The Tragedy of Lich King Arthas & Sylvanas (2020) - All Cinematics Full Movie [Warcraft 3 Lore]

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we're too late this entire city must be purged [Music] [Music] we've received reports that the orcs are regrouping certainly the recent attacks against the internment camps are evidence enough agree the Horde is on the move this is absurd my nation will not stand by and watch the fort masses on our very doorstep the orcs are not our primary concern here how many times must I repeat myself King Terenas you must heed my warning this plague that has gripped the Northlands could have dire ramifications leg wizards are just being paranoid let's keep all this in perspective even if this plane does pose a threat to us what are you proposing that we do it is simple as I have said the Kirin Tor are already prepared to place the villages under strict quarantine i will not institute quarantine without proof of your claims ambassador the people of lord iran have suffered enough without becoming prisoners in their old lands [Music] yet prisoners they are good King what is the meaning of this who are you humanity is in peril the tides of darkness have come again and the whole world is poised on the brink of this hear me the only hope of your people is to travel west to the Forgotten lands of challenger honest old ambassador I don't know who you are or what you believe but this is not the time for reckoning profits our lands are beset by conflict but it shall be we will decide how better to protect our people not you now be God I failed humanity once before that must do so again if you cannot take up this cover and I shall find another [Music] a warning has been given their fate is now their own welcome Prince Arthas the men and I are honored by your presence can the formalities Uther I'm not King yet it's good to see you meet you too lad I'm pleased the king tearin has sent you to help me Father still hopes your patience and experience might rub off on me now there's a Father's right to dream isn't it look here's where we stand our scouts have confirmed that there is an orc encampment hidden somewhere over the next ridge as I suspected it gets worse they're preparing to attack the nearby village of stron Brad as far as we know the village is completely defenseless [Music] I need to move against the orcs base immediately can you handle strong Bret's defense on your own of course with her don't worry about me good meet me at the orc camp once you've saved the village be careful Arthas [Music] bless you Prince Arthas but what about the others who were taken away don't worry son we'll find them and bring them home safe prints office Lord whose son needs you at the orc encampment immediately never a dull moment let's get moving good timing lad I sent two of my best Knights in to parlay with the orc leader they should be returning shortly damn these orcs will never surrender the mutts get in there and destroy the beasts remember Arthas we are paladins vengeance cannot be a part of what we must do if we allow our passions to turn to bloodlust and we will become as vile as the orcs yes whoo there now if you're feeling up to it I want you to lead the attack me well of course I'll remain here and ensure that none of the loathsome beasts threaten the camp I won't fail you I know you won't like [Music] you must be wiser than the king the end is near I told you before I'm not interested in this nonsense then I've wasted my time here you can show yourself now Jenna he's gone I'm sorry for eavesdropping master but it's your inquisitive nature that I've come to rely on child that crazed fools convinced that the world is about to end [Music] I've heard the rumors of the plague spreading throughout the Northlands do you truly believe that the plague is magical in nature it's a strong possibility that's why I need you to travel there and investigate the matter I've arranged for special envoy to assist you yes master I'll do my best I know you will child farewell Prince Arthas we've been waiting here for hours are you sure this friend of yours is coming I'm sure Jaina usually runs a little late we must hope her stay your blade captain she can take care of herself gentlemen meet Miss Jaina Proudmoore special agent to the Kirin Tor and one of the most talented Sorceress's in the land it looks like you haven't lost your touch it's good to see you again Jaina you too Arthas it's been a while since a princess corded me anywhere yes it has well I guess we should get underway our sources believe the plague originated in the region north of here we should check out the villages along the Kings Road [Music] it's as if the land around that granary is dying could the grain itself be plagued let's hope not those crates bear the regional seal of Andhra home the distribution center for the northern boroughs if this green can spread the plague there's no telling how many villages might be effective we've been discovered my brother's flee and continue with the operation I'm sorry I can't stand duty calls that creature looks like it was sewn together from different corpses let's study it after we kill it okay hello again children I am Carol Assad and I've come to deliver a warning leave well enough alone your curiosity will be the death of you are you responsible for this plague necromancer is this cult you're doing yes I ordered the cult of the Damned to distribute the plague grain but the sole credit is not mine what do you mean I serve the dreadlord mal Ganis he commands the scourge that will cleanse