World Champion Pizza Chef Reacts to Most Popular Pizza Dough Recipe

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tablespoon of sugar no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no sugar no no no sugar in the dough no sugar oh give it a quick stir stir he's using the thermometer 106 degrees all stirred up cover this 160 degrees palatino the yeast has woken up and that pizza dough is going to be on its way because when it wakes up is going to talk to us [Laughter] teaspoon of dried rosemary can we can we go to the cookie because the dough side of it for me is it hasn't started needing it yet but now it's time for a bite okay okay that's nice oh yeah do you believe him no here we have Johnny Defrancesco from Grady group he's an award-winning best pizza chef in the world and today I'm sorry Johnny I love you he's got the most popular napolitan pizza video online and he's competing with this guy with the same amount of view of a pizza dough recipe okay so Johnny who is a professional Pizza Chef it's competing on YouTube first off we have to wake our little baby yeast up they're all tucked away in this package basically like freeze dried into little granules and they need a nice warm environment to wake up in with a little bit of food so we want to use water that is warm not cold not hot ah big to default you don't really need to but just depending on how he's making the doughy you know a lot of these videos um they they talk about making a dough now to use in a few hours right which really if you dig really deep down it's not good for your health to do that no no why well because and maybe some people can comment on this you know if they've eaten a pizza and then a few hours later they're drinking water all day that's a sign that's a sign that and and also by putting too much yeast I want to see how much East he puts but yeah by putting too much yeast um you know this is the major effect when people say I can't eat too much uh bread or dough or whatever yes Paul don't like them up hot we'll kill them so go for about 100 degrees if you put your finger in okay that's even harder that's we're talking about Fahrenheit so we Celsius it's about 38 that that's hot in my books that is hot that's really hot not starting the right way sorry and I also like to use my mixing bowl but first I warm it up by filling it up with hot water ah man can we skip this this is this is ridiculous heat up the the water heat up the bowl where are we in uh must be in Canada maybe maybe it's winter in Canada it's cold I don't know okay and now I'm adding in three quarters of a cup of warm water between 100 and 110 degrees and now we're going to 10 11 10 110 degrees 100 140 degrees wow it gets warmer and warmer tablespoon of sugar no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no sugar no no no sugar no sugar why because yeast has its own natural sugar if we're using the yeast the correct way why do we have to put sugar also sugar will give a false sense of coloring I haven't seen the final Pizza like as in cooking I guarantee this pizza is going to look very very dark dry yeast you could also use instant yeast for this as well pour that out there seven grams he's putting in there again that's 21 grams of fresh so can you imagine getting 21 grams of fresh yeast in that amount of water right now you can make pizzas for 200 people then you can make pizzas in about 20 seconds wow give it a quick stir stir he's using the thermometer 106 degrees all stirred up cover this 160 degrees [Laughter] I'm dying I can't do it anymore five minutes maybe seven you're looking for little bubbles to form that Latino the yeast has woken up and that pizza dough is going to be on its way because when it wakes up is going to talk to us laughs what is this using Ramada for the shower okay five or so minutes later let's take a peek under the Bonnet oh perfect what happened what did you do [Music] no who did he achieve oh that's good I love it frothy bubbly those yeast are kicking so here's the idea yeah okay let's go here I have two cups 240 grams of all-purpose or doubles all right okay look at this so this is where it becomes serious okay it's okay all right no no seriously 240 grams of flour 240 for seven grams of yeast the one kilo you put one gram correct so to do seven grams seven kilos not seven kilos so look at what's happened and this is why these videos I mean it's great people get on and they look at it and they go and they try and make it Etc and then and then that you know we're affecting People's Health this is this is a fast way to really upset people's stomach and I'm going to add three quarters of a teaspoon of salt that pizza dough needs some flavor you could also add in like half a teaspoon of dried rosemary can we can we go to the cookie because the dough side of it for me is it hasn't started needing it yet don't you want to see how he needs it all right let's see how he needs it flicker is the remaining more sugar sugar in the yeast sugar no he's making up pizza no not good look this is this is unhealthy this is one unhealthy recipe honestly this is this is bad bad it's bad half a tablespoon let's give it a whisk whisk whisk okay now everything's all set I'm taking out the stand mixer but you could totally do this by hand a little you do it by hand so well Johnny all while watching Johnny do it by hand if you can first you thought oh my gosh that's way too much flour but then things incorporate it all works out giving my dough it looks very dry literal blessing of water just because it actually seems is he a priest he's messing with the water I never seen that before they're dry you can add a bit more flour if it's wet you could add a little bit more water if it seems dry after you mix it in see that doesn't make sense because this is why I say why your products out from the start you don't need to add you don't need to subtract because we when we talk about hydration he hasn't told us what is the hydration of this stuff well we don't know so we just this is a cohesive ball which is what you want see right here it's a little sticky it's not too bad I'm gonna be adding a lot of flour onto my well floured surface when I need this so this is just about right take this away clean surface I don't understand what I'm talking about no you don't understand he's he's saying that the dough is too sticky so he's gonna have to put a lot of flour the problem with that is now we're incorporating undeveloped flour which is you don't do that it's a little flower sprinkle sprinkle sprinkle now that ball of precious delicious dough out and we're just going to work it a little bit to help activate I think I think the sponging thing is a homemade thing I used to do it too Johnny before I met you I used to punch my dog it was a way of releasing the stress I don't know why I find it easy maybe to work now I know it's wrong no I know but would you say to people that still punch the dog keep punching a delicious protein in there aka the gluten you can see this is actually pretty close already um you want to be able to form it into a ball done and then I can press down and it balances back so it's bouncing back it's nice and neat that's a really hard dote that would be probably 50 not good for a pizza now what would you would do the minimum