World Pathfinder Day 2021 - Pathfinders On The Go

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] do [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh great my eternal father i thank you for allowing us to see a new day i pray that you will be with us as you go through this day guide us in what we do and help us to always represent you help us to do what is right and pleasing in your sight and to remember that you are always with us in jesus name amen [Music] wow [Applause] so [Music] mmm me [Music] [Applause] [Music] right [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] do [Music] blue [Music] the aim the advent message to all the world in my generation thomas the love of christ compels me the pledge by the grace of god i'll be pure and kind and true i will keep the path finally i will be a servant of god and in front of mine me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] so [Music] my [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] jesus is [Music] [Music] this is [Music] is is oh [Music] oh is thank you is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh you me [Music] oh me oh [Music] good afternoon everybody and welcome to our find the day program for finders on the go for the lord it's a theme that strikes in a very special way we are reminded of the great commission where jesus said to his disciples to go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son of the holy ghost teaching them to observe all things i have commanded you you see the great commission tells us that we should be on the go for the lord and what a fitting theme to have for this path in the day reminding us that no is not the time to be idle now is not the time to be like a disciple now is not the time to just sit by and freelance in the church but god expects us even in a coveted pandemic even in a post-volcanic eruption that we can still be followers of christ that we can still tell people about the love of christ that we can still tell the people the good news of that saving relationship with jesus christ so on behalf of the youth department i want to welcome you to this afternoon's program i feel that your sitting would be an amazing one and wherever you are looking at this program that your heart will be tuned to heaven and that will experience the goodness of the lord i bring you greetings from the administration of the svg mission of 17th adventist pastor demo baptist pastor henry snuggle executive secretary and elder owen charles our treasurer and together we want to let you know that we are still fighting for our young people we as we still love our young people and we pray that this evening's program would be a success god bless you god bless you and remember to always be on the go for the lord thank you [Music] [Applause] i will go by helping my classmates good evening everyone i am pathfinder williams from the eden memorial seven day adventist church located in spring village on the leeward side of the island during the volcanic eruption i assisted at the seven-day adventist mission office by preparing food for individuals in the shelters i also packed boxes for dislocated church members and on sunday evenings i found myself on a truck to distribute waters in different communities our pathfinder group in spring village participate in evangelistic activities such as distributing literature and witnessing this is how i i choose to go don't you want to go like this as well [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm sure [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] highway [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is here [Applause] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] she has been actively involved in uniform work for over three decades and was one of the twelve original members of the calico pathfinder club which began in the year 1981. can you guess who she is yes her name is director darren simmons and she's very passionate about uniform work working in a voluntary capacity calls for a lot of sacrifices hard work sleepless nights time talent skills and even the use of one's own finances but the rewards outshine these over the years she has not only worked with her local club which started in kalakau and then moved to prospect at the montgomery sd church but has also served on a national level sister simmons has served in various capacities throughout the years counselor adventure director pathfinder director national pathway and or coordinator and national adventure coordinator currently she serves as the national adventure coordinator and volunteers of service in the youth department of the svg mission of sd director siemens has had the opportunity to travel to a number of countries as part of the delegation's representation vincent and the grenadians at pathfinder or adventure related activities for example in march 1985 she was one of the officers who accompanied the pathfinders from the karakol club to the caribbean union pathway in the camphory held at the darkhead school in saint michael barbados in 1998 she again accompanied her pathfinders to the inter-american division country in puerto rico two years later in april 2000 she accompanied her pathfinders to the east caribbean conference of sda parks and the country at allbury campsites in barbados and again in 2002 at the north caribbean conference country held in saint kitts most recently in 2019 director simmons joined us in attendance in attending the international campaign under the theme chosen these campers have not only afforded her the opportunity to visit other countries but also to make friends learn about other cultures and develop and enhance her skills and abilities as they relate to uniform ministry i am sure that she is extremely pleased with the development that has taken place in the uniform ministry throughout the years and is happy to be a part of it however there is still more to be done as uniform ministry continues to develop in sin vincent and the grenadines by god's grace director simmons will continue to do her part in whatever capacity god calls her and she encourages the youth to allow the spirit to lead as he calls us to be part of this wonderful ministry [Music] i am mr edward duke i had a vision and my vision was to create activities to develop the boys and girls of the leeward district the seventh adventist church uniform ministry made my vision a reality during my tenure very little was all of what was being done in the club walk on the leeward side of the island but by god's grace i was able to share my knowledge and skills with not only the leeward district but other districts throughout sin vincent my new at the time the leeward district was one zone spanning from camden park to chateaubele i shared my vision with pastor ralph bautis who was a district pastor at the time and as faith would have it i was appointed as part final director and revived the leeward days under the presidency of miss miniva glasgow it it it is said that the charity begins at home so beginning a bonafide member of la u70 adventist church naturally the flames were kindled their force and then ignited spread it to vermont and barley not wanted to