Journey of Faith || Howard Messam || NJC Church Online || September 03, 2021

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[Music] through every pain every tear this is a god who's been faithful to me [Music] when my strength was all gone when my heart had no song still in love he's proved faithful to me every word he's [Applause] is true [Music] and what i thought was impossible i've seen [Music] he's [Music] [Applause] [Applause] is [Music] i have questions [Music] when my heart looked away the many times i could not pray still my god he was faithful to me [Music] all the days i spent so selfishly reaching out for what pleased me then god was faithful to me [Music] every time [Music] arms and i see once again [Music] faithful to mercy [Music] [Music] to be here [Applause] is [Applause] me [Music] [Music] faithful to me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Applause] [Music] from just how much [Music] how many ways how many times [Music] to know just how [Music] didn't much wake you up this morning [Music] [Music] who you would know how many days must i be [Music] how many knives must i wipe your tears away how many [Music] storms just how much how much i really loved [Music] [Music] down oh [Music] when those pains were is oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good evening and welcome to vesper hymns right here at njc church online we're so glad you could join us this friday evening as we welcome the sabbath with songs of praise to our king but before we begin let us pray dear heavenly father we are so thankful to you for carrying us safely through this week we thank you for the opportunity to sing to your name you have been such a good god to us we ask that as we worship together this evening that the praise will go to your name and the blessings will come down on us all please bless all those who are viewing and listening and worshiping in their homes as well as us as we seek to help them to worship you through jesus name amen we'll begin with hymn number 382 o day of rest and gladness and if you have had a tiring and stressful week i'm sure you're happy that the sabbath is here so you can rest [Music] and gladness beauty [Music] see [Music] protected [Music] [Applause] [Music] eyes is [Applause] a day of sweet [Music] of reflection a day to raise affection [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] eventually and as we come to worship our savior we worship him because he is our creator and the ruler of all nature so we'll sing number 240 fairest lord jesus ruler of all nature o thou of god and man the son number 240. [Music] bear [Music] oh [Music] me [Applause] there's [Music] [Music] [Music] there is [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] beautiful [Music] of god [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] forever [Music] is he our creator but jesus is our king and so we want to heal the power of jesus name with hymn number 229 all hail the power of jesus name let angels prostrate fall [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] to him to him [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] no [Music] and to close our vesper hymn time we are going to sing a song that was requested specially by sister simone welcome sister welcome i hope that you are watching because you have said that you've been asking for a long time so this evening is your evening we are going to sing number 251 i serve a risen savior [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] he walks with me and he talks with me [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] i know that he is bleeding [Applause] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] you asked [Music] he me hallelujah christ [Applause] [Music] [Music] he is with me [Music] is easy [Music] [Music] amen thank you so much for joining us again for our vesper hymns do join us again next friday evening and continue to have a happy sabbath [Music] [Music] hello friends good evening another sabbath day has returned time of rest day of rest and gladness yes we thank god for the blessings of the past week and now we are privileged to rest with christ as we celebrate the great works of creation and redemption if you are a sabbath keeper if you have been a sabbath keeper you know that proper sabbath keeping refreshes and revives if you are not a sabbath keeper yet i challenge you to taste and see that the lord is good we celebrate god's works of creation and redemption on the sabbath and it it it fortifies us and brings us closer to christ and heaven and prepares us for that eternal sabbath day that is soon to dawn upon us so yes since it's friday evening the beginning of the sabbath it's time once again for another experience on journey of faith my special guest today used to be a rastafarian he used to play music in a band that used to be very famous in jamaica and well known all over the world but somehow somewhere sometime christ met him and he surrendered his life to christ and he's here to talk with me this evening about this marvelous exciting journey that he has been on since that time please help me welcome brother howard msum who is here this evening to share his story you are going to be thrilled you are going to be inspired you are going to be charged and challenged as he talks with me today brother mason yes good to have you years ago i did a similar interview with you when we were at another place yes but by popular demand i have invited you back today because most of the viewers that are on the program right now would not have heard of the previous interview yes and they too need to be blessed by your marvelous story so where is that what miss i'm from uh tell me where were you born and that kind of a thing let's hear the beginning of your life beginning of my life saint james pirates of birth uh moon salem to be exact you know and a place called caitanya you know kate and lean in mount salem even though i've interacted with that place i have been interacting with it i've never heard that name before but that's all right but you'll probably know of clark street definitely on crawford street prophecy and campus lane there's various lanes and oh yeah yes so caitlyn is one and that maybe it wasn't so no but it has become an inner-city community oh yes definitely but you came out of that environment that's where i was um born and raised there went to school at mount salem early at school and then went to i passed for states you passed what um come and enjoy no it was not common they called it over they called all ages i used to teach students i prepared them for that exam and then um so your past first states for states it's a technical school because that exam qualifies you to go to a technical school oh yes herbert morrison's centralized technical and others so yes at the time robert morris wasn't at a technical high school okay but um right now it is it is right but at the time my father didn't want to send me there because you know he wanted to be me to be near him okay you know because he didn't want me to play football because your father did not want you to play football by nature i'm a football player so why didn't he want to play well he used to show me the football players in charlotte say you know look at the ones lean up there so one lead up there so it's one lead up there so they're retired they don't do anything and at the time there was not any money on football either so you couldn't say why you could make it bigger or whatever okay but in my community in my little lane i was known as one of those up and coming football so you might have played for jamaica so maybe i don't know but when i went to robert morrison he told me to come straight home after school so i had to you know but so i the story is that i was transferred from states so i didn't spend that in that day there