows that nothing but a bluff catcher here gosh [ __ ] fold I mean it is he's on it today that's impressive it really is I would like to see a check raise again on that flop with two kings and seventy five doesn't have anything that just love this skits this is amazing decision-making James from Merrill I'll split that out imagine to Jeff about the decision for Frederick here with the East nine of diamonds well there's really only one and that's every single chip in the middle all of it anton with a Stan we know what's happening here Anton gonna get the count see the price is right he's got his man notched just over 30 million here is the call from Anton eight Queen for James Romero Wow tell you what I gave Anton credit for not just reshipping in that spot simply just a call thirty thousand and here's exactly why for the times that by chance Romero wakes up and moves in over the top we can get off of it what a spot here for Romero fires in a time bank granting them an additional thirty Seconds to act eighty-one Cape a jump from fifth to fourth oh my and he lays it down he's not gonna like to see these hands I'm surprised to see the fold maybe I see him once Jeff it's the right play just don't know had to be really close well it's Fredrick Anderson all in an at risk his tournament life on the line with the East 9 of diamonds against Anton's East End sweet vs. Swede comes Jack 5-3 with no diamonds Fredrik looking for a nine it does not come on the turn couple chop outs though the four comes both have a wheel Anton looking to bust Fredrik and he does well that'll do it for Fredrik Anderson we've seen plenty of him throughout the week he was fun to watch a hug for his fellow countryman and out the door out at fifth $230,000 a career best score for Fredrik Anderson little sweet on sweet violence it's in third right now with four left Jeff do you own any velvet shirts no you own any velvet articles of clothing no do you yes you and that purple velvet jacket that you wore during the poker masters honey a velvet and I was that was a closet and now I know what to get you as a gift now I'm good thank you you'd look good in velvet any color oh my oh dude white like dawn shirt and I do like his hand here Anton and James flop trip for some one time he doesn't make it ten million this happens well the routing rail is not going to be thrilled with these proceedings Anton check calls flop leads here on the turn a sizable lead at that that's 12.5 million if you're ready for it Jeff it's about to get rowdy James with 71 million behind all of it all in a call 5-4 for the man they call rocky 9 4 for Anton the crowd with silence quickly with that news plenty of cha pounce James could also spike a 5-2 win outright James Rocchi Clark the local hero all in an at risk river card it's the Queen so they'll chop it up no no no Jeff flush oh I completely missed the flush flush draw well good game to James Clark Alden 4th our satellite qualifier takes home 3 makes it 11.5 million just the gut shot I really like it Jeff I'm not gonna lie just a gutshot we think we're getting a lot of folds here should be printing money when we face resistance we can perhaps consider shutting it down maybe fire one more Street if we find the luxury of a favorable turn card by form of Club and this is that might not be it Nadia Said's on the turn forty two point two million in the pot is reaching he is firing 24 million on the turn awfully ambitious and men this is heart the fold for mantle and it gets through it just ten high that is hood right there by James Romero a ridiculous check raised on the flop followed up by Anton unbuttoned with Queens Christian defends on the big blind with the nine six of clubs it comes eight seven deuce open-ended straight draw for Christian Anton bets 7.5 million the check raised from Christian the 23 million with that open-ended straight draw my oh my if I have two queens here certainly going to take my time not folding I would do just this I would haul allow Bluffs to remain in contention and oh dear the five ball rolls off on the turn it's the five of Hearts Anton does have the Queen of Hearts straight for Christian 63 million in this pot I'll bet 18 million once again if I'm Anton now with the Queen of Hearts you just have to call can't assume that all flush draws have check-raise me I am worried about the straight and ten does call almost 100 million in the middle three spades on the river Christian's hand his best decision time Christian likely he just checked Jeff he did it did Chuck he's gonna let him off the hook he is time deciding if he should just bet for value here with two queens now looks Lenny my is gonna worked out just fine for him Wow and it was way too good to fold if you're Christian with this with the straight he has a flush you just have to pay the money the bet is for forty five million Queens straight whoops here comes Christian Rudolph not just back in contention but our new chip leader certainly is I'm not sure I like the value back there on the river 10th place finisher at the World Series of Poker Main Event in July Robert Einhorn