leave out anyone i even tried to spark a fire in spring village and chatubele at times leaving home not knowing how i will get back i had to hitchhike to those areas very often and had to sleep over thanks to the hospitality of the brethren my vision did not only involve establishing and reviving clubs in the district but i also had a vision of a leeward district path in the marching band thanks to brother louis striker who donated the instruments for the ban and go to train people to play a few months later and the ban was in most martian and rallies around the island the leeward sda church had a very vibrant and active band which was not exclusive to members of the church only by some of by some of you may wondering who i am i am wise others may be reminiscing on those times i am elroy duke a native of bukomin bay currently residing in the united kingdom and it is only by god's grace i am able to exemplify the principles of the path in the club i am honored to have been part of the of this development of uniform club work on the leeward side of the island and in sydney grenadines on a whole you must continue my admiration to present and future leaders is to allow god to lead as you walk in his vineyard good afternoon pat finders [Music] good afternoon pathfinders club members and a wonderful viewing audience on this platform this afternoon we have a special segment where we are going to be walking through the experiences of pathfinders of today and yesterday this afternoon with me it's a young park friend i would allow him to introduce himself would you introduce yourself please good afternoon my name is mccoy mcphee i recently graduated the mountain view advanced academy today and i'm a pathfinder at the living streams sda church congratulations mccoy thank you you have been a pathfinder for how long i would say since i was in four months like five years five years yeah how are you joining the club what brought you to the club well first of members of church actually brought me to the club because apparently they wanted to start back up their pathfinder program okay and with the youths that were in the church and the willingness of them that is what made me and helped me join the firefighting club okay so you joined this club you know there are other clubs in schools right what is different about this club well seeing that mountain view adventist academy don't really have clubs in school [Music] the pathfinder club was most likely helping you getting a better understanding of jesus in a sense okay and it helps you to share your understanding with your classmates at school and people who live around and with you okay so in this sharing could you tell me how joining the club has impact on your life your school life or your home life or your church life yeah joining the club i had a lot of responsibilities one you had to behave a certain home not in a sense like you know you can't really talk to anybody or do certain things and we have to keep a level standard where you go and doing that help me understand better or more gradually what being a seven-day adventist is all about okay okay so it helped to build your christian life okay so in building your christian life as a pathfinder did you see the need to help others or to tell someone else to join the club well yesterday because some of my friends in school they had kind of sorry there are kind of oh they say if you feel and you know unstable feeling about jesus you know that topic was a very shaky topic to them so with my understanding and others around me i help them to better understand what being a seventh day advent is all about and help them to teach them the right sense of way of about god okay so far you're talking about the spiritual aspect of the pathway in the club but we know the entire final club is holistic so so give me the other areas that have been covered in the pathfinder club other than spirit and spiritual parts we are the only spiritual partners they have engagement as in socially we went to vera street meetings where we would see our friends and help them to come to the street meeting to listen to what the speaker would tell us about god but in a sense if they like in a group right depends on how much of them are there at the time they wouldn't want to come but if it's like a small number then they will come seeing that they're curious they would have been picked i want to learn more about that so would you say that the pathfinder club takes care of my emotions or maybe takes care of my skills my physical right department is club cater so that area as well yes it does give me a like well okay for example right if like you know it's like you're in school right and you do a test in the week and friday you get it back you realize it and do too good but you know you do less than you usually do in the below average of what you're capable of and then you come to church i'll move the answer in a sense then your partner director or one of your colleagues my police said an act so as well and it depends on you if you want to tell them but even if you if you even though you don't want to tell them they might remind you that through all the hardships god still loves you and he'll be there to protect you okay so physically so do you have marching do you have games do you do craft do you know those skill areas do you do those yes we do tell me a little about it well during last year's when we had the summer vacation program we did a number of things there one of the chronic crafts that we did was done by a woman miss gloria williamson in doing the craft the craft wasn't just there to do just because but she gave her kind of a background of why we're doing the craft so i don't remember specifically what the craft was that helped you yeah in a way to see how others react when they hear about god and like when they sit down and think about after like when for example if we you know when we sit down to listen to like this story as somebody's given some sort of someone like you know when they sit down even really not paying attention to that you know they ponder among themselves of what she said and me seeing that made me pan about what i know so in doing that now it pushes me forward to learn more and dive deeper into the world okay previously you said that i'm a lot of you had the interest and the club started at this point right all the members that are in the club is still in the club well no not really so tell me some of the reasons why you think pathfinders would want to leave the club well seeing that is a churchy kind of thing they don't see it as something that they need to have well if they grew up without a christian background then they would think that way but then see that i grew up with a christian background is like i don't really i disagree with their judgment towards this so it's like even though is uh as this a churchy thing it would help them in life and in the endeavors right but then okay my final question if someone keeps giving you negative vibes right they don't want to be a part of the club right and some of your friends already dropped out what are some of the things that you can do to encourage them to either get back