this land and establish a paradise of eternal darkness and what exactly is this scourge meant to cleanse why the living of course his plan is already in motion seek him out at Streatham if you need further proof naive fool my death will make little difference in the long run for now the scourging of this land begins [Music] wait what did those crates contain just a grain shipment from and oh ha there's no need to worry my lord it's already been distributed amongst the villagers Oh No the plague was never meant to simply kill my people it was meant to turn them into the undead light give me strength all water on for the campus Luther the timing could have been better I'm surprised that you kept things together as long as you did lad if I hadn't arrived just the hope I did the best I could ether if I'd had a legion of knights riding at my back I would have now is not the time to be choking on pride what we faced here was only the beginning the undead ranks are bolstered every time one of our warriors falls in battle and we should strike at their leader I'll go to Stratholme and kill mal Ganis myself if I have to he's a lad brave as you are you can't hope to defeat a man who commands the dead all by yourself then feel free to tag along with her I'm going with or without you greetings young prince we must talk I have no time for this listen to me boy this land is lost the shadow has already fallen and nothing you do will deter it if you truly wish to save your people lead them across the sea to the west flee my place is here and my only course is to defend my people then your choice is already made just remember the harder you strive to slay your enemies the faster you'll deliver your people right into their hands [Music] I'm sorry for concealing myself Arthas I just wanted to don't say it I sense tremendous power about him Arthas maybe he's right maybe he does know what will happen nothing he can say will make me abandon my homeland Jaina I don't care if that madman has seen the future let's go I don't know we're too late these people have all been infected they may look fine now but it's just a matter of time before they turn into the undead this entire city must be purged what how can you even consider that there's got to be some other way damn it ether as your future king i order you to purge this city you are not my king yet boy nor would I obey that command even if you were then I must consider this an act of treason treason have you lost your mind Arthas have I lore do Thur by my right of succession and the sovereignty of my crown I hereby relieve you of your command and suspend your paladins from service Isis you can't just it's done those of you who have the will to save this land follow me the rest of you get out of my sight you've just crossed a terrible threshold Arthas Gina I'm sorry Arthas I can't watch you do this [Music] prints I am now ganas [Music] as you can see your people are now mine I will now turn this city household by household until the flame of life has been snuffed out I won't allow it mal Ganis better that these people died by my hand than service your slaves in death we're going to finish this right now mal Ganis just you and me brave words unfortunately for you it won't end here your journey has just begun young prince gather your forces and meet me in the Arctic land of northrend but it is there that we shall settle the score between us it is there that your true destiny will unfold I want you to the ends of the earth if I have to steal here me to the ends of the earth [Music] so much death I can't believe Arthas could have done this Jana Jana Proudmoore order ah Jana I thought I might find you here where is he gone girl where has Arthas taken the fleet he came to me before he left I pleaded with him not to go I told him it sounded like a trap where Northrend he's gone to North Ren to hunt Morgana's damn that boy I've got to inform king tearin asst don't be too hard on yourself girl you had nothing to do with this slaughter [Music] they're dead in this land might lie still for the time being but don't be fooled your young prince will find only death in the cold north [Music] this is alight forsaken land isn't it you can barely even see the Sun this how the wind cuts to the bone and you're not even shaking no more are you alright you lie to your men and betrayed the mercenaries who fought for you what's happening to you Arthur's is vengeance all that's important to you Oh spare me Muradin you weren't there to see what mal Ganis did to my homeland behold Muradin our salvation Frostmourne whole lot there's an inscription on the dais it's a warning it says whomsoever takes up this blade shall wield power eternal just as the blade reins flesh so must power scar the spirit oh I should have known the blade is cursed let's get the hell out of here I would gladly bear any curse to save my homeland leave it be Arthas forget this business and lead your men home damn the men nothing shall prevent me from having my revenge old friend not even new now I call out to the spirits of this place I will give anything or pay any price if only you will help me save my people [Music] [Music] [Music] Prince Arthas what where is we can't hold out for much longer Muradin is dead but take heart captain the enemy will not stand long against the might of frost man so you have taken up Frostmourne at the expense of your comrades lives just as the Dark Lord said you would you're stronger than I thought you waste your breath mal Ganis I heed only the voice of Frostmourne now you will hear the voice of the