for a pizza doesn't matter what pizza it is what style 55 56 minimum that's minimum yeah it doesn't sound like much five percent but it's a lot spent a lot of time in that mixer I did it so it didn't need anything but if you're doing this by hand you definitely will need to knead the dough uh for maybe four to five minutes and sorry Johnny baby five minutes it's making me believe this with this face with his smile no it looks like this like a nice clean bouncy little ball now that our dough is kneaded we can put it aside get a big ball out and add in a few tablespoons another one with this oil your favorite so now do you need the oil now you don't need the oil now especially with that dough that that's that hard what do you put in the oil for doesn't do anything no it doesn't make it smoother no I'm gonna cover our dough up and leave it in a warm cozy place I'm actually gonna put mine in the proofing drawer but if you don't have a proofing drawer no so what's that proofing growing proofing draw is is a heater drawer so we're talking 38 degree water probably finish the dough at 35. now in a proving drawer seven grams of yeast for 200 grams of flour oh too much I've I'm lost for words I've had time to rise and I might have fiddled with it off camera and like poked it a bit I couldn't help myself but that's what it looks like now it doubled in size you're right by the sugar look how duck it is yes very dark though just watch when it cooks very very dark eyes looks good to me what we're gonna do now is punch it down punch sit do you see how it's if you can see that when he punched it how it started to um crack yes what does it mean that's because there's so much yeast that the gluten structure has now collapsed let's liberally sprinkle your surface with flour I'm gonna take out the pizza already do you see how there's no structure in that anymore look at that do you see how it's all bad you see what I mean look at that look how that's gone that gluten the the it's over fermented can you also see how it's a terrible yeah it looks crusty it's dry it's all dry that's because the hydration of it was probably even less I can't remember how much water he started with but it's really easy to it didn't say okay so it's easy to work it out it's water versus Flour give you hydration if you're in Melbourne Johnny you can share his pizza with you have it enjoy it experience the real Pizza flavors and then you learn more about pizza and maybe you get motivated to learn how to make the proper way yeah because if you eat this pizza I can assure you you're not gonna drink too much water maybe you want to drink wine or beer yes because it goes well together yeah you don't need too much water it's gonna flour the top as well that's another no no he did use it I didn't watch his video feeding was gonna use it I mean what else is he gonna do yeah you can't stretch no because it will it will it will fall apart it will actually collapse if you tried you could see it where it's all crusted up so we did with the rolling paint he's trying to fix it all up and fix it okay that's nice nice and thin in the Middle with a thicker crust once your dough is rolled out it's time to transfer it to the surface you're going to work on I used to have a pizza stone I don't know where it went but if you have one go ahead and use that wow look at that look at the dryness all around it's all yellow dry yep the surface with just a little bit of oil just lightly brushed we're not making cakes guys we're not making cakes it's this is we shouldn't if you want to make this product it might be good it's well no problem but don't call it Pizza don't call a pizza with a brush yes especially the crust okay if you're making a white pizza you could Infuse the olive oil he's put it all over the pizza all over okay with some garlic and season that and it would be good to go but we're gonna do a red pizza it's like the boys first homemade pizza so it has to be a classic cheese pizza for them I'm also gonna dock the pie just [Music] I cannot say at this point why didn't use a short crust spit on some of your pizza sauce this is kind of up to you but I think it should be you know a thin coating you're not having it pool up liberally sprinkle that cheese on top it's gonna go into the oven at 4 25 until the cheese is melted and it's nice and golden about 12 minutes or so totally depends on yourself gonna dry up 12 minutes the cheese will burn but there's no other options right nope that door deserves 12 or 15 minutes he said this is for the boys but let's get real most of it's for us sorry kids uh including the first bite if you like this recipe check out my quick and easy Savory I want to see if he bites it delicious I wanted sales to Delight your palette but now it's time for a bite okay good luck that's nice oh yeah do you believe him no Johnny look at the video he's recommending here no he's okay he's killing me right now with the price killing you with a pizza and the next video which I'm going to react to this email what is that pasta with what kale probably spinach and chicken chicken and I don't know I've never seen this guy before but no I'm gonna name nightmares I'm sorry you're such a nice guy but don't get this many views please too much wow Johnny what can you say about this it's indeed it's not a pizza it's not a pizza you're really soft you know it's it's it's it's some dough that I've never heard of being made ever in my life uh with some topping so maybe you came up with the recipe maybe maybe he's offended now because you know it's his own recipe oh no don't get offended where did you learn it from you go to neighbors to learn no guys thank you so much for watching this episode I really thank you that you have to suffer with suffer with us I appreciate you suffering with us I appreciate you Johnny watching this I'm so sorry to put you through this but this is the reality don't work much in the online world you know your clients face to face but this is what's happening online I can't believe it you know that's why your restaurant competitions can have carbonara served in a soup of peas and cream it's something you will never do no the online world is sharing the wrong information and people out there don't know how to eat wow this is giving me inspiration to really put some recipes out yeah yeah you guys want Johnny on YouTube come on Johnny start your YouTube channel now that's all we'll try write a comment below and tell Johnny to start thank you thank you guys I'll see you in the next Vincenzo's plate video recipe where we eat Johnny's Pizza not this thank you so much ciao ciao
Channel: Vincenzo's Plate
Views: 187,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pizza chef reacts to most popular pizza dough recipe, preppy kitchen, preppy kitchen pizza dough, pizza chef reacts to preppy kitchen pizza dough, pizza dough reaction, world best pizza chef reacts, pizza chef reacts to preppy kitchen, pizza, pizza dough recipe, pizza reaction video, italian chef reacts to pizza, italian chef reacts, italian chef react, pizza chef reaction pizza, italian chef react to, pizza chef react to pizza, vincenzo's plate reaction, vincenzo's plate
Id: PE6NSi70bAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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