on board or remain in the club well one thing i will do is change how we approach them to join the club okay so tell me about that for example instead of bringing them to like okay if you're going to bring them in club for the sake to join the church you shouldn't like make that the full point to join the club okay you should use pathfinder as a as a way to let them learn more about god and then gradually teaching them about the ways of the church and then you bring them into the church okay thank you very much anything finally you want to say the only thing i would say is that the use of today unlike the ones of yesterday and it takes more than just reading and acting to get us interested in particular subjects especially jobs it needs a more hands-on effect okay to help us get better and yeah thank you very much mr mccoy and you do enjoy your afternoon yes introduce yourself good afternoon everybody my name is carol bramble i'm happy to be here this evening to share with you okay it's looking at you you look like somebody who has a wealth of information about blogbook just give me a brief statement as to when this club work began in your life well i i got exposed to pathfinder in it at a very young age um i used to follow my sister to partner in the meeting i was not a part of the club actually i was in involving the scouts but i used to follow my sister to club meeting on sunday afternoons and stuff like that and then the churchill hunts and stuff joined me towards the pathfinder club a matter of fact i joined the pathfinder club after a while and was in part find them both in scouts so i used to go to scope meeting okay and go to pathfinder meeting because path and a meeting was on the weekend and scouts was during the week while he was in school so that is that is my only experience of the pathfinder program i got exposed to it from my sister okay um looking at the pathfinder club today right and then in your when you were small what what are their similarities are there differences that you can point out well the the thing is back then you also have a lot more activity outdoor activity more than they're just sitting down doing the class walking inside today you attend that directors and pathfinders all concentrating on just getting the pin so they they just do the requirement as is in the book and a lot of the outdoor activities are not they they don't do them anymore like for instance going on the hike i treasure hunt you going on a hike and you're using all the these signs and things to find your way where you're going and somebody go and set a trail for you and you just have to go and look for the different signs and follow it some of these stuff is lacking within some of the clubs a lot of the outdoor activity green green somewhere when you reach it you have to build something and and sleep for the night ppas something and sleep for the night and stuff like that those activities and we don't have a lot more a lot of camp like like like back then i remember one of my first camp we sleeping at midnight they tell you the blue emergency was awake you opened in cairo park and tell you something about orion that night i was upset was that abuse as abuse well i won't see it as abuse but today they might tend to say that but then we got a good picture what what the stars look like that night because and the consolation the consolation and was pointed out to you and you got a better understanding at the stars and and the different consolation and what they're all about so it was it was informative probably it wasn't the right time but then that is the best time to catch the stars in the night when the place is dark and they have a lot they don't have a lot of lights and stuff i want to refer to um pathfinder mccoy he was saying that the approach that you use that we use now right it should be different to keep the pathfinders do you agree and if so what could be done well let me remember when i was a director i remember yeah i wasn't seeing my club members i i called a council meeting and i i made it a personal effort to visit each parents to visit each home to find out what was the problem what was the issue now even today you still have parents who send the pathfinders to the club meeting to get them out of the house and some parents just send the pathfinder just so but the pathfinder when a child comes to pathfinder you want the parents to be involved because if the parents is involved you'll get more from the child in the club and the child will want to do more and as i said the path in the program is islam is exciting and i i was privileged to get exposed to another program so i know what departure in the program offered that the other program don't offer okay okay so you would have run through the ranks of the pathfinder that's all yeah so you started as a let's see if we can walk through your experience i started a pathway you know just being a pathfinder and then you're the different class the companion explorer class and you come right up to a master guide and then the master guide advance and stuff like that so so he been there done that did it and had a lot of fun i i tell people my first opportunity my first exposure to the pulpit was during the path in the club that that is where i force preach my for sermon today i still remember this sermon just like if it was yesterday i pray to someone now that you are young don't waste your life away that was my message for that night now the truth is that night when i got on this stage i was frightened but then i had my big sister my big sister was there telling my big sister told me before i go on stage be yourself and just look at me okay and to be truthful like i remember if i saw anybody as more than my sister in the congregation okay so saying that would you would you agree with me that the pathfinder club has shaped you into the leader that you are today yes i i into the individual that i am that i am today the power final club has done a lot for me um the different craft the different skills some of the skills i i i i know could do um cooking and stuff like that while i cook at a woman that was something i loved doing the parfait the club had helped me to get better at it in terms of cooking and even making juice and all these things some of these stuff come come from being the path find a club when you go out with different groups and you're in a unit and the unit have to do different preparation and do stuff that's really perfectly club that is what helped me i i got exposed and some of the places that i i went to was because of the pathfinder program i got to travel a a vast majority of the world because of the pathfinder club okay everybody dropped the gun i was about to ask you about your traveling but seeing the path and the clubs that you have visited when you travel what what you brought back home that you are seeing now working well the thing is you brought back some of the experience that you would have seen already because uh for instance cambrie and let's look at pathfinder campus when you go to an international campaign and you walk into a camp because when you go to this campus there are different camps so the vincentian