Working in music with Ricky Gervais B4 E Became A Comedian and I a DroneWizArd!!!

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okay going for a bit now and action this bit is called Ricky jaice I did action too soon I'm not even into it yet okay right look at your face um how am I going to get into this okay my friend Alex Ali Wally I call him and you'll get to know Ali Wally after a while cuz I'm going to talk about him a lot cuz he's he's one of my best friends I've known him for like nearly 40 years I think anyway me and Ally back in the day Ally I Think got me alli's got me loads of gigs he's really looks after me he's a really great guy anyway I think Ally got me to skig at the University of London ULU was it ULU you you missed as a university of Manchester you missed and then we did go there I didn't work there but I played there with the band played um that symbolizes is playing right anyway um no pullback that's too close um Ricky chice right so University of London Alex got me in on the crew setting up for the bands you know just doing what I you know what I've always done I'm The Tech Guy so we had to just get in there set the back line up you know do all this foo foo all the um make the gig happen and Ricky jaes used to be the guy I think he booked the bands or something I don't really know what he did but what I I didn't even remember this Ali W said to me goes Stewie do you remember Ricky I'm like no I don't it goes come on dude he was there like Ricky then I really wck my brains now the first gig I did at University of London ULU if if you will funny I work with Lou Reed louu Lou Reed youu no connection there just let that go um so why' you mention it if is I don't know I just have to do it just shut up get back on it get back on it Ricky jaice Right Ricky jaice i' I WRA my brains and then I I was like yeah but the trouble is I'm I'm seeing Ricky race now and I can't remember what he looked like then but I did remember there was a guy like once we got done we were working our asses off I actually did a gig there where I was working with three broken ribs I was in Agony but I needed the gig I needed to work anyway so um riage of a yeah we get the gig done and like this is something I love with right crew Rock roll crew in particular it's like you work your ass off you're all sober and you get stuff done and it's done and then you go into a room somewhere and someone's got a cold beer for you you and your boys and you'll like hug each other and tell each other how you love each other it's before you've even got drunk anyway just give you a beer you I mean you you nail that beer they give you a second there's there's plenty of beer don't worry it's all good um and we're meeting the guy the guy that sets it all up and this and he's funny as he keeps like he's you know he's dancing around you know I mean you know Ricky ja you know how he style is that's how he was before he was a comedian like he was just like I'd say something and he'd jump straight on it and slam me and go oh I got you you know and that's the thing with like English when I say English I just there's a certain thing where we just with each other like throw something out there and like see what comes back and then when they you know it's like it's almost like you're having a boxing match but you do it verbally anyway Ricky I remember there was this guy he was very slick he was very smart very quick and uh and he got on my which quite because this is the thing I quite often would run thing past run things past people and they would you know it's like we used to call it a dc10 a dc10 is an old plane no one knows what I'm talking about now but a d dc10 used to fly right you know or 747 any sort of plane you like we had a code when when we'd throw something out there when people didn't get it we go oh dc1 D didn't you or 747 him or her or whoever whomever I don't even know um I don't want to call them grandar NCIS because I've had a whole thing about grammar nses and uh they're grammar helpers but you know why cuz I don't know grammar I can't spell I'm dyslexic and I don't give a anymore um why not cuz I think it's a scale where we're judged on it's not really that important just my feeling anyway Rick of face before I knew he was was the this guy who I thought was pretty nice and he was very funny very quick his mind was quick and sharp I always love that and me and Ally have like that so you can imagine three of us in a room together I think there's more actually I think Simon might have been with us so it's was like on I mean game on serious these are the most sarcastic you're ever going to meet they're just on it you know and they'll with you and I'll with them and anyway so we got this guy and Ricky I remember Ricky we was like Ricky you know you should do stand up you're you're going to be C right and he's like yeah you know R Ricky goes oh no I don't know you know he goes and he starts on the well you know I used to be a singer I'm like we're all like off he goes no no see we we're