out in 13th party poker team Pro Ludovic guy like out in 11th Jamie O'Connor and Alex Linda were eliminated on the same hand O Connor man did he run into it a buzzsaw back to back hands an old boy king-queen deucey set for Anton and top pair for James you know that's my favorite had Jeff pocket mallards Huey Dewey and Louie there it is and what a dream scenario he has here up against the lone American mr. Romero era which is 72 million behind devastating for Romero at the moment and the raise to 10 million this is first-rate value obviously and this is music to Anton's ears thanks the call perhaps a queen on the turn is the only thing that could really save James here that is not a Edith diamonds on the turn total blank twenty-seven point five million in the pot James was sixty-two million behind I don't want to be a results-oriented because I actually really like his raise to ten million with King Jack how often do we see players just simply call with top pair James is going for max value and obviously we can see he is stone dead that's 20 million and time they just move it in here could think that James has some sort of straight and flush draw combo he'd be committed to it uses a time bank granting him an additional 30 seconds to act King ax of diamonds is also still out there check calls James now with 42 million behind rivers the five of spades this is brutal for JMC let's see I I think he may value shoving his - King Jack soaking up this texture could it be King X of diamonds only really afraid of King five of diamonds at this point in his mind I'm just licking his lips staring at all mostly Ickes I don't know but he's trying to suggest like how strong he is like a reversal interesting look at that you know he's gonna just beat him in there it is the shove the call that will do it for James Romero out in third place will take home $420,000 the second biggest score of his career and Brent hard to put into words how impressed we were with Ramirez play throughout these last couple days I recognized him in the field and saw that he was in contention just two days ago I said keep an eye on this kitchen King Queen for Anton he raced ten for Christian this Anton limps in on the button this very likely could get in really good king queen is good enough it's not really Anton style he's more of a let's see three let's go to post let's do a little war but maybe we limp Jim there's the shove here's the call here we go Christian Rudolph fallen in at risk with ace 10 against the king queen of Anton Suarez Suarez looking for the title Christian looking to get back to over 200 million in chips his they stand slightly ahead comes jak 9 3 all hearts Anton has the King of Hearts there's a fair fight you see Anton is now actually a slight favorite even though Christian is ahead at this point for a king a queen a heart a 10 another jack on the turn Christians ace high hold up all the outs for Anton river card it is the three of spades and the ace high does hold up what a sweat Wow both players that's about right and welcome back to this heads-up matchup Christian Rudolph eight six two clubs got chopped for Anton backdoor flush draw for Christian Anton fires 18 million Christian dialing up the check-raise very crafty stuff here by Kristen with the king of clubs sort of coverage with the king nine favorable turn cards allowing us to set up a two barrel and quite often this would just work right away see Anton just trying to make sense this what sort of hand where do you check race done with it perhaps if we call we can take it away on later streets I just don't think that's a part of Christians plan he may not allow you to do just that a lot of appealing turn cards for Christian Wow oh boy coming in for it with just jack-high in the gut shot Christian will lay it down whoa phenomenal play from Anton Suarez all right kind words about Tony Horton a good man great program but he makes you work Christian with Kings here just limps in and it's on checks with the ACE for seven seven three check check five on the turn to a straight draw for Anton now crystal fire the call from Anton and the six ball on the river for the straight he bets 15 million Christian makes the call Kings might as well be the most minimum true rebounding to just over 30 bags pants on raise us with the jack night Christian calls with the eight seven nine in the window it comes nine six five Christian flops a straight with a flush draw straight flush draw for good measure top hair for ants on it goes check check three spades on the turn Christian checked Anton bets looks like it's check-raise time for Christian makes it 46 million anton has been making correct for that does it again Wow it's folded top pair twice in the last four hands or so my goodness Rudolph is going to be a little frustrated when he reviews the tape see how correct oh it looks like you know this no wait a minute Joe yeah unfortunately yeah Geoff watching I think the Chiefs fumbled the punt return how about this seven five five we'll get to the Chiefs later Anton flop strips Christian flops the open ender turn sixes and fives it