will be supposed to have a village or the conference that you are part of will have a village uh and let it if you go to the indo-american division campaign the caribbean union will have a village and within that village you have all the different islands within that village and sometimes when you go into these villages and stuff like that you see different crafts and different different things that people would normally throw away [Music] people take them and make furniture made this and that and you kind of get a better understanding that certain things are wrong you you could use it your rope hunting rope on wood you can use them to make a lot of stuff build holes and stuff like that and understanding the different knots and no it's not something to use to tie different stuff and stuff like that so so you are saying that being in a pathfinder club equips you right it gets it has to be creative yeah it can even charter your life career yeah but i i i i tell people some years ago being a part of this path in a club the power final club teach much yes it teach history science social study every subject with the that is in school the pathfinder club teaching but you have to understand because when you're dealing with history you have to do maths yes because you have to add updates and stuff like that you talk about geography and stuff like that we need looking at the rocks and the different trees and stuff like that so the pathfinder club teaches it so it is up to and the honor zone when you're talking about the different honors that the club offer when you look to the honors when you start doing some of the honors the board owners and stuff like that are you going back to nature and all this stuff you have well dinners are honor you have wood walkers around so the club is gay you see the path in the program is great for the total man so it helps an individual to be better of what at what he is doing i want to refer to mccoy again remember moko he said a while ago that um when he went to school and he didn't do so well at school and he came to the club the club was like kind of support yeah well that that is what the club is there for to help people and to help them better understand their schoolwork and get the best out of an individual that's why i tell you when you visit the home of your pathfinders and you know you get a better understanding of their background as a leader you could better help that individual to be better at what he and he'll bring out the natural talent and ability that within the person because a lot of these pathfinders have talent and ability but you want somebody to identify the talent and sometimes some of these homes some of the home the the parents are not wrong so you remember when when a child come to the path in the club you be now come you become the child parent certainly so you have to be appearance for the child so you have to help that child good so after saying all of that looking at the wilkinson vincent and the grenadines you are now seated in a position tell me the position that your seat didn't know you are now the one i am currently serving as a second vice president for a waimak which gave me the responsibility of being the national coordinator for the national uniform council good so looking at the work in saint vincent we are not where we want to be what is your what do you have in mind to bring the world up to the standard that we wanted because we can say the work is not the way we want it but what perspective or what views or what ideas you have that will take the work higher well firstly we need committed leaders we need leaders that are committed and who are ready and willing to allow jesus to use them the pathfinder club could step up to the next level but for in order for that to happen the leaders forced me to be committed the leaders the pathfinder leaders just can take just can't take the manual and just leave it at that you have to want to do more it's just like if you're a teacher in the government system or in any school you're teaching when you get a curriculum you go home and prepare preparation prepare the work leaders have to go home and prepare the work for the classroom so when you reach the classroom because the truth is apart from ask you a question and if you don't know you don't know tell it the pathfinder you will get back to them go home my research and anything my thing is once we have committed leaders once we have the committed leaders everything else will follow because after that the the paraphernalism will come and and it's about the leader now have to understand to to be able to wrap up with everybody to talk to everybody talk to the parents and then to one one of the things so i believe we need all the pastors them on board okay the past is important it's important that the pastors don't have to be on board in the youth work and let me see here sometimes well travel and you see different things happening and you want you want to some of these things happening in in your own country sometimes you travel and you see pathfinders you see the pastors and well involved let me give you an experience the first time we went to a path in the camphory a me and another colleague of mine we saw an old man age of a man old man in his path find a uniform that was the first time we saw somebody with two sash okay and we stand up we were young but we stood up and we watched that man because he was old and he was looking sharp in his uniform and you and i come where you have to go in tents and stuff this is the old one right so in your mind this one should be who any proper better or something or the other but here is this one in a tent very young people there need to go ready to go you know so if you get your passes to get involved get involved and and get involved in the program and then you get to illness if you get your pastors and elders from each of the church involving the program then the program will flourish because you see you can say as an elder i was in the program when i was young but you know that you're old you're not doing anything to the program you need to get involved still give assistance go to the director director what is happening where can i help what can i do to help the couple that is you see if everybody come on board we'll get a smoothie alone can't do it no i don't can do it the truth is sometimes you're traveling you see certain things and you want to bring it back and sometimes when you try to implement some of these stuff you you you get stumbling back because people are not exposed to what you would have been exposed to and so it take a longer period so if you have 10 persons getting on board but you you want that tend to multiply into another 50 and when they get at 15 or you multiply that 50. so in each church if you get two elders or one elders on board and the pastor come on board then you're hoping that more of the leaders will come on board as as they continue to multiply each thing that's how we'll get better okay finally we're going to wrap up this very inspiring interview um so you you you have cited the problem and you state what you would like have to happen but what are we doing now to eradicate