World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth All Cinematics in Chronological Order (Up to 8.3)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] No I am queen this is the Empire I built [Music] [Music] [Music] are you show yourself at once for a thousand years bound beneath these waves I have watched you I have tasted your essence you it won't be long now your death is near only I can sustain you let go serve me you you are nothing nothing sure not a slave you've watched me for a thousand years so you know what I want take my people with them I will raise an army conquer your enemies build an empire as green or let me die and you will remain here a prisoner the god of nothing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this like many of you I know firsthand the pain of loss my father [Music] King Varian Wrynn gave His life to save his people he knew that no one not even a king is more important than the Alliance [Applause] then because he and so many others had the courage to make that sacrifice we did the impossible we defeated the Burning Legion [Music] spymaster Shah back so soon I need to speak with him these are the gifts of the mall now we must cherish and celebrate [Music] for the young lion [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we've observed an unusually large cluster of goblins and silithus and the numbers are increasing goblins aren't the most charming people but they do things for a reason and those reasons usually involve money so the Horde has found something valuable then they have indeed this [Music] [Music] what is this we don't know it would seem the Horde does and we must find out more agreed we have eyes on it whar cheese if I may offer a few words it is with both pain and pride that we gather here today pain for many brave heroes of the Horde fell against a terrible foe and pride for against all odds we have vanquished Stu Legion we bled now we hear we mourned now we celebrate later Warchief a moment of your time [Music] no doubt gallywix wants to push his latest money-grubbing scheme red scurry about their business and get eaten if they're not careful [Music] hmm what is the red pop - it does keep sending more goblins to silithus nothing good has ever come out of sylvus [Music] yes we are exchange everything and the Alliance knows nothing of this don't worry war chief I got people on [Applause] [Music] beware beware the daughter of the sea beware I heard his words carry upon the ocean breeze as he sank beneath the tide [Music] those blood-soaked shores of Kalimdor we're sailors because she left us [Music] why always my nomination ties [Applause] [Music] Oshin but very distance [Music] [Music] [Music] is betrayed [Music] [Applause] I'm listening now father [Music] I heard I across the moon let's see the old voice warning beware the daughter of the sea near heir beware of me [Music] [Music] secure the beach prepare to invade the tree why you've already won the innocence remained in the tree this is war no this is hatred rage Windrunner you were defender of your people do you not remember I remember a four take up one [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the knife is pain I hope fails no you don't understand I don't agree you'll soon join your loved ones I crave for you you've made life your enemy and that is a war you will never win you can kill us but you cannot kill hope [Music] burn it Burnet [Music] my father once told me that peace was like a dream beautiful ephemeral unattainable I didn't listen no one listened we've made kindling from our suffering stirred the embers of resentment just waiting for a single spark to set the whole world of blame we cannot dream any longer the time has come to call on allies to join the fight to rally beneath the planners [Music] [Music] Oh Lord saath hang how many do you think Tom here [Music] there is no honor in this they will come for us now all of them my father McCarthy he fought with you in the third war he told me stories oh you could cut down 10 enemies with a single blow this be my first battle what should I do doctor yes of course but if I do fall may it be with honor in glorious command there will be no glory today only pain [Music] [Music] laughs burned your warriors death my son yet once again I am denied it [Music] what are you doing clearing what is mind [Music] go back I said go back live another day go back to your father I can't he's dead the Horde it's all we have so you know me is that it what I've seen what I've done Oh give up boy like you [Music] [Music] [Music] live another day [Music] without honor [Music] ours is a cycle of hatred alliances forged and broken we have paid the price for sharing this world and we have forgotten what makes us strong close right advance has won Laura rod will be ours my king we have her corner keep firing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] stand that's one [Music] [Applause] you the blight has broken our rights our result has been for nothing what [Music] [Music] blah [Music] [Music] China a while we end this now [Music] you abandoned our thing to die out there it is the death he wanted if that troubles you you're free to join him or you can tend to the living the choice is yours yes [Music] you know what must be done go my champion [Music] look at you the boys playing soldier oh just browsing or Audie a muzzle your dog your majesty Sylvanas Windrunner you have led the horde to a place without honor Lord Iran is ours it's over your father would be so proud is that his you've gotten it all bloody only one of us wanted this war you called for peace when it suits you little Ayanna but you're quick enough to kill I should have killed you when last we met how rude sister they are a guest in my home your home you desecrate that throne with your mouth you put the torch to teldrassil but I failed those who burned I will not make that