Since when was g******g a racial slur?

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hello again I defy any viewer to identify the supposedly racial slur contained in the title to this video it is G Asterix Aster Asterix Aster asteris Aster G and it is so offensive that a national newspaper to which I give a link in the descript to this video did not dare to print the word in full I know that we're used to seeing n followed by a string of asterisks which tells us that this is the NW but the GW would anybody like to guess what it is I will tell readers that it occurs in the Raymond Briggs book fungus the bog man which some of you probably remember it led to a library in this country withdrawing this book from circulation so shocking was it found to be in this day and age the librarian Who removed the book wrote in an internal email as follows I must admit I was rather shocked that the word was still being printed in an edition of the book from 2012 as a lot of those classic books from the 1970s have had such offensive words removed in later editions now Now That We Know Better incredible as it may seem today it is within living memory that publishing so-called fword in Britain was considered a criminal offense it was one of those English Expressions never included in print or heard in polite Society in the 1960s he baffled to be allowed to use freedy what were known as Anglo Saxon or four letter words was seen as a fight against censorship and mainstream publisher were at the Forefront of the struggle this culminated in a landmarked moment in 1960 when Penguin Books were taken to court under the 1959 obscene Publications act for releasing a paperback edition of DH Lawrence's lady chat's lover during the trial the observing newspaper took the opportunity to print the word what we describe now as the or used to be called the f word in its report in for and the jury ultimately found there was nothing indecent or indeed illegal about the use of such language by the end of the decade those once tabooed words were well on their way to becoming part of our accepted vernacular and from since then it has been possible to come across once shocking words in popular media including books newspapers magazines and even television it those words are now thrown around freely um all over the place these days it is racial terms which are censored in the way that sexual ones once were this new form of censorship is now nearly ubiquitous in Britain in this way an old belief that some words are harmful and exposure to them should be either prevented or controlled has returned after an absence of half a century or so recently as I'm sure most viewers will know books by R Dar eny blighton Agatha Christie and others were all deemed too offensive for modern readers because they contain certain words of racial nature and it's altoe likely we see similar move adopted for other literature I am personally opposed to all forms of censorship whether it regards sexual words or curses blasphemy racial terms or anything else nobody seems to be concerned about literary and artistic Freedom anymore the latest victim is as I say Raymond Briggs I should keep viewers in suspense no longer but I best not say the word out loud since YouTube are very quick to come down hard on apparent racism the word which The Daily Express in an article to which I give a link in the description to this video D not now print in full is that of a children's toy which some see as a caricature of black people it begins with golly that such toys are no longer sold in shops most of us know but that a national newspaper feels unable even to print the name is simply extraordinary this change has happened only in the last year or so and it's just one more instance of The Madness of modern Britain cheuck out those copies of fungus ofum man before the police come knocking on your door and whatever you do don't be tempted to name that kid toy out loud it might be wise also not to use the word in comments here
Channel: History Debunked
Views: 41,252
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Id: 82OM4-aCl7Q
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Length: 5min 28sec (328 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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