leads for five million Christian calls and rivers the straight and there is just somehow very little money in that middle Anton gonna get away from this without losing too much not considering raising here right now one letter to is straight Oh Jeff oh my essentially turning this five into a bluff makes it 110 million oh this is just sick I don't think we can fold an eight high straight this is really tough but I the eight high straight is just too good to fall Jeff I I think we have to call it certainly looks like it could potentially be about should be some bluffs mixed in every time we turn maybe a six into a bluff there it is have a 6-2 box some of those he'll show the winning hand and with that christian rudolph takes the chip lead don't worry I'll keep you posted Jeff anything exciting happens okay please do and again you have the Chiefs yeah yes Jeff I okay I have a thought you said that just wanted to confirm how about o8 for Anton sevens for Christian oh my all in a call here we go Anton Suarez all in an at risk but in good shape with AIDS against Christian sevens Christiaan looking to get lucky if he does he will win this tournament a 4-1 underdog with the sevens and the seven card stud hat comes eight six four so it's top set for Anton but actually opens up some outs for Christian he needs a five for a straight turn card it's another six eights full of sixes for Anton that locks it up Tara what's that buys an affair and Anton now back on top regains the chip lead Mike's goodness Anton with the ace eight just limps in the shove from Christian with the seven four of Hearts Anton makes the call and here we go Christian Rudolph all in an at risk you heard Anton that's what it looks like ace eight for Anton seven four of hearts for Christian Christian Rudolph's tournament life on the line comes King nine deuce - diamonds an Tana has the ace of diamonds Christian will need to find a seven or a four and it's an ace on that's it oh mama indeed how about that isn't it sweet for the Swede it says Anton Suarez adds a signature win to his resume he wins 1 million dollars he is your party poker live millions UK Main Event champion Wow I love the celebration the emotion Antwon Suarez great stuff our champion how's that for your first major title awesome with a bang I love seeing this trophy hoisted High and hats off there - Christian rode off you know he played great how about Rob yeah yeah Party Poker partner the owner of distilled on a well-deserved celebration for Anton Suarez and a great showing overall from Christian Rudolf absolutely another massive score for Rudolf takes his career earnings up over two million dollars now second place finish six hundred and twenty K still looking for that first live way and he was oh so close once again Anton can get acquainted with those trophies the party poker live millions UK Main Event champion he wins 1 million dollars just a tremendous showing throughout the week so impressed by his playing every decision so quick and fast trusted his gut his instincts so impressive in so many different ways of course there's Jeff gross little camera time for JG well we hope Anton has an excellent celebration he'll take some pictures first with the trophies and then it'll go get paid Brent and it'll get paid a lot of money how about a cool Mille oh man seven-figure score Wow 1.2 million dollars now in earnings there it is Anton Suarez the millions UK Main Event champion he wins 1 million dollars it is his first major title quite the way to kick off 2020 for him very good I'm super happy super happy I don't play many tournaments so I'm super happy I've been playing for like 10 years but I play mostly PLO cat games that's it I play fast all right yeah yeah I just like to play fast especially heads up it's more fun he played fast as well actually I came here and the first day I was planning to keep play cash games but there were no cash game so I hopped into the satellite I wanna see it and Here I am yeah nice isn't it sweet for the Swede it says thank you very much thank you I will for sure thank if you guys enjoyed today's video make sure you leave a like drop a comment and don't forget to subscribe for the best poker videos on YouTube make sure to also check out our previous video if you missed it and let us know in the comments below what you would like to see on the next fury TV [Music] unable to Queens
Channel: FuryTV
Views: 429,836
Rating: 4.5763798 out of 5
Keywords: poker, best poker hands, poker episode, millions uk, partypoker millions, millions poker tournament, millions uk 2020, dusk till dawn poker, nottingham poker, world poker tour, world poker tour uk, poker 2020, partypoker, partypoker live, poker premier league, amazing poker hands, top 5 poker hands, poker highlights, sick poker hands, liv boeree poker, romanello poker, poker compilation, poker videos, poker channel, poker youtube, day 2, day 3, final table, final day
Id: P5_BP976CWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 48sec (4488 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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