mistake again surrender or die [Music] you've won [Music] [Music] you've won [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] - I promise you'll come back I'll weather every storm if I know you are waiting for me I love you papa your loving mother will never forgive you murderer [Music] lady Jana we've arrived Thank You captain [Music] it appears the Alliance dogs have lost our scent good board our journey is almost over I hope the Warchief faith is well-placed she seems very powerful certain in control it is an honor to serve my queen my princess is also strong-willed and sure of herself our King has always found her to be challenging [Music] oh mighty resin as always you come when I asked your aid I have sought the aid of the heart but my father may not agree with my actions advise me you are the law of kings and queens eyes they see your boldness [Music] we need cover head for that small Bank the sales from dead [Music] [Music] we are home [Music] so my wayward daughter returns to the kingdom she betrayed why I have come to ask called Harris for aid on behalf of the Alliance the Alliance ha where were they when we begged for their help when our husbands and sons and brothers were slaughtered at Theramore do not blame the Alliance for my actions so you admit it you admit that you were responsible for the deaths of our men I was but I will do anything in my power to ease the suffering of kul Tiras catherine and force our laws the punishment for treason is death do you accept the judgment of your homeland I accept your judgment mother [Music] you are no daughter of mine do what you will she is nothing to me [Music] [Music] swim any most [Music] I know I miss present too [Music] Oh Xena what do we do now [Music] they're dust of bones for the law or death [Music] well this is a surprise you're looking pretty good your majesty so why have you come to save me i need your age God become my Lord grant me the power to recover my people and I will elevate you above all law yes yes so you get your kingdom back all very nice but surely tired of old one Sunday you go back to they live in lower don't want to bring the rain mix the crops grow not wither and die no no no I need more than just your word if you do this for me I will bite my bloodline you succeed you would keep this body thus early in life and in death forever we got a deal father I felt something a moment ago has something happened do not worry my daughter I have taken care of everything oh there you are [Music] I did everything wrong [Music] we're too late this entire city must be purged Jana I'm sorry Arthas I can't watch you do this you have always been naive my daughter daelin I won't let you do it father you don't understand I understand more than you suspect my dear perhaps in time you will do seize that all you couldn't save him from himself you really think you can kill me so easy [Music] [Music] listen Catherine enforce our laws the punishment for treason is death do you accept the judgment of your homeland I accept your judgment mother [Music] my daughter forgive me give your father [Music] forgive yourself [Music] you are too late rustic hard [Music] what sounded we had a deal Glantz me your power [Music] with rats quit now destroy the seal [Music] [Music] fool lonely you reign over your empire of [Music] congratulations your majesty the kingdom is ours [Music] our Harbor defenses won't be enough fathers pendant for generations the heart of the cool Terran fleet I thought that Hope had returned with this seal but perhaps I could call the fleet home as your father did I was wrong it was never meant for me [Music] [Music] there you are [Music] country captain piratinha all hands let's show them what coat earrings are made of last night [Music] it seems hope has returned with you Lord Admiral [Music] that's the last of the soldiers will be calling up farmers mixed when this war began I thought we were fighting for peace but we're just fighting you're doing all you can to stop her your majesty [Music] at Lordaeron you had the chance to take my life maybe even in the war why didn't you kill me good do you know I spared you because I believed you have honor was I wrong do you want more innocents to suffer the Horde on of the recovery turn for the horns kill words and Sylvanas is destroying it will destroy everything what I want is my heart back surfing tell me why you spared my life or hoped you would stop her I can't [Music] not alone [Music] all of it the entire shipment down to the last sack of grain this one's the only survivor one somebody do not take me it what happened we were bringing supplies to the war front just like all the other times we got to get these supplies to our soldiers by Dawn [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] tell me something [Music] and do not take me he expects us to believe this tale no small night of to do all that I know one who could [Music] hold this ground for the whole come on [Music] this jumping right into our nets go go [Music] those ballista will be firing any second continue our approach captain i lured admin lady Proudmoore the mission was a success our stealth agents are clear of the area Thank You spy master hi tinker are you ready I'll activate our surprise just as soon as we're in range [Music] steady [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this is the launching No no please stay staying with me Angie and slopes it's alright [Music] [Music] some day yes my queen what have you done to me oh he didn't tell you about our bargain Your Majesty danaiah dogfights [Music] ah [Music] lady Jana long has it been since we spoke peacefully in Theramore Theramore is gone you did not ask me here to reminisce no I have come to return one who was lost [Music] my own brother better a few pain so tell me is he the Banshees puppet crammed full of blight is he the yes that was the plan but paint me