okay i was transferred from he went down there got the transfer and went to mr winston there in months ago and then i started at eighth grade there in robert morrison's and i came through that school but what kind of father you was your what kind of person was your father well we were not we were in a culture i'm asking you because you know most fathers in the world would want their young son to launch out into a football career but he seemed to have been was he a rasta man he was he was not a wrestleman but they call him rasta mike because of his um well when he was younger he probably used to smoke weed and stuff like that and hang out with the rasters but i i grew up with seeing him with his hair not not mutted but high okay and his brother not afro either just used to just pull it back so okay yeah and so yeah he was he was very sheltered and he was a good father still he's a good father you know he's an artist i believe one of the best in the caribbean and i grew up knowing how to draw and how to paint and stuff like that so when i went to robot martin he said none of that you need to do art so um no football i remember i'm starting out music when i went to the band when i went back home he said listen you need to do art so when i reached grade nine i had to just do art but i asked the music teacher to lend me it was a white lady i said you know if i could borrow this the saxophone on weekends herbert morrison and she gave me the saxophone to borrow on weekends i'll bring it back every monday mm-hmm so you know i i don't i do not do music professionally okay you just officially try that thing for yourself right but it was so nice so after school i end up ended up doing it you know because something you're going to friginalis is killing an untimely [Laughter] and you know an art was not forthcoming as far as you know means you know and i said you know what i went back there also as a student teacher herbert martial yeah to call me to teach um art okay for the students the seventh and eighth i think it's nice so you followed your father's suggestion to take up art yes and you did well i did it okay you know you want yeah yeah so that's that's what happened and then i started playing music because of you know needs you know i really needed to have so you borrowed the saxophone and you you mastered it somehow somehow i i yeah start playing started playing by ear okay you know one of my cousins in the lane would hear me and and he took me out to to where he used to work that by seaweed and beach resort there yes and i would listen there man you know and i aspired to wanted to play like them so you know i beg my mother to you know buy me a saxophone that she did she paid about six hundred dollars for it know that you have mentioned your mother because you weren't saying anything about it see your mother and your father lived together no i'm from a single parent okay home that was my father alone okay my mother lived in granville also a very disturbed community and i lived and we my father myself lived in mount salem you know but he he was he was a very good father so what about siblings siblings did you were you are you a single child no i have um there is myself and the third one before me there was there's everton and then the first one is carlene so carly everton me howard and um then you would have courtney after me and you're talking about your father's children yeah by my mother your father's children by my mother so i'm the second to last okay for my mother okay and then after that no then they were there was coming with another mother andrew and all of these that i just mentioned to you got baptized after me into the adventist phase they are very sweet and they are still in the administration they are not in the administration right now well i'm the only one and currently carlene incidentally he she was an adventist way before me but i did not know i just know that it was some weird thing that she don't go to she don't she don't go anywhere on a saturday and she lived in my mother in granville okay yeah okay you know interesting so interesting you know that's the background so i never i had never gone to church until i became my seventh adventist first church i went so your parents were not religious no well my mother after a while he was going to a church a sunday pentecostal type of church but no after that she she embraced the sabbath but not as a seventh-day adventist okay she still wanted to explore in the you know euphoric feeling yeah and both parents are still alive they're still alive okay yeah man i have known you over the years but i met your father maybe four or five years ago maybe less than that but never heard about your mother yeah um it's just i just known about you i thought you were the only son my mother is wonderful in nature she's um she's like an evangelist so to speak okay i mean she will have ella sangeet to you don't need to know her great she's like that and i'm praying god that then why she just don't come over and become myself we just have to keep praying let's keep praying for him praying keep praying keep praying the path of the justice like a shining light more and more once we are honest once people are honest the lord will lead step by step and if we are not stubborn and resistant to the leading of the spirit yeah he'll get us through here but we need to pray and yes you know pray for them yes so so so go back to to say you went to states no i didn't go to the city went to herbert morrison but you passed for states but you ended up at herbert marshall yes so academically what was the result of your your time at well i have always told people that i i got an e in english e yeah because english starts with e [Laughter] a diplomat i i was i was very well at school i was i was brilliant i was a brilliant student just listening to you tells me that yeah but there were challenges at home you know there was food challenges food challenge yes you know they were i remember one time my father came with a it was an eye cement we were about troubles there and he bite that ice mint and he shared it and he said listen just suck this until so wait you know so you oh apart from you which other sibling live with your father from time to time they would come and go with my mother with my father but i was the only one that actually stayed there okay yes so what did your father do for a living you said he was an artist he was also a taxi driver there in mount salem okay you know from but not his own vehicle okay ceremony was not right right right so so as far as academic achievement goes i you know because of that i believe i was i was really challenged once i remember going to one of one of your church sister she was at the time what do you call a counselor in the in the system in the school system what do you call it herbert guidance counselor so i went there because i'm i'm challenged as a as a child you know i know i can do better and i ask her you know for some assistance but somehow she just never get back to me maybe because of her workload or whatever okay but i i i realized and assessed my situation and said you know i need help yeah couldn't buy books and stuff like that that and and in those days you don't the books don't they don't repeat the books after a while let's start changing all the books you can use the books that somebody would have right right and i remember i was challenged in in that way so when they reached when i reached like grade 10 and grade so i so i went to early ones you know because you know but i just didn't have any textbooks to carry home to the homework and those days when there were no internets always tell my children listen to me man you have a good noise because you actually can't go on the internet anything from me i wish i had it yeah yeah these kids now have numerous glorious