Workflow - Exporting FBX Animation - iClone 8 to Unreal Engine

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all right everybody welcome back to the channel uh today I just wanted to give a little overview and kind of some of my workflow of when I'm working in iclone 8 and taking things over into Unreal Engine um as y'all know I do things with um I got the xn sort of movela a Windows starter mocap suit and basically what I do with that is I get that data when I do the animation I put the stuff on there y'all see me do that before and I take it into iclone now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to just show you an iclone and I'm not saying that this is the best workflow I'm not saying it it's probably the most accurate or correct workflow but what I'm saying is this is what I'm doing to make these things happen as y'all know I'm working on a kind of a versus where you have the Thanos versus Kratos versus Vegeta so this is some of the animations that I made in there and um how I actually work and get those things out so if we see in here in iclone um basically you have this character right here you got the timeline down here you got the character Thanos if I play that bad boy you can see one of the animations I've created so just to go over a little bit of that what I'm gonna do is we're going to drag this thing over so we're going to be on I'm going to move this stuff out basically what I have is I have some animations that I've created I just label them DBZ because I'm basically this is Dragon Ball stuff but yeah I mean um what I'm gonna do is hold up let's put it like this I'm gonna drag that over here now this in the um in the motion import settings this is for whatever animation kind of thing that just comes from this is from make sense and I'll just convert all there we go so now we have it in here so if I play this what's going to happen is is going to start this is me with the motion capture suit on so I want to start it there so what I normally do is wherever I'm going to start it I'm going to go down here right click we're going to break so I'm basically breaking that now I don't need that I'm going to delete that bad boy let's just start it here we can move this down you can hold alt and um scroll and make the wheel longer the timeline whatever depending on how you're trying to flow I'm just trying to show y'all something quick so you see that we're going to go through I'm just going to kind of scrub in it a little bit we can't give y'all everything of this story but I'm going to show you a little bit you got Kratos coming in here on the side we ain't trying to look at him right now I'm saying you're gonna do that something's about to happen all right so let's stop it right there he basically looking at his looking at that goodness so you got him here he's staring um I don't got all the textures in here because I build it up I got all the textures done in um Unreal Engine but you got him doing that so then from there what I'm gonna do is when I want that let's say if I wanna probably do a little snap oh we can get some snap action so from there I'm just gonna get instead of doing that give me a second let's start off back here so we got this what I would do is I would look at that um time stamp right there we got 32 725 this is just my workflow of what I do like I said it's not necessarily the most accurate I got me a Post-It note I'll write that down in here 32 725 I'm gonna go to whenever I want this animation finish let's say if I just stop it right there all right so if we look over here we're at 34.009 so we have our in our start point to our endpoint from there what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to file we're going to export we're going to export in fbx we got unreal you can have it at project 60. I remember it used to be a bug I don't know if it's still in there but you can put this at 30 uh frames a second you can leave it at 60. I'm just going to put this one at um 30 for now then range this is basically that range this is the number that I was writing down so I'm going to type in 32 725 and endpoint is going to be thirty four thousand nine so 34009 I'm going to leave all of this stuff the same way it is you want to make sure that you got your max texture size at 4K that's what I want that animation but let's just go in here we're going to hit export we save it to wherever we wanted to save it you can see all the little things that I've been working on just getting things going so I'm just going to save this thing right here file name we're just going to put test tutorial all right so we save that it'll just go through here okay we'll skip this right now because it's just loading up all right so now that we got that fbx file um exported that animation exported out we need to be able to go into Unreal Engine and uh basically link it up but one thing is that you're gonna have to have is is I think it's called like the auto setup um basically it's a link from iclone or character creator to Unreal Engine so basically to get that what you want to do is you want to go up to your plugins if you go to Character Creator and iclone setup and you say get the tool for unreal they should pull up the link for you here so you have that auto setup for unreal you can go to free download if you need to see they go through the steps of how to do that so I'm just going to go over here you hit free download you download this you go through the proper steps then basically what you're going to be doing is you're going to be um basically installing um the package into whatever unroll engine you're using so if it's like 5.0 5.1 5.2 I don't know if they got the 5.3 out there because this is the latest but you have that so you do that you install it now when you go to Unreal Engine you'll have a little thing I'll show you when we get ready to get there so we click on Unreal Engine now we're in here you can see this is what I was talking about that's that auto setup so it can help with bringing uh different um animations and your characters over from iclone or character creator so in here what I did was this is um the Thanos that we're working with right so I created some animation so I'm not going to go into those but what I did was as that fbx file I saved it as a test tutorial so I created a new folder as a test tutorial because I want to put that animation in here so what I'm going to do is I'm going to right click I'm gonna go to import to game now we're going to find that test tutorial this is what I just made so we're going to double click on that what you're going to be getting is you're going to be having all of this goodness to come up you can just make sure that the HQ Shader is checked you hit okay now you got to make sure that you find the the skeleton for this Thanos this Thanos I think is a mod because I got like three or four that I've been working on so I'm gonna scroll down here to Thanos mod 2. so we're going to have that what you can do is you can be able to get save all of these things in here you want to make sure that you use to as reference pose you want to um it's a few other steps that you want to make sure import animations is checked you want to also make sure that um if you just copy what I'm doing you can see that like I said I don't know if all of this stuff is the exact I'm not the expert on this I'm just trying to make things happen right so as you can see this is pretty much what I got here I don't think it's anything else that you need but you want to make sure that you import you mean everything that they have on there what I've been doing lately is I've been stopping clicking the import mesh reasons why I just feel a lot more things and you can delete some of those when you after you bring them in so I'm gonna I'm gonna uncheck the import mesh and I'm gonna hit import all I'm probably gonna let this time go by a little bit faster because it's going to go back in there and we'll let that time go until it loads up all right so it got done loading up the one thing is when I hit that uncheck of the mesh it'll come in as you see down in the corner without a mesh on here but we're not really worried about the mesh we just want the animation so if I click on this Thanos right here and another cool thing that I mean that you can do you want to see how your animation works and stuff if you go down here to the skeletal mesh and you just go to update animation and editor right so we have that there now if we go all the way up to animation we go through and scroll down to our test let's see our new one that we just did when I got that one at we got a test tutorial so now if we click this we're going to see our animation live in our editor right so we got that then all you do is you just start adding your level sequencer and then you can build up and start to create your thing you know I mean and when you do that and we can go in here and go look at some of those creations all right so for the most part I just wanted to give you a little bit of the workflow that I use I'm not saying that it's accurate or it's the best way to go about doing it but if you are a little nervous of getting into Unreal Engine or iclone and you're trying to take your animation now with that animation you can be able to grab a miximo animations you can grab up packs that you can buy and put animations on characters it's all going to kind of work the same way but what you can do is you can get out there you can go and create you can make some good things happen and then you know what I mean just continue to do what we do create make things work right so um I want to wrap that up for this video right here I just want to let y'all know keep creating get out there and make it happen I'll talk to y'all later
Channel: GTshortStories
Views: 3,318
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dragonball, vegeta, dbz, fight, kratos, godofwar, thanos, gauntlet, unrealengine, vs, stretchsense, tutorial, animations, iclone8, workflow
Id: JMulxgwlWU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 13 2023
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