Dark Lord he whispers to you through the blue you yield what does he say on human what does the Dark Lord of the Dead tell you now he tells me that the time for my vengeance has come what he possibly lead to her it is finished [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my son I need to sacrifice for you do you no longer need to bear the weight your crown I have taken care of everything [Music] what are you doing my son succeeding you Father this kingdom shall fall and from the ashes shall arise a new water that would shake the very foundations [Music] what trickery is this mal Ganis I don't know how you survived but I will calm your soul Prince Arthas I am DICOM Reyes like mal Ganis I am a dread Lord but I am NOT your enemy in truth I've come to congratulate you congratulate me by killing your own father and delivering this land to the scourge you have passed your first test the Lich King is pleased with your enthusiasm yes I've dammed everyone and everything I've ever loved in his name and I still feel no remorse no shame no pity the rule blade that you carry was forged by the lich king and empowered to steal souls yours was the first one it claimed then I'll make deal without one what is the lich king's will the cult of the Damned must be rallied once again many of the acolytes have been in hiding amongst the populace once you've rallied them I will give you further instructions [Music] this crude contraption would allow you to transport the remains of our master can you not simply raise the remains when we find them pardon Lord but a being of Kel'Thuzad power can only be reanimated at a Nexus of powerful ley energies and there are no such places in this land very well then let's move out come along now necromancer the powers that you once served have need of you again told you my death would mean little what up my hearing ghosts now it is I jail those odd I was right about doing it Prince Arthas it took you long enough these remains are badly decomposed they will never survive a trip to quell fellows cough alas yes only the energies of the High Elves son well can bring kel'thuzad back to life then what must be done you must steal a very special urn from the paladin's keeping place the necromancers remains within it and he will be well protected for the journey as you wish your father ruled this land for 70 years and you've grounded to dust in a matter of days very dramatic Elissa give me the urn and I'll make sure you die quickly the urn holds your father's ashes Arthas what were you hoping to piss on them one last time before you left his kingdom to rot I didn't know what it held nor does it matter I'll take what I came for one way or another I dearly hope that there's a special place in hell waiting for you Arthas we may never know Luthor I intend to live forever [Music] excellent work now your journey to 12th Alice can begin Delhi nothing only you can hear me the dread laws cannot be trusted they are the Lich Kings jailers I will tell you all when I walk this world again [Music] is everything proceeding as planned hi country's Lord Archimonde demands a report on the scourge Lich Kings young death Knight has been performing well the most reweld begin to wonder if Missoula has ulterior motives for his new champion the human means nothing in the long run there's lore wouldn't dare undermine our efforts now our only concern is that discourage accomplishes what it was created to do our command will have all our heads if we do not keep control of this situation believe me brother neither the lich king nor his undead lackeys will jeopardize the legions return see that they do not Lord argument has little patience for failure [Music] ah wondrous eternal and wealth alas I haven't been here since I was a boy be wary the arrows likely wait in ambush the frail elves do not concern me necromancer our forces are strengthened with every foe we slay don't be too overconfident death knight the elves must not be taken lightly you are not welcome here I am Sylvanas Windrunner Ranger general of Silver Moon I advise you to turn back now it is you who should turn back Sylvanas death itself has come to your land do your worst the elf gate to the inner kingdom is protected by our most powerful enchantments you shall pass [Music] fall back to the second gate fall back the elf gate has fallen onward my warriors onward to victory [Music] you've won through this gate butcher but you won't get through the second the inner gate to Silvermoon can only be opened with a special key and it shall never be yours you waste your time woman you cannot outrun the inevitable do you think that I'm running from you apparently you've never fought elves before woman we must find a way to cross the river finally the gates have been opened once we've dealt with Sylvanas the inner kingdom shall be ours damn you monsters what will it take to drive you back the manger woman is starting to vex me greatly [Music] [Music] we've done well so far but the true test still lies before you I was wondering when you'd show up I am here to ensure that you do your job that will human not to do it for you I will reach the Sun well on my own dreadlord be warned it is a pool of the mystical energy from which the elves draw their immortal powers they will not give it up easily do you think he suspects that you've been aiding me necromancer I assure he suspects quite a bit it is his nature to assume the worst now steal yourself the power of my rebirth draws near [ __ ] I deserve a clean death after all you've put me through a woman the last thing i'll