opportunities that we didn't have back then so i did electrical installation i got i think i think two in that i was a very good draftsman at school but i still got a four in that because i just didn't have the books to go home homework and stuff like that matt i was great at it but just still didn't have the resource lack of research you know yes yes yeah so so you didn't do it but i got i got i've got very good words at art because that was so natural yeah that was natural i was doing it i got a distinction in um all levels and a level distinction just the same second nature okay but when i left school no i just didn't use it i wanted to get some food yeah sure is a survival mm-hmm so what you did upon leaving school um well there were some guys in portobello that were always used to go to negril in a ban and i used to play in a little banner around the corner in clark street you know and they call me sexy so they said um when they came to pick up some of the guys they said make the saxo come too so i jump in the van buck too so by then you would have learned to know from that to play two notes right okay and then you know i was very diligent though in um wanting to improve my skill as a young saxophone player yeah without going to school you know some people even said what are the things that you do you know it seemed as if you were educated that way and i wasn't but no as i look back on it all things still work together for good yeah whether um you got it naturally or you know otherwise it's still a gift from god of course so god was actually teaching me and not having studied for it officially academically it it it it it suggests that it was more of a gift than anything oh definitely all good things the bible says come it's from above and coming down from the father of light yeah yeah of whom there is no variableness or shadow of changing yes yeah so so you left school you you you you say you went to um this group in portobello you said yes and so they carried me to negril and i was there illegal for a while um playing with some you know popular um but everybody says yo you mean you live there with them no no we would have come back to montego bay um i remember it was every wednesday that were gone to negro but then i started to know the negro musicians and then they would they would ask if i come join their band so so you're going to say you were doing well oh oh you're playing in the in the hotel scene yeah i was saying i was playing well yeah well enough for them to be called me boy next dean fraser whatever the comparison and um yeah and i was down there for a while and then so by the way so your father did not object to it because he didn't want he wanted you to pursue a career in art exactly but i realized also that he looked he loved music because there was a guitar at home i would sometimes i would talk to anyone i said you know say this guitar or this book is older than yourself so he was very protective of his of his books and stuff like his guitar of his stereo set that you know you know make sure to tell it you need to take care of it you can touch it whatever so i had that kind of knack for for for music naturally you know so i was doing um well down here and i lived down there in negro for a while and then i was asked to to play with rita marley one of the guitarists down there also plays with rita marley and him just bring me there and you know people there they love me and they but by then bob marley would have died a long time oh yeah he died right 81 yes yeah and i graduated from school 84. okay and you know his name is lincoln still trying to talk to him concerning the lord's coming and stuff like that all of them yeah are still my friends and i still call him no wonder now let's let them know listen this is a seriousness of time i tried to give them even the book very controversy i remember the first time giving the controversy it was to rita mali and that was when i became a christian and i and i had caught my luck she didn't even recognize me sorry in a gas station i went to record them so sexy yeah but anyhow so i left there with him went to kingston and before long ziggy marley needed a some a horn section and then there are some but but before that i was also living in kingston playing also gigs in kingston and becoming a household name there really and and a lot of number one songs also we hear the saxophone on the cover on the front of it the introduction or whatever were done by me many people don't even would know those things no you understand me songs that sometimes today i hear them i just don't even say anything you know yeah yeah and i've been invited many times even though by those same artists whether it be freddie mcgregor that i love so much that my that's my friend tony roble is my friend his biggest hit was done by me um and and lots more of them they're just like a family and i want to see my family know the truth you know and after um been there for a while they asked me to to if i could be the saxophone player so i went on tour i used to tour way before meaning outside of germany outside of jamaica and i still hope we too man how did that come about well once you're a musician you know and you're off a certain caliber you are going to be asked to to do student studio sessions um and you're also going to be asked to also join band when they when they would tour the world reggae is a product of jamaica that is very lucrative worldwide worldwide it is known it has its own place you know and and so it's very lucrative and so i would have gone with them i've gone on tour many times with freddie mcgregor as i said to you he's my friend um um all of them so so to which countries would you have gone countries like me all over um i remember i didn't i have not gone to africa but europe all over europe and and north america you know caribbean and some some lots of places something i can't remember them so you might have been talking about what 20 30 countries no i would say probably more than that amen man lots more so tell me did you make a lot of money from that for sure for sure because you said it was your desire to finance yourself that would have drawn you to music in the first place you struggled your mind economically growing up your father was not able to find out right it affected your schooling but yeah yeah and that you could not have you your father was not able to feed you as you know your nutrition level those lower that would have contributed to impaired you know mental development yes oh boy i identified as that and i i believe that's that's very true yeah yeah it happens you know because even though when i when i look at the my math teacher at um that at um herbert martin not robert morrison and herbert martin also but first monte montelem alex recognized the gift you know and if even if i get a half incorrect she would slap me for it she said some no you're way better than this yeah i know you know so i i know but just that you just don't get the resource so that's it that's a little ahold message yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah man so so in the meantime what so toured all over the world yes yeah so you were becoming famous i was i was a household name in jamaica among musicians and probably some people might have heard my work and would have attributed to dean fraser okay i wouldn't i wouldn't know okay you know so what was it just the what you got saxophone that you played yes i i can play a little bass and and and also guitar and and i learned a little to our company in in church no with this with the with the keyboard here's the keyboard you know if there's no there's no organist there i will i will do something because i don't like to see when god's work is yeah and neglecting in that way yeah so so what has become of your other siblings they are still alive you still