Graham Nash interview (part 2)

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there's an another line is my future just my past the many lines well coming on that one I don't want to be trapped by the music that I've made in my life I'm very proud of what I did with the Hollies and I'm very proud of what I did with David and Stephen and Neil but that's only part of my life I've got a lot of music in my soul to make their wood it must is it easy for you to actually because I think many people would like to talk to you about cross who steals nice and young they do and then everything huh I didn't write any question down about it so I just but how hard is it that people it's not out it out once I've made my mind up so not not hard it off let's see what I wrote down about other lines from another broken heart it must be hard to leave alive you've loved it's a song about yourself every song is about my selfishness it's about you yeah I try and disguise it carefully of course but in any in the in the bottom of it all it's all about me I'm afraid how hard was it to leave that life wasn't very hard at all no no like you just as I as I as I mentioned before when I made the decision to leave the Hollies you know I'd already heard me in David and Stephen saying so in this particular case I'd already fallen in love with somebody else and so it was not a hard decision to make and as its for you is there is the song that you wrote when you when you when you fell in love do you write better do you think that's one of the good questions do I write better when I'm disturbed I I don't think I'm one of those artists that means chaos in my life I don't need turmoil and negative things in my life to be able to create I know I I never was that kind of person now there's two two tough sides to writing I think you you write a song you write a melody and then you write lyrics how come the songs that you wrote prior to this I mean ten years in those in the in the East I I think you still have those songs why why don't you put out those songs what was lacking from this material don't know you you keep you keep thinking I know what I'm doing okay I started the album with the words where are we going yeah because I don't know I know that the universe loves me I know that it's unknown I know it's scary but I'm not afraid you're not 74 years old this album is your first solo album in fourteen years what do you want to do I want to fill the rest of my life with creation and beauty very simple and when you start at The Hollies what was your goal then I didn't have any goals you don't have goals you're just happy that you get to play with your friends and somebody pays you for that fantastic and we can do that tomorrow great we I've never planned my life my life happens to me I don't say well yeah okay in two years I want to be owner not interested I'm much more interested in the journey if you compare you move to the States I think in 1978 you 68 68 you I no idea but I mean with approximately 10 years later you acquire the American citizen yes yes how do you feel though you feel English do you feel in there I don't even feel English I'm a member of the human beings on this planet I really wish I had the the unbelievable opportunity to stand on the surface of the Moon and look back at the earth I defy you to find borders countries lines it's just a ball of mud spinning in space I'm a member of that family and when you're older I think you get maybe you get more wise do you agree hmm yeah probably and probably more foolish too foolish meaning I don't know we all make mistakes we're all weak we're all we all human beings you know I I know that I try to put my best side forward I try my best to be the best human being I can the best friend the best husband the best lover the best musician I want the best I'll never make it but I'm trying my best that's what I want to do and there's another song with you now the song encore and how you got a few if friends follow fortunate I wrote that for David Crosby he is a friend still yeah and basically the song is about who are you who are you when you're not famous who are you when the lights have gone out and the and the audience is left who are you are you a decent person are you a who are you that's what encore is about and what is the answer for you for him I'm not sure I have the complete answer yet what because you've known him for 15 No and 50 80 years 50 years oh how many sides have you seen you know it would be very easy for me to get into details about why I don't want to do any more Crosby Stills & Nash or Crosby Stills Nash and young work and I don't want to there are too many reasons it's too complicated it's too painful I'm just telling you it's over you have a shame incredible it's an incredible shame because when we're good we make very good music that touch people's hearts and changes their minds of course it's said of course it is of course I'm going to miss it next when have you made a decision was it during during the song you wrote a song I was it prior to that right before that right before I wrote the song and have you spoken to him I know you wrote the song would you like to talk to him no I'm not interested any if he reaches out to you he can try all he wants it's a little late it really you're you're angry yeah I'm angry he tore the heart out of CSN and CSNY in the space of a few months because of his criticism because he's not a really great person he talks a good story what I read on I I don't know if it's true it's because of him criticizing me Liang's new girlfriend is it true and that's how it started that's all so and then afterwards that's how he tore the heart out of CSNY and when did it and how did he tore the heart not gonna tell you and the Hollies what a certain song secured that you did here how do you look back on on those years writing writing why songwriting I don't okay why why would you look back what can you do about it now the thing is sometimes maybe because I'm still young sometimes I do look back on my life and I think oh there was not bad after all what I did and maybe if I build on that then I can maybe grow in that way grow it that way that that's all you can do right yeah um this part tonight it's the first one of the Elm it's also called it's also the Elm title why did you pick this this song title being the Elm title is because I really don't know where I'm going I don't know what I'm doing I know that I I I'm on a path and it feels good but I really don't know what's gonna happen tomorrow who knows right didn't David Bowie know do you think Glenn Frey knew Paul Kantner Sir George Martin you know Prince did he think they know where they were going of course not you have no idea what's going to happen in this life that's why I say take care of yourself first and then spread some goodness elsewhere and your goal is to correct me if I'm wrong is that being creative and it's Tarasov that's one less question I would like to know you wrote many songs you wrote beautiful songs is there still some sort of go for you to write maybe your perfect song that you think on that I wrote something and this is really that if you listen to someone else songs you know that's really good in this reader like it's something we've always had what we refer to as the reality rule and it goes like this if I sing a song to you yeah and you don't react you'll never hear that song again if I write a song and play it for you and you go wait a second I know how to start this or Stephen goes hey I got the solo down and this is cool now you've got now you've got something to work on that's what we call the reality rule we never in our early days ever wanting to record a song that all three of us didn't love if all three of us loved the song it got recorded and how do you do it now when you write by yourself or maybe with someone else is it some some who know I know now you know I know now I am good at what I do I've been doing this for over 60 years if I was a plumber I'd be a great plumber after 60 years it's just a muscle songwriting to me is just a muscle and you must exercise the muscle you have to keep it full of blood and you have to keep it strong last question have you wrote your No not yet you got it you're welcome thank you
Channel: FaceCulture
Views: 185,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graham nash, david crosby, this path tonight, neil young, stephen stills, 2016, faceculture, music, interview, rock, pop, singer songwriter, csn, csny, donald trump, golden days, Shane Fontayne, Graham Nash interview (part 2)
Id: VcL9dgqUeNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 21 2016
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