give you is the peace of death no you wouldn't dare citizens of Silver Moon I have given you ample opportunities to surrender but you have stubbornly refused know that today your entire race and your ancient heritage will end death itself has come to claim the high home of the elves now arise Kel'Thuzad and serve the Lich King once again as promised the Lich King has granted me eternal life I've upheld my end of the bargain Lich are you ready to tell me about the dreadlords now certainly but not here who they have eyes and ears everywhere we talk where it's safe so you're not upset about me killing you that one time don't be foolish the Lich King told me how our encounter were then the Lich King knew that I would kill you of course he chose you to be his champion long before the scourge even began if he's so all-knowing then how can the dreadlords control him like they do they are agents of the ones who created all master the fiery Lords of the Burning Legion what is this Legion it is a vast demonic army that has consumed countless worlds beyond our own now set this world to the flame our master was created to pave the way for its arrival the dread Lords were sent to make sure that he succeeded so the plague and Lord Iran the Citadel's and Northrend the slaughtering of the elves it was all just to prepare for some huge demonic invasion yes in time you will find that our entire history has been shaped by the cunning conflict now come we have much work to do [Music] isn't it time you told me about the second phase of the plan Lich certainly the first phase of the Lich Kings plan was to engineer the scourge which would eradicate any group that might resist the legions arrival like the forces of Lordaeron and the High Elves exactly the second phase is to actually summon the Demon Lord who will spark the invasion so where are we going now there is a nearby an encampment of Blackrock walk so maintain a functional demon gate I must used the gate to commune with the Demon Lord and receive his instructions [Music] I call it on the ahkamaat your humble servant season audience you called my name Mitch and I have come to the sod are you not yes great one I am the summoner very well then there is a special tone you must find the only remaining stonework of medivh The Last Guardian only his lost incantations are powerful enough to bring me into your world where should we search for it great one seek out the mortal city of Dharan it is there that the tone is kept at Twilight three days from now you will begin the summit [Music] Wizards of the Kirin Tor I am Arthas first of the Lich Kings death Knights I demand that you open your gates and surrender to the might of the scourge greetings Prince Arthas how fares your noble father Lord an tinnitus there's no need to be snide we've prepared for your coming office my brethren and I have erected auras that will destroy any undead that passed through them your petty magics will not stop me and tinnitus pull your troops back or we will be forced to unleash our full powers against you make your choice death Knight it pains me to even look at you Arthas I'll be happy to end your torment old man I told you that your magics could not stop me let's take it and leave before the Wizards amass for their final attack indeed I will begin summoning Lord Archimonde at sunset [Music] the circle of power has been prepared for your instructions Lich are you ready to begin the summoning merely has been reading through MIDI spell book his knowledge of demons alone is staggering I suspect that he was far more powerful than anyone ever realized not powerful enough to escape death that is for certain suffice to say the work he began we finish today get the summary commence [Music] [Music] for fall into this room and there is passed into our tremble mortals and despair doom has come to this world you have done well little ish my plan worked perfectly lord alcaman all the preparations have been made very well tie canvas since the Lich Kings of no further use to me new dreadlords will now command the scourge as you wish so document soon I will order the invasion to begin but first I will make an example of these poor cream wizards by crushing their city into the ashes of history [Music] this has got to be a joke what happens to us now be patient young death knight the Lich King 4 solved this as well you may yet have a part to play in his grand design [Music] I'm here with our new tacos ah he ruled us that Abu Dharr left are ill dust the who with whom safar a seminar who Thomas there are someoneís as a rapper ruckus Bethan order ward analyst men are in a more no far lost our dog [Music] I am free after 10,000 years yet still my own brother thinks I am a villain I'll show him my true power I'll show him that the demons have no hold over me are you certain of that demon hunter are you certain your will is your own you reek of death the human you were cret approaching me come then you'll find that we're evenly matched we could go on fighting like this forever what is it you truly want the dread Lord who commands this undead army is called Tech Andreas he controls a powerful warlock artifact called the skull of Gul'dan it is responsible for corrupting these forests and you wish for me to steal it why let's just say that I have no love for tyke Andria's and the lord I serve would benefit from the legions downfall why should I believe anything you say little human my master sees all demon hunter he knows that you've sought power your whole life now it lies within your grasp seize it and your enemies will