have um some of them are most of them are away my my i'm from my mother's side all of them are away they're in the states and canada okay um the others they're doing well some one used to teach at um lecture at the university of the west indies he went to william that's the last one for another um but all of them grow with our own daddy so you know he loves his children very much you will have the last and give a wonderful father i'm praying that he will come together what is he now that is about 17 is it 44 1944 1944 so that is what 56 plus 21 77. so he's about that yeah okay okay november 1st 1944. okay okay love him i love him yeah and yeah but one of the challenges we have in jamaica is that many fathers don't take care of their children but yes even though he struggled financially good father good father yeah that father figure is critical do not drink do not smoke he told you don't sing yes when i smoked i was when i became a rasta so does that mean that he didn't smoke and he didn't no he grew up smoking cigarette and and also weed so why would he have told you not to smoke that's what i was saying when he saw the footballer standing on the roadside and said that one used to play for this that one is to play for that he said i don't want to take that route so by experience yeah he would have seen the result and advise us otherwise oh boy you know and none of us neither of us smoke or a drink praise the lord because you know drinking and smoking mess up the mind terrible pastor it responds very much of the the idleness and the laziness and the violence most people will not accept that but we who know better know and you know i tell people from time to time i suggest to them at least that much of the the the the the violence in jamaica can be traced back to the music man and this is getting worse now of course and and the idleness and the the kind of nonchalant careless attitude you know i grew up in a community where i saw young men smoking weed and after time they just they were they just experienced a negative transformation no appetite for work and oh but your father was sensibly not yes though he did it to tell you not to do it and the children heeded him yes okay i i i having met him a few years ago as i said i knew sometimes ago he was i don't know if you want to talk about it he became sick he became sick and praised god i knew what to do then and he he became he was getting well fast you know but then you know sometimes you know you can't really force a person to do what they don't want to do and he's still alive and he's doing all right but he has been doing way much better yeah yeah and you say you got him well not me well the knowledge the knowledge you you you shared with him right would have helped too for years to base upon what the lord would have taught me a long missionary medical and missionary alliance we're going to take a break number one when we come back [Music] [Music] of their friend's brethren you have to stay tuned because the most exciting part of brother massam's journey is still to be talked about a man who was famous traveled all over the world playing music inspiring people making some money but then the lord intervened like he intervened in the life of the great apostle paul and you know his story so stay tuned share the link to somebody else during the break we will have a special musical item then we will return to continue talking with brother howard mason [Music] ah hey [Music] hey [Music] hey [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] huh [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] uh [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] man hey [Music] okay friends welcome back and i am sure you enjoyed that beautiful piece of music that you just heard if you are just joining us i'm here in the studios of north jamaica conference located in duncan srilani it's journey of faith and i have been talking with brother howard messen who has been having a distinguished career in music self-taught saxophonist traveled all over the world rob shoulders with stars from the music industry in jamaica yes but a dramatic change came over his life and that's why he's here with me in studio today brother mesa yes first of all let me go back on something that you said earlier your father smoked but he told you and your siblings not to smoke sure reggae music is kind of associated with smoking marijuana yes but you said you have never smoked even though you would have been associating with all these people these stars playing music all over the world how did that happen well i said that i had never smoked until i became a rasta oh so so you participated yes you participated because it's kind of i've never touched um cigarette but um i used to smoke the weed for a while and and looking back what kind of impact you thought you think that would have had on you because some people think that smoking weed is an innocent pleasure it does only good actually that high that you feel from weed it's an adjustment to your brain cells yeah it is not a good thing it is really a low it is not a high and you feel that as though you are high because then you are you are a little bit slower now cognitively and you are actually giving things some thought you think that you have to give anything some thought but something else is doing that okay you understand me so you're a slave to something else okay you understand me at the time i didn't access it as as that but looking back and as the lord has taught me for these years i recognize that you know you don't need anything to alter here you can just naturally choose to meditate if you want to meditate on god and the things i've got you know i'd never smoked cigarette but the weed was uh was a spiritual thing for rastafarians sacrament is like a sacrament and then when when you use it as i said to you before you want to be in a certain mindset so you use it so that you can meditate oh you know i remember even having dreams of selassie you know what i'm saying and that he's really god oh boy you know because as i was there and and and um mixing with you know you become what you look at you know yeah by the way we become true i behold it become change it's a natural law it's a principle that you cannot get rid of and that's why if you spend time reading the bible you understand and you really sincerely want to go to heaven you will become like jesus and i hope i'm like jesus even to my wife well we are becoming yeah yes so um so i used that and i used to read books concer concerning selassie and but as i read it it was it was making so so you were you were not only in the music but rastafarian had become your religion oh yes because i did not grow up in church i did not identify with any type of religion whatsoever right but in my inner being there was something knocking who are you what are you doing here where are you going where are you from to whom do you belong you are well designed and you are you are an intelligent intellectual um being you're an entity what what is your origin mm-hmm you know those questions just across your mind just you know no i know that it was god yes but then i did i didn't know you didn't know so much so that i used to as a raster question what would call the elders the elders and those whom you deem as very um serious man in arrest of feralism you know and and there were divisions also in the rest of hearing an art division okay who are bubbles who are bobo shanti different type of orders but so just as in christianity and that's why when i came to christianity also i was very very careful as to who to talk to i said i'm not going to speak to anyone i'm going to talk the one well that's another part you know but but anyhow yes um that's why so there's a move across the world to legalize marijuana in a limited sense it has been legalized