we're like we're all in bands we're I'm a guitar player dude he goes I was a singer he goes I uh toured he toured with Texas he what he told us I I said off you didn't tour with Texas you opened from somewhere in some little shitty Club where Texas like oh they're called they're Scottish Texas granted that darkhaired Scottish singers I had a bit oh yeah no honestly yeah I don't even know her name it's terrible a it Texas came in a blink of an eye um I I thought they were wankers cuz they call themselves Texas basically you're Scottish why don't you call yourself Glasgow I'd been way more into it if you call yourself Glasgow Glasgow is a serious Town dude you don't want to around in Glasgow especially if you're English oh my God I had a I have a friend I haven't seen him for many years David by's great lightning guy for blur and you know grillers and all sorts sh um I haven't seen Dave for ages but there's a point where me and Dave were really close love this he's such a sweet human being and we'd get up and stuff and I'd say Davey you know we watch train spotting that film train spotting and there's a great speech in there where one of them says oh it's great to be Scottish look this is Scotland this is be and it's beautiful Scotland is gorgeous I'm Kel I'm Scottish I'm Irish I'm Welsh I've got it all in me I'm Viking I know about the how beautiful the place looks anyway Ricky jaice we kept saying you Ricky should do stand up and he's I don't know I've been thinking I don't know you know I'm doing the whole Texas thing then he went on to be a singer he still wanted he still thought he could be David B we all did we all thought I thought it could be Mick Ronson and David B that's where I was at in those days I was really kidding myself I really thought I could play guitar like a I thought I was really something and I thought all I need to do is be able to sing and there was my Legacy I mean my acces Hill see that's a problem when you're dyslexic you go all over the place why did I say my I can't even remember what I said now Nexus no Lexus no what did I say Legacy Legacy see that's the name of Steve V zamp Steve I is a great guitar player and one day I will get to talk with Steve I and I've got some very interesting things to ask him not all the usual I tell you what Rick bi asks the best question when he's asking about Frank Zappa and how they did all the the poly rythmic stuff now I know this for a fact cuz why I'm a guitar technician I work with Warren cerillo Warren was in the zapper camp and Warren told me all about he said Frank would come up with a phrase so it like all this whole thing about scoring and yeah Steve wri's all the notes he's great he's very clever I mean I'm not down listen I don't want to be down on Steve V I think Steve I think me and Steve get on great when the cameras are off I I think Steve I's got a wicked sense of human I think I get on great with him and he obviously loves guitars and I love guitars and he was the devil's guitar player Jack Butler look up the name Jack Jack of all trades master of none meaning not that you don't Master anything Steve's obviously a master he was Jack Butler jack of all trades but I feel that Steve I think Ste I'm going to say it I the minute I had flexible the man made my head explode I got to tell Eddie Van alen when he made my head explode anyway I can do all these stories um if any no one's interested though it's like I don't know how to get this sort of going like I got some rock and roll stories that are quite funny you know I did over nine years with Lou Reed I mean I toured with like Duran Duran hell the story is there anyway Ricky jice we said to Rick are you should do stand up dude you're MRI I don't know you know I want to be David B dude you're not no one's David Boe except David I mean sake he's a black star no one gets it no one gets it the man that fell to Earth there's a star man waiting in the sky if he'd like to come meet us but he thinks he'll blow our minds same guy ground control to Major Tom Major Tom is his it's a name on his space suit he's in space planet earth is blue and there's nothing I can do he's looking down on Earth why what does that mean planet of his bless right he also recorded a song he didn't write it but he recorded sorrow you long blonde hair and your eyes are blue the only thing I ever got from you [Music] was sorrow blue eyes long blonde hair he's looking down planet of his Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain Willie Nelson I want to call him Ricky Nelson I've got Ricky Javon Willie Nelson all in me i' got Willies in my brain no I I don't really I'm trying to stay with it all right stay with it stay with it um this is too long already I'm going to call it off here this is already far too long but I can I can get it down
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Id: AOhROgGz1cc
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Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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