Iclone 8 to Unreal Engine 5 using Unreal Live Link

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so in this video we're gonna go from iclone into unreal engine four or five whichever one you wanna use so with our character animated over here i'm using one of iclone's eight features for the footprints let's come up into plugging plug ins plugins plug plugins plugins click on unreal live link and then we have this unreal live link tab now jumping over into unreal engine you can see that i've got this already enabled however if you go into the marketplace type in iclone we have iclone unreal live link and then we can click download or purchase blah blah blah it's for free and then install it to whatever engine you're using obviously i've got it installed to engine 5. then to enable it we come up into edit plugins we can do iclone and tick as soon as you ticker it'll ask you to close and reopen unreal engine bob's once you've done all that jazz we can come up into windows virtual productions and then live link and then this is what we have from here i can click source iclone live link and press ok now we'll add in an iclone origin semi-important but now once we jump over into iclone if you haven't imported your character you can go transfer file and oh my goodness this is a live save it because it just copies everything and brings it over to unreal engine in terms of characters and materials set up and all that jazz however to capture the motion and bring it over we need to click on link from here we can select what we want to be sent over so characters i want the male hercules to be sent across so let's disable everything else an active link then we come over into unreal engine and we can see that we have what we are targeting now it will create a folder called rl content male herculean is what my character is cc3 live link let's select cc live link blueprint and we will dump him in there and we can see our character is in this pose where if we come into iclone he is in this pose with his arm in his belly now if i press play come back into unreal engine we can see that this character is now moving around fully sick what are we going to do from here let's pause it come back to the start from here i've got the take recorder open or if we come into windows cinematic and take recorder we can see that we have this let's select our source from actor it'll be this one nope it is not that one add source from actor cc link live blueprint and what i can do now is press record come back into iclone press play and you can see nothing is happening however if i have iclone open and being the primary screen it works so it's just going to kind of quickly go through and record this whole animation one thing i did do is i stuffed up is i forgot to change the frame rate from 24 frames second to 60 which is what that animation is so let's just go back to the start and do that again and that is now finished i already have the sequencer open down here however i am going to close it let's come into cinematics so i'm just going to create a new sequencer right click and we're going to type in sequence and we're going to go level sequence from here i'm going to click and drag it into the scene now with this open we can come into details and we can go open a level sequence and now if i want a secondary character in here so i will use the male herculean because obviously we've just recorded him and i kind of want to have duplicates of him i'm going to go mail hercule throw him into there go back onto the sequencer we want to track an actor to sequence this dude is the mail hercule from here we're going to click on the animation so we want to apply that animation that we just did which would be i don't know let's go into content browser cinematics takes uh the 14th that's today and it is 108 is what we want to apply so back into the sequencer let's add in that animation 108 now this is a wonderful problem that we're going to have i'm just going to increase the scale if i press play now with space bar he freaking stays in the one spot this is two days i wasted working this out let's come back to the start from the content browser let's come into our takes obviously today we know it's 108 double clicking on that timeline we'll increase all this i'm going to right click on the transformation over here and go copy and buddy get stuffed let's now come into our main level blueprint open level sequence from here with this character selected transformation i'm going to right click and go paste now this chap moves where he needs to go he is not ah that's why so what we've done is since we've pasted in the transformation there are two transformations now so if we were to stop that and delete the transformation that has no keyframes you will see now he is moving around how are we wanting to move around oh my goodness absolutely perfect however obviously we can't just move him willy-nilly now because these keyframes are set so let's do some stuff from here i'm going to click on the plus sign up here we're going to go into basics no sorry shapes add a plane and i'm just going to move that down there from here i'm going to click and drag the herculean man into the plane so now the plane is the parent and from here we can move the character to where we want that animation to happen if we don't want that plane being shown we can just kind of come into rendering is it visible yes actor hidden in game beautiful however we can still select it and move our character around and this will also allow us to increase the size of the character if you wanted to maybe a hundred by a hundred by a hundred and we will bring our giant character over where are you mate there you are can you can you come over buddy maybe maybe that's a little bit extreme oh what have i done and so now when we come into uh play the animation stompy stomp [Music] i gotta clean up the animation so i'm not gonna lie there's about 35 seconds left before i hit the eight minute mark um the reason why the characters is so far offset from the origin point is because i set up the motion capture suit here and then i walk out into the lounge room and do all my makeup there because a little bit more room the other thing is if you want to support me more there is patreon jump over there check out dead set digital as well over on youtube and that's where i'm be putting my shorts and hopefully i can get more out there [Music] i'm an idiot
Channel: Markom3D
Views: 17,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal engine 5, unreal engine 5 tutorial, unreal engine 5 beginner tutorial, unreal engine tutorial, iclone to unreal live link, iclone to unreal engine, iclone to unreal, iclone to unreal engine 5, iclone to unreal 5, iclone 8 to unreal engine 5, iclone animation to unreal, character creator, character creator 3 tutorial, character creator 4, iclone livelink, unreal engine, iclone 8, iclone 8 animation, 3d animation video, 3d animation tutorial
Id: BWyFW6Kg99I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 15 2022
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