in jamaica one of the arguments that is one of the arguments that are being put forward is that it doesn't hurt it's there's no negative but you won't agree with that no it is the use of it because there are positives right you have hemp seed oil and you have different type of hemps you have so you have also hemes that have been um manipulated genetically well i'm talking about the smoking part the smoking power oh no no no there's no time you should inhale smoke smoke carries something that is very carcinogenic yeah and with the law so kill you know that if you're in a building you will die from the smoke rather than the fire that's right because there's a substance i don't remember what his name is tasteless colorless and odourless and that thing will paralyze you and you're there in the building and cannot move because of it um but those of those who are watching and know the they think that you know yes so smoking is bad yeah it is bad and marijuana smoking marijuana may be a little more dangerous oh yes i grew up in a community where ganja was and still is widely smoked they don't live there anymore but i saw how smoking marijuana transformed people negatively it gave them a sense of being superhuman i i saw guys would drive and they would get out of some very difficult situation and they would say yes man this is weed there are some restaurants that don't smoke okay interesting yes so you know let me tell you god is leading people as we say step by step yes you know god is leading people and and and there are some there are some restaurants that recognize the danger of smoking as a matter of fact i always said it to the true seeker of truth will find it jesus said you shall seat me and you shall find me when you serve for me with all your heart prove all things and hold faster that which is good and if you as a person recognize that something is going to be damaging to you and it's altering your being your if you if you are true to yourself and true to truth you are going to you are going to yes not because you want to use it but one of the things i noticed growing up and observing guys who smoke they became they tended to become fierce because it altered you out of your brain right and there was a tendency to laziness that too not wanting to be engaged you know in a positive way yes and nobody can tell me no scientist can tell me because i saw it happened before my eyes i had relatives cousins who smoked and i saw docile calm young men just became boisterous and fierce and aggressive and so whatever the so-called social scientists say i know better than that but thank god so you gave up music playing music in the world you gave up the weed how did that happen you were you said earlier and you never attended church as of never what how did that transition come about what brought you into christianity go from the beginning and tell us tell the viewers because it's not very often that you find rastafarians becoming christians much more adventist as a matter of fact pastor on the contrary the rastafarians i'm telling you those those that are real truth seekers they are becoming seventh adventists because there's a there's a stream of them called what 12 tribes and they are bible-believing people and they understand the bible i used to read i let me tell you how it happened as you asked the question well when i remember being on tour not with ziggy marley now but with um with freddie mcgregor and the conversation would be about the bible and celestia and stuff like really and i remember there was a text that i first heard as a rastafarian isaiah 41 who writes who rolls up the righteous man from the east calling him to his feet nations before him for cyrus yes right and we know the implications of that yes from spiritually and stuff like that but but then it was credited to be in selassi right from the east they applied it that text to slash yes and i applied it to but while reading the same book that i got that from i could not find any other thing that would attribute to to him being the god and i was reading i read from genesis coming around and nothing made sense to me and so i used to there were some bedside tables so we used to travel to different cities every time maybe tonight we're in a different place from next night the next night somewhere else and so we'd have our own rooms in different hotels that would stop and i used to take away the bible gideon bibles from out of the hotel drawers remember no i didn't i was born and raised in a christian home right and i the bible was never my forte but in asking these questions and sometimes we'd gather at the front of the bus and we'll be talking religion and i was always listening and so i got the bible known and sometimes i would steal the bible from and bring it to the bus when i would go to another city and i'll go to and if that bible go missing i'll find another gideon bible under the hotel room steal it so i steal the bibles okay read them couldn't find celestine they couldn't find celestia and i remember one time we have also beds in the buses they're big long tour buses they have beds bunks and i'm under the bunk and i'm talking to the invisible guard i said i need to know what what what the truth is because rastafarianism wasn't bearing any fruit as far as i'm concerned yeah and so i remember coming home so i lived in kingston i also lived in negril okay i had two homes and at night when i remember not driving from kingston in the traffic i saw it until night okay and then when i reached the mandeville right upon the hill looking overlooking junction and those places it's a beautiful scene at night magnificent you can pick the stars from the sky and it also mingles with the with the with the lights that are down there in and pasta i got out of the car now i know that that place was a terrible place because i understand that these are up people there didn't know that but i used to come out regularly and pray so i remember coming off tour with ziggy marley one time because ziggy used to work with his bible his father his father was an avid reader of scripture and most of the songs in fact if not 99 of his songs were written from from from themes from the bible inspiration from the bible yeah interesting 400 years that sung israel in egypt is it in egypt this song about old pirates yesterday rabbi is in genesis 49 it's the story of joseph man well pirates yes they're rabbis so lie to the merchant ships minutes after they took eye from the bottomless pit but my hands were made strong by the hands of the almighty and i followed that's the resurrection of jesus christ into this generation triumphantly and i want to believe that in interjecting you know i want to believe that i'm going to see that man in heaven too because i heard that he got transformed on his deathbed anyhow like the thief on the cross that's possible god will take you anyhow you turn around so i was there reading i saw him with the bible and i said but he's writing songs from the bible he wrote a song called babylon is falling too i have i i used to hear that what's the problem from the from the bible so i started to read the bible read the bible read the bible and i couldn't find it so when i came home from toward that time in 1999 i was i said i stopped on spiritual and i was talking to the unknown god i was crying and tears was dropping on my you know and my locks down to my i talked to him i said who are you what am i doing here who am i unless she captured on a sick after i said you need are you are you muhammad krishna buddha who are you you need to help me you need to help me right but i know that you're there and i at the time i think i said father and i remember saying specifically if you are jesus who they say you are i said call me i challenge him you know because i wasn't seeing any fruit in rastafarianism and i