Pro Chef Tests.. Chef Ranveer's Tawa Pizza! (NO Oven NO Yeast!)

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today we're going to be remaking one of the  videos that we have previously reviewed simple easy and probably healthier than what you  will be getting at the grocery store if you buy something pre-made before we get going  today be sure to give this video a like and a share if you do happen to enjoy the video  and don't forget to subscribe to the channel because every little bit counts and it helps and  well I appreciate it quite a bit now let's get started I do have to admit that this is the first time  that I'm actually making a pizza without an oven normally you make a pizza in an oven in the  professional kitchens you have specifically pizza ovens Ovens that are designed to get  very hot but very hot either with wood gas or electric that can cook a pizza in  literally just a few minutes and this does also affect the flavor this is why  sometimes you can't replicate that same flavor that you can get with an actual Pizza  Oven kind of like the walk hay that Uncle Roger talks about that you can get with  a professional setup compared to a home kitchen I would like the chance to meet chef Ranveer one  day I really do enjoy his videos also I almost forgot if you do want to make this recipe along  with Chef Ranveer and I then stop the video get all the ingredients sorted and well work as we're well  working along following Chef Ranveer with this video now I have previously reacted to this video and  if you'd like to see that video I will leave the link down below because it is a good revieww and  this was made not that long after I had visited Naples now just like Chef Ranveer we have weighed and  measured out all of our ingredients beforehand and if you're going to be measuring flour he  has his recipe in cups and tablespoons and teaspoons it is a better idea to actually weigh  the flour because if you don't you can compact it also when you're weighing out the flour it  is a good idea to sieve your flour before you use it if you don't save the flour you can  get compacted little bits of flour and it's just a good idea to get rid of those so you  have a better consistency when you make the dough now since we're not going to be using yeast  this is going to be a much quicker process than it would otherwise be baking soda is  pure sodium bicarbonate and baking powder on the other hand is sodium bicarbonate and then  another type of acid like cream mat Tarter and if you don't have curd if you're wondering on  what to substitute today I substituted with a little bit of Greek yogurt and I thinned it out  with a little bit of whole milk now when mixing everything together just keep in mind that he  doesn't give a ratio for how much water so you need to eye this just mix it a little bit and  you want it a little tacky then again you also need to work the dough a little bit to mix  it to be able to work the gluten also if you notice I don't think he has added that much  if any at all whole wheat flour so it's not a mandatory thing you don't have to however if  you do add it will change the flavor a little bit now we're going to do as he's doing and letting  our dough rest off to the side for a little bit I'm just going to cover it with my Chef's cloth  which has a few burn marks on it it happens sometimes it actually looks like a face doesn't  it this was all by accident I didn't do this on purpose today we're going to be substituting one  of the green peppers for a yellow pepper and if you want a sweeter pepper then you can add red so  the thing is here in Europe is that the closer to the Mediterranean you get the the more they use  olive oil and this goes for pretty much all the countries if you don't have like a 10in or a  larger sauté pan I would recommend sautéing these veggies in batches so get the Pan super  hot but me really hot the oil to add the veggies in sa tape take it off and do it again that  way you won't overcrowd the pan because if you add all the ingredients to the pan instead  of sautéing you're going to start boiling the veggies now funny thing I actually overcooked  the veggies a little bit I was moving the camera around at the time and if you do  overcook them is okay they're still edible it's just that they won't be as crisp and you  won't have that color so they'll be a little dull this is true if this was a French kitchen and a  French recipe we would be scoring the tomatoes putting them in boiling water blanching them  putting them in ice water then peeling the skin cutting them open and taking out the seeds  and then making it into a sauce it's a lot of work mhm now a lot of pizzerias don't actually cook  their tomato sauce they buy canned tomato sauce because canned tomatoes are picked ripe  they're ripe tomatoes one is more effort more time and two when you throw this in an  oven that's at like 400 C or around there pizza Cooks almost instantaneously  everything Cooks at home we don't have that option so we do have to maybe cook a little  little bit but keep in mind that can tomatoes are precooked and in France concassé is to like crush or  cut the tomatoes and this is when you score the tomatoes blanch them put them in ice water  clean them and then cut them up very small this is tomato concasse you can then use  this for sauces like we're making right now mhm now we're going to be doing the same  thing and my dough that I made is a little on the wet side so I added a little more flour  and rolled it a little more to be able to work with it try to get this as flat as you can  because as you're cooking this will rise on you if you have a thick bottom pan I highly suggest  using that instead of a thin bottom sauté pen it will give you a little more flexibility  when making this so you don't have to like worry if you're going to burn it or not and  like he's doing put it on a very but I mean like a very low Flame the pan needs to  be hot but once it is put the flame on low also one quick thing if there are  any Italians watching just keep in mind that this pizza is not meant to be a  traditional Napolitan pizza or even a New York pizza or any other type it's meant  to be made without an oven without yeast and you know another way of making something  that people don't have the means on making it normally and if you go today you'll still see  on the streets of Napoli people selling these little flatbreads that look like  pizza they have some simple toppings on them and they fold them and they can eat  them as you know you're going along your day Tomatoes themselves were introduced  several hundred years ago and initially they thought that Tomatoes were poisonous  Tomatoes themselves are actually from the nightshade family so is aubergine tobacco peppers  as well and several other plants and if you eat the stems or leaves it's not that you  actually die from them but you can get quite sick now when you put this back  on the fight make sure again that you put it on very low heat when you  put the top on it and leave it it may take 10 minutes or more but keep an  eye on it because if you start to SM smell it and it's starting to smell like  a little burnt you need to take it off the heat look now it's time to taste here it goes  obviously this is not going to taste like a neapolitan pizza or New York pizza because  it's not as far as the flavors go with the veggies and everything they taste fine if you  have better quality vegetables it's going to taste better I didn't have basil today so I had  to substitute with a little bit of a rugula to give it a little bit of color make sure that  you make the dough as thin as possible so overall really this is a good little Pizza to  make at home if one you don't have an oven or two if you just want to make something quick  in a sauté pan however I highly recommend to also make sure that when you're cooking this  in a little like sauté pan use something that has a very thick bottom that way you won't  burn it because this does have to be cooked for quite a bit of time to be able to melt the  cheese even after everything is already cooked if you have any questions or comments let me  know in the comments down below and be sure to check out this next video coming up here I  have plenty of other recipes is on my YouTube channel as well don't forget to share like And  subscribe if you did enjoy this video guys and hopefully one day we can even meet chef Ranveer when  I do visit India until then take care!
Channel: Chef James Makinson
Views: 829,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pizza, pizza dough without yeast, dominos style pizza, pizza hut style pizza, without oven, homemade pizza, pizza dough recipe, tawa pizza, pizza base recipe, pizza banane ka tarika, pizza recipe hindi, how to make pizza, no yeast pizza, no oven pizza, pizza crust, pizza base, how to make pizza dough, easy pizza recipe, best pizza dough, pizza dough, chef ranveer brar tawa pizza, pro chef reacts, pro chef reacts to chef ranveer brar, pizza sauce, indian pizza
Id: PiIExyy_DJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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