some of those problems well over the last few years we we did a lot of work on training okay the ten hours stop training and then again to if each district could have a vibrant master guide program that will help a lot um in st vinson currently more than ever before we have a lot of invested math so guys but the reality is half of them are not doing anything those are the persons we want to target to get involved to do something in your local club bring back your local crop to what it used to be so that you will not only say my church used to have a vibrant path in the club you will be now doing something to revive that that is what we want to do so my appeal right now is for all investing master guide who are not involved in a club to get involved in a club because we need you if ever there was a time we need you is now and i'm appealing to you you are a retired teacher you you you used to teach skill or something on the other and you're home not doing anything i'm appealing to you right now to go to your director tell your director hey i'm available or probably you was a past parfaire and a director years ago and you are now in the church and you're not doing anything go to your director and talk to your director ask your director what can i do to help i'm appealing to all leaders right across our island to get involved in a club to start talking to your director go to your ai leader your pathfinder director your adventure leader and talk to them find out what's happening find out where you can help them thank you very much [Music] president assistant president of the youth and the coordinator for the pathfinder master guide adventurers it has been a very informative interview and um we see that we see the problems and we see where we want to go and as the director said and as mccoy brother mccoy said that we need to work together we need to find out too what the youths need sometimes we are planning a program but as much as brother mccoy said sometimes we don't we we are not reaching them so as leaders we need to reach out to our young people because they have things to offer as well that is so true we are signing off thank you very much just before you go just permit me um as we celebrate part find the day today as we come to the end of another path find the day let it not just be a day as any other day but as we celebrate pathfinder around the world today i pray that god will bless you and as you draw closer to him i want to let you know that coming soon will be our path in the crusade so you need to get involved stay stay tuned as you hear more about our pathfinder crusade um i didn't mention the theme but the theme of the program today is pathfinders on the go for the lord and we are not just sitting we are moving we are people of action [Music] [Music] so [Music] is [Music] i [Music] is [Music] you [Music] i will [Music] you [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] i will trust you i will just do [Music] okay good afternoon pathfinders parents friends everyone so this is actually a live segment we're gonna play a game at this time switch it up right and everyone here watching can actually take part what are we gonna do we're gonna play a quiz on kahoot and i'm just gonna share my screen on how you can play live right now with me all right you'll be seeing my screen how can i take part in this quiz so on any device open your internet browser and go to k a h double o t dot i t enter the game pin shown which is this i'll go to that screen in a while and then after you put in the code you're gonna press ok and then enter your name and then you'll be inside of a lobby all right um these are the rules how to play once all players are inside the waiting room and ready the host will begin the quiz that's me and the questions will be multiple choice and true and false so there's two types of questions um the multiple choice uh you'll be given 30 seconds and the true and false you'll be given 20 seconds um to select your answer you have to tap once you tap on an answer the answer is locked in so and the faster you select the correct answer the more points you get but you have to be careful because incorrect answers will not give any points so make sure when you tap that one time that you correctly pick the correct answer um as i said everyone on listening right now can participate but there's only room for 50 so those who don't manage to get in can still watch on the stream right and those who are playing if you also have another device it'd be cool you can see my screen as well because i'll be showing like the answers and so on the points and everything okay so let's go to the lobby now a lot of people are already in remember up to 50 conjoined so i'm going to give you guys a few seconds maybe a minute until this room fills up it's filling up very quickly so the code is on your screen again this is the website and this is the code that you'll put then you'll put your name right and the theme of this quiz is pathfinders there's 32 questions um each question is based on some area of part finder theory practical whatever it may be and the room is full 50 people all right so sorry those of you what trying to get on but you can still watch you can still try to answer because you'll be seeing mice wait 51 so we can go over 50. okay nice all right well i'll still i'll still wait all right but you'll be able to see everything on my screen as well even though you're on your device all right so in a few seconds i'm gonna press start so those of you who are playing it will be best if you look at your device because there might be a slight delay between you know the game and the stream so it's best that you look at the game and everyone else can follow along on the stream 63 i did not know that it can take this many people it's my first time seeing so many in here you can like see all the names we have island girl i see serenity welcome everyone and good luck to everyone participating 65 is anyone else going to join okay still going up 66 um all right so in one moment i'm gonna start all right i'll just give you guys a chance still going 71 72 all right 30 seconds all right get ready let's see 20 more seconds right so for for the multiple choice remember each question is 30 seconds and for the true and false you have 20 seconds maximum to lock in your answer and we're gonna begin in five four three two one and let's go number one i will be a servant of god is part of the power finders blank pledge motto law or aim you'll tap the box with the correct answer is it the red one pledge blue moto um gold law or green aim and if you're seeing my screen you can see the answers on the right side they are coming in times up the answer is pledge i'll be a servant of god he's part of the pathfinder pledge all right number two which of the following lines is not found in the pathfinder's law do my honest part courageous and obedient keep a song in my heart or walk softly in the sanctuary which of these is not found in the pathfinder law and most of us got it courageous and obedient what's the correct phrase it's cautious and obedient all right let's go on to number three and see chino is at the top with 1894 