from Sylvanas before before I was twisted to her well I'm still your brother jana her as long the stars do shine [Music] the Horde has a sickness in it we wage war while the earth-mother dies we have forgotten what truly matters and my heart can bear it no longer Sylvanas will kill you for this she may not stop with you no life is worth living if we cannot be true to our nature I returned home to take what solace I can in my family I hope you take solace in yours nein [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] so this is home now family and where are they not far this world looks good but it's wrong broken fallen apart just like the Horde he'll know what she's done while you've been hiding I left that life behind no one Savior I will not lead the Horde I didn't ask what I hoped you'd at least fight for it [Music] [Music] you were farmed I followed them [Music] you and I we don't get to hide [Music] [Music] [Music] he bought them we cannot let them escape they have arrived wonderful I said the time stone mold you feeling anxious for me how frustrating it must be for you still locked away for now do that both waited is so long but at last you are about to see what I do best [Music] take the sail set the fans [Music] welcome to nurse sitar I've been waiting for you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Thank You bear you would have died without your aid I couldn't let that happen nor could i I refuse to fail him like I fail his father I wish I could change it all Karen Garrosh Theramore sometimes it feels like I did everything wrong [Music] we all have blood on our hands and now cervantes will come thunder bluff will burn just like teldrassil once before you and I stood side-by-side on the slopes of Mount Hyjal that world tree did not fall because the Horde and the Alliance worked together or Alliance we've come to this crossroad again and again Xena it always falls apart what's different this time we are I should go and the one will want to know that pain [Music] tell me your team he's not alone adorned Cervantes's actions shatter threatens us all day by day the power grows if our world is to survive we must strike while we still can Lita was way but we will speech so few home burner can you provide enough from one final assault if that fails we're done if we end her reign what kind of war chief will you be the Horde our joint was Burst Apart tainted by corruption the road that led to the Dark Portal was long and wide paved with the bones of innocence we called it the path of glory that was the great lie upon which the Horde was founded as anything we did was honorable thrall frozen there you were not the true heirs to black hands bloody legacy Sylvanas Windrunner is no no this is the Horde led by you someone who has honor I've never known they dissing us more but the whole is doomed to be shackled by the trains of the past the Horde has no exclusive claim to regrets Arthas daelin the ghosts of the past haunt us as well we could not flew the chasm between the horde and alliance if we labeled a thousand years you know this then what are we fighting for [Music] soldiers on your feet start breaking camp immediately Lord Suffolk so God where is our home Orgrimmar not our city our whole Azeroth and ours right now there are only two forces in this world that matter one bent on harming our world and one that will protect her so what are we doing breaking the cycle [Music] Barack it's time those who defend Orgrimmar are over this world brothers and sisters [Music] these Warriors had sworn to fight for you many lives will be lost perhaps just one Sylvanas Windrunner are challenged McCory a traitor leading traitors why should I accept your challenge award to make me suffer [Music] [Music] brother you cannot win mild firm you adore we don't get to hide [Music] I said you want this path and we knew where it could lead walk with me the rest of the wire [Music] we finished the high overlord Falls I trusted you and so did they Death Comes old soldier and all their hope dies with you [Music] you cannot kill hope try a delta since you failed Oh God hope remains and set us to kill each other at water odd you failed here we stand and as you just keep failing the Lord will endure his strong the Hardy is nothing [Music] you owe [Applause] if you could see yourselves as I see you toy soldiers in tin plate beasts who howl for honor standing as one savor it nothing lasts [Music] what do we do now we bring him home [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you mean to tell me none of your spies have returned Nezhat is out there and we need answers now we are doing all we can speaker Magna is coming along with a new adviser he claims to have information for us dragons I suppose I deserved that oh you deserve more than that my father is dead because of you and my father is dead because of the old gods lied he's come to help us no fairy in the earth water was once the protector of Azeroth but masaf turned a noble mind to madness and now my father is only remembered as deathly and as I haven't the least desire to share that fate I've been studying how to avoid it just tell me how to prepare for this attack our armies will be useless masaf will strike here he'll manipulate emotions get people to act in ways contrary to their nature you won't be able to trust your senses your friends after all what is real give our perceptions and ruin don't you see old friend it's already begun very well advisor tell us how to stop
Channel: Traxium
Views: 159,954
Rating: 4.8509316 out of 5
Keywords: wowhead, warcraft, mmochampion, anduin, wrathion, azshara, nĀ“zoth, Visions of N'Zoth - Intro Cinematic, cinematic, battle for azeroth, 8.3, movie
Id: yRgL8i4Ewow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 42sec (5262 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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