be undone [Music] it's been months since we last heard from Lord Archimonde I grow tired of watching over these rotting undead what are we still doing here we were charged with overseeing this land death Rock it is our duty to remain here and ensure that the scourge is ready for action - no we should have received some kind of orders by now the Legion was defeated months ago how could they not know impossible to say but the longer they remain in command the more they run the scourge into the ground [Music] greetings dreadlords I should thank you for looking after my kingdom during my absence however I won't be requiring your services any longer Prince Arthas this land is ours the scourge belongs to the Legion not any more demon your masters have been defeated the Legion is undone your deaths will complete the circle never this isn't over human we knew you would return to us Prince Arthas I have returned Lich but you will now address me as king this is after all my land now we must secure the kingdom by scouring the last remnants of humanity from it but my king the humans have begun to abandon their villages they are fleeing to the canyon passes if they escape into the mountains it will be impossible to hunt them all down then we must slaughter them before they escape their deaths will be a fitting tribute to NER Zhul the pain is unbearable what is happening to me King Arthas do you need assistance no the pain is past but my powers are diminished something is terribly wrong here at last the Alliance is finished once we round up the last stragglers we should be not again [Music] [Music] my king you are not well take me back to the capital I have a long journey ahead of me [Music] ladies Sylvanas we are pleased that you came how could I not for some reason I no longer hear the Lich Kings voice in my head my will is my own once again you dragged us seem to know why we've discovered that the Lich King is losing his power as it waves so too does his ability to command Undead such as you and working artists what about his powers though his room blade frost water carries powerful enchantments arthas's own powers will fade in time it is inevitable you seek to overthrow him and you want more help to do it the Legion may be defeated but we are enough receive we will not let some upstart human get the best of us Arthas must fall the Lich kel'thuzad is far too loyal to betray his master but you on the other hand hate him I have my own reasons for seeking vengeance Arthas murder my people and turned me into this monstrosity I may take part in your bloody crew or I will do so in my own way [Music] I for one do not trust her her heart is still elven she will never side with us don't be too hasty she has great spirit but her hatred for Arthas will ultimately serve our cause agreed well if that settled let the festivities commence so the seizures have been getting worse yes with my powers drained I can barely command my own warriors the lich king warned me that if i didn't reach northrend soon all could be lost fear not my king everything is being prepared for your departure the ships are waiting at the coast and this village changes plans general office you're not going anywhere assassins it's a trap you should never have returned you weakened as you are we have assumed control over the majority of your warriors it seems your reign was short lived there are too many of them might gain flee escape from the city I'll find my own way out and meet you in the wilderness all right Lich good luck we have no time for this we must find our way out quickly you have my thanks ladies but where is your mistress where is Sylvanas she sent us to find you a great king we've come too far to cross the river once across it will take refuge in the wilderness Great King why here we've got to find Kel'Thuzad before we once over what is happening here Sylvanas we're walking right into this one or this it's time to even the scales traitor what have you done to me it's a special poisoned arrow I made just for you the paralysis you're experiencing now is but a fraction of the agony of cosmic finish me then a quick death like the one you gave me you know we are going to suffer as I did thanks to Maya you can't even run get my regards to hell you silent [ __ ] but you mindlessly where are this I'll never stop hunting you [Music] [Applause] [Music] The effect of her arrow will wear off in time all the preparations for your journey to Northrend have been made you have been a loyal friend Kel'Thuzad I don't know what the future holds or if I'll even return but I want you to watch over this land see to it that my legacy endures I shall gain office I shall [Music] you seem troubled mistress are you a sister mama days ago we were the rich can slaves we existed only to slaughter in his name and now we are free I don't understand missus I thought you'd be a little German what joints bearing this curse we're still on dance sister still monstrosities what are we have not slaves to this torment greetings ladies upon us my brothers and I appreciate the role you played in the reform office I've come to offer you a formal invitation to join our new order very modest my only interest wasn't seeing Arthas dead I have no time for your petty politics or power and Hilary careful milady it would be unwise to incur our wrath we are the future of these Prague lands you can either join us and rule or be cast aside and it is a slave long enough threat Lord I won't relinquish my freedom by shackling myself to you fools so be it our reply will come soon [Music] any final