points and every round will be able to see the score on my screen i don't think you can see it on the game but i'll be able to see number three the svg mission patch is placed on the left sleeve of the pathfinder short true or false remember the faster you input your answer the more points you'll get okay the answer is true most of us got it now j is in the lead it's gonna keep changing all right the name strip one on the uniform is an identification insignia true or false the answer is true most of us got it again all right let's go to the next one number five now diana is in the lead see how close the points are that difference is the time number five the blank class caters for teenagers who are 12 years old red voyager blue companion the gold one is ranger or green for explorer which of these classes has teenagers of 12 years of age answers are coming in explorer a lot of us said companion but the answer there was explorer 12 years old all right let's go to the next question the carlos silva corresponds with the ranger class true or false all right that one is true next question there are seven classes in the pathfinder club true or false answer is false all right how many actually are there i think it's six or somebody will correct me from next question number eight upon investigate part finders obtain a blank of recognition to be worn on their uniform class chevron class pin class workbook or class pocket strip what do the pathfinders obtain upon investiture class pin most of us got it next one okay sam has joined the part finder club which of the following books must he read is it the pathfinder administrative manual part finder constitution the happy past or patriarchs and prophets what is the book that you have to read when you just joined find a club the answer is the happy path congrats most of us got it right again let's go on to the next one number 10 music and cake decorating honors belong to a group of runners called recreation are draw outdoor industries or arts crafts and hobbies so which one of these groups of honors does music and cake decorate and belong to arts crafts and hobbies very good all right so we reached number 10 for about a third of the way through we're just gonna look at the top five scores right now we have dia at the top with nine one nine seven points then we have j just letter j you know who you are with nine one one one points next is selena with eight seven six six then we have uh jawani with eight four two six and a loi i'll probably with 8390 points those are the top five all right congrats guys for doing so well so far let's go on to the number 11. a square knot is used to tie packages true or false the answer is true most of us got it correct very good number 12 the divisions of the old testament does not include blank paul's letters books of history books of poetry books of moses which of these are not a part of the divisions of the old testament all those letters right that's a part of the new testament all right let's go to number 13 okay true or false oh no multiple choice pitch in a tent means to blank set it up fold it up put it down or cover with tar what was what does it mean to pitch a tent okay let's see set it up that was a pretty obvious one all right number 14 a hike is a walk to an unknown place true or false a hike is a walk to an unknown place the answer is false okay number 15 when light in a match you must face the wind and your hands must be cupped true or false the answer is false wow we didn't get that one at least the majority you're actually supposed to face away from the win so the match doesn't get blown out right yeah some of you might have got confused there but you face away from the wind and cop your hands right so the match doesn't get blown out as soon as you light it number 16 all of these are areas for each class requirement except health and fitness outdoor life solving others or annual program so which of these are not a class requirement in every class the answer is on your program very good most of us got it number 17 let's go on sally and jack are studying the sanctuary service what part finder class are they in so which class do you study the sanctuary service is it ranger companion friend or guide number 18 david wants to stake out his sheep what not should he use foreign a bow line is used to tie sheep um sorry for the last question the answer was ranger right for sanctuary service um let's go on to number 19. okay true or false a hiker must always carry a four-stage kit and the answer for this is true or false yes it is true all right let's go to number 20 and then we can look at the scores again wow he's on a 19 streak number 20 a pathfinder must never blank when he or she is lost should you never pray never sit down and panic never climb a tree or a hill or never light a fire when you are lost what is something that you should never do all right sit down and panic you shouldn't panic when you're lost she remain calm and try to you know find a solution which is any of your answers number 22 right so let's look at the scores again dia is in the first place with eighteen thousand one hundred and eighty nine points next we have just a letter j with sixteen thousand six hundred and sixty four next is j with it that one is on j a y 16517 then sk 16147 and then giovanni 16 055 very close dia has quite a lead in on the first place but the other four are very close and this is gonna probably change because we still have 12 questions to go let's go to number 21. george is packing his backpack what should he not carry a flashlight wood for fire rope or sleeping gear which one of these should he not carry in his backpack the answer is wood for fire okay you can find that out in the wild so you won't need to pack that in your bag all right let's go to number 22. what is the force response to a fractured collar bone loosen or remove any clothing on the injured side teeth area around neck tie the area sorry or bandage the person's right arm apply a collar and a cuff sling i may still space by there that's just a minor mistake on my part right we should loosen the clothing around the injured area number 23 the seventh adventist church came out of the blank meta discharge millerite movement reformation period or christian connection where did this open the adventist church come out of the millerite movement and most of us got that correct very good number 24. let's go the early christians belief in the second advent of christ in 1844 came as a result of studying the what prophecy the blank prophecy is it 2300 days 70 weeks um 12 60 days or 42 months yeah all right then the answer is 2300 days prophecy number 25 when choosing a campsite choose a warm area with an overhanging ledge or cliff true or false where would you go to set up your cam in an area with an overhanging ledge or cliff is that a good idea for true or bad idea falls the answer is false you don't want to be underneath a cliff right something could happen uh most of us got that correct the answer is false number 26 the initial treatment of all bones is to irrigate with cold water so that is that the first thing that you do when you get a bone or that you should do put