remember driving now from negril to do a show in montego bay it was a cabaret show um so it was not in one of those big shows but it was a cabaret show and the person called me and said when i reach hope the seat belt law was not in force but it was there because i just bought this arms this car this what you call an old school you know at the time it was a new school yeah so i clip it click the seat belt on you know and by the time i reach roan hill going around it's rain start to drizzle and whenever it's apart just to go down that that curved deer yeah to go down to to um great river yes there was another car on my side sliding straight to me slamming the car and i had i remember i had a stove in there to give somebody over by retirement you know because i used to buy things and give away though okay you know and help other people and stuff like that my neighbors used to come with a christian rasta but anyhow so there was a a gas tank in the car too brand new gaston so it could have exploded and i would have been gone what would i be believing in a gas cylinder i got cylinder right in the car and and and that both cars were written off and when i tried to keep come out of the car i couldn't come out my left knee the patella tendon raptured and somebody said to me well blood was pouring and somebody said to me i saw a little child on the ground evidently it was from the other car or so and he was okay after a while you know somebody said to me you know what that is it's jesus help you oh when i got out of the car however somebody's came some a good samaritan came and carried me to the hospital you know little make a long story short went to doctors all over the place that that did not finally know what is happening i after i had my surgery what year was that that was 1999. i was sick unto death and i remember you know people coming to visit me and you know you know my colleagues and stuff like that afterward i was all just so tired so you were in hospital for a while no okay but at home okay you know i'll go to private doctors to find out what is happening because i wasn't feeling well okay you know anyhow there was this night when i knew that i was dying maybe people don't understand that but i know that i was dying my extremities were becoming cold and was coming and my from my toes coming straight up cold my my head cold and they called my siblings some of my siblings they came you're living alone at that time no i was my father okay and at mount salem okay not in kingston not now at negro but i was being taken care of at cornell regional sometimes i go over there the chiropractor what you call them again the chiropractor the ones that work on you yeah okay physio right physiotherapists and stuff like that so i was doing that to to get back to working and stuff like that but at the time i felt i was i was dying and i was just losing um energy and i i remember a drummer called me just the day before and said selection oh god no you know success you're not god no if you call upon jesus he will help you that's what he said to me so on my deathbed i felt death coming and they they called one of my brothers he came their house on i remember them around the bed looking at me just i remember them i said oh this is what it feels like to die and i remember what the the guy said to me and i remember only one psalm from early school because you have devotion at early school yes the lord is my shepherd i shall not want he make it me to lie down in green passage he lead at me besides still waters he restored my soul yes and pastor i want to believe and i will stay hold to this until jesus comes that it was when i read the part that says ye do i walk do i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil for thou art within me pastor the molecular structure of the room change listen i remember going to my mother's house now because she was a christian after a while laughing after a picture i see a depiction of jesus with a lamb but jesus i believe came inside that room yes because i called him yes yes yes he showed up man he showed up so much so that i remember things started to happen which i cannot make um don't even want to say right now in the room yes and everybody see looking at one another and i remember getting a part of that building up pasta i went to use the bathroom and i got up and i said you know i was impressed strongly that there is an invisible force there is a god and his name is jesus yes so i went to my mother my mother sent for me the next morning this happened the night i went to my mother's in granville she cared she said they're keeping a crusade down by her church now her church and and they said the adventist church in glenville next to each other i know and when i went down there i i tried to find out what they're doing down here down there people drooling on the ground saying all kind of something and doing all type of different things so i said whatever they have i'm missing something i'm not seeing it in the bible because i'm not reading the bible yes so my mother when we were coming up on the night mr mr grandma i'm going to feel like say may i understand what's going on she said all right then she went and tell the pastor the pastor said okay she's going he's going to preach on the sabbath because by this time some bible workers came to my home and implanted the the ten commandments in my head because at this time i trust no one i believe it was my stepsister also annie thompson ferguson and she i believe she did that along with another sister named sister gayle a bible worker but at the time i didn't even want i didn't trust them yeah yeah right and so i asked the preacher to preach to tell me no about that's at my mother's church i said so what about the ten commandments and he said oh i'm going to preach on that and he preached on that and he he was saying something that the lord has done away so when he was i felt so good now she said here i'm going to go to my mother's church i know who that preacher yes i said i'm going to go to my mother's church because here you know but he was he didn't show me one word from from the bible and i all i had to hold on to knowing the pastor was this thing or the bible you know all i had i could only trust this so i'm coming from naya bing boba shanti nguti dread all different type of confusion and no i'm going to be confused i said no i'm not going to believe anything what he says because now you're telling me that the law is done already you're not showing me in in the bible they're speaking so i started to cry you know when i was going up the next night with my mother with my mother my mother said all right then listen what you do the same person who you call upon to show you and to heal you on the bed call him again and that i did i went and i prayed and i asked the lord i said you need to help me with this yeah because i am confused yeah you know i'm coming from there where confusion is and no christendom is also divided i need you to help me the morning pastor i was reading my bible and a voice i don't like to talk about dreams and voices and the lord told me yeah but pastor i have to say it yeah i'm not a promoter of you know euphoric yeah yeah yeah i don't like the feelings thing give me the word and the voice said to me while i was reading start reading from matthew and look if i change anything when i came passer stunning direct that's it the voice was not audible but it was very yeah it was real yes yes so i started reading from matthew when i read matthew chapter five the beatitudes blessed are the yes blessed are the poor in spirit blessed are the merciful blessed are you and it's reached a point where he said blessed are they that hunger and clears that through righteousness for they shall be fulfilled when i reached i knew that deliverance was right around the corner