words demon Sylvanas spare my life I beg you I can be of service I swear it just like a demon you'd sell your bread or not just to save your own skin unless I know what my brother's plans are I know where their forces are beast just let me serve you and I'll help you defeat him all right they're like us ecology prove your loyalty to me that everyone and keep you on a short leash northrend it feels like a lifetime since I was last here something out there is threatening the Lich King we must reach Icecrown quickly my king we'll need to establish a base here first but this island is nearly devoid of resources what the they look like High Elves what are they doing here Prince Arthas we are the blood elves we have sworn to avenge the ghosts of quell the loss this dead land will be cleansed Northrend belongs to the scourge elf you made a terrible mistake by coming here slay them onward for the Scourge slavery ner zhul's name thanks for the assistance mighty one the Lich King sent me to aid you death knight I am a noob Iraq ancient King about your own aruba I welcome your a danube iraq but we have little time for pleasantries we must reach Icecrown immediately you've led us straight to death a rock star those death a lock used his telepathy to enslave a top-ranking human warlord I believe his name was Gary Baun gila pasa something human names all sound the same to me instead of stamping it out Deathlok has taken control of the last pocket of human resistance they maintain their own army within the keep your brother has more it depends as I can see yes with this paltry force you've mustered a direct assault on his walls would be suicide I have no intention of assaulting the walls then let's go before he my Benji's will possessed those hapless humans we'll use them to open the gates for us you realize we only have sold a lot of time before he discovers what we're up to you of course it was very quickly enough never I will never know what hit him the dark lady I am hers to command the Patrol has returned open the gates ready yourselves the moment is upon us now my warriors strike the spell has been lifted he's the nightmare finally over I have no quarrel with you what is it you want elf which we have a common enemy the last turn Lord Pallas are currently controls the capital city of your kingdom if you help me kill him I'll see to it that you get your hands back why should we trust you you're part of the scourge that drove us out in the first place not anymore my only interest here is vengeance very well I rally what's left of my forces and meet you outside the gates come now you have no intention of giving them their lands back well of course not the humans are simply means to in hand you sound more like one of us with every passing day my lady watch it Fred Lord [Music] the capital city is heavily defended balnazzar is no fool my lady this battle can be won only through attrition what's the matter demon are you afraid watch your tongue human dog your hollow bravado does not impress stand down gentlemen save your anger for Balthazar Gareth us I'll leave my forces in a frontal assault while you attack the city from the rear an aggressive ploy milady so long as we get our capital back I'll stick to whatever strategy you wish give the order but the attack commenced [Music] it's over balazar I don't notice yes milady kill him [Music] but I it is forbidden for one of the Nathrezim to kill another my defection was one thing but this I require one last test of your loyalty to our Lord do it you wouldn't dare there your business is done now I want you wretched animals out of my city before I kill him too gladly the capital city of ours but we are no longer part of the search from here on out we shall be known as the Forsaken we will find our own path in this world dread Lord and slaughter anyone who stands in our way [Music] these elves are pathetic it's no wonder we destroyed their homeland so easily there to stop you it's been a long time Arthas Prince Kael'thas I haven't seen you since you lead these elves this group at least what you faced here was merely a scouting force defeating Lord Illidan sahami will be far more difficult Illidan he's behind this invasion he is our forces are vast Arthas even now they march upon the Icecrown glacier you'll never make it in time to save your precious lich king consider this payment for wealth alas [Music] lay case my enemies form you are tired are you well death night my powers are weakening but I'll be alright he's right we'll never reach the glacier in time there is another route we might take death night the ancient shattered kingdom of a solar room lies deep below us though it has fallen on dark times it could provide a such a wrecked shortcut to the glacier we have little choice lead on a new barak yeah you're certain we can reach the glacier through these tunnels nothing is certain death night the ruins will be perilous but it's worth the risk alright let's go we've been walking for hours we've got to quicken our pace the Lich King is defenseless without us I left many of my warriors and ice crown before I came to find you death Knight they will hold the line for as long as they are able tell me where are all of your people shouldn't there be nerubians around here undead or otherwise I've been wondering about that myself something must have driven them all off we did you rotten bastards will be much easier along muradin's dwarves impossible doesn't anyone stay dead anymore we've been wandering this forsaken land ever since you killed Muradin and left us to rot Arthas our