I Built A Giant House Using Only Legos

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we built a Lego house using 1 million Legos I think somewhere around there a little bit of the house fell off and if you're wondering what happened this happened so I have this Lego house but it's empty so we're gonna build some furniture to put in my new house then I'm gonna live in it for a day and then we're gonna hit it with the car at the end so the first thing we need to do is build some furniture and everyone knows the staple of furniture is the toilet because I have to poop can I throw my poop sure Chandler as long as you take Garrett what all right let's build a toilet Garrett you're not invited to my Mario Party what we're here for you yeah yeah no he's all oh yeah you forgot the most important part what you got to run your pipe here you got put your plumbing like this there you go now it is plugged in that's for the water but now we need something do you like dispose of the poop first off let's put our handle on it there there's our handle toilets done there you go there's your poop and people love a dead fish you know you want to go fish I'm not sure I would never do that I've been there probably like four weeks out uh why not cross my mind that that had been sitting on the floor for like a whole month the next most important thing in any household is a TV all right it's without a TV how you gonna watch our videos much there's one playing now now that's a bad one I like that one that one's a good one yeah whoa that's our merch store you should go buy some all right guys we have our lego TV playing Minecraft there we go what do you think how do you think it looks looks pretty good don't you need somewhere to sleep I do need somewhere to sleep so we should build a bed right yeah let's build bed all right I got my handy-dandy bed this is actually the way you're supposed to put all right guys I'm a bed right here as you can see it's pretty comfy what else am I missing should I build a desk I think I do need a desk I think the TV should go on a desk viewers do not see these things right here it would take forever to build a desk out of them their puny see this in my head watch what happens it grew big oh my goodness yes video games are real yeah I'll do watch CDs too and the words of Kanye that was very cool Wow [Music] abort abort abort abort dude there you go how do you like our TV stand it's perfect for watching mr. beast videos I got Chris another present he's really gonna enjoy this hey Chris whoa whoa dude dude are you done I'm done you're done I'm done I brought you a present wow that's beautiful t-series is nothing but a child compared to PewDiePie well actually that's saying t-series is stupid like a child oh his children are stupid and so is t-series I'm gonna put this right here you did very good I'm very proud of you aren't you thank you that's this right there there's no work I can't go into my million-dollar mansion with dirty shoes Chris let's go buy a rug go to Walmart won't be right back Chris what's up man to be honest it's been a long time since we wrote it this leg hook card it's been like what three months maybe oh don't make it make it make it all right guys and as you can see we are here just gonna throw it right in this parking space did you lock it Chris yes lock wait let me just make sure all right yeah it's locked Chris take a number between one in 36 I don't really care what you think I hope the language cars still there it was probably stolen while we were shopping we got our rug then we got some snacks cuz I'm living in the house for a day if somebody heard you say I'm living in the house for a day they'd be like wow poor guy huzzah I guarantee you when we get back to the Lego house at least something's gonna be missing it's lit oh my goodness dude the Lego house looks so much better at night know what it looks like looks like a big old spaceship if you're wondering why our stuff for tonight cube oh yo that is our that's that's it can we have a large pepperoni pizza and a large cheese pizza yep you make sure you deliver it to the Lego house in the backyard thank you hey have you ever delivered a pizza to lego house before never Jimmy Jimmy where are you oh hey no dude no you had a Lego house isn't this the bus lit party ever well I'm Garen I think I should know you but I mean yeah yeah I guess I don't know about this Lego house I guess not I guess I have a lot of fun playing games but I know you guys got to go to bed so I'll see you later see man we gotta film it tomorrow yep oh wait you look like you're kind of code do you need a blanket I mean I didn't use one nice little you like it alright guys I'm gonna head to bed I'll see you tomorrow oh do you think I'll get a good night's sleep here definitely not Jimmy night it started raining last night and I had to bail on my house and before I can recommend a Lego house to you guys I need to make sure it can stand up to all the elements so we're gonna see how it holds up to earthquakes a hurricane of 50 Cal everything we're gonna test it for you guys so if you one day by a Lego house you know you'll be a hundred percent safe cuz safety is our priority being a