because the promise says that if i hung on terrorism i started to read the earnest more and when i reach verse 18 it says think not that i am come to destroy the law or the prophets i am not come to destroy but to fulfill when i saw the pasta i dropped on my knees yes and i was home man that's that that wednesday night was a wednesday night phoned me down to granville send the adventist church on my knees people looking around no him more rasta i said well i am here and this is god's church and i got it from here yes and that's why i'm encouraging seven adventists to plant the seed yes man yes say something to somebody yes you know it might not be a food today it might not germinate today but say something because somehow sister gail and annette ferguson planted the seed of the the ten commandments in my head yes which when it when it was questioned the other person could not give a reason he said that the law i was done away with and i got excited but he could not show me from a scripture and there is no way in the scripture that it is so my first time going to church really is the seventh-day adventist church i knelt down there and i prayed and i felt at home there were some illness there and they prayed for me and i kept going there until i moved from there about some weeks after and went back to negro my my daughter the shannon just um was birthed and went back there took care of my family and the rest is history i'm still here so when were you baptized i was baptized in in mount salem because it was a crusade so when i came out the next the sabbath so this happened wednesday yes the sabbath um i was i came uh no to go to the crusade to be baptized because so i think i remember somebody told me that there was going to be a baptism when the bible worker saw me she was going to granville church and she said where you going i said well i'm actually going down going over by a mount salem church to be baptized she said what i'm saying i'm coming excitement excitement and i thank god for for you know we need to do the work jesus said go in all the world and i was baptized there by pastor um vassell i think he's now in canada and um went back to sheffield and while at in negril went back to negril when i was in negril ready to go to church the first sabbat in negril walking up the road no asking i personally where do you find the seventh-day adventist church in negril i was asking that ella from the chef he said that vegetarian he said where are you going he called me saksika you know from the community yes that's where you're going mr church you say where he says um negril 711 to church where is it and he said follow me he took me to chapel to sheffield and they grew me there and taught me well the bible class and before long um i was ordained an elder um and i was also told that i should make sure i start teaching the lesson but but but what happened i believe was that i was so hungry that i started just to just eat up the book yeah and and and then you know diligence in just doing what god says yeah you would have them to say okay we need to ordain him yeah or we need to so you were there well my my wife was deceased in um so you were married at the time and you were baptized yes man as a matter of fact i was living with with with my girlfriend my baby mother but when i found the truth i asked her to and she said yes okay but she died in 2006 and then i came back to montgomery then okay okay no i was always wondering about your transition not the transition no no your connection with sheffield church oh yes but now i understand yes i'm from montego bay but i lived in in negril okay you know but and i got married there and i was um in montego bay we got married montague but one sabbath oh just before i baptized that same time okay so when i told the bible record that i was going there okay i had to come back to granville because they said that they asked me some questions are you leaving with somebody i told him they said well get the person up and she came up my diversion to be baptized man amazing yes amazing amazing and uh having joined the adventist church how did the journey progress from that you are now in mount salem well i am i'm i'm i i will i go to the flankers or and sometimes they i don't mean no you know i mean after that baptism and you got back to montego bay tomorrow how did the journey progress from that well from mount salem from before we came and the air you told me about you're having gone to do medical world trailing in well yes yo started to interact with west jamaica conference oh yes you at the time you were you were dealing with health yeah i believe ministries directly right and and let me say it i'm here pastor you did a wonderful job they're still doing a wonderful job prophecy and health yeah and i believe that the entering which is always the um the health message you know and god has blessed everyone yes and god has blessed you with that determination to carry that that message yeah because i believe that those who are who have healthy minds will also um be able to communicate truth well i tell you something now that you have said that two mornings ago tuesday morning i was in montego bay and uh after the well it would have been afternoon i think it was after the midday news or something no it was before the news tv jay carries a health program that i believe is a link with a station from germany and every now and again not frequently i've watched the program and i heard that doctor talking about oh the condition of the stomach impacts the mind yes and i said to myself thank god for ellen white praise god from the 19th century in the 1860s earlier i talked about the close sympathy with the mind and the stomach and stomach the man says it will even trigger if the stomach is not right it could negatively impact you with some of these diseases may i think he might have even mentioned alzheimer's and so forth bursa there are two they're two um you know there are two organs in the body that uses blood the most and that's the brain and the stomach yeah the stomach uses blood to actually break down um digestion and digest the food the brain use it use it too yes so to think and to have you know energy there when you're thinking when you're grappling with things you need blood there and i know as you have said that you know people do brain work you get tired to pass them yes and you get hungry oh yes faster yes much more than when you're doing physical work so what you have said about the amount of energy yes the brain uses up it's true and essentially in a person that's what fasting is about now some people believe that when you're fasting oh i'm fasting no what you're doing with fasting is actually giving the brain the the optimum amount of energy yeah by having the blood to go there yes and not being distracted by what is there because today just takes a lot of blood yeah you know so i was i i was training as a medical missionary so how did you become interested in this health thing that you wanted to go through and as a missionary a medical missionary well incidentally i saw a book called last day events when i became a seventh adventist i started to read those little brown books a little red cover books some some of them come in green and white sometimes yes and i recognize that god in this era has has a voice in his church he did not just leave his church in revelation chapter 2 and revelation chapter 3 talk about the seven churches yes every church has the spirit of prophecy yes yes let's hear what the spirit says to the churches the spirit of prophecy is is the third person of the godhead the word prophecy means to prophesy yeah to speak yeah to proclaim so it is in that church god is speaking through an individual to his congregation in that time yes yes and in our day we have found out and i've proved that from herself