leader bail gun let us see the ruined city to survive and there's no way we're letting you in we have no time for these games Saverin attack [Music] I remember you evil Prince you're the one that killed pool Muradin get over it already I won't let you through this door traitor go decent quakes have awakened dark things under the ice ancient horrid things we vow to keep them locked where they are we'll take our chances dwarf we're going through that door one way or another the air smells awful in here something doesn't feel right if the dwarf story was true there's no telling what awaits us in the darkness this stairwell leads into the heart of the old there will be an empire we must be cautious by all means you first you will die it cannot be no clear differences death Knights fight as you've never fought before we cannot take them all buried at night up the stairwell hurry you know weak or running out of time a new Buraq how far are we from the exit not far we have entered the upper kingdom the exit should lead us to the base of the glacier itself however there are still hidden traps and pitfalls to account for take cover this the entire passage collapsed there's no time to dig through this I'll have to move quickly and find my own way out hopefully a new Buraq and the others survived [Music] you made it are see now whether Lich King chose you as his champion death knight few men would have survived this labyrinth alone now quickly ate through the door the exit to the surface lies just beyond it'll be good to see the Sun again remember Illidan and the true battle still await us in the world above hopefully our trek through the dark earth what is the precious time we needed [Music] we've made it a new Buraq our forces are already assembled and waiting greetings King Arthas you've arrived just in time Illidan snugger and blood elf forces have taken up positions at the base of the glacier and Master reason the Frozen Throne and my energies are seeping from it that aside your houses have duties but how the really cross Warren was once locked inside as well as well as fastest from the ice so that it would find its weight and then lead you to me behold Meriton our salvation I dearly hope that there's a special place in hell waiting for you Arthas we may never know Luthor I intend to live forever and I still feel no remorse no shame no you wouldn't dare it pains me to even look at you Arthas he whispers to Zeena through the blade you even sorry I was vengeance all is important to you creator of evil naughty Jaden says his agent here to disturb me [Music] I saw another vision of a lich king he has restored my powers I know now what I must do it's time to end the game once and for all [Music] time's running out a new Buraq we've got to get inside the throne chamber before Illidan does the throne chamber lies within the frozen peak at the center of the valley it can only be opened by activating the four enchanted obelisks that surround it Aladdin's forces have already entrenched themselves near two of them we'll need to drive them back and reactivate the august's ourselves we're sorry to interrupt your meditation master but all our forces are in place once the chamber is opened we will destroy the Frozen Throne as promised then the hour has come at last after today the skirt will meet it end can you hear me out there Arthas its end illidan has mocked a scourge long enough it's time we put the fear of death back in him we've done it in Iraq the throne chamber is open this is the hour of the scourge the Frozen Throne is mine demon step aside leave this world and never return if you do I'll be waiting I've warned to destroy it office it must be done never [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you forget this business - you lied to your man man betrayed the mercenaries what's happening to you I was on fire again really this [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my son the day you were born the very forests of Lordaeron whispered the name Arthas [Music] my child I watched with pride as you grew into a weapon of righteousness [Music] remember our line has always ruled with wisdom and strength and I know you must show restraint when exercising your great power [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] but the truest victory my son is stirring the hearts of your people [Music] I tell you this for when my days have come to an end you shall be [Music] [Music] [Music] do my son [Applause] [Music] birth and fire need my god [Applause] and that concludes our demonstration any questions welcome back to Jana in the morning we're here with Mal vendor auth hunter of night and his girlfriend Kim now Kim you think you're here for a makeover right um yeah now why don't you tell us why you're really here well Tim Jake I love you but I have something to tell you ah I'm a demon actually more of a bit Lord I thought you said you work for the post office well I moonlight oh I hate these running gags [Music] you
Channel: Athelarius
Views: 564,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Arthas, Sylvanas, Story, All Cinematics, Cutscenes, Warcraft 3: Reforged, Lich, King, Ascension, Cinematic, Arthas vs. Illidan, All Cutscenes, Kael'thas, Frozen Throne, Ner'zhul, Frostmourne, Illidan's Death, Uther, Jaina, Old Gods, C'thun, Wrath of the Lich King, Ending, Anub'arak, Windrunner, Shadowlands, The Movie
Id: NtRMkhfs-z8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 24sec (5244 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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