youtuber means lots of fans come to your house one thing I don't like about the Lego house is that it really stands out and if you're a youtuber like me it can bring a lot of fans to it like literally I've been living here one day and there's already fans outside like seriously how did they find my house so quick it's literally Benedict us people that live on the East Coast recently got hit by a hurricane so I want to see how this house holds up to a tree because if you get hit by a hurricane and tree might fall on your house in I don't know if the Lego house is more durable real house all right guys drop the tree it what stood a tree broke the tree before it broke the house now we're gonna see if this Lego house can withstand a 50 Cali fire Chris you ready yes sir [Music] Wow Wow it's a little bit of Bowen but looks fine tastes fine tastes good tastes good yeah you want to taste it does it taste like gushers tastes like gushers all right guys Chandler asked if he could throw his poop as you remember in the circle video any other question can I throw my poop he wanted to throw his poop Chandler now it's your time to throw your poop you're heaven go hit it look at the stick on that dude yeah I think you're dehydrated that's Chandler's poop all right Taylor you got poop on the 50 Cal my mom never let me play basketball inside oh man the Lego lamp is this why my mom wouldn't let me play inside now we're gonna see if the house is Fortnight fruit would you say that's for tonight proof mm-hmm what stood pretty well the structural credit is for tonight proof now let's see if it's Minecraft proof [Music] Chris come on dude this is funny we should play a game how many times can you hit it until it all falls apart Chandler we're having fun come on in OOP that's not the door the doors right there this is the door come on hey guys hello hey alright alright guys now we're gonna see if this houses earthquake-proof because we get a lot of them around here so let's see earthquake time cameraman down hi one thing I'm glad we did this test we did not equate for the floor we were only acquitting for the wall yeah see look the walls are fine that's pretty fine to me just the floor hey there we go problem solved problem solved next we're gonna test the security of my house I hired a professional burglar to try to break in as you can see we have a state-of-the-art keypad here that the burglar does not know the code to and watch what happens if he goes in porn out the door name warning warning warning warning warning warning warning warning and there you go that is the Chandler mm deters robbers by yelling warning in their face the viewers are trying to break into my house trailer warning warning warning warning you can buy your own Chandler at shot mr. Pishko disclaimer we do not have Chandler's but you can get a good shirt like this hey take your clothes off what are you doing stop mr. B's nuts out there keep the pants on oh but you should take your [Music] [Applause] really did it went all the way through actually Chris Hugo I'm gonna need you to kick it to confirm that's a hole I got one better for you it is a hole wait hold up is that your but that is my butt and that's your head that's my head that's a hole my house is always getting egged so if I'm gonna live in this Lego house it better be egg proof yeah all right don't hang at the bottom let's see if it's a proof that's the top Chris Chris the bottom that's the bottom darn it ODI proof I like many other people forget to take my car out of reverse so now we want to see if someone driving a Lego car in Reverse accidentally hits my Lego house will it destroy my Lego house because if our house is not reverse proof is it a house but so oh no I left my car in Reverse Oh G oh man Kowalski analysis oh we hit your bed house is Lego proof it is Lego car proof here let's just test it one more time Kowalski another analysis your bed is leaking kind of the house it is yeah do you think we're hitting it again we'll fix my bed Kowalski yeah I think that did it sounds like your house is like okay let's hit it from the front so we hit it from the back now we gotta hit it from the front can you confirm kwaltz key is this the structure we broke a board in the minecraft TV is okay though let me see don't like creeper wait a minute this looks fine this has a little bit of a [Laughter] [Music] the house looks intact ya little puff it out I have a very special announcement to make one of you guys who followed my Instagram mr. beast will get this house isn't that exciting all you have to do to enter is go to mr. beast on Instagram check it out where to post lots of photos maybe even behind-the-scenes content of this video go to shop mr. beast calm because lots of my videos are getting copyright claims and we could use the money so wait a minute did we just spend an entire month building this this was over a million Legos just to tear down guys yeah why give content yeah you got house insurance right yeah no are you serious [Music] you
Channel: MrBeast
Views: 41,111,547
Rating: 4.7726364 out of 5
Id: 9vB-48kHbBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 02 2018
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