that it is the writings of a little old lady called ellen white but she wasn't she wasn't all at the time 17 years old vision december 1844 the amount of things that i have been taught by just reading it yeah one doesn't have to tell me about truth it is right here with with me and and i believe that if people are just objective enough and read her right they will realize that this is the lord speaking this is not even her because she was not educated in any formal way true and so that's how i learned the health principles and then they are also knitted with the bible because the life of the flesh is in the blood yes so we need also to make sure that the blood is pure so that every part of the system even in these days um covered times yes if we can keep our blood pure we'll water off diseases yes if the if if the blood is impure though then the disease can thrive yeah the life is in the blood that's what the lord told israelites life is in the blood so even if it's even a vegetarian and vegetarian's immune system goes down this is the same vegetarian can get sick you understand me so god is saying to us now your body belongs to me yes it is paul said what knowing not that your body is the temple of the holy spirit which you have of his and you are not your own glorify god in your body and that's how i got interested in so when they i didn't have a visa at the time because they were turning me down after how many places that i i would have traveled and how many times i would have gone to the u.s they were turning me down so i looked and some bridges said you know that the same program is offered by some person that trained in the united states but it is down in guyana we went there i spent about seven months there all of us a couple of us and when i left there they taught us about herbs fermentation and the different levels of you know nursing and stuff like that you know i didn't get to practice when i came back but one thing i got um interested in herbs and in the book ministry of healing and white tells us that disease singular disease move from one place to another in the body yes so if the if the same disease move from one place to another it's the same disease we're actually naming based upon the location of the disease when i found out i realized that um there is really only one disease and it's a toxicity in the blood and there's nothing whenever there is acidity you you can't get the flow of blood yes and there's toxin and you need to get rid of that otherwise says nature is to be assisted in doing to expel the harmful toxin and then revitalize the body it's really only two functions and i realize no in a scientific way you know that mucous is something that is damaging if you have mucus in your joints we call it arthritis if you have mucus in your lungs we call it pneumonia you know if you have mucous in certain tissues they call it cancer so if we get rid of mucus we're indeed getting rid of and setting the stage for healing yes on our way to optimum health that's why you need detoxification yes and also infusing again of minerals to revitalize the system i mean ellen white says it all she might not say it in very scientific terms but it is all there and it's also in the bible and remember what i said this man was talking about the condition of this stomach and he was talking about probiotics and yes and you might never use those terms no he says the condition of the stomach affects the brain as simple as that simple as that and by the way over the last day two decades doctors scientists have been coming around to attest that this woman taught profound health principles oh yes and the amazing thing is that she was only educated up to third grade so where could she have gotten this information from only from the lord and i know doctors i know a doctor in jamaica right no a relative of his gave him conscious and diet and food and ministry of healing and when he read the thing he was so amazing deacon will you get all this stuff from what why you people have been having this book and now i'm sure you're in the problem let me teach and get give another testimony pastor be quick i i at virus vegetarian restaurants in montego bay i went to one of them that i used to go at was a rasta and when kovi just came in the person said to me well i want to see you know because i used to buy terrorists i need to buy food there yes when i went inside when i went there as a um during the pandemic early apartment pandemic he said to me what do you think what is going on i said well have you ever heard of a book called a great controversy and say what what about that and i started to tell them about the sunderland all the rasta men at that particular space come around and started to listen yes one of them started to challenge the truth and when i started to talk about things and they started to listen they say oh no have this long time when i saw it to nobody we can't believe you want to become a swan teacher you know come back continue it and imagine yes we adventist some the adventists to whom i've been given these marvelous truths from london need to live it and share it otherwise we will be held guilty pastor this is the last message not even noah what's giving this message true true seven years main ventures have been set in the world as watchmen and light beerus yes yes yes we are a light to the gentiles man that's what the lord told israel and we are the inheritors of what was said to israel brother missa yes i know there is much more much more talking man but testimony has been amazing and i trust and pray and hope the lord will continue to use you and i like how you are still in touch with your former comrades colleagues in the music industry and you just have to keep cheering keep praying you never know what the lord will do and many more there might take a stand for the lord jesus christ amen thank you for being my guest on journey of faith today and may you continue to shine brightly for jesus and be faithful to the end brothers and sisters friends i don't have to tell you this has been more than a mouth-watering refreshing meal and i just have to remind you the christian life is the best life to live and just try jesus brother messiah was honest enough as he interacted he knew something was missing and as an honest seek after truth he challenged the lord and the lord revealed himself you know he continues to play music but he's praying music for the lord jesus christ saxophonist and he travels all over the place still witnessing and playing music uplifting transforming music for the lord jesus christ let's keep looking up let's keep faithful bow your heads with me as we close with a word of prayer thank you lord for brother messer thank you for calling him into the glorious advent message we are happy like that like the apostle paul he was not disobedient to the heavenly vision where you will continue to bless his wife his father his mother his siblings his former colleagues may his life positively touch this that they too will join him on this journey to the kingdom and when all is said and done may we all be faithful to the entire that we will be there in that grand reunion in the new jerusalem is our prayer in jesus name amen amen thank you friends another glorious experience i'll be back next week god willing with another glorious testimony from one of god's pilgrims keep faithful until then god bless you where could i go but to the lord where could i go where could i go seeking a refuge for my soul needing a friend to the end where could i go [Music] you
Channel: North Jamaica Conference
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Id: MrIvsl24kYQ
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Length: 104min 32sec (6272 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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