cold water on it true or false that is true okay let's go to number 26. if someone be 27 sorry if someone becomes poisoned he or she should not be given fluids if they are unconscious true or false okay someone is poisoned he or she should not be given fluids if they are unconscious that's it is true all right let's go to number 28 and then we'll look at the scores again one last time the pathfinder club has four colors red blue white and black is it green black yellow or gold what's the last call in the flag it's cold not yellow okay let's look at this top five again wow dear is still in the lead 24 04 points next is jay 23 793 points then sk 22 975 points and fourth lj 22 225 points then paradise with 22 050 points it's still a very close match at the top five at least okay so we'll see what happens with the next last five questions let's go on to number 29 get ready all of these categories form parts of the memory jam certificate except salvation doctrine profit or behavior all of these categories from part of the memory jump certificate accept one of these the answer is profit that seemed like it was a tough one all right let's go on to number 30. e.g white received her first vision at age 18 this is true or false the answer is false it was not age 18 um number 31 second to last one alcohol kills brain cells very simple statement is it true or false the answer is true most of us got it very good and this is the final question let's see the scores one more time did anything change we have d are still in the lead sk then j a y lj and in paradise i think yeah the scoreboard changed and let's see what happens with the final question i think after this we'll only be able to see the top three all right let's go which of these is not a suitable material for a constrictive bandage necktie strip of cloth shoelace or a wide rubber tubing which of these is not suitable to make a constrictive bandage the answer is shoelace okay this brings us to the end of our little quiz a little top finder quiz let's see the final score and congratulations dear first place got 31 out of 32 questions correct very good dear excellent work that's 27 326 points in second place sk got 28 out of 32 with 26 875 points and third we have j 25 726 points also got 28 correct so the difference there is the speed remember the faster you enter the more points you got so very special congratulations to dear i think she took the lead for basically the whole quiz and congratulations to everyone else who participated very good job everyone and thank you all for taking part in this game alright so enjoy the rest of the afternoon [Applause] master guys and uniform leaders you know we are post-volcanic eruption we know that people are starting to go back to the red zone we know that some of our members are in homes with ash and they are struggling to get to normalcy when i came to let you know that like we promised the youth department has been entrusted with the responsibility to clean up the red zone to helping our members get back into their homes and we are ready i said we are ready this is the rallying cry anytime you see this green uniform you know it's the rally in christ action on the 19th of september we're going up with 4 washers that we can carry i don't have the van ready we're going to load up with power washes bring your power wash we have shovels we have buckets we were going up into san diego and on an oh yeah and we are going to help our members get into their homes and be able to breathe the clean fresh air that is vincent and the green beans so remember the date september the 19th september the 19th or sunday the day after perfecting the day we are going on ghost errands we're going to be on the go for the lord for finders master guys i mean all our leaders uniform personnel we're gonna dress up like we're gonna get rugged again on the go we're going to change homes we're going to clean up homes is the first phase the next space will be painting and so on but this is the first place 19th of september we're cleaning up the place we're fixing up the place and then we're living over the river cleaner than it has ever been before see you on the 19th of september again see you there bring it forward [Music] [Music] in recent times there have been several classes recorded women for example the current 1950s the last the eruption of the national volcano and the recent earthquake in haiti which killed and injured the bible says and there will be great earthquakes and in various places please and families and there will be terrors and dreams and complaining and when these things begin to come to pass then look up and lift up your hand for your redemption right now these verses are an indication that natural disasters are causing a strong business pleasure with history [Music] and pestilence and fearful science and [Music] because of the wickedness in the world storms and earthquakes will come and destroy homes and worse things are coming goddess angry [Music] and when these things begin to come to pass [Music] suffering [Music] we will be in a better place our family will visit us and finally not evil with us we will dwell in the house of the lord all your troubles will be gone no need to fail god will always be then god won't be our reaction these are not the only two bible verses in the bible which speaks about natural disasters god's way of you this pleasure which is people revelation 16 verse 18 says and there are voices and thunders and lightnings and therefore they bring earthquakes such as was not since men were upon the earth so mighty and earthquake are so great this text tells me that [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] good afternoon and happy sabbath this afternoon we have been blessed by our part finders on the before the lord but what about you will you go as well thus i have captured this evening's vespers under the team will you go let us pray father wanna thank you for this opportunity i pray that you will speak through me in the last chapter of matthew the last two verses we find our mandate or the great commission which says go in therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit teaching them to observe all things that i have commanded you and lo i am with you always even unto the end of the age amen the great commission speaks or calls for everyone and not a select few it is not only for our pastors and elders or for brother john or sister joan but it is for all a-l-l all individuals who call themselves children of god this mandate is for the young and the old pastors elders church officers all church members all christians we all have a part to play in answering this call ellen white in testimonies to the church volume 9 page 117 stated that the work of god in this earth can never be finished until the men and women comprising our church membership run into the work and unite their efforts with those of members and church officers so we see it is a joint effort and all hands on deck affair the beauty about it all is that god does not expect you alone to fulfill all the tasks necessary in soul winning that is why he gives some apostles and some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and some teachers for the perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of christ ephesians chapter 4 verses 11 and 12. one may ask what can i do and others may believe that they do not have any talent or skill or abilities to be of service you may not be able to preach your soulman like pastor syndrome you may not be able to sing like director shafrana john or play the saxophone like director bacchus but you can probably cook a tasty meal adding a bible verse to the package you can give it to the less fortunate you can offer words of encouragement say a prayer for the dung trading visit the sick be the peacemaker in a hostile work environment share the food stuff you got from the barrels with your neighbors and we got enough bars coming in since we have duty free sometimes just making oneself available being ashore for someone to lean on giving a smile can provide opportunities for us to be witnesses for jesus and have no faith god will equip you he will provide the necessary resources look at moses in exodus chapter 4 verses 10 to 17 verses 28 to 30. let's read together so turn with me to exodus chapter 4 verses 10-17 and it says and moses said unto the lord o my lord i am not eloquent neither heretofore nor since thou has spoken unto thy servant but i am slow of speech and of a slow tongue and the lord said unto him who had made man's mouth or who make it the dumb or the death or the seeing or the blind have not i the lord now therefore go and i will be thy mouth and teach thee what thou shalt say and he said o my lord send i pray by the hand of him whom thou will the anger of the lord was kindled against moses and he said is not aaron the levite thy brother i know that he can speak well and also behold he cometh forth to meet me and when yet thee he will be glad in his heart and thou shalt speak unto him and put words in his mouth and i will be with thy mouth and with his mouth and though shall be to him instead of god and thou shalt take this rod in thine hand wherewith thou shalt do signs verse 28 and moses told her on all the words of the lord who had sent him all the signs which he had commanded him 29 and moses and aaron went and gathered together all the elders of the children of israel and verse 30 says and aaron speak all the words which the lord had spoken unto moses and did the signs in the sight of the people god was angry with moses when god is demonstrating his faith in him and moses is doubting what god can do through him i can imagine how god becomes frustrated and angry with us when he calls us and we doubt we limit what he can do for us and through us but once we are willing god will use our willingness to take us to parts we never imagined god can take nothing and make it into something he can take the ordinary and make him extraordinary he can take that tone deaf individual and make him into a marvelous office leader that illiterate individual can read a scripture and deliver a sermon for him that very shy person can be the next sabbath school supreme superintendent or ay leader as long as god ordained it open up yourself for his service and to be used by him someone is listening who may have one time walked for god you may have been a superintendent a partner director or counselor an elder a deacon or even a treasurer but for one reason or the other you give up you stopped working for god maybe someone was too critical of you or you just got tired from the many sacrifices you made or you merely believe that you have done your part and now you are passing on the button to the younger generation i am here to encourage us not to give up you will meet opposition and face criticism but don't get distracted i remember watching this movie called the perfect race in this movie the coach had a plan to get her atlea to win the race and her plan was to slow down the defending champion she was met with criticism and others thought she had to cheat to achieve this goal but cheating was not a part of our plan sometimes others would not understand the visions we have from god but that's okay continue to do your best as long as god is the one directing the court was not discouraged despite the accusations and hostility but went ahead with her plan which she was able to succeed in as the defending champion got distracted lost sight of horus and focus on her opponents we at times get caught up with the race others are running the work others are doing for god and we become distracted which will slow us down but if we keep our eyes on the goal on the calling that god has for us we will be successful keep your eyes on the goal keep your eyes on your calling whether as a missionary a preacher a teacher a deacon or a deaconess do your part for him for those who have become tired rely on god's strength as when we are we he is strong and why not scale back on the number of activities you are involved in and spend time nourishing your spiritual life and instead of taking a spectator position for the older ones provide guidance and consult to the younger generation so that from your experience we can learn and continue the work efficiently and effectively there is no expiration date or age limit in working for god thus all hands will be on deck using whatever abilities we have for god so the question before us is will you go i hope we have all answered in the affirmative so that even when the road ahead gets rough and turning we will continue onwards and safe are going still when you feel discouraged trust god for a renewed vision and show are going still when you are wary and feel like you cannot go on whisper the words i'm going still when you're in a position and you do not feel the support of your counsel rely on god and exclaim are going still and when you have given it your all and you are still met with criticism know that god appreciates all that you are doing so courageously you will see are going still rely on god and despite the challenges and obstacles proclaimed yes are going still if this is your pledge this is your desire to continue the work you have been doing for god why not bow your heads and for a few minutes just recommit your life and will to god and ask him for his continued strength as you continue to work for him or if you want to once again become a laborer in god's vineyard or even if you're a first time laborer ask him for his direction so that you would know where you are best fitted for his service and i ask him to give you that zeal and desire to get the work done so let's bow our heads and for a few minutes talk to god [Music] hey [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] hey [Music] so [Music] hey [Music] hmm [Music] me hmm [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: SVG SDA Youths
Views: 942
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: youth, svg, seventh-day, mission, young people, christian, 7th day, sabbath, ay, society, seventh, sda, adventist youth, youth ministries, youth society, ays, seventh day, advent, advent message
Id: v8vDo1NXNeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 5sec (7085 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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